You have been asked to create/invent a new product, service, or event to be launched into the Canadian marketplace.

A brief overview of what your new product is, including brand name and slogan must be submitted prior to beginning your project. This is due by Friday, December 21. The teacher must approve of your product, service or event and as such you should check in with them before any final submission.

Your task is to launch this new product given a reasonable promotional budget. The overall goal is to generate consumer awareness and secure market share.

In order to launch this product, you must create a detailed promotional plan consisting of the following elements:

• logo

• slogan

• target market description

• print media ad (i.e. newspaper, magazine, flyer, promotional brochure, billboard, etc.)

• TV ad

For your print media ad, you must include where it will be placed and your rationale for your choices. For example you may select a four colour, full-page ad in The Metro newspaper or GQ magazine for your print ad; and your billboard may be placed at Yonge and Eglinton.

Products must be legal for sale in Canada and in good taste.

Cigarette or alcohol products are inappropriate.

In selecting a product refer to the U.S.P. (Unique Selling Point)* as a helpful guide.

*The Unique Selling Point distinguishes a product from its competition. A significant innovation to an existing product will allow a well-defined U.S.P. For example, if you were selling peanut butter, simply changing the brand name and the graphics on the packaging would be insufficient. However, combining a formulation change (eg. peanut butter with a banana flavoured swirl) and a squeeze tube package would give your product a chance to be successful in a saturated market.

Logo and Packaging Assignment

Mark Value: Logo 10% - Package/Target Market 10%

A logo is a symbol that associates a corporation with its product or service. Any symbol, sign, word, name, design or combination of these that tells who makes a product or who sells it can be considered a logo.

Create a logo which will easily identify your product or service. You will need to reproduce this logo on all your advertising from this point on. Try to be as creative as possible.

Packaging is “the silent salesperson”. It is the most visible marketing factor. A package must preserve the product, protect its contents and promote sales. Product differentiation is achieved through three means - size, shape and package colour.

Create a package for your product and/or service. Try to remember the purposes of packaging. Try to make your package creative, but remember it must be functional. Be sure to include your logo on your package and all other relevant information for your product and/or service.

You must also include a demographic profile of your intended target market.


Print Advertising Assignment

Mark Value: 30%

You will be required to write and design a print advertisement which will grab your readers’ attention. An effective print advertisement must include 3 main elements: a strong headline, a brief sell copy, and an attractive picture and/or graphic.

The ads that grab your audience’s attention, the ones that make an impact and have a chance of being read, are the ones that are attractively designed and invite your audience to stop for a moment. Good ads are uncluttered and have clever headlines and interesting graphic elements -- they’re reader-friendly. Your ad must be clear, succinct, informative and inviting. Your ad needs to give readers a reason to be interested in your business.

The headline is the single most important element of a print ad. It is often the largest element on an ad and is generally placed at the top of the ad, and is usually the first thing -- sometimes the only thing -- a reader sees. You need to make sure that the headline dominates the ad so it can be quickly understood.

Use photography, fine art, line art, cartoon and or typography to attract the readers’ eyes and interest enough to read your body. Make sure your graphic element is relevant to what you are selling. Lines shapes, borders, symbols, and clip art are available to you through your computer so there is no excuse for a lack of graphic creativity.

A subheading is used to share secondary information. The headline should grab the readers, but the subheading can explain the deal further. It is generally set in smaller type and is there to give the reader additional information without cluttering your ad.

The body copy, also known as the “sell copy”, is where you can explain your offer in detail. Keep it brief!!! A good ad can get by without a body copy.



Television Advertisement

Mark Value: 50%

Designing a television commercial can be very challenging. The best place to start when you are creating a television commercial is with the audio. Sit down and write the script first, but while you’re writing your script, think visually.

The video is obviously the visual component of the commercial. The video can be anything from you doing an on-camera sales pitch to production footage. Don’t be afraid to use music and/or sound effects to sell your product and/or service.

A product can be shown on television using the following themes: you can tell a story about the product or service; the product or service can be shown solving a problem; a consumer testimonial may be shown for the product or service; a straight announcer commercial can be used; or the product/service can be demonstrated.

Remember to plan ahead because you only have 60 seconds to get your message across. This assignment will require quite a few hours, if not days, to complete. Do not leave it to the last minute because you may run into technical difficulties.

You will be required to record your commercial (cell phone video, video camera, etc.) and upload it to my Youtube channel. I will provide instructions on how to do this at a later date.

You do not have to be in the commercial. You may choose others to perform. Remember, you are being marked for putting together the advertisement; that means getting the best people for the job!



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