


Hello! Welcome to Proactive Defense Concepts! We’re John and Erik. We want to welcome you to our PDC/NRA basic pistol defense course. Our main goal today is to take you from the very beginning and teach you safe, responsible, legal handling and carry of handguns. The course will consist of an online portion; where you will work at your own pace and complete the 6 hour educational portion of the course at your convenience. You will also be viewing multimedia aides to help better explain some of the topics. We ask that everyone again ensure that their weapon is empty and ammunition is unavailable to the wok space area for safety.

You will be required to complete this online course in 6 or more hours

Spend an additional 1 hour interacting with the instructor, ensuring you have an understanding of the material and pass the open book written test.

Spend two hours with instructors at a live fire range of your choosing.

Materials: firearm , 50 rounds of ammunition for firearm, holster, hearing protection and eye protection, internet for online portion and notebook for range portion.

To begin, lets discuss the basic fundamentals starting with the five rules of gun safety.

1.1 The Five rules of gun safety

1.Always treat every firearm as if it were loaded

2.Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Most instructors recommend keeping your index finger (trigger finger) completely extended resting outside the trigger guard. We recommend indexing your finger as high on the firearm as possible.

3.Never point a firearm at anything you don’t want to destroy (safe direction/safe angle) Its important to understand that bullets do not stop when striking their initial target or surface. They tend to follow along the path of what has been struck. Other considerations are whether people are above or below you , an example would be an apartment setting. While handling your firearm in any setting always maintain responsible and safe muzzle discipline ie watch for accidental “muzzle sweeping” of your own body or others around you.

4.Always unload guns not in use (holster/hands) If you are carrying your firearm it is in use holstered and secured on your person. Any time you remove the firearm from your body (holstered , purse etc) it is not in use and should be unloaded for safety. At that time you do not have complete control over your firearm and it is Not In Use!

5. Always be aware of your target and beyond (ricochet/backstops/angle) No matter your intention you are responsible for every round that leaves your weapon and any injury/damage caused.

1.2 Safe Handling of Pistols

Home storage discussion. Family considerations 4.Always unload guns not in use (holster/hands)

Working Grip(High workspace /Low workspace)

Unloading to make safe (low workspace/off hand placement) 1.Always treat every firearm as if it were loaded

Common mistakes are purse carry, setting loaded firearms down temporarily , nightstand guns, glovebox guns or other storage techniques that involve loaded firearms. Everyone in the home old enough to have a working understanding/curiosity of the firearm should be taught the five basic firearm rules.

Loading of both types of pistols

Loading and unloading semi automatic handgun

Unloading double action revolver

Differences of semi auto handgun double action and single action



1.3 Selecting the right firearm for you

Caliber Choices; popular carry rounds might include .45 .40 .9mm .380 acp .38 special .357 magnum .357 sig 9x18 makarov and 7.62 x 25 We do not recommend the pocket style calibers .25 .32. or .22 as in for selfdefense and in the case of the rimfire .22 not for carry. Unreliable as well as questionable stopping power are issues.

Choosing between a semi auto or a revolver. This is mainly a personal preference . we recommend you handle and fire many types of handguns and calibers before you decide on your firearm. We prioritize accuracy controllability comfort and safety.

Round count considerations. Capacity is prioritized lower then accuracy contrallabilty comfort and safety. We are of the mindset that all handguns lack optimal terminal ballistics ; therefore we recommend the largest caliber you are comfortable with and can safely control. Revolvers are able to fire larger rounds then semi automatics.

Weight and size vs recoil management (recoil,grip,muzzleflip)

1.4 Selecting Ammo

Center fire , Rim fire


Fmj vs Hollow point

steel case vs brass

bi metal bullets and indoor ranges/ toxic materials . bi metal bullets can spark unburnt powder. Unventilated ranges have a danger of exploding due to airborne powder particulate ignition.

Grain loads. Each caliber has choices of several bullet weight types. Pick the one that works and shoots point of aim consistently for YOU and your firearm.

What caliber is your firearm? (check the side of the barrel. Some guns can chamber the wrong caliber , be careful)

Factory vs Reloaded (we recommend factory ammunition simply because there is better expectation of quality and consistency in the rounds for safety)

+p +p+ ammo check manufacturer

ORC2923.11 Weapons and control definitions –ORC2923.25 Gun Locking devices

2.1 Safe and proper storage, carry and transport

Proper transportation of a firearm in a motor vehicle (with and without a concealed handgun license) see 2923.11


Battery of arms @range

Carry conditions 1,2,3

Condition 1: round chambered / safety on

Condition 2:Empty chamber/ safety on

Condition 3: Empty chamber/ magazine well / safety on

Proper grip and its importance

@range Holstering and unholstering (low workspace, highworkspace)


2.2 Sights

Eye dominance (how to test yourself and what it means when applied to shooting)

Sight picture

Some firearms point of aim and point of impact are not the same . you adjust for this by using holds.


Pictured above are from left 6 oclock hold center hold and 12 oclock hold

@range Fixed sights vs adjustable

@range Sight alignment and aiming vs reactive shooting

Range vs reality

@range 2.3 Preparing to engage a target

One handed vs two handed handgun firing

Shooting stance and posture ex: weaver isosceles

Becoming a smaller target

Concealment , soft cover, hard cover

Safe and proper draw and presentation of your firearm (3 seconds to life)

Trigger squeeze and reset


10 21 50 QUAL 10 left right two handed

2.4 Daily Carry

Open vs Concealed carry of a firearm (clothing, location, crowd all consideration to take into account)




Deescalating conflicts

pepper gel,flashlight, knife,baton

less lethal and empty hand

weapon retention skills 9/10 taken vs 9/10 drawn

Authoritative commands and actions with effect. Practice saying “STOP, STOP SHOW ME YOUR HANDS”


aggravated menacing

other considerations : (disturbing peace/inciting panic/disorderly conduct)

create space/ duty to retreat unless in residence or vehicle

Body armor: legal for private citizens in ohio

Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet. James N. Mattis retired United States Marine Corps general

W.I.N. Whats Important Now! People get punched in fistfights , stabbed in knife fights and shot in gun fights. Keep a winning mentality and always train to win.

M.O.V.E. Motionless Operators Ventilate Easily

3.1 Civic Considerations to use of force (defensive gun use) We are not lawyers!

Reasons for use of deadly force

-in self defense

-in defense of another person if they had the legal right to use deadly force

List of considerations citizens should consider in any use of force situation

-Harm could come to me or another person

-Were my actions necessary

-Were my actions reasonable

-Were my action lawful

-You had no other choice to use force

Considerations of the threat faced. Does the threat possess the following ?





3.2 Other legal issues regarding carrying of firearms

Where and when you can and can’t carry

Carry or not when a sign is posted?

School zones parks bars and restaurant

Laws may vary by individual city, township municipality or county

Public perception and law enforcement

3.3 How to handle a traffic stop

Duty to inform

Hands! Keep them visible and still at all times

Do not make any movement until instructed to by the officer

Take all cues from the officer and follow all instructions AS the officer tells you to and NOTHING else

(B) No person who has been issued a concealed handgun license shall do any of the following:

(1) If the person is stopped for a law enforcement purpose and is carrying a concealed handgun, fail to promptly inform any law enforcement officer who approaches the person after the person has been stopped that the person has been issued a concealed handgun license and that the person then is carrying a concealed handgun;

(2) If the person is stopped for a law enforcement purpose and is carrying a concealed handgun, knowingly fail to keep the person's hands in plain sight at any time after any law enforcement officer begins approaching the person while stopped and before the law enforcement officer leaves, unless the failure is pursuant to and in accordance with directions given by a law enforcement officer;

(3) If the person is stopped for a law enforcement purpose, if the person is carrying a concealed handgun, and if the person is approached by any law enforcement officer while stopped, knowingly remove or attempt to remove the loaded handgun from the holster, pocket, or other place in which the person is carrying it, knowingly grasp or hold the loaded handgun, or knowingly have contact with the loaded handgun by touching it with the person's hands or fingers at any time after the law enforcement officer begins approaching and before the law enforcement officer leaves, unless the person removes, attempts to remove, grasps, holds, or has contact with the loaded handgun pursuant to and in accordance with directions given by the law enforcement officer;

(4) If the person is stopped for a law enforcement purpose and is carrying a concealed handgun, knowingly disregard or fail to comply with any lawful order of any law enforcement officer given while the person is stopped, including, but not limited to, a specific order to the person to keep the person's hands in plain sight.

*As with every US citizen know and exercise your rights responsibly. Exercising your 2nd amendment right does not jeopardize your other federal and state rights. However, Concealed carry licenses at this time are a privilege and not a guaranteed right and as such are a contract with state of which you will be held liable to the terms of*

Ohio supreme court ruled that open carry is your right as an Ohioan

ORC 9.68 Right to bear arms - challenge to law.

(A) The individual right to keep and bear arms, being a fundamental individual right that predates the United States Constitution and Ohio Constitution, and being a constitutionally protected right in every part of Ohio, the general assembly finds the need to provide uniform laws throughout the state regulating the ownership, possession, purchase, other acquisition, transport, storage, carrying, sale, or other transfer of firearms, their components, and their ammunition. Except as specifically provided by the United States Constitution, Ohio Constitution, state law, or federal law, a person, without further license, permission, restriction, delay, or process, may own, possess, purchase, sell, transfer, transport, store, or keep any firearm, part of a firearm, its components, and its ammunition.

Ohio v terry

Detained vs arrested

Comply for safety

2935.06 Private person making arrest.

A private person who has made an arrest pursuant to section 2935.04 of the Revised Code or detention pursuant to section 2935.041 of the Revised Code shall forthwith take the person arrested before the most convenient judge or clerk of a court of record or before a magistrate, or deliver such person to an officer authorized to execute criminal warrants who shall, without unnecessary delay, take such person before the court or magistrate having jurisdiction of the offense. The officer may, but if he does not, the private person shall file or cause to be filed in such court or before such magistrate an affidavit stating the offense for which the person was arrested.

Effective Date: 01-01-1960

2935.04 When any person may arrest.

When a felony has been committed, or there is reasonable ground to believe that a felony has been committed, any person without a warrant may arrest another whom he has reasonable cause to believe is guilty of the offense, and detain him until a warrant can be obtained.

Effective Date: 10-01-1953

2935.07 Person arrested without warrant shall be informed of cause of arrest.

When an arrest is made without a warrant by an officer, he shall inform the person arrested of such officer's authority to make the arrest and the cause of the arrest.

When an arrest is made by a private person, he shall, before making the arrest, inform the person to be arrested of the intention to arrest him and the cause of the arrest.

When a person is engaged in the commission of a criminal offense, it is not necessary to inform him of the cause of his arrest.

Effective Date: 10-01-1953

Always remember what you say and how you say it , carries all the weighs heavily in your recount of events and their unfolding.

5.0 discussion points

Other considerations

Castle law vs stand your ground

Criminal guilt vs civil liability

Responsibility for damage caused by every round you fire

Discharging a firearm in ohio

Traveling and reciprocity concerns

We will bring a copy of your online work book for you. Please bring all your notes from the class and your required materials outlined at the beginning of this workbook.

Contact john 330-766-7788 or erik 330-306-8002 to schedule your range day at a range or your choosing or by appointment. You can also schedule via proactivedefenseconcepts

You will need to bring your $50 tuition fee as well as pay for your range time.

Erik Bartolo

John Perkins

Nemo Sicking


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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