

1st Semester Academic Year 2008-2009

Course Title: Advanced Pediatric Dentistry I

Course Code: Dent 731

Prerequisite: None

Course Coordinator: Dr Feda Zawaideh

Email: fedazawaideh@just.edu.jo

Instructors: Dr Feda Zawaideh, Dr Ola Batayneh

Course description: a theoretical 2-hour course designed to provide postgraduate students with a detailed knowledge of the major aspects of pediatric dentistry. The course is carried out in a series of 16 two hourly seminars in which a topic is discussed, presented and the related relevant and recent literature is reviewed.

Course objectives: the practice of pediatric dentistry is an interdisciplinary subject, providing different aspects of dental care to children and adolescents as well as individuals with special needs. Postgraduate students should have an immense knowledge of the major areas of the practice of pediatric dentistry. By the end of this course, students should exhibit sufficient knowledge, sound judgment and experience regarding:

I. Examination, diagnosis and treatment planning

II. Prevention of dental disease

III. Restorative dentistry in children and adolescents

IV. Pulp therapy in primary and young permanent teeth

V. Behavior management

Learning outcomes:

1. Deep knowledge and understanding of the nature and diagnosis of dental disease in children

2. Ability to perform risk assessment and disease prediction

3. Deep insight into the available treatment modalities according to evidence based dentistry

4. Sufficient knowledge of psychological behavior management techniques

5. Deep knowledge and understanding of theories and clinical methods of preventing dental disease

6. Application of the above mentioned knowledge into clinical situations

Attendance policy: students are expected to attend all more than 90% of lectures and seminars

Seminar assignments:

In preparing their assignments, students should thoroughly read all recent texts pertinent to the topic, and review current literature. Emphasis should be placed on literature from about the last five years. The goal of the assignment is to develop an up-to-date review of the topic, which is very informative, factual, critical and interpretive of current literature, written i sound English and fully documented with references to peer-reviewed journals.

It is expected that the assignment will be about 15-20 pages long. It is expected that the Bibliography will contain about 20-25 pertinent references from peer-reviewed journals. The student should concentrate on the most recent literature and should identify between one to three key references for all to read (mark these with a “*” or similar in the Bibliography). Referencing method should follow Pediatric Dentistry Journal method of referencing.

Please remember the following rules and regulations:

• A copy-paste policy from the internet is unacceptable and will result in a penalty of deduction of 5/25 marks each time it is discovered.

• Students are not allowed to share reports. Effort should reflect individuality.

• Late assignments are unacceptable. If the student doesn't submit assignment on time, 2/25 marks will be deduced.


• 25 % for the written assignment and weekly quizzes.

• 25 % for the mid-term written examination.

• 50 % final online examination.


Concerns or complaints should be expressed in the first instance to the course coordinator. If no resolution is forthcoming then the issue should be brought to the attention of the Department Chair and if still unresolved to the Dean. Questions about the material covered in the lecture, notes on the content of the course, its teaching and assessment methods can also be sent by e-mail.


1. McDonald R E and Avery R H (2004). Dentistry for the child and adolescent. Eighth Edition. Elsevier

2. Pinkham J R, Casamassimo, Fields, McTique D J and Nowak A J. (2005) . Pediatric dentistry , infancy through adolescence . Philadelphia ,W.B.Saunders Co

3. Cameron, Widmer (2nd edition). Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry. Mosby

4. Welbury ,R.R..(2001) Paediatric Dentistry . 2nd edition. Oxford University Press,London.

5. Related Articles will be distributed.

Main internet resources:

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Policies and Guidelines

Lecture outline:


|1 |Tuesday 16/9 |Introduction to the course |Dr Feda |

|2 |Tuesday 23/9 |Examination of a child patient |Dr Feda |

|3 |Tuesday 30/9 |Radiographic examination and special investigations |Dr Ola |

| |Public holiday | | |

|4 |Tuesday 7/10 |Risk assessment, caries prediction and treatment planning |Dr Feda |

|5 |Tuesday 14/10 |Prevention of dental disease: Role of oral hygiene and dietary control, |Dr Ola |

| | |tooth structure and saliva | |

|6 |Tuesday 21/10 |Prevention of dental disease: Role of Fluoride |Dr Feda |

| |Deadline for 1st | | |

| |assignment | | |

|7 |Tuesday 28/10 |Prevention of dental disease: Role of antimicrobials and remineralizing |Dr ola |

| | |agents (xylitol, CHX, CPP) and vaccination | |

|8 |Tuesday 4/11 |Prevention of dental disease: Role of FS and PRR |Dr Feda |

|9 |Tuesday 11/11 |Early childhood caries |Dr Ola |

|10 |Tuesday 18/11 |Intracoronal restorations (Amalgam, composite, compomer, GIC and RMGIC) |Dr Feda |

|11 |Tuesday 25/11 |MID TERM EXAMINATION (2-9) |Dr Feda |

|12 |Tuesday 2/12 |Extracoronal restorations (SSC and anterior crowns) |Dr Feda |

|13 |Tuesday 9/12 |Behavior management I |Dr Ola |

|14 |Tuesday 16/12 |Pulp therapy for primary teeth |Dr Feda |

|15 |Tuesday 23/12 |Behavior management II |Dr Ola |

|16 |Tuesday 30/12 |Pulp therapy for young permanent teeth |Dr Feda |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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