DAV 96th National Convention29 July – 2 August 2017New Orleans, Louisiana(compiled by Edward C. Mitchell, Department 1st Jr. Vice Commander)The New Mexico attendees at this convention were led by the State DAV Senior Vice Timothy Talley and State Adjutant David Alderete. We arrived in New Orleans on 28 July to be in place to attend the district meetings. We picked up our registration packages on Saturday morning and at 2:15 PM we attended our first meetings. The States in District 17 are New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, all had representatives at the meeting. The Chairman informed us that the majority of the committee meetings would take place on Monday therefore no delegate could serve on more than one committee. Also present at the meeting was Past Commander Richard Hogue from Colorado, who was seeking higher office in the National DAV and requesting our support. After he gave a short speech the members of District 17 voted to support his candidacy. In attendance from Chapter 5 were Past Commanders Tim Timmerman, Eugene Weber and George Perez. Representing Chapter 5 were myself, Gary Prescott and Adjutant Larry Johnson. There were at least 9 other delegates from New Mexico.The delegates for committee meetings were selected; the delegates from New Mexico were:The Committee on General Resolutions and Membership – Gary Prescott (5) Delegate (Alt)Legislation and Veterans Rights Committee – Edward C. Mitchell (5) Delegate and George Perez (Alt)Constitution and By-Laws - Eugene Weber (Alt)The next Chairperson and NEC Rep for District 17 will come from Colorado. Past National Commander Paul Jackson and Past State Commander Addyman were nominated to fill the position. Past National Commander Paul Jackson was elected and will serve as the District 17 NEC for the next two years.The State of New Mexico will represent the District starting in 2019/2020 therefore we serve as alternate to the NEC Rep. New Mexico nominated two outstanding candidates in Past State Commander Eugene Weber and current State Senior Vice Timothy Talley. Unfortunately, only one of them could win and SV Tim Talley was elected to serve as the alternate for the next two years.Legislation and Veterans Rights Resolution Committee:Sample of legislation DAV is supportingSupport legislation to remove the prohibition agianst concurrent receipt of SBP & DICOppose reduction, taxation, or elimination of veteran’s benefitsSupport legislation to provide for realistic cost-of-living allowancesSupport legislation that service in the waters offshore Vietnam establishes a presumption of exposure to Agent OrangeReduce eligibility for receipt of DIC for survivors from 10 to 5 yearsSupport an increase in the Department of Veterans Affairs burial allowance for service-connected veterans and provide automatic annual adjustmentsSupport legislation to increase disability compensationOppose the imposition of time limits for filing disability compensation claimsNote: A copy of the DAV supported legislation will be available at 9 Sep meetingThe 96th Disabled American Veterans Convention joint opening was called to order on Saturday, 29 July by National DAV Commander David Riley. Commander Riley welcomed all DAV members, families and friends to the convention. The high light of the first day was the introduction of Mr. G. Eddie Figueron, Convention Chairman who after his speech welcomed us with a New Orleans Brass Band. Note: Opening available to be viewed at . After the introduction of National Officers by Commander Riley; he introduced the Secretary of the Veterans Affairs Dr. David J. Shulkin. Dr. Shulkin informed the body that the President's 2018 budget had been passed by the House and it has a VA budget of $186.5 Billion, a 3.6% increase from the 2017 budget. He went on to discuss the Transparency of Problem Solving. There are 13 areas that put us at risk, the first four were:Access to CareCapitol AccessPaying ProvidersConstructionCommunity CareAccountabilityQuality of VA CareStaffingDisability Claim & AppealsBureaucracyInformation TechnologyFraud, Waste & AbuseVeterans SuicidesDr. Shulkin informed us that the VA had a:46% increase in Community Care64% reduction in wait time.82% of VAMCs showed improvement.The VA priorities are:1. Greater Choice: Veteran Care Program2. Moderize the VA3. Improve Timeliness of Service4. Focus resources more efficiently5. Suicide Prevention- 20 veterans a day commit suicide- 31% increase in men veterans and 64% increase in female veterans over last 14 yearsOther than honorable discharged veterans will now have access to mental healthDr. Kenneth Lee is the 2017 Outstanding Disabled Veteran of the YearDr. Lee is the Chief of Spinal Cord Injury Division at the Milkauee VA Medical Center. He was deployed to Iraq as the commander of Company B, 118th Medical Battalion. His convoy was hit by a suicide car-bomber, Lee sustained an open head traumatic brian injury, numerous shrapnel wounds to his legs, severe nerve injuries and the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder. He was treated at two Army hospitals in Iraq, transferred to Germany and then to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center where he spent four months. He underwent five major surgeries and extensive rehabilitation.Lee is a rehabilitation physician as well as a volunteer physician at the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic.Dr. Lee's complete story can be read in the July-August edition of the DAV Magazine, pages 6-8.At the break, all attendees were treated to a free root beer float by A&W Root Beer.VA Health Care Update Seminar:- VA now has an Access and Quality Website with 50 million hits already- 97% of the total 1000 VA Clinic now have same daservice for Health- Testing system to allow Veterans to go on-line and schedule their own appointments- VA video connect to secure site allows veteran to connect with Physicians with out making an appointment.Service and Legislative Seminar:Round Table with Congress Tin Walz, Dep Under Sec for VA Robert Reynlods and Dr. Sky McDougal VA Dir. of New Mexico Health Care Systems- Discussion on Telehealth-- Can't get VA doctor in rural areas- Choice makes it clear VA and civilian hospitals must work together to provide quality care to veterans- Unaccessible care is bad care- New law has toimprove the appeals backlog-- 400,00 appeal backlog-- 90,000 claims backlogDRC - Decision Ready Claims--Straight to rater - 30 day decision--Average 7 days on trials-- Rollout by the end of AugustRound down benefits bad idea, need to stay alert- Unemployability end at 62 dead on arrival- Care giver legislation should be for all erasInspector General/Fundraising Seminar:What is sound financial practices?1. Know where money is located2. Voucher3. Proper Approval4. Receipts5. Dual Signatures - No presigned checks6. Credit cards and/or debit cards are not necessary and are very tempting- No provision that says you can't have it7. Accurate financial reportsWe are all responsible for safeguarding DAV assetsLess than 90K doing the year, Chapter need to file 990NIRS Audit - They are comingWhat do we need?How long do we keep records?-- IRS recommends 7 yearsNote: State and Chapter by-laws also require 7 years for financial recordsBenefits Protection:Key legislative priorities for 115th Congress- Care giver Service- VA Health Care Reform- Sufficient funding for VA FY 2018- Women Veterans--BPTL Best PracticesPresident's BudgetNegative Impacts- Round down Cost of Living Adjustments for disability compensation & DIC for next 10 yearsProposal to terminate existing UI ratings for veterans age 62 and cut off UI.Engage EducateExpect2017 Women Veterans' Summit 22-26 August 2017 - Houston, TX Women Veterans' Seminar:Comprehensive Primary CarePrimary Care ProvisionScreeening of Journey to NormalThere were in attendance at the convention:1283 Delegates70 Alternates32 State Departments450 Chapters9 Past Commanders8 National OfficersA total voting strength of 8865The elected Officers for 2016/2017 are:Delphine Metcalf-Foster/CA – CommanderDennis Nixon/TX – Senior Vice Commander Stephen "Butch" Whitehead/MN - 1st Junior Vice Donald Day/NY – 2nd Junior Vice Andrew H. Marshall/FL – 3rd Junior ViceJoseph Parsetich/MN - 4th Junior ViceMichael Dover/GA – National ChaplainMike Dobmeier/ND - National Judge AdvocateArmy veteran, daughter of Buffalo soldier becomes first African American woman to lead national veterans’ organization. NEW ORLEANS – Retired Army veteran Delphine Metcalf-Foster was elected National Commander of the nearly 1.3 million-member DAV (Disabled American Veterans) today at the organization’s 96th National Convention.She becomes the first woman veteran, as well as African-American female, to assume the organization’s highest post. She is also the first female elected to lead one of the country’s major veterans service organizations.Metcalf-Foster followed in the footsteps of her father, a Buffalo soldier, by pursuing a career in the U.S. Army. Her military career included service with the U.S. Army Reserve, 689th Quartermaster Unit, 6253rd Hospital Unit and 6211th Transportation Unit, Letterman Army Medical Center. She retired after 21 years of service with the rank of first sergeant in 1996.Metcalf-Foster was injured in January 1991 while serving in Saudi Arabia in support of Desert Storm/Desert Shield. She was medically evacuated to Germany for care and treatment.A Vallejo native, Metcalf-Foster has been active within the DAV Department of California, becoming the first woman commander in the state. She also completed a four-year appointment as a member of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on Women Veterans in November 2015.In her acceptance speech to thousands of DAV members, Metcalf-Foster credited women veterans from past eras as a source of inspiration, including Pvt. Cathay Williams, who was born into slavery and later concealed her gender in order to enlist in the Army. She also highlighted fellow Gulf War veteran Brig. Gen. Rhonda Cornum, whose Black Hawk was shot down during a rescue mission. Along with two other soldiers, Cornum survived the 140-mile-per-hour crash, but with two broken arms, a bullet to the shoulder and knee damage before being taken captive.“General Cornum once said about the difficulties she experienced in life—to include the helo crash and period served as a prisoner of war—that ‘no matter how bad it gets, it will always get better,’” said Metcalf-Foster. “This resonated with me as I began my own road to recovery following Desert Storm. It has not always been the smoothest path, but it is one that led me to DAV and for that, I am grateful.“When a man or woman raises their hand and says, ‘send me’ when our nation calls, no one knows better than the members of DAV that they’re writing a blank check to our country, and the ultimate payment could be their lives,” continued Metcalf-Foster. “For those who have sacrificed for our country and their survivors, we must insist on a strong VA and healthcare system to meet their needs. I look forward to continuing DAV’s nearly century-old mission of service as National Commander.”The State DAV Convention is scheduled for Jun 2018 in Albuquerque, NM.The 2018 DAV 97th National Convention is scheduled for Reno, NV14 July - 17 July 2018.Grand Sierra Resort and Casino2500 East Second StreetReno, Nevada 895951-800-648-5080Group Code: Disabled American Veterans (DAV)$84 GSR Basic Room Single/ Double$104 Summit Room Rate Single/ DoublePlease make plans to attend these conventions in 2018. ................

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