9th Grade U

9th Grade U.S. History Room 122

Mrs. Hough (Huff)

Daily Required Materials

* 2 pocket folder or a binder * U.S. History textbook * Pen or Pencil

Dear Parents and students,

Welcome to your first year at L’Anse Creuse High School – North. I am looking forward to a year that will be successful for each and every one of my students. In order for this to happen, cooperation and communication are needed between students, parents, and me. Any student that feels as though they need extra help should see me promptly. Any parent who has a concern about their child or any questions are encouraged to email or call me.

Students are graded on homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and essays. Students are given a minimum of three-day notice before each test. For all projects and essays students will be given a scoring rubric so they know ahead of time what they are being graded on. Late work is accepted one day late for partial credit. Extra credit will be offered from time to time throughout the semester but will not be given to replace numerous homework assignments.

Cell Phones have become a significant distraction to the learning environment. After much contemplation, I have decided my classroom will be a cell phone free zone. Students will not be allowed access to their phones during class. It must be kept in their locker or it will be handed into a cell phone organizer located in my classroom. If a student has their cell phone at their desk during class, it will be collected and turned into the Dean of Students with a written referral.

I have high expectations for student achievement and behavior. I expect all students to use common courtesy toward one another and myself at all times. This also includes when a substitute teacher is in my classroom. My classroom policy is if a student’s name is left on a sub report because of classroom behavior, he or she will be written up and referred to the Dean of Students. I will contact parents if necessary about grades, behavior, or missing work. However, as high school students, the responsibility is placed more on the student themselves to notify me if there is something additional I can do to help them be successful. I do encourage all parents to regularly check the parent portal for the most up to date grades for your child.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Students are required to return the attached slip to us by Friday, September 6th, 2019.


Mrs. Rosa Hough

houghro@lc- (email is the best way to reach me)

(link to assignments, etc)

School phone: (586) 493-5270, extension 2122

(Please call my direct extension only during the times listed below)

10:38 a.m. – 12:08 p.m. or immediately after school

US History – Mrs. Hough

L’Anse Creuse High School - North


COURSE DESCRIPTION – This yearlong course presents a cohesive and comprehensive overview of the history of the United States, surveying the major events and turning points of U.S. history as it moves from Industrialization through modern times. As students examine each era of history, they will analyze primary sources and carefully research events to gain a clearer understanding of the factors that have shaped U.S. history. In early units, students will assess the effects of industrialization as they assess the outcomes of economic trends and the connections between culture and government. As the course draws to a close, students will focus their studies on the causes of cultural and political change in the modern age. Throughout the course, students will learn the importance of cultural diversity while examining history from different perspectives.

COURSE OBJECTIVES – Throughout the course, you will meet the following goals:

• Analyze the changes in US society due to the Industrial Revolution and rapid immigration in the late 1800s. Develop an understanding of the populist and progressive social and political movements of the early twentieth century.

• Examine the imperialist actions and tendencies of the United States after the Civil War.

• Analyze the role of the United States in World War I.

• Explore the rapid economic expansion of the United States after World War I and the social issues that evolved in that framework.

• Examine how the United States and the world fell into the Great Depression, and analyze President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal response.

• Explain and discuss the origins of World War II and the US role in the war’s final years.

• Analyze the impact of World War II on US society during and after the war.


The class policies and procedures are best stated with four simple rules:

• Please do not “pack up” when I am still teaching and/or other students are discussing. It is rude and distracting to all. Students will not be lining up at the door before the bell rings.

• Please do not leave trash in the room (i.e. empty water bottles and gum wrappers).

• Please be respectful to your classmates, your teacher, and yourself at all times.

• Be ready to start class when the bell rings.

HOMEWORK POLICY – Homework is due the date specified and work will only be accepted one day late. All late work will be given half credit. It is the students responsibility to get absent work/notes when they return. Work can also obtained through email, and my personal web page. The student is responsible for all missing work and must make up absent work within the number of days missed. Work that is assigned in advance or test dates that were announced in advance will not be excused due to absences. For example: If on Monday it is announced that the test will be on Friday, and the student is absent on Thursday, the student will still be required to take the test on Friday.


Your grade equals the number of points you have earned divided by the number of points possible. US History is a requirement for graduation.


1ST quarter=40%, 2nd quarter=40%, Exam=20%

STUDENT ATTENDANCE – The school attendance policy will be enforced. Reminder, the student is responsible for all missing work and must make up absent work within the number of days missed. Work that is assigned in advance or test dates that were announced in advance will not be excused due to absences.


Students will receive at least 3 days notice for all tests. If you are absent the day of a test, you must be ready to take the test on the day you return. All make-up tests are to be taken before or after school hours unless classroom time permits. Students will always receive a study guide and can refer to their notes and my webpage for study material.


Passes will only be issued at the teacher’s discretion. There will be no passes the first and last 10 minutes of class, and during the lecture part of class.


In order to be successful this year, students should have the following supplies with them in class everyday:

* two-pocket folder or 3-ring binder * pen or pencil * textbook

* occasionally colored pencils or crayons will be used, but I will have some of these supplies for students that do not have them


The most important thing is to be respectful of instruction time. The class is a red zone but students will receive notice when cell phones are needed for educational purposes. Cell phones will be collected every day and especially during test and quizzes. Remember, every teacher is going to have their own rules in their classroom. Make sure you are respectful to those rules.


Occasionally movies or movie clips will be shown to enhance the learning topic. History can be violent and some of the videos will have a PG, PG-13, and R rating. Please let me know if you do not want your child to watch a particular rating in the note section of the signed slip. The student will be sent to the media center with an alternate assignment.

Substitute Teachers

Respectful behavior is expected at all times. If a student is disrespectful towards a guest teacher and his/her name is left in sub report, an automatic write-up to the Dean of Students will occur.


houghro@lc- (email is the best way to reach me)

(link to assignments, etc)

School phone: (586) 493-5270, extension 2122

(Please call my direct extension only during the times listed below)

10:38 a.m. – 12:08 p.m. or immediately after school

Please fill out and return the attached form to Mrs. Hough for a grade by: Friday, September 6th

U.S. History Syllabus – Chapters covered 1st Semester

Review of Urbanization, Industrialization, and Immigration

Chapter 7 – Imperialism

Chapter 8 – Progressivism

Chapter 9 – WW I

Chapter 10 – 1920s/Jazz Age

Chapter 11-12 – The Great Depression and New Deal

Chapter 13-14 – WW II

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I have read and understand the policies of Mrs. Hough’s U.S. History class.

_______________________ __________________________

Student signature Parent signature

_______________________ __________________________

Parent Name (please print) Student Name + Class Hour (Please print)

________________________ ___________________

Parent/Guardian email address # easiest to reach at

(Please print clearly)

Additional Note Section: (Include any additional info below that I need to know about your child here)

Returning this form by Friday, September 6th is a 5-point homework grade.



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