Book Report

Elements of Fiction

Book Report Project

Explanation / Date Assigned: ____________

Book Report Project Due: _____________

The Book:

• Must be at least 100 pages in length

• Must be all text (or few photos / illustrations)

• Must be at the student’s equivalent reading-level

• (Find the book level at AR )

• CANNOT be a book previously read by the student. CAN be one currently being read.

• The book can be from any one of these fictional genre: Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Folklore, Fantasy/Fairy Tale, Mystery, Adventure, or Humor.

The Report:

⎕ The report will be presented on poster board or paper approximately 12” x 18” in size (If a student is unable to supply the paper, they may request it from the teacher.)

⎕ All sections of the report will be written in complete sentences & in paragraph form (NO lists!)

⎕ Include your name, period / author’s name, book title, and the book’s genre

⎕ Report must be typed or hand-printed (neatly, in ink)

⎕ Students must illustrate or decorate their project board!

Required Information /Include ALL parts and questions:

Setting: 1 paragraph- Describe the main location(s) and time period of the story.

(If you’re not sure of the time, think: Present, Past, or Future?)

1 paragraph - Explain how the setting influences the story.

Character: 1 paragraph - Describe the main character of the story. (If there are many, choose one!)

1 paragraph - What qualities does he/she possess?

(Courage, intelligence, curiosity, humor, etc)

1 paragraph - Explain how the qualities of the character influence the story.

Conflict: 1 paragraph - Describe the main problem/obstacle that must be overcome by the character.

- Is the problem an example of external or internal conflict? Both?

- Explain why (Is the conflict “outside of” or “inside of” the character?)

Plot Summary: - 1 paragraph Is the story written in first person, third, or changing point of view?

(1st = character telling story, 3rd = narrator telling story)

1 paragraph - Briefly describe what happens in the story (summary).

- Use an IVF statement as your topic sentence

Resolution/Ending: 1 paragraph - Explain how the story ends.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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