
Objectives and Skills Assessment Tasks Program Outcomes


• Students will write papers in which they interpret and analyze themes within Jewish literary texts.

• Students will write papers in which they interpret and analyze themes within Jewish history.

• Students will write papers in which they interpret and analyze themes within contemporary Jewish experience.

• Students will write essays in which they apply Jewish ethical principles to contemporary events.

• Students will create literary works that embody Jewish themes.

• Students will create art works that convey Jewish themes.

• Students will prepare a portfolio of their creative work along with a written analysis of the presence and significance of Jewish themes within the work.

• Identify and define themes in modern Jewish life.

• Formulate a theory that explains trends in modern Jewish life.

• Analyze the meaning within Jewish literary works.

• Analyze the structure of Jewish literary texts.

• Identify Jewish themes in poetry, fiction, and drama.

• Contrast actions and beliefs of Jewish people or characters from the past with actions and beliefs of Jewish people or characters from the present.

• Synthesize a character’s statements and actions within a Jewish literary work.

• Create poetry, fiction, or drama that expresses Jewish themes.

• Create a painting, set of drawings, or series of photographs that embody Jewish themes.

• Compose music that conveys elements of Jewish history.

• Organize and prepare a video documentary involving interviews with Jewish scholars, rabbis, or Holocaust survivors.

• Write an essay analyzing the meaning of a Jewish text or work of art.

• Interview a Holocaust survivor, and record or transcribe the interview.

• Categorize principles of Jewish ethics within biblical texts.

• Assemble examples of Jewish ethical principles within biblical texts.

• Distinguish between positive and negative injunctions within the Jewish ethical system.

• Contrast Jewish ethical principles with relativistic ethical theories.

• Illustrate through examples Jewish ethical principles.

• Apply Jewish ethical principles to contemporary events.

• Analyze a Jewish film.

• Analyze a Jewish play.

• Analyze a Jewish ritual object from an aesthetic perspective.

1. Think critically about the influence of Jewish thought, history and culture on society and the individual.

2. Apply lessons from Jewish thought, history, and culture to develop and/or enhance moral and ethical behavior.

3. Apply knowledge of Jewish thought and history to reflect on the human condition.

4. Develop cultural sensitivity by advocating for tolerance in others.

5. Use multiple modes of inquiry and experiences to engage with Jewish arts and culture.

Jewish Studies helps students meet

Institutional outcomes:

A. Critical Thinking,

B. Communication,

G. Cultural Diversity,

H. Ethics, and I. Aesthetics.



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