ELA Learning Strategies SyllabusCourse: 6th- 8th Grade ELA Learning StrategiesPeriod: 1st Nine WeeksInstructor: Miss Leviticus GreenwoodEmail: Leviticus.greenwood@madison-School Statement:The goal of each educator at Shirley D. Simmons Middle School is to improve the lives of children and continuously strive to seek out new ways to improve instructions and equip children with the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to exceed their individual goals. It is also our goal to create a warm and positive climate in each classroom by identifying and considering students’ needs and interests. Everyone needs to succeed. In order to take the kinds of risks necessary to learn and grow, our students must perceive that success is within their reach. It is our greatest challenge to start with them wherever they are—and that is likely to be different from one child to another. Course Description/ Overview: Learning Strategies, an elective, is a compensatory education course designed for middle and/or high school students whose academic achievement is poor but who do not score low enough for special education. Teacher certification for this course is English, K-12 Reading, psychology, Specific Learning Disabilities, Educationally Handicapped. The course is designed as a one-year course year course receiving one Carnegie credit when it is taught in high school. The course consists of core objectives, which by law must be taught. As the example below indicates, the core objectives are organized in categories or “strands” and grouped under outcome statements or “strand goals.”Learning Strategies, an elective, is designed to enable under-achieving and low-achieving students to become independent learners and to transfer learning skills to other academic areas. The course helps students develop more effective ways of acquiring, integrating, storing, and retrieving information. Textbook- My Perspective English Language Arts by PearsonCommon Core ELA State Standards:6.RL.1; 6.RL.2; 6.RL.3; 6.RL.4; 6.RL.5; 6.RI.6; 6.W.47.RL.1; 7.RL.2; 7.RL.3; 7.RL.4; 7.RL.7; 7.RL.10; 7.RI.1; 7.RI.2; 7.RI.3; 7.W.18.RL.1; 8.RL.2; 8.RL.3; 8.RL.4; 8.RL.7; 8.RL.10; 8.RI.1; 8.RI.3; 8.W.1; 8.W.2, a,b,c,d,e,f; 8.w.3,a,b,c,d,eAR Chapter Books: The 6th-8th grade students are required to read books each week based on their reading levels. After taking the STAR test, each student is required to earn points based on his or her reading level. Our 6th-8th grade students are required to read and test on a minimum of 4 books each nine weeks. Your child will receive two grades for AR- test and daily grades. The total number of points earned will be used as a test grade and the final percentage of all books read will be used as a daily grade. These books should be read at home and school daily. The deadline for the nine weeks will be set and sent home soon. You will also be able to log into Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an internet connection. This will give you the opportunity to monitor your child’s AR progress. These books are mandatory! Log in and use your child’s username and password. Study Island: Students are required to continuously work on Study Island throughout the school year. Study Island offers extra work, remediation and enrichment in all MSCCR Standards for ELA, Math, and Science. This year we have decided to focus on the standards that will be heavily assessed on the End-of-the-year State Test. Students have been given a document containing the assignments that are due this term. They can also record the score they made on each and the date completed. This document was designed to assist them in staying on target. You can help monitor your child’s progress on Study Island by asking him/her to see their Study Island Data Sheet. This is mandatory and will be part of their weekly grade as well as a major grade at the end of the nine weeks!*********************************************************************************Instructional Method: The textbook and vocabulary will be assigned to correlate with the standards of this course. Handouts will be provided to supplement the text. Topics will be introduced through lectures, open discussions, and hands-on activities in order to meet the need of every child. Small and large groups will also be used to assist each student. The final grade for this class will be given on the basis of the degree and quality of the following:Homework (Daily)Class AssignmentsIndependent Work/ Group WorkMajor ProjectsSkill Quizzes/ AR Quizzes ExamsMissed Work: If a student is absent, the deadline for missed work is equal to the number of days missed plus one day. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments he/she has missed upon returning to school. If a child fails to turn in an assignment, he /she will receive morning or lunch detention to complete the assignment.66% Major Tests & Projects34% Class Assignments/ Homework/ Quizzes/ Agenda- Organizational SkillsGrading SystemA…90-100B…80-89C...70-79D…65-69F…0-64I… IncompleteNM… No Mark21697955080Supplies Needed:BindersNotebook DividersPencil/ Enclosed Pencil SharpenerPen (Blue/Black Ink)Highlighters (4 different colors)Flash DriveComposition NotebookTri-fold BoardStudent Planner/CalendarClassroom RulesBe respectful towards the teacher, substitute teacher, and classmates.43357805715Follow directions when given.Bring all books and materials to class daily. Sit in your assigned seat daily.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.Raise your hand before speaking.No talking across the classroom.Do not groom (comb/brush your hair or put on make-up) in the classroom.ConsequencesWarnings (1st& 2nd)Teacher / Student ConferenceSilent Detention (Lunch)Call or email parentRefer to counselorRefer to the administrator - corporal punishment, in school suspension, or out of school suspension.Positive Behavior Rewards?Educational Games?Snacks?Homework Passes?Positive Notes or Phone CallsDaily Classroom ProceduresEnter and exit the classroom in an orderly manner. You will exit by rows or groups. Pick up all trash off the floor before leaving.Use restroom before class starts. Sharpen your pencil before class starts.If you are not at the pencil sharpener when the bell sounds, you should be in your seat.Have your notebook and pencils/pens on the desk before the class begins.All assignments must be written in pencil or blue/black plete the daily journal/bellringer. (8-10 minutes)Keep your notebook divided into three (4) categories- vocabulary, notes on reading and writing skills, data, and returned graded assignments. All test documents will remain in a folder kept on file. Head all papers on the right-hand side- Full Name, Date, Period, and Title. No paper will be graded without a heading.Class assignments and homework activities must be placed in the appropriate trays- 1st period, 2nd period, 3rd period, etc. If you are absent due to an illness or a school function, you are responsible for obtaining your assignments before or after you return. There will be no exceptions. Do not leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission and a hall pass.The quiet signal for my class is when I raise my right hand.How You Can HelpAs parents, or a guardian, your involvement is very important and greatly appreciated. In order to ensure that your child is reaching their fullest potential and reaching their goals, the success of my effort as a teacher involves you. You can assist in the efforts to ensure that your child is excelling in by getting involved with school functions, checking your child’s grades regularly, checking AR and Study Island alerts, and reaching out if you have questions or concerns.1958340223520After carefully reading this course syllabus, please sign and return this form to Miss Greenwood by Friday, September 25, 2020. Your child is required to keep the course syllabus in his/her notebook. My child and I have read this ELA syllabus and have accepted all terms. Teacher Miss Leviticus GreenwoodStudent’s Signature ___________________________________________________________________________Parent’s Email Address ________________________________________________________________________Parent’s Signature ____________________________________________________________________________Date ____________________________________________________________________________________________Home Phone Number/ Cell Number ____________________________________________________________Best Time of Day to Call ______________morning ______________afternoon ______________evening ................

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