

Switching from OCR ‘A’ to Edexcel

This document is designed to help you compare the existing 2008 OCR Chemistry ‘A’ specification (H434) with the new 2015 Edexcel Chemistry specification.

The document gives an overview, at the topic level, of where the material covered in the existing OCR Chemistry ‘A’ specification can be found in the new Edexcel Chemistry specification. The following tables then give a more detailed breakdown of the Edexcel specification, and highlights areas of difference. These will help you see where material that you currently teach in the OCR specification is not present in the Edexcel specification; or where the Edexcel specification incorporates material that is new to you.

As a general overview, the 2015 Edexcel Chemistry specification is split into a number of topics. At AS, these topics include: atomic structure; calculations; bonding & structure; organic chemistry of alkanes, alkenes, halogenoalkanes and alcohols; and an introduction to kinetics, energetics and equilibria. In the second year of the A level, these topics are extended to include: further work of kinetics, energetics and equilibria; organic chemistry of carbonyls, carboxylic acids, benzene and amines; transition metals; redox equilibria; and analysis techniques.

The course has been revised to ensure that the content extends on prior learning from GCSE, and provides excellent preparation for further study. Opportunities for practical work are clearly sign-posted in the specification. The structure of the course also allows flexibility for co-teaching of AS and A level students.

As well as great chemistry within the specification, there are other ways in which we can help support your teaching on our new A level Chemistry specification. Our free support includes:

- additional sets of question papers

- Results Plus, now with Mock Analysis service

- Exam Wizard, our online bank of past paper questions

- Getting Started Guides, with course planners

- “Getting Ready to Teach” events

- documents to help deliver the mathematics and practical aspects of the specification

- worksheets for each “core practical” in the specification


Overview of content

|OCR Chemistry ‘A’ (2008) |Edexcel Chemistry (2015) |

|AS Unit 1 (F321) | |

|Atoms, bonds and groups | |

|Module 1: Atoms and Reactions | |

|1.1.1 Atoms |Topic 1: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table |

| |Topic 19A: Mass Spectrometry |

|1.1.2 Moles and Equations |Topic 5: Formulae, Equations and Amounts of Substance |

|1.1.3 Acids |Mostly no match |

| |(some matches for salts in Topic 5: Formulae, Equations and Amounts of |

| |Substance) |

|1.1.4 Redox |Topic 3: Redox I |

| |Topic 14: Redox II |

|Module 2: Electrons, bonding & structure | |

|1.2.1 Electron structure |Topic 1: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table |

|1.2.2 Bonding and structure |Topic 2A: Bonding |

| |Topic 2B: Structure |

|Module 3: The Periodic Table | |

|1.3.1 Periodicity |Topic 1: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table |

|1.3.2 Group 2 |Topic 4A: The elements of Groups 1 & 2 |

|1.3.3 Group 7 |Topic 4B: The elements of Group 7 |

| | |

|AS Unit 2 (F322) | |

|Chains, energy and resources | |

|Module 1: Basic concepts and hydrocarbons | |

|2.1.1 Basic concepts |Topic 5: Formulae, Equations and Amounts of Substance (Percentage yield|

| |and Atom economy) |

| |Topic 6A: Introduction to organic chemistry |

| |Topic 6C: Alkenes |

|2.1.2 Alkanes |Topic 6A: Introduction to organic chemistry |

| |Topic 6B: Alkanes |

|2.1.3 Alkenes |Topic 6C: Alkenes |

|Module 2: Alcohols, Halogenoalkanes and Analysis | |

|2.2.1 Alcohols |Topic 6E: Alcohols |

| |(no match for properties & uses of alcohols) |

|2.2.2 Halogenoalkanes |Topic 6D: Halogenoalkanes |

| |(no match for uses of halogenoalkanes) |

|2.2.3 Modern Analytical Technique |Topic 1: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table |

| |Topic 7A: Mass spectrometry |

| |Topic 7B: Infrared (IR) spectroscopy |

|Module 3: Energy | |

|2.3.1 Enthalpy Changes |Topic 8: Energetics I |

|2.3.2 Rates and Equilibrium |Topic 9: Kinetics I |

| |Topic 10: Equilibrium I |

| |Topic 16: Kinetics II |

|Module 4: Resources | |

|2.4.1 Chemistry of the Air |Mostly no matches. |

| |(some matches for use of catalytic converter in control of pollution in|

| |Topic 6B: Alkanes) |

|2.4.2 Green Chemistry |No matches |

|AS Unit 4 (F324) | |

|Rings, polymers and analysis | |

|Module 1: Rings, Acids and Amines | |

|4.1.1 Arenes |Topic 18A: Arenes - benzene |

| |(no match for the uses of phenols) |

|4.1.2 Carbonyl Compounds |Topic 17B: Carbonyl compounds |

| |Topic 17C: Carboxylic acids |

| |Topic 6E: Alcohols. |

|4.1.3 Carboxylic Acids and Esters |Topic 17C: Carboxylic acids |

| |(no match for triglycerides, unsaturated and saturated fats) |

|4.1.4 Amines |Topic 18B: Amines, amides, amino acids and proteins |

| |(no match for synthesis of azo dyes) |

|Module 2: Polymers and Synthesis | |

|4.2.1 Amino Acids and Chirality |Topic 18B: Amines, amides, amino acids and proteins. |

| |Topic 17A: Chirality for optical isomerism. |

|4.2.2 Polyesters and Polyamides |Topic 18B: Amines, amides, amino acids and proteins. |

| |Topic 17C: Carboxylic acids |

| |Topic 6C:Alkenes |

| |(no match for degradable polymers) |

|4.2.3 Synthesis |Limited match with |

| |Topic 17A: Chirality |

| |Topic 18C: Organic Synthesis |

|Module 3: Analysis | |

|4.3.1 Chromatography |Topic 19C: Chromatography |

|4.3.2 Spectroscopy |Topic 19B: Nuclear magnetic resonance |

| |Topic 7A: Mass spectrometry |

| |7B: Infrared (IR) spectroscopy |

| | |

|AS Unit 5 (F325) | |

|Equilibria, energetics and elements | |

|Module 1: Rates, Equilibrium and pH | |

|5.1.1 How Fast? |Topic 16: Kinetics II |

|5.1.2 How Far? |Topic 10: Equilibrium I |

| |Topic 11: Equilibrium II |

|5.1.3 Acids, Bases and Buffers |Topic 12:Acid-Base Equilibria |

| |Topic 8: Energetics I |

| |Topic 4C: Analysis of inorganic compounds |

|Module 2: Energy | |

|5.2.1 Lattice Enthalpy |Topic 13A:Lattice energy |

|5.2.2 Enthalpy and Entropy |Topic 13B:Entropy |

|5.2.3 Electrode Potentials and Fuel Cells |Topic 3: Redox I |

| |Topic 14: Redox II |

| |(no match for fuel cell vehicles) |

|Module 3: Transition Elements | |

|5.3.1 Transition Elements |Topic 15A: Principles of transition metal chemistry |

| |Topic 15B: Reactions of transition metal elements |

| |Topic 14: Redox II |

| |(no match for stability constant) |

In-depth comparison

|Edexcel Chemistry (2015) |OCR ‘A’ (2008) |What’s new for you |What do you no longer teach |

|Topic 1: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Predicting mass spectra of diatomic molecules, such |N/A |

| |Topics 1.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.3.1 and 2.2.30 |as chlorine | |

| | |Atomic emission spectra providing evidence of quantum| |

| | |shells | |

| | |Electrons filling subshells singly, before pairing up| |

|Topic 2A: Bonding |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Trends in ionic radii |N/A |

| |Topic 1.2.2 |Evidence for the existence of ions | |

| | |Relationship between bond length and bond strength | |

| | |for covalent bonds | |

| | |Predicting the presence of hydrogen bonding | |

| | |Trends in boiling temps of hydrogen halides, in terms| |

| | |of intermolecular forces | |

| | |Factors that influence choice of solvents | |

|Topic 2B: Structure |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Different structures formed by carbon atoms, |N/A |

| |Topic 1.2.2 |including graphene | |

|Topic 3: Redox I |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Use of oxidation numbers in peroxides & metal |Describe the redox reactions of metals with dilute |

| |Topics 1.1.4, 1.3.3 and 5.2.3 |hydrides |hydrochloric and dilute sulfuric acid |

|Topic 4A: The elements of Groups 1 and 2 |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Trend in ionisation energy down Group 2 |Use of calcium hydroxide in agriculture |

| |Topic 1.3.2 |Reactions of Mg to Ba with chlorine | |

| | |Reactions of oxides and hydroxides of Group 2 |Use of magnesium hydroxide as an antacid |

| | |elements with dilute acid | |

| | |Trends in thermal stability of nitrates | |

| | |Flame colours for Group 1 and 2 compounds | |

| | |Experimental procedures for flame colours and thermal| |

| | |decomposition | |

|Topic 4B: The elements of Group 7 (halogens) |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Trends in melting temps, physical state and |Benefits of chlorine use in water treatment with |

| |Topic 1.3.3 |electronegativity |associated risks |

| | |Oxidation reactions with Group 1 and 2 metals | |

| | |Disproportionation reaction of chlorine with hot | |

| | |alkali | |

| | |Reducing ability of hydrogen halides | |

| | |Reaction of hydrogen halides with ammonia and with | |

| | |water | |

|Topic 4C: Analysis of inorganic compounds |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Reactions for identifying NH4+, HCO3- and SO42- ions,|N/A |

| |Topics 1.3.3 and 5.1.3 |including ionic equations. | |

|Topic 5: Formulae, Equations and Amounts of Substance|This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Calculate molecular formulae including the use of |Explain the terms anhydrous, hydrated and water of |

| |Topics 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 2.1.1 |PV=nRT |crystallisation |

| | |Calculate, comment on and minimise measurement | |

| | |uncertainties and errors in experimental results |Calculate the formula of a hydrated salt |

| | |Relate ionic and full equations to observations from | |

| | |test tube reactions | |

| | |Understand risks & hazards and suggest precautions | |

|Topic 6A: Introduction to organic chemistry |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |N/A |Considering percentage yield vs atom economy |

| |Topics 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 | | |

| | | |Atom economy of addition and substitution reactions |

|Topic 6B: Alkanes |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur as pollutants from |Increased levels of CO2 from combustion of fossil |

| |Topics 2.1.2 and 2.4.1 |combustion of fuels |fuels leading to global warming and climate change |

| | |Problems arising from the acidity of oxides of | |

| | |nitrogen and sulfur | |

|Topic 6C: Alkenes |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Addition reaction of alkenes with potassium manganate|N/A |

| |Topics 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 |(VII), to produce a diol | |

|Topic 6D: Halogenoalkanes |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Primary, secondary and tertiary halogenoalkanes and |Uses of halogenoalkanes, CFCs and green chemistry to |

| |Topic 2.2.2 |their relative rates of hydrolysis |develop alternatives to CFCs |

| | |Reactions with potassium cyanide, ammonia and | |

| | |ethanolic KOH | |

| | |Mechanism of the reaction with ammonia | |

|Topic 6E: Alcohols |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Reaction of alcohols with halogenating agents |Industrial production of ethanol and uses of alcohols|

| |Topic 2.2.1 |Techniques used to prepare and purify organic liquids| |

|Topic 7A: Mass spectrometry |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |N/A |Use in Mars space probe and in monitoring levels of |

| |Topics 2.2.3 and 4.3.2 | |pollution |

|Topic 7B: Infrared (IR) spectroscopy |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Use of data from spectra, including C=C absorptions |Use in breathalysers |

| |Topics 2.2.3 and 4.3.2 |in alkenes and N-H absorption in amines | |

|Topic 8: Energetics I |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Evaluate sources of error and assumptions made in |Importance of oxidation as an exothermic process |

| |Topics 2.3.1 and 5.1.3 |experiments |including combustion and respiration. |

| | |Explain the limitations of using mean bond enthalpies| |

| | |Calculate mean bond enthalpies from enthalpy changes | |

| | |of reaction | |

|Topic 9: Kinetics I |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Calculate the rate of reaction from time taken for a |Effect of catalyst on atom economy |

| |Topic 2.3.2 |reaction and from the gradient of a suitable graph | |

| | | |Use of enzymes as catalysts |

|Topic 10: Equilibrium I |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Deduce an expression for Kc, for heterogeneous |N/A |

| |Topics 2.3.2 and 5.1.2 |systems | |

|Topic 11: Equilibrium II |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Deduce an expression for Kp for homogeneous and |N/A |

| |Topic 5.1.2 |heterogeneous systems | |

| | |Calculate Kp from data | |

| | |The effect of changing temperature on Kp | |

|Topic 12: Acid-base Equilibria |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Define the term pKw |N/A |

| |Topic 5.1.3 |Calculate the concentrations of solutions to prepare | |

| | |a buffer solution | |

| | |Use of weak acid-strong base titration curves to | |

| | |demonstrate buffer action and to determine Ka | |

|Topic 13A: Lattice energy |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Comparison of experimental lattice energy value with |N/A |

| |Topic 5.2.1 |the theoretical value | |

| | |Polarisation of ions, polarising power of a cation | |

| | |and polarizability of an anion | |

|Topic 13B: Entropy |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Calculate entropy changes for the system and in the |N/A |

| |Topic 5.2.2 |surroundings | |

| | |Use ∆G = -RT lnK to show reactions that are feasible | |

| | |in terms of ∆G have large values of equilibrium | |

| | |constant and vice versa | |

| | |Consider thermodynamic feasibility and reaction | |

| | |kinetics | |

|Topic 14: Redox II |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Write cell diagrams using the convention for |Development of fuel cell vehicles and the hydrogen |

| |Topics 1.1.4, 5.2.3 and 5.3.1 |half-cells |economy. |

| | |Standard electrode potentials as an electrochemical | |

| | |series | |

| | |Linking disproportionation to electrode potentials | |

| | |Link between Eө, total entropy change and ln K. | |

|Topic 15A: Principles of transition metal chemistry |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Colour of aqueous ions due to splitting of the energy|Types of stereoisomerism shown by complexes involving|

| |Topic 5.3.1 |of d-orbitals by ligands |bidentate and multidentate ligands. |

| | |Formation of tetrahedral complexes with large ligands| |

| | |Identify multidentate ligands, e.g. EDTA4- | |

|Topic 15B: Reactions of transition metal elements |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Colours of the oxidation states of vanadium and the |Definition of stability constant |

| |Topics 2.4.1 and 5.3.1 |redox reactions involved in their interconversion | |

| | |Reduction and oxidation of the dichromate(VI) ion |Deduce expressions for stability constants. |

| | |Role of V2O5 (heterogeneous catalyst) in the contact | |

| | |process | |

| | |Role of specific homogeneous catalysts e.g. Fe2+ in | |

| | |the reaction of I- and S2O82- | |

|Topic 16: Kinetics II |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Select suitable experimental technique to obtain rate|N/A |

| |Topics 2.3.2 and 5.1.1 |data for a given reaction | |

| | |Calculate the order with respect to the reactants for| |

| | |the iodination of propanone, predict the | |

| | |rate-determining step and a possible mechanism for | |

| | |the reaction | |

| | |Use the rate equation for halogenoalkane hydrolysis | |

| | |to provide evidence for the mechanisms | |

| | |Use graphical methods to find the activation energy | |

| | |for a reaction. | |

|Topic 17A: Chirality |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Effect of optical activity on plane-polarised light |N/A |

| |Topic 4.2.1 |Nature of a racemic mixture | |

| | |Use of data on optical activity as evidence for | |

| | |mechanisms | |

|Topic 17B: Carbonyl compounds |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Aldehydes and ketones do not form intermolecular |N/A |

| |Topic 4.1.2 |hydrogen bonds and how this affects their properties;| |

| | |Reactions with Fehling’s or Benedict’s solution, | |

| | |lithium tetrahydridoaluminate | |

| | |Reaction and mechanism with HCN as a nucleophilic | |

| | |addition reaction. | |

|Topic 17C: Carboxylic acids |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Preparation of carboxylic acid from nitrile |Esterification of acid anhydrides with alcohols |

| |Topics 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 |hydrolysis | |

| | |Reaction with phosphorus(V) chloride, and with |Uses of esters and triglycerides |

| | |lithium tetrahydridoaluminate | |

| | |Identify the acyl chloride and ester functional |Link between unsaturated and saturated fats and |

| | |groups |current concerns about heart disease and obesity. |

| | |Reactions of acyl chlorides | |

|Topic 18A: Arenes - benzene |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Reaction of benzene with oxygen in the air |Reaction of phenol with aqueous alkalis and with |

| |Topic 4.1.1 |Reaction of benzene with halogenoalkanes and acyl |sodium to form salts |

| | |chlorides | |

| | |The mechanism of Friedel-Crafts reactions |Uses of phenols |

|Topic 18B: Amines, amides, amino acids and proteins |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Reasons for the difference in basicity of ammonia, |Synthesis of azo dyes and the use of these reactions |

| |Topic 4.1.4, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 |primary aliphatic and primary aromatic amines |in the formation of dyestuffs |

| | |Preparation of primary aliphatic amines by the | |

| | |reduction of nitriles |Different R groups in 2-amino acids may result in |

| | |Preparation of amides from acyl chlorides |different isoelectric points |

| | |Structural formulae of the repeat units of specific | |

| | |condensation polymers |Photodegradable polymers |

| | |Effect of 2-amino acids on plane-polarised light | |

|Topic 18C: Organic Synthesis |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Methods for increasing the length of the carbon chain|Chirality in pharmaceutical synthesis |

| |Topic 4.2.3 |Techniques used in the preparation and purification | |

| | |of organic compounds | |

|Topic 19A: Mass Spectrometry |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Use of relative atomic masses to identify a compound |N/A |

| |Topic 1.1.1 |or to suggest a possible structure. | |

|Topic 19B: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |13C NMR spectroscopy provides information about the |Use of TMS as the standard |

| |Topic 4.3.2 |positions of 13C atoms in a molecule | |

| | |High resolution proton NMR provides information about|Use of deuterated solvents |

| | |the positions of 1H atoms in a molecule | |

| | | |Identification of O-H and N-H |

| | | |protons by proton exchange using D2O |

|Topic 19C: Chromatography |This covers material from the OCR A specification: |Calculate Rf values from one-way chromatograms. |Limitations in the analysis by gas chromatography |

| |Topic 4.3.1 | | |

| | | |Interpretation of gas chromatograms in terms of |

| | | |retention times |



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