
Dr. Maria Elena Salerno

Curriculum vitae (October 2020)


- Diploma from secondary school focusing on humanities (1986)

- Degree in Economics and Banking (University of Siena) with marks 110/110 cum laude (1993)

- PhD in Banking and Financial Market Law (University of Siena), concluded in 1998

- Postgraduate Diploma at the SSDB (Scuola di Specializzazione in Discipline Bancarie) (University of Siena), completed in 1999 with votes 70/70 cum laude

- Post-graduate research grant on in the scientific areas of Law and Economics (IUS/05) (University of Siena) (1999-2000)

- Ricercatore in Economics Law at the University of Siena (Faculty of Economics) since 2001

- Assistant Professor at the University of Siena, since 2006-2007

- ASN as associate professor IUS/05, 2018

- Associate professor (IUS/05), 2020


Participation in research projects:

- The reform of the financial market and the new rules of corporate governance (Par 1999, 3 months)

- Corporate governance and economic development, funded (December 1999) from the foundation Monte dei Paschi di Siena;

- Privatisation in Italy (Par 2001, 3 months)

- The management of the companies after the recent legislative reforms. Aspects related to the financing of the company and the group (Prin 2003, 11 + 11 man-months)

- The evolution of banking Law in the last twenty years (Par 2005, 3 months)

- Law and new approaches to European governance: between mandatory rules and alternative forms of coordination (Prin 2005, 6 + 6 man-months)

- Market governance in the European Union (PRIN 2010-2011, 3 man-months)

Individual research activities

- Banking supervisory system

- Pension funds

- Banking corporate governance

- International Financial Regulatory System

- Protection of Investors in Financial Instruments

Research prizes:

- FFABR 2017

- DISAG 2017

DISAG 2019

Speeches and Organization of Conferences and Seminars:

- Siena March 10, 2006: speech at the Study Seminar “Rapporti e concorrenza tra ordinamenti”

- Siena January 19, 2013: seminar entitled "La nuova disciplina di vigilanza in materia di partecipazioni delle banche e dei gruppi bancari", at the research meeting "I "Martedì" del diritto dell'economia" of the School of Economics and Management dell'Università di Siena

- Siena May 17, 2013: participation as discussant in the workshop "Il passato, il presente, il futuro. Rileggendo il diritto positivo con metodo storico”

- Siena September 19 and 20, 2014: member of the scientific committee and speech in the conference “Banche e attività bancaria nel TUB: qualche riflessione su un ventennio di regolamentazione, immaginando il “futuribile”

- Siena January 22-23, 2016: member of the scientific committee of the conference "La riforma delle banche popolari: dalla mutualità alla contendibilità"

- Siena April 7-9, 2016: report on “I servizi di investimento: dalla trasparenza alla cura dell’investitore” (eds Vittorio Santoro), in the conference “Regole e Mercato”

- Siena April 20, 2016: seminar entitled "La tutela dell'investitore nella MiFID II", research meeting within "I "Martedì" del diritto dell'economia" of the School of Economics and Management dell'Università di Siena

- Siena May 13, 2016: member of the scientific committee of the conference "Meccanismo Unico di Risoluzione: sfide e opportunità per il sistema bancario"

Siena May 30, 2017: speech ("Come la MiFID II impatta sulla tutela dell'investitore") at the meeting "MiFID II e tutela dell'investitore", organised by Widiba (online bank)

- Siena October 15, 2017: member of the organising committee for the Lectio Magistralis del Presidente aggiunto della Suprema Corte di Cassazione Dott. Renato Rordorf, entitled “Contratto di intermediazione finanziaria e tutela dell’investitore”

- Siena October 25, 2017: organisation of a seminar entitled “The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM): Legal aspects of the first pillar of the European Banking Union, Professor Dr. Christos Gortsos, Professor of Public Economic at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

- - Siena June 8, 2018: speech entitled "Le nuove regole in materia di consulenza finanziaria" at the research meeting "Le nuove frontiere della consulenza finanziaria"

- Siena April 5, 2019: member of the scientific committee of the conference "Il rapporto contrattuale tra intermediari e clienti: tra passato, presente e futuro"

- Siena April 12, 2019: organisation of a seminar titled "Risoluzione giudiziale delle controversie in ambito bancario e finanziario". speech entitled "L’enforcement della disciplina in materia di tutela del contraente debole nei mercati finanziari".

- Webinar May 15, 2020: "Statale" University of Milan, seminar titled "I modelli di regolazione e vigilanza finanziaria nell'Unione Europea.

Teaching Activities

University of Siena:

- 1996: seminars relating to the Rules of Judicial Administration and The pension funds

- 1995-96: seminar on The Board of Auditors

- 1996-1997: seminars concerning the Consequences of companies’ failure and the balance sheets of banks

- 1997-98: seminars on the following topics: i) Authorizing banking activity, ii) Opening of branches; iii) The shares of banks, iv) Holdings in banks, v) Banking group and consolidated supervision

- 1998-1999: post graduate seminar at the MEBS (Master in Economics and Bank) on The pension funds; lecture on the Evolution of banking law in Italy; lecture on Social Security

- 1999-2000: post graduate lecture on The pension funds (MEBS); three graduate lectures on Banking Law

- 2000-2001: lectures on the following subjects: Historical development of banking law, EU Directives; Specificity of banking activity; Authorization to banking activity; Freedom of establishment of banks; Banking group and consolidated supervision; lectures on pension funds and the Reform of Italian social security system; post graduate seminar on public and private security;

- 2001-2002: post-graduate seminar (MEBS) on Public and private security; graduate lecture on Access to the credit market;

- 2002-2003: graduate course in Banking law

- 2003-2004: graduate course in Banking law; post-graduate lecture on Reform of the pension system

- 2004-2005: post-graduate course in Banking and Financial Law (Master of Science in Economics and Management of financial intermediaries); graduate course in Security Law; graduate course in Banking Supervision; post graduate seminar (MEBS) on Pension funds; post graduate seminar on Banking Supervision (Phd in Banking and financial market law)

- 2005-2006: graduate course in Banking Law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate lecture (Master SISIM-Investment Company, Investment Services and Markets) on Insurance and pension products and pension funds; post graduate seminar (Master CIPMI-Control and Innovation in small and medium enterprises) on Pension funds’ reform and small and medium firms; post graduate lecture on Banking Supervisory System ( PhD in Banking Law)

- 2006-2007: graduate course in Banking Law; post graduate seminars (SiSS- School for Secondary School Teachers, University of Siena); post-graduate lecture on Pension funds’ Reform (PhD in Banking law and Master CIPMI)

- 2007-2008: graduate course in Banksing, Savings and Stock Exchange Law (Master of Science in Law and Economics); post-graduate lecture (MEBS) on Reform of pension funds

- 2008-2009: graduate course in Banking Law; post graduate lecture on Italian pension system (SSIS and MEBS); post-graduate seminar (Master in Management Insurance Agency, organized by IL Sole 24 Ore in Milan) on Law framework of insurance and reinsurance activities; post-graduate lecture (Master CIPMI) on Social security reform and small and medium firms

- 2009-2010: post-graduate course in Banking and Financial Law (Master of Science EGIF); post-graduate seminar (Master GINTS-Management of financial institutions and new information technology, University of Siena) on The new law framework for equity investments in financial intermediaries

- 2010-2011: post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance), borrowed by post-graduate course in Regulation and Competition Law (Master of Science in Economics)

- 2011-2012: graduate course in Banking law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance), borrowed by post-graduate course in Regulation and Competition Law (Master of Science in Economics; post-graduate seminar (MEBS) on International Financial Regulatory System after Global Financial Crisis.

- 2012-2013: graduate course in Banking law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance).

- 2013-2014: graduate course in Banking law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance)

- 2014-2015: graduate course in Banking law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance)

- 2015-2016: graduate course in Banking Law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance and Master of Science in Economics)

- 2016-2017: graduate course in Banking Law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance and Master of Science in Economics)

- 2017-2018: graduate course in Financial Intermediaries and Markets Law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance and Master of Science in Economics).

- 2018-2019: graduate course in Financial Intermediaries and Markets Law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance and Master of Science in Economics).

- 2019-2020: graduate course in Financial Intermediaries and Markets Law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance and Master of Science in Economics).

- 2020-2021: graduate course in Financial Intermediaries and Markets Law (Economics and Banking Science); post-graduate course in English in International Banking and Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Finance and Master of Science in Economics).

University of Venice

2017-2018: post-graduate course in English in International Financial Regulation (Master of Science in Economics and Finance)

Regular post-graduate teaching activities

- Teaching fellow of MEBS

- Teaching fellow of Ph.D. in Law & Economics

- Regular lectures at PhD in Banking and financial market Law

Assignments and memberships

- Member of the examining boards, or president, for classes in Banking Law, Law of Banks and other financial intermediaries, International Banking and Financial Regulation, Regulation and Competition Law

- Regular participation in degree boards

- Member of teaching committee (comitato per la didattica) of Master of Science in Finance (University of Siena)(till 2013)

- Member of the Review Commission (Commissione di Riesame),Master of Science in Finance, University of Siena;

- Member of Students’ Tutorship Commission (Commissione Orientamento e Tutorato), University of Siena;

- Member of the Research Commission (Commissione Ricerca), University of Siena;

- Member of the VQR Commission (Commissione VQR), University of Siena;

- Member of the Commission for the assignment of a role of Ricercatore IUS/05, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (2007);

- Referee for VQR 2011-2014;

- Member of the Editorial Board of the electronic journal “IANUS”, Law and Business Studies Department, University of Siena

- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Diritto della banca e del mercato finanziario”

- Member of the "Economic Law Scolars” Association" (ADDE).


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