
2086119544601Age Friendly meeting minutes for January 11, 2021 via ZoomPresent: Jim Peavey, Rick and Juliana Cliffe, Karen MacGillivary, Sheila McCandless, Elaine Varney, Roger Bogart, Peggy Kapisovsky, Joyce Oliver, Sandy and Ole JaegerMeeting Minutes for November 9, 2020 ApprovedNext Steps Out of AARP Age-Friendly Action Plan:Jim urged us to keep people in mind who may want to be included in our list of contractors.Continued improvement of the communication network in town, ongoing.Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety on Georgetown RoadsRick reported that he hopes to initiate an action item from the Comprehensive Plan, namely a “Route 127 Corridor Management Plan” that will focus on bicyclist, pedestrian and vehicle safety.? A Corridor Management Plan is a strategic plan for upgrading or improving the (highway) corridor.? It will be developed by an ad hoc committee in conjunction with the Road Commissioner and ME DOT.? So far about 15 people have expressed interest.? He has agreed to take the list of names, the proposed process, plan/scope and schedule back to the Selectboard on January 26th for their approval to move forward.?Adaptive tools and assistive technologySandy suggested that we begin developing a low-tech Assistive Technology catalog. She asked that Jim apply for a grant for between $750 and $1000 to purchase low tech AT, build a display cart (buy or build, plans available), create a lending library to loan items for tryouts and perhaps even help Georgetowners make purchases if needed. She consulted with other Age Friendly communities (Bowdoinham and Bethel) who have successfully accomplished this task. Sandy asked for assistance in updating prices and items, and suggestions of other AT that could be included. Jim stated that he is applying for a grant through Maine Community Foundation Grants (funds to be announced in April). The Steering Committee indicated a willingness to use AFG funds should we not be successful with the grant. Sandy also outlined future ways to do outreach for the AT catalog and items. People who agreed to review pages of the AT catalog are Rick, Peggy, Elaine, Sheila, Roger, Karen and Ole. Sandy also wondered if the Richards Library could be involved in a display of AT tools. Maine CITE lending display boards and sample items for tryout are available.House Numbering: Sheila created and printed the "posters", see below. They were left at the Town Office, posted at the Post Office, and Country Store. The Georgetown page of the NextDoor Digest will also post the notice. She will ask the school and FD to post one on their bulletin boards. There have been three new requests for numbers just since the meeting on Monday Jan 11th.Need a house number?Just a reminder that the Age Friendly/GWL/GFD house numbering project is still in full swing! FMI go to house-numbering The number plaques are free while supplies last, donations are welcome. Call Sheila McCandless 371-2074 New Residents Packets:The Town Office is hampered by a backlog of work and restrictions due to COVID. It was mentioned that the contents of the packets may vary and finding time to assemble packets is difficult. How can we help with this? In follow up emails Jim suggested we offer to take over the assembling of packets. To this end, Elaine took a very detailed inventory of her “sample" packet and noted some additions that would be helpful to new residents. Jim will offer our help to Town Office folks. Sheila also volunteered to work with Elaine on this project. Jim suggested our AFG Welcome Letter could stand as is, and perhaps the Town would add its own letter.****************Juliana announced that she is stepping back from the AFG steering committee to focus on other projects near and dear to her heart. She will be missed but not far out of reach if we need her.Next Meeting: Monday, February 8th @4 PM via ZOOM ................

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