


Magazine Issue No. 33 August 2017

From the Chairman

I was interested to read the last ITTF-URC (Umpires and Referees Committee) Newsletter introducing the new URC Chairman Young - Sam Ma. Apart from outlining the new URC structure and continuing to work on options relating to uniform, it has established a working group to draft a concept for “elite” match officials. Objectives to be considered are (i) very high quality of umpiring, (ii) daily allowance to be increased, (iii) flight costs to be repaid and (iv) officials have to be available for a specific number of events. It would be a semi-professional group. How this would relate to Blue Badge umpires is as yet unknown.

From the end of July uniform has to be as follows; navy blazer, blue shirt and TTE tie, and this is to be stated by TOC when sending out selection requests. I assume that if umpires cannot comply they will not be selected, and this may well be resented by older umpires who may not only have to provide a navy blazer, if they don’t have one, and blue shirts. However, the Association has agreed to support this and we will have to wait to see how it works out.

The annual tournament is much later this year due to circumstances. Details are in the magazine; also the AGM will be held during the tournament at the suggestion of some of the umpires in the hope that it will be a much better attended meeting.

Summer has come at last, the sun, holidays, and the sound of leather on willow and fresh air. Enjoy it while it lasts, the new season will be with us soon enough. Regards to all.

George Tyler (Chairman)


Tributes have been paid to International Umpire John Lawton who has died at the age of 75 yrs. John qualified as a CU in 1980 and as an IU in 1986.  He officiated at the Welsh Open in 1987, the European Championships in Paris in 1988, the Commonwealth Championships in Nairobi in 1991, the World Championships in Manchester in 1997 and the Island Games in Shetland in 2005.


John was a regular umpire at all levels of table tennis in England and he last umpired two weeks before he died in a Premier British League match at Ormesby. John was a founding member of the Association of English Table Tennis Umpires and won a number of events in the association’s annual tournament over the last few years.

Brian Watkins (IU) said “John was a good friend to me and Barbara. He was very honest and generous, having strong opinions on table tennis, a game he loved. I have spent many an hour speaking with John on rules and regulations. I always complained about his bat, but his expertise with long pimples will never be forgotten. A strong character and will be missed.

He was also involved in local table tennis for many years. He was Chairman of the Middlesbrough & District Table Tennis League for numerous years. He was the Tournament Organiser for the Middlesbrough Table Tennis Championships for many years and was also a member of the Cleveland County Table Tennis Association Committee acting as Umpires Secretary and Vice Chairman for a number of years.

John played in lots of local leagues including the Middlesbrough, Stockton, Darlington and Ryedale leagues.

John’s funeral took place on Thursday 25th May at Kirkleatham Crematorium, Fishpond Road, Yearsby, Teeside. TS11 8HH and was attended by many umpiring colleagues and friends.

Tom Purcell


John was a good Family man. He adored his girls so proud of them all, Judy, Clare, Susanne, Ellie, Kendal, Ava,and Kassidy. They loved John so much. So did "BUDDY"

John was in the 15th/19th Royal Hussars for 6 years.  He spent time in Germany, Swinton barracks, Munster and along the Iron Curtain. He was a tank and scout car driver and a member of the Nuclear Escort Regiment.

John met Judy in a North East pub. They played soldiers and nurses and married in 1967.

They had their 50th anniversary on April 8th this year at his home, open house.

The Kings Royal Hussars Veterans formed a line of honour for John, on his arrival at Kirkleatham Crematorium. There was a Hussars flat cap on top of the coffin and John inside with Royal Blue Umpire’s jacket - his favourite and his beloved long pimpled bat.

Peter Williams and I stood at the entrance in our Royal Blue Jackets, with a Veteran in his wheelchair, who just had to be there for John.

The place was full of table tennis friends from all the clubs in Middlesbrough and the area and it was  

great to see Paul Drinkhall and family - it was so nice.

There were umpires, friends, work mates and of course family from all over England. So many people it was standing in the car park for some. A car park attendant was directing the traffic on exit.

As John would say “Unbelievable!"

Brave, Strong, first in Line to help others, smartly dressed, Standing Tall.






                         Antony John Lawton - International Umpire ENGLAND


Brian & Barbara Watkins





Present: George Tyler (GT), Tom Purcell (TP), Steve Welch (SW), Trevor Vincent (TV), Mike Payne (MP), Lillian Payne (LP), Stan Clarke (SC), Brian Freer (BF),

Lester Smith (LS), Brian Watkins (BW), Harry Jutle (HJ)

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and one minutes silence was held for John Lawton and Brian Savage who has died since the last meeting.

1. Apologies: Tony Chatwin, Jim Kenny, John Stalker

2. Minutes from the meeting on 15th January 2017

The Minutes were accepted as a true an accurate record.

Proposed: Trevor Vincent Seconded: Brian Freer Carried

3. Matter Arising.

There were no matters arising from the members present. Secretary reported on three actions from the minutes.

Action 1. Secretary to inform Board and TOC of survey result.

Completed. Board and TOC informed that the vast majority of AETTU members did not wish to change to a casual umpires’ uniform. To be discussed further under item 8

Action 2. Secretary to make enquiries about possible membership of TOC

To be discussed further under Item 9

Action 3. Secretary to liaise with Brian Savage re venue, dates and hotels

Completed. To be discussed under Item 12

4. Chairman’s Report:

I don’t wish to outline many of the items contained in the Secretary’s report but I do have one or two concerns that may concern us.

1. Uniform

2. How much does TTE organisers consider umpires when arranging events? We already have the criteria for Friday night stays but I have noticed problems with parking at both hotels and venues. Also catering is not as it was – Gillingham where catering was for a specific number. Also hotels where a meal is not provided and the £10 allowance is paid. Have you noticed this? I believe the halcyon days of umpiring have gone.

3. Recently there has been a shortage of umpires for some events – why? Timing, venue, distance and workload.

I would like you to consider these issues, perhaps I am mistaken but there have been changes, not only in home events but also in overseas events.

There was a general discussion on the Chairman’s report and the Committee agreed that recently there had been issues around the meals provided to the umpires, i.e. insufficient food on some days, parking and meals at hotels. Secretary pointed out that although there may be parking charges at the hotels and umpires were required to eat at local pubs rather than the hotel all umpires were reimbursed with the cost of parking and a £10 allowance for the evening meal. After further discussion it was agreed that members would highlight any future

concerns about meals etc and if necessary a letter would be sent to TTE with our concerns.

Proposed: Stan Clarke Seconded; Mike Payne Carried

5. Secretary’s report

On the 8th July the 2017 TTE AGM will take place in Nottingham. The Government and Sport England are demanding that all NGBs who receive public funding have to comply with certain Codes of Governance. TTE already has a number of these codes in place as a result of the changes that took place in 2014 but SE are demanding that a number of changes to the way Boards are formed and run must take place and the Board need a majority vote of 75% to have their propositions accepted and to ensure that TTE complies with the new Codes.

A number of members are opposed to these changes and have submitted alternative proposals. SE has already said that these alternative proposals are not acceptable and if the change to the Articles is not completed by 31st October the funding TTE receives from SE will be suspended with major repercussions on the running of TTE.

The change to a “casual” uniform by TOC has been put on hold for the time being whilst other serious issues in the organisation are being discussed. If the changes to the TTE Constitution, proposed by the Board, do not take place it may make no difference to the umpires’ uniform because there may be no tournaments to umpire or funding to pay the expenses for umpires and referees.

At the start of the 2017-18 season umpires will be required to wear the new uniform of dark blue jacket, blue shirt and grey trousers. This was proposed by TOC and supported by the AETTU after a survey with AETTU members. I have been in touch with TOC and recommended that early notice should be given to all umpires about this change.

There was a general discussion on the Secretary’s report and Steve Welch stated that he did not agree there could be major problems for umpiring if the TTE proposals were not accepted. He stated that tournaments would still be held and income from the tournaments would go toward paying expenses for umpires. Stan Clarke stated that he did not agree with the proposed changes to the Articles and as a result of demands from SE the members of TTE were losing their democratic rights re policy and decision making. Secretary stated that he understood the concerns of members but the changes were necessary if TTE wished to continue receiving funding from SE.

Proposed. Brian Freer Seconded. Harry Jutle Carried

6. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer presented his Profit and Loss report to the meeting which showed the Association had £2301 in the bank. The full annual report would be presented to the AGM in August.

Proposed: Stan Clarke Seconded; Lester Smith Carried

7. Correspondence

Secretary informed the meeting about three items of correspondence since the last meeting:

1) ITTF-URC Information sheet – June 2017

This document identified three main items that would affect umpires:

a) Uniform. At ITTF tournaments the Referee has the possibility now to decide if tie/scarf or jacket should be worn or not in the specific event.

URC will in the meantime continue to work on options related to the uniform.

b) URC will establish a working group to draft a concept for “elite” match officials. Following objectives will be taken into consideration:

▪ quality of umpiring has to be on a very high level,

▪ selection criteria have to be defined for this open group of semi-professional match officials

▪ Daily allowance has to be increased,

▪ Flight costs have to be paid

▪ Match officials have to be available for a specific number of events

c) A new project for recruiting young umpires is about to start. As in the past URC will run a training program for candidates within the age group 18-26. The candidates are in the end nominated from different countries and a selection will be done.

The Committee discussed the URC document and most of the discussion was about the “Elite” umpires group. Chair highlighted that when the BB scheme started there was talk about a “Green Badge” qualification which would be a higher group of selected BB umpires who would work in a semi-professional manner. Secretary advised that he believed this scheme was also a money saving programme because at major international events ie. World Championships there were many umpires who were not selected for the last few days of a tournament but were still staying at the event and costing the organisers a lot of money. Members of the Committee did not agree with this “Elite” Group but realised there wasn’t anything they could do about it.

2) Email from Trevor Vincent

Trevor Vincent had submitted an email voicing concerns in three areas affecting umpires.

• Umpires Uniform for 2017-18 – To be discussed under item 8

• Umpires training courses. – Secretary advised the meeting that a new online process for recruiting umpires was starting in July 2017. Any person who wanted to be a Level 1/CU umpire would contact TTE and then they would go through an online process and take the Level 1 test paper. If successful then they would be required to attend tournaments to take their practical tests before receiving their badge. Umpire refresher training was still in place but it had been put on hold until the new recruitment process was working. TTE still planned to hold refresher training.

Action 1: Secretary to contact TTE re dates/venue for refresher training

• Selection for School Games – TV was concerned that in line with some other competitions the same umpires appeared to be selected each year for the School Games rather than being shared. SW pointed out that the School Games gives preference to young umpires. There was a general discussion on the subject and it was agreed that although preference was given to young umpires there was never enough and older umpires had to be used. Selection for the tournament was discussed and it was agreed that Secretary would contact TOC for clarity on the selection process for all events.

Action 2 : Secretary to contact TOC re selection process.

3. Email re dispute with Referee

Secretary advised the meeting that in the 2015-16 season an umpire was in dispute with a referee after the referee had made him stand down during a team match after a dispute with a player and coach. The umpire believed this was an incorrect decision and had stopped umpiring for the rest of the season. The AETTU had offered assistance to the umpire in pursuing his complaint but didn’t want any help at that stage.

In January 2017 the umpire stated that he was not satisfied that the referee’s decision was correct according to the Match Official’s Guidelines. He was advised to write to TOC asking for an explanation which he did. Sometime later TOC replied to the umpire stating that they reviewed the incident and believed that the referee’s decision was correct. The umpire realised that the matter could be taken no further and thanked the AETTU for its assistance.

Pleased to report that the umpire has now returned to umpiring.

8. Uniform

Meeting advised that the new standard of umpires’ uniform from the start of the 2017-18 season would be dark blue blazer, blue shirt, grey trousers and new TTE tie. This had been agreed by the AETTU. There was a discussion on the subject and it was agreed that the vast majority of umpires were already wearing the dark blazer and in a poll of members the vast majority had agreed to change to the blue shirt. It was agreed that TOC should circulate an early message to all umpires informing them of this change. Secretary had already been in contact with TOC with this recommendation and David Edwards would include details of the change when he circulated invitations to tournaments in July.

Secretary advised the meeting that he had received an email from Greg Yarnall informing him that the subject of “casual uniform” had been put on hold for the time being because of other TOC priorities. It may be raised again later in the year. The subject obviously hadn’t gone away because in the recent ITTF-URC newsletter it referred to the ongoing review of umpires’ uniform.

9. TOC

As a result of an action from the last meeting and previous action from the 2016 AGM Secretary had spoken to Stuart Sherlock the Chair of TOC and discussed the proposal that a member of the AETTU should join TOC to give a wider view of opinions and views from umpires. SS was not in favour of this but agreed to discuss the proposal at the next TOC meeting. Secretary of TOC has advised that the subject was discussed at the last TOC meeting and was not supported. Secretary was advised that SS would give reasons behind the rejection but to date Secretary is still waiting for an explanation.

Members of the Committee said they were not happy with the way TOC was being managed. They believed that TOC was not keeping umpires regularly updated on umpiring issues and many were reliant on the AETTU to keep them informed when it should be TOC. Minutes from TOC meetings were not being circulated and many members of the AETTU were not happy with the selection process being adopted by TOC.

Action 3. Secretary to continue liaison with TOC re membership.

10. AGM.

Meeting informed that the 2017 AGM, as a result of recommendation from members, will take place on Saturday 5th August as part of the annual AETTU tournament. Treasurer recommended that there should not be an increase in the annual fee for AETTU membership.

Secretary stated that notice of the AGM had been circulated and to date there hand not been any proposals for changes to the Constitution and there had not been any nominations for new Officers or Committee Members. Chair recommended that the three co-opted committee members, subject to their agreement, should be appointed to the Committee at the AGM.

Secretary advised the meeting that he believed that Honorary Membership of the AETTU should be awarded to Margaret Welch and Joyce Stephenson (Sherratt) for their services to the AETTU over a number of years. It was agreed by the meeting that this proposal should be recommended to the AGM.

11. Magazine

Trevor Vincent informed the meeting that he was in the process of preparing the next magazine but could do with more articles. He suggested that members of the Committee could provide articles on their experiences over the years. Secretary advised the meeting that due to a change in circumstances the sponsor who had covered the postage of the magazine over the last few years could no longer continue with the coverage. There was a discussion on the circulation of the magazine and it was agreed that the future magazines would be circulated electronically to members unless they requested a hard copy of the magazine.

11. AETTU Tournament

Secretary advised the meeting that the 2017 tournament would take place at Draycott TTC on the weekend of 5-6th August 2017. It was also agreed that the 2017 AGM would take place during the tournament from about 4pm on the Saturday afternoon. As a result of this change it would be necessary for the tournament to start at 11am on the Saturday and as a result the cost of hiring the venue on the weekend would rise from £200 to £250. Treasurer informed the meeting that although the cost of hiring the venue had risen by £50 the cost of hiring the Bulkington Centre for a separate AGM would be saved.

Secretary also informed the meeting that the cost of entering the tournament had remained at £15 for a number of years. The cost of hiring the venue, together with refreshments and trophies had risen over the years and Secretary recommended that the cost of entering the tournament should rise to £20 for the weekend.

Proposed: Secretary Seconded: Stan Clark Carried

12. AOB

a) Premier British League

Secretary informed the meeting that a Referee had not been present at the Premier British League events at Ormesby TTC during two recent PBL matches between Halton and Ayrshire. This had been reported by John Lawton who had been present at the two matches and was concerned that there was no referee present to support the umpires and to make sure the matches were managed in accordance with the ITTF Laws and Regulations. Secretary had reported this issue to Susie Hughes the Board member on the BL Committee. Chris Dangerfield Chair of the BL claims that the lack of a referee had been approved by the Board.

There was a general discussion on this issue. All members had concerns about the lack of a referee and Steve Welch stated it was ridiculous that the top players in the top league in GB was been run without a referee. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Board and TOC via the SMT reporting our concerns about the lack of referee.

Action 4: Secretary to report AETTU concerns to TOC and Board.

b) County Umpire Secretaries

Mike Payne asked the meeting if County Umpire Secretaries were still a recognised role within TTE. The role had been in existence for years but appeared to be less and less effective and only appeared to be a name on paper. After a discussion it was agreed that the role of CUS should be clarified with TOC.

c) Association Ties

There had been previous discussions about an AETTU tie. Mike Payne asked if this was still being considered. It was agreed to establish the cost of an AETT tie.

Action 5: Geoff Taylor to establish cost of ties from a local known supplier.

c) Payment of Expenses

Brian Freer asked for clarity about the payment of expenses to umpires; cash/cheque/bank transfer. After discussion it was agreed that Secretary would contact Amanda Robinson re payment of expenses.

Action 6: Secretary to contact Amanda Robinson to clarify expenses policy.

13. Date of next meeting. TBA


What would you do?

Team Event (British League) – Championship


I noticed all of the squad joined in advice session at the end of the set. I warned only one allowed..... this was challenged by players and coach.

What would you do??


During the course of the match a player, without raising his non-playing hand or any other warning of his intention not to play the ball, would choose to ignore certain serves. He did not challenge legality of service. I warned him and on subsequent occasions I awarded a point to player B (server).

What would you do??

Trevor Vincent


A New Experience

I was given the opportunity of umpiring at a completely different tournament in April of this year. It was an open competition in London for Racketlon games. These games include four racquet sports; table tennis, badminton, squash and tennis.

Obviously my duties were to officiate table tennis and I was fortunate in securing the help of Inky as they had 6 or 7 tables and we were kept busy for the three days of the tournament.

Each competitor has to play in all the 4 sports and players are paired.

The Spirit of friendliness experienced was fantastic. A system was adopted whereby the elite players would be the only ones who would play on tables that had umpires, even so, both Inky and I were kept very busy. After playing table tennis they would go on to badminton, then squash and finally tennis. We were looked after magnificently and were accommodated in a very nice Hotel.

Has anyone else officiated at a similar event?

Trevor Vincent



During a British League Tournament at Derby towards the end of last season (2016/2017) it was observed, during the course of the tournament, by a few experienced umpires, that perhaps, a somewhat unhealthy “competition” was developing between some of the less experienced umpires, which was being fuelled by umpires that, perhaps, should have know better, whereby, there was a competitive edge as to the numbers of discipline cards each umpire was issuing to players.

Now I know there is a wide range of opinions on the administration of discipline cards and everyone one has their own philosophy, from our chairman’s “disapproving look” (no card administered) to the extremes to which I refer above. We should all, in my opinion, remember that the referee’s guidelines are in his/her briefing.

It is my submission that, I can control a match without administering yellow/red cards and if I have to I have somewhere failed.

my Football refereeing days I hardly issued a yellow card, and I remember warning

the players concerned, that I had enough paperwork to do after the match without them

adding to it. Association Football referees were obliged to fill in forms at the end of every

match, and if a card (s) was issued, this would have to be a full report which is very time

consuming. Nothing like this occurs in table tennis, and I wonder if that is a good or a

bad thing.

the players concerned, that I had enough paperwork to do after the match without them

adding to it. Association Football referees were obliged to fill in forms at the end of every

match, and if a card (s) was issued, this would have to be a full report which is very time

consuming. Nothing like this occurs in table tennis, and I wonder if that is a good or a

bad thing.

my Football refereeing days I hardly issued a yellow card, and I remember warning

the players concerned, that I had enough paperwork to do after the match without them

adding to it. Association Football referees were obliged to fill in forms at the end of every

match, and if a card (s) was issued, this would have to be a full report which is very time

consuming. Nothing like this occurs in table tennis, and I wonder if that is a good or a

bad thing.

In my Football refereeing days I hardly issued a yellow card, and I remember warning the players concerned, that I had enough paperwork to do after the match without them adding to it. Association Football referees were obliged to fill in forms at the end of every match, and if a card (s) was issued, this would have to be a full report which is very time consuming. Nothing like this occurs in table tennis, and I wonder if that is a good or a bad thing.

Trevor Vincent

To time or not to time

Some years ago, when I was a relatively inexperienced umpire, I was AU (and time keeper) at a match at an English Open. The courts were very large and the players took a great deal of time collecting the ball. It was never so slow on any one occasion that the umpire could penalise time-wasting, but the cumulative effect was to make the game very long. The clock was moving on and the umpire made increasing indications that he was hoping very much that 10 minutes would not be reached. So what does the time keeper do? The letter of the law, or the spirit of the law?

Handbook for Match Officials 2014

18.3 Time Keeping 18.3.1 The timekeeper must time the practice period, intervals between games and any authorised suspension of play. During a game, the timer should be stopped during significant breaks in play and re-started as soon as the next rally begins. Examples of such breaks are pauses for towelling; the change of ends in the last possible game of a match and delays while the ball is being retrieved from outside the playing area. Retrieving the ball while still in the playing area is not a reason to stop the timer.

Fortunately for my friendship with the umpire, I was doing the timing on a stop-watch, not on a screen visible to the public. So I stopped the watch while the players wandered back to get the ball and 18 points were reached after only 9 minutes 58 seconds. One of the twiddlers had been timing the game and wondered why his watch had not agreed with mine. The only answer was from the Handbook 4.4

4.4 Timekeeper …………………………. his or her decision is final on the time that has elapsed.

I was reminded of this incident at the recent Veterans British League weekend.

I was umpiring the last game of the last match in Women’s Premier. The points were getting longer and longer (rallies over 100 shots). The score was 9 – 8. The clock was approaching 9 minutes. I mentally revised the procedure. Do I call ‘stop’ or ‘time’ or ‘let’? Does it matter? Who will serve? 9 minutes 45 seconds. Need to watch the rally as well as the clock. 9 minutes 58seconds. Ball in the net. 10 – 8 and the clock stopped.

And the lesson is …be prepared!

Lynda Reid

When we were young

A takeaway was a mathematical problem.

Bananas and oranges only appeared at Christmas.

The only vegetables known to us were spuds, peas, carrots and cabbages.

All crisps were plain, the only choice we had was

whether to put salt on or not.

No fast food in those days, other than fish and chips!

Coke was something that we put on the fire.

Coffee was Camp and came in a glass bottle.

The starter was our main meal. Soup was a main meal.

Nothing ever went off in the fridge because we never had one.

Healthy food consisted of anything edible.

Short and Sweet

Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses.

The irony of life is that, by the time you’re old enough to know your way around,

you’re not going anywhere.

A woman asks a man who is travelling with six children, “Are they all yours?”

The man replies, ”No, I work in a condom factory and these are customer complaints”.

I dialled a number and got the following recording:

“I am not available right now, but thank you for caring enough to call.

I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the beep.

If I do not return your call, you are one of the changes.”

My wife and I had words, but I didn’t get to use mine!

The Importance of an occupation after retirement

As we get older we sometimes begin to doubt our ability to “make a difference” in the world.

It is at these times that our hopes are boosted by the remarkable achievements

of other “seniors” who have found the courage to take on challenges that would make many of us wither. Harold Schlumberg is such a person:

This is quoted from Harold

“I’ve often been asked, “what do you do now you’re retired?”

Well....I’m fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and whisky into urine.

It’s rewarding, uplifting, satisfying and fulfilling. I do it every day and I really enjoy it.”

Harold is an inspiration to us all.


1. Two times a week we go to a nice restaurant, have a little beverage, good food and companionship. She goes on Tuesdays; I go on Fridays.

2. We also sleep in separate beds. Hers is in California, and mine is in Texas.

3. I take my wife everywhere.....but she keeps finding her way back.

4. I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary. “Somewhere I haven’t been in a long time!” she said. So I suggested the kitchen.

5. We always hold hands. If I let her go, she shops.

6. She has an electric blender, electric toaster and electric bread maker. She said “There are too many gadgets, and no place to sit down!” So I bought her an electric chair

7. My wife told me the car wasn’t running well because there was water in the carburettor. I asked where the car was. She told me, “In the lake.”

8. She got a mud pack, and looked great for two days. Then the mud fell off.

9. She ran after the garbage truck, yelling, “Am I too late for the garbage?” The driver said, “No jump in.”

10. Remember: Marriage is the number one cause of divorce.

11. I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know her first name was Always.

12. I haven’t spoken to my wife in 18 months I don’t like to interrupt her.

13. The last fight was my fault though. My wife asked, “What’s on the TV?” I said “Dust”


One afternoon a lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.

He asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?"

"We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to eat grass."

"Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you," the lawyer said.

"But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there eating grass under that tree."

"Bring them along," the lawyer replied.

Turning to the second poor man he stated, "You may come with us, also."

The other man, in a pitiful voice, then said, "But sir, I also have a wife and six children with me!"

"Bring them all as well," the lawyer answered.

They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine.

Once under way, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and said, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."

The lawyer replied, "Glad to do it. You'll really love my place. The grass is almost a foot high."

(NOW,  COME ONNNnnnn....... . . . Did you really think that there could be such a thing as a heart-warming lawyer story?)


The 2017 competition for the Association of English Table Tennis Umpires (AETTU) took place at the Draycott and Long Eaton TTC over the weekend of 5-6th August 2017. This is the tenth year of the competition. The competition had to be moved to August because of a clash with another tournament at Draycott on the planned date in June This year there were 24 competitors and 22 players and guests sat down to the evening meal at the Hallmark Hotel in Derby.

A number of umpires attended for the first time and their TT skills were unknown.

Jo Outhwaite (War) was the Ladies Champion and the U50s competition was won by Steve Smith (Bucks)

Bob Evans (Clev) was the winner of the O60s competition and Bruce Lowther (Clev) was successful in the O70s event. Stan Clarke (Lancs) was the winner of the O80s competition.

The Doubles competition was won by Lin Roff (Essex) and Danny Sullivan (Derby). Lin had a very good weekend also winning the Plate competition and was runner up in the Hardbat and Ladies competitions.

Steve Green (Ches) retained his Open competition medal and also won the Hardbat competition and the O50s competition.

President of the AETTU, Tony Chatwin, presented the trophies to the successful competitors.



Many thanks must also go to the friends and partners of the players who supported the competition and Margaret, Lillian and Barbara who provided the refreshments during the weekend and not forgetting George Tyler who was the Referee and Mike Payne who acted as Referee’s Assistant. Thanks also to Draycott and Long Eaton TTC for arranging a very good venue for the competition.

AETTU COMPETITION – 2017 – Trophy Winners

| | |RESULTS 2017 | | |

| | | | | |


| | | | | |

|HARD BAT | |Steve Green | |Lin Roff |

| | | | | |

|U50 | |Steve Smith | |Gary whyman |

| | | | | |

|O50 | |Steve Green | |Richard Horsfield |

| | | | | |

|O60 | |Bob Evans | |Tom Purcell |

| | | | | |

|O70 | |Bruce Lowther | |Graham Rollinson |

| | | | | |

|O80 | |Stan Clarke | |Geoff Taylor |

| | | | | |

|PLATE | |Lin Roff | |Tony Dias |

| | | | | |

|DOUBLES | |Lin Roff | |Dave Attridge |

| | |Danny Sullivan | |Dave Edwards |

| | | | | |

|LADIES | |Jo Outhwaite | |Lin Roff |

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|OPEN | |Steve Green | |Steve Smith |

Tom Purcell

Hon. Secretary AETTU


A Bank Standing Order form for renewal of AETTU membership has been placed on the AETTU website at The membership year runs from 1st August to 31st July the following year. If you can use the Standing Order it makes it easier to collect membership fees and saves me chasing up members. If you do set up a Standing Order for your membership fees please let Steve Welch and me know about it.

Tom Purcell

Committee Contact Details

|PRESIDENT |Tony Chatwin |tony.chatwin1@ |

|CHAIR |George Tyler |sylviatyler@ |

|TREASURER |Steve Welch |steve.welch48@ |

|SECRETARY |Tom Purcell | |

|DEPUTY CHAIR |John Stalker | |

|EDITOR MAGAZINE |Trevor Vincent | |

|COMMITTEE |Lilian Payne |mjpayne@ |

|COMMITTEE |Mike Payne |mjpayne@ |

|COMMITTEE |Stan Clarke |stanclarke1@ |

|COMMITTEE |Harmesh Jutle |hsjutle@ |

|COMMITTEE |Jim Kenny |jim.kenny1@ |

|COMMITTEE |Brian Freer |brian_freer1@ |

|COMMITTEE |Lester Smith |lester_smith@ |

|COMMITTEE |Brian Watkins |bribarb@ |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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