
Ms. Williams

Email: dwilliam@

Syllabus – U.S. History

Course Content/Outline

This course will cover the California State Standards for eight grade social science. A listing of these standards can be accessed through the California Department of Education’s website at .

Class Rules

Be safe, responsible and respectful. Being respectful includes respecting yourself, your teacher, and your classmates. You show respect when you:

• keep your hands and feet to yourself and out of others desk area or personal belongings.

• are honest

• allow the teacher to talk or teach and other students to listen and learn by not

talking/socializing/communicating while the teacher is talking to the class or during

independent work time.

• use your time wisely and allow others around you to do the same.

• use appropriate school language and wear appropriate school attire. (Refer to school

handbook for details as to what is appropriate language and attire at school.) The

classroom is a professional environment and you are asked to conduct yourself as you

would be asked to at any work place.

• Voice your opinions with careful consideration of other’s feelings and allow them to do

the same.

• are on time so as not to interrupt teaching or learning.

• treat school property, including textbooks, desks and tables, gently and carefully.


Tardy Policy

If you are tardy, come into the classroom and take your seat as quickly and quietly as possible, so as to reduce the amount of disruption to the class. Your citizenship grade is affected by unexcused tardies and absences. Consistent tardies and absences also affect your academic grade as attendance during instruction is always necessary for academic success.


You must come to class each day prepared to work. Your success depends on it. If you do not have paper and pencil each day you will not be successful. DO NOT DEPEND ON YOUR CLASSMATES TO SHARE THEIR MATERIALS WITH YOU! IT’S NOT FAIR TO THEM OR THEIR PARENTS. IT IS ALSO VERY DISRUPTIVE TO THE CLASS AND TO THE TEACHER TO ASK YOUR CLASSMATE FOR SUPPLIES WHEN YOU SHOULD BOTH BE LISTENING OR ALREADY AT WORK. If you or your family are unable to obtain school supplies, please notify me or your counselor and arrangements will gladly be made to obtain the needed supplies for you.

You MUST bring the following with you to class each day:

- At least two sharp pencils with erasers (you may not use a pen in class)

- Manual pencil sharpener

- Loose leaf binder paper

You may want to have the following for your convenience:

- colored pencils

- markers

- scissors

Classroom Donations

If would you like to donate, we are always in need of the following items:

- Tissue

- Hand Sanitizer

- Anti-Bacterial Wipes

Grading Policy

Academic grades are based on the following percentage scale:

100. A

80-89 B

79. C

69. D

Below 60 F

The grading in this class depends on your daily participation, completion of assignments/homework, and test scores. Tests are 70% of your grade, homework 15% and class participation 15%. (Participating in class means contributing to classroom/group discussion and activities.)

Homework should be turned in when it is due. If you have an excused absence you have two days for every day absent to turn in missed work without affecting your grade on the assignment. Late work is only accepted with special teacher permission.

Tests can be retaken but will be short answer instead of the original multiple choice.

Citizenship grades are determined by the following rubric.

Outstanding (O)- The student exceeds expectations and exhibits behavior that enhances the learning environment. This includes, but is not limited to: helping others, taking a leadership role during group work, meaningful class participation, being on time, is prepared everyday with materials including agenda, is attentive, and respectful to the teacher and other students.

Satisfactory (S) – The student consistently exhibits behavior that contributes to a safe and successful learning environment. This will include but is not limited to: class participation, being on time, being prepared with materials including agenda, respectful to others, and works well in a group.

Needs Improvement (N) – The student sometimes exhibits behavior that is not conducive to a successful learning environment. This includes but is not limited to: frequent tardies, being unprepared with materials, does not use agenda, off-task behavior, disruptive behavior, detentions, due process started.

Unsatisfactory (U – The student often exhibits behavior that is not conducive to a safe and successful learning environment.

Please refer to the Student Handbook for teacher, student, and parent responsibilities.

Class Webpages

Most homework assignments are posted on School Wires. My name on School Wires is Debra Williams-Hahn. (Beth Williams is an English teacher.) This is the district’s site for classroom web pages and does not require a password. I typically post the week’s assignments the Friday before, but that is not always possible. Please learn how to use School Wires and refer to it daily. It can be accessed through the school website. Using School Wires is the best way for students and parents to ensure that all homework is completed and turned in on time. Monitoring grades/assignments through Power School will show missing work after it’s too late to turn it in. Use school wires to know what is due BEFORE it is due. (Homework assignments are also written on the board and should be copied daily into students’ agendas. Ultimately, students are responsible for knowing what their homework is before they leave class.)

Teacher Hours and Contact Information

I am usually on campus 15 minutes before the start of school. However, the best and most reliable way to contact me is by email. My email address is dwilliam@.

Final Note

I look forward to the new school year. Have a great year and please come to me for any assistance or advice I can provide to ensure that you have a positive and successful experience at school this year.


Debra Williams

Sutter Middle School

8th Grade History and Leadership


I have read the 8th grade history class syllabus found on the class webpage (or have read and kept a hard copy).

Student Name: ___________________________________________________________

Subject and Period________________________________________________________

Parent Signature:__________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Names Printed:______________________________________________

Daytime Phone Number:____________________________________________________

Evening Phone Number: ___________________________________________________

Email Address:___________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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