Wednesday 12 - Catholic Church in Australia

The Universal PrayerSunday 9th May 2021Sixth Sunday of EasterCelebrant: Sisters and brothers, the command of Jesus to love one another shaped our Liturgy of the Word today and now leads us into the mystery of the Eucharist, Christ’s sacrifice of love. For the Church, in union with Pope Francis,marking this month of May as a constant prayerfor deliverance from the pandemic, with thesupport of Mary, mother of Jesus, Health of the Sick.Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.For mothers on this Mothers’ Day, whose dedication,faithfulness and generous spirit shapes their familiesinto communities of love.Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.For mothers whose lives are marked by struggles, disappointmentand violence, seeking help, protection and respect.Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.For the works of Catherine House, the Hutt Street Centreand the St Vincent de Paul Men’s Shelter, supporting women and children in critical need, along with vulnerable men and the homeless.Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.For a Church ever welcoming of people without any discrimination,after the example of Peter who welcomed and baptized the household of the Roman, Cornelius.Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.For the loving embrace of Jesus so all in our world,living in places of crisis through the devastation of the pandemic, natural disasters, political instability, war and violence and religious persecutionChrist, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.For the victims of the pandemic, along with all the recently deceased,praying the fulness of life in Jesus for them,along with Bishop Patrick Bonaventure Geoghegan, second Bishop of Adelaide, and ,,,Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.Celebrant:Lord Jesus, you have called us into friendshipwith you, and affirmed our dignity as loved people;grant us to grace to love one anotherafter your own example,you who live and reign for ever and ever.The Universal PrayerMonday 10th May 2021St John of AvilaMonday Sixth Week of EasterCelebrant: We pray that the Holy Spiritwill give us the wisdom and courageto witness to Jesus Christ in our daily lives.May there be in the hearts and minds of all Christiansa deep love for truth.Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.May truth be found in the Church, politics, business, industry,and in all clubs and organizations,so that justice will prevail in all circumstances.Christ, hear us.May those Christians who face hardshipbecause of the witness they give to Christ,be sustained by the Holy Spirit.Christ, hear us.May the strong faith and devotion of Lydia, be a source of encouragement for all the women of our parish.Christ, hear us.May the preaching of St John of Avila and the spiritual direction which he gave to so many Spanish Saints in the 16th century, encourage priests experiencing an identity crisis, as was recommended by St Pope Paul VI at his canonization.Christ, hear us.Celebrant: Heavenly God, we rejoice in your gifts, and we give thanks for your salvation received.Through Christ, our Lord.The Universal PrayerTuesday 11th May 2021Sixth Week of Easter TimeCelebrant: My friends, Jesus’ promise of the Spiritcontinues to console the Church todayas it serves in a fragile and struggling world.That the Church may listen carefully to the truth of Christ’s teaching, and proclaim it with love and trust.Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.That the Spirit will help all people of goodwillto recognize sin, and so make a choice for all that is good and noble.Christ, hear us. That the Spirit may help us to be confidentin the merciful judgment of God.Christ hear usThat those who are responsible for the safety and welfareof those in prisons and youth detention centres around the world may carry out their tasks with respect and fairness, especially during this time of the coronavirus pandemic.Christ, hear us.That is this month of May we will be fervent in prayer as with seek the help of Mary, Health of the Sick, in the face of the destructive power of the pandemic.Christ, hear us.Celebrant:Eternal God, may the love of Jesus always sustain us.for he lives and reigns forever and ever. The Universal PrayerWednesday 12th May 2021St Nereus and Achilleus St PancrasSixth Week in Easter TimeCelebrant: My friends, we admire the skill of St Paul as a teacher, that he could use the experience of the people to lead them to know Jesus.That we will be in union with the whole Church during this month of May as we seek deliverance from the evil of the pandemic.Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.That those who share the faith with children and adolescentsmay be sensitive to their culture, and show them the face of Jesusthrough the integrity of their lives and the wisdom of their words.Christ, hear us.That priests may approach people with pastoral love, and help them to find where God is in their lives, especially where people can only gather in limited numbers for the Eucharist.Christ, hear us. That the Spirit of truth may be with all politiciansso that they can be true public servantsworking for the welfare of all in this land, with special care for thoseimpoverished, stressed or fearful during this pandemic.Christ, hear us.That the courage of the teenager martyr, St Pancras, may bring a special blessing upon the youth of our parish, and that the faithfulness of the martyrs Nereus and Achilleus, will encourage those who are imprisoned for their Christian faith.Lord, hear us.That we may be in awe of God’s creating hand as we mark today’s World Migratory Bird Day.Christ, hear us.Celebrant:Eternal God, heaven and earth are full of your glory.Receive our praise and thanksgiving as we put our trust in you.Through Christ our LordThe Universal PrayerThursday 13th May 2021Our Lady of FatimaSixth Week in Easter TimeCelebrant Sisters and brothers, the Lord has the power to turn our sorrows into joy because he has conquered deathand been raised as the source of eternal life.We pray with Mary, honoured today as Our Lady of Fatima,for the world damaged by the coronavirus, for all sick with it,and those caring for them.Christ, hear us.We pray for those who carry the burden of grief, especially through these many months of the coronavirus pandemic,remembering those unable to bury their dead and to grieve withfamily and friends. Christ, hear us.We pray for cooperation and friendships in the Church as seen in the example of Paul living and working with Aquila and his family, and then later with Justus and his family. Christ, hear us.We pray that the spirit of shared ministry between Paul, Silas and Timothy will be a model for the Church in Australia, preparing for the Plenary Council, and the Archdiocese preparing for its Assembly.Christ, hear us.We pray for those who have asked us for our prayers, for those who have a right to our prayers, and for those who have no one to pray for them.Christ, hear us.Celebrant:Lord our God, may we make justice the foundationof our relationships with one another. Through Christ our Lord.The Universal PrayerFriday 14th May 2021St Matthias, apostleCelebrant:Dear friends, we honour St Matthias, whom the Holy Spirit guided the early Christians to elect as an apostle, following the death of Judas. 1.That the witness of St Matthias to Jesus, in his preaching and martyrdom, will be a source of encouragement to all Christians.Christ, hear us.2.That those who discern the suitability of candidates for thepriesthood, diaconate and religious life, may do so with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, sensitive to the needs of the Church.Christ, hear us.3.That this day of prayer among people of all faiths, in the face of theCovid 19 pandemic, may be one of constant intercession to God who loves all humanity and who hears the cry of the poor.Christ, hear us.4.That cooperation between all faiths in every country will seea great act of charity and compassion which will comfort the distressed, support those caring for the sick, and foster the production and giving of the vaccine in every country.Christ, hear us. 5. That the Church may find new ways of supporting the Catholic communities in many parts of the world who are now deprived of the Eucharist because of a shortage of priests.Christ, hear us.Celebrant:Father, you hate violence and love justice.Renew in our hearts the presence and power of the Spirit so that we may be always led in your ways.Through Christ our Lord.The Universal PrayerSaturday 15th May 2021Anniversary 1st Public Mass in Australia (1803)Saturday 6th Week of EasterCelebrant:Dear friends, Jesus has assured usthat anything we ask for in his namewill be given to us.That we will honour on this day the celebration of the first public Mass in Australia in Sydney in 1803 by Father James Dixon, and pray that the Eucharist will always be the source and summit of our Christian life.Christ, hear us. That on this International Day of Families, we will, as a Catholic community, also celebrate the memory of the first Catholic wedding in Australia in 1803, and pray for all marriages.Christ, hear us.That people around the world will honour the place of family life in society, and with this year’s theme, Families and New Technologies,find ways to support it in a rapidly changing environment.Christ hear us.That the example of Aquila and Priscilla instructing Apollos in the Christian faith, may be a blessing for all lay people in the Churchwho also teach others about Christ. Christ, hear us.That our united prayer across the Church this month, in the face of the pandemic, will be strengthened by Jesus’ promise, anything you ask of the Father he will grant in my nameChrist, hear us. Celebrant:Father, we praise you with one voicefor you are God, forever and ever ................

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