EmergiPress CE Test – March 2020Paramedics encounter a 56-year-old female in SVT that is altered with poor perfusion. She has a ‘wearable’ cardiac monitoring device on her left chest. What is your next course of action?Administer adenosineAdminister normal salineAvoid cardioversion since the wearable device is in placeRemove the wearable device and cardiovertHow long is an implantable cardiac monitoring device typically left in place?1-3 months1-3 years3-6 weeksLifetimeA 67-year-old man is having a STEMI with ST elevation in the inferior leads. Paramedics perform a right sided ECG with ST elevation in lead V4R. What physiologic finding is the patient most at risk for?BradycardiaHypotensionTachycardiaTachypneaAfter administering nitroglycerin to a patient with the ECG below, the patient becomes hypotensive. What treatment is indicated first?Normal SalinePush-Dose epinephrineValsalvaWatchful observationParamedics are managing a 27-year-old man following a fall from 20 ft. He has obvious trauma to the head. GCS is 1, 1, 4. BP 174/110 HR 89 RR 7 SPO2 82%. EtCO2 52. Pupils are equal and reactive. After delivering PPV by BMV, oxygen saturation improves to 86%, EtCO2 is 49. What is the next course of action?Endotracheal intubationHyperventilationIntravenous fluid administrationTrendelenburg positioning ................

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