INp 104

|INp 104 |

|Rock Scavenger Hunt |

|Glue into IN. Go around the room and write the definitions then, decide the answer. Write the letter to the correct answer in the answer column. |

|When finished, unscramble the letter to make a word. Answer choices are not in order. |

|Answer | |Definition |Letter |Answer Choices |

| |1 | | |(not in order) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |A Chemical Sed. Rock |

| | | | |B Clastic Sed. Rock |

| | | | |C Composition |

| | | | |D Deposition |

| | | | |E Erosion |

| | | | |F Extrusive Igneous |

| | | | |G Igneous |

| | | | |H Intrusive Igneous |

| | | | |i Magma |

| | | | |J Metamorphic |

| | | | |K Rock Cycle |

| | | | |L Sedimentary |

| | | | |M Strata |

| | | | |N Stratification |

| |2 | | | |

| |3 | | | |

| |4 | | | |

| |5 | | | |

| |6 | | | |

| |7 | | | |

| |8 | | | |

| |9 | | | |

| |10 | | | |

| |11 | | | |

| |12 | | | |

| |13 | | | |

| |14 | | | |

|Unscrambled letters make the word: |

|___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |

INp 100

Volcano Word Search

Locate at least 8 of the 15 words listed.

Glue into IN.


INp 98

Volcano Structure


INp 96

Mineral Tasks Cards

Glue into IN. Using the mineral tasks cards, write the answer below.

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ________________________, _________________________

4. ___________________, ____________________, ____________________

5. __________________________

6. __________________________

7. __________________________

8. ________________________, __________________________

9. Earthy: _____, Pearly: _____, Metallic: _____

10. _____ directions

11. ___________________________

12. ________________________, ____________________

13. ______________, _______________, _______________

14. ___________________, ____________________

15. ________________________

16. ______________, _______________, _______________

17. ___________________

18. ___________________

19. ___________________,

20. ______________, _______________, _______________

21. ______________, _______________, _______________

22. ___________________

23. ___________________

24. ________________________________________________


INp 94 A, B and C


Complete, cut and glue into IN.

(hint: start gluing letter l first then add each letter on top to spell mineral)

[pic] [pic]


INp 94 A, B and C


Complete, cut and glue into IN. I[pic][pic]

INp 94 A, B and C


Complete, cut and glue into IN.



INp 102


Glue and complete using pages 221-227.

Answers are in order.

1. When do young earth geologist believe most

sedimentary rocks formed? ________________

2. How are clastic sedimentary rocks different from

precipitate sediments? ________________________




3. What conditions helped the formation of chemical

sedimentary rocks during the Flood. ______________


4. What common rock could have formed as both

chemical and an organic non-clastic sedimentary

rock at the same time? _____________________

5. What is one disadvantage to building a building

with limestone, especially in areas when acids fall?







p 231


Briefly explain each mineral test.

p 227-231

# 22-28


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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