
HLT 94 Dietary Analysis Assignment (80 pts) Due 4/29 Using the Client’s Dietary Report (PDF file) included in this assignment folder, answer the questions below (Parts 1-7). Imagine that you are working as a nutritionist and your client has given you her dietary intake record for March 10, 2021 (see PDF). She has told you that her diet is essentially the same every day. If that is true, how would you assess the following aspects of her diet? Note that there are several questions within each part; you will need to look back at our earlier notes/slides to answer some of these questions. Part 1—Calories (12 points): Your client is a 32-year-old female who works a sedentary desk job (sitting about 8 hours per day) and reports that she gets very little exercise other than walking a few blocks to and from the subway each day, running errands and cleaning her apartment. She is 5’ 5” tall (65 inches) and weighs 160 lbs. Go to the following website and determine her Estimated Energy Requirement (EER): . Remember that EER determines the total number of calories you should have each day based on gender, age, height and weight, and current activity level. (See Week 2 if you have forgotten this.) You will enter these factors into the calculator you find at the above link. (Make sure when you enter her weight, you use “pounds” not kilograms.) Then answer these questions for Part 1: How many calories should she be getting daily according to her EER? 2012.0 kcal/dayHow does that compare with what her dietary report shows? Her intake exceeds her recommended daily calories by 800 calories per day.What effect do you think her current calorie intake will have on her weight? She will certainly gain weight.In her report, do you see any examples of “empty calories” that you should warn her about—if so, what are they? Yes, she has calories from Oreos, Snapple and a cupcake.Part 2—Carbs (12 points): In Week 3, you learned about healthy carbs and unhealthy carbs. Based on what you see in your client’s report, is she making good choices about the types of carbs she is consuming? Explain why or why not. She is not consuming good carbs because they have little nutritional value other than being filled with carbohydratesFrom her report, which foods would you cite as examples of healthy carbs and which are examples of unhealthy carbs? (You don’t have to list all—but give a couple of examples of each).A healthy carb might be a banana while an unhealthy one would be a cupcake. If she is consuming too many unhealthy carbs—what health risks should you warn your client about?She could put herself at risk for raised blood sugar levels and type two diabetes. What changes in carb intake would you recommend to improve her diet? She should eat only carbohydrates that provide additional nutrition.Part 3—Fats (12 points): In Week 4, you learned about healthy fats, and unhealthy fats. Based on what you see in your client’s report, is she making good choices about the types of fats she is consuming? Explain why or why not. Which foods were highest in healthy fats? Which were highest in unhealthy fats? (Again, you don’t have to list all, but give a few examples of each). Please apply the correct terms: saturated, unsaturated. If she is consuming too many unhealthy fats, what are the health risks you should warn her about? What changes in fat intake would you suggest to improve her diet? Part 4—Protein (12 points): In Week 6, you learned about the healthiest and less healthy protein sources. Based on what you see in your client’s report, is she making good choices about the sources of protein in her diet? Explain why or why not. She is not making great choices with her proteins, as many of them are high in fat.What about the amount of protein? Look back at the notes/slides for week 6 to see the protein intake recommendation for an average woman (see protein slides). Is she under or over the amount she should be getting? She is eating far too much protein.Depending on your answer—are there any potential consequences if this is the amount of protein she consumes daily? Would you recommend any changes in her protein sources to improve her diet? She should try to consume more almonds, if she likes them, and plant based substitutes for burgers, if she can.Part 5—Sodium (10 points): What is the DRI for sodium (look at the week 8 slides—if you google this, you are likely to get the wrong answer)? Approximately 1500 mg Was she under or over that amount?She is over that amount. How would you explain to her the potential consequences of not following the guideline? Looking at her report, what specific foods should she be more careful about consuming? She is eating a lot of processed foods, and should take care to limit the salt that already exists within them, such as cheese singles, or even the toast she has; the problem is that this will inevitably raise her blood pressure.Part 6—Sugar (12 points): How many teaspoons of sugar did your client have on this day? 40 teaspoons.(You need to convert grams to teaspoons—see week 3 slides if you have forgotten how to do that.) What is the American Heart Association sugar recommendation for women? 6 teaspoons.Was she getting the correct amount?Not at all. How would you explain why it is important for her to follow this recommendation? (Please give several examples.) What foods/beverages should she change based on what you see in her report? She is at risk for type two diabetes; she should stop drinking Snapple, and quit eating oreos and other sugary snacks.Part 7—Fiber (10 points): What is the recommended amount of fiber we should be getting daily? (Use your notes from week 3—do not use google as it is likely to give you an incorrect answer.) 25-30 grams.Is your client meeting this goal? Yes.What reasons would you give to your client for maintaining adequate fiber in her diet? It maintains bowel health.What foods are her main sources of fiber in her report? She eats beans and a pear that are high fiber.Are there other types of high fiber foods missingHer carbohydrates are low in fiber – should could be getting them from grains. ................

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