
University of Arkansas Fort SmithSchool of EducationLesson Plan 1Name: Alice MickGrade Level: 9thDate: December 3, 2015Practicum 1___Practicum II____Internship____Subject Area: English Language ArtsSchool District: Ramsey Junior HighTextbook:_______________________ Pages: _______________________ Other: The Fault in Our Stars by John GreenBloom’s Taxonomy: My lesson provides opportunities for: _x_Creating __ Evaluating _x_ Analyzing _x_ Applying __ Understanding __ RememberingTypes of Activities: __ Co-op Learning _x_ Independent Work __ Small Group __ Teacher-assisted __ Hands-onPre-assessment: (What will I use for pre-assessment, and how will I use the results of the pre-assessment?)The previous day’s lesson was on how to properly analyze a character and the students will have completed a character map and turned it in. I will use the character maps to assess their understanding of how to analyze a character as well as their ability to use textual evidence to do so. If they are not showing a sufficient understanding, we will build on the previous day’s lesson and postpone the assignment.Standard(s): (Include specific state standards.)CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.3Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the SS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.1Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.Objectives: (What should students be able to do at the end of the lesson?)Students will be able to create a hypothetical eulogy based on a character from the novel. Students will be able to write an analysis of that character through their eulogy. Anticipatory Set, Hook or Engaging the Learner: (How will I gain students’ attention?)To gain the students’ attention I will show them a clip from the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral. The clip I will show them is the funeral scene where the eulogy is read. Instruction: (How will I present new material and make learning relevant? Bullet the order and content you plan to teach in the lesson. Include proposed questions and anticipated responses from students.) I will show the students the movie clipI will present the eulogy assignment and explain to students what a eulogy is.I will explain to students that they will be able to use their character maps from the previous day to complete the eulogy.The students will be allotted class time to complete the assignmentI will give the students two class periods to complete their eulogies and allow them to use computers if necessary.They will read their eulogies to the class upon completion. Guided and Independent Practice: (How will I get students to practice/apply what has just been taught?)Students will use their character maps to create the eulogy of the character of their choosing. They will also be required to write a reflection on their eulogy that cites textual evidence that supports their reasoning behind why they wrote it the way they did.Closure: (How can I bring closure to summarize learning and enhance retention of the material?)I will bring closure to the material by asking the students what the main things to look for when analyzing a character are. By having the students explain this to me, it will display their understanding of the content.Alternate Plan “B”: (What will I do if students do not understand the material? What will I do if technology doesn’t work?)Technology is not a huge component of this lesson. If the youtube is not working or the internet is out, I will show the clip with my phone and use the ELMO to display it on the board.The rubric and assignment sheet will be handed out in hard copy form and the students will handwrite their eulogies. If they wish to type them they can. Their reflections will also be handwritten.If the students do not show a full understanding of characterization, then we will build on the previous day’s lesson and continue with that and postpone the eulogy assignment. Post-Assessment: (What data will give me information about students’ understanding of the lesson, and how will this assessment be used?)The eulogy assignment will show and understanding of characterization and how a character develops over the course of a text. I will use this information to assess their understanding of characterization. If they do not show an understanding, I will build lessons around characterization to better prepare them.Accommodations: _x_ Extended Time __ Preferential Seating __ Segmented Assignments __ Assignment Length __ Communication Methods __ Peer Tutors __ Instructional Assistance __ OtherStudents with special needs will be allotted an extended period of time to complete the assignment. The assignment length will also be shortened as well as their required textual evidence. Remediation EnrichmentResources/Materials/Equipment: (Technology, Visuals, Supplies, Professional References)SmartBoardYouTubeCharacter MapsReflection: Today I…. __Used data to plan the lesson __ Stated my objectives clearly __ Actively engaged students __Integrated Bloom’s Taxonomy __ Provided time for interaction __ Gave feedback__ Kept the lesson aligned with standard(s) and objectivesReflection: (Complete the checklist and write a summary of your teaching experience. Address your instruction, classroom management, and student engagement. Include self-efficacy, professionalism, and use academic language.) ................

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