9th Grade

State College Area School District

Secondary English Department

9th Grade

Revised Booklist


Common/core titles which will be studied by all students:

Out in the World: Coming of Age and the Search for Identity

Hinton, S. E. The Outsiders (English 9)

Hansberry, Lorraine A Raisin in the Sun (English 9)

Knowles, John A Separate Peace (Advanced English 9)

Sophocles Antigone (Advanced English 9)

Shakespeare, William Romeo and Juliet (English 9 and Advanced

English 9)

Advanced English 9 teachers will also choose one and/or both of the following:

Dickens, Charles Great Expectations

Brönte, Charlotte Jane Eyre

In addition to the texts read by Advanced English 9 students, Advanced Honors English 9 teachers will also teach

Anonymous The Epic of Gilgamesh

Homer The Odyssey

Malory, Sir Thomas Le Morte d’Arthur

Tolkien, J. R. R. (trans.) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Titles that may be used as required reading for full-class instruction:

Anderson, Lauria Halse Speak

Bach, Richard Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Bartoletti, Susan Campbell Growing Up in Coal Country

Emra, Bruce, ed. Coming of Age: Short Stories about Youth and


Cisneros, Sandra The House on Mango Street

Fleischman, Paul Seedfolks

Gibbons, Kaye Ellen Foster

Hesse, Hermann Siddhartha

Homer The Odyssey

White, T. H. The Sword in the Stone

Zindel, Paul The Pigman

Titles that may be used ONLY as optional/student choice selections:

Anaya, Rudolfo Bless Me, Ultima

Arana, Marie American Chica

Austen, Jane Sense and Sensibility

Card, Orson Scott Ender’s Game

Cary, Lorene Black Ice

Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl

Conway, Jill Ker The Road from Coorain

Cormier, Robert The Chocolate War

Deuker, Carl High Heat

Gunther, John Death Be Not Proud

Head, Ann Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones

Hesse, Karen Phoenix Rising

Hickam, Jr., Homer October Sky

Hinton, S. E. That Was Then, This Is Now

Huxley, Elspeth The Flame Trees of Thika

Johnson, Angela The First Part Last

Kingsolver, Barbara The Bean Trees

Koertge, Ron Shakespeare Bats Cleanup

Lowry, Lois Gathering Blue

Lowry, Lois Messenger

Lynn, Tracy Snow

Napoli, Donna Jo Breath

Oates, Joyce Carol Freaky Green Eyes

Orr, Wendy Peeling the Onion

Potok, Chaim The Chosen

Pullman, Philip The Golden Compass

Santiago, Esmeralda When I Was Puerto Rican

Simon, Rachel Riding the Bus with My Sister

Smith, Betty A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Stevenson, Robert Louis Treasure Island

Swarthout, Glendon Bless the Beasts and the Children

Wolf, Tobias This Boy’s Life

Wolff, Virginia Euwer Make Lemonade

Zindel, Paul The Pigman’s Legacy

Theme/Genre-Based Lists


Arana, Marie American Chica

Cary, Lorene Black Ice

Conway, Jill Ker The Road from Coorain

Hickam, Jr., Homer October Sky

Santiago, Esmeralda When I Was Puerto Rican

Simon, Rachel Riding the Bus with My Sister

Wolf, Tobias This Boy’s Life

Multicultural Memoirs (Between Two Worlds)

Arana, Marie American Chica

Cary, Lorene Black Ice

Conway, Jill Ker The Road from Coorain

Huxley, Elspeth The Flame Trees of Thika

Santiago, Esmeralda When I Was Puerto Rican

Science Fiction/Fantasy

Card, Orson Scott Ender’s Game

Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl

Lowry, Lois Gathering Blue

Lowry, Lois Messenger

Lynn, Tracy Snow

Napoli, Donna Jo Breath

Pullman, Philip The Golden Compass

Coming-of-Age Novels

Anaya, Rudolfo Bless Me, Ultima

Austen, Jane Sense and Sensibility

Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre

Kingsolver, Barbara The Bean Trees

Knowles, John A Separate Peace

Potok, Chaim The Chosen

Smith, Betty A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Teenage Conflicts

Anderson, Laurie Halse Speak

Cormier, Robert The Chocolate War

Deuker, Carl High Heat

Head, Ann Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones

Johnson, Angela The First Part Last

Oates, Joyce Carol Freaky Green Eyes

Orr, Wendy Peeling the Onion

Swarthout, Glendon Bless the Beasts and the Children

Wolff, Virginia Euwer Make Lemonade


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