|Using PASS Curriculum from Florida Schools – created for three kids. Added projects and readers. You may need updated to fit your needs. |

|Each unit takes approximately one week. |

| |M (9th grade) planning on taking both I |K (8th grade) Testing only US I |L (6th grade – non clepper) | |

| |and II exams | | | |

|Unit 1 |American from exploration through Colonization: Prehistory-1763 |

| |Read Unit 1 – pay attention to vocabulary |Look at |

| | | |

| |Complete worksheets as assigned | |

| |Test | |

|Project |Project: pg 8 #35 |Project pg 6 #26 |Project pg 5 #18 | |

|from |All due WED of Unit 2 | | | |

|teacher’s | | | | |

|guide | | | | |

|READ | |Begin Uncle Tom’s Cabin (3 Units) |YWAM (Youth with a Mission): William | |

| | | |Penn | |

|Unit 2 |Road to Revolution: 1764-1788 |

| |Read Unit 2 – pay attention to vocabulary | |

| |Complete Worksheets as assigned | |

| |Test | |

|Project |WED: Wk 1 projects due | | | |

| |Fri assign: pg 30 #7 or 8 |Pg 30 # 6 |Pg 30 # 5 | |

| |Due M of Wk 4 | | | |

|READ | | |YWAM: Ben Franklin | |

|Unit 3 |Constitution and Early National Period: 1787-1820 |

| |Read Unit 3 |Play a |

| |Complete Worksheets as assigned |game |

| |Test in Teachers’ guide | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |YWAM: Daniel Boone | |

|Unit 4 |Civil War and Reconstruction: 1820-1877 |

| |Read Unit 4 | |

| |Complete Worksheets | |

| |Mon: Wk 2 Projects due | | | |

| |Wed assign: Pg 49 #9 for LL |Pg 44 #7 |Pg 44 #4 | |

| |Assign due Mon. Wk 6 | | | |

| | |YWAM: Clara Barton |YWAM: Abe Lincoln | |

| |Test | |

|Unit 5 |Westward Expansion: 1840-1890 |

| |Unit 5 | |

| |Complete Worksheets | |

| |Test | |

| | | |YWAM: Theo Roosevelt | |

|Unit 6 |Development of Industrial America: 1865-1925 |

| |Unit 6 | |

|Day 1 |Unit 4 Projects Due | |

| |Complete Worksheets | |

| |Test | |

| |Start review with InstantCert (Next 3-4 Units) |YWAM: Clara Barton | |

| |Wed: Assign – see below |Assign - see below |No Assign until Unit 7 | |

|Unit 7 |Problems in Industrial America: 1867-1935 |

| |Unit 7 | |

| |Complete Worksheets | |

| |Test | |

| |review with InstantCert |Pg 93 #1 (research for Unit 8) | |

| | | |YWAM: Douglas MacArthur | |

|Unit 8 |Becoming a World Power: 1867-1898 |

| |Unit 8 | |

| |Complete Worksheets | |

| |Test | |

| |review with InstantCert |YWAM: George Carver Washington | |

|Unit 9 |REA Tests (skip Petersons) | | |

| |Prep for US History I clep | | |

| |No more chapters, just study | | |

|Unit 10 |REA Tests | | |

| | | | | |

Matt Unit 6 Assign: Who are the major political players and parties from Colonialization to 1877; what are their beliefs and what are their ideas that define them?

Kate Unit 6 Assign: List the contributions of at least 12 women. Choose women from different time periods and focus on what were women’s roles and their concerns of that time period. Include: Dorthea Dix, Susan B Anthony, Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Phyllis Wheately, Abigail Adams, Harriet Beecher Stow and Louisa May Alcott.

|Unit 11 |World War I in Europe 1914-1918 |

|Nov 17- |Worksheets are assigned for each unit below (just not typed in) |

| |Read a president’s biography of choice | | |

|Nov 26 |Test | | |

|Unit 12 |The US Enters WW I 1915-1918 |

|Dec 1 | | |MOVIE: All Quiet on the Western Front |

| |Why were soldiers called doughboys? What |Why did foods change names? Frankfurters, |Look up words to songs: |

| |role did Blacks play in the War? |hamburgers, sauerkraut |Keep the Home Fires Burning |

| | | |Over There |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 13 |Looking for Peace after WW I 1918-1921 |

|Dec 8 | | |MOVIE: Warm Springs |

| | | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 14 |Prosperity after WW I 1918-1929 Harlem Renaissance |

|Dec 15 | | |MOVIE: The Blues Brothers |

| |Read any president’s biography | | |

| |Test | |YWAM: Orville Wright |

|Unit 15 |The Great Depression 1929-1932 |

|Jan 5 | | |MOVIE: All the King’s Men |

| |Read: To Kill a Mockingbird |Read: To Kill a Mockingbird | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 16 |The New Deal 1933-1940 |

|Jan 12 | | |MOVIE: The Grapes of Wrath |

| | | |MOVIE: Wild at Heart |

| |Pg 182 #23 |Pg 181 #20 | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 1 |Background Causes of WW II 1924-1941 |

|Jan 19 | | | |

| |Read any president’s biography | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 2 |World War II 1935-1945 |

|Jan 26 | | | |

| | | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 3 |Life in America during WWII 1941-1945 |

|Feb 1 | | |MOVIE: Judgment at Nuremberg |

| | | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 4 |Cold War Conflicts 1945-1960 |

| | | |YWAM: Alan Sheppard |

| |Read a president’s biography | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 5 |Postwar America 1952-1960 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 6 |The New Frontier 1960-1963 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 7 |The Stormy Sixties 1963-1968 |


| |Read a president’s biography | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 8 |America in Turmoil 1968-1976 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 9 |America Seeks Answers 1976-1980 |

| |US II EXAM CLEP – remaining chapters are not | | |

| |included on the exam | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Unit 10 |The Republican Years 1980-1992 |

| | | | |

| |Read a president’s biography | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 11 |The Clinton Years 1992-2000 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Test | | |

|Unit 12 |The New Millennium 2000-Present |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Test | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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