|Project Overview / Thoughtful Classroom |

|Step One: Identify the Title and Core Concept |

|Name of Project: |Amazing Animal Authors |Duration: 3-4 Weeks |

|Subject/Course: Science/ELA |Teacher(s): Beth Crump, Sherrie Adams, Shadia Nesheiwat, Tara Cline, Anne |Grade Level: 1st |

| |Moore | |

|Other subject areas to be included, if any: ART/Technology |

|Living Things: A Study in Survival |

|(Unit Topic) (core concept) |

|Step Two: Identifying Standards to Be Addressed |

|Significant Content |Science 1-Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: |

|(CCSS and/or others) |Key Idea 1: |

| |The central purpose of scientific inquiry is to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative process. |

| |S1.1 Ask "why" questions in attempts to seek greater understanding concerning objects and events they have observed and heard about. |

| |S1.2 Question the explanations they hear from others and read about, seeking clarification and comparing them with their own observations and understandings. |

| |S1.2a Identify similarities and differences between explanations received from others or in print and personal observations or understandings |

| |S1.3 Develop relationships among observations to construct descriptions of objects and events and to form their own tentative explanations of what they have observed. |

| | |

| |Standard 4: Living Environment |

| |Describe the characteristics of and variations between living and nonliving things. |

| |Major Understandings: |

| |1.1a Animals need air, water, and food in order to live and thrive. |

| |3.1c In order to survive in their environment, plants and animals must be adapted to that environment. |

| |• animal adaptations include coloration for warning or attraction, camouflage,defense mechanisms, movement, hibernation, and migration |

| |Describe the major stages in the life cycles of selected plants and animals. |

| |4.1a Plants and animals have life cycles. These may include beginning of a life, development into an adult, reproduction as an adult, and eventually death. |

| |4.1e Each generation of animals goes through changes in form from young to adult. This completed sequence of changes in form is called a life cycle. Some insects change from egg |

| |to larva to pupa to adult. |

| |4.1f Each kind of animal goes through its own stages of growth and development during its life span. |

| |4.1g The length of time from an animal’s birth to its death is called its life span. Life spans of different animals vary |

| |5.2b Animals respond to change in their environment, (e.g., perspiration, heart rate, breathing rate, eye blinking, shivering, and salivating). |

| |5.2c Senses can provide essential information (regarding danger, food, mates, etc.) to animals about their environment. |

| |5.2d Some animals, including humans, move from place to place to meet their needs. |

| |5.2e Particular animal characteristics are influenced by changing environmental conditions including: fat storage in winter, coat thickness in winter, camouflage, shedding of |

| |fur. |

| |5.2f Some animal behaviors are influenced by environmental conditions. These behaviors may include: nest building, hibernating, hunting, migrating, and communicating. |

| | |

| |COMMON CORE ELA Standards: |

| |Reading for Informational Test 1 |

| |1. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. |

| |3. Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. |

| |5. Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text. |

| |6. Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. |

| |7. Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. |

| | |

| |Writing.1 |

| |2. Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. |

| |5. With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. |

| |6. With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. |

| |7. Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of “how-to” books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions). |

| |8. With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. |

| | |

| |Speaking and Listening.1 |

| |1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. |

| |a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). |

| |b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. |

| |c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion. |

| |2. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. |

| |5. Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. |

| | |

| |Arts Standard 1: Visual Arts |

| |1. Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes, andmetaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational|

| |principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use |

| |appropriate technologies for creating and exhibitingvisual art works. |

|21st Century |Collaboration: |X |Creativity and Innovation | |

|Competencies | | | |

|(to be taught and assessed) |on-Teamwork%20Rubric%202013.pdf | | | |

| |Communication: |X |Other: | |

| | | | |

| |on-Presenting%20Rubric%202013.pdf | | | |

| |Critical Thinking | | | |

|Project Overview / Thoughtful Classroom |

|Project Summary |Students will have choice of an animal to research to create a grade level resource book for the library to teach other about animals. The book will include: Diet, Habitat, |

|(include student role, issue, |Life Cycle, Adaptations and Interesting Facts discovered through the in-depth inquiry and research. The project will be similar to the Anita Schmidt-Kyanka’s book idea that |

|problem, or challenge, action taken, |create factual information of Great Blue Herons with beautiful water-color illustrations. Children will work in research/illustrator pairs to create their page for the class |

|and purpose/beneficiary) |book. Pairs will create 2 pages of the book (each will do an illustration, but the writing of the research will be a shared experience). |

|Driving Question |How can we as authors create a teaching book to teach others what we learned about a variety of animals? |

|Philosophical or Debatable | |

|Product-Oriented | |

|Role-Oriented | |

|Guiding Questions: |What do animals need to survive? |

| |What are animal habitats? |

| |What is a life cycle? |

| |How do we use multiple resources to research? |

|Key Academic Vocabulary: |Adapt, life-cycle, habitat, diet, adaptations, |

|Entry Event |Using local author/artist book: Sapsucker Blues: The Story of an Endearing Family of Great Blue Herons by Anita Schmidt-Kyanka. Maybe have her for the entry event. |

|(The Foyer) | |

| |YouTube: |

|Product(s) and/or Performance(s) |Individual: |Specific content and competencies to be assessed: |

|(The Kitchen) | | |

| |In Pairs Animal Choice: Page for the Book |Science Standards: 1 & 4 |

| |-two pages: |Reading for Information: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 |

| |1. Writing about the animal |Writing: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 |

| |2. Illustration |Speaking & Listening: 1, 2, 5 |

| |Peer Critique will be used for both |21st Century Skill: Collaboration |

| | | |

| | |Art Standard: 1 Visual Arts |

| |Team: |Specific content and competencies to be assessed: |

| | | |

| |Class or Grade Level picture book |Science standards: 1 & 4 |

| | |Speaking & Listening: 1, 2, 5 |

| |Presenting their portion of the project |21st Century Skill: Communication |

| |(Ideas such as Author seat, video recording, meet the author night) | |

| | | |

|Step Three: Develop Your Learning Window |

|Knowledge Goals |Behavioral Goals/Habits of Mind |

|(Facts, sequences, and vocabulary terms-list terms under “Key Academic Vocabulary) |(Habits of mind/attitudes that will foster success in the unit) |

| | |

|Animal adaption and facts about different animals. |Behavioral Goals: |

|What is non-fiction? |Collaboration |

|What, why and how to research. |Global citizenship and compassion for wildlife |

|What do animals’ needs to survive? |Conservationist |

| | |

| |Habits of Mind (p.36 Classroom Curr. Design): |

| |Persisting |

| |Questioning and Posing problems |

| |Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision |

| |Thinking interdependently |

|Understanding Goals |Skill-Acquisition Goals |

|(Big ideas, generalizations, principles) |(Targeted skills and/or Hidden Skills of Academic Literacy) |

| | |

|Every animal has needs and wants to adapt and live in its environment. |Reading & Study Skills: |

| |Informational reading |

| |Informational writing |

| |Reasoning & Analysis Skills: |

| |Compare/Contrast |

| |Production & Communication Skills: |

| |Write a shared/collaborative piece |

| |Using “Craft Moves”: Captions, titles, table of contents etc. |

| |Reflection & Relating Skills: |

| |Peer Critique |

| |Self-Reflection |

| |Readers response notebooks |

|Project Overview / Thoughtful Classroom |

|Public Audience |Parents, Library copy of the book, school community |

|(Experts, audiences, or product users|-Hope to have Author Anita Schmidt-Kyanka (Entry Event?) |

|students will engage with during/at | |

|end of project) | |

|(The Kitchen) | |

|Resources Needed |On-site people, facilities: Librarian |

| |Equipment: |

| |Materials: Non-fiction books, APP: 100 Zoo Animals & Real Animals |

| |Community Resources: Public Library, The MOST-Animal Adaptation Travel Science Program ($250), The Burnett Zoo: I’ve Got Needs ($250) |

| |Websites/WEB 2.0 Tools: Book publisher: |

|Reflective Methods |Journal/Learning Log |X |Focus Group | |

|(Individual, Team, and/or Whole | | | | |

|Class) | | | | |

|(The Porch) | | | | |

| |Whole-Class Discussion |X |Fishbowl Discussion | |

| |Survey | |Other: | |

|Notes: |

| |

| |

|Once the book is published an idea on the table is during the public audience of “author’s chair”, the books would be available to purchase with proceeds going to some sort of animal organization. This project |

|aligns well with the Integrated arts project ESM has in their school district and can also serve as their community service event. |

| |

| |

|Project Design: student Learning Guide |

|Project: The Amazing Animal Authors |

|Driving Question: How can we create a teaching book to teach others learn about a variety of animals? |

| |

|Final Product(s) |Learning Outcomes/Targets |Checkpoints/Formative Assessments |Instructional Strategies for All Learners |

|Presentations, Performances,|content & 21st century competencies |to check for learning and ensure |provided by teacher, other staff, experts; includes |

|Products and/or Services |needed by students to successfully |students are on track |scaffolds, materials, lessons aligned to learning outcomes |

|(The Kitchen) |complete products |(The Workshop & Porch) |and formative assessments |

| |(CCSS: I Can Statements) | |(The Library & Workshop) |

|INDIVIDUAL |Science 1: I can think and observe like a scientist and can| | |

|(and Pairs) |ask good questions when I research. | | |

| |Science 2: I can describe animal characteristics, behaviors,| | |

| |habits and interesting facts. | | |

|Science Standards: 1 & 4 | | | |

|Reading for Information: 1,| | | |

|3, 5, 6, 7 | | | |

|Writing: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 | | | |

|Speaking & Listening: 1, 2, | | | |

|5 | | | |

|21st Century Skill: | | | |

|Collaboration | | | |

| |RI1.1: I can ask and answer important details of things I | | |

| |read about animals | | |

| |RI1.3: I can describe the connection between two objects or | | |

| |pieces of information | | |

| |RI1.5: I can use various text features to locate information| | |

| |RI1.6: I can tell whether I got information from the text or| | |

| |from illustrations | | |

| |RI1.7: I can use illustrations to describe key details in a | | |

| |text | | |

| |W1.2: I can write an informative piece where I name the | | |

| |topic with facts. | | |

| |W1.5: I can respond to my peers questions or suggestions to| | |

| |strengthen my writing | | |

| |W1.6: I can use digital tools to produce and publish my work| | |

| |W1.7: I can participate in research projects with my | | |

| |classmates | | |

| |W1.8: I can use provided sources to find information | | |

| |SP1.1: I can have kind conversations with my partners and | | |

| |classmates during collaborative research times. | | |

| |SP1.2: I can show I understand what I read, hear, and/or | | |

| |see by asking and answering | | |

| |SP1.3: I can ask and/or answer a question to seek help or | | |

| |clarify my understanding | | |

| |Art Standard 1: I can use art to illustrate my research on | | |

| |animals | | |

| |21st Century Skill-Collaboration: I can work nicely and | | |

| |communicate with my partners and classmate. | | |

| |

|Final Product(s) |Learning Outcomes/Targets |Checkpoints/Formative Assessments |Instructional Strategies for All Learners |

|Presentations, Performances,|content & 21st century competencies |to check for learning and ensure |provided by teacher, other staff, experts; includes |

|Products and/or Services |needed by students to successfully |students are on track |scaffolds, materials, lessons aligned to learning outcomes |

|(The Kitchen) |complete products |(The Workshop & Porch) |and formative assessments |

| |(CCSS: I Can Statements) | |(The Library & Workshop) |

|GROUP |Science 1: I can think and observe like a scientist and can| | |

| |ask good questions when I research. | | |

|Science standards: 1 & 4 |Science 2: I can describe animal characteristics, behaviors,| | |

|Speaking & Listening: 1, 2, |habits and interesting facts. | | |

|5 | | | |

|21st Century Skill: | | | |

|Communication | | | |

| |SP1.1: I can have kind conversations with my partners and | | |

| |classmates during collaborative research times. | | |

| |SP1.2: I can show I understand what I read, hear, and/or | | |

| |see by asking and answering | | |

| |SP1.3: I can ask and/or answer a question to seek help or | | |

| |clarify my understanding | | |

| |21st Century Skills-Communication: I can present my | | |

| |learning on my researched animal through talking and | | |

| |writing. | | |


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