USD # 466 District Newsletter

USD # 466 District Newsletter

News from the Superintendent Dr. Don Wells….


Board Service

By Don L. Wells

Serving on the local Board of Education is one of the highest forms of service to a community. The work of the school board encompasses many areas of importance and the most important is to have an organization that seeks continuous improvement both in personnel and results.

School Board membership requires that the members work together to establish the vision of the district, to advocate on behalf of the students and staff, to communicate the benefits of the public education system, act as decision-maker on a wide-variety of issues, to serve in the capacity as policy maker and sometimes serve in the judicial realm.

School districts have a wide scope of services that range from a full comprehensive academic program to basic services of transportation, food service, maintenance, technology, activities as well as programs for all students depending on their needs. This requires that the Board of Education members be good statespersons to adequately consider the concerns and act accordingly.

Boards are constantly receiving information from a variety of sources so that they are informed decision makers. Training is available at the local, state and national level. Members are not expected to know everything about the functions of a district but they are expected to be a productive member of the board team and serve their community well.

Being a board member is difficult at times and it does take great listening skills and thoughtful action. It is however, a very rewarding position as the work is important to the lives of many for the present and the future. Many long time members consistently state that the real reward is at graduation time and knowing that those students have benefited from the work done by the Board of Education.

This year in April, the board elections will be held. Filing with the county clerk for the three available positions must be completed by noon on Tuesday, January 27, 2009. If questions arise, possible candidates may contact the school district board clerk at the Board of Education Office at 704. S. College or call 872-7600.

Scott Community High School

712 Main St.


Principal: Shelly Turner

Assistant Principal/A.D: Randy Huck


High School Site Council

There will be no HS Site Council for the month of December. The next meeting will be January 15th at 7:00 a.m. in the conference room.


A big thank you goes out to the students, staff, and community members that made The Apple Tree such a great success. A lot of hard work and time were put into the production and the community should be proud of these dedicated people. Congrats on a job well done!

Winter Break

Winter vacation will begin on December 20th. School will resume on Monday, January 5th.

Band and Choir Notes

SCHS Christmas Concert will be presented on Monday, December 15th. SCHS Band, Jazz Band, Guitar Class, Encore, Sugar and Spice, Mixed Chorus, Men’s Ensemble and Bella Voce will all perform in a prism-style concert featuring many holiday favorites. The concert is free admission. Please come join us for a festive celebration in song.

The Band is selling trash bags. Please contact the high school if you wish to purchase some.

CLASS Leadership

The High School CLASS Leadership will be on Thursday, December 4th in Scott City @ 9:30 am

Christmas Prom

Christmas Prom is Saturday, December 6th. It will be from 9:00 p.m.-12 midnight.


The annual FFA Stock show and Ski Trip to Denver will be January 18th and 19th. For more info, contact Kevin Davis at 872-7620.

Winter Sports

Wrestling will open their winter season at St. Francis on Saturday, December 6th. They will host their home Wrestling Classic on Saturday, January 17th.


Basketball will open their season with the annual SCIT. It will be held December 11th-13th.

There will only be a half day of school on Thursday and Friday Dec. 11th and 12th because of the tourney. SCHS dismissal will be @ 11:15 a.m.



Congratulations to our SCHS Vocal Students who auditioned for the Southwest Kansas Music Education Association District Choir. SCHS sent 16 students to audition for the event and 15 students were selected. On December 6th, they will travel to Dodge City where they will rehearse and perform in a concert with 200 students from the Southwest District. These students are: Basses—Kaleb Knighton, Alex Myers, Jordon Snow; Tenors—Shiloh Duff, Aaron Kucharik, KC Kough; Altos: Lauren Apperson, Evelyn Craig, Amanda Legg, Catherine Huck, Karita Geist, Shannon Blair; Sopranos: Amber Kuckelman, Brinlee Griffith, Jessie Woofter.

Senior Parents

It is time to start digging out your favorite photos of your senior.  Chris Price will be putting together a DVD of pictures from the last 18 years for the class of 2009.  We would like 5-10 pictures of each student.  Please put them in the order of priority so that your favorite pictures are for sure included.  Please scan your pictures and send to Chris at cjdigger@ .  You can also put them on a disk and take them to Chris or the High School or take the photo to Chris or the High School.   Please get your photos to him ASAP.  He will be able to put a few video clips on the DVD, but they take up a lot of space. 


Thank you

Project Graduation Committee

Scott City Middle School

809 West 9th St.


Principal: Neal George


|SCMS Vocal & Band Concert |Riding of Bicycles in the Dark |

|The SCMS vocal/band music department is busy preparing |With is staying dark when school starts in the morning we|

|for our December concert. The concert will be held at |are concerned about students riding to school in the |

|7:00 p.m. on December 16th. This concert includes the 7th|dark. Please make sure your child has reflectors or |

|& 8th grade choir/band. The students will be performing |lights on their bicycle before allowing them to ride it |

|both familiar and new holiday music. We hope you will |to school. We have heard of several close calls regarding|

|plan to attend. |students on bicycles not being seen by drivers. We want |

| |to make sure all of our students are getting to school |

|Yearbook Sales Begin |safely. |

|SCMS yearbook sales begin in December. The cost of the | |

|yearbook is $17.00. Limited quantities are ordered, so |Warning: Cold Weather |

|you may want to get you order in early. The price will |As cold weather approaches, we want to remind parents |

|increase to $20.00 after January 5th and all sales will |that the doors will not open until 7:30 a.m. We are |

|end February 27th. Order forms have been sent home; more |having students show up at 7:15 and even before that |

|are available in the office. |time; SCMS staff are not here to supervise students that |

| |early. Students are required to wait outside until 7:30 |

|Winter Sports |a.m. unless they are bus students. STUDENTS NEEDTO DRESS |

|Boys’ basketball season is underway and we would like to |FOR COLD WEATHER. |

|remind parents of possible changes in the sports calendar| |

|from locations, dates, and times that may pop up due to |KMEA Honor Choir & Band Festival |

|unseen problems arising. We try to keep changes to a |Four SCMS Choir students and two SCMS Band students |

|minimum is possible, but we have no control of the other |attended the 2008 KMEA Honor Choir and Band Festival on |

|schools problems. The online calendar at |Saturday, November 8th at Dodge City Middle School. Choir|

|will always have the most current schedules available, |students are chosen by their middle school director and |

|please be sure to check there. |band students have to submit an auditions tape to be |

| |chosen. They worked with clinicians from 8:30 a.m. to |

|In additions, the coaches will inform the players of any |3:00 p.m. during the day and then performed a concert for|

|changes and it is the players’ responsibility to report |family and friends that afternoon. Students from all over|

|to their parents. The players are given activity notices |S.W. Kansas participated in the festival. It is sponsored|

|the day before the game after basketball practice, so ask|by the Kansas Music Educators Association. The attending |

|your child for the activity notices. |were: |

|Conservation Tour Essay Contest |Choir: Callan Rice, Chelsi Hess, Anthony Gardner, and |

| |Cristobal Lopez |

|Winners of Essay Contest were: |Band: Kiersten Scott and Andrea Smith |

|1st Macy Davis | |

|2nd Johnny Wieler | |

|3rd Emily Buxton & Jacquelyne Perez | |

|They will receive a cash ward, backpacks and a | |

|certificate at the Annual Meeting on January 3, 2009. | |

|Congratulations!!!! | |

Scott City Elementary School

410 East 8th


Principal: Shawn Roberts

|SCIT | Christmas Vacation |

|On December 11th and 12th SCES will be in session for ½ |Be sure to mark you calendars. School will not be in |

|day form 8:00-11:10 a.m. due to the basketball |session from December 22 to January 2. School will resume|

|tournament. There will be no lunch served of S.C.O.R.E. |on January 5. The staff at SCES would like to wish |

|after school program available on those days. GOOD LUCK |everyone a safe and happy holiday. |


| |Inclement Weather |

|Family Activities Night |We are approaching the time the time of year when it is |

|December 9th will be Family Reading Night with Santa. |important to keep an eye on the weather. Be sure to send |

|Students and their siblings can come and enjoy stories |your child to school in appropriate clothing. Students |

|with family and have their picture taken with Santa form |must have a coat for recess if the temperature is below |

|6:00 to 7:30 p.m. |60 degrees. The gridline for indoor recess is; if the |

| |temperature combined with the wind chill is below 20 |

|January 13th will be our first Family Science Night from |degrees, the students will have indoor recess. Staff |

|6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Be sure to join us for a fulfilled |members will also use their best judgment with factors |

|evening. |such as playground conditions, time outside, and age of |

| |students. Staff members will try to take students out if |

|Christmas Program |possible. Make sure students have appropriate attire for |

|The SCES Christmas program will be divided into a 1st and|outside recess. |

|2nd grade program and a 3rd and 4th grade program due to | |

|the capacity of the facilities. |Lost and Found |

|The 1st and 2nd grade Christmas program will be Thursday,|The Lost and Found box for the elementary school is |

|December 4 at 7:00p.m. at SCHS. The matinee will be at |located inside the front doors. The Lost and Found box is|

|2:00 p.m. at SCHS. The 3rd and 4th grade Christmas |beginning to fill up. Be sure to check it if you child is|

|program will be Monday, December 8 at 7:00 p.m. at SCES. |missing an item. Marking the tag with your child’s name |

|The matinee will be at 2:00 p.m. at SCES. |may help the staff return items to the right student. |

|Community Members are welcome to attend each program. | |

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|New Staff Members | |

|SCES is excited to announce two additions to our staff. | |

|Ashley Rose is our new paraprofessional. She is working | |

|with our 3rd & 4th grade students. Julia Thornburg is our| |

|new part-time paraprofessional. Julia works with migrant | |

|students on our district. | |










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