Tentative Program of Study for Master of Science in Geotechnical ...

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Department of Structural Engineering

Tentative Program of Study for Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering Thesis Candidates

Name: Email:


Please refer to Course Offerings on SE website to plan your courses for the year.


Course Quarter/Year Units



Core Courses (4)


Geotechnical Technical Electives (3):

Other Technical Electives (2):

Thesis Research (3):

SE 290 (3):

SE 290

SE 290

SE 290

Total Units*

*In addition to the 48 units, students must complete three quarters of SE 290 to meet graduation requirements, but they do not have to be taken consecutively. Students are strongly recommended to take SE 290 every quarter. Please refer to the most current M.S. SE Thesis Exam Guide found on this website.

Thesis Chair:

__________________________ ________

Signature of Thesis Chair


Exceptions/Special Requests

_________________________ _________

Signature of GAC Chair



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