HOPE AACR Screening Process

Screener and Lead Evaluator Training


The purpose of a screening is to evaluate individuals as Team Leaders and individuals and their dogs as Canine Teams for their suitability to be trained for AACR work. A screening should answer the following questions:

1. The most basic question that should be answered by the screening process is:

Does the HOPEful team have aptitude for AACR work? Does the team show the necessary skills to be Ready for training? Teams that don’t qualify are Not Ready.

2. Does the HOPEful inspire confidence? Would you feel comfortable working alongside this team once trained? Would you want them working with you or family member in a crisis?

3. Can the HOPEful communicate effectively with appropriate social skills and work cooperatively with others?

4. Does the dog demonstrate reliable and appropriate behavior throughout the screening? Did the dog’s behavior raise warning flags about its suitability? An important principle to remember when evaluating canine behavior is prevention is always better than trying to fix a problem. Passing a questionable dog can lead to serious problems later.

5. Does the HOPEful use their dog appropriately? Does the HOPEful and dog work together as a “team”? Does the HOPEful use appropriate handling techniques?

Guiding Principles of Screening

1. We want to screen experienced AAA/T teams. “Experienced” can be a relative term. The team should have enough experience in AAA/T to demonstrate good people skills, be reasonably comfortable in somewhat stressful situations, and demonstrate controlled and appropriate behavior throughout the screening process.

2. We do not need to excessively stress dogs or individuals to determine if a team is ready for AACR. This is a vitally important point every member must be willing to adopt.

3. We are not expecting teams to go through the screening as if they’ve already been trained.

4. We do not expect teams to work with the precision of formal obedience competitors.

5. We DO expect teams to demonstrate appropriate, friendly and empathetic behavior.

6. All HOPE members participating in a screening MUST treat HOPEfuls with the highest regard, respect, courtesy, and empathy. This does not diminish the fact that the screening is an evaluation, and some teams will not be ready or may not be suitable for AACR. If the dog is not ready, the handler may be offered to train as a Team Leader.

7. Even though Screeners are compiling a numerical score, the number score alone does not qualify a team for training. Screeners document their observations on the screening form and results are shared with the Regional Director and/or Lead Evaluator. If they do not think a team is ready for training, they SHOULD NOT be invited to attend the workshop and should be evaluated as Not Ready, regardless of the score. Ultimately, the Lead Evaluator and Regional Director shall make the final decision.

8. A screening is clearly a subjective process. As a result of this fact, differences in scoring will occur.

Screening Locations:

Screenings should be conducted in a controlled environment, without major visual or auditory distractions intrinsic to the site. The “ideal” location should have the following:

1. A room big enough to set up 4 tables with 3 chairs in each corner of the room. There needs to be a center area of the room large enough for group exercises and a mock shelter. Extremely large rooms may be considered with one portion of the room being used.

2. A comfortable waiting area should be available away from the evaluation areas. This will be used by HOPEfuls.

3. A separate room for screening staff to put their belongings and to have lunch is preferred, but not mandatory.

4. It’s helpful to have parking, restrooms and a dog relief area nearby.

5. The facility should be air conditioned and heated as necessary. Screening in a hot (>80°) or cold ( ................

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