
Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School

Health Syllabus-2020-2021

Teacher: Ms. Clyburn

Email: clybuap@BOE.Richmond.k12.ga.us Phone:706-823-5580

Course Textbook: Prentice Hall Health

Course Description:

Health is a course that will guide students through the many dimensions of wellness. Students will develop skills needed in confronting difficult situations; understand health prevention and promotion techniques that will establish a solid personal health education, and become health literate in making positive and healthy decisions.

Instructional Philosophy:

The textbook and an array of supplementary resources and technology, including a variety of different instructional components will be used to enable us to meet the needs of every student at every learning level. All students are expected to participate in all class activities including working independently, in small and large groups, and in class discussions.

Major Course Goals:

In recent years the term health has acquired a much greater significance. It no longer means simply an absence of sickness but refers to well-being of the body, of the mind, and of relationships among people. The word wellness is used for this comprehensive concept of health and we will be using a health textbook that will address these things with your son or daughter.

Everyday students are confronted with important decisions about how to maintain their health. They need to be well informed enough to make decisions. They must also learn to act on this knowledge. To achieve this goal, we will be teaching and reinforcing life skills that students need to weigh their options and to make responsible decisions that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Major Course Projects & Instructional Activities:

Along with the textbook, chapter quizzes, chapter tests, class work and homework, we will be using the Teens Talk Video Series to help make health relevant to students. The videos support every chapter in the book and will stimulate classroom discussion of the content and help develop the skills essential to successful health education.

Assessments: Health will incorporate the following assessments throughout the semester.

Formative assessments (Q&A, ticket out door)

Pre/post Tests

Chapter Tests


Student Learning Objectives Pre/post

Unit Tests

Possible Projects

• Stressor Survey

• Mental Disorder Poster

• Body System Project

• Healthy People 2020 Proposal

• Family Diagram

Course Assessment Plan:

40% Participation, in- class activities

40% Tests, Projects

20% Quizzes

Classroom Expectations:

1. Students are expected to be RESPECTFUL of the rights of others. Raise your hand before speaking. Be quiet while others are talking. Respect all property in this classroom! If it’s not yours, LEAVE IT ALONE!

2. Students are expected to follow the school rules and codes.

3. Students will be in the classroom and in your seat before the tardy bell. Excessive tardies will result in disciplinary action.

4. Students are expected to be present and organized every day. Make sure you have all materials for class.

5. No food, gum or drinks are allowed in the classroom.

6. Attendance is an ESSENTIAL part of learning! Students are responsible for missing work when they return from an absence. It is YOUR responsibility to see me as soon as possible. I will not hunt you down to make up work. Also, if you are absent the day before a known assignment is due, you will still be responsible for that assignment on that returning day! (Test, projects, etc.)

7. Students will be given TWO days to complete the makeup work.

8. If a student misses a test, the test MUST be made up within two school days .

9. Cheating/Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated!

10. No cell phone use during class except for research (with teacher’s permission)

11. If you need help, ASK! If you don’t understand, ASK! If something is wrong, ASK! If you need anything, ASK!

12. Use class time wisely!

Supplies and Materials:

1. Notebook and Folder 2. Writing Utensil

Homework Policy & Grading Scale:

HOMEWORK: Homework must be completed by the following class period or otherwise determined. Students may only obtain 75% credit for assignments that are one day late. If turned in by the end of the unit of study, students may receive no more than 50% credit. If an assignment is turned in following the completion of the unit, they will not receive credit.

Grades: Student performance shall be recorded on the permanent record using numerical grades. These numerical grades represent the following letter grades.

A Shall represent an average of 90-100

B Shall represent an average of 80-89

C Shall represent an average of 75-79.

D Shall represent an average of 70-74

F Shall represent an average of below 70

90-100- A

80- 89- B

75- 79- C

70- 74- D

69- 0- F

Grade Point Average: A student's grade point average (GPA) is based on quality points(See Chart Below regular High School courses 4.0 scale and AP, IB and College/University Courses 5.0 scale) awarded for each grade earned. High School Student Transcripts include the GPA, Class Rank and Numerical Average. QUALITY POINTS Regular Courses Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and College/University courses A = 4 Quality Points A = 5 Quality Points B = 3 Quality Points B = 4 Quality Points C = 2 Quality Points C = 3 Quality Points D = 1 Quality Points D = 2 Quality Points F = 0 Quality Points F = 0 Quality Points

Attendance: The state would like for students to only miss 6 days of school per year, this is a negative reflection on our school report card. We will home visits if you exceed the 6th day.

School Wide Tutorial: Tutorial days will be held on Wednesdays.

Passes-The teacher to whom a student is assigned for a period is responsible for that student. Students are not to be allowed to leave class without a hall pass. Teachers must use the standard pass forms, which can be obtained from the Principal’s office or the main office. Only the teacher issuing the pass and the person to whom the student reports should enter all information required on it.

Course Calender

|Course |1st Nine Weeks |2nd Nine Weeks |

| |Standards |Units |Standards |Units |

|Health |HE H.S. 1 |Mental Health |HE H.S. 1 |Nutrition |

| |HE H.S. 2 |Social Health |HE H.S. 2 |Alcohol Drug Awareness Program |

| |HE H.S. 3 |Choosing the Best Journey |HE H.S. 3 |Substance Abuse |

| |HE H.S. 4 |Preventing Disease |HE H.S. 4 | |

| |HE H.S. 5 | |HE H.S. 5 | |

| |HE H.S. 6 | |HE H.S. 6 | |

| |HE H.S. 7 | |HE H.S. 7 | |

| |HE H.S. 8 | |HE H.S. 8 | |

| |

|Course |3rd Nine Weeks |4th Nine Weeks |

| |Standards |Units |Standards |Units |

|Health |HE H.S. 1 |Mental Health |HE H.S. 1 |Social Health |

| |HE H.S. 2 |Social Health |HE H.S. 2 |Chapter 7 |

| |HE H.S. 3 |Choosing the Best Journey |HE H.S. 3 |Nutrition |

| |HE H.S. 4 |Preventing Disease |HE H.S. 4 |Alcohol Drug Awareness Program |

| |HE H.S. 5 | |HE H.S. 5 |Substance Abuse |

| |HE H.S. 6 | |HE H.S. 6 | |

| |HE H.S. 7 | |HE H.S. 7 | |

| |HE H.S. 8 | |HE H.S. 8 | |

Pacing Guide

Week 1

|Rituals, Routine, Procedure, and Pre-Test |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|1 |Rituals, Routine, and Procedure | |

|2 |Mental Health Unit Pre-Test | |

Week 2

|Mental Health Unit |

|Chapter 2 Personality, Self-Esteem, and Emotions |

|Day |Title |Page |

|3 |Personality |30 |

|4 |Self-Esteem |36 |

|5 |Building Health Skills Expressing Anger in Healthy Ways |42 |

| |Expressing Your Emotions |44 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|6 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|7 |Chapter 2 Quiz | |

Week 3

|Mental Health Unit |

|Chapter 3 Managing Stress |

|Day |Title |Page |

|8 |What Causes Stress? |56 |

|9 |How Stress Affects Your Body |60 |

|10 |Stress and Individuals |65 |

|11 |Building Health Skills Managing Your Time |68 |

| |Coping With Stress |70 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|11 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|12 |Chapter 3 Quiz | |

Week 4

|Mental Health Unit |

|Chapter 4 Mental Disorders and Suicide |

|Day |Title |Page |

|13 |Mental Disorders |82 |

|14 |Eating Disorders |90 |

|15 |Depression and Suicide |94 |

|16 |Building Health Skills Dealing With Setbacks |100 |

| |Treating Mental Disorders |102 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|16 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|17 |Chapter 4 Quiz | |

Week 5

|Review and Post Test |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|18 |Mental Health Unit Review | |

|19 |Mental Health Unit Post Test | |

|Conference and Pre-Test |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|20 |Grade Conference | |

|21 |Social Health Unit Pre-Test | |

|Social Health Unit |

|Chapter 5 Family Relationships |

|Day |Title |Page |

|22 |Families Today |112 |

Week 6

|Social Health Unit |

|Chapter 5 Family Relationships |

|Day |Title |Page |


|23 |Family Problems |119 |

|24 |Building Health Skills Using Win-Win Negotiation |124 |

| |Keeping the Family Healthy |126 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|25 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|26 |Chapter 5 Quiz | |

Week 7

|Social Health Unit |

|Chapter 6 Building Healthy Peer Relationships |

|Day |Title |Page |

|27 |Skills for Healthy Relationships |136 |

|28 |Friendships |141 |

|29 |Building Health Skills Using Supporting a Friend |146 |

| |Responsible Relationships |148 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|30 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|31 |Chapter 6 Quiz | |

Week 8

|Social Health Unit |

|Choosing the Best Journey and Chapter 22 Sexually Transmitted Infections and AIDS |

|Day |Title |Page |

|32 |Setting Goals |5 |

|33 |Making the BEST Decisions |11 |

|34 |Avoiding Pregnancy |19 |

|35 |Avoiding STDS |25 |

|36 |Chapter 22 Activities |572 |

Week 9

|Social Health Unit |

|Choosing the Best Journey and Chapter 6 Section 4 Choosing Abstinence |

|Day |Title |Page |

|37 |Developing the BEST Relationships |33 |

|38 |Choosing Abstinence Until Marriage |41 |

|39 |Chapter 6 Section 4 Choosing Abstinence |152 |

|40 |Overcoming the Pressure |49 |

|41 |Being Assertive |57 |

Week 10

|Social Health Unit |

|Chapter 7 Preventing Violence |

|Day |Title |Page |

|42 |Chapter 7 Activities |160 |

|Review, Post Test, and Conference |

|Day |Activity | |

|43 |Social Health Unit Review | |

|44 |Social Health Unit Post Test | |

|45 |Grade Conference | |

|Pre-Test |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|46 |Nutrition Unit Pre-Test | |

Week 11

|Nutrition Unit |

|Chapter 8 Food and Nutrition |

|Day |Title |Page |

|47 |Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins |192 |

|48 |Building Health Skills Breaking a Bad Habit |200 |

| |Vitamins, Minerals, and Water |202 |

|49 |Guidelines for Healthful Eating |210 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|50 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|51 |Chapter 8 Quiz | |

Week 12

|Nutrition Unit |

|Chapter 9 Making Healthy Food Choices |

|Day |Title |Page |

|52 |Choosing Foods Wisely |220 |

|53 |Building Health Skills Reading a Food Label |224 |

| |Safely Managing Your Weight |226 |

|54 |Nutrition for Individual Needs |233 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|55 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|56 |Chapter 9 Quiz | |

Week 13

|Nutrition Unit |

|Chapter 10 Digestion and Excretion |

|Day |Title |Page |

|57 |Chapter 10 Activities |240 |

|58 | | |

|Review, Post Test, and Conference |

|Day |Activity | |

|59 |Nutrition Unit Review | |

|60 |Nutrition Unit Post Test | |

|61 |Grade Conference | |

Week 14

|Alcohol Drug Awareness Program |

|Day |Title |Page |

|62 |ADAP Activity 1 | |

|63 |ADAP Activity 2 | |

|64 |ADAP Activity 3 | |

|65 |ADAP Review | |

|66 |ADAP Test | |

Week 15

|Pre-Test |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|67 |Substance Abuse Unit Pre-Test | |

|Substance Abuse Unit |

|Chapter 15 Alcohol |

|Day |Title |Page |

|68 |Alcohol is a Drug |374 |

| |Building Health Skills Developing Refusal Skills |378 |

| |Alcohol’s Effects on the Body |380 |


|69 |Long-Term Risks of Alcohol |386 |

| |Choosing Not to Drink |392 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|69 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|70 |Chapter 15 Quiz | |

Week 16

|Substance Abuse Unit |

|Chapter 16 Tobacco |

|Day |Title |Page |

|71 |Teens and Tobacco |400 |

|72 |Building Health Skills Examining Advertising Tactics |404 |

| |Chemicals in Tobacco |406 |

|73 |Risks of Tobacco Use |410 |

|74 |Saying No to Tobacco |417 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|74 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|75 |Chapter 16 Quiz | |

Week 17

|Substance Abuse Unit |

|Chapter 17 Preventing Drug Abuse |

|Day |Title |Page |

|76 |Legal and Illegal Drugs |426 |

|77 |Factors Affecting Drug Abuse |434 |

|78 |Building Health Skills Intervening to Help a Friend |438 |

| |Commonly Abused Drugs |440 |

|79 |Choosing to Be Drug Free |448 |

|Practice, Enrich, and Quiz |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|79 |Practice and Enrich Worksheets | |

|80 |Chapter 17 Quiz | |

Week 18

|Review, Post Test, and Conference |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|81 |Substance Abuse Unit Review | |

|82 |Substance Abuse Unit Post Test | |

|83 |Grade Conference | |

|Final Review |

|Day |Activity |Page |

|84 |Mental Health Unit Review | |

|85 |Social Health Unit Review | |

Week 19

|Final Review |

|Day |Activity | |

|86 |Nutrition Unit Review | |

|87 |Substance Abuse Unit Review | |

|88 |Health Final | |

|89 |SLO’s Post Test | |

|90 |Make-up Day | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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