AACPS Web-Based Resources

AACPS Web-Based Resources


Blackboard onl ine learning environment *ena bles on-site a nd distance learning educators to post course materials and facilitate cl a ss discussions

Login information

Log in to ClassLink. Click on Blackboard icon

Brainpop *Va ri ety of i nformative vi deos with quizzes you can use with your s tudents

Us er Name: cbms Pa s sword: cougarcubs

Discovery Education *di gi tal media content for students and teachers (articles, images, vi deo, audio, lesson

pl a ns, etc...) *Boa rd Builder presentation tool WeVideo

*Cl oud-based collaborative vi deo editing s ervice that helps teachers and students simply crea te and share great-looking vi deos.

s tudent#@ or tea cher email Pa s sword: s chool password

Student#@ or tea cher email Pa s sword: s chool password

Google Drive *unl imited cl oud storage for s chool related files and folders

*i ncudes docs, forms, sheets, slides, classroom, no gmail *us ers share a nd collaborate documents i n cl oud setting from a ny i nternet device

s tudent#@ or tea cher email Pa s sword: s chool password

Google Classroom onl ine l earning environment *educators post course materials, multi-media, a nd facilitate discussion threads *i ntegrates with Google Drive

s tudent#@ or tea cher email Pa s sword: s chool password

Public Access Card Catalog *s earch for books, ebooks, a udiobooks *optional login to check account activi ty, create and save lists

MackinVIA *onl ine access to all ebooks, audiobooks, databases *no l ogin needed on s chool devi ces *one l ogin for all access from remote devices

Opti onal l ogin for account activi ty: 6 di git employee # Pa s sword: l ast four digits of empl oyee#

Student i d # or 6 di git employee # Pa s sword: l ast four digits of i d #

Nearpod onl i ne learning envi ronment *i nteractive presentation and teacher assessment tool *tea chers create presentations, quizzes, polls, and post digital media *Syncs wi th Google Drive

NoodleTools *correctl y ci te s ources i n MLA, APA, a nd other ci tation styl es *tra ck s ources, take notes, create outlines, collaborate with classmates, format

a nd print bibliographies

OneDrive/Office 365 *unl imited cl oud storage for s chool related files and folders *i ncudes word, excel, ppt, etc..., no email *us ers share a nd collaborate documents i n cl oud setting from a ny i nternet device Parent Connectxp Pa rent a ccess to student grades a nd a ttendance Pa rents are encouraged to share l ogin/password with students

us ername@ Pa s sword: s chool password no s tudent sign up, teachers provi de l esson codes

fi rs t l ogin is a s ign up & Google Drive sync s tudent#@ or tea cher email Pa s sword: s chool password

s tudent#@ or teacher e ma il Pa s sword: s chool password

Pa rents must call s chool office to s et up account a ccess.

More tha n ever you depend on your aacps password. The registration link a nd the l ink to reset are on > Staff. Look for Pa ssword Self Service under "Employee Sys tems."


es tarnes 8.28.18


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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