[Pages:28]MAY 24, 2010




Volume 1, Issue 10

Anbar-based brigade commander surveys troops in northern Iraq

Story & photos by Sgt. Michael MacLeod 1st AAB, 82nd Abn. Div., USD-C

United states division - center

MAY 24, 2010

RAMADI, Iraq ? It wasn't a rent-to-own plan when an 82nd Airborne brigade loaned 3rd Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment to 3rd Infantry Division to cover down on the Tall Afar area of northern Iraq.

The airborne light-infantry reconnaissance battalion, or "squadron" in cavalry-speak, left Anbarbased 1st Advise and Assist Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division , in late 2009 to lend a hand in northern Iraq, where the sometimes competing interests of Arabs, Yezidis and Kurds, and the threat of smuggled goods and foreign fighters across the Syrian border warranted their movement, they were told.

Relationships between military divisions, brigades, battalions and even companies can be as complex and dynamic as real estate, from ownership to leasing to "renting" by the hour. Functionally speaking, whereas the 82nd "owns" 3-73 Cav, 3rd Inf. Div. has operational control over them, much like a rental relationship without any money changing hands. The 3rd Inf. Div. can move the furniture around however they see fit, but eventually, the keys are due back in the drop box.

To that end, Col. Mark Stammer, commander of 1st AAB, 82nd Abn. Div., paid a visit in early May to his loaned squadron of cavalry scouts at their home base at Forward Operating Base Sykes, just outside of Tall Afar in Ninewa province, Iraq.

"Thanks to [U.S. Division?North] and Colonel Sexton, we got some helicopters, some great weather, and got around to see all of the troops at their company fire bases all throughout Ninewah, from Rabiyah, over Mount Sinjar, down into a brand-new camp outside of a little village called Zumar," said Stammer, a native of South Dakota who was previously deployed with 173rd Airborne Brigade to Afghanistan.

"While we've had the brigade command sergeant major up here a couple times, this was my first

See Anbar ~ Pg. 14

Nurses demonstrate skills obtained in the Preparatory Iraqi Nursing Course in Saqlawiyah May 4. The program was created in 2006 by Maj. Darrin Frye, a Jupiter, Fla., native and the battalion surgeon with 414th Civil Affairs Battalion, U.S. Division?Center, and Air Force Capt. Samantha Elmore when they discovered a severe shortage of nurses in Iraq.

1AD physicians recognize Iraqi nursing course contributions

Story & photo by Staff Sgt. Samantha Beuterbaugh 366th MPAD, USD-C

BAGHDAD ? "I want to be a nurse and serve my people and my country," reads an Arabic placard hanging in the Saqlawiyah clinic.

United States forces gave the colorful placard, displaying a nurse tending to a patient, to Dr. Ayad al-Hadithy at the Field Nursing College May 4 in Saqlawiyah, just west of Fallujah. U.S. DivisionCenter physicians recognized Ayad for his continuation of a nursing program started in 2006.

Maj. Darrin Frye, a native of Jupiter, Fla., and the battalion surgeon for 414th Civil Affairs Battalion, started the Preparatory Iraqi Nursing Course with Air Force Capt. Samantha Elmore.

It has evolved into a gateway to provide Iraqi women with other training opportunities.

"When I came here [in 2006], my intent was to restore the physicians group," said Frye, "but it became quite apparent that the physicians weren't where the weakness was in the health system. The physicians didn't have any one to take care of patients."

Frye's discovery that the real shortage in the health system was nurses, not physicians, prompted him to create the course, which has persisted over the years.

Frye said there were only 300 nurses in all of Iraq, when in fact there should have been 70,000.

The program was drafted to train women as nurs-

See Nurses ~ Pg. 5


Facts & Issues..........Pg 2 Civil Capacity............Pg 4 Partnership...............Pg 5 Surgeon's Corner......Pg 9 DSTB.......................Pg 11 Iron Castle..............Pg 13

Raider.....................Pg 16 Demons..................Pg 18 Falcons..................Pg 20 Devils.....................Pg 22 Homefront.............Pg 24 The Lighter Side.....Pg 25

Pages 14-15



Facts & issues

MAY 24, 2010

A few guidelines to stay healthy during leave

Story by Spc. Daniel Schneider 366th MPAD, USD-C

BAGHDAD ? As Soldiers of 1st Armored

Division draw nearer to environmental and

morale leave, anticipation and expectations

tend to soar as they look forward to spending

time with family and friends.

There are certain steps Soldiers can take to

help remain healthy during leave so they can

maximize their time away from Iraq. After all,

who wants to be sick during their leave?

The first and foremost thing Soldiers can

do is boost their immune system to prevent

illness from taking hold.

Sgt. Eric Johnson, a Division Special

Troops Battalion, 1st Armd. Div. pharma-

cist, advises Soldiers to do everything they

can to boost their immune system. He sug-

gests everything from taking vitamin C pills

to quitting smoking, as nicotine depresses the

immune system and makes Soldiers prone to Being in an airplane for 14 or more hours close to over 100 other Soldiers can add to stress on a Soldier's body.

respiratory ailments.

With the stress of getting everything ready, along with lack of sleep gives you a breeding place for illness.

"Once you get sick, there isn't much you was at one of the highest levels it has ever dislodged and travels through the body. From

can do with medicine apart from just treating been in the U.S.," said Capt. Antonio Chang, there, the clot can get lodged in the lungs,

the symptoms," Johnson declared. "Medicine senior physician assistant for the Division which can be fatal."

is not an instant cure, your body has to heal Special Troops Battalion aid station.

Once Deep Vein Thrombosis goes beyond

itself once illness sets in."

Allergies can lead to many different prob- a certain point, there's little that can be done

Being in an airplane for 14 or more hours lems that can cause discomfort as well as ill- for the patient. According to Chang, it causes

in close proximity to over 100 other Soldiers ness.

severe pain and swelling in the affected leg.

can add to the stress on a Soldier's body. This, "Most of the time, allergies just cause mis- Ways to avoid this painful condition in-

coupled with the stress of getting everything ery and discomfort, but they can become sinus clude standing up and walking around during

ready in Kuwait, along

infections and allergy- the flight. Removing your boots during the

with lack of sleep gives you a breeding place for illness.

"Colds, flus, and other respiratory ailments are

"Some forms of illness can stay inside of you for 72 hours before you even show signs or symptoms."

? Sgt. Eric Johnson

induced asthma because allergens irritate the sinuses and respiratory system," said Chang.

Despite most of the

flight can alleviate the chance of Deep Vein Thrombosis. While unable to walk around the plane, Soldiers can flex their calves or curl their toes.

Anything that keeps the muscles and blood

carried through the air,

things Soldiers will be moving in the legs will help prevent Deep Vein

which is recycled continuously on an airplane exposed to during leave simply causing basic Thrombosis. If your legs feel numb, that's a

and into your lungs," said Johnson. "And the discomfort and a bit of a fever, there are also sign to move around to stimulate blood flow.

threat of illness doesn't stop once you get off potentially fatal issues to watch out for.

Women over age 35 who smoke are more

the plane. Some forms of illness can stay in- "Deep Vein Thrombosis, or DVT, is a blood prone to developing Deep Vein Thrombosis,

side of you for 72 hours before you even show clot which forms in the leg during long pe- although it can happen to anyone if they don't

signs and symptoms."

riods of stagnation," said Chang, a native of protect themselves from it.

Allergies are another common ailment for New York. "During a flight taking over 12 Leave should be a time of enjoyment and

Soldiers going on leave. Soldiers haven't been hours just sitting in one place, blood flow to relaxation, where Soldiers rekindle relation-

exposed to native allergens for months; then the legs slows down. As the blood gathers and ships with family and friends and get away

suddenly they are barraged by them.

sits inside the veins of your leg, it clots. When from stress. Getting sick is never in anyone's

"There was a study done that said pollen the Soldier finally stands up, the blood clot is plan for what they want to do on leave.

The Iron Guardian is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army. Contents of The Iron Guardian are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of

Defense, Department of the Army or the 1st Armored Division. All editorial content of The Iron Guardian is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the 1st Armored Division Public Affairs Office.

Commanding General Maj. Gen. Terry Wolff Public Affairs Officer

Lt. Col. Eric Bloom Command Information Supervisor

Master Sgt. Eric Pilgrim Managing Editor

Sgt. 1st Class Neil Simmons Layout & Design Editor Sgt. Teri Hansen

Writers & Photographers 366th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment/ Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division Public Affairs Office/ 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Public Affairs Office/ 16th Engineer Brigade Public Affairs Office/ 1st Advise and Assist Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs Office/ 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Public Affairs Office/ 1st Advise and Assist Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs Office.

USD-C print and broadcast products can be found on the PAO Portal. All 1st Armored Division products can also be found at

MAY 24, 2010

Facts & Issues


USD-C sexual assault prevention

team works to educate Soldiers

Story by Sgt. Teri Hansen 366th MPAD, USD-C

BAGHDAD ? Soldiers in Iraq are constantly inundated with messages urging them to stay vigilant and not fall victim to complacency. Safety messages are processed and applied to day-to-day missions and happenings outside the confines of the base. But safety isn't just a sometimes thing; it is an all-the-time thing, even when Soldiers are in an area thought to be safe and secure.

This thought is what drives the Unites States Division ? Center Equal Opportunity Office to raise awareness about sexual assault. Most sexual assaults happen in living quarters, where people feel safe and comfortable, said Sgt. 1st Class Michael Patterson, the senior EO advisor for USD-C. In almost every case the victim knows their assailant.

The EO office is working hard to find interesting ways to educate people on this issue, said Lt. Col. Sabrina Baker, the EO program manager and deployed sexual assault response co-

ordinator for USD-C. During the month of April, a tour-

ing sexual assault prevention program known as "Sex Signals" visited Kuwait and Iraq. The program featured a 90-minute, two-person play that had been specialized for military audiences. The play takes a standard skit that includes comedy, education and audience interaction and then incorporates military jargon, customs and courtesies.

Baker and her team are currently working on a campaign to help mitigate the risk of sexual assault. The campaign will put more emphasis on the perpetrators, and the punishments they can expect to endure, said Baker.

A survey conducted by the EO office in February found that fear of a victim's privacy being invaded discouraged Soldiers from reporting an assault. The campaign will also strive to inform victims of the difference between a restricted and unrestricted report, in an effort to show victims that there are ways to report an assault without feeling that their privacy is being violated. In addition to educating people about different reporting types,

the USD-C Surgeon's Office has obtained waivers to allow the physical exam of a victim to take place in some Level II medical facilities for restricted cases, increasing the number of facilities in which victims can receive care. Normally the exam would have to be done in a Level III facility, such as a hospital.

The survey also found that other deterrents to reporting a sexual assault were shame and fear that the victim would not be believed. These are common feelings, said Patterson, who emphasized that it is not the victim's fault.

"If someone comes to you and says that they are a victim of sexual assault ? believe them," said Patterson. "It is all too easy to play judge and jury, but there is no place for that in this situation."

The Army requires yearly training on sexual assault prevention; currently the USD-C has conducted about four times that amount. The Army also requires two designated Unit Victim Advocates per battalion-sized element. The USD-C intent is to have two UVA per company.

"There is help out there. We ask that Soldiers have a little faith in the system," said Baker.

While the survey showed that a majority of Soldiers felt their chain of command encouraged reporting sexual assaults, it also showed that they felt there was a possibility that the assailant would go unpunished.

"It is important to report a sexual assault," said Patterson. "It's likely that the perpetrator is a repeat offender. By reporting the assault, we can try to ensure that they won't do it again. I can guarantee that our office will be there for the victim and will provide care in every way possible."

The rate of sexual assault in the Army is slightly lower this year than last, according to Patterson, but that is no reason to become complacent. The EO office will continue its campaign to educate Soldiers on sexual assault prevention and reporting procedures in an effort to bring that rate even lower.

"Sexual assault is a crime that erodes every facet of the military," said Baker. "It impacts readiness; every sexual assault results in the loss of a combat ready Soldier."

Sexual assault reporting options


* CONFIDENTIAL * You may ONLY report to:

-SARC -Victim Advocate -Healthcare Provider -Chaplain * May be changed to Unrestricted at any time * Does NOT trigger an investigation


*Need to know personnel only! *You may report to your: Chain of Command SARC Victim Advocate Healthcare Provider CID or Military Police Counseling servies *May NOT be changed to Restricted *Triggers an investigation

Both reporting options provide you access to: Advocacy services, medical care and counseling


Civil Capacity

MAY 24, 2010

`Tomahawks' make macro difference with micro grants

Story & photos by Pfc. Kimberly Hackbarth

4th SBCT, 2nd Inf. Div. PAO, USD-C

HAMAMIAT, Iraq ? There's an empty space where a front window should be, letting in flies that climb over food waiting to be sold to customers, while dust coats the shelves at a hole-in-thewall falafel shop in Hamamiat.

Shop owner, Majid Saadoon Noor, is caught in a catch-22. He believes with improvements to his shop, he can double his business.

However, because he isn't drawing in enough customers, he can't make enough money to afford those improvements. He also is unable to secure a small business loan because they are unavailable from Iraqi banks.

There is hope. U.S. forces are offering micro-grants to Iraqi small business owners to help improve the local economy.

Company B, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment Soldiers visited Majid's falafel shop and another business to hand out paperwork for the shop owners to apply for the micro-grants. Funding for micro-grants comes from the Commanders' Emergency Response Program, explained Staff Sgt. Carl Hendricks, a squad leader with B Co., 2nd Bn., 23rd Inf. Regt.

Commanders in the battalion, working with local Iraqi leaders, choose businesses they feel would be the best candidates to

help boost the local economy, foster security and leave a positive impression in the community long after the brigade redeploys.

Through micro-grants of up to $5,000, business owners can purchase air conditioners, windows, appliances and furniture, something Majid said he would like for his shop to make his customers happier.

"I'm looking forward to improving the service provided," said Majid.

Local citizens and members of the Iraqi Security Forces view the falafel stand as a main stop for food, so getting the owner better conditions for his products helps the people in that area, said Hendricks.

At a nearby sewing shop, which also serves as a school where Iraqi women learn how to sew, a different need was identified.

Unlike the falafel shop, the work area in the sewing shop does not need as much structural work.

However, the women lack many of the necessary supplies for sewing, such as fabric and thread.

The head teacher at the school also filled out paperwork given to her by the Soldiers to apply for a micro-grant.

"It'll help [the populace] so that when we do leave, they're able to have food and have their schools," said Hendricks. "They can be independent."

(Above) Seven-year-old Ali watches his father, Majid, a falafel shop owner, write out a list of things he would like to use micro-grant money to purchase in order to provide better service for his customers during a visit by Soldiers from Company B, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, May 6.

(Below) Soldiers with Company B, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Division-Center visit students and workers at a local sewing shop to distribute micro-grant applications.

A local seamstress fills out a micro-grant request form from 2nd Bn., 23rd Inf. Regt., 4th SBCT, 2nd Inf. Div., at a sewing shop that doubles as a sewing school. Microgrants provide money through the Commanders' Emergency Response Program to purchase items such as sewing cloth and equipment for the students at the school.

MAY 24, 2010

Partnership & Transition


Security forces help Iraqi Police build rapport in community

Story & photo by Sgt. Phillip Valentine 366th MPAD, USD-C

BAGHDAD ? A police force is considered necessary in order to bring order from chaos, especially in Baghdad.

Airmen from 2nd Platoon, 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, United States Division ? Center, work in partnership with local Baghdad based Iraqi Police to do just that.

On May 7, the Airmen of 2nd Plt., traveled to the Yarmouk local police station located inside a hospital to distribute medical supplies and bed linens.

The Iraqi Police will later take these items and deliver them to the hospital and people in the local area.

"We go out to IP stations and patrol with them emphasizing community policing," said Tech. Sgt. Eric Gray, a Phoenix native and squad leader assigned to 2nd Plt. "It helps them build up their rapport within the community."

Another way the Airmen help the Iraqi Police is to collect items that are important to local communities and pass them along to the police so they can hand them out to the people of Iraq.

Scottsboro, Ala., native, Air Force

Staff Sgt. Donald Williams, 2nd Plt., said conducting these types of missions helps create better relationships between the local police and Iraqi civilians.

"American forces are leaving here and the local police have to build relationships with the people," said Williams. "The Iraqi people are used to us giving them stuff, so when the Iraqi Police start giving it out it builds trust and stronger relationships."

This is Williams' third deployment to Baghdad and he said that he has seen improvements made by the Iraqi police and he believes they can take care of their people.

Gray believes these humanitarian missions help the citizens trust the police.

He said in the past the local populace would not call the police to settle disputes but instead would take matters into their own hands, which sometimes led to violence. Although these missions are designed to help the Iraqi Police, Staff Sgt. Edward Lopez, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., native assigned to the 2nd Plt., also finds them personally fulfilling.

"It gives me a lot of pride to help the people of Iraq, to see their faces and smiles; hopefully, it can change some lives," said Lopez. "The feeling is indescribable."

An airman assigned to 2nd Platoon, 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, with 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Division? Center, hands an Iraqi Police officer bed linens May 7 at a hospital in Yarmouk.

Nurses ~ From Pg. 1

es, not to certify them, said Frye. The first course was taught in Radwaniyah with the full intention that Iraqi women would get the same quality of education they do in the States.

"We wrote the curriculum from scratch with a zero budget, but we still wanted it to be a challenging course," said Frye.

It was extremely dangerous, but the women kept coming, said Frye. Some women would walk six or seven miles with their children through dangerous streets, facing threats and discrimination. Frye realized his problems were miniscule in this world, and he recognized how thirsty for knowledge these Iraqi women truly were.

All 12 women graduated after taking what Frye deemed a very difficult two-month course and final exam. "I think I was more nervous about the final exam than they were," he said.

"One of our graduates took [PINC] to a local doctor in Fallujah [Dr. Ayad al-Hadithy] and they recreated the program," said Frye.

Ayad is in charge of medical operations in Fallujah but also runs the medical clinic in Saqlawiyah. Ayad teaches women nursing skills out of his office with the same program Frye created many years ago, plus he sees patients.

"I'm a doctor, and my job is to serve people whenever, wherever," said Ayad.

Because it is difficult for women outside of Baghdad to commute to universities, it's important to push the education into the communities, said Sgt. 1st Class Melvin Bautiste, a native of Honolulu and the Company B, 1st Armd. Div. Medical Civil Medical Operations noncommissioned officer in charge. He added the women are even permitted to bring their children to class.

"We're not trying to compete with Universities," said Frye. "We're trying to [enable] them to not only help themselves, but to take care of their immediate families."

An average Iraqi woman has eight children, so even with just first aid training these women will be providing aid to 10 to 12 people minimum within their household.

In addition to treating their immediate families, many become the local doctor in a community after receiving any sort of medical or nursing training, which raises the impact in the community to more than 50 people, said Frye. Thus far, the program has graduated about 500 women, he added.

One nurse added, "In cases of emergency, it's [important] for us to have the experience and the knowledge to help out people in need."

"It will take a while for their health system to take off, but to empower women in Iraq [with the opportunity to gain knowledge] is definitely a step forward in a self-sustaining government and a modern culture," said Bautiste.

Many of these women have received no accolades, so graduating from the Preparatory Iraqi Nursing Course may be one of the happiest days of their lives, said Frye.

"It's not just to teach women how to take care of their health, but it's an empowerment program. It's a job-providing program," said Frye.

As U.S. forces draw down bases and force structure as part of the Security Agreement with Iraq, Frye wants to see continued future successes by ensuring as many Iraqis as possible receive the training.

"With the drawdown approaching, we're trying to do as much training as possible because nobody can take their training away from them," said Frye.

Provincial Reconstruction Teams and U.S. Agency of International Development officials say they will continue to work with Iraqi physicians to maintain these programs as well as encourage enduring training.

In 2006, Iraq was too unstable and unsafe for a nursing program to be a real success, said Frye. Today, the time has come for nursing to move forward.


Partnership & transition

MAY 24, 2010

Soldiers' time at base ends with transfer

Story & photos by Pfc. Kimberly Hackbarth 4th SBCT, 2nd Inf. Div. PAO, USD-C

CONTINGENCY OPERATING LOCATION SHEIKH AMIR, Iraq ? After living at Contingency Operating Location Sheikh Amir since January, Soldiers with Company A, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment "Tomahawks," cut the power to the station April 13.

The next day, their containerized housing units were loaded onto trucks and sent back to Camp Taji. Soldiers spent their last night at the COL sleeping on or inside their Strykers.

Then, after much debate from the Iraqi government and military, they decided to retain the COL rather than close it, and the CHUs were brought back, said 1st Lt. Shaun Futch, the battalion logistical officer who handled the paperwork surrounding the debate.

It wouldn't be until a transfer of au-

thority ceremony here May 7 that the Soldiers said their final good-byes to their Iraqi Army partners and handed full control of the COL over to the IA.

Iraqi Army leaders assessed that the base was needed to sustain security in the area and keep Iraqi units working closely with the locals.

"We pushed for it to be a transfer on both the Iraqi side and the American side," said Futch, a Ninety Six, S.C. native. "It ended up being a lot of heartache and a lot of pain to make it a transfer instead of a closure, but the partnership really played a big part (on the decision); everybody wanted it to stay."

COLs and other smaller security outposts were established across Iraq during the 2007 Iraqi surge as a way for U.S. and Iraqi forces to maintain security in areas that had once been controlled by insurgent forces and militias.

As the security situation has im-

Lt. Col. Mike Lawrence, commander, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, signs a document May 7 stating the Contingency Operating Location would no longer be run by U.S. Soldiers, and would now be under the control of the Iraqi Army.

Iraqi Army Soldiers march to a flagpole before flying the Iraqi flag, signifying the transfer of the Contingency Operating Location from 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, to the 9th Iraqi Army Division.

proved, U.S. forces have transferred or shut down bases as part of the responsible drawdown of forces in Iraq called for by U.S. President Barack Obama.

"In accordance with the Security Agreement, the bases or facilities will be returned to the control of the appropriate Iraqi entity or demilitarized and closed," said Army officials. "These facilities are able to be closed or transferred to Iraqi control because the Iraqi Security Forces have assumed full responsibility for security in their respective areas."

Although preparing for the transfer took months, the living conditions of the remaining Soldiers on the base were not greatly affected, said 1st Lt. Dustin Deperro, the platoon leader for the Mobile Gun System platoon, and his Soldiers who lived on the COL for weeks at a time.

"Quality of life (on the COL) from January to the end of March was excellent," said Deperro, a native of Mammoth Lakes, Calif., adding that Soldiers had internet access and were able to easily keep in touch with friends and family back in the United States.

April marked the beginning of the closure of the COL which meant the company would slowly start reducing its footprint, he said.

"We transitioned from living in buildings on the COL to living out of our Strykers to allow the CHUs to be removed, said Deperro. "It was more of a camping trip by then than an extended stay at a COL."

The executive officer of Co. A, 1st Lt. Louis Harrington, saw the transfer as an important event in the Tomahawk's record books.

"It's a piece of history," said Harrington, a Cody, Wyo. Native. He noted the COL was where 2nd Bn., 23rd Inf. Regt.'s command operations center was located during the 2010 Iraqi elections.

Capt. Nate Showman, the commander of Company A, explained that the transfer of the base to the Government of Iraq not only indicates the rapid progress of the overall security situation in Iraq, it also represents a personal milestone in his military career.

"The last time I was here, we opened [a COL] up," he said. "This time, we got to close one down."

The historical importance of the elections and transferring control of COLs from U.S. to Iraqi hands has also left an impact on the enlisted Soldiers who lived there.

"You always heard about it (on the news), but to actually witness it is something," said Sgt. Brandon Blake, a gunner with the MGS Plt. "It's kind of cool to be there for it."

Blake deployed with 2nd Bn., 23rd Inf. Regt. to Iraq in 2007-08, where he and other Soldiers built their own COL from scratch out of an abandoned meat-packing plant southwest of Baghdad.

Comparing his previous COL experience to this one, Blake, an Anacortes, Wash. native, said he has witnessed the progress made in the country and reminds Soldiers that the unit's time in Iraq is almost over.

"I'm glad that we got to an end state where everybody could be happy," said Futch. "It's a situation where everybody won."

MAY 24, 2010

Partnership & Transition


US, Iraqi firefighters help educate Scouts on fire safety

Story & photos by Sgt. Phillip Valentine 366th MPAD, USD-C

BAGHDAD ? In the United

States, firefighters are generally

held in high regard, considered

heroes and protectors. In Iraq,

firefighters do not have the same

image as their U.S. counterparts.

Someone had to do something.

Two Soldiers assigned to the

414th Civil Affairs Battalion,

U.S. Division ? Center, Lt. Col.

Gary Esson, the senior fire ser-

vice advisor and a native of Jop-

lin, Mo., and Spc. Michael Bur-

ris, a fire service advisor and

Fayetteville, N.C., native, both

with the Provincial Reconstruc-

tion Team ? Baghdad, have spent

nearly a year working to make

life for Iraqi firefighters a little

bit better.

The first step was to improve

living standards inside Iraqi fire


An Iraqi Boy Scout learns how to operate a fire extinguisher May 2 from Iraqi firefighter Lt. Najah Kaeer Huje during a

"If there was an [American camping field day sponsored by 72nd Joint Area Support Group held in the International Zone.

Base] closing, we would con- they would give up," said Es- chairs, your basic living items." be aware of the fire department

tact them for any furniture that son. "Items like desks, beds and The second step was to get the and look up to them," said Bur-

Iraqi firefighters proper recogni- ris.

tion throughout the local com- "This is the first time they


took it upon themselves to show

According to Esson, Iraqi fire- the public who they are."

fighters are not held in the same Burris has worked alongside

high regard as the police.

the Iraqi firemen and said he en-

An opportunity for the sec- joyed spending time with them

ond step came May 2 in the form and building bonds with his fel-

of a "Camping Day," sponsored low firemen.

by the 72nd Joint Area Support "They are firefighters, like the

Group. Visiting Iraqi Boy and guys back home where I work.

Girl Scouts had the opportunity They are good people," said Bur-

to participate in events that in- ris.

cluded fire safety.

"They put themselves in harms

"It gets kids excited seeing way every time they go out. If

what emergency services are do- they are willing to get shot work-

ing," said Esson. "Iraqi kids are ing for their people, I will do my

the future of the country, they are best to get them the training and

the next generation. They will equipment they need," added

grow to trust the fire department Burris.

and hopefully put trust in other Burris and Iraqi firefighter

government services."

Kareem Kasim showed a bit of

The fire safety presentation teamwork while participating

was a joint effort between Sol- in a three-legged race. The pair

diers assigned to the 414th Civil came in first place against two

Affairs Bn., firefighters with other Iraqi firefighter teams.

Kellogg, Brown and Root Inc. After he stopped laughing,

and Iraqi firefighters.

Burris said that he'd had a funny

They worked together to dem- thought.

onstrate various pieces of fire- The Soldier said with a smile,

fighting and safety equipment "I was cracking up: What kind of

Iraqi Girl Scouts play in front of a fan used by firefighters at a campground. The 72nd Joint Area Support Group sponsored a day of activities for the Scouts, which included events like arts, crafts, archery and fire safety.

and also gave helpful tips on what to do in case of a fire.

"It is important that the public

war story is this? A three-legged race with a 50-year-old Iraqi man."


Partnership & Transition

MAY 24, 2010

Joint Reconstruction Operations Center closes

Story & photo by Capt. Aaron Testa 16th Eng. Bde., USD-C

BAGHDAD ? The Joint Reconstruction Operations Center was officially deactivated April 27 at its headquarters in Baghdad's International Zone. The ceremony, a celebration of sorts, was filled with excitement and pride for their accomplishments and contributions to Baghdad's reconstruction over the past four years.

The JROC was created Sept. 14, 2006, to support the Baghdad rule of law, and has assisted in the completion of $1.5 billion worth of clean water, sewer, electrical power, solid waste, and road projects throughout the Baghdad Province.

"The overall mission of our efforts in this arena was to facilitate restoration and improvement of essential services in Iraq," said Brig. Gen. Glenn Hammond III, commander of the 16th Engineer Brigade.

The brigade was responsible for providing operational support to the JROC through Maj. Don Westfall, the JROC operations officer, and Sgt. Andy Carson, the operations noncommissioned officer.

According to JROC Director, Col. Jeffrey Liethen, a full-time National Guardsman from Wis., the JROC's mission has evolved over the past four years.

"The JROC mission was originally to support the Baghdad Security Plan by providing a common operating picture of all non-kinetic projects and programs," said Liethen. "The mission later changed and expanded to tracking, planning, coordinating, synchronizing, and assisting the execution of all projects and programs in support of construction operations in the Baghdad Province."

According to Westfall, it was difficult to keep track of the roles and responsibilities of the many different entities working in Baghdad during the early stages of the reconstruction. The JROC's mission was to resolve these issues.

"JROC would artfully weave their way through those impediments and discreetly resolve minor issues to bring a project to fruition," said Hammond.

"It eliminated wasted time and energy and brought a concerted effort to the process," said Westfall.

Key players in reconstruction included the U.S. Army, the Provincial Reconstruction Team ? Baghdad, the United States Army Corp of Engineers, the Gulf Region District, the United States Agency for International Development, and a host of others.

Westfall thinks that the greatest impact from the closure of the facility may be the loss of continuity.

"There was a multitude of expertise in the

Brig. Gen. Glenn C. Hammond III, the commander of 16th Engineer Brigade, speaks with Mohamad Gozeh who worked with the Joint Reconstruction Operations Center in the past and who was in attendance during the JROC's deactivation ceremony, which took place in the International Zone April 27.

office. Knowing the history of projects and the development plan allows people to see the bigger picture," said Westfall.

One of the reasons the JROC has been so effective is because of the networks that have been built between the team members and Government of Iraq officials.

"It's like a friendship; over time you accumulate a history of interaction with another person, you start to know how they think, how they do things, and how to depend on them to get you through the tough times," said Westfall. "The JROC had many connections to many different people and organizations."

When looking back at all of the contributions and accomplishments of the JROC, it is difficult to see which were most significant.

Senior Electrical Engineer, Josh Ledra, who has been with the JROC since September 2006, believes that providing Baghdad's neighborhoods with reliable electricity has been the JROC's greatest contribution.

"Approximately $12 million in supervisory control and data acquisition equipment, training, and technical support was provided to install the Baghdad Rusafa SCADA System at over 60 33/11kV substations," said Ledra.

These systems monitor, control and operate the substations from the Waziriya Main Distribution Control Center.

Phillip Willis, the senior project engineer, has been with the JROC since July 2007.

Willis says the JROC's most important contribution has been its support of the rehabilitation of the Jadriya Raw Water Pump Station and construction and startup of the Sadr City Water Treatment Plant.

Westfall also finds it difficult to name which of the JROC's contributions were most significant.

"Each impacted the people of Baghdad in different ways from better water to drink, better health care, better schools, better hospitals, cleaner streets, generally a better way of life," said Westfall.

The closure of the JROC coincides with the drawdown of U.S. troops and the completion of many of Baghdad's reconstruction projects.

"We are handing the reins over to the Government of Iraq, whose ability to address their infrastructure issues is only delayed by our involvement at this point," said Westfall.

Westfall feels comfortable that the Government of Iraq will be able to fill the void left by the JROC.

"The JROC has been downsized over the course of the last two years. Each time, someone else fills the gap that is created," said Westfall.

"JROC's performance was not one that received great fanfare or receipt of laurels, but conducting themselves as U.S. Army engineers so often do, as `the quiet professionals,' they accomplished so much for the nation of Iraq," said Hammond. "In doing so, JROC demonstrated to many different levels of government, public service and industry how much can be accomplished through compromise and cooperation."

The JROC's mission will be carried on by the Provincial Reconstruction Team ? Baghdad, which is taking on some of the mission tracking, and U.S. Division ? Center and U.S. Forces ? Iraq, who will continue to provide military support into the future.


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