Sea Girt Elementary School

8th Grade Summer Reading Guidelines 2020TASK 1: 2 READWORKS Articles (19 points for each article - 1 point for each MC question and 4 points for each open ended)Please log onto .Please log in using your google account. READWORKS CLASS: 8th GRADE SUMMER READING 2020 (class code:VVL46V) 8th grade:RESPECTING THE FLAGA DANGEROUS GAMEYou are to complete the 2 articles assigned to your class. This must be submitted by August 30th. ______________________________________________________________________Task 2: 1 IXL Topic Grammar Practice 1 IXL Topics - must be completed to 100% mastery IXL Topic (highlighted in your incoming grade level)8th Grade*OO.1 USE SEMICOLONS AND COMMAS TO SEPARATE CLAUSES (Grammar and mechanics)______________________________________________________________________Task 3: Fictional Text and Character Education (40 points)Students will be provided with a copy of the novel for their grade level. ?Students placed in Great Books 8 will be provided with an additional text to read.*You will read a grade appropriate novel that addresses the theme of anti-bullying and tolerance, and the text will be a springboard for class discussion and reading conferences. ?You will be expected to take margin notes, stickies, and highlight in your texts to identify literary terms (at least 5 literary terms), as per this LITERARY Devices Website Link: *You will then fill out this THE LITERARY TERMS CHART (due Friday September 11th:LITERARY TERMS CHART Name: _________________________ Book: ______________________IMPORTANT REMINDERS:● No summarizing● Reference specific examples● Use specific names, places, and descriptionsFill out the chart below to include a MINIMUM of FIVE literary terms. List and Define Literary TermEX: Hyperbole - a statement of EXTREME exaggerationTextual evidence-Properly cited quote from bookEX: “…..he was so big he knocked down a mile of trees just by rolling over in his sleep.” (Stoutenburg 58)Literal Meaning-Explain the literal meaning of your evidence.The author means…The author is trying to explain…This quote shows…EX: The author is trying to explain that the character Paul Bunyan is REALLY big. Analysis/Author’s Purpose-Why does the author use the literary term?What is the purpose of the quoted term in THIS particular moment of the text? What does this quoted term help you understand or think about when reading your text?EX: The author uses this hyperbole to help describe that Paul Bunyan is the main character in this folklore. Tjis hyperbole is used as a method of indirect characterization and helps me paint a picture of Paul Bunyan’s height in my mind. THIS WILL BE THE FIRST GRADE OF THE FIRST MARKING PERIOD AND WILL BE TURNED IN WHEN YOU GET BACK TO SCHOOL ON SEPTEMBER 11TH.You may turn in a hard copy or copy and paste into a google doc.Students placed in Great Books 8 will be expected to read and take notes in an additional text. ?See the list below for the selected texts.Text for Grade 8: THE BOYS WHO CHALLENGED HITLER by Phillip HooseCharacter Ed Focus: Patriotism, Loyalty, Perseverance, IntegrityAdditional Text for Great Books 8: REFUGEE by Alan Gratz. ................

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