πSimplify these expressions:π+π=2π+π=4+π-2+π=π42-6=2π32-7=4π2+4=48π4=3×7-9π=2π3-2π+2π2=π2-ππ-4=13π-16π=1334-π2=Find the area or circumference of each circle and shade the answer in on the grid.Area of circle radius 5Circumference of circle diameter 10Circumference of circle radius 10Area of circle radius 3Area of circle diameter 8Area of circle diameter 4Circumference of circle radius 3Circumference of circle diameter 5Area of semicircle radius 2Area of semi circle radius 4Area of semi circle diameter 1216π5π6π8π9ππ25π28π2π36π64π18π24π4π12π3π10π30π20π100πUsing π in problemsJoshua’s bicycle wheel has a diameter of 0.4m. On his journey to work it rotates 5000 times. Write an exact expression for how far he travels.Kim’s wheel has a radius of 35cm and it rotates 4000 times. Which expression is correct for how far she travels?A tin can has diameter 8cm and height 10? cm. Work out:The circumferenceThe curved surface areaThe area of the baseThe volume of the can78740012446010? cm 8 cm10? cm 8 cm ................

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