





810 Wilkie Drive

Charleston, WV 25314


304.344.9906 (Fax)


Dear Parents,

It is with great joy and pride that I welcome you to Fort Hill Child Development Center, Inc. The curriculum, facility, grounds, and equipment at the center enables us to provide a state of the art program. We love having the opportunity to share this program with you and your children.

Fort Hill was established in 1989 and is a state licensed facility. Our mission statement is simple. We want your child’s experience with us to be pleasant and positive. We strive to make the atmosphere at Fort Hill healthy, happy and nurturing. We invite you to keep communications open with us so that we can successfully enhance your child’s experience at Fort Hill.

We offer family oriented child care with a well-trained staff, structured learning, free play, nutritious, balanced meals, and outdoor play. We have an updated digital surveillance system, enabling you to view your child in the classroom from your work, or home computer.

Please take time to read the information handbook. My office is always open, call me or come in anytime.


Jean Hawks

Director FHCDC









In accordance with Federal law and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this Institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). TDD users can contact the USDA through local relay or the Federal Relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Please request to follow us on our private Facebook page at Fort Hill Child Development Center for information and updates regarding COVID-19.

(You must be a current client in order to receive access.)


1. Every parent must make a pre-admission visit to the Child Care Center.

2. Every parent must have a pre-admission conference with the director.

3. An emergency release must be furnished prior to the child’s admission.

4. The application form must be completed and the $50.00 non-refundable application fee paid prior to the admission.

5. A copy of your child’s State birth certificate, shot records, and copy of your child’s last well visit must accompany the completed application.


The center is closed for eleven (11) holidays each year: One day at New Year’s, *Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the following day, and two days at Christmas. *Note MLK Day is new for 2021



Fort Hill will close due to snow only if the roads are unsafe and a State of Emergency has been issued. Please call the center, check the fort hill Facebook page, or check WSAZ news channel 3 when in doubt. Fort Hill has a full service generator so the school can be open in the event of a power outage.



All parents, children, and staff will be vetted at the front entrance before allowed to enter.

1. You must be able to answer No to a series of questions in order to gain entrance.

2. Temperatures will be checked. You cannot have a temperature over 100.4. If your child becomes hostile while being vetted you will be asked to leave until your child is calm.

3. All children over the age of nine (9) and adults MUST wear a mask.

4. Hands must be sanitized upon entry. Bottles of hand sanitizer are located at the front entrance, in the offices, and classrooms.

5. One parent is allowed in a classroom at a time. Please wait outside the classroom door if another parent is in the classroom. Make pick up and drop off as brief as possible.

6. Parents do not need to sign their children in and out on the office computer. We are trying to eliminate as much touching and cross contamination as possible.


1. Fort Hill Child Development Center’s costs for services are based on a 52-week, year-round, period.

2. No deductions for absences, illnesses, vacations, or holidays will be made. This includes if the state, licensing, or health department mandates a temporary shut down due to COVID-19 or any other pandemic or reason for shut down.

3. Parents receive an Agreement Form with the application form stating the rates agreed upon for services rendered.

4. A one-time $50.00 non-refundable application processing fee is billed to your account on the first day of enrollment.

5. A once a year fee of $8.00 per child is billed to your account to cover accident insurance from Nationwide. Your account will be billed $8.00 at the start of enrollment. March is the annual billing date for all clients.

6. Check or money order must be made payable to Fort Hill Child Development Center (you may put FHCDC on check) and place in the Parent Payment Folder on the bulletin board across from the office. Cash is not kept on the premises.

7. Please write your child’s name on the check along with the dates for which you are paying.

8. Payments must be made by Friday evening of the current week of service to avoid a $20.00 late payment fee.

9. A written notice of delinquent accounts will be issued after a payment is one week in arrears. We reserve the right to ask you to withdraw your child, if your account is two weeks in arrears.

10. A thirty-five-dollar ($35.00) charge will be added for returned checks. Two returned checks will require future payments to be made by money order.

11. There will be a twenty-dollar ($20.00) late fee per child for picking your child up between 6:00 pm and 6:15 pm. There will be an additional thirty-dollar ($30.00) charge per child for picking your child up after 6:15 p.m. Consistent late arrivals may result in losing your child’s space at Fort Hill.

12. Enrolling parents will be issued a key fob that will allow access into the building Monday–Friday from 6:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. excluding holidays when the center is closed. Parents may have as many key fobs as they need. Each key fob is a non-refundable $10.00 fee. In the event that a key fob is lost or stolen the parent must report it to the Fort Hill office immediately to be deactivated. (This has been halted due to COVID-19)

13. We offer an online camera service to enrolling parents to view their child’s classroom. The fee for the online camera is $30.00 each month and will automatically be bill to your account. You must inform the office if you no longer want the service. Please read our video privacy policy below.

14. Video Privacy Policy: You may not take still shots of or take video of your child’s classroom. You may not post any video or still photos on any social media. We will immediately disable your privilege to have access to the camera system if this occurs.

15. There will be a $20.00 research fee for clients who need documentation that is not in the current year or involves extensive research.

16. A two week notice will be given before a rate change is made.


1 Child 6 weeks – 23 months $225.00/week

1 Child 24 months – 35 months $205.00/week

1 Child 36 months – 47 months $185.00/week

1 Child 4 – 5 years $180.00/week

Fees will change with the week ending of the child’s birthday.


(After school and all day school is considered full time enrollment. No deductions for absences, illnesses, mandated shut downs, or vacations will be made.)

After School (K-5th grade) $70.00/week

Van Transportation for School Age Children $5.00/week

Summer Camp (K-5th grade) $150.00/week

All Day School (K-5th) during COVID-19 $150.00/week

(Summer camp is not considered full time. You will be billed only for the weeks of service used. We do not offer part-time drop in rates for summer camp. You will be billed $150.00 for each week regardless of how many days you attend for the week)

Early Dismissal for School Age Children (weekly fee +$15.00/day)

School Delay for School Age Children (weekly fee +$15.00/day)

Daily Rate for Out of School Days (weekly fee +$30.00/day)

Daily Rate for Christmas Break and Spring Break, for School Age Children only, $30.00/day.

Fort Hill after school and summer camp services will be for children ages 6 years or Kindergarten through 11 years or 5th grade.

The PARENT AGREEMENT is included with your application papers and serves as a contract between you and Fort Hill Child Development Center. This agreement must be signed by both parties, prior to your child’s first day at the center.


All Connect clients must attend the center at least 15 days per month for a minimum of 4 hours per day in order to maintain their space at Fort Hill. All co-pays must be paid, in full, at the beginning of each month.

Parents must sign their child in and out every day on the computer in the office. Failure to do so may result in the loss of your space at Fort Hill.

Any clients not approved by Connect for at least 20 days per month will be responsible for any days used past the approved days.


The teacher/child ratio in West Virginia is as follows:

Under the age of 2 years: 1:4

2 year olds: 1:8

3 year olds: 1:10

4 and 5 year olds: 1:12

K-5th grade: 1:15


In the case that parents withdraw a child from Fort

Hill Child Development Center, the following policy will be observed.

If advance notice is made in writing and delivered to the Director at least 7 calendar days before the child is withdrawn, charges will cease at the end of the day of withdrawal. If advance written notice of at least 7 calendar days is NOT made, the parent agrees to pay for one additional week following the date of withdrawal.


Children enrolled in FHCDC must have a medical

form signed by a physician, completed and returned to the office within thirty (30) days of enrollment.


Children, age 6 weeks to 3 months, must have a medical form that states that the physician is aware that the child is enrolled in and healthy enough to attend Fort Hill and provides FHCDC with an immunization schedule. This form is available in the office and MUST be given to the center on the child’s start date or before.


Because administration of medication poses an extra burden for staff, and having medication in the facility is a safety hazard, families are asked whenever possible to arrange with their child’s medical provider to schedule medications at times that do not include the hours the child is in the child care facility.

The first dose of any medication must be given at home to be sure that the child does not have any unexpected reaction to the medication. Parents or guardians may administer medication to their own child during the child care day.

If the child must take medicine while at the center, a medicine form must be filled out completely. Forms are available in each classroom. Medicines are to be in unbreakable bottles and have a current prescription date. The center is not responsible for breakage or spillage.

Prescription medicine must be in the original bottle with your child’s full name, amount of medicine to be given, prescribing Doctor, expiration date, and name of medicine.

Medicine must be given to your child’s teacher. It may not be left in the child’s locker or back pack. This includes Tylenol, Motrin, and Allergy Medicine etc.


Children who have severe allergies and are issued an Epi Pen must have an updated Epi Pen located on site at the center.

A Food Allergy Action Plan must be completed by the child’s physician and returned to Fort Hill as soon as your child is diagnosed with an allergy requiring the use of an epi pen.



1. Cold with yellow nasal discharge

2. Sore or swollen joints

3. Nausea or vomiting

4. Contagious cough

5. Chills

6. Skin rash

7. Flushed face or fever

8. Inflamed eyes

9. Sore throat

10. Enlarged glands

11. Diarrhea

12. Earache

13. Temperature over 100.4

14. Shortness of breath

15. Head lice and/or nits (Fort Hill has a nit free policy)

Your child may not return to Fort Hill if she/he has had a fever over 100.4 within 24 hours and/or has vomited or had diarrhea within 24 hours. If your child has a communicable disease she/he may not return to Fort Hill without a Doctor’s release.


1. Your child must be picked up as quickly as possible if he/she becomes ill during the day.

2. You must report to the director, by phone or in writing, if your child contracts a communicable disease.

3. Do not bring your child to the center when there are signs of illness developing.

4. If your child has COVID-19 symptoms he/she must be tested and have a negative result before he/she can return to the center.

5. The center must have personal or written word that a child has fully recovered from any illness before he/she can be re-admitted to school.

6. If medications are to be given at the center, directions as to how the medicine is to be administered must be clearly marked on the medicine form. The first dose of any medicine must be given at home in case there are any allergic reactions or side effects.

7. Once Fort Hill receives confirmation that a child has a communicable disease, information about that illness is posted on the child’s classroom door.


1. The program updates child health assessment records every six (6) months for children under the age of two (2), and updates records every two (2) years for children over the age of two (2).

2. The completed health assessment record or well child visit record must be given to the office to be filed in the child’s folder each year.

3. The program updates child immunization records annually. Please bring a copy of your child’s immunization record each time they receive immunizations to be filed in their folder.


In the event that your child has a medical emergency the following procedures will be followed.

• Fort Hill will use the information on the Emergency Form provided to us which includes the identification of a preferred hospital and dental practice, family consent for medical treatment, relevant health insurance and allergies and/or pre-existing medical conditions.

• Fort Hill will contact 911 first while providing appropriate first-aid. (The presence of an adult with current pediatric first-aid and CPR is always on the premises.)

• Fort Hill will accompany the child/adult to the preferred hospital if the parent/emergency contact can not reach Fort Hill before departure.


The purpose of all behavior management at Fort Hill Child Development Center is to help the children become increasingly self-managing and responsible. Only positive, non-punitive methods are used in the pursuit of this goal such as positive redirection, goal setting, and problem solving. Behavior management is directed towards improving the child’s understanding of (1) social expectations, (2) appropriate ways of behaving in given situations, and (3) causes and effects of the feelings and actions which he/she and others experience.

When appropriate, Fort Hill uses “Quiet Time”. This can be used in the classroom or office depending on the behavior. “Quiet Time” allows for a child to be removed from a situation that is disrupting his/her ability to socialize with others in a positive manner. Once the child has gained control he/she may choose to rejoin the group. The child is always supervised by an adult during “Quiet Time”.

The most common concern for parents with toddler is Biting.

• Biting is unfortunately not unexpected in young children. It is usually an expression of frustration often due to a lack of verbal ability or teething.

• Our staff expresses strong disapproval of biting. They work to keep the children safe and help the child who bit learn different, more appropriate behaviors.

• When a bite occurs, the child who has been bitten will be comforted, the bite will be cleaned with soapy water and ice applied to reduce swelling and bruising.

• The child who bit will be redirected to an individual activity until he/she regains control. Objects that can be bitten will be offered if the child is teething.

• As with any accident or injury, an accident report form will be filled out.

• Current information and resources on biting are available for parents.

• Teachers are provided with adequate knowledge and training to deal appropriately and effectively with biting.

• If a child becomes a repetitive biter, a staff person will be assigned to shadow the child to prevent incidents until the biting stops.

• Children past the normal age that bite will be referred appropriately.

• To help prevent biting we will provide a supportive environment, provide a consistent yet flexible schedule, provide a variety of sensory activities and materials and interact with children gently and empathetically.

• Fort Hill may dismiss or suspend the child who is biting (excessive biting will be evaluated). We do not punish the biting child by withholding snacks or activities or isolate the biting child from his/her classmates.

Fort Hill Child Development Center staff is committed to helping children be educated for life in a democratic rather than an authoritarian society. Respect for responsibility is a foundation of democracy. Therefore, helping each child becomes increasingly self-directing, mutually responsible with others, and analytical of his/her sense of right and wrong is an ongoing responsibility of our teaching staff.

Physical punishment of a child is forbidden at Fort Hill Child Development Center. Threats, intimidation, or other mental harassment has no place in our work with children. Instead, we rely on the techniques of diverting attention to constructive pursuits, compromising/ arbitrating differences, extending understanding of the reasons for “rules” and expanding the understanding of cause-and-effect to promote self-control. We remove the child from the environment in which he/she is distressed and assist him/her to regain his/her self control (quiet time). We depend on the partnership between parents and teachers to make the advancement of the child’s autonomy and integrity a real and functioning accomplishment.

Fort Hill prohibits corporal punishment on its premises and during off-site center activities while the child is participating by staff, parents and/or guardians.

Fort Hill is mandated by law to report suspected child abuse to Child Protective Services.


Fort Hill will not share information about your child with other relevant providers, agencies, or other programs without written consent from the enrolling parent.


We have found that some children transition easier into a new setting when using one or more of the suggestions below.

• Bring your child as often to visit in his/her classroom prior to starting.

• Allow your child to bring a photo of his/her family to place on his/her locker.

• Try not to transition your child into a new setting right away if he/she is experiencing several other transitions such as a birth of a new sibling, moving, etc.

• Talk to your child about the fun and positive experiences she/he is going to have and the new friends he/she will meet.

• Always tell your child goodbye when you drop off and let him/her know when you will pick him/her up according to his/her schedule. For example: After snack time or after outside play.


1. Children will move into another classroom based on several factors:

• The child is developmentally ready

• The age of the child

• If space is available

2. Parents are notified that their child has achieved certain

milestones to be moved to the next classroom.

3. The parents, teachers of both classrooms and director sign off on a transfer sheet giving permission for the child to visit and move into the new classroom.

4. When a child graduates into another classroom they have the opportunity to visit the next classroom for several weeks before the move is made permanent. (This is temporarily halted due to COVID-19)

5. If the child is transitioning well they can remain in the new classroom.


Before a parent chooses to withdrawal their child from our program we ask that the following procedure be followed:

• The parent is encouraged to meet with the director to complete a withdrawal form.

• Parents are asked to give a two week notice before withdrawal date.


Each child has a portfolio and/or journal. This is a way for the teachers to document or keep track of your child’s ongoing development. By saving samples of your child’s work and writing anecdotes about his interactions, the teacher puts together evidence of your child’s learning and accomplishments.

Fort Hill uses authentic assessment (evaluating children’s growth through their daily activities) because we believe that everyday experiences most accurately show what children have learned and the progress they have made.

Fort Hill provides an opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teachers in May and November to review his/her portfolio and/or journal. Each parent will have an opportunity to sign up to meet with his/her child’s teacher and discuss the assessment during a parent/teacher conference. Parents are more then welcome to meet with their child’s teacher at any point of time.


West Virginia Birth to Three is a great resource for early childhood intervention. If you are concerned about your child’s development in motor skills, verbal, cognitive or sight you may contact birth to three for an evaluation. Birth to three is a free service to all children under the age of three and services can be provided during your child’s time at Fort Hill.

West Virginia Birth to Three: 1-866-321-4728



We strive to promote the individual child’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth and well-being.

We provide both active and passive learning experiences, which promote the development of skills, social competence, self-esteem and positive self-identity. Our staff are trained in and use Creative Curriculum for infants through pre-school age.


▪ a variety of games, toys, books, crafts, and other material sufficient to allow a child to make choices for him/her self.

▪ a written schedule of daily activities, with a reasonable routine for meals, snacks, sleep, nap-time, indoor and outdoor play.

▪ a designated area where the child can sit quietly or lie down to rest. There shall be a nap period of at least an hour for children who need it. For the children unable to sleep, time and space for rest and quiet play shall be available. Sleep and rest periods shall be under adult supervision at all times.

▪ the children have freedom to go to the toilet and to get a drink of water as they feel the need.

▪ activities indoor and outdoors, which will allow the children to make use of both large and small muscles.

▪ experiences and equipment appropriate to the age and stage of development of the individual child.

▪ at least an hour to an hour and a half of outdoor play daily, weather permitting, in all seasons of the year.

▪ a balance of quiet and active, group and individual activities with sufficient flexibility to respond to the needs of the individual children.

▪ for individual self-expression in conversation, imaginative play and creativity.

▪ for running, climbing, and other vigorous physical activities.

▪ learning experiences regarding the value of food in relation to growth and development.

▪ opportunities for the child to participate in such activities as preparing for meals, taking out and putting away materials and caring for his own clothing and bedding.

▪ respect for each child as an individual, allowing for choice of activities and interests.

▪ a variety of social experiences. Grouping arrangement shall take into account the child’s levels of maturity.

▪ for the cultural diversity of the children by incorporating their language, food, celebrations, and life styles in the program.


• Out door play should occur when weather and circumstances permit and there are no weather or condition advisories indicating to remain indoors.

• Children 24 months and under shall not go outside when the temperature is below 40 degrees or over 90 degrees.

• Children over the age of 24 months will not be allowed outside if the temperature is below 32 degrees or over 90 degrees.


(varies slightly in each age group)

6:30 am - 8:30 am Sign-in (table activities)

8:30 am - 9:00 am Morning Circle Time (books, songs,

color, number, shape and letter)

9:00 am - 9:30 am Breakfast

9:30 am -11:15 am Small group activities (music and movement, art, math, language arts, science, dramatic play, blocks and trucks, small manipulatives and discovery table)

11:15 am - 12:00 pm Outdoor or gym play

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Rest and/or nap

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Snack

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Outdoor or gym activities

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Small group activities (music and movement, art, math, language arts, science, dramatic play, blocks and trucks, small manipulatives and discovery table)

5:30 pm - 6:00 pm Sign out (table activities)


Because infants are on their own schedule we ask that parents provide the caretakers with a rough feeding and sleeping schedule that they have established at home if applicable. This will help the caretakers get to know the needs of your infant.

Your infant will be assigned a primary caretaker who will provide the majority of your infants needs each day. However, all caretakers will assist in providing the best quality care for your infant.

The primary caretakers fill out a daily chart documenting the following:

• Feeding: what your child ate, how much and what time

• Sleeping: what time your child fell asleep and woke up

• Diapering: what time the caretaker changed your child, who changed your child and if it was a BM or urination

• Any other information as necessary

Parents need to provide formula or breast milk and clean bottles daily. Fort Hill is allowed to rinse the bottles out and will place them in your child’s drawer/cubby to be taken home daily. Fort Hill is not allowed to wash and reuse bottles once they have been used. Bottles must be taken home daily to be cleaned and brought back for the next day. Please label all bottles clearly with your child’s full name.

Frozen breast milk must be labeled with your child’s full name and the date the milk was pumped.

Parents need to provide baby food in unopened jars as needed. Fort Hill will provide food once your infant begins to eat table food. A weekly menu will be provided.

You may choose to bring in pre-made bottles each day or formula in bulk with plenty of clean bottles for the staff to prepare.

Please note that Fort Hill can not give a child medicine in a sippy cup or bottle. Please refer to page #10 in the parent handbook under Permission to Give Medication.

Please provide your infant with the following items:

• Formula or breast milk

• Bottles

• Baby food if applicable

• Diapers

• Wipes

• Desitin or the like

• Changes of clothes

• Pacifier if applicable

• Blanket

Fort Hill provides cribs, bouncies, play mats, toys, teething rings, books, bibs and crib sheets. All toys, cribs and bedding are disinfected and cleaned every day and/or as needed.

Infants will always be put to sleep on their backs. Bumper pads, heavy blankets, pillows and or boppies will not be allowed in cribs. If your infant needs to be propped up for any reason a wedge will be placed under the mattress.


All staff are trained in proper diaper changing procedures. Diaper changing procedures include but do not limit the following steps.

1. All personal items are to be gathered and placed on the diaper changing table (diaper, wipes, desitin or the like, change of clothes, if applicable).

2. Caregiver washes his/her hands and places a clean paper towel on the diaper changing pad.

3. Caregiver places clean disposable glove on each hand.

4. Caregiver places child on diaper changing pad and changes diaper.

5. Caregiver wipes from front to back and discards wipe and diaper in plastic bag.

6. Caregiver uses one wipe per wipe.

7. Caregiver never leaves child unattended on changing table. (One hand is always placed on child)

8. Caregiver places new diaper on child and writes the time and caregivers initials on diaper.

9. Caregiver discards gloves and dresses child.

10. Caregiver washes child’s hands and his/her hands.

11. Caregiver disinfects the diaper changing pad and places the plastic bag into the trash receptacle.

12. Caregiver washes his/her hands.


Potty training begins when the child is showing signs of interest. This could begin as early as 16 months and as late as 3 years of age. At this time the teacher and parent discuss the child’s interest and needs. The parent will provide plenty of underwear/panties and several changes of clothes. During potty training, children are taken to the potty every 30 minutes to an hour, or as needed. After potty training is accomplished the children are taken to the potty every 2 hours and as needed.

Fort Hill does not rinse soiled underwear. Soiled underwear will be placed in a plastic bag to be taken home every day and/or thrown away per the parent’s instruction.


• Children should wear comfortable play clothes which they can manage when toileting.

• An extra set of clothing is needed and should be left at the center in case of accidents. This should include underwear, pants, shirt, socks and shoes.

• All clothing must be plainly marked with the child’s name.

• A light weight or heavy jacket for outside play based on the weather and time of year.

• Bring a small, light blanket, plainly marked with the child’s name for nap time.


Refreshments may be brought in for birthdays if a day’s notice is given so that our teachers will be aware of it. Any time that a parent provides a treat it may only consist of fruits, vegetables, cheese and crackers or sugar-free Jell-O/pudding.

All food donations must be in the original, unopened package. No peanut butter products or items manufactured in a factory that processes peanut items are allowed at Fort Hill. We have several children who are severely allergic. Homemade treats are not allowed due to food allergies. Also, non-edible treats such as stickers, boxes of crayons, tattoos, etc., may be provided. Treats brought in that do not meet the above criteria will not be served.


• Fort Hill provides children, beginning at age 1, with meals and snacks that are consistent with the United States Department of Agriculture’s current Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

• Enrolling parents receive detailed weekly menus in their child’s mailbox. Extra copies are available in the office.

Dietary guidelines for children under 24 months of age:

• Meals and snacks provided are appropriate for infants’ individual nutritional and developmental stages as determined by written instruction from the parent or health care provider.

Special Dietary Needs:

• Parents and/or a licensed health care provider must provide the center with information about a child’s special dietary needs, including special needs because of a medical condition or religious prohibition.

Food Groups:

• Fort Hill provides foods from the basic food groups: protein, fruits, vegetables, and grains for children 13 months of age and over.

• Fort Hill provides milk, 100% fruit juice and water to drink.

• Water is offered throughout the day and with all meals.

• Breakfast consists of at least 1 serving of milk, fruit and grains.

• Lunch consists of at least 1 serving of milk, fruit, vegetable, protein and grains.

• Snack consists of at least 1 serving from 2 of the 4 components.

Frequency of Meals:

• Breakfast is served from 9:00-9:30

• Lunch is served from 12:00-12:30

• Snack is served from 3:00-3:30


1. Children dropped off between 6:30 am and 7:30 am are permitted to bring a healthy breakfast or snack to hold them over until breakfast at 9:00 am. No food from home is allowed after 7:30 am.

2. Parents are asked NOT to send toys to the center with the child, as the school cannot be responsible for misuse or damage to the toys. A toy gun, knife, or sword is NEVER permitted on the premises.

3. Please send all messages to the center in writing or call and speak with the center director. This is the most responsible way of communication between parents and the director and to help eliminate misunderstandings.

4. Parents are encouraged to have a conference at any time convenient with both the staff and the parent (about the child) so that they might both be better able to understand the child and his/her issues or concerns. Conferences may be set up by contacting the director. Regular conferences are held twice a year.

5. Parents are encouraged to make suggestions to the director, which might help the center serve the individual needs of the child.

6. Parents MUST bring the child inside the center to a staff member and call for him/her each day within the specified hours of operation. Whoever brings the child must sign in/out each day. (Sign in/out is temporarily suspended due to COVID-19)

7. Parents must notify the director if, for any reason, a person other than those authorized will be picking up the child.

8. For children in all classrooms, minus the Munchkins and Munchkins 2 rooms, we expect children to be dropped off no later than 10:00 a.m. for staffing purposes and to ensure that your child is not missing out on any special activities. Additionally, avoid bringing your child during nap time between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. because it disrupts the children who are napping.

9. If your child will be absent, please phone the office before 10:00 am so that the staff may plan accordingly.

10. Parents are requested to bring an extra change of clothing, plainly marked, to leave in the child’s locker.

11. Parents of infants, toddlers or children in diapers, are requested to bring: changes of clothes, formula or breast milk, bottles, baby food, diapers, wipes, Tylenol/Motrin, and ointment (if used). Label ALL items.


We encourage parents to participate when at all possible. Some ideas in which a parent can volunteer are listed below. (Parent participation is currently suspended due to COVID-19)

• Be a guest speaker during career week

• Read a special story during the Holidays

• Help the teachers with an art project

• Play a special musical instrument during circle time

• Donate art supplies, party supplies, used toys and books

• Share your culture and heritage with a special book, art or music during circle time


• We reserve the right to ask you to withdraw your child if his/her behavior has become consistently disruptive to the point of harming other children in the group or requiring the staff to provide consistent one on one attention.

• We reserve the right to remove a child from his/her classroom and have the parent pick him/her up if necessary, on a daily basis for behavior management (discipline) problems, disrupting nap time, as well as health reasons.

• We reserve the right to ask you to withdraw your child if he/she is not toilet trained before he/she moves to the Pre K-1 classroom. (Age 3)

• We reserve the right to ask you to withdraw your child if you, the parent/guardian, become aggressive, hostile, threatening toward a staff member or administrative staff, or refuse to follow Fort Hill policies.

• We reserve the right to ask you to withdraw your child if you, the parent/guardian, falsify information to staff, administrative staff and/or the Department of Health and Human Resources.


We have a shelter in place program that results in a COMPLETE lock down in the case of a chemical spill. A complete lock down means that you cannot pick up your child during the lock down. We shelter in the hallway. Doorways are sealed with duct tape. We keep water stored for such an emergency.


In the event that we need to evacuate the building, Fort Hill will transport all the children via the vans to the Oakwood Baptist Church Gym located at 855 Oakwood Road across from Fruth Pharmacy. 304-344-2134. All Fort Hill vans are equipped with 5 point harness infant seats.

If an evacuation occurs parents will be notified by phone as soon as possible. The center carries an updated emergency form book with them at all times.


Fort Hill will not tolerate harassment of any kind. We reserve the right to ask families to leave Fort Hill if they are hostile in their dealings with us. We expect conflict to be resolved with respect and courtesy.


A grievance may be defined as an unresolved problem, as a result, of which the parent and/or his/her child feels a sense of injustice or unfairness for which he/she seeks redress. Misunderstandings can occur in many situations. If, for any reason, you feel you are not being treated fairly, or if you have other problems or complaints, you should think through your problem and talk frankly with the director.

If the above steps are taken and the problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, it is then considered to be a grievance and you have the right to initiate a grievance procedure as outlined below. If you initiate a grievance in good faith, such action on your part should cast no reflection on you or your child. At the same time, your grievance should cast no reflection on the teacher, director, co-director, and/or others concerned.

1. When a grievance has not been resolved satisfactorily in a meeting with the teacher, director, co-director and/or others concerned, you should write your concerns, giving problem, date you met with the teacher, director, co-director and/or others concerned, outcome of the meeting, and your present dissatisfaction.

2. A hearing date will be scheduled with the director, co-director, teacher and/or others concerned and you will be notified at least five (5) days in advance of the hearing. If you do not appear, the request will be considered null and void. If extenuating circumstances prevent your attendance at the hearing, you may request another hearing, but the director and/or co-director will have the right to decide whether the circumstances merit granting this request. You may bring any party that is involved and/or others to the grievance hearing. Also present will be the director, co-director and any employee and/or others the director may request to attend. The grievance committee, director, co-director, and/or others will make the ultimate decision in all appeals. You will be notified of the decision by certified mail.

3. Grievance procedure must be initiated within five (5) working days after your meeting with the director and or co-director. (This means that the letter to the director and/or co-director must be delivered or mailed not later than five (5) working days after the meeting.)

4. You have the right to report any complaints regarding the grievance procedure to licensing at dhhr..



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