The Underground AR-9 Manual

[Pages:64]*** MAIN MANUAL ***

The Underground AR-9 PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) System!

The Step-By-Step Guide For True Patriots Showing How To Get

A 100% Private AR-9 That's Completely "Off The Books"!

The Underground AR-9 System By Caleb Lee

?2021 and Beyond

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author.


The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern the topics discussed herein in your city, country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.

The Underground AR-9 Manual


Welcome fellow Patriot!

I'm extremely excited to introduce you to an exciting new opportunity to exercise your God given rights of self-defense ... and ... your Second Amendment rights by showing you how to build what I call "The Underground AR-9"!

This powerful guide will show you how to get this AR-9 PCC style firearm completely "off the books" so that Big Brother keeps its eyes off your business!

Important Note About Laws:

This guide is for purely informational purposes only. I am not responsible for anything you do with this information. It is provided "as is". By reading this guide you agree to these terms.

Additionally, I am NOT a lawyer and in no way am I qualified to tell you what is legal Federally or on a state level as it pertains to you.

I am simply telling you "what I have heard" about the legality of all things I write about in this book and I'm exercising my First Amendment rights.

You are fully responsible to know the laws Federally and Locally as they pertain to you. This is extremely important, because in recent years, states such as New Jersey and California have either passed or attempted to pass laws to outlaw 3D gun printing and building your own guns. Do your research!

Here are some links about building your own gun pertaining to federal laws. If you are unsure about anything, I encourage you to do your own research before attempting anything in this guide.

Now that the Lawyers are satisfied, let's get into it!

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The Underground AR-9 Manual


In the simplest of terms, the firearm you're going to see how to build is an AR-9.

In case you're not already immediately familiar with the AR-9, then let's talk about what it actually is...

I'm assuming you are familiar with the most popular rifle designed in America, the AR15. The AR-15 is the most popular semi-automatic firearm in the hands of civilians in America and the AR-9 is a variation on that design.

In short, the AR-9 is an AR-15 style rifle that has been designed to fire 9mm (and some styles can fire .40 cal or other pistol ammo but that's beyond the scope of this build manual).

So, what is different on an AR-9 versus the AR-15 you know and love?

The Major Differences Between the AR-15 and the AR-9:

Let's break this down into lower receiver and upper receiver, because in large part, this guide and the video showing you how to build your own AR-9 off the books is really just about the lower receiver...


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1. The magazine well ? because you'll be using pistol magazines, the magazine well is a different design. 2. The Ejector ? which is sticking out of the magazine well is different. 3. The magazine release button ? because the magazines are different. 4. The bolt catch opposite the magazine release button 5. The FCG (Fire Control Group) trigger, hammer, etc MAY need to be different, but in some cases, it will use a standard AR-15 FCG (the build I show you here uses a standard trigger) 6. The buffer spring and buffer (pictured on next page with the Upper Receiver parts) ? need to be a different weight than normal AR-15 UPPER RECEIVER:

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1. The barrel ? needs to be 9mm of course 2. The Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) In short, you might mistake an AR-9 for an AR-15 when you first look at it until you see the weird pistol magazine (like this picture of a Wilson Combat AR-9 below) because they're so similar:

That's another thing that makes the AR-9 a unique platform for us as AR-15 enthusiasts ? many of your same AR-15 accessories ? grips, stocks/braces, handguards, lights, optics, and more ? can be used on your AR-9 build because of the parts interchangeability.

Why Would You Want An AR-9?

1. Size ? AR-9's are generally smaller than AR-15's and commonly have shorter barrels if a pistol variant (with pistol brace).

2. Weight ? Shorter barrel, lighter lower receiver, and lighter ammunition make AR-9's significantly lighter and easier to use than AR-15

3. Cheaper Ammo ? Shooting 9mm ammo is practically the cheapest centerfire ammo you can get.

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4. Share Ammo and Magazines With Your Handgun ? Because your AR-9 will use Glock magazines, if you carry a glock, then you can share magazines with your handgun including the 15, 17, 21, and the 33rd magazines work great.

5. Almost ZERO Recoil ? a standard AR-15 doesn't have much recoil, but it's still a rifle caliber giving almost 4lbs of push to the shooter's shoulder ? the AR-9 cuts the already diminutive recoil of an AR-15 in half!

6. Better & Quieter With A Silencer ? 9mm is silenced much better than .223 rifle caliber ammo. Plus, you can get subsonic ammunition for it more easily

7. Better Than a Handgun For Home Defense ? Many people use a handgun for home defense. If you switch to an AR-9, then you not only get 200 or more FPS velocity from the same 9mm ammo--but it's a fact that everyone is faster and more accurate with a carbine than a rifle because rifles are much easier to shoot effectively than pistols.

8. Extra Velocity for Self-Defense (compared to handgun) ? again the longer barrels of a carbine instead of a handgun barrel adds extra velocity making 9mm ammo more lethal.

9. Easier To Make Hits and Shoot Accurately ? Because it's a carbine ? it's easier to shoot than a handgun

10. Can Use All Your AR-15 Accessories (Optics, Lights, Etc) ? you can put the same scopes, red dots, silencers, flashlights, lasers, stocks, hand grips, etc on your AR-9 that you use with your AR-15

11. Can shoot indoors or at ranges that don't allow rifle calibers to be shot. This way you can practice your AR-15 rifle handling skills with a 9mm that is similar to your "go to war" rifle ? on ranges where they are ok with you shooting their backstops with pistol calibers but not rifle calibers.

12. Shooting Sports ? PCC's are one of the hottest sellers in firearms because they were included into USPSA and Steel Challenge competition in 2016 and in 2018 IDPA formed a PCC division too. 3-Gun is also having them in matches now.

13. You want a PDW/SMG style weapon ? Submachine guns (SMG's) like the classic MP5 used to all be pistol caliber guns, and there has been a resurgence of their popularity

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with the PCC movement for pistol caliber platforms as PDW's (Personal Defense Weapons).

And the biggest reason for me...

You can build your own AR-9 completely "off the books".

That means no serial number, no registration, and no way to trace it to your name. I've built a number of these "ghost guns" and this is my preferred method to acquire guns I want to depend on for survival.

Why would you want to get an AR-9 that can't be traced to you?

Simply because the future doesn't look good for us gun lovers--or really any American that believes in the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms. At every turn, and at every opportunity ? the gun grabbers in politics seek to use every power they have to pass laws to get these guns outlawed.

They succeeded with the first Assault Weapon Ban (AWB). From Wikipedia:

"There are no federal restrictions on the ownership of AR-15 rifles in the United States. During the period 1994?2004 variants with certain features such as collapsible stocks, flash suppressors, and bayonet lugs were prohibited for sales to civilians by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, with the included Assault Weapons Ban. Included in this was a restriction on the pistol grip that protrudes beneath the stock, which was considered an accessory feature under the ban and was subject to restrictions. Some rifles were manufactured with a grip not described under the Ban installed in its place. Those AR-15s that were manufactured with those features, as well as the accompanying full capacity magazines, were stamped "Restricted Military/Government/Law Enforcement/Export Only". The restrictions only applied to guns manufactured after the ban took

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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