
MMIRA Global Conference 2022 call for abstracts.

The Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) is holding its biennial global conference, with the theme `Mixed Methods: Reconnecting and looking to the Future' on 3rd and 4th of August, 2022. This will be a virtual conference and mixed methods researchers from around the globe are invited to participate. The conference will proceed as a series of online workshops on the 3rd of August with the main conference occurring on the 4th August with time slots adjusted to specific regions of the world.

Academics, students, and others with an interest in mixed methods are invited to submit abstracts addressing the main conference theme (links for proposal templates are below). There will be three types of presentations:

1. Presentations (20-minute slots) discussing: a. a completed project, ?usp=sharing&ouid=112270597747756941627&rtpof=true&sd=true b. a theoretical or methodological position, or ? usp=sharing&ouid=112270597747756941627&rtpof=true&sd=true c. a work in progress 47756941627&rtpof=true&sd=true

2. Rapid fire poster sessions. (5-minute slots)

3. Symposia. (1.5 hours) aring&ouid=112270597747756941627&rtpof=true&sd=true

Note: For this methodologically-oriented conference ? where participants come from diverse disciplinary backgrounds ? work presented should use a mixed methods approach with an emphasis on the methods used, or the topic discussed be relevant to the field and use of mixed methods.

Full details about abstract submission requirements can be found here.

Completed abstracts should be submitted using the Google Form found here:

Deadline for close of abstracts is 15th March 2022, 11:59pm Central Time. Notification of outcome of review process by 31st May 2022.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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