Classification of Animals

Classification of Living ThingsClassification of Living Things Student Data SheetPart 2Table 1:Card #KingdomPhylumClass (if listed)352478121518212332373941424448452630504925515657585960276128Part 15 kingdom classification scheme Table 2: General Characteristics for Each KingdomCharacteristicCell Type (Prokaryote or Eukaryote)Unicellular or MulticellularFeedingCell Wall Present or Not PresentMotilityReproductionBacteriaProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimaliaClassification of Living ThingsPart -2 Analysis Questions: Using information from your completed charts to answer the questions below:What characteristic separates the Kingdom Bacteria from Kingdom Protista?What is the characteristic that separated the kingdom Protista from the kingdom Plantae? 3.What is the characteristic that separated the kingdom Plantae from the kingdom Fungi? 4.What is the characteristic that separated the kingdom Fungi from the kingdom Animalia? 5. Which Kingdom(s) contain organisms that have cell walls? 6.Which kingdom(s) contain organisms that have no nucleus? 7.Which kingdom(s) contains organisms that are both single and multi-cellular? 8. What are the characteristics that distinguish viruses from bacteria? 9.Place an X next to the organisms that are animals:sponge___d. bread mold___worm___e. bird___bacteria___f. snake___ 10.Place an X next to the organisms that are plants:a.sunflower ___d. moss___b.pine tree___e. fern___c.sea weed___f. algae___11. Place an X next to the types of viruses: a.Botulism ____d. Smallpox____ b.Listeria ____e. Rubella____ c. H Pylori____f. HIV____ 12.To which kingdom would an organism belong based on the following characteristics:a.Eukaryotic, photosynthetic, multicellular and terrestrial? ___________________b.Eukaryotic, heterotrophic (absorbs it’s food), multicellular, and terrestrial? ___________________c.Prokaryotic, unicellular, and lives in deep sea thermal vents? ________________d.Eukaryotic, heterotrophic (ingestive), and multicellular? ________________13. Using resource materials (textbooks, computer, etc…) describe the difference in the old 5 kingdom and current 6 kingdom classification system. ................

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