A Level Mathematics Questionbanks

1. A group of 13 students sat a test in numeracy. Their marks out of a possible score of 50 were

20, 45, 25, 37, 45, 22, 36, 45, 41, 50, 38, 9, 29


a) the mode


b) the median


c) the interquartile range


d) Hence comment on the skewness of the distribution of the marks, explaining how you arrived at your answer.


2. A local parcel delivery service sets out the number of orders received each week over a 52 week period.

|Number of orders received |30 |31 |32 |33 |34 |35 |36 |37 |38 |39 |

|Number of weeks |2 |3 |4 |3 |10 |6 |8 |5 |5 |6 |

a) Find the median and inter-quartile range of this data


b) Given Σfx = 1827 and Σfx2 = 64514, find the mean and standard deviation of this data


c) Explain why the mean and standard deviation are not always the best measures of location and spread to

use, and comment on their suitability in this case.


d) Draw a box plot to represent this data


e) Comment on the distribution of the orders received


3. The following table shows the marks obtained in a test by a class of children.

|Mark (x) |0(x ................

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