Quantifieurs : Much, many, little and few


On utilise TOO MUCH avec un nom au singulier : There is too much wine in my glass! Il y a trop de vin dans mon verre.

TOO MANY avec un nom au pluriel. : There are too many carrots in my plate! Il y a trop de carottes dans mon assiette!

Pour les adjectifs, on utilise TOO (uniquement) : This movie is too frightening. Ce film est trop effrayant.


a-On le place devant le nom : I don't have enough time. Je n'ai pas assez de temps.

b-On le place après l'adjectif : I'm not old enough to drive a car. Je ne suis pas assez âgé pour conduire une voiture.

Voilà, vous savez tout! On passe à l'exercice!


Vocabulaire: stamps = timbres shop = magasin sugar = sucre coffee = café to understand = comprendre to buy, bought, bought = acheter vegetables = des légumes kids = enfants salt = sel

strawberries = fraises left for you = restant pour toi


Do they sell ______________________ stamps in this shop? (Vendent-ils des timbres dans ce magasin?)

Would you like ___________________ sugar in your coffee? (Aimerais-tu avoir du sucre dans ton café?)

I am intelligent ______________ to understand this question! (Je suis assez intelligent(e) pour comprendre cette question!)

How stupid you are! You have bought ________________vegetables. (Comme tu es stupide! Tu as acheté trop de légumes.)

Our kids don't like them. You're really _______________ stupid! (Nos enfants ne les aiment pas. Tu es vraiment trop stupide!)

I think that I've put ________________sugar on my strawberries. (Je pense que j'ai mis trop de sucre sur mes fraises.)

There is _________________ sugar left for you. I'm sorry. (Il ne reste plus de sucre pour toi. Désolé.)



Choisissez la bonne réponse. (-> indique que la phrase se continue sur la ligne suivante.)


1. He's getting _____________________________ fat ->

2. -> because he eats _____________________________ potatoes ->

3. -> and he drinks _____________________________ beer.

4. Don't drive _____________________________ fast, will you ! It's dangerous.

5. Let's get out of here : there are _____________________________ people in this room !

6. Open the window, please, it's _____________________________ hot in here !

7. He read the exercise _____________________________ quickly, that's why he made that mistake.

8. There's _____________________________ noise here, let's go somewhere else.

9. _____________________________ cooks spoil the broth. (Proverb)

10. Men think women spend _____________________________ money on clothes.

[pic]Compléter les phrases avec too,too much,too many, enough.

1. Ken is always at home. He doesn't go out ______________________________

2. I don't like the weather here . There is ______________________________ rain

3. You are always tired.I think you work ______________________________ hard

4. You drink ______________________________ coffee. It's not good for you

5. I can't wait for them. I haven't got ______________________________ time

6. There was nowhere to sit on the beach. There were ______________________________ people

7. Our team didn't play well. We made ______________________________ mistakes

8. I don't like the weather here. It's ______________________________ cold

9. Dear friends, did you have ______________________________ to eat? Yes, thank you

10. You don't eat ______________________________ fruit, you should eat some more.

[pic] Too/too much/enough/some

1. It is _____________________________ early

2. I haven't got _____________________________ money

3. He is _____________________________ young

4. May I have _____________________________ water ?

5. I have seen _____________________________ of that !

6. Do you want _____________________________ cake?

7. Leave him alone! He is _____________________________ tired!

8. Have you got _____________________________ milk? or do you want some more?

9. Do you want _____________________________ tea?

10. We've eaten _____________________________ ! we are full.





Thème grammatical sur les articles et quantifieurs

Bonne chance pour ce thème grammatical [pic] 



President | 73. | is | Chirac |

USA | for | elected | years. | the | President | of | 4 | The | is |

is | famous | France | for | wines. | its |

in | The | Europe. | Netherlands | are |

me | salt, | Pass | the | please! |

is | unhealthy. | Salt |

may | you. | destroy | Passion |

is | water | of | blue. | The | colour |

drive | mad. | you | Money | can |

helps | who | suffer. | Téléthon | The | money | of | the | people |

people | Many | a | car. | own |

Do | you | horror | films? | like |

Few | cars | burnt | Arras. | in |

car | gasoline. | eats | little | This | up |

much | Cola. | too | drinks | He |

have | too | I | my | books | in | bookcase. | many |

like | mice. | Cats |

engineer. | study | I | an | to | become |

plays | piano. | the | He |

car | many | frost | The | caused | crashes. |



President Chirac is 73. The President of the USA is elected for 4 years. France is famous for its wines. The Netherlands are in Europe. Pass me the salt, please! Salt is unhealthy. Passion may destroy you. The colour of water is blue. Money can drive you mad. The money of the Téléthon helps people who suffer. Many people own a car. Do you like horror films? Few cars burnt in Arras. This car eats up little gasoline. He drinks too much Cola. I have too many books in my bookcase. Cats like mice. I study to become an engineer. He plays the piano. The frost caused many car crashes.


Les quantifieurs Much et many

Salut ! Un petit exercice sur la différence entre much et many !

Mais avant un petit rappel :

Les quantifieurs expriment l'idée d'une grande quantité (beaucoup de ) .

**Much quantifie un nom indénombrable.

Ex : There's much people on the planet . = Il y a beaucoup de gens sur la planète .

**Many quantifie un nom dénombrable. Ex : I have many pens = j'ai beaucoup de stylos .

**Tous deux peuvent être remplacés par a lot of.

**Précèdés de l'adverbe too (too much/too many), ils indiquent un excès (trop de )

(Devant un adjectif, on utilise TOO + adjectif: too young = trop jeune)



1. There's _____________________________ rain .

2. Have you got _____________________________ friends ?

3. Stop it ! It's too _____________________________ for me !

4. I hope to have _____________________________ presents for Christmas because I was nice this year !

5. No ! I don't dive into this water, it's too _____________________________ cold !

6. Oh my bedroom is messy I have so _____________________________ things !

7. How _____________________________ does it cost ?

8. How _____________________________ money do you have ?

9. How _____________________________ oranges did you buy?

10. How _____________________________ orange juice did you buy ?

11. How _____________________________ books did he write ?

12. How _____________________________ people will be at your wedding ?

13. There's so _____________________________ love in your eyes !

14. There's too _____________________________ noise in this room ! Hush ! The baby sleeps !

15. They have visited _____________________________ countries !



1. much

2. many

3. much

4. many

5. Ø

6. many

7. much

8. much

9. many

10. much

11. many

12. many

13. much

14. much

15. many


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