Region: __________________District :________________________School: __________________Reform Strategy: ________________Unit Theme: 8.1 Analyzing Characters’ Decisions Week: # 5 Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 8th Date: From ________________ to __________________ 20____ Desired Results Enduring UnderstandingExample: Students will understand that ... The decisions we make impact us and those around us.The decisions characters help make move the plot of the story.It takes both small and large details to build a good story.Taking the time to edit our work improves our writing.Assessment Evidence Summative evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.)Reading Response Essay Writing My Short Story Learning PlanSuggested Learning Activities:MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayStandards Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Expectations8.R.3.LaOE: Analyze the Short Story 8.R.3.LaOE: Analyze the Short Story 8.R.3.LaCompare and contrast character change 8.R.3.LaCompare and contrast character change 8.R.3.LaCompare and contrast character change Academic Strategy Instructional Strategy and PhaseObjective The student will be able to read a variety of grade level text to explain ideas and text relationship. The student will be able to read a variety of grade level text to explain ideas and text relationship.The student will be able to read a variety of grade level text to explain ideas and text relationship.The student will be able to read a variety of grade level text to explain ideas and text relationship.The student will be able to read a variety of grade level text to explain ideas and text relationship.Depth of Knowledge (DOK)___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended Thinking___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended Thinking___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended Thinking___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended Thinking___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended ThinkingInitial ActivitiesThe student will be able to review the story “The Story of an Hour” orallyThe student will be able to review the story “The Story of an Hour” orallyThe student will be able to the concept compare and contrast orally The student will be able to the concept compare and contrast orally The student will be able to the concept compare and contrast orally Development ActivitiesThe student will be able to work in group of two to illustrate the main events of the version “The Story of an Hour” , with one event per small sheet of paper. The student will predict the order of their partner’s story.The student will be able to work in group of two to illustrate the main events of the version “The Story of an Hour” , with one event per small sheet of paper. The student will predict the order of their partner’s story.The student will be able to compare and contrast how two characters change from being to the end of the story The student will be able to compare and contrast how two characters change from being to the end of the story The student will be able to compare and contrast how two characters change from being to the end of the story Closing ActivitiesThe student compare and contrast the setting of the story to the setting of the story they created The student compare and contrast the setting of the story to the setting of the story they createdThe student will be able to discuss his/her compare and contrastThe student will be able to discuss his/her compare and contrastThe student will be able to discuss his/her compare and contrastFormative Assessment – Other evidenceElements of Setting Attachment 8.1 resource Elements of Setting Attachment 8.1 resourceGraphic organizer – Character Map Graphic organizer – Character Map Graphic organizer – Character Map MaterialsHomeworkDifferentiated Instruction Strategies___ Special Education ___ LSP’___ Section 504 ___ GiftedTeacher Reflection ................

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