Welcome to your 9th grade Honors English classroom

|Mr. Furman |

|Phone Number: |Email Address: |

|239-377-1435 |furmanch@ |

|Web Address: |Room Number: |

| |5-232 |

|. | |


This course is designed to prepare freshman students for writing in English at a college level. Students will develop a greater understanding of the writing process and master the basic components of multi-paragraph compositions. At this level, the students will learn to gather, select, and organize information to produce effective, coherent, and complex texts in the form of formal essays(Expository, Persuasive, and Narrative), responding to literary and informational texts, script, poetry, research, and story writing of at least 500 to 750 words. The compositions will focus on concrete, abstract, and theoretical topics that include complex structures using appropriate vocabulary, style, and voice. Students will also examine aspects of the mass media to understand the power of persuasion and how it applies to writing and public speaking practices.

Goals of this course include:

• To understand the process of academic writing better

• To become more proficient at various types of writing

• To become better critical readers and writers examining academic and media text forms

• To incorporate technology into the writing process

• Public Speaking to inform and persuade.

• Design an e-Portfolio that includes all the formal writing from the course.

**All formal writing will be expected to be submitted through Collier County School’s ANGEL software program (: Students will be informed and guided through this process at the beginning of this course.)


1) Something to write with – a pencil or pen

(black or blue ink)

2) A USB flash drive with at least 128MB

3) A highlighter

4) A three-inch binder for English and Writing class

filled with college-ruled loose-leaf

5) Your student planner


Writing for the Mass Media (sixth edition) by James Glen Stovall

Evergreen : Guide to Writing With Readings by Susan Fawcett

Mr. Furman’s Expectations

As an educator, I will treat students with respect and dignity and challenge them continually. In return, I expect students to abide by the following: Show respect and courtesy to everyone. Be prepared and on time for every class. Comply with all classroom, GCHS, and CCPS rules, procedures, and policies. Always try to do the best you are capable of doing.

Students will be given a copy of these expectations to keep in the front of their notebook, and they are posted in the classroom. Classroom consequences for failure to follow these expectations include verbal and written warnings, lunch detentions, parent contact, and/or office referral.

Students will be required to write and print their formal writing on the computer. Printing should be done at home or in the GCHS library; I have a very limited supply of ink cartridges.

Grading Policy

Your grades will be tallied by points earned each semester. A percentage will be the result of points earned out of points given. That percentage equals the grade. The grading scale has been adopted by the Collier County Public Schools.

Students should see their Student Planners for specific grade ranges (A-F). Student compositions may be at times be graded according to the FCAT rubric.

Late Work

Keep in mind that work is due when it is due. NO EXTENSIONS! No EXTENTIONS! If you are absent it is up to the student to communicate with the teacher about work they need to make up. Don’t assume the teacher is going to hunt the student down to give missed assignments. Homework is due at the beginning of class and should not be completed during class the day it is due. Ten points will be deducted daily off any late assignments. The only exception is being absent, but the student has to communicate with the teacher before or after the absence date or dates. Don’t wait a week later to find out what you missed. Find out what you missed the day you come back or communicate with the teacher before you’re absent if possible.

Makeup Work:

Class work, quizzes, or tests, cannot be made up without an excused absence. Students are responsible for obtaining their makeup work once they return to class. A student who fails to make up a quiz or test within a week will receive a zero for the grade. Students may not come in during lunch to make up quizzes or tests.


I have read and understand the class syllabus and policies for the 9th grade English Honors class. If I have any questions or concerns, I know that I can contact Mr. Furman at either 239-377-1435 or furmanch@collier.k12.fl.us.

Print Your Name:______________________________________ Student’s Signature: ______________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:___________________________________________ Date:______________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________

9th Grade English Honors


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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