
?Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?10:25 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I finished configuring the OpenSUSE partition on the Dell Latitude 4600i computer.? Its Grub boot loader on installation on a second partition on the first hard drive recognized Windows XP Professional on the first partition on the first hard drive and Windows 8 Developer on the second hard drive, so one does not have to use the Dell F12 key at boot up to boot Windows 8 Developer.? Of course the second hard drive with Windows 8 Developer might be failing, but if that happens, I can install Windows 8 Developer on a spare 40 gigabyte IDE hard drive that I have.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?7:40 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I did not get any mail today.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?6:45 P.M.? I went to bed after the last note.? I had a computer marketing telephone call about 9 A.M..? I had a no person telephone call about noon.? Around 3:30 P.M., I received a telephone call from about the hit and run accident I saw on Greenwich Avenue about a month ago.? I told them what I could remember, and I told then I did not get the license plate number.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I went back to bed until 6:15 P.M..? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?7:50 A.M.? I have the updates installed on the OpenSUSE partition on the Dell Latitude 4600i computer.? I will configure it at a later time.? I will now shut down the primary work computer and go to bed.Earlier I ate a scone.Mostly sunny today and 75 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?6:05 A.M.? I move the Audi to its usual place.? I picked up the mail.? I am now paying $13 a month for two Cablevision boxes instead of $6.50 for both, since the free year on the other one expired.? CIO Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?5:35 A.M.? Ken Rutkowski - Google+, I remember, when he was just a kidGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |Enrico Fermi (Italian-American physicist) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - 'Flying carpet' of conductive plastic takes flightBBC News - Tevatron atom smasher shuts after more than 25 yearsBBC News - Fiery spectacle from Sicily's Mount EtnaBBC News - IBM beats Microsoft in tech giants ranking? CIO? Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?4:40 A.M.? I ate the rest of the Chef's salad with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?4:05 A.M.? ?I paid my Digital Family Cable TV, Optimum Online Boost Cable Modem, and Optimum Voice Long Distance bills, my cl- electricity bill, and my telephone bill.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?3:15 A.M.? On the Dell Latitude 4100i desktop computer in the bedroom, I can still boot Windows 8 Developer from the second hard drive with the F12 key from the Dell Bootup menu.Thus after I install the Windows XP Professional Updates on it, I will install on the second partition on the first hard drive.? CIO Note: <888> 09/30/11 Friday?2:45 A.M.? I have not cleaned up yet.? I took the spare unconnected old Seagate IDE 160 gigabyte hard drive out of the FIC server, and I put it in the Dell Latitude 4600i computer as the primary hard drive with the second Western Digital 80 gigabyte hard drive as the second hard drive.? However, the Windows 8 Developer backup that I had made to the Western Digital external hard drive would not restore from the Windows 8 DVD.? I even tried Windows 7 and Vista DVDs to restore it.? I reconnected the Western Digital 80 gigabyte hard drive as the primary drive, but the XP Boot Manager disappeared, and I was not able to restore it by the XP Boot Manager Repair process or with EasyBCD.? I reconnected the Seagate 160 gigabyte hard drive as the primary drive, and I partitioned it with the Vista DVD into two 75 gigabyte partitions.? I am now restoring the Paragon backup of Windows XP Professional to it, and then I will install its updates, and I will then reinstall Windows 8 Developer on the second partition.? Once? I have it configured, I will make a Paragon Backup from Windows XP Professional of both partitions to the second hard drive and the Western Digital external hard drive.?? This will take some time.? However, I will have a better hard drive in the Dell Latitude 4600i computer.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?11:15 P.M.? I called up the Key West Hotel Resorts & Florida Keys Beach Accommodations - Casa Marina Key West , and I told them they should keep an eye on Tropical Storm PHILIPPE Tracking which they were not aware of.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? CIO Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?10:55 P.M.? I rested some more.? I ate five chocolate chip cookies.? I sort of feel worn out a bit from my walking last night, but it might possibly be from not eating enough food.? I have plenty of food in my apartment, and I feel full, so that might not be the problem.? I have very low blood pressure, so when the barometric pressure is low when it is raining, it makes me feel tired.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?9:35 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a scone and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?8:30 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.Tropical Storm PHILIPPE TrackingHurricane OPHELIA TrackingKennebunkport dedicates Barbara Bush garden | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday TelegramFormer first lady Barbara Bush’s summer hometown in Maine honors her with a garden - The Washington PostKennebunkport honors Barbara Bush with garden - Houston ChronicleKennebunkport honors Barbara Bush with garden - Times UnionKennebunkport honors Barbara Bush with garden - I chatted with two relatives.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?7:30 P.M.? I went back to bed until now.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?5:35 P.M.? I chatted with two friends whom were busy with their daily activity.? In my particular case, I am getting ready for my daily night time activity.? CIO Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?5:20 P.M.? Severe thunderstorm warning issued for parts of Fairfield County, flood advisory for coastal areas - GreenwichTimeNational Weather Service Watch Warning Advisory Summary? CIO? Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?5:20 P.M.? I woke up, and I ate a day old scone.? I finally woke up at 3:30 P.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?4:35 A.M.? SEEN: Go Wild! in Greenwich - GreenwichTimeI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Thunderstorms today and 73 to 58 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?3:50 A.M.? Of course his family has this place Schloss Rothschild Reichenau 1 - Freebase where the Duke of Windsor and Wallace Simpson stayed after they were married GREAT BRITAIN: Knob-Head - TIME .? CIONote: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?3:15 A.M.? Being an environmentalist, Geoffrey might not being doing too well, since it seems his house in Austria is For Sale Mariazell - Erlaufsee - Lackenhof!!! 3294 Langau Erlaufsee - Lackenhof Kauf Einfamilienhaus - 87308634 auf Wohnnet .? I was sort of hoping he might bail out the poor Vanderbilt family and buy .? Well, it is in the mountains.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?2:55 A.M.? I ate a scone and a slice of cheese.? Recently, when I have been eating a slice of cheese, it is a .25 inch by 1 inch by 2.5 inch slice of Stop and Shop Monterey Jack cheese.? CIO Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?2:30 A.M.? G.R.H. stands for somebody very private in Europe who does not want to be bothered Geoffrey R. Hoguet - The Hastings Center , but it could also stand for "German Republic of Hesse", because both are basically the same from an economics point of view.? Basically they are a well to do European family Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with international contacts.? However, amongst the elite, there is always somebody richer like possibly the His Highness the Aga Khan's 74th Birthday - Mowlana Hazar Imam's 74th Birthday - December 13, 2010 , but he looks healthier in this photo a year before His Highness the Aga Khan's 73rd Birthday - Mowlana Hazar Imam's 73rd Birthday - December 13, 2009 .? CIOBasically he is part of this group 2009 donors to Clinton foundation | World news | The Guardian .? CIO Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?1:50 A.M.? It seems G.R.H. has his own web site? might still have investment capital, but it seems to be a private web site.They seem to be affiliated with GreenHunter Energy Inc. and GRH Energy Group - Home - GRH Energy Group? You know cow manure when dried is a good energy alternative.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?1:05 A.M.? MiaVitaExpand the Use of Food Stamps? - Room for Debate - A Lifeline for Refugees - This is how the Chase family makes their money David Chase Nantucket ? Nantucket ? Palm BeachBBC Nature - Secret of koala bellow revealedBBC News - China ready for next space leapBBC News - Amazon Kindle Fire to enter tablet computer market? CIO ? Note: <888> 09/29/11 Thursday?12:05 A.M.? For novices on personal computers, ten years ago or more, used to charge $400 an hour for maintaining personal computers.? Thus if a hacker were in a jurisdiction where they could be sued for damages, they could accrue a lot of damage costs for hacking other people's personal computers.? Also there are various state and federal laws against hacking computers.? Ignorance of the law usually is not an excuse.? CIO Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?11:50 P.M.? I ate one third of the Chef's salad I made this past morning with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a day old scone and a 12 ounce glass Nestea ice tea.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?11:05 P.M.? I went out in the pouring rain, and I drove downtown.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I stopped by CVS on the way up Greenwich Avenue, and I toured the store.? At the top of Greenwich Avenue underneath the covered canopy at the Chase Plaza, I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.? I walked back down Greenwich Avenue.? I then drove over to CVS.? I used the bathroom at CVS.? I bought three 11 ounce bags of Gold Emblem potato chips for $5 all.? They were on sale last week, but since they still had the sale sticker up on the shelf, they gave me the sale price.? I then bought four Xtra 45 ounce 2X Tropical Passion Detergent for $1.49 each and .38 tax for $6.34 total.? I then drove over the Stop and Shop.? I chatted with a local EMT and a local lawyer who told me New York City lawyers can cost $750 an hour.? I told him a little bit about what I knew about New York City law which is quite complex.? I chatted with another regular late night regular about down south.? I bought? a container of six day old sconces for $2, two 8 ounce boxes of Nabisco cheese nips for $1 each, a two pound bag of baby carrots for $2.50, broccoli crowns for $1.49 a pound for $1.16, a head of Cello Foxy iceberg lettuce for $1.99 for $9.65 total.? I then returned home.? They are still removing the asphalt from West Putnam Avenue from Weaver Street all of the way over to Valley Road, so there is only one lane going each way.? I told a neighbor about the skunk in the area.? CIO Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?7:45 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now go downtown for some fresh air.? CIO Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?7:20 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put psoriasis cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?6:20 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for 2XL National Outfitters Yarn-Dyed Flannel Shirt - Long Sleeve (For Men) - Save 65% one in red, one in blue, one in tan for $8.21 each and National Outfitters Brawny Shirt - Long Sleeve (For Men) - Save 64% in 2XL in blue for $11.21 less 20% off with coupon code "OUTSIDE13" for $28.68 and $7.95 shipping for $36.63 total.Tracking number is "9405510200828166687226" at for the order for 160GB Seagate Barracuda 3.5" IDE ATA PATA 7200RPM Desktop Hard Drive ST3160812A | eBay for $19.95 and $4.95 shipping for $24.90 total.Tomorrow is Michaelmas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , when it is legal to steal horses in Scotland. ?CIO? Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?5:20 P.M.? I went to bed at 6:30 A.M. after reading for a while.? I woke up at 8:30 A.M., when called me up about a tech newsletter.? I went back to bed until 4 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? It is raining outside, and I am afraid to go outside and walk in the rain in case I might melt.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?4:45 A.M.? I ate a few day old muffin with a glass of water.? I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated it all in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.I will now shut down the primary computer, and I will go to bed soon, but I might read some before going to bed.Showers today and 70 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?3:25 A.M.? For the Dell Latitude 4600i desktop computer which has a faulty Western Digital refurbished hard drive, I ordered 160GB Seagate Barracuda 3.5" IDE ATA PATA 7200RPM Desktop Hard Drive ST3160812A | eBay for $19.95 and $4.95 shipping for $24.90 total.BBC News - Nasa's UARS satellite fell far from major landmassBBC News - Implantable pacemaker inventor Wilson Greatbatch diesBBC News - 'Smart' window switches to dark mode to save energy? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?1:40 A.M.? I ordered in 2XL National Outfitters Yarn-Dyed Flannel Shirt - Long Sleeve (For Men) - Save 65% one in red, one in blue, one in tan for $8.21 each and National Outfitters Brawny Shirt - Long Sleeve (For Men) - Save 64% in 2XL in blue for $11.21 less 20% off with coupon code "OUTSIDE13" for $28.68 and $7.95 shipping for $36.63 total.? CIO Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?12:55 A.M.? I ate the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce that I made last night with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon juice and five chocolate chip cookies.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/28/11 Wednesday?12:10 A.M.? I made 192 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO ??? Note: <888> 09/27/11 Tuesday?9:55 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I finished the backup.? Technically I could restore the backup to the first Dell Latitude D410 laptop, but I don't think that is necessary, since I also find the partition on it useful.? As a computer geek that tests operating systems for 22 years or more, I have learned a thing or two.? I will now make cigarettes.? A lot has changed since DOS 2.0.? I once drove over to the Egghead Software store clearance center across the Hudson River with Roger Schultz, and I bought a Canadian Desktop Publishing program for DOS and a Shareware Menu Program for DOS and a Utility Program for DOS.? I can not remember the name of that town, but it is also where I bought some of my Acer LCD monitors from .? I think they were in the shopping center of Nanuet, New York.? There was also a Railroad Salvage store in that mall complex.? CIO Note: <888> 09/27/11 Tuesday?9:00 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put psoriasis cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I told a neighbor one of his car headlights were out.? I picked up the mail.I am doing a Windows 8 Developer Complete PC backup of both XP Professional and Windows 8 Developer partitions on the second Dell Latitude D410 laptop computer to the Rosewill external hard drive.? In Windows 8 Developer to find the Complete PC backup program, from the Desktop, one has to chose Control Panel, and then view the control panel as Icons, and then one finds the Complete PC backup program.I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 09/27/11 Tuesday?7:20 P.M.? I woke up at 3 P.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with two friends.? I went back to bed until 6:45 P.M..? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.Andy Rooney exiting '60 Minutes' this Sunday - GreenwichTimeDowntown Greenwich ranks third for priciest office space in North America - GreenwichTimeWell, I have an office on a bench on Greenwich Avenue, and I also have access to Starbucks, the Senior and the Arts center and the Greenwich Library, so I have a major business presence on Greenwich Avenue.? I just can not figure out what my business is, since nobody chats with me very much because I smoke cigarettes.?? Maybe I know a few people in the tobacco business.? CIO? ? ? Note: <888> 09/27/11 Tuesday?5:25 A.M.? Long lines form in Stamford for storm-related federal food assistance - GreenwichTime .? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Afternoon thunder showers today and 76 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/27/11 Tuesday?5:10 A.M.? In the United States of America, we have the Fuller Brush Company Products (Powered by CubeCart) .? When I was building the garage apartment in 1982 and 1983 way out in Plandome Manor, Long Island, the Fuller Brushman showed up making his regular rounds to sell to Vivian West, and he looked like Bill Clinton, and a few years later he became President.? I guess he was very popular out there.? However, they don't sell a bottle cleaning brush.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/27/11 Tuesday?4:45 A.M.? Here is the manufacture's page for the two bottle brushes that I bought Ultra washing up bottle brush - Ultra Washing Up - Ultra - Plastic Houseware & Brushware - Charles Bentley and Son Ltd .? I guess there could be a market in America to sell these products Charles Bentley and Son Ltd .? One could be like the British Fuller Brushman in America.? CIONote: <888> 09/27/11 Tuesday?4:20 A.M.? I did some routine computer work.? I ate a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance Spread and a glass of water.? I worked with the Windows 8 Developer partition on the second Dell Latitude D410 laptop.? I did some system configuration.? It seems to be running fine.? The systems seems to want to revert back to the Windows 8 Boot Manager which it does, but at the bottom of the boot manager page, there is a Boot Manager Options selection that gives an option to boot the Older Windows XP Professional Operating System on the C: drive.? When that is booted the boot manager then changes back to the Windows XP boot manager with an option for Windows 8 Developer.? If I have external IDE hard drive space, I might back it up when I have time.? CIO Note: <888> 09/27/11 Tuesday?12:55 A.M.? Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - Live Webcast - Chris Christie at the Reagan Foundation. Tuesday, Sept. 26, 6:00pm PDTPartners: 6 Ways To Get Free Microsoft Product Licenses -- Redmond Channel PartnerWindows 8 Dual Boot Possible If 'Secure Boot' Disabled -- CVS Spend $60, Get $15 Off Plus Free Shipping*IBM's Watson to Diagnose Patients - ComputerworldMicrosoft's Windows 8 Developer Preview: First Look - Enterprise Applications - News & Reviews - Saudi Monarch Grants Women Right to Vote - BBC News - Powerful Typhoon Nesat hits PhilippinesBBC News - Shipwreck of SS Gairsoppa reveals ?150m silver haulBBC News - Virtual monkeys write ShakespeareBBC News - Google helps put Dead Sea Scrolls onlineDigital Dead Sea ScrollsArt Project, powered by GoogleMuseo Nacional del PradoYad Vashem - World Center for Holocaust Research, Education, Documentation and CommemorationBBC News - Samsung and Apple warring over patents again? CIO? Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?11:40 P.M.? I ate half of the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce that I made last night with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon juice and four chocolate chip cookies.? CIO Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?10:45 P.M.? I had a no person telephone call at 12:30 P.M. today.? I finally woke up at 3:30 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I went downstairs, and I chatted with neighbors, and I picked up the mail.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I went by CVS, and I picked up a prescription for my foot psoriasis which is Mometasone Furoate Ointment USP 0.1% 45 grams.? I bought two Crest Pro-Health 7.8 ounce fluoride toothpaste whitening for $7.50 both and .48 tax for $7.98 total.? I then went further downtown.? I chatted briefly with a relative on my wireless telephone.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I bought an Aces High scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I sat out at various locations.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by CVS again.? I got my annual flu shot which my Medicaid program paid for.? I had to fill out a form before getting it.? I bought a 12 ounce bag of Gold Emblem chocolate chips cookies for $2.50 and a 12 ounce bag of Gold Emblem chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies for $2.50 for $5 total.? I used the bathroom at CVS.? At the top of Greenwich Avenue, I chatted with a local politician.? I finished my walk.? I sat out some more.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a six pack of day old Kaiser rolls for $1.50, a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance lite spread for $3.59, a 12 ounce Stouffer's lean cuisine sliced turkey dinner for $2.50 and a 12 ounce Stouffer's lean cuisine chicken Tuscan dinner for $2.50, two 1.75 McCormick's Perfect Pinch Italian seasoning for $2.50 each, a 2.25 ounce Stop and Shop oregano for $2.49, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $1.81, a Vidalia onion for $1.49 a pound for $1.15 for $20.54 total.? I then returned home.? As I was pulling in my usual parking place there was a medium size skunk eating the grass in front of me about 20 feet, so I waited about five minutes until the skunk moved on before pulling into the parking place.? Possibly having a skunk in the area would keep any wild cats from hanging out in the area.? I then returned to my apartment.? I chatted with a relative.? I put away my groceries.? I saw on today that 7 out of 10 people in the United States of America get some sort of government assistance.? CIO?? ?Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?7:10 A.M.? Hundreds turn out for Greenwich dog show - GreenwichTimeI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Cloudy today and 79 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.My personal view of the United States of America is that we are more like Australia way out there in the middle of the ocean and we are merely an after thought to most of the people in the rest of the world.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?6:20 A.M.? All I can find on the internet, if anyone needs to contact the Military Police in this area is this telephone list at usma.edu and the list is at .? The outside number to contact them would be 1-845-938-3333 or 3312 for the MP Desk Sergeant.? I called them about a civilian I have seen in this area driving something that looks like a Military Jeep, and they told me it is a local police matter.? I have also seen a Red Cadillac with New York License Plate "USMC1" and a Connecticut license plate "NAVY", but when I chatted with the owner of that vehicle thinking it was a veteran, he thought Northrop Grumman Corporation - The Value of Performance was the Chinese theatre in California.? Maybe, they don't feel like talking, or maybe they are actors, I don't know.? I think the military now uses something like Ezpass for Military ID on vehicles.Of course, I use to know a family that could sell you one of these Navistar Defense , but it might not be too diplomatic around here in Greenwich, Connecticut.Of course, one of these might be more in your league International Harvester Pickup Truck | eBay .I think the one that I had on the Farm while at lfc.edu was a 1947 International Harvester Pickup truck, and it looked a little bit older than this International Harvester : L120 | eBay .? As I recall, I sold it to the new renters at the Farm in 1971 for $10, because it had a hole in its engine block, but if they did not transfer ownership, I might still own it.? CIO Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?5:35 A.M.? I ate three scoops of Edy's French Silk ice cream.?? Well, there is not much going on in this neck of the woods of the extreme far South Western Connecticut.? However, I know many other people elsewhere in Connecticut whom do not communicate with me much, since they regard this area as being mostly New Yorkers.? Since we are legally part of Connecticut and not New York, although we watch a lot of New York media, legally New Yorkers with legal positions have no legal authority in Connecticut from my viewpoint.? Since we also have military people in Connecticut whom are part of the Federal Government, such as in New London, Connecticut, they obviously would have some sort of funding and direction and instructions as to how to operate in this area.? It happens to be in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America, that citizens do not have to surrender their residents for use by the military, and if the military were to use a private citizen's residence, they would have to pay the going rate for using that residence. Third Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?4:45 A.M.? I moved the smaller flags that were on the shelf of the center hallway bookcase, and I put most of them on top of the left hallway bookcase with the other smaller flags.? I put the two small Swiss flags on the oak dining table facing the primary eating place in front of the computer speaker.?? Thus if we ever get rich enough, we might be eating some Swiss cheese.? I ate a slice of cheese.? Well, the World Wide Web started in Switzerland, if you did not know World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) .? Both Switzerland and Sweden are neutral countries, the Vatican: the Holy See is an observer to the and United Nations member States - Non-member state maintaining observer mission . The list of members is here United Nations Member States .? I know Austria and Thailand are neutral countries.? CIO Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?4:10 A.M.? With all of the activity such as Prime Minister David Cameron speech on Arab Spring to United Nations , I thought I would make my apartment more diplomatic.? I fixed the picture frame on the upper right of the bathroom sink with the pictures of the various Royalty, since some of them had become crooked, since the Scotch tape had worn out.? I moved the small Scottish Cross of St. Andrews on the left side the Cablevision box with the small Florida flag behind it, and on the right side of the Cablevision box, the small Dutch tricolor flag with the small U.S.A. flag behind it.? Then over the right hallway bookcase, I put the extra large Scottish Cross of St. Andrews flag with the extra large British Union Jack flag over that.? Over the left hallway bookcase, I put the large airforce.mil flag, then the large Saudi Arabian flag over that, and then the large Bermuda flag over that, with the large Swedish flag over that, with the large British Union Jack flag over that, and finally on top in front the large Dutch Tricolor flag.? Thus I have the more diplomatic setup in my apartment that has existed during the colder weather for many years.? Not that anyone ever visits me, particularly having the apartment probably infected with Foot Fungus, but it does not hurt to be prepared.? I ate a corn muffin.? CIO Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?3:05 A.M.? Prescription Drug Shortage Hits U.S. Doctors, Hospitals - AARP BulletinBBC News - New study says birds learn how to build nests? CIO? Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?2:20 A.M.? If there are any newcomers here from South of the Mason Dixon line enjoying the tropical weather that we are currently enjoying and planning to spend the winter here, I would advise them to look at these pictures from February 1, 2011.? Of course by Midwestern standard or Canadian standards those weather conditions are just a walk in the park. ?? Note: <888> 09/26/11 Monday?1:50 A.M.? I threw out the garbage after the last note.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.?? There were only a few people at the Thataway cafe.? There was one web surfer outside at Starbucks.? I sat out at various locations.? There were also a few people at McDuffs and a few people at the Barcelona cafe.? After my walk, I drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.? There was one couple there on a motorcycle.? The Seafair is no longer at the Delamar Hotel.? There are a few other smaller pleasure craft there.? I stopped by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $11.01 of self service V-Power gasoline for 2.561 gallons at $4.299 a gallon at odometer reading of 69097 miles for 31.6 miles driving since Sunday September 18, 2011 for 12.339 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I chatted with the regular night time clerk.? They are working on removing the asphalt down the hill west of Vinci Drive.? Part of the road is blocked off.? When I drove into Vinci Drive, there were four police cars and shortly thereafter a fire truck at one of the family units.? I am not sure what the problem was.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?11:15 P.M.? I made up a batch of Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine or Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine .? I ate one third of it and refrigerated two thirds, and I ate it with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea iced tea.I will now go downtown for a late evening stroll.? CIO Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?9:50 P.M.? Before the last note, I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I could hear the highway department equipment on West Putnam Avenue scrapping off the old layer of asphalt which they will be doing for the next two weeks.? CIO Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?9:45 P.M.? I ordered two Bottle Cleaning Brush, large size nylon head, Bentley | eBay for GBP $2.58 and shipping via Royal Air Mail for $2.64 for $5.22 GBP for $8.30 total U.S.A. dollar.?? I need them for cleaning my Rubbermaid quart containers that I keep milk in.? It is hard to find a bottle brush with a long handle.? I guess that is all I need from England unless they can spare a few fivers.? CIONote: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?8:25 P.M.? I chatted briefly with a relative.? I watched the program "60 Minutes" about the increased security in New York City.? I just chatted with the same relative again.? CIO Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?7:05 P.M.? Local Market Research | Demographic Information | Scarborough called up to make sure that I sent in both surveys, which I did.It says here Population of Scotland | Statistics of Scottish City Population | The Official Gateway to Scotland , there are 5.2 million people in Scotland, so since there are 7 billion people on the planet, and if one divides 7 billion by 5.2 million, one in every 1346.159 people is Scottish, so in a mixed population like the New York City area, one has to see a lot of people from around the world, for every Scottish person that one sees.? CIO ?Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?6:35 P.M.? Back in the "Good Old Days" when gasoline was less than $2.50 a gallon, I used to drive up to New Canaan, Connecticut once a month via the Merritt Parkway, and I would tour the quaint downtown area of New Canaan.? Next to the fire station, there was the Visiting Nurse thrift shop.? There use to be two CVS stores in downtown New Canaan as well as a Starbucks next to the New Canaan train station.? I guess with the higher prices of gasoline, the New Canaan people feel really isolated in their remote village environment.? At least in Greenwich, we get to see a lot of visitors off I-95 and out on the train from Manhattan.? Thus Greenwich is better for people watching, but people watching does not pay the bills.? Manhattan is good for people watching, but at $20 for a round trip train ride into Manhattan, I do not need to see that many people.? CIO Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?6:15 P.M.? I chatted with a relative about 10 A.M..? I finally woke up at 3 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I went back to bed until 5:15 P.M..? I chatted with a friend.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO??? End of Scott's Notes week of 09/25/11:Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?3:05 A.M.? I ate five chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.Taft rolls over Brunswick football - GreenwichTimeOne would never know it by looking at me today, but when I attended The Taft School from the fall of 1965 to the spring of 1968, I was one of the smaller people in the school, so I guess my other classmates are a lot larger.I am still six feet tall, and I currently weigh 222 pounds, so I have put on about a hundred pounds, since I graduated from Taft.I am afraid if showed up at any alumni functions, they might not recognize me at the greater weight.I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.Thundershowers today and 74 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO ?Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?2:25 A.M.? BBC News - A Point of View: Churchill, chance and the 'black dog'? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?2:05 A.M.? I watched the movie "The Bourne Supremacy".? CIO Note: <888> 09/25/11 Sunday?12:05 A.M.? I am just about to eat a 19 ounce Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?11:50 P.M.? I have the Dell Latitude D410 laptop Windows 8 Preview partition configured.? I could not get the Netgear FR114P printer server to work with it though.? One has to use the Dell XP audio driver.? I also installed the Dell XP Lan driver, since the Windows 8 Developer Lan driver worked, but it was buggy.? CIO Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?9:50 P.M.? Limited $129.99 with free shipping Viewsonic VA2431wm 24" Wide LCD Monitor W/Spkrs | eBay? CIONote: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?9:15 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.?? I put away the clean laundry.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?8:00 P.M.? I have 50 minutes to go on the dry cycles.? CIO Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?7:45 P.M.? I woke up at 5 P.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.?? I chatted with a relative.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 10 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I picked up the mail.? The order with tracking of Package ID Results on the order for - McAfee Internet Security 2011 3 User for $6.99 with free shipping arrived.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?9:25 A.M.? I have the Windows 8 Developer partition partially configured on the second Dell Latitude D410 laptop computer.? I am having problems getting it to recognize the Netgear FR114P print server, although I was able to get it to work with Windows 8 Developer on the Dell Latitude 4600i computer.? There was a false fire alarm at 8 A.M..? I heard fire trucks outside, so I guess they responded.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon, after I eat a day old muffin.Cloudy today and 75 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit.Greenwich under a flood watch - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?6:10 A.M.? History of the Scott FamilyScottish Castles Photo Library - Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries and GallowayHome of the Clan Scott SocietyBorder Clan Scott - History and GenealogyI have the updates installed on the XP partition on the second Dell Latitude D410 laptop, and I am now installing the Windows 8 Developer in a second partition.? CIONote: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?4:45 A.M.? NASA satellite meets fiery doom over the Pacific - Technology & science - Space - I ate rest of the remaining Chef's salad with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? CIO Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?3:55 A.M.? I am installing the Windows XP Professional updates on the second Dell Latitude D410 laptop computer.? Not to much ever happens around here, when I am on a night schedule, and I simply keep busy working on the computers.? Of course way over in the Eastern Hemisphere, they are awake and going at full steam, so they might be making news over there while we snooze here.? From what I know in all my visits to Europe, there are not too many people awake there at night either.? I think in England all of the pubs still have to close at 11 A.M., so they are mostly daytime people over there.? It is very peaceful on a night schedule, and not too much really happens to distract one from one's night time activity.? Of course I get out for early evening walks, so I get to see a few people ending their days.? With all of the traffic on I-95 there are always people driving through this area 24 hours a day.? New York City has a lot of people awake at night, since at night when it is less crowded, they are able to do a lot of the maintenance and also the trucks can more easily make deliveries.? Obviously there are a lot of cleaning personnel working at night.? Obviously the hospital are opened 24 hours, so there is always somebody awake there.? However, I got to be on a night schedule gradually evolved, since nobody ever wanted to hire me in the daytimes, and I got use to the more peaceful routines at night.? Even in college at lfc.edu I had a lot of afternoon classes, so I would be up into the early morning hours studying and working.? When I was with out a home in Florida, I was forced to be on a daytime schedule, but I would frequently sleep on the beach in the daytime and wander around at night until I became worn out.? In Nantucket, I usually did not get out of the restaurants until 4 A.M. in the morning, so I obviously was not awake that much in the daytime besides sleeping on the beach occasionally.? In Russia everything is opened 24 hours a day 7 days a week, so there are more people whom work at night.? Also in the winter in the northern part of the world, the day light hours are short.? I guess it is my Scottish heritage that makes me more of a night person, since Scotland is way up north.? I guess when the Scott family first came to America, they were probably wandering around at night trying to avoid the Indians.? The Scott family used to have two farms in Manhattan until 1700, and part of their property became the Jay family property, when one of their daughters married into the Jay family.? The Scott family until 1700 also owned all of Long Island.? The Scott family also had land grants in Virginia, so obviously they were established quite early during the English arrival to America.? Whether any of the family members have managed to hang on to any large parcels of property is opened to debate, since I am such a public person here, nobody in the family would tell me anything that might disturb their more private lives.? Obviously when somebody named Scott produced paper, there might have been some forests behind them to produce the timber to produce the paper.? I know there are a lot of Scott family members up in Canada, so maybe the larger members of the family have expanded into the Canada, when the lower 48 states got to be too crowded as if there were not enough room in the Midwest or Upper Midwest.? The way I figure it after 400 years, there are probably a half million to a million descendants of the Scott family around the country, so they seem to be a rather quiet family that nobody hears too much about.? Probably a lot of them still live in more rural areas, and thus they do not draw much national attention.? The richest Scott family member that I know about is Chester Scott, and he was from Omaha, Nebraska, and he was Warren Buffet's original partner.? Scott is also the family name of the Marquis of Queensbury's family in England, and since their title of nobility is the highest title outside the immediate Royal family, they might possibly also have some money.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?2:10 A.M.? Prison ? Martial Law Drill Commences as Economy Begins Descent? CIO Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?1:10 A.M.? On the second Dell Latitude D410 laptop computer, I did a Quick Zero Write with the Seagate Utilities CD to remove the XP and Linux partitions.? I am now restoring the Paragon backup of the XP Professional partition to a 40 gigabyte partition.? Once that is done in about 25 minutes, I will install the Windows Updates.? I will then install the Windows 8 Developer in the 33 gigabytes of remaining hard drive space.? Then I will configure it.? CIO?Note: <888> 09/24/11 Saturday?12:15 A.M.? Hawaii Stream Princeville Prince Golf Course CamThings You Don't Need at 50, Living Simple Life, Less Is More - Jacquelyn Mitchard - AARP BulletinMicrosoft's Plan To Stop Bing's $1 Billion Bleeding - Honolulu News Story - KITV HonoluluThe Greenwich Library will be closed this Monday September 26, 2011 for a planning session.Greenwich Library Business ResourcesThe Richest People in America - ForbesBBC News - Alpha radiation treats prostate cancersBBC News - Sir Paul McCartney: Ordinary yet extraordinaryBBC News - UARS satellite return expected laterBBC News - Aquarius satellite comes of ageBBC News - Le Bois des Moutiers: A corner of England in FranceBBC News - Dutch engineers make 'robot legs' for stroke patientsBBC News - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 'Surrounded by uncertainty'? CIO Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?11:15 P.M.? I ate a couple of bowls of Cheez-its and a slice of cheese.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?10:45 P.M.? After living in , I returned to Greenwich, Connecticut on December 13, 1983 on the His Highness the Aga Khan's 74th Birthday - Mowlana Hazar Imam's 74th Birthday - December 13, 2010 47th birthday, when I was 33 years old.? Thus in nearly 28 years, I have seen a lot of people come and go here in downtown Greenwich, Connecticut, which one might not see in Nantucket or Key West, but more than likely I have seen them all before in Manhattan.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?10:40 P.M.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? CIO Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?10:10 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went by CVS, and I bought a 12 pack of double rolls of CVS toilet paper for $5.49 and .35 tax for $5.84 total.? I also picked up a prescription.? I went further downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I heard a couple of people with British accents.? I sat out at various locations.? I stopped by the Chase ATM halfway up Greenwich Avenue.?? Two days ago, I also stopped by that same branch, and I also stopped by the branch at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I toured CVS again.? At the top of Greenwich Avenue underneath the cover of the Pickwick Plaza canopy, I chatted with two relatives on my wireless telephone.? After I finished my walk, I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I chatted with a regular.? I then returned home.? I picked up the mail.? I put away the toilet paper.? CIO Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?7:10 P.M.? I chatted with two relatives.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I will now go downtown.? CIO Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?6:15 P.M.? I chatted with a friend briefly.? It is raining outside, so there is not much to do.? I could always go by the Greenwich Library and see whom came out of the rain, but most people there do not feel like networking with older computer nerds.? Besides if I go out in the rain, I might melt.? I noticed on the television station around 105 that the BBC program "Dr. Who" is on.? It is sort of a weird British television program.? Possibly with all of the diplomats that showed up in Manhattan for the activity, we might have gotten some British visitors.? Last night I did see a Person of Color downtown wearing a diplomats clothes, so possibly there are other diplomats around.? Nobody communicates with me, basically because they are not too interested in my viewpoint on technology and how I use it.? I think the traveling public only networks with other people whom are traveling, and they do not find static individuals too interesting.?? There might be some people stuck inside at Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue because of the rain.? I do have umbrellas, so I always have the option of walking in the rain, but the rain is not that user friendly to my arthritis.? I will now wash the breakfast dishes, and I will make my bed.? At my age of 61, I am not encouraged to try to network in the local pubs.? CIO Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?5:25 P.M.? I went back to sleep until just now.? I ate four chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? CIO Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?3:30 P.M.? Rescue dog nurses baby foxes - GreenwichTimeThis Sunday dog show coming up Adopt-A-Dog - Coming to the Rescue Since 1981 - POD 2010? CIO? Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?3:20 P.M.? I woke up at 2 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?4:25 A.M.? ?I ate three scrambled eggs, four strips of fried bacon, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread, and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.Medline Individually Wrapped Toothbrush (Case of 144) | $9.99I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Rain and thunder today and 69 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.Tropical Storm OPHELIA Tracking? CIO? ?Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?1:55 A.M.? HP Names Meg Whitman CEO, Apotheker Out - Hardware - Data centers - InformationweekAutumn Adventures in ScotlandMicrosoft's Windows 8 Will Revamp PC Boot Experience - Desktops and Notebooks - News & Reviews - Michael Faraday (British physicist and chemist) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaIn Russia, a sleeping capsule for travelers | SmartPlanetNuclear cars, with help from thorium lasers | SmartPlanetCapturing energy in the air to power electronics | SmartPlanetBBC News - Speed-of-light experiments give baffling result at CernBBC News - SAS war diary: The SAS secret hidden since World War IIBBC News - Nasa refines satellite crash timeBBC Nature - Very small male zebrafish use sneaky sex strategyBBC News - Lock of hair pins down early migration of Aborigines? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/23/11 Friday?12:35 A.M.? Earlier this morning, I woke up and ate a day old muffin.? I just ate four chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts.Home away from home: Does NYC deputy mayor live in Greenwich? - GreenwichTimeIt is soon to be noisy at night on West Putnam Avenue for a couple of weeks Road work to begin on Route 1 Sunday - GreenwichTime? CIO? Note: <888> 09/22/11 Thursday?11:55 P.M.? I threw out the garbage after the last note.? I went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue, and I used the ATM machine.? They now have black and blue receipts on white paper.? I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? There was the usual small group of people dining downtown and a number of pub crawlers.? It seemed to be a quiet night.? I then returned home.I paid my first premium of my four payments on my new insurance policy beginning October 7, 2011 for the next six months.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 09/22/11 Thursday?9:40 P.M.? I will now go downtown for some fresh air.? CIO Note: <888> 09/22/11 Thursday?9:30 P.M.? I made Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated two thirds in a Rubbermaid containers, and I ate one third with Wish-Bone Italian dressing and extra virgin olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/22/11 Thursday?8:15 P.M.? I woke up at? 1:30 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.I made 237 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? I chatted with two relatives.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/22/11 Thursday?2:30 A.M.? Tropical Storm OPHELIA trackingI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Scattered thunderstorms today and 75 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.? It is suppose to rain for the next week.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/22/11 Thursday?1:30 A.M.? 12-foot, 3-inch alligator killed in Martin County : Treasure Coast Photo Galleries : : Local Treasure Coast, Florida News Delivered Throughout the Day.? .? CIO !!!!!! Note: <888> 09/22/11 Thursday?1:20 A.M.? Lloyd’s of London Pulls Deposits From Banks on Debt Crisis - Businessweek? CIO !!!!!! Note: <888> 09/22/11 Thursday?12:45 A.M.? For people with little or no money interested in computers in these economic troubled times, you might have an old computer without software or an operating system.? One might find an old computer here:Auctions, Notebooks items in Deal Train Mania store on eBay! or some other auction site.There are free Linux operating systems at Chrome OS Linux – SUSE .This Alpha developers release of Windows 8 is free and Windows Metro Style Apps Developer DownloadsThe Russians have a free Alpha release in English of their own version of Windows Download - ReactOS Website .For Windows computers, there are free Office suites at and IBM Lotus SymphonyOne can download free software for Windows from Microsoft at Windows Live Essentials 2011 - Download free Microsoft programs and security software from Virus, Spyware & Malware Protection | Microsoft Security Essentials .Communications software for free Free Skype calls and cheap calls to phones - SkypeFree Text Editor TextPad - the text editor for WindowsFree operating system cleaner CCleaner - Optimization and Cleaning - Free DownloadFree weather program Freeware and Shareware Software Downloads for Windows | Tropic Designs SoftwareFree magazine reader Zinio Digital MagazinesFree communications program Net2Phone -- Communication without bordersSorry I can not do anything about a "Free Lunch".? CIONote: <888> 09/21/11 Wednesday?11:55 P.M.? I ate seven chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Or - OCE Postdoctoral Fellow - Physics of ore forming processes in magmatic nickel ore depositsBiltmore Email NewsletterWill Windows 8 block users from dual-booting Linux? Microsoft won't say | ZDNetKeynote #1 | BUILD2011 | Channel 9Bringing Hyper-V to “Windows 8” - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN BlogsDelivering fast boot times in Windows 8 - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN BlogsTracking is Package ID Results on the order for - McAfee Internet Security 2011 3 User for $6.99 with free shipping.Fall in Hollandyour chance to save on trips to ScotlandBBC News - Deadly bird disease trichomonosis 'spreads to Europe'BBC News - UARS satellite: New images of tumbling US spacecraftBBC Nature - Rare giant armadillo photographedBBC News - Babbage Analytical Engine designs to be digitisedBBC News - Urbee 3D printed car goes on display in CanadaBBC News - Dyson turns up the heat in the home? CIO ? Note: <888> 09/21/11 Wednesday?10:55 P.M.? I ate a 19.5 ounce Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/21/11 Wednesday?8:45 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown to the , and I bought two package of 10 Rubbermaid Drip Dry Hangers for $3.99 each package and .51 tax for $8.49 total.? I then went further downtown.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? I toured CVS.? After my walk, I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.? I told one of their computer people about Windows 8 Preview Beta Download and Windows Metro Style Apps Developer Downloads.? I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I chatted with a reference librarian and a local lawyer.? I noticed while downtown that Northern Trust - Personal and Institutional Financial Services now has a small office at 165 Mason Street.? I then went to the Stop and Shop.? I chatted with a member of the Lyon family who was buying a Hershey chocolate bar.? He told me the taxes were getting to high in Greenwich, and he was thinking of moving to Fayetteville, North Carolina.? I suggested Lyon Farm Road in Nantucket.? I told him about my concern about the wild cats in the back country area of Greenwich.? I mentioned that where I live in the old Byram School is part of the old Lyon Farm property with the historical Lyon Farm homestead just down the hill that was moved there many years ago.? The Queen Mum of England was a member of the Bowles Lyon family, so it is a Scottish family that use to be able to afford to farm here.? I bought a four pack of day old muffins for $2.25, a 24 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Monterey Jack cheese for $4.99, a 8 ounce can of Stop and Shop grated parmesan and Romano cheese for $2.99, two 6 ounce cans of Stop and Shop extra large pitted olives for $1.50 each can, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $1.37, and a head of Foxy iceberg lettuce for $1.99 for $16.59 total.? I then returned home.? I picked up the mail.? I put away my groceries.? I chatted with two relatives.? I opened up one package of Rubbermaid hangers, and I hung my new clothes from them in the bedroom closet, and I left the other package on the closet shelf.? CIO?? ?? Note: <888> 09/21/11 Wednesday?2:10 P.M.? CVS no longer carries coat hangers.? I checked with the , and they carry coat hangers.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm, and I will go out downtown.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/21/11 Wednesday?1:55 P.M.? ?I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Wish-Bone Italian dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO ?? Note: <888> 09/21/11 Wednesday?1:10 P.M.? I read the first six pages of the volcano book.? On a chart in the beginning of the book, it says that Yellowstone might destroy the planet around the year 2100.? I went to bed about 9:30 P.M..? I woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I went back to bed until 12:30 P.M., when the NRA called me up doing a survey.? They want to know if the should be allowed to take away United States citizen guns rights, and I voted "NO".? I then chatted with one of their representatives.? I will now wash the breakfast dishes, and I will make my bed.? Since I am extremely near sighted, I do not now how to use a gun.? However, when I was eight years old, and I went to Lookout Mountain Camp near Chattanooga, Tennessee, I learned how to fire a 22 rifle, and I still have my NRA badges, but except for the time I bought a shotgun at while at lfc.edu back around 1970, which shot gun fell apart on me, when I tried to use it for trap shooting, I have no experience with firearms.? I do have an older friend close to 70 years old whose father once belonged to the Camp Fire Club near Mount Kisco, New York, which was the gun club that Teddie Roosevelt belonged to.? I also was shot at here in Greenwich, Connecticut at Tod's Point about 10 years ago by a sniper, so obviously somebody in this area still has guns.? CIO???? Note: <888> 09/20/11 Tuesday?7:45 P.M.? I ate a bowl of Cheez-its and four chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? I will now shut down the primary work computer.? I will either go to bed early or read some of : Eruptions that Shook the World (9780521641128): Clive Oppenheimer: Books .Afternoon showers tomorrow and 75 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/20/11 Tuesday?6:45 P.M.? I ate a bowl of reheated flavor rice with soy sauce and a glass of filtered water.Windows 8: A First Look -- BYTE: Consumer Technology in BusinessMicrosoft's Metro proves the PC is dead | ZDNetI ordered - McAfee Internet Security 2011 3 User for $6.99 with free shipping.Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - Live Webcast - Richard & Liz Cheney, Tuesday, September 20 - 6:00p.m. PDTBBC News - Old fossils solve mystery of earliest bird extinctionBBC News - Google+ opens social network to everyoneBBC News - Could world social unrest hit America's streets?? CIO? Note: <888> 09/20/11 Tuesday?5:25 P.M.? On my primary work computer, Internet Explorer 8, when I used this page Michael Louis Scott's Bottom Fishing Links kept reloading the site when I came back to it from the other links on the page.? Two days ago, I tried installing Internet Explorer 9, but it would not work at all on my computer.? I uninstalled it back to Internet Explorer 8.? This afternoon to fix the problem, I restored the Complete PC backup from August 21, 2011 of both partitions from the third internal hard drive.? I then copied the few changed files back to the primary drive, and I installed the Windows and McAfee updates.? Thus I no longer have that problem, and the system seems to be running just fine.? Internet Explorer 9 did not work on that earlier configuration either.One Windows 8 Developer partition on the bedroom Dell Latitude 4600i computer, I tried the Windows 7 method listed by "djassa1", SC101 and Windows 7 - NETGEAR Forums , but the software would not install.? When I tried to do a Safe Boot in Windows 8 Developer, it booted the Windows 8 Developer boot screen with only the Windows XP option to boot.? When I rebooted again, the multiple boot option was no longer there either, so I used the Windows 7 DVD Repair option to repair the multiple boot option on the Dell Latitude 4600i computer.? In Beta testing everything is not suppose to work, since it is just a beta, so it can be all quite frustrating.? Still the Windows 8 Developer edition seems to be stable, and work quite well for web browsing and minor programs.? In restoring the backup, I lost all of yesterday's email.? CIONote: <888> 09/20/11 Tuesday?2:35 P.M.? I ate one half of the remaining Chef's salad with Wish-Bone Italian dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I checked the mail, and I did not get any today.? I chatted with the building custodian.? He still has to use a time clock system.? They should make time clock checkers with GPS, so when one is on the premises, one is on the clock, and when one is off the premises, one is off the clock.? I was looking for coat hangers to hang up some of my new clothes, but none were available, so I guess I will have to buy some at CVS, when I have the time.? I can not refill my psoriasis cream medicine until September 25, 2011.? CIO Note: <888> 09/20/11 Tuesday?1:40 P.M.? If you happen to be stuck in Greenwich, China, you could look into taking the Orient-Express:An iconic travel collection - luxury hotels, resorts, trains, restaurants, riverboats - experience a journey like no other from China to Venice to catch the boat back to America.? CIONote: <888> 09/20/11 Tuesday?1:20 P.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I went to my 11 A.M. appointment.? My new social worker use to work for in Sommers, New York, so she knows something about computers.? The have an espresso cappuccino machine in the Cafe Truck in the Greenwich Town Hall parking lot.? They also serve paninis.? I returned home, and I chatted with two relatives.? One can sail from Venice, Italy to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for 16 days on the Queen Victoria for $1,143 on November 20, 2011, and for more information visit Cunard Cruise Line : Luxury Cruises : Luxury Cruise Ships - Cunard and Cunard's Feel Famous Fares - Cunard? CIO??? ?? Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?9:35 P.M.? I chatted with two relatives.? I ate an apple tart and two bowls of Cheez-its.? I will not go through my email tonight.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.I have a 11 A.M. appointment tomorrow, so I will be up at 8 A.M..Showers tomorrow and 68 to 61 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?8:15 P.M.? On the Dell Latitude 4100i desktop computer Windows 8 Developer partition, I installed the Lexmark E238 laser printer with its install program in XP3 mode as an administrator with LPT1 port.? I then installed Netgear Print Server FR114P driver in XP3 mode as an administrator.? I then changed the Lexmark E238 laser printer port to the FR114P Printer Server port.? Thus I have Windows 8 Developer working on the print server network connected to the Lexmark E238 laser printer.If the boot manager disappears, one can open the edit properties on Download EasyBCD 2.1 - NeoSmart Technologies on the free download of EasyBCD 2.0.2 and reselect Windows XP as the default and first boot option and then save in Windows 8, and when one reboots, one gets both boot options.? It looks like Windows 8 developer tries to repair the boot manager, so it only shows one boot option.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?6:45 P.M.? I made a triple chef's salad, and I refrigerated two thirds in a Rubbermaid container, and I ate one third with Wish-bone Italian dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetner and lemon juice.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?5:20 P.M.? We had a false emergency pull cord alarm.? I chatted with neighbors.? I can not get the Windows 8 Developer edition to add a network printer, but it would probably accept a plug and play printer.? I don't need to print with it anyway.? On the Dell Latitude 4600i computer, I am doing a Windows 8 Developer Complete PC backup of both partitions which includes the Windows XP Professional partition to the Western Digital external hard drive.? Windows 8 Developer is a pretty good free beta operating system, if one can not afford to buy one, but it takes a bit getting use to with the different interface.? Yesterday, one of my wealthier friends told me that he can only afford to eat at anymore, so I guess he will finds lot of them in his travels.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?4:15 P.M.? I went out after the last note, and I went to the Greenwich Hospital outpatient clinic for my dental treatment plan.? However, they cancelled my dental treatment plan, since they are closing the Greenwich Hospital outpatient dental clinic at the end of September 2011.? They are in the process of installing a large revolving front door at the main Greenwich Hospital entrance.? I next went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I chatted with a local.? I sat out at various locations.? I toured CVS.? After my walk, I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.? I was told because of higher rents the The Thataway Cafe at the bottom of Greenwich Avenue will be closing in two months.? The Greenwich republican party is setting up a campaign office in the old Scandinavian furniture shop across the street from CVS.? I returned home.? I picked up the mail.? I received a package with new clothes from a relative.? I got a pair of Dockers Khaki pants waist 44 inches length 32 inches, a pair Izod pajama leisure pants in blue and white pin strip, two Chaps polo shirts one in Delft blue and the other in navy blue with a few small yellow stripes, a Chaps yellow plaid cotton shits, a Izod orange with small white strips cotton shirt, and a Croft and Barrow white with orange and blue small stripes cotton shirt.? The three cotton shirts are short sleeves.? I started up the Dell Latitude 4600i computer, and I will try to install the network printer driver on the Windows 8 developer partition.? I might also try to back it up to an external hard drive if I have room on one.? CIO???? Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?12:55 P.M.? I will now go out to my dental appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?12:40 P.M.? State orders Pemberwick dam inspection - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?12:35 P.M.? I woke up at 10:30 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?12:45 A.M.? I ate the rest of the roasted tomato and olive oil triscuits with a slice of cheese and a apple tart.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.I have a 1:30 P.M. dental appointment today.? I will get up at 10:30 A.M..Mostly sunny today and 67 to 56 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/19/11 Monday?12:15 A.M.? I have Windows 8 Developer configured and running just fine on the bedroom Dell Latitude 4600i computer.? It now lets one install .? The only problem is that I have not been able to add my network printer, since it first searches for any devices to add which takes forever.NMBGMR Geologic Map 79Geology — Western State College of ColoradoAssociazione AssForm - NewsletterTell the deficit super committee: Don't cut Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security benefitsBBC News - Dag Hammarskjold: Was his death a crash or a conspiracy?? CIO? Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?11:20 P.M.? After refreshing Windows 8 Developer, it back to normal.? I am now reinstalling the few free programs that I had running with it.? CIO Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?9:30 P.M.? I chatted with two relatives.? I ate two scoops of Edy's French Silk ice cream.? Yesterday, I messed up the Windows 8 Developer computer by turning it off, before it completely shut down.? It still works, but some of its features are missing.? I booted its DVD and from the Repair, Advanced options, I chose to refresh the system which I am doing now.? I will then have to reinstall the programs that I had installed.? CIO Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?8:20 P.M.? I went downtown after the last note.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? I stopped by CVS.? I bought two 6.5 ounce cans of Snows clams for $1.25 each, two 9 ounce white cheddar Cheez-its for $2 each, buy one get one free of 3 ounce Hormel bacon bits for $2.99 both, and a .75 Gold Emblem Italian seasoning for $1.75 less a 25% off CVS coupon for .45 off for $10.81 total.? I used the bathroom at CVS.? I then finished my walk.? After my walk, I drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.? The "Seafair" is still at the Delamar Hotel.? I then went by Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $21.01 of self service V-Power premium gasoline for $4.499 a gallon for 4.671 gallons for 61.6 miles driving since Thursday September 8, 2011 at odometer reading of 69065 miles for 13.188 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.? CIO Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?5:50 P.M.? I will now go downtown for a walk.? CIO Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?5:20 P.M.? I am just about ready to eat a 19.5 ounce Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagna with a grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?5:00 P.M.? I worked on configuring the Windows 8 Developer partition on the Dell Latitude 4600i desktop computer.? I put away the laundry.? I chatted with some neighbors.? CIO Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?3:45 P.M.? I have 45 minutes to go on the dry cycles.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?3:30 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I started two loads of laundry, and I am just about ready to start the dry cycles.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIO Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?2:00 P.M.? Art, fashion and polo collide in Greenwich - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 09/18/11 Sunday?1:50 P.M.? I woke up last night, and I chatted with a relative at 9 P.M..? I worked on the Dell Latitude 4600i computer Windows 8 Developer partition.? I can not get to install on it, but it would install on the second IBM ThinkCentre, when I tried it on the Windows 8 Developer partition, when I had it on there.? Possibly the 80 gigabyte hard drive divided into two partitions which is suppose to be failing is causing the problem.? I put Microsoft Live and IBM Symphony on it.? I watched part of an old movie about Baghdad and a Calif.? I went to bed at midnight.? I woke up at 11:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I put clean linens on my bed.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO?? End of Scott's Notes week of 09/17/11:Note: <888> 09/17/11 Saturday?7:05 P.M.? I ate a apple tart and three chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then go to bed.?? Mostly sunny tomorrow and 68 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/17/11 Saturday?5:55 P.M.? I went out after the last note, and I went to the Greenwich, Connecticut train station to pick up my guests.? They arrived on the 11:28 A.M. train from Manhattan.? We then went by the Art Yacht Greenwich art show sets sail - GreenwichTime , and we toured the Art Exhibit.? We got in for free, since my friends are affiliated with the The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: , and we did not pay for $10 Valet parking since we parked nearby on Davenport.? They had a first class exhibit of fine art, but it is all very expensive.? The Yacht the "Seafair" cost $40 million to build, and it is 200 feet long.? They are a floating exhibit facility SeaFair The Mega Yacht Venue and their next stop is the Carolina Waterfront Festival.? We toured the lobby of the The Delamar Hotels at Greenwich Harbor and Southport, CT - Choose Your Hotel? We then drove up to the Glenville area of town, and we went to the Centro Ristorante & Bars in Greenwich, Darien and Fairfield, Italian Restaurants in Fairfield County, Connecticut for lunch.? I had a glass of water, some sour dough bread and butter, bread sticks and for $12 which my guests treated me to, I ate the three cheese pasta dinner with various other ingredients.? After the lunch, we toured the old GAF mill waterfall park surrounding the restaurant.? There are nice condominiums overlooking the Byram River as it passes down through Glenville area of town.? We then drove up Riversville Road and east on Pecksland Road to Round Hill Road and north on Round Hill Road.? We toured the Lismore Road area, but I was looking for Aiken Road, which I could not find.? We turned into the Round Hill Club road, an associate was behind me wandering what I was doing in back country.? We then drove further up Round Hill Road, and we drove in the driveway of a relative of my guests.? We then drove across Close Road to Upper Cross Road.? We then drove up North Street to Conyers Farms, and we drove into the St. Regis to Launch New Polo Championship in Greenwich and Greenwich Polo Club , and we got in for free, since we were just touring around briefly to see what was going on.? There were lots of livery vehicles there.? We then drove down north street, and parked on Greenwich Avenue.? My guests, and I walked down to Hoaglands of Greenwich and one of my guests toured the store.? I then drove my guests down to the Greenwich Train Station where they caught the 4:29 P.M. train into Manhattan.? I returned home, and my guests left me with three inch stack of information brochures and catalogs that they had picked up along the way.? I picked up the mail.? My order for six Buy CVS Athlete's Foot Cream online at with 20% off with coupon code "GET20ONLINE" for $9.97 each and $10 off a $50 order with coupon code "CASGR8K3FW" and $3.16 taxes for $52.96 total with free shipping arrived.?? CIO??????? Note: <888> 09/17/11 Saturday?10:55 A.M.? I will now shut down the computer, and I will head out downtown.? CIO Note: <888> 09/17/11 Saturday?10:40 A.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? I have to pick my guest up at the Greenwich Train station coming from Manhattan at 11:28 A.M..? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?10:45 P.M.? I ate a apple tart and 7 chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.? I will be up at 8 A.M. to get ready to pick up my two guests at 11:30 A.M. at the Greenwich Train Station.Mostly cloudy tomorrow and 66 to 49 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?10:15 P.M.? I chatted with two relatives.Social Security Cuts on the Table with Super-Committee - AARP BulletinWindows 8 and Microsoft's big gamble | Application Development - InfoWorldGoogle Acquires 1,000 Patents from IBM - InternetNews.BBC News - Nasa satellite UARS nearing Earth 'could land anywhere'BBC News - Skull points to a more complex human evolution in AfricaBBC News - Arctic ice hits second-lowest level, US scientists sayBBC News - Dwarf galaxies suggest dark matter theory may be wrongBBC News - Microsoft drops Flash from IE on Windows 8 tablets? CIO? Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?8:15 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown to the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went by CVS.? I noticed there was a car parked at the top of Greenwich Avenue with lots of parking tickets and a do not drive sticker because it was suppose to be booted, but there was no boot on the car wheel.? The car was from Washington state, so maybe it is a lost Microsoft employee being harassed by the local community.? I picked up a prescription at CVS.? I then went further down Greenwich Avenue.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I chatted with a local Norwegian.? I sat out at various locations.? I chatted with a local walker.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I then went by the Stop and Shop.? I bought a package of four day old tarts for $2, two 19 ounce frozen Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagnas for $2.50 each, but they charged me $3.99 for each, so they gave me a refund of $3.99 and a $1.49, a 8 ounce Stop and Shop parmesan and Romano for $2.99, a two pound bag of baby carrots for $3.49, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for .72, broccoli crowns for $1.99 a pound for $1.03 and a bulb of garlic for .50? and 75 cent returned cans for $12.48 total.? I then returned back to the great southwestern area of Greenwich, Connecticut.? I brought up my groceries.? I also picked up the mail.? I put away my groceries.Microsoft previewed this game at their conference this week Tankster .? CIO?Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?3:40 P.M.? I ate a 13 ounce sautéed London Broil with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and Jack Daniels barbecue sauce and my usual steamed vegetable and rice mixture with Smart Balance Spread and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of of all natural Sierra Mist lemon lime soft drink.?? I will now shut down the primary work computer.? I will then shower and clean up, and I will put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I will then go out to the Great Adventurous Rodeo Drive East better known as Greenwich Avenue.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?2:35 P.M.? I ate four chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts.? I finished configuring and updating the Dell Latitude 4600i computer with Windows XP Professional and Windows 8 Developer.? It seems to work just fine.? I received the 19 LED Flashlight, Aeronautic Aluminum Alloy LED Flashlight, Black, GL-7019 for $4.99 with free shipping.? I put in three AAA alkaline batteries in it, and I left it by the apartment entrance by the Panasonic Toughbook.The order with tracking of USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for ?Logitech C120 Webcam with Headset for $4.99 with coupon code "MLCK09M12NL1" with free shipping arrived.?? I put it on the self below the stereo setup in the living room.I chatted with a friend.? Two friends are coming out tomorrow from Manhattan on the train, and I will pick them up at the Greenwich Train station at 11:28 A.M..? I was told the Barillla past tent in Central Park has closed.? CIONote: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?11:35 A.M.? I was told by my friends in Manhattan that for the last few night that Barilla: Pasta, sauce, and the good life has set up a tent at 69th street near Fifth Avenue in Central Park, and they are giving away free cooked pasta and sauce, if you happen to be hungry in Manhattan.? I noticed the Barilla products were also on sale this week at the Stop and Shop, but the sale might have ended today.? Asti's is no longer available to eat at Asti's Restuarant in Greenwich Village - New York City Forum - TripAdvisor near , but I guess the Metropolitan Opera is in Full Swing.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?11:05 A.M.? Greenwich Avenue post office sells for $15M - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?10:55 A.M.? I woke up at 8:30 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.I am installing the Windows updates on the XP Professional partition on the Dell Latitude 4600i computer in the bedroom.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?1:05 A.M.? I ate the rest of the Chef's salad with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and four chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts and a 12 ounce glass of all natural Sierra Mist lemon lime soda.I chatted with the Canadian Emergency line at 1-613-996-8885 , FBI DC Intelligence at 1-202-278-2000 , and the Casa Marina at 1-305-296-3535 about El , Geology of El Hierro being volcanically active.? I guess the worse case scenario is that it could create a Tsunami across the Atlantic and threaten low lying areas in the Western Hemisphere.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny today and 65 to 47 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO!!!!!! Note: <888> 09/16/11 Friday?12:15 A.M.? I installed Windows 8 Developer 32 bit on the Dell Latitude 4100i desktop computer in a second partition on the first hard drive.? It gave an error that the drive might be failing, since it is a refurbished hard drive I bought from about six months ago, but it still installed on the second partition.? When I rebooted the Windows XP Professional was not in the Windows 8 boot manager.? However, I was able to figure out a fix.? I installed EasyBCD 2.0.2 which is free on the lower right hand side of the page here Download EasyBCD 2.1 - NeoSmart Technologies on the Windows 8 setup.? One has to wait for Windows 8 Developer to install and update automatically before using EasyBCD 2.0.2.? I then from the Edit Boot Menu option in EasyBCD, I changed the default from Windows 8 Developer to Windows XP.? I then rebooted, but XP came up in the boot menu without Windows 8 option.? I was able to fix that by booting the Windows 7 DVD, and selecting the repair option which installed the Windows 8 boot option to the boot manager.? Thus now both Windows 8 and Windows XP can be booted from the same computer.? Since the Windows 7 DVD repair option is similar the Vista repair option, a Vista CD boot and repair might also work.I chatted with a friend earlier.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/15/11 Thursday?7:25 P.M.? I chatted with a friend who got a late birthday gift of 20 strip steaks from?? Buy Steaks, Lobster and Gourmet Food Gifts Online | Omaha Steaks and Grilling Specials Buy Steaks, Lobster and Gourmet Food Gifts Online | Omaha Steaks .? CIONote: <888> 09/15/11 Thursday?6:55 P.M.? On the second IBM ThinkCentre on the blue night stand in the living room, the Logitech USB headset microphone would not work, so I took it off, and I put my spare new Logitech USB headset on it.? Windows 8 Developer edition caused product activation to come up on the primary partition, so I restored my Complete PC backup, and thus the second IBM ThinkCentre is the way it was before I installed the Windows 8 Developer beta.I put two new AA alkaline batteries in the Logitech wireless keyboard on the Dell Latitude 4600i computer in the bedroom.? I then did a quick low level format of it with the Seagate Utilities to remove OpenSUSE Linux partitions and XP Professional.? I am now restoring the XP Professional partition with the Paragon Backup Utilities which will be 40 gigabytes on a 80 gigabyte hard drive, and then I will put the Windows 8 developer beta on it.? The audio card on it is a Creative Live PCI audio card which might not work with Windows 8, but its headset should work.? It has two monitors which might be useful for the Windows 8 developer edition with all of its sub windows and desktops.? CIO Note: <888> 09/15/11 Thursday?5:00 P.M.? What Really Happened in Area 51? - Annie Jacobsen UFO Crash Roswell N.M. - Popular MechanicsMicrosoft's Windows 8: Now it's time for the caveats | ZDNetSSA - 2011 Annual Meeting - SessionsGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |Global Volcanism Program | Hierro | Summary620 Earthquakes Recorded On El Hierro In The Canary Islands - Irish Weather OnlineEl , Geology of El HierroGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network | Volume 36, Number 7 (July 2011)BBC News - UBS trader Kweku Adoboli arrested over 'rogue deals'BBC News - Big fossil croc may have competed with giant snakeBBC News - Dinosaur feather evolution trapped in Canadian amberBBC News - Climate change boon to UK seafoodBBC News - 'Microwave waste' to get biofuel? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/15/11 Thursday?3:45 P.M.? I ate 60% of the remaining Chef's salad from last night with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and four chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist lemon lime soda.? CIO Note: <888> 09/15/11 Thursday?3:10 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a neighbor whose scooter malfunctioned while he was on a ride.? I picked up the mail.? I got $7 cash in the mail from Local Market Research | Demographic Information | Scarborough.? It took about an hour to fill out their research form.? I will mail it when I go out.? I still have to fill out the television viewing form.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/15/11 Thursday?1:20 P.M.? I woke up at 9 P.M..? I had a telephone call from an associate.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I made 191 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?10:05 P.M.? I chatted with two relatives.? I made a triple chef's salad, and I refrigerated two thirds in a Rubbermaid container, and I ate one third with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Scattered thunderstorms and wind tomorrow and 71 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?8:20 P.M.? I went downtown to CVS.? The new CVS on West Putnam Avenue at Hollyhill Lane is just about complete, but it looks like they still have to do some interior finishing.? I bought a 7 ounce CVS moisturizing shave gel for $2.87 and .18 tax for $3.05 total.? I also picked up a prescription.? I then went further downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? I tried? to use the bathroom at Starbucks, but it was busy.? There was a party going on at the Greenwich Tobacco shop next door.? I then went by the Greenwich Library: Welcome , I chatted with a few reference librarians.? I checked out the book that I had reserved : Eruptions that Shook the World (9780521641128): Clive Oppenheimer: Books .? I then returned home to my home office.? The Home Office I think in England is like the U.S.A. State Department.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?5:30 P.M.? I finished the FIC server backups.? I will go downtown shortly.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?5:15 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? CIO Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?4:45 P.M.? Microsoft's Windows 8: Now it's time for the caveats | ZDNetThe 17 Best New Features Of Windows Server 8Microsoft Windows 8 Puts Power, Performance in Developers` Hands - Enterprise Applications - News & Reviews - Hands On with Windows 8 Developer Preview | Microsoft Offers Windows 8 Preview, Free Tablet PCs For Build Conference AttendeesWindows 8 Developer Preview Available Tonight | News & Opinion | Percentage of Americans Living in Poverty Rises to Highest Level Since 1993 - Build: Microsoft Calls Windows 8 a 'Reimagining' of the OS -- Redmond Channel PartnerBuzzblog: Blue Screen of Death gets a new look in Windows 8BBC News - Nasa unveils Space Launch System visionBBC News - Microsoft unveils its new Windows 8 operating systemBBC News - 'Premium' cars shown off in Germany and other tech newsBBC News - Winklevoss twins' pistachio advert? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?3:55 P.M.? I ate two hot dogs on buns with ketchup and Dijon mustard and a dill pickle slice and barbecue potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.The FIC server was running poorly, so I restored the Complete PC backup from July 30, 2011.? However, the latest version of McAfee Internet Security 2011 two year license copy was not on the backup, so I had to reinstall it.? I am now doing a Complete PC backup to the second hard drive.? I then will do a Complete PC backup to the Seagate external hard drive.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?2:40 P.M.? I have been watching the Microsoft Developers conference.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I threw out some boxes that various items came with along with the other garbage.? I let the mail person use my WD-40 to lubricate the mail box locks in the mail room downstairs.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I picked up the mail, and the order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information for JCPenney : Levi's? Messenger Bag for $19.99 less 10% off with coupon code "RMNAFF10" for $17.99 and $5.99 shipping and handling and $1.52 tax for $25.50 total arrived.? It is a bit too large to use as an every day tote bag, but I can use it for carrying a laptop computer or other large items like hats and scarves in the winter.? CIO????? Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?11:50 A.M.? I woke up at 9 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I chatted with two relatives.I got the SIIG audio card working on the second IBM ThinkCentre with the Windows 8 Developers preview by installing the Windows 7 drivers.!!!!!! Starting in about 6 minutes Home - BUILD | September 13 - 16, 2011 | Anaheim Convention Center? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/14/11 Wednesday?12:25 A.M.? I downloaded the 32 bit version of the Windows 8 Developers preview, and I burned two copies to DVD.? I installed it on the second IBM ThinkCentre on the blue night stand in the living room on a second partition.? It works just great, but it is an entirely new experience.? One needs to use the Windows Key to bring up the desktop when one changes to one of the other sub desktops.? On my computer setup, the Logitech USB headset works, but the SIIG audio card does not work.? I could try running the speakers off the IBM ThinkCentre Audio Jack, so I might try that later.? The default video is too large on my system, so I went to a higher resolution.? To Shut Down, one has to Log Off, and then bring up the Log On Screen with the Windows Key, and then select shut down or restart.? The Developers Edition contains Internet Explorer 10.? Basically it is an entirely new user experience.? Of course, it is just the first public release, so it has another year to go in development, so it might change a bit.? One can not uninstall it, so if one wants to return to just the original setup, one has to be able to restore a backup of one's original setup.? The multiple boot option has a screen that looks like it might be hard to repair, if one simply deleted the Windows 8 partition.? I am a bit tired, so I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Isolated thunderstorms today and 82 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO!!!!!!? Note: <888> 09/13/11 Tuesday?9:15 P.M.? Windows 8 Preview Beta Download and Windows Metro Style Apps Developer Downloads.? CIO Note: <888> 09/13/11 Tuesday?8:45 P.M.? I answered a telephone survey about local politicians in the area.? I chatted with two relatives.? I will now eat the remaining Rothschild stew with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO Note: <888> 09/13/11 Tuesday?6:40 P.M.? Download - ReactOS WebsiteI went to Prepaid cell phone, GoPhone? - from AT&T , and I added $25 of time good for 90 days for a total cost of $26.59, so I now have $124.34 on my AT&T Go Phone good until the end of day December 12, 2011.? CIO Note: <888> 09/13/11 Tuesday?6:05 P.M.? I ate seven roasted tomato and olive oil triscuit crackers with one inch by 1.5 inch by .20 inch slices of Monterey Jack cheese on them.Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for six Buy CVS Athlete's Foot Cream online at with 20% off with coupon code "GET20ONLINE" for $9.97 each and $10 off a $50 order with coupon code "CASGR8K3FW" and $3.16 taxes for $52.96 total with free shipping.Windows 8 steps beyond the desktopWindows 8 unveiled | ZDNet says Microsoft will release the developers preview at 11 P.M. EDT tonight.KLM Journeys of InspirationAARP Tell the Supercommittee: NO cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits.Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for ?Logitech C120 Webcam with Headset for $4.99 with coupon code "MLCK09M12NL1" with free shipping.12 Volt Power Supply and Jump-Start $39.99 with coupon code plus shippingAT&T Expands GoPhone Prepaid Plans | Wireless WeekBBC News - Number of Americans in poverty hits record highBBC News - Earth’s rarest metals ranked in a new 'risk list'BBC News - New emotion detector can see when we're lyingBBC News - Fish oils block chemotherapy drugBBC News - Microsoft unveils its new Windows 8 operating systemBBC News - Russian President Medvedev asked to fund Windows clone? CIO?? ?? Note: <888> 09/13/11 Tuesday?4:25 P.M.? I threw out the old blue kitchen garbage can.? I sat out for a while.? The mail has not arrived yet.? I am about to eat half the remaining Rothschild stew with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO Note: <888> 09/13/11 Tuesday?3:50 P.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I put a new blue Automatic bowl fresh jar in the toilet tank.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown to my 11 A.M. appointment.? While waiting I stopped by the second floor of the Greenwich Town Hall, and I went to the Beach Card office.? One is able to get eight one day beach passes for senior visitors, if you have a beach pass, which I do.? After my appointment, I went downtown.? I walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area, and I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I play a Money Jar scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by the , and I bought a white eight gallon Mistral ? Housewares - Wastecans ? 11500 / 10504 - Step Can for $22.99 and $1.46 tax for $24.45 total.? I then carried it back to my car further downtown.?? I then used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts center.? I then walked back up Greenwich Avenue, and I stopped by CVS.? I bought three 19 ounce cans of Campbell's Home-style steak chili for $1.50 each and a 18.8 ounce can of Campbell's New England clam chowder for $1.50 for $6 total.? I then bought a 15 ounce Alberto VO5 Kiwi and Lime shampoo for .99 and a 15 ounce Alberto VO5 extra body conditioner for .99 and .13 tax for $2.11 total.? I then finished my walk on Greenwich Avenue.? I chatted with the hot dog vendor downtown for a while.? I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I chatted with one of the reference librarians.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 59 ounce Tropicana orange juice with calcium for $3, a 8 ounce Grey Poupon Country Dijon mustard for $2.99, buy one get one free of 16 ounce Oscar Mayer Angus beef franks for $4.99 both, a 16 ounce Smithfield Bacon hickory flavor for $3.99, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $1.65, and a Vidalia onion for $1.49 a pound for $1.50 for $18.12 total.? I then returned home.? I put away my purchases.? I put the new white kitchen garbage can in the kitchen, and I will throw out the old broken blue Rubbermaid kitchen garbage can shortly.? CIO???? Note: <888> 09/13/11 Tuesday?12:05 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I have a 11 A.M. appointment today Tuesday.Mostly sunny today and 81 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIONote: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?11:55 P.M.? Macy's has a Bridal Registry Macy's|Wedding Registry, Bridal Registry, wedding gift, anniversary registry , and I sent this gift Tools of the Trade Basics 4-Piece Mixing Bowl Set - Bowls, Colanders & Strainers Kitchen Gadgets - Kitchen - Macy's for $25 and $8 shipping for $33 to a relative who is getting married in the not too distant future.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?11:15 P.M.? I used four of the twelve screws to hold the Schumacher jump start case together.? I left it on charge to get a little extra juice in it.? I will disconnect it tomorrow.? I threw out the garbage.? I put my wrench kit back in the trunk of the Audi.? I noticed on my front door pass card, if one rubs both sides of the far end of the pass card while swiping it, it works.? CIO Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?10:25 P.M.? I made up a batch of Rothschild stew, and I ate one third, and I refrigerated two thirds in a Rubbermaid container.? I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I also made up a fresh batch of punch.The Schumacher battery will only take a 59% charge.? I will now reinstall it in the Schumacher jump start system, and see if it works at all, and if its display lights work properly.? It might be useful for emergency light.? It would cost too much like $45 to replace the battery PS-12180-NB Power Sonic Replacement SLA Battery (12.00 Volts 18.00 AmpH) - High quality and lowest price guaranteed .? CIO ? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?9:25 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I restarted the battery charger on 12 AMP Fast Charge, and it is going though the desulfation process again.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?9:00 P.M.? I restarted the battery charger, and it went into "desulfation mode" for about 15 minutes, and it is now charging regularly, and it is about 45% charged.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?8:30 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I opened up the Schumacher Instant Power PX-400-3A jump start system with the 12 inch Philips screw driver, and I removed the 12 volt 18 Ah battery.? I connected the battery up to my 12 Volt Schumacher battery charger, and I set it for a small battery or 2 AMP.? It showed that it was 15% charged a half hour ago, and it is now 61% charged, so it seems to me there is nothing wrong with the battery since it is taking a charge, but it is something wrong with the Schumacher jump start system.? Once the battery is fully charged, I will put it back in the jump start system to see if it possibly works.? If it does not work, I could always use the battery with jumper cables that I have for a jump start without using the jump start system case.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?7:05 P.M.? The order with tracking of Endicia Status on the order for LONG 12 INCH SCREWDRIVER SET REGULAR & PHILLIPS HANDY! | eBay for $4.99 and $5.99 shipping for $10.98 total arrived.? I woke up at 3 P.M., when the eye doctor's office called, and I schedule and eye appointment for the second week of October 2011.? I went back to bed until 4:30 P.M..? I watched some television.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I picked up the mail.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?1:35 P.M.? I ate a 13 ounce sautéed London Broil with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and Jack Daniels barbecue sauce and my usual steamed vegetable and rice mixture with Smart Balance Spread and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer soft drink along with a cup of green tea with splenda sweetener and lemon juice.I will now take a nap.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?12:05 P.M.? I chatted with a relative and a friend.? There are suppose to be a lot of acorns falling up in Maine, so they are expecting another cold winter up there.? CIO Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?11:20 A.M.? - McAfee Internet Security 2011 3 User $7.25 with free shippingI ordered six Buy CVS Athlete's Foot Cream online at with 20% off with coupon code "GET20ONLINE" for $9.97 each and $10 off a $50 order with coupon code "CASGR8K3FW" and $3.16 taxes for $52.96 total with free shipping.BBC News - France nuclear: Marcoule site explosion kills oneBBC News - Glowing cats shed light on AidsBBC News - Breath test could identify trapped disaster victims? CIO? ? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?10:20 A.M.? I ordered Logitech C120 Webcam with Headset for $4.99 with coupon code "MLCK09M12NL1" with free shipping.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?10:00 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors and the building custodian.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?8:40 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? Not too much really ever happens in Greenwich, Connecticut; because a lot of people need to rest out here after all of the strenuous activity in New York City.? Of course we always get a lot of people driving through town due to our high traffic location 20 miles east of Manhattan.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/12/11 Monday?8:15 A.M.? I was up at 7 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.Not much to report from this past summer, since I was stuck inside a great deal of the time with Foot Fungus.? I did read reports about two different Mountain Lions being spotted in Greenwich, Connecticut, and I also saw a baby black panther outside of my building, so perhaps it is better to be on a day schedule because of all the wild cats around.? I figure all of the rich people will be downtown today, because the private Country Clubs are closed Mondays.I think Microsoft is suppose to release a beta copy of Windows 8 this week in San Diego, California at a conference, but I do not know whether it will be released to the general public.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?11:10 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny on Monday and 79 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?10:45 P.M.? Plastic Kitchen garbage cans : Mistral - Home & Kitchen: Home & Garden with free shipping on a $25 order.? CIO Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?10:15 P.M.? I rested a while.? I ate seven roasted tomato and olive oil triscuit crackers with one inch by 1.5 inch by .20 inch slices of Monterey Jack cheese on them.? I chatted with a relative.? I watched the rebroadcast of the Concert for New York 9/11/11: The Robin Hood Relief Fund .? I chatted with a friend.? CIO ?? Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?6:15 P.M.? I ate a 18.25 ounce Stouffer's five cheese lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of diet Coke.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?5:00 P.M.? I ate nine roasted tomato and olive oil triscuit crackers with one inch by 1.5 inch by .20 inch slices of Monterey Jack cheese on them.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?4:10 P.M.? Of course, I intend to keep my old vintage Rubbermaid Williamsburg blue plastic trash can in the kitchen, since when I sit in my kitchen chair, I prop my legs on top of its lid, which I might not be able to do with a new trash can in the kitchen.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?4:00 P.M.? The lid mechanism broke on my Rubbermaid Williamsburg blue kitchen trash can broke after all of these years.? I can still use it by opening the lid manually.? These expensive new ones are available Trash Cans, Waste Bins - Freestanding - Plastic | ? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?3:40 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?2:40 P.M.? I went back to bed until 2 P.M..? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?11:10 A.M.? I woke up at 4:30 A.M., and I chatted with a friend.? I went back to bed until 9 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I watched some of the "911" memorial news on television.? CIO? End of Scott's Notes week of 09/11/11:Note: <888> 09/11/11 Sunday?12:40 A.M.? Tropical Storm MARIA TrackingTropical Storm NATE TrackingI will now send out my weekly notes.I will then shut down the primary work personal computer, and I will go to bed soon.They do not put anything on television anymore for older adults, I guess so that they hope the older adults will do something else with their time.Scattered thunderstorms today and 72 to 61 degrees Fahrenheit.? On "911" ten years ago, I had been up all night, and as I recall I went to bed about 6:30 A.M..? A relative called me up, when the first jet hit the World Trade Center, and I started watching the news on television.? As a recall, a friend showed up about three hours later, and advised me to stay inside instead of driving over to Tod's Point to see what I could see.? As I recall, I did not go out for the next few days.? A neighbor told me that the air cover being provided was being provided by NATO.My notes from that period:? Scott's Notes 09/08/01 - 09/14/01 or Scott's Notes 09/08/01 - 09/14/01? .? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?11:05 P.M.? Free ending soon Family Daily Deal, 1 Sale A Day? CIO? Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?10:40 P.M.? I picked up the mail.? The new 911 memorial edition from arrived.? I ate the rest of the linguine and tomato meat sauces with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of diet .? The Chicago Electric jump start system is fully charged, and its red charge light is off, so I disconnected its power cable from the power strip on top of the Rubbermaid hamper.? One is suppose to charge it up once a month to keep it fully charged and also charge it up after usage.? When it is mostly used up, it can take 72 hours to fully charge.? I left its instructions on the sideboard to the right of it.? The new Chicago Electric jump start system is on the floor at the bedroom entrance just to the left of the Rubbermaid hamper with the power strip on top of it.? CIO Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?8:55 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I witnessed the Greenwich Police arresting a male suspect at Bitteridge Jewelers.? I toured CVS, and I told a couple of people about it.? On the way further up Greenwich Avenue, I saw a heavy female individual of the same ethnic back ground as the Bitteridge Jewelers suspect on a two seater motorcycle in front of the People's Bank, so possibly that was the get away vehicle, but the Greenwich Police did not interview the individual.? I told a couple of more people about the incident on the way down Greenwich Avenue.? I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I chatted with a Starbucks regular.? I chatted with a couple more dog walkers.? I walked down Greenwich Avenue, and I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I bought a Fabulous 5s scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I then returned to my Audi.? I drove down by the waterfront to Grass Island.? I chatted about the world with a Grass Island regular.? There seemed to be a little bit of waterfront activity going on.? I then went to the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance lite spread for $2.50, a four pack of 5 ounce cans of Bumble Bee solid white tuna for $3.99, a CAB top round London Broil for $3.99 a pound for $6.38 and a head of Cello Iceberg lettuce for $1.99 for $14.86 total.? I chatted with someone moving to Naples, Florida.? I then returned home, and I forgot to pick up the mail.? I put away my groceries.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?2:50 P.M.? On the Chicago jump start system, one is suppose to fully charge it until the red charging light goes off, which I am now doing.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet, and then I will go out to view our local entourage on Greenwich Avenue.William H. Osborn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .? CIO? Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?2:20 P.M.? The order with tracking of FedEx Tracking on the order for 3-in-1 Jump-Start / Air Compressor for $59.99 less 20% off today with coupon code "10615615" for $47.99 and $9.99 shipping and $3.68 tax for $61.66 total arrived.I ate the half of the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of diet .I noticed when I was in Old Greenwich, Connecticut this past Thursday afternoon that across from the Old Greenwich, Connecticut fire house, they now have a Chicago pizza restaurant that also sells Chicago beef sandwiches which are thinly sliced roast beef sandwiches with a lot of seasoned beef juice on them.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?1:40 P.M.? I sat outside chatting with neighbors.? CIO Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?11:20 A.M.? I chatted with a relative.W. Averill Harriman's sister's son's house for sale in Sands Point, New York Address Not Disclosed, Sands Point NY | MLS# 2402174 - Trulia? CIO Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?11:00 A.M.? I rested some more.? CIO Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?7:40 A.M.? BBC News - Jelly batteries: Safer, cheaper, smaller, more powerfulBBC News - Rich Russians' love affair with BritainBBC News - Supercomputer predicts revolution? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?6:50 A.M.? I woke up at 5:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/10/11 Saturday?12:55 A.M.? I ate two hot dogs on buns with ketchup and Dijon mustard and a dill pickle slice and barbecue potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? I chatted with a friend.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Partly cloudy today and 80 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?11:10 P.M.? I put away the laundry.? CIO Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?10:15 P.M.? I have 25 minutes to go on the dry cycles.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? I cleaned the Ionic Pro air purifier.? I cleaned the two air conditioner filters.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?9:30 P.M.? I got a Icelandic post card from St. John's, Newfoundland that was sent recently by a relative who was traveling across the Atlantic.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 15 minutes to go on the wash cycles.?? I put clean linens on the bed.? CIO Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?8:45 P.M.? I woke up at 7 P.M., when Local Market Research | Demographic Information | Scarborough called me up.? I asked them to call me back.? I threw out the garbage, and I picked up the mail.? Scarborough Research called me back, and I did their survey.? I chatted with a relative.? A couple of nights ago before going to bed, I ate eight Roasted Tomato and olive oil Triscuit crackers with 1.25 inch by .75 inch by .20 inch slices of Monterey Jack cheese on them, and just now I ate the same thing.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?2:30 P.M.? I will now take a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?2:10 P.M.? I made up a batch of Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine or Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine .? I ate one third of it and refrigerated two thirds, and I ate it with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda and a cup of green tea with splenda and lemon juice.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?12:40 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I made 142 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?10:20 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I put psoriasis ointment on my feet before going to bed last night.? I noticed at CVS in Cos Cob, they are now selling As Seen on TV foot cleaners for $10 for people who can not bend over to clean their feet.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I chatted with the building custodian.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?8:40 A.M.? Project Gutenberg founder and inventor of the ebook, Michael Hart, dies | ZDNetMint-condition Polaroid SX-70s sell out in a day -- more available in October | ZDNetIs Windows 8 Beta Coming Next Week? | News & Opinion | Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |: TIME BEYOND 9/11: Portraits of Resilience (9781603202466): Editors of Time Magazine: BooksiFly MagazineSkype for Home Phones - Use Skype on your phone today - SkypeSee Scotland’s cities in the autumn lightRichard I (king of England) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - Massive blackout hits California, Arizona and MexicoBBC News - 9/11: US warns of 'credible' anniversary threatBBC News - Franklin expedition: Will we ever know what happened?BBC News - UK joins laser nuclear fusion projectBBC Nature - Assassin bug sneaks up on spidersBBC News - Microsoft online services hit by major failure? CIO Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?7:50 A.M.? Greenwich goes glam with Fashion's Night Out - GreenwichTimeOfficials chase unconfirmed al-Qaida bomb threat - GreenwichTime? CIO? Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?7:40 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?7:25 A.M.? I filled out the survey form for a $10 off $40 coupon good through October 23, 2011.? I put the Radio Shack Memorex DVD player and one year warranty receipt in the little drawer of the Lindbergh radio in the bedroom.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/09/11 Friday?6:55 A.M.? I woke up with the chickens this morning at 5:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? If you watch Live Video - C-SPAN3 | C-SPAN , one can see what the government is doing.? I saw a pamphlet yesterday, trying to explain to adults how teenagers uses a different code or language when text messaging their friends.? CIO ?? Note: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?10:50 P.M.? I received a post card today from Iceland that a relative sent to me while on a recent trip across the Atlantic.? I ate a 19.5 ounce Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist lemon lime soda.? I am too tired to go through my email.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Hurricane KATIA TrackingTropical Storm MARIA TrackingTropical Storm NATE TrackingIsolated thunderstorms tomorrow and 82 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?9:15 P.M.? I threw out the garbage after the last note.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I went downtown to Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out for a while.? I gave someone from Chappaqua, New York four quarters for a dollar.? I chatted with the person about SAABs.? I then went to my 1:30 P.M. appointment.? They are going to install a new 20 foot diameter revolving door on the front entrance of the Greenwich Hospital.? I then drove over to Staples in Old Greenwich, and I bought Logitech C210 Webcam | Staples? for $9.99 and a Allsop Metal Art Jr. Monitor Stand | Staples? for $4.50 and .92 tax for $15.41 total.? One of the cashiers there has a name similar to mine.? I then went to Old Greenwich, and I toured the Rummage Room Thrift shop which has lots of new items.? I also toured CVS and Feinstod Hardware.? I then drove out to the southwest picnic area at Tod's Point, and I sat out enjoying the view of Long Island Sound.? There were a few sailboats out and one old vintage yacht.? I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.? There were a lot of pink shells piled up at the windsurfing area.?? I noticed one large tree was down in the southeast parking area.? I used the bathroom at the southeast concession area.? One long time Tod's Point regular was swimming.? It was not very busy.? I then drove over to the Radio Shack in Cos Cob.? I bought a Memorex DVD Upconverting MVD2047 Memorex MVD2047 Review - DVD Players - CNET Reviews for 60% off for $19.99 and a one year replacement warranty for $2.99 and $1.46 tax for $24.44 total.? I then toured CVS.? I stopped by the Brownstein Optometrist there, and I told them I would try to make it in for an appointment, when I have the time.? I stopped by the Cos Cob liquor store, and I mentioned Rothschild wine.? I then went back down to Greenwich Avenue.? They were just clearing out some sort of boat show from the central part of Greenwich Avenue.? I chatted with a relative on? my wireless telephone.? I then went by the A&P Fresh, and I bought two 12 packs of Thomas' English muffins for $5 both 12 packs, five 19.5 ounce Stouffer's frozen Italian meat and tomato lasagnas for $2 each and fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $1.73 for $16.73 total.? I then bought another lasagna for $2 less a $1.20 in returned cans for 80 cents total.? I then went by the Putnam Shell and 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $14.99 of self service premium V-Power gasoline for $4.499 a gallon for 3.331 gallons for 37.9 miles driving since Sunday September 4, 2011 at odometer reading of 69003 miles for 11.378 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I then returned home, and I brought up my purchases along with the mail.? The order with tracking of FedEx Tracking on the order for two 6 Feet DVI-D to DVI-D Digital Cable, Gold-plated DVI-D Dual Link Connectors and Ferrite core, Support 720p and 1080p HD resolution, DVI Dual Link Digital Cable for $8.99 each for $17.98 total with free shipping arrived.? The front door pass card is not working for some of my other neighbors, so maybe there is something wrong with the front door pass card mechanism.? I put away the groceries.I hooked up the Memorex DVD player on top of the Panasonic television on top of the Sony television in the living room and underneath the Cable Box.? I used longer cables that I had to connect it to the Sony television front panel audio and video.? I connected the video with a Y Splitter, so one either plug in the DVD or Internet on Video 2 of the Sony television.? It works just fine.? The Memorex DVD remote control is on the table with the other remotes.? I left the box and instructions on the Harvard Char to the right of the TV setup.? I put the CPU stand underneath the third IBM ThinkCentre on the right side of the living room desk.? Thus the keyboard now fits underneath it.? I stored the new Logitech web cam underneath the stereo system for now.? I hooked up one of the gold DVD video cables to the Dell Latitude D4100 desktop in the bedroom connected to the Dell FP2000 monitor.? Thus when one turns that system on now, one has to selected the second video setting 2DVI-D from the third button from the right on the Dell FP2000 monitor.? CIO???? ????? Note: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?12:15 P.M.? I will now go out for my 1:30 P.M. appointment.? CIONote: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?11:40 A.M.? I ate a 14 ounce Stouffer's shrimp scampi meal with a 12 ounce glass of diet .? Basically if one wants to lose weight, all one has to do is to eat less.? However, way up here up north in the artic tundra of New England, it helps to have a bit of body fat in the winter, where as one can stay skinnier in the warmer climates down south.? Since I have lived up north most of my life, but I also have lived down south, where I have relatives, I try to see both sides of the Mason Dixon line.? Obviously they might produce a bit of food down south, when there are not droughts.? I guess with so many people in America working cyberspace trying to get ahead, people forget about what is in their own back yard, which is in my case in the winter is a ice skating rink, which does not do much good in keeping food on the table.? Of course, when I lived in Key West, Florida during the winters of 1976 through 1978, I was left eating not too much food, because the tourists eat all of the food, and I lived on meager rations of peanut butter and Cuban bread.? It seems in the winter, I can afford more food up north, so I look a bit heavier at 220 pounds, but a lot of the food I eat is starch such as rice and oatmeal, so it is not necessarily that much energy producing.? Most people men I know around here and a lot of the women, tend to eat more food than I do, so they can afford to be more physically active.? Since working on the computers and the internet does not take as much physical energy but more mental energy, I manage to get by.? I try not to spend too much money on gasoline, since I can order a lot of what I need off the internet, which is cheaper than driving around to neighboring communities, where certain items might be available at a cheaper price.? The "Old Guard" around here tend to have good pensions and more assets, which I do not have, so I am still living like a refugee in America, although the Scott family have been here for over 400 years.? Maybe instead of drinking or , I could try drinking some Virginia bourbon, which would give me more courage, and I could start ordering people around base on what I know as opposed to what they know.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?10:35 A.M.? I watched the end of the? Judiciary Committee CyberSecurity hearings on Cspan 3.? They only have about 260 agents to police the whole internet, which I guess is not enough.? CIONote: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?10:10 A.M.? I watched the end of the movie "Tom Thumb".? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?8:40 A.M.? I woke up at 6:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?2:35 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.I have a 1:30 P.M. appointment today, so I have to be up by 10:30 A.M..Thundershowers today and 71 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/08/11 Thursday?12:55 A.M.? Elizabeth Taylor's iconic jewels coming to auction - GreenwichTimeVanity Fair's 2011 New Establishment - GreenwichTimeNeed more food John?Deere Products & Services ? I ordered JCPenney : Levi's? Messenger Bag for $19.99 less 10% off with coupon code "RMNAFF10" for $17.99 and $5.99 shipping and handling and $1.52 tax for $25.50 total.? CIONote: <888> 09/07/11 Wednesday?11:40 P.M.? I was told by my friends in Manhattan that on Thursdays, people put the stuff they don't want on sidewalks, for anyone to pick up.The State of Connecticut has launched a newly enhanced security program in The New York Metropolitan area called "Operation Iron Eagle" 9/11 10th Anniversary: Connecticut launches 'Operation Iron Eagle" to coincide with anniversary of terrorist attacks | . CIONote: <888> 09/07/11 Wednesday?11:15 P.M.? Jar?fr??afélag ?slands ? NGW_2012Forsí?a Ve?urstofu ?slands | Ve?urstofa ?slandsHarpa - Tónlistar- og rá?stefnuhúsi? í ReykjavíkJustin Filiberto, Faculty Department of Geology Southern Illinois University CarbondaleObservatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa RicaBBC News - Russia's Lokomotiv ice hockey team in air disasterBBC News - Dark matter hinted at again at Cresst experimentBBC News - Nasa 'will need more astronauts'BBC News - How Moshi Monsters grew to 50m usersBBC News - Waving robotic crab arm attracts femalesBBC Nature - Male bumblebees seek mates on the hillsBBC News - Giant crabs make Antarctic leap? CIO? Note: <888> 09/07/11 Wednesday?10:40 P.M.? I woke up at 8:30 P.M..? I chatted with a relative and two friends.? I ate a 15 ounce Stouffer's sesame chicken dinner with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.Hurricane KATIA TrackingTropical Storm MARIA Tracking? CIO Note: <888> 09/07/11 Wednesday?3:00 P.M.? I went outside briefly.? I chatted with neighbors.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now take a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 09/07/11 Wednesday?1:55 P.M.? My Swiss Army watch with the leather band was not working today, so I removed its back with the small blade of a Swiss Army knife, and I put in a new 395 lithium battery, and I was able to put the back on by positioning it correctly with the notch over the watch dial button and lightly tapping it back on with a small nylon hammer.? It now works just fine.? The new battery is almost three years old, but hopefully it will last a while.? CIO Note: <888> 09/07/11 Wednesday?12:55 P.M.? After the last note, I went out early to my dermatologist appointment at the Greenwich Hospital outpatient clinic.? They saw me about 9:45 A.M..? I still have the foot fungus on both feet, and I am now suppose to continue taking the CVS Athletes Foot medicine or lamasil for another two weeks applying the cream twice a day.? I also might have psoriasis, so they prescribed Mometasone Furoate Ointment USP, 0.1% twice a day.? I am suppose to put the cream on at different times too.? I chatted with a regular walker after my appointment.? I chatted with a relative twice on my wireless telephone.? I then went downtown to CVS on Greenwich Avenue.? I got the prescription filled for the ointment which my medical plan paid for.? I also bought from the 75% off summer clearance items two folding black wrought iron Rio chairs ? with orange nylon seat and back for $7.49 each, and a Duracraft personal power fan : Duracraft DT-75 Personal 2-Speed Fan: Home & Garden for $4.49, and I had a CVS coupon good only for today for a free 10 pack of CVS AA alkaline batteries worth $6.79 for free and $1.24 tax for $20.71 total.? I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.? I then returned home.? I put the two Rio folding chairs on the left side of the living room Sony television against the window wall.? I stored the Duracraft personal fan on the window shelf behind the Sony television in the living room.? I chatted with a friend.? I ate the rest of the Chef's salad with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer, and I also ate a bowl of reheated flavored rice with soy sauce.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/07/11 Wednesday?8:05 A.M.? I watched the morning news.? I will now go out to my dermatologist appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 09/07/11 Wednesday?7:20 A.M.? I woke up at 5:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?6:20 P.M.? Tracking is Endicia Status on the order for LONG 12 INCH SCREWDRIVER SET REGULAR & PHILLIPS HANDY! | eBay for $4.99 and $5.99 shipping for $10.98 total.Tracking is FedEx Tracking on the order for 3-in-1 Jump-Start / Air Compressor for $59.99 less 20% off today with coupon code "10615615" for $47.99 and $9.99 shipping and $3.68 tax for $61.66 total.BBC News - Probe pictures Moon landing sitesI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Rain on Wednesday and 67 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit.I have to be up at 5:30 A.M. tomorrow morning to make it to my dermatologist appointment by 8:30 A.M. which is scheduled for 9:30 A.M. on a first come first served basis.? CIO ?? Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?5:10 P.M.? I ate a 8 ounce sautéed medium rare to medium cheeseburger with ketchup and Dijon mustard on a Kaiser roll with my usual steamed vegetables mixture and steamed flavor rice mixture with Smart Balance Spread and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist lemon lime soda and a cup of green tea with splenda and lemon juice.I chatted with a neighbor downstairs.? I picked up the mail.? The order with tracking number of "9400110200881147873077" on the order for two ROCKETFISH LAN ADAPTER for Nintendo Wii +Ethernet Cable | eBay for $7.99 each with free shipping for $15.98 total arrived.? I put one each on the third and fourth IBM ThinkCentre computers.? I disabled their motherboard LANs.? I also received my Greenwich Housing Authority rent statement.? I went downtown to the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went by the Wells Fargo Bank on Havemayer Place, and I paid my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority.? I then went by the Greenwich Hardware store.? They have a Schumacher 500 amp peak output jump starter for $50 and a more expensive one for about $160.? They do not have a Philips screw driver with a 7 to 12 inch blade.? I then went by the Greenwich Library.? I asked them to order : Eruptions that Shook the World (9780521641128): Clive Oppenheimer: Books for $25.17 with free shipping.? They will contact me, if they decide to order it.? I then returned home.? I receive in the mail four gifts from the St. Joseph's Indian School: Make a difference for Lakota children .I ordered LONG 12 INCH SCREWDRIVER SET REGULAR & PHILLIPS HANDY! | eBay for $4.99 and $5.99 shipping for $10.98 total.? CIO? ? ?? Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?12:10 P.M.? I chatted with another relative twice.? CIONote: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?11:00 A.M.? The Royal Collection - Welcome to the Royal Collection homepage Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?10:55 A.M.? The Queen's Palaces - YouTubeRoyal Fabergé - An Exhibition - YouTube? CIO? Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?10:35 A.M.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?9:50 A.M.? Hurricane Katia Weakens To Category 3 Storm In Atlantic | ? CIO? Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?9:35 A.M.? My electronic pass card for the building front door at 71 Vinci Drive quit working, so I called up the Greenwich Housing Authority at 1-203-869-1138.? They called me back, and they are going to have the building custodian issue me a new pass card at a cost of $16 which will be placed on my rent statement.? CIO Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?9:20 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I threw out the garbage down the garbage chute.? I chatted with a neighbor.? CIO Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?8:15 A.M.? BBC News - 'Largest' crocodile caught in Philippines? CIO? Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?7:35 A.M.? I woke up at 6 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I watched some Bloomberg - Business & Financial News, Breaking News Headlines .? They think the markets might volatile today.? CIO???? Note: <888> 09/06/11 Tuesday?1:10 A.M.? I ate 7 chocolate chip cookies.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? Rain today and 64 to 61 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?11:10 P.M.? I read the most recent issue of Maximum PC magazine.? There is a lot of new technology out there that is beyond me.? When I received the most recent issue in the mail, it said it was the last issue of my subscription, but I have renewed it for a bargain rate for another two years about six months ago, but I am not sure the renewal subscription went through.Welcome To Billionaire Paul Allen's $13.5 Million Private Island - Forbes? CIO Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?9:45 P.M.? CNBC says the European markets are down and that gold is up near to its previous high in August 2011.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?9:00 P.M.? I woke up at 8 P.M..? I chatted with a relative.? I will now eat half of the remaining chef's salad with tuna fish and cheese with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda and a cup of green tea with splenda and lemon juice.The way I figure it, I need the new jump start system that I ordered, since during the long cold winters, with the higher prices of gasoline, I do not drive that much, so although my Audi has a good car battery, its battery could run low, since I won't be driving that much to charge it up.? CIO Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?1:15 P.M.? I ate 8 chocolate chip cookies.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?12:30 P.M.? I ordered 3-in-1 Jump-Start / Air Compressor for $59.99 less 20% off today with coupon code "10615615" for $47.99 and $9.99 shipping and $3.68 tax for $61.66 total.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?11:55 A.M.? National Weather Service Watch Warning Advisory Summary? CIO Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?11:35 A.M.? I put the folding cart back in the trunk of the Audi.? I chatted with neighbors.? I ate two hot dogs on buns with ketchup and Dijon mustard and a dill pickle slice and barbecue potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist lemon lime soda.CL&P: Greenwich power outages down to 125 on Sunday night - GreenwichTimeResearching jump start systems again, these look like they might be powerful enough for my needs, if I do not drive much this coming winter Duralast/700 Amps extreme duty jump starter pack with charging/battery status (BP-DL950) | Battery Booster/Jump Starter Pack | or 3-in-1 Jump-Start / Air Compressor .? Still for now I can wait.? Maybe if I make it to Maine this month if my feet are all right, I can check out one at .? I see the dermatologist about my foot fungus this Wednesday morning.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?8:40 A.M.? Hurricane KATIA? TrackingI went out after the last note.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I noticed one machine at the Greenwich Train Station on the West Side of the lobby charges $1.75 for a plastic bottle of Coca Cola and the machine on the east side of the same lobby charges $1.25 for the same bottle of Coca Cola.? I sat out at various locations.? I chatted with the staff at Starbucks when they opened at 6 A.M., and I used their bathroom.? I then walked down to Zen Stationary, and I bought a Ace's High scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I chatted with a staff member of the Delamar Hotel, and they told me the Delamar Hotel did not flood or lose electricity in Hurricane Irene.? I chatted with someone from Kennedy Security about the cars being sideswiped on Greenwich Avenue on Saturday night and Sunday morning.? I then went by CVS, when they were opening, and I bought three 12 packs of 12 ounce cans of diet A&W root beer for $10 and a $1.80 can deposit and a 230 pack box of Equal sweetener for $4.99 for $16.79 total.? I also bought two of the few remaining eight packs of CVS alkaline D batteries for $5.99 a eight pack less a $2 CVS coupon for and .63 tax for $10.61 total.? I then returned home.? I used my folding cart from the trunk of the Audi to bring up the cans of soda.? CIONote: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?4:40 A.M.? In E-Mail Age, Postal Service Struggles to Avoid a Default - BBC News - Endangered species set for stem cell rescueBBC News - Electric motor made from a single moleculeI will now go downtown for a walk.? I don't expect much to be going on.? CIO Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?4:15 A.M.? I made a triple size chef's salad with iceberg lettuce and cheese and tuna fish.? I refrgierated two thirds in a Rubbermaid container, and I ate the other third with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil along with a 12 ounce glass Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?3:00 A.M.? I made 118 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO ?? Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?1:20 A.M.? I threw out the garbage in the garbage chute next to my apartment.? One needs a building key to get at it.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/05/11 Monday?12:40 A.M.? I did a McAfee Quick Scan of the primary work computer, and it is all right.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.The person whose Hertz rent a car was hit last night was a former neighbor of Ted Kennedy's on Beale Street in Boston.? I always thought he lived off Charles Street just west of Beacon Hill.? CIO ?Note: <888> 09/04/11 Sunday?11:40 P.M.? I went back to bed until now.? I ate three chocolate chip cookies.? CIO Note: <888> 09/04/11 Sunday?9:20 P.M.? I woke up while sleeping, and I ate some chocolate chips cookies.? I woke up again at 5 P.M., and I chatted with a relative.? I finally woke up at 8 P.M., and I chatted with another relative.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a relative.? Some of my relatives are watching a DVD movie called "The Conspirators" about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.? CIO??? End of Scott's Notes week of 09/04/11:Note: <888> 09/04/11 Sunday?7:30 A.M.? Tracking is FedEx Tracking on the order for two 6 Feet DVI-D to DVI-D Digital Cable, Gold-plated DVI-D Dual Link Connectors and Ferrite core, Support 720p and 1080p HD resolution, DVI Dual Link Digital Cable for $8.99 each for $17.98 total with free shipping.With coupon code "SAVE25NOW" if one logs into one's online account, one can get Buy Craig 17" Hd Lcd Color TV With Remote online at for $149.99 less $37.50 for 25% off, and I have a $15 off $60 coupon that you also might have, so it would be $97.49 with free shipping.I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.? Partly cloudy today and 82 to 69 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO? ??? Note: <888> 09/04/11 Sunday?5:55 A.M.? I moved the 19 inch LCD Eizo monitor from the FIC to the Abit computer along with the spare 19 inch LCD Eizo monitor from the bedroom closet, so the Abit computer now has two monitors.? The whole setup is still controlled by the Master Switch on the Tripp Lite Control panel.? I moved the 19 inch Acer LCD monitor to the FIC server as the primary monitor.? I also hung a 3M Command hook on the left side of the left Eizo monitor for the Abit computer headset.? CIO Note: <888> 09/04/11 Sunday?4:30 A.M.? I also ate a few small oatmeal cookies.? CIO Note: <888> 09/04/11 Sunday?3:10 A.M.? I went out to the central downtown area of Greenwich Avenue.? I walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? As I was walking up Greenwich Avenue by the Greenwich Post Office, a cranberry color Toyota Land Cruiser type vehicle came up Arch Street and made a right turn down Greenwich Avenue without stopping.? It hit a turquoise color 4 door sedan Nissan with Maryland License Plates knocking off its rear bumper.? The four wheel drive vehicle did not stop, but I could see it stop down at the bottom of Greenwich Avenue on the left side by the Thataway restaurant.? I called 911 on my wireless telephone, and they took my wireless number, and the Greenwich Police called me up.? They sent two patrol cars, and one checked out where the four wheel drive vehicle had been parked, but it had left by that time.? The other police cruiser took down my information as a witness to the incident, and I continued walking up Greenwich Avenue.? I noticed while walking Greenwich Avenue none of the pubs were busy on lower Greenwich Avenue, but the Barcelona cafe was quite busy just west of the top of Greenwich Avenue.? When I made it up to the top of Greenwich Avenue, I walked around the parking areas of the Barcelona Cafe, but there were only three red SUV vehicles in the parking areas, and none of them had any front end damage on the passenger side.? I then walked back down Greenwich Avenue, and I told the officer investigating the hit and run by the post office that I had not seen the cranberry color Toyota style land cruiser.? I then walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area again.? I did not see any debris where the four wheel drive vehicle had parked after the hit and run.? While walking back up Greenwich Avenue, I ran into the driver of the vehicle that was hit, and as the Greenwich Police had told me, he told me it was a Hertz rent a car.? The police had left.? I helped remove the plastic rear bumper that was lying on the street, and I put it in back seat of the Nissan.? While I was talking with the Hertz rent a car driver, and a white sub compact sedan came down Greenwich Avenue, and we heard it side swipe the rear of a green Ford Explorer parked across the street from the Sun Down Saloon.? We both walked down to make sure it was another incident, and there was a white side view mirror from the white sub compact lying in the street and there was white paint across the back of the green Ford Explorer.? I called 911 again, and we started walking back up Greenwich Avenue, and about half way to the other car, the same police officer showed up again.? We walked back down to the green Ford Explorer, and gave the police officer the information.? We then walked back up to the Nissan, and the same police officer showed up to take the information down from the driver of the Nissan.? I had already given the police my telephone number and identification.? I then sat out for a while by my Audi worrying that it might not be safe to drive home.? I waited until after 2 P.M., when the pubs were closed.? I then headed back home.? I stopped by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $9.01 of self service V-power premium gasoline for $4.499 a gallon for 2.003 gallons for 27 miles driving since Monday August 29, 2011 at odometer reading of 68965 miles for 13.48 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I then returned home.I will now eat the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda and a cup of green tea with splenda and lemon juice.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/03/11 Saturday?11:40 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I threw out the garbage.? My front door pass card does not work, so I will have to order another one this Tuesday.? I can use my key on the side door.? I picked up the mail.? I got my insurance card for the policy which starts October 8, 2011.? I will put one copy in the Audi glove box.? I will not make a payment on the policy until October 1, 2011.? I emptied the paper shredder in the bedroom.? I oil it by putting some of the paper shredder lubricant on two sheets of paper and running it through the paper shredder.? I will now go downtown for a walk.? It is clear tonight, and it is suppose to be mostly clear tomorrow night.? CIO Note: <888> 09/03/11 Saturday?10:00 P.M.? I woke up at 8 P.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? ? Note: <888> 09/03/11 Saturday?10:25 A.M.? I ate three scrambled eggs, four strips of fried bacon, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread, and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist lemon lime soda and a dozen small oatmeal cookies.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? Isolated thunderstorms today and 82 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/03/11 Saturday?8:45 A.M.? I went out to the Far East of downtown Greenwich Avenue, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? The train station bathrooms do not open until 7 A.M.? Starbucks opened at 6 A.M..? They now have tables and chairs outside on the north side of Starbucks, and I assume one could smoke there.? I used the Port-O-Potty at the Town Hall running track before Starbucks opened.? I sat out at various locations.? I chatted with a friend on my wireless telephone.? He is going fishing for Porgies.? I went to the A&P Fresh at 7 A.M., and I bought a 33 ounce bag of Eight O'clock hazelnut coffee beans for $16.99, two 18 ounce Stouffer's five cheese lasagnas for $2 each, two Stouffer's 14 ounce shrimp scampi for $2 each, two Stouffer's 13 ounce sesame chicken for $2 each for $28.99 total.? I then went to the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance Lite spread for $3.29, a 24 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Monterey Jack cheese for $4.99, a 1.5 quart container of Edy's lite French Silk ice cream for $2.50, a quart jar of B&G kosher pickle spears for $2.99, two 12 ounce generic honey for $2.25 each, a 8 ounce Kraft Parmesan and Romano cheese for $3.99, two 48 ounce Quaker old fashioned oatmeal for $4.99 each, a 10 ounce bottle of Kikkoman soy sauce for $2.29, and a Vidalia onion for $1.49 a pound for $1.18 for $35.71 total.? The Stop and Shop does not let one return cans until 8 A.M. or after 8:30 P.M., which seems sort of odd.? I then returned home.? I used my folding wire cart to bring up the groceries.? I put them away.My actual cl- electricity bill for August 2011 was $235.77 for 1450 kWh for 29 days and 50 kWh per day with an average temperature of 73.2 degrees Fahrenheit.For August 2010, it was $271.62 for 1529 kWh for 30 days and 50.97 kWh per day with an average temperature of 74.6 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/03/11 Saturday?4:50 A.M.? Prison ? US State Department Orders Americans To Be ScaredI cancelled : Eruptions that Shook the World (9780521641128): Clive Oppenheimer: Books for $25.17 with free shipping.? By the time I have time to read it, the Greenwich Library will probably have it.I will now go downtown for a walk.? I will then go by the Stop and Shop when it opens at 7 A.M. to do my first of the month grocery shopping.? CIONote: <888> 09/03/11 Saturday?4:05 A.M.? Medication risks, side effects, for older adults, senior citizens - AARPAnother Katrina? Tropical Storm Lee to Hit Gulf Coast Labor Day Weekend - ABC News!!!!!! Geography Department, Cambridge ? Book: Eruptions that shook the world!!!!!! Eruptions that Shook the World - Academic and Professional Books - Cambridge University PressI ordered : Eruptions that Shook the World (9780521641128): Clive Oppenheimer: Books for $25.17 with free shipping.NASA Tech Briefs, Free NASA Tech Briefs Magazine SubscriptionTracking number is "9400110200881147873077" on the order for two ROCKETFISH LAN ADAPTER for Nintendo Wii +Ethernet Cable | eBay for $7.99 each with free shipping for $15.98 total.Great Fire of London (English history) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - Volcanic rock rafts 'could have been cradles of life'BBC Nature - 'Hidden' hawksbill turtles found? CIO Note: <888> 09/03/11 Saturday?2:40 A.M.? I ate half of the remaining cooked linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda and a cup of green tea with splenda and lemon juice.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/03/11 Saturday?1:30 A.M.? The Schumacher Instant Power PX-400-3A jump start system never worked too well.? It would lose its charge fast, and I might have overcharged it over the years by leaving it plugged in all of the time, so I will not be replacing its battery.? I have a Slaymaker Jump Start System? for years that I have replaced the battery on twice, and it is like this 12 Volt Power Supply and Jump-Start , and it has always worked and still shows a full charge, and I leave it plugged in all of the time, so I will rely on it this winter in case I need to jump start the Audi.? Since gasoline is very expensive at about $4.50 a gallon, I frequently do not drive far enough in the winter to keep the battery in the Audi fully charged, so on a cold winter's day, it might not be fully charged.? I have a battery charger, so I technically could take the battery out, and charge it up inside, if it were not powerful enough.If one looks at 1998 Audi A6 owned by Michael Scott , it notes that I put in a new battery in the Audi on November 5, 2008, so it is now almost three years old.? I paid $90 for it at .? Thus if the battery should be weak this winter, it would be smarter to buy a new battery for the Audi.? According to this a Duralast Gold battery would be $130 and standard Duralast battery would be $110 Battery | 1998 Audi A6 6 Cylinders A 2.8L SFI | .? CIO ? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?11:55 P.M.? On the Schumacher Instant Power PX-400-3A, this is the replacement battery that I need PS-12180-NB Power Sonic Replacement SLA Battery (12.00 Volts 18.00 AmpH) - High quality and lowest price guaranteed which would be $45 with shipping.? I do not need to order it yet before winter.? Also first off, I have to make sure I can open up its case, which I need a Philips screw driver with at least a seven inch long blade to get at the recessed screws.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?11:20 P.M.? I ordered 19 LED Flashlight, Aeronautic Aluminum Alloy LED Flashlight, Black, GL-7019 for $4.99 with free shipping.? CIO????? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?10:00 P.M.? I put away the laundry.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?9:25 P.M.? I was told for hungry people in New York City, they now have What's New at BBQ? Now You Can Get NYC’s Most Popular BBQ To Your Homes and Offices In Queens With Just a Click! | Dallas BBQ , and there is even one at 73rd street and Third Avenue, where I used to buy fresh bagels, when I would drive out of Manhattan at 4 A.M. in the morning in the old days.? CIO Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?9:05 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I have 20 minutes to go on the dry cycle of the laundry.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?8:20 P.M.? I woke up at 2:30 P.M., and I chatted with a relative.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? I went back to bed until 6 P.M., when I chatted with another relative.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.?? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I put clean linens on my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I am doing two loads of laundry, and I have 10 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? We now have a one big dumpster for the recycle materials.? I watered the plants.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?5:20 A.M.? 2740 Greenwich, Connecticut customers still without service CL-P Outage MapAs frustration mounts, utilities say outages drop below 230,000 - GreenwichTimeMajor disconnect: Growing discontent over extended cable outage in Greenwich - GreenwichTimeFrustration mounts as many Greenwich residents still without power - GreenwichTimeI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny today and 77 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?4:45 A.M.? I ordered two 6 Feet DVI-D to DVI-D Digital Cable, Gold-plated DVI-D Dual Link Connectors and Ferrite core, Support 720p and 1080p HD resolution, DVI Dual Link Digital Cable for $8.99 each for $17.98 total with free shipping.? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?4:15 A.M.? Ticketmaster - PromotionsGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |World's thinnest material could boost Internet speeds - ComputerworldBBC News - Space junk at tipping point, says reportBBC News - DNA identifies new ancient human dubbed 'X-woman'BBC News - Exciting stone tool find in KenyaBBC News - 'Oldest' woolly rhino discovered? CIO? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?2:25 A.M.? I made up a batch of Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine or Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine .? I ate one third of it and refrigerate two thirds, and I ate it with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda and a cup of green tea with splenda and lemon juice.? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/02/11 Friday?12:50 A.M.? I went out after the last note.? I went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought three clearance six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1 each six pack, a 8 ounce container of Kraft Parmesan and Romano grated cheese for $3.99, a two pound bag of baby carrots for $2.50, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $1.22, and broccoli crowns for $1.69 a pound for $1.54 for $12.25 total.? I then went by the Chase Bank ATM at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? Midway through my walk, I walked for the Town Hall running track, and I used one of the Port-O-Potties over there.? I chatted with a customer at the Gingerman cafe about Bermuda possibly being hit my a hurricane around this coming Tuesday, but it could always change course.? I also chatted with the security people at the Sundown Saloon about hurricanes.? After my walk, I went by the Courtesy Mobil gasoline station at 623 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a dozen extra large Croton Farms eggs expire October 12, 2011 for $2.13.? I told them about the Mountain Lions and other wild cats in this area.? The cashier thought I looked like the actor in Avitar which is a movie I have not seen.? A number of Northeast Utility trucks were there.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.? CIO Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?9:25 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now go downtown.? CIO Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?8:05 P.M.? I ordered two ROCKETFISH LAN ADAPTER for Nintendo Wii +Ethernet Cable | eBay for $7.99 each with free shipping for $15.98 total.? I will put them on third and fourth IBM ThinkCentre computers.? CIO Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?7:35 P.M.? I chatted briefly with a relative at noon.? I finally woke up at 4:30 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with splenda sweetener and milk.? I went back to bed until 7 P.M., when I chatted with another relative.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.Greenwich reader submitted Irene photos - GreenwichTime? CIO? ? Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?7:00 A.M.? Opening of Greenwich schools pushed back to next week - GreenwichTimeI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I will eat a few day old muffin first.Partly cloudy today and 79 to 61 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO? Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?6:10 A.M.? I printed out the last four months of my "Scott's Notes" pages 8665 to 8928.? I put them in two clamp binders, and I placed them my fourth IBM ThinkCentre chair.They are available for download as "mlsnote22.doc" from here:Scott's Notes from January 2010 through August 2011, 2.14 Mbytes contains "mlsnote18.doc" pages 7653 -7892 January 2010 to April 2010, "mlsnote19.doc" pages 7893 - 8142 May 2010 to August 2010, "mlsnote20.doc" pages 8143 - 8401 September 2010 to December 2010, "mlsnote21.doc" , pages 8402 - 8664 January 2011 to April 2011, "mlsnote22.doc", pages 8665 - 8928 May 2011 to August 2011Scott's Notes from January 2010 through August 2011, 2.14 Mbytes contains "mlsnote18.doc" pages 7653 -7892 January 2010 to April 2010, "mlsnote19.doc" pages 7893 -8142 May 2010 to August 2010, "mlsnote20.doc" pages 8143 - 8401 September 2010 to December 2010, "mlsnote21.doc" pages 8402 - 8664 January 2011 to April 2011, "mlsnote22.doc" pages 8665 - 8928 May 2011 to August 2011They are also available in *.pdf format from here:? Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?3:55 A.M.? I paid my Digital Family Cable TV, Optimum Online Boost Cable Modem, and Optimum Voice Long Distance bills, my cl- electricity bill, and my telephone bill.?? I printed out two copies of my Microsoft Money 2007 Income Versus Spending Report for August 2011.? I will mail one copy in the mail room downstairs to an interested relative.? CIO Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?3:15 A.M.? I ate a four ounce bag of sour cream and onion potato chips and two slices of processed white American cheese.BBC News is back up and running again.BBC Nature - Tasmanian tiger's jaws were too weak to kill sheepBBC News - Tomb found at Stonehenge quarry siteBBC News - Mount Etna eruption levels 'increasing'? CIO?? Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?1:40 A.M.? - McAfee Total Protection 2011 3 User $9.79 with free shippingDiana, princess of WalesEngland a'int working again .? CIO??? Note: <888> 09/01/11 Thursday?1:00 A.M.? I went out after the last note.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area. I sat out at various locations.? I chatted with somebody outside of the Sundown Saloon Pub from Guatemala.? There were only a couple of dozen pub crawlers around town.? I sat out for a while after my walk.? I then drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.? Everything looked normal down there.? There were about five cars and eight people down by the pier.? I then returned home.? CIO ?Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?11:50 P.M.? I watched some television.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed.? I have a 11 A.M. appointment on Tuesday morning.Tuesday morning clouds and afternoon sun and 55 to 37 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?11:00 P.M.? I made up a batch of Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine or Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine .? I ate one third of it and refrigerated two thirds in a Rubbermaid container, and I ate it with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?9:35 P.M.? I chatted with a relative about the old days in Florida .? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?8:40 P.M.? I made 110 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Danish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?7:10 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? There is the faint odor of a skunk protecting us from any wild cats in the area.? I picked up the mail.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?6:25 P.M.? I chatted with a relative who lives way down south below the Mason Dixon line.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.In the "Age of Darkness in Connecticut" some of the local citizens should take time to meditate and contemplate their over all positions in the world and their relevance to the larger world in general.? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?5:50 P.M.? I ordered Allure Stainless Steel Automatic Liquid Soap Dispenser Motion Activated Infrared | eBay for $12.99 with free shipping.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?5:30 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?5:05 P.M.? I had a telephone call from a relative at 10:30 A.M..? I finally woke up at 3:30 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.Back in 1968 to 1972, when I worked at and jobs in Lake Forest, Illinois while attending lfc.edu , I usually made over $200 a 40 hour week.? In that period gold "AU" was $32 an ounce, so I was earning 6.25 ounces of Gold a week.? Today Gold is worth Gold Price $1,715.07 an ounce.? Thus today for a 40 hour week, I should be earning $10,719.19 a week or $557,397.75 a year or $267.98 an hour.? Thus it goes to show in the real world of economics, they do not adjust for inflation or the real value of money.? In other words, most of the policy makers are just CHEAP.? CIO?? ??? Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?7:05 A.M.? The way I figure it, is that with the sudden colder and snowy weather the wildlife and mountain lions in the north country are probably headed down this way earlier to migrate further down south, so if you want to go out tonight to Trick or Treat, you are taking your chances with mother nature.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Black ice a threat this morning - GreenwichTimeGreenwich Avenue post office sells for $15M - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?6:30 A.M.? I ate a bowl of white Cheez-its.? I ate a 9 ounce package of four cheese hot pockets and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I put the three fans that were out in the apartment for the summer on the far right window shelf.? I turned the living room heat up to 76 degrees Fahrenheit which should make the living room 70 degrees Fahrenheit and dryer.? I turned the bedroom heat up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit which makes the bedroom 64 degrees Fahrenheit.? I turned on the tower fan on the center living room window shelf to blow around the living room heat.? I put one comforter on the back of the Ethan Allen recliner to have available.? I put another comforter over the back of the chair in front of the second IBM ThinkCentre.? I put out the two army.mil sleeping bags good to minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit in front of the harvard.edu chair to the right of the living room Sony television.? I put one DeLonghi oil filled radiator behind the primary work computer chair, and I put the second DeLongi oil filled radiator along side the Ionic Pro air purifier in front of the mahogany bureau in the living room.? I thus have the apartment prepared for any extreme cold weather events that we might experience this winter.? It is currently 30.9 degrees outside and 65 degrees by the windows in the living room and 72 degrees further out into the living room.? I put the breakfast tray with the winter knit caps, and gloves and mittens and scarves on the seat of the Harvard Chair.? Remember, if one ever wanted to go to Harvard University, it is a lot colder up in Cambridge, Massachusetts than here in Greenwich, Connecticut.? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?5:00 A.M.? I read earlier that Nantucket got hit with 65 mile per hour winds in the storm.? A lot of the big old trees in downtown Nantucket are in sandy soil, so there might have been some tree damage in Nantucket.There were a lot of short Asians in the Stop and Shop yesterday Sunday, so possibly they are without electricity somewhere in town.The Maria Callendar dinners are on sale at the Stop and Shop for $2.50.I suppose a lot of the back country people do not have electricity, so they are probably going back to their apartments in Manhattan.I have two appointments this week, but they could be cancelled, and I could stay on a night schedule.? I know the older generation like to monopolize the downtown area during the warmer weather, but at age 61, I am no spring chicken.I have not been to Nantucket, since the summer of 1987 or 1988, when I stayed with a friend at the Harbor House for a weekend.? I only recognized one person who was a Taft School classmate I think from Princeton, New Jersey.?? Of course I tend to be somewhat myopic, and a lot of people that I should recognize are so private that one does not see them very often.? I also see a lot of other people that look like other people, so it is hard to tell the well known people from the more private people.? Of course most people have relatives that tend to look like them too.Today is Halloween, and it was on Halloween in 1976 that I first showed up in Key West, Florida Live Duval Street Web Cam in Key West, Florida :: Sloppy Joe's Bar :: with somebody from New Haven, Connecticut whose father worked for John Hancock Insurance, and the individual I met in Fort Lauderdale earlier, when the King of Norway was down there on vacation after the Tall Ships in New York Harbor during the summer of 1976.? When Norwegians show up on vacation, it tends to get colder, and by Thanksgiving Day in 1976, it was 21 degrees Fahrenheit at 7 A.M. in the morning at the electric bank sign next to the Swimming Hall of Fame in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.? Obscure fact of my mother's Bovan family is that one of the contractors of the Swimming Hall of Fame was a Boven.? Alas, I was never too good of a swimmer, since I don't like keeping my head in the water and at 220 pounds, I would be afraid to go near the water.I forgot to mention in my note last night also during the summer of 1972, I drove up from Lake Forest, Illinois with Hurley Haywood to the Whitneys in Wayzata, Minnesota, and I went to a Cam Am automobile race.? They let me drive a yellow Ferrari back from the race, they had to transport, so I guess I was running around with Fast Company in the Midwest.? The last time I visited California on my last trip was during the fall of 1980, and I traveled out there with a friend by land, and I sold the Volvo with a bad clutch the week after election day, when Ronald Reagan was elected to come back east to be part of the republican majority in power, only to end up being evicted by the democrats from the apartment I shared in Manhattan during February 1982, when it was minus 26 degrees Fahrenheit in Manhattan.? So democrats tend to play bad jokes on republicans, if you let your guard down.? I try to be diplomatic, but I have learned from experience to stand up for my rights.? CIO Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?4:05 A.M.?? I cancelled the order for - Panasonic 1300 Watts Family-Size 1.2 cu. ft. Microwave Oven NN-SN667W Sensor Cook White for $99.99 with free shipping.The way I figure it, since I also have the $500 Sharp Convection microwave oven, if the nine year old General Electric 1.2 cubic foot microwave oven should fail, I can use the Sharp Convection microwave oven until the General Electric microwave oven is replaced.I removed the new Farberware convection oven on top of the General Electric microwave oven from the kitchen, and I put it in the bedroom closet underneath the RYO tobacco products.? I cleaned the outside of the General Electric microwave oven and the white plastic shelf rack and the microwave cooking utensils that were stored on top of the General Electric microwave oven.? I never used the Farberware convection oven, since I have the Sharp Convection microwave oven.? It will cook a larger item like a large chicken, small turkey or roast, but I do not cook large items, since they spoil before I can finish them.? If I needed to cook a large item, I could take the new Farberware convection oven out of the bedroom closet and put it on the kitchen counter.? I had thought about putting the new Panasonic microwave oven on top of the old General Electric microwave oven, but that no longer will be necessary.? CIO ?? ?Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?2:10 A.M.? BBC News - Snowstorm hits US East Coast killing at least nineBBC News - Are there really seven billion of us?BBC News - GM mosquitoes show fever promiseBBC News - GCHQ chief reports 'disturbing' cyber attacks on UKStorm damage 'five times worse' than Irene - GreenwichTimeKissinger to appear in Greenwich Friday - GreenwichTime maybe Henry will tell us all some day what was doing in his neighborhood at the in the Old Days.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Today partly cloudy and 51 to 43 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?1:10 A.M.? Town of Greenwich Emergency Notice Follow Up:Good afternoon this is Greenwich Emergency Management Director Dan Warzoha updating you on Greenwich's storm status and operations. There are approximately 4,978 CL&P customers in the Town Of Greenwich without power. Down from 5,421 at 1:00 AM . There are 804,000 CL&P customers without power in the State Of Connecticut. The Statewide total exceeds the number of customers out during Hurricane Irene in August. CL&P has deployed 6 line crews and 2 tree crews to address damage and restoration. These crews work on 16 hour schedules. The Town Of Greenwich deployed its tree crews throughout last evening and most roads are passable. A list of locations can be found on our website The Bendheim Western Greenwich Civic Center is open for residents from noon today today until 8PM this evening. The Center provides charging stations for eletronic devices along with water and light snacks. Greenwich Library is also open from 1 Pm until 5 Pm today. All downed wires should be considered Live and lethal and reported by calling 911. Parents should keep this in mind especially in light of Halloween trick or treating that will be taking place. At this time there are no planned public school closures or delays. Parents and guardians should monitor the Board of Education for up-to-moment school opening and closing information at End of Notice:Connecticut Light and Power Outage Map4142 outages in Greenwich, Connecticut or 14%766,515 outages in the state of Connecticut or 61%? CIO? Note: <888> 10/31/11 Monday?12:30 A.M.? I ordered - Panasonic 1300 Watts Family-Size 1.2 cu. ft. Microwave Oven NN-SN667W Sensor Cook White for $99.99 with free shipping.? CIONote: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?10:15 P.M.? I noticed when I was going through my old magazine that on the September 5, 2011 issue of magazine on the cover, they airbrushed the cyst off of Gaddafi's left lip.? CIO Note: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?9:25 P.M.? I chatted with a friend after the last note.? I went to bed at 6:30 A.M..? I got up at 2 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I went outside, and I threw out the old magazines and the garbage.? I brushed about an inch of snow off the Audi.? I then washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I went downtown, and I went by the Stop and Shop.? I bought a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance Spread Lite for $2.50, two Marie Callender 16 ounce Chicken Pot Pies for $2.50 each, two Marie Callender 16 ounce Turkey Pot Pies for $2.50 each, a 48 ounce container of Quaker old fashioned oatmeal for $4.79 and fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $1.34 less $1.05 can returns for $17.58 total.? I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? I stopped by Starbucks, but their bathroom was busy.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought six 10.7 ounce Campbell's mushroom soup for .88 each for $5.28 total.? I used the bathroom at CVS.? I then finished my walk.? I then drove back to CVS with the Audi, and I bought a 12 pack of 12 ounce Canada Dry ginger ale for $3.67, two 12 packs of 12 ounce A&W diet root beer for $3.67 each, two 12 packs of 12 ounce Diet Sunkist orange sofa for $3.67 each and $3 can deposit for $22.51 total.? I then returned home, and I used my folding cart from the trunk of the Audi to bring up the heavy sodas and other groceries.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I put away my purchases.? I put the small folding cart back in the trunk of the Audi.? I chatted with two relatives.? I will now eat a 16 ounce Marie Callender chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I was told the new CVS at Holly Hill Lane and West Putnam Avenue will not be opening until January 2012, but they would be a 24 hour store.? CIO?? End of Scott's Notes week of 10/30/11:Note: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?5:05 A.M.? I ate a 18.8 can of Campbell's Harvest Select New England clam chowder with dried parsley and a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance Spread and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.John Adams (president of United States) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaMore Than a Million Lose Power as Snow Coats Region - NASA Is Considering Fuel Depots in the Skies - I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then go to bed.Partly cloudy today and 44 to 26 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?4:00 A.M.?? At Least Three Deaths Blamed On Early East Coast Storm | Fox News3 dead, over 2 million without power as snowstorm slams Northeast, Mid-Atlantic - Snow? Now? NO! | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday TelegramSatellite SpotlightBBC News - The only living master of a dying martial art? CIONote: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?3:25 A.M.? I called up GEICO in Macon, Georgia at 1-800-42GEICO , and I gave them a briefing on the local situation.It says here Search future engagements that the Duke of Edinburgh is suppose to attend an event in Assisi, Italy on October 31, 2011, so he is probably in Italy right now with Queen Elizabeth II after their trip to Australia.? CIO Note: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?2:10 A.M.? The order for - North American Healthcare WrisTech Blood Pressure Monitor for $13.99 with free shipping and .89 tax for $14.88 total was cancelled by the vendor.? CIO Note: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?2:00 A.M.? Malloy closes parkways as snow blankets state - GreenwichTimeThe whole northwestern and northern part of the state of Connecticut is totally without power Connecticut CL-P Outage Map703,200 residents without power or 56% for the state of Connecticut5309 residents or 19% of Greenwich, Connecticut without power.? CIO Note: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?1:40 A.M.? I straightened out the magazine rack.? I can not throw out the old magazines in this weather.? It is 33.4 degrees Fahrenheit outside right now, so hopefully it will not get any colder.? I straightened out some of the other areas in the apartment where paper work was lying around.? CIO Note: <888> 10/30/11 Sunday?12:40 A.M.? When I got back from my European studies in the end of May 1972, I flew back home to Boston first.? I then flew out to Lake Forest, Illinois for graduation, but we had a party the night before graduation, so I slept through graduation, but I had not been to rehearsal anyway, so nobody knew I was back in the area anyway.? I stayed with a friend who lived next to the chief of police's son at a cottage on her grandmother's estate.? I recall visiting with many friends.? Around the fourth of July, a number of us went up to the Thousand Island around Sauté St. Marie.? I recalled buying an older Mercedes for $750, but I sold it after a month, because it burned oil.? George Cary flew out later that summer after having toured more of Europe after the Greek program.? We threw a Great Gatsby party.? Towards the beginning of fall, I bought another old Mercedes Diesel, and I drove with George back east dropping him off and staying with his family in East Aurora, New York.? We went to the horse races at Fort Erie race track where the Queen mother presented the trophy.? I then drove back to Boston.? The Mercedes Diesel starting burning oil too, so I did not drive it that much.? I left the Mercedes in Boston, and I flew back to Chicago, and I stayed possibly in Lake Forest, where I met up with other friends, and I drove with them down to Jacksonville, Florida to transfer some vehicles down there.? After staying in Jacksonville, Florida for about a week, I flew down to St. Thomas, where I stayed with another college roommate.? I toured the island and St. John's, but I was not able to find a job.? I flew back to Chicago, and I stayed with another college classmate who lived next door to the building in downtown Chicago.? After job hunting for a while and campaigning for Richard Nixon, I convinced the friend to rent a larger apartment at 31 East Elm St., where we moved in.? As I recall it was $400 a month.? I took a job driving a taxi for a few days, but the routine was too hectic for me.? That was December 8, 1972.? I recall George Cary visited the apartment for about a week and then returned home to East Aurora, New York.? I then worked at I Magnum across from the Drake opening shipment packages for about a week.? After a holiday party or two, I returned back to Boston for Christmas.? Around the first of the year, I moved down to Manhattan to stay with my youngest sister, until around June 1973, when my family moved back to Greenwich, Connecticut.? I recall in that period my father sold the Mercedes Diesel that I left in Boston.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?11:40 P.M.? I checked outside, and it pretty much looks the same.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop Blue cheese dressing and extra virgin olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.Suicide bomber kills 13 Americans in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?10:50 P.M.? I chatted with a friend who got a new kitten for his birthday.586,278 households or 47% in Connecticut served by CL-P without electricity.5176 households or 18% in Greenwich, Connecticut without electricity.? CIONote: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?9:30 P.M.? I just got another telephone message from the town of Greenwich, Connecticut.? 557,862 households or 45% are without power in Connecticut not including Bridgeport, Connecticut and 4,967 households or 17% are without power in Greenwich, Connecticut CL&P Outage Map.? cl- will start working on restoring electricity at 7 A.M. tomorrow morning.? The town is currently experiencing, rain, ice, sleet and snow.? There are a lot of downed power lines and fallen trees all over town and the area, so people are ordered to stay home inside and not go out, until the cleanup crews have a chance to clear the town and the area.? That includes tomorrow and probably on Monday.? A lot of the town workers live elsewhere in Connecticut and New York, so they will probably be having problems at home, before they can get back to work for the town and elsewhere.? CIO !!!!!!!!!! Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?8:55 P.M.? I just had an idea for a bionic hand for people missing one hand.? One could wear a bionic remote control glove on the good hand to control the bionic hand on the missing arm by having the bionic hand mimic the good hand's movements , and one could have it switch from controlling the bionic hand to not controlling it, so one could use the good hand.? It would be a two step process, but one would not need to connect the bionic hand to any existing nerve endings on the missing hand arm.? One could also program with it certain repetitive task procedures such as eating.? To enable or disable the bionic hand, one could have a pair of glasses that, when one winks one eye or both eyes, it enables or disables the bionic hand. I ordered - North American Healthcare WrisTech Blood Pressure Monitor for $13.99 with free shipping and .89 tax for $14.88 total.I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?7:40 P.M.? Dingletown Community Church undergoes renovations - Greenwich CitizenDingletown Community ChurchFour to six inches of snow possible in region, Adopt a Dog Parade postponed | Greenwich Post? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?7:30 P.M.? Metro North has suspended rail service on the New Haven line.The Merritt Parkway and the Wilbur Cross Parkway are closed.Greenwich web cam shows there is still electricity downtown on Greenwich Avenue by the post office.? The post office lobby is heated and open at night.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?7:20 P.M.? Local TV news in Connecticut says 450,000 homes are without electricity.CL&P Outage Map5660 home without power in Greenwich, Connecticut.I chatted with a relative and a friend. has live web cam photo of the Greenwich, Connecticut post office.There are suppose to be 30 to 50 mile per hour winds tonight.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?5:45 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? It is now raining outside with a lot of slush on the ground and trees which might freeze later if it gets colder.? The temperature is suppose to stay at 33 degrees Fahrenheit until 4 A.M., when it starts rising.? They are calling for it to be partly cloudy tomorrow and 44 to 28 degrees Fahrenheit.I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?5:25 P.M.? I chatted with a neighbor.? They are building a new casino at Aqueduct Racetrack in New York which is suppose to take away all of the casino traffic from Yonkers race track.? I chatted with a friend.? The has twenty trucks on the road to plow private driveways according to the - GreenwichTime .? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?4:55 P.M.? A neighbor told me a tree has fallen across West Putnam Avenue just west of Western Junior High across from the State Line Deli, so West Putnam Avenue at that point is now closed in both directions.? There is also another tree down on Western Junior High.? My neighbor told me with all of the weight of the snow and leaves, a lot of the tree are hanging down to the ground.I plugged in all of my jump start systems to have them fully charged and my 2 million watt rechargeable lantern.I made my bed, and I will now wash the breakfast dishes.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?4:25 P.M.? A friend called at 10:30 A.M..? I woke up finally at 2 P.M., when I got the telephone warning from the town of Greenwich, Connecticut about the snow storm.? Weather Service calling storm "historic"; thousands without power - GreenwichTimeCalling for 8 to 12 inches of snow National Weather Service Watch Warning Advisory SummaryHeavy snow causing headaches in Greenwich - GreenwichTime3557 homes without electricity in Greenwich, Connecticut CL&P Outage MapThe building emergency pull cord alarm went off about 2 P.M..? I checked the apartments, but none of their lights were on outside the doors.? A number of tenants were at the front entrance way.?? The alarm went off after about a half hour.? I picked up the mail.I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.I chatted with a relative.? CIONote: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?5:05 A.M.? I ate a bowl of reheated rice with soy sauce and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer. It is Chris' 38th birthday today will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Rain, snow, and wind today and 41 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?4:30 A.M.? Prison ? Why Are Millions Of Preppers Preparing Feverishly For The End Of The World As We Know It?? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?4:00 A.M.? I ate the rest of the bag of Chex mix.? I watched some television.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?2:40 A.M.? I put away the laundry.? I ate some of the 8.5 ounce bag of 60% reduced fat Chex mix.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?1:45 A.M.? BBC News - NPP weather and climate satellite launchesBBC News - Apple and Microsoft file patents for touchless controls? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?1:30 A.M.? I have 45 minutes to go on the dry cycles.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?1:05 A.M.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I took off the summer spread and summer blankets, and I put the electric blanket, and comforters on the bed.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 10 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? CIO Note: <888> 10/29/11 Saturday?12:25 A.M.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? The St. Louis Cardinals won the final World Series game against the Texas Rangers 6 to 2.I chatted with a friend.? CIO Note: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?10:00 P.M.? I made 147 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching World Series game.? It is currently 4 to 2 Cardinals versus Rangers fifth inning.I chatted with a relative.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?7:50 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I picked up the mail.? I watered the plants.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?6:40 P.M.? Freak winter storm likely Saturday - GreenwichTimeNational Weather Service Watch Warning Advisory SummaryLast night, I took the snow brushes out of the trunk of the Audi, and I put them in the back seat.? I also hung out my long underwear in the hallway.? CIO Note: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?6:30 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?6:15 P.M.? Vizio E322VL Vizio E322VL 32" 1080p 60Hz LCD HDTV with VIZIO Internet Application from $280.99 with free shipping, and it is refurbished with only a 90 day warranty. - Recertified: Vizio 32" (31.55" diagonal) 1080p 60Hz LCD HDTV E322VL $314.99 with free shipping and 90 day warranty.VIZIO VO32LFHDTV10A 32" LCD TV | VIZIO $304.99 with free shipping??? free shipping and one years parts and labor and free on site repair. CIONote: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?4:45 P.M.? I woke up at 3:15 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?6:30 A.M.?? I ate four scrambled eggs, three strips of fried bacon, and a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny today and 47 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIONote: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?5:05 A.M.? HP: We're keeping the PC unit | ZDNetHP reverses course, decides to keep PCs after all | Business Tech - CNET NewsLUH - Graduate School GeoFluxesNovember 3, 2011 deadline for Hurricane Irene disaster assistance A decade's worth of Windows mistakes that changed Microsoft (for better and worse) | ZDNetNEW VIZIO 32" 1080P WIFI E322VL LCD HDTV w/ VIA INTERNET APPS FULL-HD BRAND NEW | eBay $395 free shippingTheodore Roosevelt (president of United States) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaStatue of Liberty (monument, New York City, New York, United States) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaAt the Metropolitan Museum, a New Wing, a New Vista - Interactive Feature - For Incoming I.B.M. Chief, Self-Confidence Rewarded - BBC News - Talks to change 300-year royal succession lawsBBC News - Queen opens meeting to discuss royal succession changeBBC News - Queen samples Aboriginal culture in AustraliaBBC News - Queen in Australia: Thousands greet Royals in MelbourneBBC News - Queen praises Queensland's 'courage' during floodsBBC News - Queen visits Australian military collegeBBC News - Queen praises Australia's progress since her visit in 1954BBC News - Queen in Australia: Royals tour Canberra lakeBBC News - Queen gets warm welcome in AustraliaBBC News - The Queen and Prince Philip receive warm welcome in AustraliaBBC News - The Queen remembers Australia's war deadBBC News - Capturing the Queen: Her reign in picturesBBC News - Faster-than-light neutrino experiment to be run againBBC News - Stars concoct complex moleculesBBC News - Gene therapy used in a bid to save a man's sightBBC News - How woodpeckers avoid head injuryBBC News - Samsung overtakes Apple in smartphone sales? CIONote: <888> 10/28/11 Friday?2:05 A.M.? I went out after the last note.? I wore my long underwear bottoms underneath my blue jeans, and a white turtle neck underneath my flannel shirt and orange polar fleece with my L.L. Bean Gortex hunting jacket and my cap.? I went by the Chase Bank ATM at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? There were a few people at the Barcelona cafe and about a dozen people at the Sundown Saloon and maybe another dozen people at McDuffs.? I sat out at various locations.? COLLECTION - Bang & Olufsen on the east side of lower Greenwich Avenue is looking for sales help.? On the way down Greenwich Avenue on the east side of Greenwich Avenue at Elm Street, I repositioned the stop sign which had fallen over I guess in high wind.? After my walk, I sat out for a while.? I then went by the Mobil Station at Valley Road and West Putnam Avenue.? I bought a dozen Croton Egg Farms extra large eggs expire November 25, 2011 for $2.13.? I chatted with the cashier about the oil business.? I told a local police officer about the Forbes picture of Gadafi with a cyst underneath his left nostril.? I then returned home.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?11:30 P.M.? I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated two thirds in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? I ate one third with Stop and Shop Blue Cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.I will now dress up warmly and go out downtown and possibly walk a bit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?10:25 P.M.? Slushy snow possible Saturday, especially inland - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?10:15 P.M.? I rehung the clean shower curtain and liner on the shower curtain rod above the bath tub.? CIONote: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?9:35 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I started washing the shower curtain and liner in liquid detergent and a lot of bleach.? One does not put them in the dryer, or they would melt.? I picked up the mail.? I threw out the garbage.? CIO Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?8:40 P.M.? I did a thorough cleaning of the bathroom.? I still have to clean the shower curtain and the shower curtain liner though.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIONote: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?7:00 P.M.? POWERLINK PL-APN Boost N 802.11b/g/n AP Router 1.24 mile range $44.99 with free shipping? CIO???? Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?6:35 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I put four AAA alkaline batteries in the Automatic Liquid Soap Dispenser.? I then filled it with CVS antibacterial liquid soap.? It works just fine.? I put it on the right side of the kitchen sink.? One can buy large containers of CVS liguid antibacterial soap at CVS.? CIONote: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?5:40 P.M.? I woke up at 10:30 A.M., when a relative called.? I finally woke up at 4 P.M..? The order with tracking of Track Your Packages on the order for Touchless Automatic Liquid Soap Dispenser - Built-In Sensor - Trademark Home? | eBay for $11.99 with free shipping arrived.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO? ?? Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?6:25 A.M.? I ate a 9 ounce package of Philly steak and cheese hot pockets with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Rain today and 55 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIONote: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?5:35 A.M.? Marc Charles Steakhouse is part of the LQ Inn in Armonk, New York, if you can afford a steak.? I watched a Katherine Hepburn, Robert Taylor, and Robert Mitchum movie "Undercurrent" about the Garroaway aircraft corporation.? This movie had audio, and part of it was filmed in rural Middleburg, Virginia where the Mellon family live now.? CIO Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?3:40 A.M.? Local rooms at search zip code "06830".? CIO? Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?3:30 A.M.? I ate a 8 ounce bag of Teenee Beanie jelly beans.? I tried watching television, but not much was on.? Turner's Old Movie Channel is showing the John Wayne and Ward Bond movie, "They Were Expendable", but there is no sound on the Turner movie channel.? Possibly the Cablevision monitor person is monitoring the system, but does not have the sound turned on to see, if the system is producing sound.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?1:40 A.M.? I put the CVS ultraviolet cleaning light underneath the keyboard on top of the subwoofer of the second IBM ThinkCentre on the blue night stand.I setup the Icraig speaker system for an Ipod on the left side of the second IBM ThinkCentre, and it turns on with the same control panel power switch as the wireless router.? I left its instructions to the right of it.? CIONote: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?12:45 A.M.? I guess might have first noticed me back around 1971, when I was an independent contractor at working on programming an IBM 360 by writing a COBOL computer program for a Spread Sheet.? Later that summer, my youngest sister whom was a friend of Susan Watson arranged for me to go to Susan Watson's debutant party at the St. Regis Hotel roof.? My youngest sister's date was Bob Bianchi who is now a Seattle, Washington deputy sheriff.? I took a friend of hers from Greenwich, Ginny Warburg.? We changed into our formal clothes at the Warburg town house in Manhattan.? We stopped by the Donahue's apartment in Manhattan which had not been used since the 1930s.? Mark Donahue was a friend of Bob Bianchi, and I think he also went to the debutant party.? Bob was from Belmont, Massachusetts, and Mark was from Winchester, Massachusetts.? At the party, we all had a good time, and I recall having a few drinks. I parked my mother's brown Chevrolet Monte Carlo just east of the entrance to the St. Regis Hotel.? I think we also might have stopped by the Gotham Hotel across the street for another friend no relation Donahue's debutant party.? Towards the end of Susan Watson's debutant party, I decided to go out and check on the car, and both Tom and Arthur Watson got in the elevator with me.? The St. Regis Hotel elevator was very small with the old 180 degrees handles.? Since the elevator operator was not there, I had to try to figure out how to use it.? After a very rough ride with lots of stops and goes and ups and downs, I finally made it down to the ground floor.? I later returned to the party, but I am not sure what happened to the Watson brothers.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/27/11 Thursday?12:10 A.M.? MVO and UWI publish "Island of Fire" - Montserrat Volcano ObservatoryGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |CO Meeting Organizer EGU2012Light Reading Live - Ethernet Expo - New York, NY - Tuesday, November 8 & 9, 2011 - Hilton NYIncrease Revenue and Accelerate Time to Market with Microsoft powered by SoftLayer November 9th at 11:00am PTNew IBM CEO latest in changes at tech companiesIBM Names Virginia Rometty as New CEO - IT Infrastructure - News & Reviews - Birthday girl Hillary Rodham Clinton (United States senator, first lady, and secretary of state) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaI.B.M. Names Virginia Rometty as New Chief Executive - BBC News - Nokia bets on Windows Phone futureBBC News - IBM names Rometty its first female chief executive? CIO Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?11:40 P.M.? The Killing Fields (1984) - IMDbGandhi (1982) - IMDb? CIO? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?11:35 P.M.? I ate a 14 ounce Marie Callendar chicken alfredo dinner with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?10:50 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a neighbor.? The neighbor has psoriasis, and he told me to get rid of psoriasis, if that is what I have, one has to take shots of enbrel What is Enbrel? (etanercept)? .? I have a relative with severe arthritis that takes shots of Enbrel, and they cost $2,000 a month, which I am not sure Connecticut Medicaid will pay for.? I was told that the ointment that I am using Glenmark Mometasone Furoate Ointment USP, 0.1% 45 grams that Connecticut Medicaid does pay for costs $150 a tube. Psoriasis is an internal disease, so it needs to be treated internally.? Of course, I am not sure that is what I have.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?9:15 P.M.? I made a couple of out of town telephone calls to out of town security agencies to give them the information below.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?8:40 P.M.? If one looks at this undated photo of Gadhafi, he has a large cyst on the left side of his nose.However, in the cell phone videos of him being captured and dragged through the street after he was killed, I doNot see the same large cyst. ??Of course, they said they were doing DNA tests, but where did they get the original DNA ?sample to compare it against.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?8:00 P.M.? I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?7:40 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I went back to bed until 7 P.M..? I chatted with a relative.? I will now make my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?5:25 P.M.? I woke up at 4 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?????? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?6:15 A.M.? Of course John Dillinger use to drink at the Onwentsia Club | Onwentsia Golf Club | Lake Forest | Golf Course - Home after he robbed banks, so I am no so sure how good the security is in Lake Forest, Illinois, since I was just a college student, when I was there.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Showers today and 61 to 51 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?5:40 A.M.? Greenwich GossipLake Forest Illinois Luxury Homes | Lake Forest IL Luxury Real Estate for sale , they have a $12 million estate on 405 Mayflower that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor once visited Schweppe Estate .? CIONote: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?5:00 A.M.? About privacy on the internet.? If you look at Inside Bill Gates House - Pictures of Bill Gates Home , it says Bill Gates home address is 1835 73rd Ave. NE, Medina, Washington 98039.? Then if one looks here Licenses and Taxes - City Taxes (Official City of Bellevue Website) ?searches 1835 73rd at Parcel Viewer , and it says here King County Department of Assessments: eReal Property Bill Gates home , and then here King County Property Tax Information Real Property Page Bill Gates home , he pays $1,036,422,25 tax on his home, and his property taxes are paid up.? I have a Taft School classmate who is a deputy sheriff in Seattle, Washington, so he might remember me, if I ever showed up there, which I have no intention of doing so, since I have arthritis, and it rains there 250 days a year.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?3:20 A.M.? Did Moammar Gadhafi Die The Richest Man In The World? - Forbes? CIONote: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?3:05 A.M.? Bill Gates - ForbesWho Owns the Apple Computer Company? | How much of Apple Computer does Microsoft own? - apple microsoft | Ask MetaFilterSteve Jobs - ForbesMike Scott - ForbesNote: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?2:30 A.M.? The Dispersal of Volcanic Pollutants in the Amosphere | LEC PhD OpportunityRometty Named New IBM CEO, Will Succeed Palmisano On Jan. 1IBM - Samuel J. PalmisanoIBM's CEO hand-off: Rometty to take over for Palmisano | ZDNetWindows XP At 10: No Life Support - Windows - Microsoft news - InformationweekChromebookTim Cook's Speech at Steve Jobs Memorial | News & Opinion | Microsoft Hopes Skype Will Continue Business Software's Success | News & Opinion | #fbid=fN5a4E6bP-1Pablo Picasso (Spanish artist) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - Last Cold War-era B53 nuclear bomb dismantled in TexasBBC News - Boeing's Dreamliner begins first commercial flightBBC News - Muammar Gaddafi 'buried in desert grave at dawn'BBC News - David Cameron to miss Rio+20 earth summit for JubileeBBC News - Artificial intelligence community mourns John McCarthyBBC News - Amazon profits dive after heavy Kindle investmentBBC News - UK urged to research pilot-free planes? CIO? Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?1:10 A.M.? I got an offer from for this Christmas ornament 2011 Hour of Power<br>Angel Christmas Ornament , but online, one has to donate at least $20, which I can not afford.? So I went to Widows mite (credit card donation) , and I donated $5.? CIO Note: <888> 10/26/11 Wednesday?12:10 A.M.? The new store just north of Ralph Lauren on Greenwich Avenue is Tory Burch | Women's Apparel, Designer Shoes, Handbags, Jewelry & Fashion Accessories .? They are moving in tonight.? They have an existing store on Greenwich Avenue across from Saks Fifth Avenue also.If one does not mind colder weather versus the tropical weather on the East Coast, if one uses Google Maps satellite view of Lake Forest, Illinois 60045, and look at the very large homes they have built in Lake Forest and Lake Bluff, Illinois on Lake Michigan.? Some of them look to be over 50,000 square feet.? More than likely the occupants' money was made off the CME Group - Futures & Options Trading for Risk Management .? I lived in Lake Forest, Illinois, when I attended lfc.edu from 1968 to 1972.? On a minor note, my family first move here in June 1962, so I have lived in this area on and off again for 49 years.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?11:55 P.M.? I ate a 8 ounce sautéed medium rare to medium cheeseburger with ketchup and Dijon mustard on a Kaiser roll with my usual steamed vegetables mixture and steamed flavor rice mixture with Smart Balance Spread and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W root beer and a cup of green tea with splenda and lemon juice.? CIONote: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?10:25 P.M.? I threw out the garbage, and I drove over to the not so busy area of Greenwich Avenue.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I bought a Aces High scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I stopped by TD Bank, and I chatted briefly about Canadian business.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought buy one get one free of 3.33 ounce 25 count Gold Emblem of Artificial Chicken Flavor bullion cubes for $1.99 both and buy one get one free of .5 ounce Gold Emblem parsley for $1.77 both for $3.76 total.? I then used the bathroom at CVS.? I then bought two 12 ounce bags of chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies for $2.50 each bag for $5 total.? I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.? I finished my walk.? I sat out for a while.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks, and I chatted with a regular.A little bird told me Virginia M. Rometty Elected IBM President and CEO; Samuel J. Palmisano Continues as Chairman - Yahoo! FinanceThe Luxury Real Estate. Worldwide available property: Engel & V?lkers estate agency for high end residential & commercial property has closed on Greenwich Avenue, and a moving truck from "K"?Line America, Inc. Ocean Carrier and Railroad Cargo Transportation Shipping Agency is moving into the new store just north of Ralph Lauren on Greenwich Avenue.? I returned home, and I picked up my mail.? CIO ?? ?Note: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?6:20 P.M.? Proposed Greenwich retirement community raises ire - GreenwichTimeAuto dealer plans raise hackles - GreenwichTimeI will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet, and then I will go downtown for a walk.? CIONote: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?5:55 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?5:15 P.M.? I woke up at 1:30 P.M., when a friend called.? I went back to bed until 4 P.M..? I called the friend back.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with the friend again.Norway’s King And Queen To Visit Duluth ? CBS MinnesotaKing and Queen of Norway To Visit Area - WXOW News 19 La Crosse, WI – News, Weather and Sports |T.M.s King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway Visit the Museum of Modern Art in New York City - King Harald V - Zimbio - English? CIO???? Note: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?5:05 A.M.? I ate a slice of Swiss cheese.? I watched the end of an old bizarre Vincent Price movie.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny today and 59 to 47 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?3:30 A.M.? I ate five scrambled eggs, four strips of fried bacon, and a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO Note: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?2:15 A.M.? Tracking is Track Your Packages on the order for Touchless Automatic Liquid Soap Dispenser - Built-In Sensor - Trademark Home? | eBay for $11.99 with free shipping.United Nations (UN) (international organization) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia:: :: SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY, UC SAN DIEGO :: :::The Hilton Lab, SIO, UCSDEmployment at PASSCAL | PASSCAL Instrument CenterAbout PASSCAL | PASSCAL Instrument CenterBBC News - Turkey earthquake: More aid pledged to worst-hit areasBBC News - Javan rhino 'now extinct in Vietnam'BBC Nature - Epic wolf hunt caught on cameraBBC News - Microsoft claims Android licence patent milestone? CIO???? Note: <888> 10/25/11 Tuesday?12:05 A.M.? I went out after the last note.? I went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a six pack of day old Kaiser rolls for $1.49, and three 6 packs of Stop and Shop original English muffins for $1.49 a six pack for $5.96 total.? I then went by the Chase Bank ATM machine at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? It was a really slow night.? I then went by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $8 of self service V-Power gasoline at $4.199 a gallon with a dime off with my Stop and Shop card for 1.905 gallons at odometer reading of 69213 miles for 25.5 miles driven since Tuesday October 18, 2011 for 13.386 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.?? They are stripping the cross walks on West Putnam Avenue, where they recently repaved the road, but it does not look like they are doing the stripes along the road yet.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?9:40 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go downtown for a breath of fresh air.? CIO Note: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?9:05 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? Shortly, I will eat a 19 ounce Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist All Natural lemon lime soda.? CIONote: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?8:45 P.M.? I made 149 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?6:55 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?6:00 P.M.? I made my bed.? Ted is now playing a movie about El Cordobes (Spanish bullfighter) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia .? Speaking of the Spanish, I wander how life is going down on Live Duval Street Web Cam in Key West, Florida :: Sloppy Joe's Bar :: .? I never drank liquor during the two winters I was in Key West, Florida during the winter of 1977 and the winter of 1978, but on a cold day I would occasionally play pool at one of the pool tables at Captain Tony's bar which had a fire place to stay warm.? When I returned briefly in the winter of 1979, I was spending most of my time in Daytona Beach, Florida which was colder, and when I last returned to Key West during February 1982, when it was minus 26 degrees Fahrenheit in Manhattan, the island had become so prosperous, they did not like my low key approach to life.? I recall drinking a few Vodkas on the rocks that Steve Bahl of Fennimore Cheese bought me, so about this time of year, I know it is probably cool enough to start shipping cheese around the world Carr Valley Cheese Co. - Wisconsin Cheddar, American Originals, Artisanal and Award Winning Cheeses , but it seems the stores are different than Cracker Barrel Cheddar Cheese .? Of course there are a lot of Welcome to Cracker Barrel Old Country Store and Restaurant around, but Wisconsin cheese is probably superior.? Of course this time of year, I think the Maple Syrup is also running in Vermont Vermont Maple Syrup , if you like pan cakes.? The Joy of Cooking recipe for homemade pancakes is very good, if you happen to have a Joy of Cooking cook book Basic Pancakes - Recipe File - Cooking For Engineers.? CIOI will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO????? Note: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?5:00 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I went back to bed until 5 P.M..? CIO Note: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?2:45 P.M.? I woke up at 1:30 P.M., and I chatted with a relative.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?2:50 A.M.? I ate a bowl of white cheddar Cheez-its.? I watched a little bit of television.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Cloudy today and 63 to 44 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIONote: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?1:30 A.M.? I cleaned the Ionic Pro air purifier.? I have not had it going, since the electricity went off a couple of weeks ago.? CIO Note: <888> 10/24/11 Monday?12:40 A.M.? BBC News - American joins Bolshoi ballet as first foreign principal dancer? CIONote: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?11:50 P.M.? 600 Lansdowne, Lake Bluff, Illinois for sale $6,499,000 brochure with pictures online .? CIO Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?11:45 P.M.? I ate a slice of Swiss cheese.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?11:20 P.M.? Gaddafi's final hours: Nato and the SAS helped rebels drive hunted leader into endgame in a desert drain - TelegraphPrison ? Qaddafi Was Worth More Than $200 Billion — By Far The Richest Person In The WorldNew euro 'empire' plot by Brussels - Telegraph? CIO Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?10:55 P.M.? I ate a 14 ounce Marie Callendar white turkey breast meat with gravy and stuffing and mashed potatoes and green beans and carrots meal with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIONote: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?9:45 P.M.? $49.99 with free shipping HID-C10 | REFURBISHED - dash? Information Alarm Clock | Sony | Sony Store USAI chatted with a relative.$133.99 with free shipping - Panasonic 1250 Watts Microwave Oven NN-H965BF Sensor Cook Black? CIO Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?7:25 P.M.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? There seems to be more jet traffic recently, but it might just be with my living room window opened, I hear them more easily than when I had the air conditioners installed.? Generally it does not get very cold here until around Thanksgiving time, so we have another month to enjoy the cooler fall weather.? If one looks at Daylight Saving Time Around the World 2011 , it does not end here until Sunday November 6, 2011, when one falls back an hour.? CIO Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?6:55 P.M.? I napped until 6 P.M..? I chatted with a friend.? CIO Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?4:00 P.M.? I watched Equestrian World on the BBC News Channel.? I guess older people get tired on Sundays, so we are letting the younger generation run the town for a while.? CIO Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?3:15 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I watched the beginning of the movie "Tea for Two".? I ate some jelly beans.? Basically in the real world, people are sort of bored with watching pictures of people on television, and most people would rather see real people in real life situations for better or worse.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?2:20 P.M.? Well, it seems the only thing Americans know how to do anymore is to go downtown for a cup of coffee at .? More on the history of the Starbuck family and the three bricks Yesterday's Island, Today's Nantucket - The weekly newspaper for Nantucket Island , and search for the word Starbuck or The Three Bricks Or Starbuck Houses Nantucket, MA .? It seems rather quaint that Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue is located where the old Finch's drugstore used to be, so maybe there is a business connection between the Finch family and the Starbuck family.? Of course a lot of people in Nantucket in the summer are from down south, and they are just enjoying the cooler weather in the summer up there.? I know Nantucket Looms used to be the same group of people as Key West Fabrics.? I think the Edward VIII of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and The Duke and Duchess of Windsor Society started this trend of the British going down south.? It mentions beside being King of England, the Edward VIII was also the Emperor of India, so possibly he was trying find his way to India, when he ended up in the Bahamas as governor of the Bahamas.? CIO Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?1:55 P.M.? I woke up at noon.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO? End of Scott's Notes week of 10/23/11:Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?3:40 A.M.? In His Last Days, Qaddafi Wearied of Fugitive’s Life - I ate a few day old muffin.? I watched part of one of Ted's old movies on television about the Treadway Corporation.? From what I can tell, possibly some of the younger generation are traveling up north, when the older generation returns down south for the winter.? I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed shortly there after.Partly cloudy tomorrow and 60 to 47 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?1:55 A.M.? News from down in Dixie:South Carolina GoldJeff Rense ProgramHunt's Deathbed Confession Reveals JFK Killers , the biggest liar I ever knew with initals J.E. claimed to be E. Howard Hunt's godson.? What was peculiar was that entertained him like Royalty at the El Morroco, when he came to visit Manhattan in 1975.? Maybe they were all spooks.? In which case Paul Bryant and Ed Powers were the most senior people around Fred's apartment besides Helen Kress Williams and Billy Baldwin.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/23/11 Sunday?12:20 A.M.? My four IBM ThinkCentres are better than this one for $209.99 Lenovo ThinkCentre M52 8215 Desktop PC - Intel Pentium 4 3GHz, 3GB DDR2, 500GB HDD, DVDRW, Windows XP Pro (Off-Lease) at , since they also have video cards and audio cards.? CIONote: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?11:30 P.M.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist lemon lime soda.? They have moved the baby carrots along the far north wall of the Stop and Shop to one of the side vegetable aisles, so one has to look for them at the new place now.? CIO Note: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?10:45 P.M.? 600 LANSDOWNE, Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044, $6,499,000 down from $9,950,000BBC News - Libyan commander describes Muammar Gaddafi's last momentsBBC News - Great White shark kills US diver in Australia? CIO Note: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?9:55 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?9:05 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? At 125 Greenwich Avenue, the vacant store there is occupied by a large selection of cashmere clothing on sale.? I was told by a local at CVS that Nantucket no longer has an A&P.? At CVS, I bought a 12 roll bundle of Scott toilet paper for $8 and .51 tax for $8.51 total.? I finished my walk, and I sat out for a while.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 59 ounce carton of Florida Natural orange juice for $3, a 16 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese for $3.99, a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance lite spread for $3.59, a 8 ounce Kraft parmesan and Romano grated cheese for $3.99, two 64 ounce Stop and Shop cranberry and raspberry juice for $3.19 each, a 6 ounce can of Stop and Shop large pitted olives for $1.50, two 64 ounce Welch's pure grape juice for $3 each, a two pound bag of baby carrots for $2.50, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $2.05, broccoli crowns for $1.69 a pound for $1.57, a head of Cello Iceberg lettuce for $1.99 for $36.56 total.? I then returned home, and I brought up and put away my groceries.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?6:05 P.M.? Back in the late 1960s, one could buy five 8 ounce Morton's or Swanson's chicken pot pies for a dollar.? When times got tough, they quit adding pastry on the lower half of the chicken pot pies.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go downtown for some fresh air.? CIO Note: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?5:40 P.M.? I recall in the 1970s, when New York State was financially broke along with New York City, the Republican Party would serve chicken pot pies at fund raisers at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan.? CIO Note: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?5:35 P.M.? I am just about ready to eat a Maria Callendar 16 ounce chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? The St. Moritz Swiss bakery on lower Greenwich Avenue sells expensive chicken pot pies for rich people.? CIONote: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?5:15 P.M.? I put away the laundry.? In the bedroom closet, I rotated my summer shirts putting them on the far left side of the closet, and I put my fall and winter shirts on the left center side of the closet.I bought Touchless Automatic Liquid Soap Dispenser - Built-In Sensor - Trademark Home? | eBay for $11.99 with free shipping.? CIO Note: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?3:45 P.M.? I have 45 minutes to go on the dry cycles.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?3:10 P.M.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 20 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I picked up the mail.? I? threw out the garbage.? CIONote: <888> 10/22/11 Saturday?1:55 P.M.? After the last note, I watched the beginning of the movie "The Bourne Supremacy", and I ate a 8.5 ounce box of 60% reduced fat Chex mix.? I went to bed about 1:30 A.M..? I woke up at noon.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made up a fresh batch of punch.Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Dies | Fox News? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?10:20 P.M.? I watched the end of the movie "She".?? I ate some jelly beans.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny tomorrow and 60 to 44 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?9:05 P.M.? Union Pacific Barrels Forward - Cunard 2013 World Voyages BrochurePhilip Morris Draws Richer Target - McDonald's, Chipotle Beef Up Earnings - Thailand Floods Raise Havoc On Hard Drive Business As Customers Scramble For Supplies20% Off Bean's Goose Down Outerwear: Featured at L.L.BeanMicrosoft posts record quarter but says tablets have “cannibalized” netbooksVitamin B12 Levels Affect Brain Size, Memory, Thinking Skills - Health Discovery - AARP BulletinBBC News - Europe's first Galileo satellites lift offBBC News - Steve Jobs vowed to 'destroy' Android? CIO Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?8:20 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?7:40 P.M.? ?I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated two thirds in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? I ate one third with Stop and Shop Blue Cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIO ?? Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?6:25 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? The Thataway Restaurant and Bar and Outdoor cafe is now closed, and the building has a construction sign on it, like they might be remodeling it or demolishing it.? They still own the Sundown Salon just north of it and the Beach Cafe in Old Greenwich.? I stopped by CVS on the way up Greenwich Avenue, and I toured the store.? I finished my walk, and I sat out for a while.? The black squirrel is still in the downtown area.? I then returned home.? CIO Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?3:45 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer.? I will shower and clean up, and I will put psoriasis cream on my feet.? I will then go downtown to Greenwich Avenue to see if any Indians are giving away any wooden nickels.? CIO Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?3:35 P.M.? I took the bedroom air conditioner out of the bedroom window, and I stored it on the right side of the living room desk against the window wall.? I took the living room air conditioner out of the living room window, and I stored it underneath the sitting chair with the New Zealand sheep skin in the living room.? I put two new AA alkaline batteries in the weather station sending unit, and I hung it outside the living room window on a wire.? I have the Lakso fan going in the living room window for some fresh air in the apartment.? I used the little folding cart from the trunk of the Audi to move the heavier bedroom air conditioner.? I picked up the mail.? The order with tracking number of "9102042452826005106238" at Package ID Search for the order for Every Day Another Great Deal - 's Daily Deal Special! Press-a-Patty for $5.99 with free shipping arrived.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?1:30 P.M.? I slept until 1 P.M..? I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.? I am just about to eat a 16 ounce Marie Callendar chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?11:10 A.M.? Libyan royal family waits in wings for Gaddafi ouster - Monsters and CriticsMohammed El Senussi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPrince Mohammed El-Senussi? CIONote: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?10:35 A.M. Warning: Graphic Content:? chatted with a relative.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/21/11 Friday?9:50 A.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? Well, there is not much going on in economically depressed Greenwich, Connecticut; but even when times were better, there was never really too much going on.Rare 4.6 magnitude earthquake strikes near San Antonio, Texas? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?11:35 P.M.? I ate the last two scoops of Edy's French Silk ice cream.? I also ate a few ounces of Teenee Beanee Gourmet Jelly Beans.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny tomorrow and 64 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?10:40 P.M.? DuPont Delivers Steady Dividend - A deeper dive into Windows 8: can Microsoft's big bet pay off? | ZDNetGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |EPS Graduate DegreeMagmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference 2012BBC News - Libya's Col Gaddafi 'killed in crossfire', says NTCBBC News - Global warming 'confirmed' by independent studyBBC News - Old American theory is 'speared'BBC News - Mobile phone brain cancer link rejectedBBC News - Camera can snap now, focus later? CIO? Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?9:40 P.M.? I ate a 13 ounce Maria Callendar chicken fettuccini dinner with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought five Maria Callender 16 ounce chicken pot pies for $2 each for $10 total.? I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I checked out : Eruptions that Shook the World (9780521641128): Clive Oppenheimer: Books .? I then went downtown to Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out for a while.? I tried to use the bathroom at Starbucks, but it was locked up.? I then returned home, and I chatted briefly with a neighbor.? I chatted with a relative.? CIONote: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?7:05 P.M.? BBC News - Libya's Col Muammar Gaddafi killed, says NTCBBC News - As it happened: Libya's Col Gaddafi killed CIONote: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?6:30 P.M. Warning Graphic Content: Graphic video shows Gaddafi alive, manhandled before death | Video | ? CIO Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?6:00 P.M.? I put four AA alkaline batteries in the CVS Sanitizing Wand, and one is not suppose to look at the light or expose it to one's skin, because the Ultra Violet light can cause damage.? One is suppose to hold it a half inch from the surface for 10 to 20 seconds running across the surface slowly to clean it.? I cleaned the primary and FIC server computer keyboards and wireless mice.? I also cleaned the three pairs of shoes I wear most regularly.The Icraig Speaker System will work with the Ipod 4 or later and also an Iphone.? I will not set it up, since I do not have either.I setup the Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System, and I put it on the left rear of the bathroom sink.? I will try to refill its soap dispense with cheaper generic soap, once it is empty.? CIO Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?4:55 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went from my apartment in southwestern Greenwich, Connecticut to the middle eastern part of Greenwich, Connecticut on Greenwich Avenue to CVS.? I picked up two prescriptions.? I bought from the Clearance Section, a CVS Sanitizing Wand for $7.50 half price and .48 tax for $7.98 total : CVS Sanitizing Wand: Home & Garden.? I then used the bathroom at CVS.? I then bought a Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System cleansing green tea and ginger for $11.99 : Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System, Dispenser with Soap Refill 8.5 Fl Oz, Green Tea & Ginger Scent: Beauty and .76 tax for $12.75 total.? With that purchase I got a $8 CVS Bonus Bucks slip.? I bought from the Clearance Section a Icraig Ipod Foldable Speaker System model number CMA3049 Craig Electronics Inc. CMA3049 Speaker System for $12.99 less $8 CVS bonus bucks and .32 tax for $5.31 total.I then went to my 3 P.M. appointment.? The new revolving front door is complete at the Greenwich Hospital.? It is quite large.? I then went downtown, and I sat out downtown for a brief spell.? I then returned home.? I picked up the mail.? CIO?? ?Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?1:40 P.M.? BBC News - 'Gaddafi shot in abdomen', witness saysBBC News - Libya's Col Muammar Gaddafi killed, says NTCI ate a 16 ounce Maria Callendar chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.I chatted with a relative. I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go out for my 3 P.M. appointment.? CIONote: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?12:20 P.M.? Warning Graphic Content:? Gaddafi captured, covered in blood | Video | ? CIO Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?11:45 A.M.? Warning Graphic Content:? Live blog: Gadhafi is dead, interim Libyan prime minister says – This Just In - Blogs?? CIO Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?11:35 A.M.? I made 140 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?11:05 A.M.? Stansberry's Investment Advisory? CIONote: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?10:40 A.M.? Sky News - Video: The latest global financial news, market news and company news - Sky News Video PlayerLibya's National Transitional Council Claims Muammar Qaddafi Killed During His Capture; U.S. Officials Trying To Confirm | Fox NewsMuammar Gaddafi killed in Sirte - Africa - Al Jazeera EnglishWatch Now - Al Jazeera English? CIONote: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?9:05 A.M.? Conflicting Reports Say Libyan Dictator Muammar Qaddafi Has Been Captured Or Killed | Fox NewsI did a Complete PC backup of both partitions on the primary work computer to the third hard drive.I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put psoriasis cream on both feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?7:50 A.M.? I chatted with a friend.BBC News - Libyan forces 'capture Gaddafi'? CIO? Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?7:20 A.M.? Prison ? 10 Mind Blowing Facts Which Show How Members Of Congress And Federal Employees Are Living The High Life At Our Expense CIO Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?7:10 A.M.? Massive Waves From Lake Michigan Flood Parts Of Chicago | Fox News? CIO? Note: <888> 10/20/11 Thursday?7:00 A.M.? I got up at 5:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?9:45 P.M.? I chatted with two relatives.? I watched some of the History Channel.? I ate a bowl of white Cheez-its.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I have a 3 P.M. appointment tomorrow.Partly cloudy and windy tomorrow and 64 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?7:45 P.M.? Holland - What's your city-self? | FacebookBBC News - Bears, tigers, lions and wolves escape from Ohio zooBBC News - IQ 'can change in teenage years'BBC News - Viasat broadband 'super-satellite' launchesBBC News - Future computers could rewire themselves? CIO? Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?7:15 P.M.? I ate a 18.8 ounce can of Campbell's Select Harvest New England Clam Chowder with a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance Spread and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.Bottom Line - Social Security recipients getting 3.6% raise, first in two yearsFor people like myself on SSI, it means I will get a $24.27 monthly increase to $698.27 a month.? Every little bit helps.? CIO Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?6:30 P.M.? My current Audi battery is three years old which should be good enough for this coming winter.? However, no matter what condition one's automobile battery is in the winter, to keep it fully charged, one would have to drive about 20 miles at least which would cost me about $10, so although I might drive downtown every couple of days, on a very cold day, I might need a little extra battery power to get the Audi going, so I keep the jump start systems.? The Audi usually starts right up, and one does not give it gas from the accelerator.? The batter on the Audi is against the engine compartment wall with the passenger compartment on the passenger side, and one has to remove a cover with a coin a like a quarter to access the battery terminals.? So far in the four years that I have owned the Audi, I have never had to jump start it, but it is worth being prepared.? CIO Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?6:15 P.M.? Since I have 12 Volt socket adapter for my laptop computers, technically I could run a laptop computer off one of the 12 volt sockets on the jump start systems.? I also have the new Chicago Power jump start system 3-in-1 Jump-Start / Air Compressor that I ordered last month, and I have the similar Slaymaker jump start system, that I put a new 12V 17AH battery in March 18, 2005.? All of them seem to work just fine.? A replacement battery for the older Slaymaker jump start system is available here NEW DR Power Field Mower Battery 10483 104837 12V 17AH | eBay for $50 with free shipping, but for that price I could order this new system 12 Volt Power Supply and Jump-Start for $50 plus shipping, but the older Slaymaker jump start system seems to be holding a charge just fine.The older Slaymaker jump start system has this battery in it Mobility, Sealed Lead Acid Batteries, Sealed Lead Acid Battery, Mobility Wheelchair Scooter SLA Battery which is 7.13 inches by 2.99 inches by 6.57 inches , technically since I think, one can replace 12V 17AH with 12V 18AH, the one that I received today PS-12180-NB Power Sonic Replacement SLA Battery (12.00 Volts 18.00 AmpH) - High quality and lowest price guaranteed would work, if I ever wanted to replace the battery on the older Slaymaker Jump Start system.? CIO To open up the Schumacher Instant Power PX-400-3A jump start system, one needs a 12 inch long Philips screw driver available here LONG 12 INCH SCREWDRIVER SET REGULAR & PHILLIPS HANDY! | eBay .? One also has to make sure one orders a nut and bolt connector battery and not a terminal battery.? CIONote: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?4:50 P.M.? A similar new version costs $107.77 INSTANT POWER JUMP STARTER WITH 12 VOLT FLEX LIGHT- Schumacher-Tools-Power Tool Accessories-Batteries and Chargers , so it was worth replacing the battery for $45 in the one that I had.? CIO Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?4:40 P.M.? I put the replacement battery in the Schumacher Instant Power PX-400-3A jump start system, and I closed up the case, and it works just fine, and it is fully charged.? I will keep it plugged in charging for a day to fully charge it.? CIONote: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?3:40 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for PS-12180-NB Power Sonic Replacement SLA Battery (12.00 Volts 18.00 AmpH) - High quality and lowest price guaranteed for $34.50 and $10.46 shipping for $44.96 total was at the front door.? I picked up the mail.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?3:25 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?2:55 P.M.? I ate a 13 ounce Marie Callendar chicken alfredo dinner with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I chatted with two friends.? CIO Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?2:15 P.M.? If one looks at 1998 Audi A6 owned by Michael Scott ,? I had 69,170 miles on the Audi, when I had the oil? and filter changed yesterday October 18, 2011, and a year ago on October 22, 2010 Michael Louis Scott's Notes October 2010 , I had 67933 miles on the Audi on October 22, 2010, so in a year less four days, I drove 1237 miles all together.? I drove less miles this year, because with the Foot Fungus, I did not make my regular two summer trips to Kennebunkport, Maine.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?1:40 P.M.? I made the final payment at on my automobile insurance, and the complete policy that runs until April 8, 2012 is completely paid off.? CIO Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?11:50 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/19/11 Wednesday?11:25 A.M.? After the last note, I watched a movie about the way Florida used to be in the old days Wind Across the Everglades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .? I went to bed at 1:30 A.M., and I got up at 9:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/18/11 Tuesday?10:30 P.M.? I ate a day old muffin.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? Rain and wind tomorrow and 60 to 56 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/18/11 Tuesday?9:55 P.M.? Desktop Revolution: Windows 8 Metro Goes Radical -- Visual Studio MagazineIBM Shares Fall on Third Quarter Report - UPS: Tracking Information on the order for PS-12180-NB Power Sonic Replacement SLA Battery (12.00 Volts 18.00 AmpH) - High quality and lowest price guaranteed for $34.50 and $10.46 shipping for $44.96 total.Tracking number is "9102042452826005106238" at Package ID Search for the order for Every Day Another Great Deal - 's Daily Deal Special! Press-a-Patty for $5.99 with free shipping.Buy Steaks, Lobster and Gourmet Food Gifts Online | Omaha Steaks $50 sale with free shipping.Pierre Elliott Trudeau (prime minister of Canada) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaVolcanology HyspIRI Study Website — Volcanology-hyspiriSurvey of beliefs about volcanoesBBC News - Apple full year profits rise 85%BBC News - European court ruling 'threatens stem cell work'BBC News - Ardnamurchan Viking boat burial discovery 'a first'BBC News - Med Bluefin tuna catch 'unabated'BBC News - Climate change 'grave threat' to security and healthBBC News - Richard Branson dedicates Virgin Galactic spaceportBBC Nature - Killer whales make waves to hunt sealsBBC News - Machine uses artificial vision to detect rotten oranges? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/18/11 Tuesday?8:10 P.M.? I put two C alkaline batteries in the smokeless ashtray, and I put it on the right side of the primary eating place to have available.? Of course, one has to turn it on with a switch at its base.? I ate a 13 ounce Maria Callendar honey mustard chicken dinner with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I chatted with a relative.Cannibalism claims shock remote South Pacific island... | Stuff.co.nz? CIO Note: <888> 10/18/11 Tuesday?6:35 P.M.? I made two copies of my Oil Star receipt, and I put one with the original in the bedroom with the other Audi paper work on the left side of the bed.? I put the second copy with the copies of Audi paper work in the back seat map holder behind the front driver's seat of the Audi.? I let the UPS man into the building.? He is from Nottingham, England.?? I chatted with a friend making Sushi.? CIO Note: <888> 10/18/11 Tuesday?5:50 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I threw out the garbage.? I sat out for a while downtown.? I said hello to a regular walker who was going into Manhattan for a change.? I played a "Lucky 5" scratch card for a dollar at Zen Stationary, and I won a dollar, for a net profit of nothing.? I then went early to my 11 A.M. appointment.? I read an old issue of Vanity Fair, but there does not seem to be much going on in Manhattan.? I gave my 11 A.M. appointment my Energy Assistance information, so I have that done for this coming year.? I then walked back downtown, where I had parked my Audi.? I took I-95 East to Exit 9, and I drove back west on Route 1 to Oil Star Oil Star Oil Change Center in Stamford, Connecticut, and I got the following work done.Oil Star Service oil and filter change and service package was $40.53, with an extra charge for 1.25 quarts more of Pennzoil 10W30 oil of $4.76, a disposal fee of $1.77, a Audi-VW oil filter part number 0418156 for $9, less $5 off discount coupon and $3.24 tax for $54.30 total at 69,170 miles.? Everything else they can do is fine on the Audi.I then drove back on I-95 West from exit 9 to exit 5.? I drove into Old Greenwich, and I went by the Rummage Room thrift shop.? Across from the Old Greenwich fire house, a Chicago beef sandwich costs $8 to $10.? They also have slices of Sicilian pizza.? I then went by CVS, and I bought three 8.5 ounce 60% reduced fat Chex Mix for $5 all.? I then drove out the southwestern picnic area at Tod's Point, and I sat out and enjoyed the view of Long Island sound.? There were a number of boats going back and forth from Huntington Harbor on Long Island to the Mianus River.? I also noticed a half dozen large boats fishing off the south side of Island Beach.? I ate a 8.5 ounce bag of 60% reduced fat Chex Mix.? I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.? I used the Port-O-Potty.? I then drove back to central Greenwich.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? At 25 Railroad Avenue, they are going to open a Taco restaurant.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by CVS, and I bought from the clearance section two 8 ounce boxes of Tennee Beanee Jelly beans for a $1 each, a? Handy Trends plastic smokeless ashtray for $1.99, and a Quickie Home-Pro scrub brush for $3.99 and .51 tax for $8.49 total.? I then finished my walk of the ever Glorious Greenwich Avenue.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought bananas for .79 a pound for $1.02 and four 13 ounce Marie Calendar chicken dinners for $2 each and one turkey dinner for $2 each less a 60 cent bottle coupon for $10.42 total.? I then went by Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $11 of self service premium gasoline for $4.299 a gallon for 2.558 gallons at odometer reading of 69188 miles for 36.3 miles driving since Saturday October 15, 2011 for 14.19 miles per gallon in mixed traffic.? I then returned home, and I picked up my mail, and I brought up my purchases.? I received the Survival Card that I ordered for free a month ago.? CIO????? ?Note: <888> 10/18/11 Tuesday?9:30 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put psoriasis cream on my feet.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go downtown.? I have an 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/18/11 Tuesday?8:30 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/18/11 Tuesday?8:10 A.M.? I woke up at 6:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.For my Schumacher jump start system, I ordered a replacement battery PS-12180-NB Power Sonic Replacement SLA Battery (12.00 Volts 18.00 AmpH) - High quality and lowest price guaranteed for $34.50 and $10.46 shipping for $44.96 total.? CIO?? ?? Note: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?9:00 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I watched some more television.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly cloudy and 66 to 53 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow.I have an 11 A.M. appointment tomorrow morning.? CIONote: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?7:30 P.M.? I ate two bowls of potato chips and two slices of cheese.? I watched some children's television.? CIO?Note: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?6:05 P.M.? Microsoft goes public with its 'Drawbridge' operating-system research project | ZDNet America's Most Expensive Zip Codes - ForbesAmerica's Most Expensive ZIP Codes06831, Greenwich, Connecticut is number 16 and 06830, Greenwich, Connecticut is number 32 America's Most Expensive ZIP Codes ListBBC News - Van Gogh did not kill himself, authors claimBBC News - L'Oreal heiress Bettencourt under family guardianship? CIONote: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?5:20 P.M.? I got the paper work together for my appointment tomorrow, when I also apply for Connecticut NEON Energy Assistance.? CIO Note: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?4:45 P.M.? I ate a Maria Calendar 16 ounce chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I chatted with a friend.? CIONote: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?3:05 P.M.? Welcome home: Designer showcase to reveal mansion's worth - GreenwichTime? CIONote: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?2:55 P.M.? On my Audi, I repositioned the board that supports the passenger side front electric window that does not work, so it is completely supported in the up position all of the way.? I used lighter fluid and a scouring sponge, and I removed some small spots of white paint off the driver's side rear bumper, and rubbed the scratch on the passenger side front door to even it out.? I used some silicone paste, and I applied it to the electric window tracks on the three electric windows that do work.? I thought about getting the car washed and waxing it with the DuPont car wax, but one does not wax a car on a bright sunny day in the sun.? I picked up the mail.? I got a Thank You note from a relative that just got married.? I called the Greenwich Housing Authority reception desk at 1-203-869-1138 about getting a new front door card fob.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?1:05 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?12:05 P.M.? Hungry as a bear | Photos | TCPalm Bear Eating Photo? CIO? Note: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?11:55 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.Greenwich Gossip? CIO? Note: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?11:30 A.M.? If one gets bored of Greenwich, Connecticut, Laguna Beach, California is a good place to visit to air out from the frenetic activity of Greenwich, Connecticut, so see Laguna Beach, CA and Laguna Beach Official Website - Hotels, Restaurants, Things To Do, and Vacation Information and Irvine Ranch Conservancy, but it takes money, and one might have to go out in the sun, which people here are afraid to do so here.? CIO Note: <888> 10/17/11 Monday?11:00 A.M.? I woke up at 9 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIONote: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?11:45 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Partly cloudy tomorrow and 64 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?11:15 P.M.? Somebody was advertising the Emirates | Welcome to on Greenwich Avenue this afternoon Emirate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and ::..United Arab Emirates @ ..::.? I ate the last piece of pound cake.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?10:25 P.M.?? BBC Nature - Criminal penguin captured on filmBBC News - FBI’s DNA database upgrade plans come under fire? CIO Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?10:00 P.M.? This might work with the Iphone 4S $24.99 with free shipping : Energizer iPhone 4 Rechargeable Case with Built-in Battery in Cell Phone Batteries and Power SuppliesA Billionaire With Distinct Ideas of Philanthropy, and Presidential Politics - I bought Every Day Another Great Deal - 's Daily Deal Special! Press-a-Patty for $5.99 with free shipping two hours left.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?9:15 P.M.? I ate a 14 ounce Marie Callendar sweet and sour chicken dinner with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer and a slice of Swiss Cheese.? CIO Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?8:30 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I drove around the old Cumberland Farms shopping plaza just west of me, and it still looks like the same sort of convenience store, and the Korean farm vegetable store is still in the same plaza.? I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks before my walk and midway through my walk.? I chatted with another computer person.? I chatted with a regular walker.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought six 18.8 ounce cans of Campbell's 98% reduced fat New England Clam chowder for $1.50 each and four 5 ounce cans of Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore Tuna Fish for $1.25 each for $14 total.? I also bought from the clearance section a Quickie Home-Pro Flexible Static Duster regular $7.99 for $2.99 and .19 tax for $3.18 total.? I then finished my walk, and I sat out for a while.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries, and I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?3:30 P.M.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with a Stop and Shop Caesar salad dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.?? I will now shut down the primary work computer and go downtown for some fresh air with some of our urban visitors.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?2:55 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.I made 165 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?12:35 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I chatted with an out of town security agency.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 10/16/11 Sunday?11:10 A.M.? I woke up at 9 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO?? End of Scott's Notes week of 10/16/11:Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?11:55 P.M.? I ate a one inch thick slice of pound cake.Victoria (queen of United Kingdom) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaAlbert, prince consort of Great Britain and Ireland (British prince) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - Trees 'boost African crop yields and food security'BBC News - Very Large Array telescope in public call for new nameBBC News - EU plan to spend billions on boosting broadband speedsI will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer and go to bed.Mostly sunny tomorrow and 64 to 52 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?10:45 P.M.? I ate a 16 ounce Maria Callendar chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I made a $5 donation here to the Annual Fund Greenwich Country Day: Giving Online .? CIO Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?9:20 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I chatted with a neighbor about computers.? I chatted with another neighbor.? I went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue, and I put my State of Connecticut Renter's Rebate Check in the bank at their ATM.? I then went downtown, and I chatted with a local walker.? I put the wreath back in place at the veterans' monument.? I walked the other walker back home nearby.? I then mailed a letter to a relative at the Greenwich Post Office.? I toured the Apple computer store, and they had sold out of the new Iphone 4S.? There was a big dog in there the size of a St. Bernard that looked like an Alaska Husky.? I then walked more of lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar Store, and I played a Casino Kings scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by CVS, and I bought six 18.8 ounce cans of Campbell's Chunky New England Clam Chowder for $1.50 each for $9 total.?? After my walk, I sat out for a while. I gave a couple from Manhattan each a cigarette.? They told me that cigarettes are now $14 a package in Manhattan.? I chatted with a Fashion Designer from Haiti.? I then drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.? I chatted with a local from Jamaica.? I chatted with a couple from Guatemala.? I used the bathroom at the Port-O-Potty that was there.? I then stopped by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $8.01 of self service premium V-Power gasoline for $4.299 a gallon for 1.863 gallons at odometer reading of 69152 miles for 21.2 miles driving since Saturday October 8, 2011 for 11.38 miles per gallon.? I then cross the border of Connecticut into the greater state of New York.? The Cumberland Farms is no longer there, but there is a small grocery store there.? I went to , and I toured their wine selection.? Rothschild Mouton Cadet is $8.99 in a .750 liter bottle and $14.99 in a 1.5 liter bottle.? I bought a 1.5 liter bottle of Chilean wine from San Pedro called Gato Negro chardonnay for $8.99 and .66 tax for $9.65 total.? I then returned home, and I chatted with a neighbor.? I chatted with a relative.? I made slightly more than two payments on my automobile policy, so I now only have a $100 to pay on the policy which runs until April 8, 2012.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?3:20 P.M.? I chatted with another walker.? I picked up the mail.? My State of Connecticut Renter's Rebate arrived for the amount of $571.40.? Normally I make two payments on my automobile insurance policy or pay it all off with three payments, once the check has cleared.? I also need to get a $55 oil change at Oil Star in Stamford, Connecticut and possibly the replacement jumpstart battery for $45.? I don't need any computer stuff.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate one half of the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop Caesar salad dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.?? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go downtown for a walk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?2:20 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I put away my laundry.? CIO Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?1:15 P.M.? At $150 iHome iP1C Studio Series 100 Watts Audio Speaker System f/ iPhone / iPod iP1 NEW | eBay , it is cheaper than a $1000 for BeoSound 8 - Bang & Olufsen , but the generic computer speakers that on gets on sale at Staples Cyber Acoustics 3 Piece Flat Panel Design Subwoofer & Satellite Speaker System | Staples? for about $25 or Cyber Acoustics CA-3618 3 pc Brushed Aluminum Speakers | eBay for $35 or Cyber Acoustics CA-3090-3PC SPEAKER SYSTEM 7RMS WATTS | eBay for $38.44 have a connection for an iPod.? CIO Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?12:45 P.M.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I have 45 minutes to go on the dry cycles.? CIO Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?12:10 P.M.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put psoriasis medicine on my feet.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 20 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/15/11 Saturday?10:30 A.M.? I woke up during the night, and I ate two bowls of potato chips.? I finally woke up at 9:00 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO???? Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?10:50 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.New England Resort ~ Connecticut Hotel & Resort ~ Mayflower Inn - Mayflower Inn and SpaHandbook of Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction (Hardback) - Routledge expensive book at $225, but 20% reduction with coupon code "LRJ50".Protect Yourself From Germs in Public Places - AARPMost Affordable Places to Retire 2011 - AARP The MagazineI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I will eat a piece of pound cake before going to bed.Partly cloudy and windy tomorrow and 62 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?8:45 P.M.? Legally an embassy does not have to be in Washington D.C. in the United States of America, but practical purposes, they usually are.? Thus for example the Swiss embassy could be in Stowe, Vermont, or the Monte Carlo embassy could be in Key West, Florida, if you get my drift.? CIO!!!!!! Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?8:30 P.M.? Cash in your electronics or recycle for free - Get cash to buy the iPhone 4S Cash in your current phone fast with eBay Instant Sale .I watched the end of "Far from the Maddening Crowd".? It was nice to see a vintage British movie for a change.? I like seeing the old pictures of the way England used to be.Today I noticed somebody with a Yacht Club flag on their jacket that looked familiar.? It was the American Yacht Club which emblem flag I mistook for the Nantucket Yacht Club which use to have a similar looking flag.? I guess the Nantucket Yacht Club changed their flag.? Not to be mistaken for the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club or the New York Yacht Club or the Riverside Yacht Club or the Indian Harbor Yacht Club - Public or the? Kennebunk River Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or the Belle Haven Club, but first you need to know how to sail a boat, and then you need to get a job as a Wall Street Investment Banker, so you can afford to buy a boat.? Of course being a Nantucket Wharf Rat, I have seen a few other Yacht Clubs.? CIO???? ?Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?7:10 P.M.? Paul Allen Says That the Singularity Is Far, Far Away - ForbesDwight D. Eisenhower (president of United States) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaGoldschmidt 2012 - Welcome!Bill Granger visits the Royal kitchens at Buckingham Palace - YouTube? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?6:30 P.M.? Royal Wedding of Prince Carlos de Bourbon de Parme and Princess Annemarie de Bourbon de Parme-Gualtherie van Weezel in Abbaye de la Cambre, Elsene - Pictures - Zimbio? CIO Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?6:05 P.M.? I chatted with a friend before going out today.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?5:45 P.M.? I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated two thirds in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? I ate one third with Stop and Shop Caesar dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIONote: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?4:20 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown to Greenwich Avenue, which is far as my budget will allow me to go.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by COLLECTION - Bang & Olufsen , and I discussed Danish business.? They told me they sell a speaker set for the Ipod BeoSound 8 - Bang & Olufsen for $999, but I don't own an Ipod.? I chatted with a local cigar smoker.? I then toured CVS.? On the way down Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by CVS, and I picked up two prescriptions including one for psoriasis ointment.? I also chatted with somebody from Martha's Vineyard.? I chatted briefly with the hotdog vending person also.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought five Marie Callender 16 ounce Chicken pot pies for $2 each, a 16 ounce chicken fettuccini and broccoli for $2, and a 16 ounce sweet and sour chicken dinner for $2 less $5 off for buying five, and a four pack of day old muffins for $2.25, a 10 ounce bottle of Kikkoman soy sauce for $2.29, and fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $2.29 for $15.40 total.? I then returned home, and I picked up the mail, and I put away my groceries.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?11:45 A.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis medicine on my feet.? I will then go downtown for some errands.? Hopefully, I won't melt.I was told that the new Apple Iphone 4S is coming out today Apple - iPhone 4S - The most amazing iPhone yet.? CIO ?Note: <888> 10/14/11 Friday?11:25 A.M.? I woke up, and I ate a few day old muffin.? I finally woke up at 9 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I chatted with two relatives.Bill Gates rents extravagant mansion for teenage daughter - GreenwichTime? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?8:35 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I ate a bowl of rice with soy sauce and a glass of water and a slice of cheese.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Thunderstorms tomorrow and 72 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?7:10 P.M.? I woke up at 6:30 P.M..? I watched a program about Cajun people catching gators in the swamp.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?5:00 P.M.? I ate a 14.5 ounce can of Gold Emblem spaghetti and meatballs and a bowl of potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea.? I will now take a nap.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?4:25 P.M.? I threw out the shipping boxes.? I picked up the mail.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?4:10 P.M.? I watched a Hawaiian cooking show and then I channel surfed.The order with tracking of ? - Track & Confirm on the order for 32 ounces of Peter Stokkebye Danish Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $1.49 an ounce for $47.70 and $7.45 shipping for $55.15 total arrived.? I put the Danish pipe tobacco in eight quart mason jars.The order with tracking of USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for two Premier Light 100's Cigarette Tubes 5 Boxs 1000 Tubes filtered tubes RYO | eBay for $16.95 each five and $7.70 shipping for $41.60 total arrived.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?2:40 P.M.? Margaret Thatcher (prime minister of United Kingdom) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |Elsevier Editorial SystemTMBBC News - Ancient 'paint factory' unearthedBBC News - Asteroid Vesta rocked by mighty impactsCBBC Newsround: News and fun facts for kids - T-Rex dinosaur was even more massive than we thoughtBBC News - Unix creator Dennis Ritchie dies aged 70? CIO? Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?2:05 P.M.? I went outside, and I watched them cut the grass for a while.? CIO Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?1:25 P.M.? I went outside, and I chatted with neighbors.? I ate two peanut butter sandwiches and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now finally get around to showering and cleaning up and putting psoriasis cream on my feet.? The new younger generation of unemployed people probably need some more time to figure out how to kill time in the daytime, now that they have time to exercise walk on Greenwich Avenue.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?12:30 P.M.? THE BRITISH LIBRARY - The world's knowledge might know something, the Greenwich Library: Welcome does not know.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?12:15 P.M.? I made a couple of? telephone calls.? Not much seems to be happening today, but I worry if I go out in the rain, if it rains, I might melt.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?11:30 A.M.? Squirrel causes massive power outage - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?10:30 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 10/13/11 Thursday?10:10 A.M.? I woke up at 6:30 A.M. this morning.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? The electric power went off at 7:30 A.M..? The emergency generator provided power for the hallway lights and elevator and electric front door.? I chatted with neighbors.? I called cl- and reported the outage.? Call-A-Ride said all the power was off in downtown Greenwich.? I could hear a lot of emergency vehicles.? I chatted with a relative.? I chatted with neighbors.? The electric power came back on at 9:30 A.M..? I chatted with a relative.? I reset the clocks.? I started up the FIC server and the primary work computer.? I was told there was an accident on West Putnam Avenue in Greenwich that caused the power failure.More than half of Greenwich without power - GreenwichTime .? CIONote: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?11:00 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Scattered thunderstorms tomorrow and 68 to 63 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?10:35 P.M.? I chatted with a relative three times.Oktoberfest (German festival) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaSan Salvador Island (island, The Bahamas) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network | Volume 36, Number 8 (August 2011)BBC News - Black Death genetic code 'built'BBC News - Very Large Telescope details cosmic timeline? CIO? Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?7:05 P.M.? I ate a 12 ounce Lean Cuisine chicken Tuscan dinner with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer and a one inch thick slice of pound cake.? CIO Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?6:30 P.M.? I chatted with a pharmaceutical sales person from New Jersey.? I threw out the microwave rice cooker box.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?6:00 P.M.? I woke up at 5 P.M..? The order for two Bottle Cleaning Brush, large size nylon head, Bentley | eBay for GBP $2.58 and shipping via Royal Air Mail for $2.64 for $5.22 GBP for $8.30 total U.S.A. dollar arrived from England.? I guess that is proof that England still exists.? CIO Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?1:15 P.M.? Protect Seniors: Stop Cuts to Medicare and Social Security Benefits By Way of Deficit Reduction - AARPI ate 10 ounces of Van De Kamp's frozen fish filets, with my usual steamed rice and vegetable mixture with Smart Balance Spread and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer and a cup of green tea with Equal and lemon juice.I will now take a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?11:50 A.M.? I chatted with a relative.? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Joyce Chen Microwave Rice Steamer White - Free Shipping BOTH Ways for $20 with free shipping arrived.? I put it on the right living room closet shelf.? I now have a backup one.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?11:05 A.M.? Anti-Wall Street Protesters Target New York City Homes of Dimon, Murdoch - Bloomberg ?CIO? Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?10:55 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I threw out the garbage, and I chatted with neighbors.? Some of my neighbors whom are more affluent seem to be able to be hold top secret meeting at the nearby on West Putnam Avenue, but that is beyond my budget.? I guess the general consensus of the younger people whom think they rule the world is that older people should not be seen downtown doing nothing.? CIO Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?10:15 A.M.? My bathroom scale is out of whack.? I did not lose 20 pounds, but I still weigh 219.5 pounds, so I am as heavy as I ever was, although I don't seem to be eating too much.? CIO Note: <888> 10/12/11 Wednesday?9:20 A.M.? I woke up at 5:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I installed the Windows Updates on all twelve computers including both partitions on the primary work computer.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?8:10 P.M.? I ate a 9 ounce four cheese hot pocket with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Showers tomorrow and 59 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?5:35 P.M.? BBC News - Tilting Big Ben tower 'will not topple'? CIO Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?5:25 P.M.? Tracking is ? - Track & Confirm on the order for 32 ounces of Peter Stokkebye Danish Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $1.49 an ounce for $47.70 and $7.45 shipping for $55.15 total.BBC News - Bangladesh unveils $130 'Doel' laptopsBBC News - Bug count: On the hunt for the devil's coach horseBBC News - Fearless toddler's encounter with lion? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?5:05 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?4:40 P.M.? I chatted with a friend after the last note.? I woke up at 3 P.M..? I made my bed again.? I watched some rerun television.? I guess with the high tech Wall Street demonstrators in Manhattan, it is like the old early 1980s television program "Max Headroom".? I ate four chocolate chip cookies and a 1 inch thick slice of two day old pound cake.? I saw on the news that there are not enough toilets and sanitary facilities for the demonstrators.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?1:05 P.M.? White making cigarettes, I chatted with a couple of friends about the demonstrators in Manhattan.? Apparently most of them are from the suburbs, and they are planning to march on the homes of executive billionaires in Manhattan.? I ate the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated Parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? I also ate a one inch thick slice of pound cake.? I will now take a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?12:15 P.M.? I made 143 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching Fox Business | Business News & Stock Quotes - Saving & Investing .? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?10:10 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put psoriasis cream on my feet.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a neighbor and the building custodian.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?9:10 A.M.? I chatted with a friend.? The grouse hunting in Massachusetts is no good this year.? CIO Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?7:35 A.M.? Eleanor Roosevelt (American diplomat, humanitarian and first lady) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaTracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for two Premier Light 100's Cigarette Tubes 5 Boxs 1000 Tubes filtered tubes RYO | eBay for $16.95 each five and $7.70 shipping for $41.60 total.Etna volcano (Italy), SE crater paroxysm nr 16, 8 Oct 2011BBC News - Antarctic lake mission targets life and climate signsBBC News - Vitamins linked with higher death risk in older womenBBC News - Germany spyware: Minister calls for probe of state useBBC News - Steve Jobs 'died of respiratory arrest'? CIONote: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?7:05 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/11/11 Tuesday?6:45 A.M.? I woke up at 5 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?8:10 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I will chat with a relative before going to bed.Partly cloudy tomorrow and 72 to 58 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?7:05 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I went by the Stop and Shop.? I bought a day old pound cake for $2.50, a 16 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese for $3.99, a quart jar of B&G Kosher dill pickles for $2.99, a 8 ounce container of Kraft Parmesan and Romano cheese for $3.99, a 16 ounce Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing for $1.67, a 6 ounce can of Stop and Shop extra large olives for $1.50, broccoli crowns for $1.99 a pound for $1.27, a head of Foxy Cello iceberg lettuce for $1.99, a bulb of garlic for $3.99 a pound for .64, a large sweet onion for $1.49 a pound for $1.58 less 65 cent can returns for $21.47 total.?? I then went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then sat out for a while downtown.? I then drove over to my appointment with the eye doctor.? My eyes were checked, and they were perfectly fine, but they need to slightly increase the prescription on my reading glasses.? I then went back downtown.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by CVS.? I bought a 200 count box of Splenda sweetener for $6.99, two 14.7 ounce cans of Campbell's spaghetti with meatballs for .99 each, three 10.7 ounce cans of Campbell's mushroom soup for .77 each for $11.30 total.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I chatted with a local.? After my walk, I sat out for a while.? I then returned home, and I said hello to neighbors.? I picked up the mail.? I put away my groceries.? I chatted with two relatives.? We had sad news that another distant relative had passed away.I will now eat half of the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce along with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?12:30 P.M.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now go downtown for a while before my 3 P.M. eye doctor appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?11:55 A.M.? I chatted with a relative.One can order cigarette tubes in larger quantities more cheaply here GAMBLER CIGARETTE TUBES KING FULL FLAVOR 50ct CASE- NEW items in People's Wholesale Outlet store on eBay!? CIO Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?11:35 A.M.? I ordered 32 ounces of Peter Stokkebye Danish Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $1.49 an ounce for $47.70 and $7.45 shipping for $55.15 total.I ordered two Premier Light 100's Cigarette Tubes 5 Boxs 1000 Tubes filtered tubes RYO | eBay for $16.95 each five and $7.70 shipping for $41.60 total.? CIO?? ? Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?10:35 A.M.? Pirates of the Caribbean Live Duval Street Web Cam in Key West, Florida :: Sloppy Joe's Bar ::? CIO Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?10:15 A.M.? This is where the British pirates have stocked up all their booty Welcome To A.H. Riise CIO Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?10:15 A.M.? If one needs to barrow money, one might read this Prison ? Rothschilds & Rockefellers – Trillionaires Of The World? CIO? Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?10:05 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put psoriasis medicine on my feet.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a local British resident walking a dog.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?8:30 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?8:05 A.M.? State: Pemberwick Dam in Greenwich is safe - GreenwichTime? .? CIO Note: <888> 10/10/11 Monday?8:00 A.M.? I woke up at 6:45 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?10:35 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny tomorrow and 80 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit.I have a 3 P.M. eye appointment tomorrow.Traditionally in , the summer people leave Nantucket on Columbus Day to discover America.? CIO Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?9:50 P.M.? I ate a few day old muffin.This is why I don't feel particularly fat pictures of fat people eating food - Bing Images .? CIO? Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?9:30 P.M.? They tell me the "Old World" is more modern Prime Minister David Cameron | Number 10 Downing Street - The official site of the British Prime Minister .? Well not much happens here in America, since we can not afford to go elsewhere to see how the more modern people live.? We manage to survive, because we still have quite a few people whom work in agriculture, because they enjoy eating versus communicating.? I do know with a billion people in Western Europe, there is probably less food to go around, which is why all of the Europeans that one sees in the news are quite skinny.? Over here in America, we have such a large number of "Overweight Porkers" that there obviously is no lack of food, once one get away from the urban centers.? Whether Obesity or Internet Addiction are major problems in America, it is hard to determine, but I have a feeling the younger generation is up to something all of the time, they are just not as present on Main Street as some of the older generation.? CIONote: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?7:30 P.M.? AP News, Norwalk, Connecticut Bridge Stuck Open? CIO? Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?7:20 P.M.? BBC News - Ultraviolet light shone on cold winter conundrum? CIO? Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?7:15 P.M.? BBC News - US virtuoso pianist Roger Williams dies aged 87? CIO Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?7:10 P.M.? I ate one half of the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop Caesar dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda and a slice of Swiss Cheese.? I chatted with a relative.? There seems to be more of rerun television on tonight.? CIONote: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?5:40 P.M.? BBC News - Sir Paul McCartney marries US heiress Nancy Shevell .? There are probably a lot of old Beatles fans around here, but from what I know, they do not have any sort of spot where they can gather together and listen to Beatles music.? I used to hear some Beatles music a long time ago, possibly coming from the Thataway cafe on Sunday nights on Greenwich Avenue.? However, since I quit drinking beer and liquor over 25 years ago, I have not been going to Pubs to listen to music.? I guess I could listen to music at home, but I find it distracts from my constant internet work.? I guess being on the internet for 22 years, I have lost some of my social skills that I used to have.? Still, I seem to have a quiet peaceful life, and at the ripe old age of 61 years old, I need a little bit more rest than when I was a young Beatles fan.? I guess that was my first introduction to the British, but I still have not made if to Great Britain or England or the United Kingdom to see what it is really like over on the other side of the Pond.? I guess I probably eat too much by British standards too, so a few British people would be starving if I went over there.? CIONote: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?5:20 P.M.? I woke up at 4:45 P.M., and I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?11:45 A.M.? I chatted with a friend.I made up a batch of Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine or Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine .? I ate one third of it and refrigerated two thirds, and I ate it with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea iced tea.I will now take a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?9:10 A.M.? I chatted with my relative in Vero Beach, Florida, and the electricity at the relative's house was out from 2:30 P.M. to midnight yesterday Saturday, but the electricity is back on.? There seems to be interference on the telephone line though.? Vero Beach, Florida according to the local television had 13 inches of rain, but the sun is out there now.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?8:50 A.M.? Germiest Places In Your House | Fox News? CIO Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?7:45 A.M.? the-richest-states-in-america: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance? CIO? Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?7:15 A.M.? I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.? CIO Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?7:00 A.M.? I made a few telephone calls including one to at 1-800-42GEICO to alert people about the Vero Beach, Florida situation.? I can not call my relative down there, since it is too early.? I will try to call around 9 A.M..? My relative does not have a generator, so I don't want to run down my relative's cell phone battery.? My relative has another younger relative that lives in Winter Park, Florida about an hour away, but I am not sure if he would be able to make it there in the rain today.? More than likely the frozen food in my relative's freezer will be lost, since they probably will not get the electricity on down there today.? CIO !!!!!! Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?5:40 A.M.? Stormy weather lashes the Treasure Coast Saturday; Vero Beach sets rainfall record | Photo Gallery ? ? CIO Note: <888> 10/09/11 Sunday?4:40 A.M.? I chatted with a relative at 5 P.M..? The relative had lost electricity.? I woke up at 3:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.?? End of Scott's Notes week of 10/08/11:Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?3:45 P.M.? I ate a slice of Swiss cheese. Fresh Salad to Go Cup set of 2 $5.99 and $2.99 shippingAGU Chapman Conference on Volcanism and the Atmosphere:Carnegie Institution Department of Terrestrial MagnetismGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |BBC News - Dalai Lama criticises China in South Africa video linkBBC News - Millions stroll in New York's 'park in the sky'BBC News - US train explodes after derailment in IllinoisI will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer.? I will eat a day old muffin before going to bed.Mostly sunny tomorrow and 81 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit.? I think it is a little early in the season for Indian Summer.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?1:25 P.M.? The video I took this morning is available at and .This additional short video of the WPA mural at the East Side of the lobby at the Greenwich Post Office Plaza .? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?1:15 P.M.? I'm uploading the video that I took this morning, but it takes a while.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate one third of the Chef's salad that I made this morning with Stop and Shop Caesar salad dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.This is the best price now for a refurbished Polaroid DVF-720 High-Definition Digital Video Camera for $34.99 with free shipping Polaroid DVF-720 High-Definition Digital Video Camera Silver | eBay , but you still also would need to buy a SD memory card too, probably around 8GB to 32 GB.? CIONote: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?11:10 A.M.? There was a cooking smoke fire alarm.? Two fire trucks and a Deputy Chief responded.? They are using fans to clear out the cooking smoke.? CIO Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?10:45 A.M.? I went out after the last note.? West Putnam Avenue is totally repaved from the New York border to the Greenwich Library.?? They still have to restripe it.? I went downtown, and I walked upper Greenwich Avenue taking video of the various stores.? About halfway up, I chatted with a regular walker.? I also walked east on East Putnam Avenue to Mason Street taking video.? I then walked through the Pickwick Plaza, and I stopped by CVS, and I used the bathroom.? I walked east on Lewis Street and down Mason Street taking video.? I then walked over the Greenwich Hardware store.? They have repaved the parking area behind the Greenwich Hardware store also.? They carry a bottle brush at the Greenwich Hardware store for $6.99, but I have already ordered two from England.? They do not have quart Rubbermaid containers.? I then walked down Greenwich Avenue taking more video to around Starbucks.? I chatted with a tiny dog walker.? I sat out for a while.? I then mailed a letter to a relative at the central Greenwich Post Office.? I took video of the WPA mural on the east side of the lobby behind the post office boxes.? I then drove over to the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $12.06 of self service V-Power premium gasoline with 10 cents a gallon off with my Stop and Shop card for $4.199 a gallon for 2.871 gallons for 34 miles driving since Monday September 26, 2011 at odometer reading of 69131 miles for 11.843 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I then returned home, and I said good morning to some neighbors.? CIO?? ? Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?7:15 A.M.? I ate two toasted peanut butter sandwiches with a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated it all in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go out, and I will video upper Greenwich Avenue.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?6:20 A.M.? Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Joyce Chen Microwave Rice Steamer White - Free Shipping BOTH Ways for $20 with free shipping.BBC News - Venus springs ozone layer surpriseBBC News - Pavlopetri: A window on to Bronze Age suburban life? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?5:55 A.M.? I could hear them paving the north side lane on West Putnam Avenue this morning.? I put the new SIIG audio card in the third IBM ThinkCentre.? CIO Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?4:50 A.M.? I put away the clean laundry.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 10/08/11 Saturday?4:00 A.M.? I woke up at 2 A.M..? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 5 minutes to go on the dry cycles.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?5:00 P.M.? I had another computer magazine telephone call from .? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.? I will eat a day old muffin first.? Sunny tomorrow and 77 to 58 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?4:00 P.M.? I ate one 9 ounce Philiy steak and cheese hot pocket or two individual 4.5 ounce ones along with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist All Natural Lemon Lime Soda.!!!! I posted the video clip I took of lower Greenwich Avenue here or here .? I think the Polaroid Digital High Definition Camcorder DVF-720 works quite well, and for the $20 price with $5 shipping it was a bargain.? Of course, technically I am a professional photographer, so I have a certain ability that others might not have.? CIO Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?2:35 P.M.? I threw out the garbage after the last note.? I went downtown.? All of West Putnam Avenue from the Greenwich Avenue to the New York border is repaved except the fourth lane on the north side of the road.?? They still have to stripe it too.? I went downtown.? I ran into a local walker.? I walked with the local walker upper Greenwich Avenue, and I stopped by CVS to use the bathroom.? We walked East on East Putnam Avenue as far as Christ Church.? We stopped by the new Barber Franchise | Barbershop Franchise | Men's Salon Franchise | Kennedy's All-American Barber Club where a hair cut is $45.? On the return, I used the bathroom at the Starbucks at the Whole Foods shopping center.? The other walker got a cookie at Whole Foods.? We then walked back down Greenwich Avenue, and we sat out for a while.? I walked the other walker back home.? I then mailed a letter to a relative at the Greenwich Avenue post office.? I sat out for a while.? Despite the average activity of people downtown, I decided to try out the Polaroid Camcorder.? I walked lower Greenwich Avenue taking pictures of various scenes and Railroad Avenue.? I chatted with three locals whom I had not seen in a while.? I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.? I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts center.? I then went by the Stop and Shop.? I bought a four pack of day old muffins for $2.50, a Francesca 12 inch four cheese pizza for $5.99, two 9 ounce four cheese pizza hot pockets for $2 each, two 9 ounce Philly steak and cheese hot pockets for $2 each, and Del Monte fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $2.16 for $18.65.? I chatted with a local artist in the grocery store parking lot.? I then returned home.? The mail was delivered to me along with the order with tracking of Package ID Results on the order for - Siig SoundWave 5.1 PCI for $19.55 and free shipping.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?8:15 A.M.? I ate two toasted peanut butter sandwiches with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then go downtown for some fresh air and a walk.? I will take the Polaroid Camcorder with me to test it out.? CIO !!!! Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?7:30 A.M.? I posted the test of the Polaroid? Digital Camcorder DVF-720 in low light in the apartment here or .? CIO? Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?6:00 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I put the battery in the Polaroid Camcorder along with a 8 GB SD card.? I am now charging it up.? I do not know how long it takes to charge up.? I will now install the Polaroid software.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?5:15 A.M.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?4:15 A.M.? I went back to bed until 3:30 A.M..? Not much happening around here.? I guess at my age, it is pretty much routine maintenance.? The way I figured it, with getting $500 a year less in Energy Assistance this coming year, my electricity bill will be $42 a month more, unless I can figure out a way to use less electricity, which I have not been able to do so in the past.Sunrise will be at 6.57 A.M. this morning : Ocean and river tide predictions for Cos Cob Harbor, off Goose Island, Connecticut CurrentIt is currently 49 degrees Fahrenheit outside, and today will be sunny and 67 to 51 degrees Fahrenheit.? I usually do not take the air conditioners out until the third week of October, since in the afternoon, it can warm up in the apartment with the "Greenhouse Effect" that I get in the warmer months.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/07/11 Friday?12:35 A.M.? Win a VIP New Year in ScotlandSteve Jobs of Apple Dies at 56 - BBC News - Steve Jobs: Tributes flood in for Apple 'visionary'Crab Pulsar's high-energy beam surprises astronomersBBC Nature - Rare flame brocade moth is established in the UK?BBC News - Steve Jobs dies: Steve Wozniak's tributePrince Harry due in US for military training - San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 - ? CIONote: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?11:30 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?10:50 P.M.?? I woke up at 10 P.M..? I am just about to eat a 19 ounce Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea icetea with lemon.? CIO Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?2:55 P.M.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop Caesar Salad and olive oil with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I chatted with a relative. will now go back to sleep.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?2:10 P.M.? I chatted with a relative who has a cold.? I made 135 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching? .? CRN Technology News For Solution Providers called up to renew their subscription.? CIO?? ?? Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?11:55 A.M.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?11:45 A.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Polaroid DVF-720 HD Camcorder with 2.4 inch LCD Screen ?-? Polaroid DVF-720SC Review | Cheap Camcorder Reviews for $19.99 and $4.99 shipping for $24.98 total arrived.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?11:10 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put psoriasis medicine on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?10:25 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? In the United States of America, although we have a lot of food, food prices are expensive, because the United States of America is a large country, and the price of fuel to transport food is very expensive, so that drives up the price of food.? CIO Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?10:05 A.M.? I watched the Travel Channel about how to eat in Firinze, Italia Florence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for $40 a day.? CIO Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?9:20 A.M.? I woke up at 7:45 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I answered a computer magazine call for CIO magazine.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?3:55 A.M.? I ate a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance Spread.? I will now go back to bed.Mostly sunny today and 65 to 44 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?3:40 A.M.? Well, there is an old saying in New England which is, "One Can Never Be Too Rich Or Too Thin."? CIO Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?3:15 A.M.? I ordered Joyce Chen Microwave Rice Steamer White - Free Shipping BOTH Ways for $20 with free shipping.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?3:05 A.M.? New version on the Old Rice Steamer for sale for $20 with free shipping Joyce Chen Microwave Rice Steamer White - Free Shipping BOTH Ways? CIO Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?2:35 A.M.? - TrueFire Gourmet Cedar Grilling Planks (12-Pack) $14.99 with free shipping ? ?? Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?1:45 A.M.? I ate two scoops of Edy's French silk ice cream.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?1:25 A.M.? The good news is that on the "Connecticut Income Restricted Diet", I have lost 20 pounds in the last month, and I have gone from 220 pounds to 200 pounds.? Still not eating as much expensive food, I tend to feel a bit weak, and I do not have that much energy for such activates as walking Greenwich Avenue.? However, I actually weigh 203.5 pounds with my clothes on, so with my clothes off, it would be about 200 pounds.? CIONote: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?1:05 A.M.? Download Windows 8 Transformation Pack 2.0 Free - Bring to your desktop the look of Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system - SoftpediaWelcome to Windows 8 – The Developer Preview - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN BlogsWindows Dev Center for Windows 8 Developer Preview Download? CIONote: <888> 10/06/11 Thursday?12:40 A.M.? I think my allergies might be activated by all of the asphalt dust in the air in this area from the highway department removing the old layer of asphalt off West Putnam Avenue.Volvo News: Fall 2011IAVCEI2013Microsoft to address Windows 8 Start Screen concerns | ZDNetCunard 3-Day SaleKLM Paris and AmsterdamWindows 8 Nomination Survey | Microsoft ConnectBBC News - Comet's water 'like that of Earth's oceans'BBC News - Nobel win for crystal discoveryBBC News - Fresh push to rid the world of guinea worm by 2015BBC News - How foreign doctors save lives in rural America? CIONote: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?11:35 P.M.? Steve Jobs dead at 56 - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?11:10 P.M.? I went outside briefly.? I can hear a lot of traffic over on Interstate 95.? I picked up the mail.? Not much really ever happens in Greenwich, China besides a lot of traffic.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?10:40 P.M.? Of course I think is near Libertyville, Illinois, where Adlai Stevenson was from.? As I recall back in the April to June 1974, when I lived on West 20th street in Manhattan across the street from the Anglican Seminary, my two roommates were Chris Hemphill from Connecticut and John Wells from Pennsylvania.? Both had attended yale.edu and Chris was a writer for Town and Country magazine and I think John Wells family were involved in the advertising agency Wells, Rich and Greene, but they also could be involved with the Wells Fargo bank.? It is a common family name in America.? My allergies have been bothering me recently.? I had a $20 phone bill that I could not pay, so I moved back to Connecticut, and I sold my blue Volvo sedan while I was living there, so it was difficult getting around in Manhattan, and also about that time, they started Alternate Side of the Street Parking, so one could not sleep all day without having to wake up to move one's car.? I think the New York City sanitation garages were nearby as were the MTA bus terminals.? Malcolm Forbes had a town house nearby on West 21st street though, so there were some established New Yorkers in the Chelsea area of Manhattan.? I tend to prefer the country though, since when one starts to move around Manhattan, it can be very busy.? In my time in Manhattan, it was not too busy in August, when people are away on vacation.? Also on Super Bowl night, it tends not to be too busy, because a lot of people are watching television.? CIO Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?10:10 P.M.? I ate two peanut butter sandwiches with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.I recall back when I was at lfc.edu , a lot of the meat packing families in the United States of America lived in Lake Forest, Illinois.? However, at Lake Forest College, the hamburgers were only about a quarter of an inch thick and the steaks were only about a half inch thick, when they were served occasionally.? American Hospital Supply is a provider of wound care, medical equipment and supplies, and orthopedic implants in the Caribbean built a corporate headquarters nearby about the time I left Lake Forest, Illinois in 1972.? Two classmates at Lake Forest College had the family name of this company and another had the family name of this company Power Management, Powering Business Worldwide and another classmate had the family name of this company The world's most trusted name in belts, hoses & hydraulics | Gates Corporation .? Of course besides meat packing Lake Forest, Illinois is famous for the McCormick family of International Harvester known today as Navistar .? Also another classmate was John Riggs of the Riggs National Bank in Washington D.C..? In my four years at Lake Forest College, I only had two friends stop by from out of town.? One was Myles McGough from Katonah, New York who was a classmate at the Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut.? He use get drive away cars and transport them between both the east and west coasts.? I do not know when he was transporting them, if he had to pay for the gasoline of not.? The other was Greg DeSantis who was somebody my family met on vacation in Tobago, and he was driving a new Mercedes Benz from California back to Boston, and he had mechanical problems, and since I had a hobby of restoring old Mercedes in Lake Forest, Illinois, the local Mercedes Benz dealership knew me quite well, and we were able to get his car fixed.? Out in the Midwest since it is wide open spaces with no place to go, people do not drive cars very much, and there are a lot of low mileage cars in the Midwest, since when they travel long distance they use other transportation like trains and planes.? In Lake Bluff, Illinois Lake Bluff Homes for Sale & Lake Bluff Real Estate - IL | , one can still buy a two bedroom two bathroom 1100 square foot condo for $78,000, but it looks like it might be actually in Libertyville, Illinois which is near Great Lakes Naval Station navy.mil if you happen to know any Squids.? CIO ?Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?9:20 P.M.? I woke up at 8:30 P.M., when a relative called me to tell me that BBC News - Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies aged 56Steve Jobs, Apple founder, dies - ? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?1:20 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I ate half the remaining Chef's salad with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I ate two slices of cheese.? I will now go back to bed.? CIO Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?11:55 A.M.? I took the SIIG audio PCI 5 card out of the third IBM ThinkCentre, and I enabled its motherboard Audio, so it still has Audio.? I put the SIIG Audio card in the Dell Dimension 4600i computer as a second Audio card, and I installed its drivers on all three partitions, so now Windows 8 Developer partition now has speaker audio.? While I was outside, the Space Shuttle picture in the bedroom fell off from on top of the Panasonic air conditioner and knocked over the pineapple lamp on top of the bedroom Dell Dimension 4600i computer and the telephone knocking it off the hook, but I put it all back in place.? I guess you could call that the "Ghost in the Machine".? CIO Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?10:35 A.M.? $2.2 million worth of cocaine washes up on Fort Pierce beach | Video ? ? CIO? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?10:30 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? From what I can tell, it is a good day for sailing a boat, if one happens to own a sailboat.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?9:35 A.M.? The group of "Interlopers" I have seen downtown recently on Greenwich Avenue do not look like they are shopping for women's dresses like the usual crowd downtown.Republicans open Greenwich campaign headquarters - GreenwichTimeEconomic fact that 74% of the private money in the United States of America is controlled by Little Old Ladies over 74 years old, so one should be nice to Little Old Ladies.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?9:15 A.M.? I watched some rerun television.? I chatted with a relative.Frost tonight High winds, frost expected today - GreenwichTimeI have a case of "The Blahs" and "Cabin Fever".? CIO? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?8:00 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? Not much really ever happens locally in Greenwich, Connecticut, but we get a lot of traffic of other people passing through town.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?7:25 A.M.? I woke up at 6 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?2:20 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed soon.Sunny today and 65 to 47 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?1:40 A.M.? In the last major recession on the 1970s and early 1980s, a lot of people I know survived off recipes from the "Joy of Cooking" cookbook, which I happen to have a copy of.About the only Sara Lee product, I ever bought were frozen pound cakes.The Joy of Cooking recipe for a Pound Cake is:Two 9 X 9 inch pans or two 4.5 inch X 8.5 Inch Loaf PansPreheat Oven to 325 Degrees Fahrenheit:Have all ingredients about 75 degrees Fahrenheit, Sift before measuring:4 cups of cake flourResift with:1 teaspoon of salt4 teaspoons double-acting baking powder(1/2 teaspoon of mace)Cream Very Well:1.5 cups of butterAdd and continue creaming until light: 3 cups of sugarAdd, one at a time, and continue beating well after addition: 8 eggsAdd the flour mixture alternatively with:1 cup of milk2 teaspoons of vanilla(2 tablespoons of brandy or 8 drops of rose water)Stir only until thoroughly blended. Bake in greased pans for 15 to 20 minutes, if in lawyers.? If baked in loaf pans, prepare them by lining each one with parchment paper.Let the paper project for easy removal of the loaves, and bake one hour.In baking pound cakes at high altitude, omit any leavening called for.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?1:00 A.M.? Jar?fr??afélag ?slands ? NGW_2012Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Polaroid DVF-720 HD Camcorder with 2.4 inch LCD Screen ?-? Polaroid DVF-720SC Review | Cheap Camcorder Reviews for $19.99 and $4.99 shipping for $24.98 total.BBC News - Europe to lead daring Sun missionBBC News - Nobel physics prize honours accelerating Universe findBBC News - Apple unveils refreshed iPhone 4S, but no iPhone 5? CIO ? Note: <888> 10/05/11 Wednesday?12:30 A.M.? Tracking is Package ID Results on the order for - Siig SoundWave 5.1 PCI for $19.55 and free shipping.I got email from Reid Anderson at Blue Fence Real Estate | , if you feel the need to buy real estate in Lake Bluff, Illinois.? Ambassador William McCormick Blair use to have a nice gentleman's farm there History of Crab Tree Farm | Crab Tree Farm, when he was John F. Kennedy's ambassador to Denmark and the Philippines.? Bill Blair was George's Cary's father Charlie Cary's roommate at harvard.edu , so they knew some other Harvard people.? I used to meet with Bill Blair when I was a student representative on the Board of Trustees of lfc.edu .? While at Lake Forest College, George Cary spent all of his time horse back riding on Crab Tree Farm, so we never ever saw him on campus, until I caught up with him in Athens, Greece in April 1972, when I was on one of the Lake Forest College foreign study programs.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?11:20 P.M.? I am just about ready to eat a 19 ounce Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?10:55 P.M.? I woke up at 10:15 P.M..? I made my bed.? I threw out the shipping box.? I picked up the mail.? I received notification from the Greenwich Housing Authority that somebody has been knocking on apartment doors in the early morning hours.? I have been awake at night in this building for close to 22 years, and although I am awake at night frequently, I do not patrol the hallways, so if it is a resident tenant I have never seen anyone roaming the hallways knocking on doors.? I used to have a theory that when they tore down the old houses in Greenwich, a ghost possibly moved into this building, but there is usually a more logical explanation.? Maybe there are illegal aliens living in some of the more hidden parts of the building such as the attic.? CIO Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?2:40 P.M.? I chatted with a relative who told me some sad news.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed soon.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?1:15 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I returned : Eruptions that Shook the World (9780521641128): Clive Oppenheimer: Books to the Greenwich Library, since somebody else had reserved it.? I only read up to page 52, but it mostly told me what I already knew.? I went to my 11 A.M. appointment.? I was told that this year's coming Energy Assistance program is going to be cut back on grants from $750 to $250.? I have to bring in the application material for my next appointment.? I returned home.? There are lots of seniors out today, since it is moderate weather, and they get their Social Security about this time of the month.? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for 2XL National Outfitters Yarn-Dyed Flannel Shirt - Long Sleeve (For Men) - Save 65% one in red, one in blue, one in tan for $8.21 each and National Outfitters Brawny Shirt - Long Sleeve (For Men) - Save 64% in 2XL in blue for $11.21 less 20% off with coupon code "OUTSIDE13" for $28.68 and $7.95 shipping for $36.63 total was outside my door.? They are really nice shirts? made in Pakistan.? I hung them up in my bedroom closet.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now eat one third of the Chef's salad that I made earlier this morning with Ken's blue cheese dressing and olive oil along with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO ??? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?10:05 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put psoriasis cream on my feet.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go out to my 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?9:25 A.M.? This is why the Taft family used to be able to afford to weigh a lot Texas Historical Marker - President William Howard Taft Visits Taft? .? However in the Scott family, since we have a long history of being engineers, we stay thin, so we can do our work.? CIO Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?9:05 A.M.? Of course, if one gets larger eating in the Midwest, one might end up looking like William Howard Taft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and William Howard Taft: At 335 Pounds .? CIONote: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?9:00 A.M.? Of course, if one can afford to be a Billionaire in Chicago, Illinois, one would not have to defrost one's food, but one could probably afford to be a neighbor of John D. Rockefeller III at the The Drake Hotel and eat at the Pump Room | Public Hotels at the Ambassador East Hotel Chicago - Save on Chicago Hotel Deals Fast and Free! No Prepayment. .? But it is a lot colder in Chicago, which has winter for 10 months of the year.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?8:35 A.M.? Live like a Russian Czar, Lake Bluff, Illinois Real Estate Lake Bluff Homes for Sale & Lake Bluff Real Estate - IL | and Lake Bluff Illinois Luxury Homes | Lake Bluff IL Luxury Real Estate for sale and History of Crab Tree Farm | Crab Tree Farm and John H. Bryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .? The son of the owner of Sara Lee Sara Lee Corporation was a classmate of mine at lfc.edu , but I only recall seeing him around freshman year.? I am not sure what happened to him.? There use to be a Sara Lee outlet store near Lake Forest, Illinois, where they sold large containers of prepared foods including a tray of frozen Beef Stroganoff that would feed about 25 people.? CIO????? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?8:05 A.M.? Lee Davenport, developer of anti-aircraft radar, dies at 95 - GreenwichTimeAbandoned homes stick out like sore thumbs in Greenwich - GreenwichTime? CIO? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?7:45 A.M.? I woke up at 6 A.M..? I noticed yesterday morning, when I came in that there was a large flock of geese out on the baseball field, so I assume they are flying south for the winter.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?2:10 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed.? I have a 11 A.M. appointment today, so I have to be up at 8 A.M..Showers today and 64 to 53 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?1:55 A.M.? More about Quaker Oats About Quaker - Quaker FAQ | .? Well horses are big, and horses eat oats.? CIO Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?1:50 A.M.? Back in the 1970s, the starving children in Florida were use to eating peanut butter sandwiches, and one local entrepreneur came up with orange marmalade for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and as the winter got colder and more people from up north showed up, they discovered Cheez Whiz and Taco chips.? I did not have a kitchen, so when I occasionally had some money, I would go the local HowardJohnson: Online hotel reservations, special hotel discounts, vacation packages and Wyndham Rewards for a bowl of oatmeal Welcome to Quaker Oats for about a dollar.? Quaker Oats has been part of , since 2001.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?1:25 A.M. The Sleaziest Show On EarthLive Duval Street Web Cam in Key West, Florida :: Sloppy Joe's Bar ::Of course, Nelson Rockefeller was in the army.mil with Henry Kissinger, but any British seaman Royal Navy would tell you that Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the Nelson family was in the Royal Navy.? CIO ??? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?1:00 A.M.? Before all of the billionaire hedge funds moved to Greenwich, Connecticut to avoid New York State financial laws, there used to be a simpler company called Unilever global company website and besides owning Dove | Unilever Global soap, they also own Skippy - Products .? Also my last two friends in Manhattan are Yankee transplants who live in Sea Island, Georgia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , when they are not living in Manhattan.? Taking all matters into consideration, I decided to have a Georgia banquet.? I took four slices of America's Choice frozen white bread, and I toasted them medium, and I put about a quarter inch thick spread of Skippy Super Crunchy peanut butter on two slices, and I put the other two slices on top of them for two peanut butter sandwiches, and I ate it all with a Diet .? When I use to live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on the beach in the fall of 1976, the local beach mission served peanut butter sandwiches and coffee, and by the time election day arrived, Jimmy Carter became President despite the picture of Gerald Ford at the Swimming Hall of Fame.? Of course the sheriff patrolling around the beach in a blue Cadillac looked like Nelson Rockefeller, so maybe he knew something about Southern living.? Later that wintere, when I was in Key West, Florida, they did not give us any free shrimp or other food though.? Jimmy Eldert knew the people that owned the Herb Garden, and they let us charge peanut butter and sesame seed butter there, until I got my unemployment checks that following April 1977, when I paid off my debts at the Herb garden, so I went from 185 pounds on South Carolina Winn Dixie steaks to 125 pounds on Florida hospitality.? Of course back then, my family still had a comfortable family house in Greenwich, Connecticut, but all of the Florida newspapers that I saw were about how much snow there was up north, so I did not feel like returning to face winter up north despite the low rations in Florida.? CIO???? Note: <888> 10/04/11 Tuesday?12:10 A.M.? Amongst the so called Rich and Famous in Greenwich, Connecticut, the new fad with the higher prices of meat is vegetarianism.? Of course, I sometimes eat a little bit of meat in my food just to add some flavor to it.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?11:55 P.M.? ?I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated it all in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? CIO??? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?10:50 P.M.? I ordered - Siig SoundWave 5.1 PCI for $19.55 and free shipping.? I will put it with the Dell Dimension 4600i computer, since it works with Windows 8 Developer from the CD drivers that come with it for Windows 7.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?9:20 P.M.? Not much on television.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?8:25 P.M.? I ate the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.My cl- electricity bill for September 2011 was $222.66 for 1371 kWh for 31 days and 44.23 kWh per day with an average temperature of 68.4 degrees Fahrenheit.For September 2010 a year ago can not be compared, since I was away for two weeks in September 2010.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?7:35 P.M.? BBC News - Alma telescope begins study of cosmic dawn? CIO???? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?6:50 P.M.? I woke up at 6:30 P.M..? I picked up the mail.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?10:50 A.M.? I ate half of the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? I will now take a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?10:10 A.M.? I threw out the garbage after the last note.? I went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.49 each, a 16 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese for $3.99, a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance Lite spread for $3.59, two 19 ounce Stouffer's frozen meat and tomato lasagnas for $2.50 each, two Francesca Rinaldi tomato and basil 26 ounce sauce for $1 each, two 12 ounce generic honey for $2.25 each, a 64 ounce Ocean Spray crangrape juice for $3.69, a 64 ounce Ocean Spray Cranraspberry juice for $3.69, a 48 ounce Quaker Old Fashioned oatmeal for $4.99, two 16 ounce Ronzoni linguine for .69 each, a 16 ounce Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing for $2, a 16 ounce Stop and Shop Caesar salad dressing for $2, a 6 ounce can of Stop and Shop medium olives for $1.50, a sweet onion for $1.49 a pound for $1.44 for $45.75 total.? I then went by CVS on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought three 6.2 ounce Pringles barbecue potato chips for $1.50 each and two 16 ounce Pringles sour cream and onion potato chips for $1.50 each for $7.50 total which I got for free with my CVS bonus bucks.? I then went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went by the Well Fargo Bank at Havemayer Place, and I paid my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority.? I then returned home.? I used my folding wire cart to bring up my groceries.? I put away my groceries.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?7:30 A.M.? I will go out shortly for some first of the month errands.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?7:20 A.M.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?6:35 A.M.? According to this OPM: Renters' - Rebate For Elderly/Disabled Renters' Tax Relief Program ,? Renter's Rebate Checks go out between September 15, 2011 and December 31, 2011, so we might have a long wait until we get them.? CIONote: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?6:20 A.M.? I did some reading.? CIO Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?5:05 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put psoriasis cream on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?4:15 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?3:40 A.M.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.Showers today and 60 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.America One Television Network? CIO? ?? Note: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?2:40 A.M.? Experts: Beetle likely to kill most Ohio ash treesDeer-crash season begins with less daylightWay out in the Midwest, where they tend to have a lot of food, they have forgotten about me a long time ago, since when I went to lfc.edu out there, I was very skinny about 125 pounds.? In fact while I was at Lake Forest College, when I did my own cooking, I would frequently eat salmon steaks which were 59 cents a pound at the Lakeside Foods grocery store along with minute rice and cooked frozen vegetables.? They overcooked the food at the college.? I also would eat breakfast whenever? I woke up at Jim Mitchell's restaurant.? Since I worked local jobs while going to college, I had a bit of extra money.? When I came back east, still existed, but I wanted to work in Finance or at , but when the stock market crashed in 1973, job hunting was sort of futile, so I just did chores around the family house in Greenwich, when I was not in Manhattan.? There are suppose to be food riots going on in Manhattan recently, so I guess I am fortunate to have a roof over my head and food in my pantry.? The rioters apparently are considering eating bankers.? CIONote: <888> 10/03/11 Monday?2:20 A.M.? I slept until just now.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?9:45 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?8:40 P.M.? I ate three scoops of Edy's French Silk ice cream.? Back in the 1970s during the recession, when Manhattan was more affluent, they had meat packing warehouses on the Hudson River around West 14th street.? One could see who sides of beef being delivered to the meat packing warehouses, but since New Yorkers do not eat too much, they replaced the Meat Packing District with Art Galleries, so now one can stay thin and look at the art work in the meat packing district.? Back in the 1970s people in Manhattan would eat stuffed Dover Sole with rice for dinner and for lunch they would eat watercress salad with Dijon vinaigrette dressing with a thin slice of toasted French bread for a crouton.? Thus I think we are still eating better out here in the country, but the urban diet where urban people stay thin, so they can walk more might be healthier.? Usually out here in the winter after the first of the year, once it gets very cold, some Canadians show up here thinking it is warm, and they frequently have Marie Callendar 16 ounce chicken pot pies on sale for $2 down from $4.59.? CIO Note: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?8:15 P.M.? I ate a 12 ounce Stouffer's Lean Cuisine turkey breast dinner with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I chatted with a relative.? Since it is starting to get cooler in Greenwich, Connecticut; I have to remember to dress more warmly when I go out downtown.? It is still warm down south for any people fortunate enough to spend the winter down south.? Of course up north in the winter in these energy depleted times during this economic recession, one can always just stay in bed and stay warm until the spring comes.? It is better to have a roof over one's head up north than to be camping outside in Florida in the winter.? CIO Note: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?6:55 P.M.? I went back to bed until 6:30 P.M..? I threw out the garbage.? The Dorothy Hamill ice skating rink in the back yard is now opened for the season.Deals, Outdoor Furniture Covers items in brookstoneco store on eBay! CIONote: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?10:40 A.M.? I made up a batch of Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine or Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine .? I ate one third of it and refrigerated two thirds, and I ate it with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea iced tea.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?8:55 A.M.? I made 134 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching? .? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?7:20 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?6:10 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I made up a fresh batch of punch.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/02/11 Sunday?5:50 A.M.? I chatted with a friend after the last note.? I went to bed at 10:30 P.M..? I woke up with the chickens at 4:15 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIOEnd of Scott's Notes week of 10/01/11:Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?8:35 P.M.? Jimmy Carter (president of United States) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaWalt Disney World Resort (resort complex, Florida, United States) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaI chatted with a relative.I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will either read, watch television or go to bed.? I will eat four chocolate chip cookies.Morning showers tomorrow and 65 to 52 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?7:40 P.M.? I bought from ? with four hours to go a Polaroid DVF-720 HD Camcorder with 2.4 inch LCD Screen ?-? Polaroid DVF-720SC Review | Cheap Camcorder Reviews for $19.99 and $4.99 shipping for $24.98 total.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?7:15 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I went by the A&P Fresh.? I bought a 48 ounce container of Old Fashioned oatmeal for $5.99 and fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $2.40 less 60 cents for cans returned for $7.79 total.? I then went downtown, and I mailed at the central Greenwich Post Office the Microsoft Money 2007 Income versus spending report for September 2011 to an interested relative.? I then walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out for a while.? I did not walk upper Greenwich Avenue, since I had just worn walking shorts and a summer shirt, and it was a bit cool out.? I returned home.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?5:20 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go downtown for a walk.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?4:40 P.M.? I am just about ready to eat a 19 ounce Stouffer's meat and tomato lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.? CIO Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?4:25 P.M.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I put away the laundry.? I was told they showed the movie "The King's Speech" at the Greenwich Library last night.? I will have to look for the DVD there.? CIO Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?3:55 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?3:25 P.M.? The order with tracking number of "9405510200828166687226" at for the order for 160GB Seagate Barracuda 3.5" IDE ATA PATA 7200RPM Desktop Hard Drive ST3160812A | eBay for $19.95 and $4.95 shipping for $24.90 total arrived with the mail.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?3:15 P.M.? I have 45 minutes to go on the dry cycles.I printed out two copies of the Microsoft Money 2007 September 2011 Income versus spending report, and I have one copy ready to mail to an interested relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?2:50 P.M.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet and right hand palm.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 15 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I picked up the mail.? The rent statement arrived.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?1:35 P.M.? I woke up at 11 A.M., when a relative called.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with two relative.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?4:45 A.M.? Hurricane OPHELIA TrackingTropical Storm PHILIPPE TrackingI ate a few day old scone.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Showers today and 66 to 53 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO?? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?4:25 A.M.? A Scramble for Solutions as a Hip Device Fails - Patricia Kluge Loses a Fortune, But Not Her Resolve - IBM Exceeds Microsoft Market Cap - 10 Ways to Make Your Old Car Feel New - Popular Mechanics#fbIndex1#fbIndex1KLM Journeys of InspirationBBC News - Paris launches electric car-sharing schemeBBC News - Smart cities get their own operating systemI finished doing the Paragon backup of the Dell Dimension 4600i computer and both of partitions of XP Professional and Windows 8 Developer to the Western Digital external hard drive.? If I had to do a restore, I might still have to reinstall the openSUSE operating system with its GRUB boot manager after the restore.My free Lifeline LG wireless phone is charged up with another 250 free minutes for this month.? CIONote: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?3:15 A.M.? I started the backup.? It looks like it might take a while.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?2:20 A.M.? I have Windows 8 Developer installed and mostly configured on the second hard drive of the Dell Latitude 4600i computer.? When I installed it, I had disconnected the first hard drive with Windows XP Professional and openSUSE.? Since the Grub boot loader on the first hard drive had Windows 8 Developer on the second partition the second hard drive, the Windows 8 Developer installation was recognized, since it first install a smaller partition making the Windows 8 Developer the second partition matching the Grub boot loader as I had it configured.? Once installed, I just installed the first hard drive as the first hard drive and the Windows 8 Developer as the second hard drive.? I was able to get the Netgear FR114P Print Server working with my network and the Lexmark E238 laser printer.? The catch is to install its drivers in XP3 compatibility, but not to run the Add Port Program.? Then from the Add Remove Programs, one chooses the Compatibility Option and from the list of installed programs, one can run the Add Port Program installing the Netgear FR114P port correctly.? Once I have the system completely configured, I will do a Windows XP Professional Paragon Backup of the XP Professional partition and the Windows 8 Developer partition to the Western Digital external hard drive.? CIO? Note: <888> 10/01/11 Saturday?12:05 A.M.? I ate a Stouffer's 15 ounce sesame chicken dinner with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.I tried to backup the XP and Windows 8 partitions on the Dell Latitude 4600i computer, but second hard drive finally failed.? I removed the Western Digital 80 gigabyte hard drive, and I installed the spare Seagate 40 gigabyte IDE hard drive as a second hard drive, and I am now reinstalling Windows 8 Developer on it.? CIO ?Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?11:10 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.? I have to be up at 7:30 A.M. tomorrow to get ready for a 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?10:45 P.M.? Funny, Dubai Poop trucks .Dynamics of Crustal Magma Transfer, Storage and Differentiation Table of Contents — 2008, 304 (1)Stone of Scone -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - GCHQ challenges code breakers via social networksBBC News - Engineers pioneer use of 3D printer to create new bones? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?9:15 P.M.? I picked up the mail.? I chatted with a relative.? I watched Christmas at Rockefeller Center.I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad also with sliced mushrooms and croutons and Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese, and I refrigerated two thirds in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? I ate one third with Stop and Shop Blue Cheese dressing and extra virgin olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?6:55 P.M.? ?I made 128 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching the Netflix movie National Geographic "Volcanoes, Nature's Inferno".? CIO? Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?5:05 P.M.? I will now make cigarettes.? Basically all of these noveau riche political people can not figure out why politics is now as exciting as it was in the old days.? It might be because the new breed of politicians and political backers do not have as much money as the old guard political group of activists use to have in the old days.? CIO Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?4:40 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors about the price of tea in China.? Since today is the last day of November, the way I figure it the last of the late summer season renters will be leaving their summer rentals to go back down south for the winter today.? CIO Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?2:50 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?2:25 P.M.? Tracking is FedEx Tracking on the order for $49.99 with free shipping or half price Wireless Internet Entertainment | Streaming Player with Wi-Fi | SMP-N100 | Sony USA and $3.17 tax for $53.16 total.I woke up while sleeping, and I ate a almond pastry and two scoops of butter pecan ice cream.? I woke up again at 11 A.M., when I had a Town of Greenwich, Connecticut emergency telephone call saying 40,000 households were without electricity for the next few hours Parts of Greenwich, Stamford without power - GreenwichTime. Connecticut Light and Power Outage Map says everyone except one household are back online.? I went back to bed until noon, when I had a no person telephone call.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO??? ?? Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?3:30 A.M.? I watched the National Geographic program on "The Pentagon".? I ate a large bowl of potato chips.? Apparently there are over a billion people in Western Europe, so it is probably too crowded over there for any people over here in the Eastern Hemisphere to go over there and visit and live.? Well from my view point as a volunteer resident "Night Watch Person" in a retirement home, I have to keep busy as best I can.? There certainly is not very much going on Greenwich Avenue at this hour of the morning.? Also with Mountain Lions around, I do not feel like being out there all by myself at this hour of the morning.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? Have a good morning.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?12:55 A.M.? Although the Governor of the State of Florida Florida Governor Rick Scott - The Office of the 45th Governor of Florida has the family name of "Scott", he is not the most formidable person that I have seen in the state of Florida.? The last time I was down in Florida on Vacation on my own back in October 1983, after visiting with family in Vero Beach, I drove down to Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale, FL: Official City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida Web Site on my own in a black Hertz rent a car Mercury Cougar.? I was there for about a week around Halloween time.? What was peculiar and different from previous visits, was that there were about five thousand white people on the beach front strip area mostly walking around.? All of the adults and seniors were over seven feet tall and the teenagers were mostly over six feet six inches tall.? At 6 feet tall and 145 pounds, I felt like a midget.? I am not sure whom the group was, but there was an eight foot tall oil portrait in the lobby window of the Fort Lauderdale Beach Hotels Bahia Mar of General Omar Bradley Omar Bradley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .? Thus like any resort, it can change with whomever happens to be visiting or living there.? Back in the fall of 1976 at Thanksgiving Time in Fort Lauderdale, when the King of Norway kongehuset.no - English was on vacation there, it was 21 degrees Fahrenheit at 7 A.M. in the morning according the electric bank sign next to the Swimming Hall of Fame.? Thus sooner or later, it does get cold down in Florida, so you don't want to be left camping outside down there.? CIO Note: <888> 11/30/11 Wednesday?12:15 A.M.? I am just about ready to eat a 16 ounce Maria Callender turkey pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO Note: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?11:50 P.M.? On the Netgear FS116 switch, I have 16 connections.? One is connected to the Dynex router, one to the Linksys T-Mobil wireless router, one to the Internet Radio, and 12 to the computers, so I have one connection vacant.? I labeled all of the cables connected to it with scotch tape and a black magic marker.? On the Dynex Router, I have the Arris cable modem connected to it, the Netgear LAN storage device, the Netgear FS116 switch, the Sony Media Streaming device, and with one vacant connection for the second Sony Media Streaming device, when I receive it.? CIO Note: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?10:55 P.M.? $39.99 with free shipping Wireless Internet Entertainment | REFURBISHED - Streaming Player with Wi-Fi | SMP-N100| Sony USA$64.99 free shipping refurbished - NETGEAR N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router - WNDR3700 - RefurbishedWith the very weak United States of America dollar, there are very few bargains on the internet anymore, since the foreign manufacturers can get more money for their products elsewhere in the world.? They tend to sell us stuff cheaply that they can not sell elsewhere.? CIONote: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?9:50 P.M.? Volcano World | Oregon State UniversityHappy St Andrew’s Day from Scotland!BBC News - Public sector strike set to be largest for a generationBBC News - UK space radar project initiatedBBC News - United Nations agency 'hacking attack' investigated? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?9:15 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO Note: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?8:50 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a almond Danish pastry before going to bed this past morning.? CIO Note: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?7:45 P.M.? I woke up at 2:30 P.M., when I had a telemarketing phone call.? I chatted with a local walker.? I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I threw out the garbage.? I drove over to the Greenwich Hospital, and I got some Laboratory blood work done.? I returned home.? I picked up the mail.The New 3-Way Audio Video AV RCA Switch Box Splitter | eBay for $4.45 with free shipping arrived.? I attached it to the living room Sony television setup.? On Video Two on the Sony Television in the Living Room, Switch One is the Sony Streaming Media Player, Switch Three is the Memorex DVD Player, and Switch Two is the FIC Server Video.? It works just fine.I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I chatted with the local walker again.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?6:55 A.M.? I watched the end of the National Geographic Special on Yellowstone National Park, and I also watched the first episode of "Waiting for God".? I ordered a 50FT RJ45 CAT5 CAT5E ETHERNET LAN NETWORK CABLE 50 FT | eBay for $4.39 with free shipping.For the bedroom I ordered another $49.99 with free shipping or half price Wireless Internet Entertainment | Streaming Player with Wi-Fi | SMP-N100 | Sony USA and $3.17 tax for $53.16 total.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.?? CIO Note: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?4:35 A.M.? I called up to get my upcoming December 2011 bill straightened out.? They had to put on the $34.99 charge for Optimum Voice and take off two charges for $8.83 which were in error.? It took about an hour to get it fixed.? I get a $20 discount on Optimum Voice, so it only costs me $14.99 at the discount.? I get the discount, because I subscribe to the other two services.? Carnegie Institution Department of Terrestrial MagnetismRonald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - 3 Days Only! Save 10% AND Receive FREE Ground Shipping on your order!Tracking is ? - Track & Confirm on the order for 12HR ARRIS CABLE MODEM PHONE BACKUP BATTERY TM802 TM8 SERIES ARCT01606 BRAND NEW | eBay for $15.49 with free shipping.I get Optimum Link with Optimum Boost Plus.? I installed it to see, if it works, but it does not work on my system, although it sets up.? It does not display the 800 X 600 content on the television or even make a connection.? It is better for me to use the FIC server feed to the television.BBC News - British Library scans 18th and 19th-Century newspapersI wll now eat a several day old muffin.? CIO?? ??? Note: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?1:15 A.M.? I moved the Sony television remote control from the living room to the bedroom with the other bedroom remote controls.? One uses it to change the Sony television in the bedroom to Video 1, so one can get the Sony Media Center content.? CIONote: <888> 11/29/11 Tuesday?1:00 A.M.? $119.99 with free shipping NEW Viewsonic VA2448M-LED 24" (23.6" Viewable) LED Backlit LCD Monitor (766907525823) | eBayMaximum PC | Microsoft Offers Free Starter Edition for PC’s or Portable USB Key Installations$24.99 with free shipping refurbished Netgear WNDR3300 Dual Band Wireless N Router With 300Mbps Data Rates | eBayeBay Daily Deal: Best deals for today only - plus free shipping!I changed the setup hookup on the Sony Media Player three line RCA video cable to the bedroom.? Instead of being plugged into the front of the Orion television, I plugged it into the rear RCA inputs on the 27 inch Sony television.?? Thus the Sony Media Player content can be seen on the large clearer Sony television screen.? CIO Note: <888> 11/28/11 Monday?11:45 P.M.? I ate the same meal as the last few nights, but with a 12 ounce glass of diet Sunkist orange soda.? If there are any Rockefellers left in the area with money, they might be here The 2011 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting this Wednesday night at 7 P.M..? CIONote: <888> 11/28/11 Monday?10:35 P.M.? I put the cart in the trunk of the Audi.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 11/28/11 Monday?10:20 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by CVS on the way up Greenwich Avenue, and on the way down Greenwich Avenue, I used the bathroom at CVS.?? After my walk, I sat out for a while.? Somebody left a red Artic lunch bag out at the bench at the Veterans monument, and I checked it out, and it had a half eaten bowl of rice in it.? I next drove over to CVS again, and I bought two 12 packs of 12 ounce Diet A&W root beer and one 12 pack of 12 ounce diet 7-Up for $11 and a $1.80 can deposit and $.70 tax for $13.50 total.? I got $3 CVS Bonus Bucks on that purchase, so I bought another 12 pack of 12 ounce Diet 7-Up for $3.67 plus $.60 can deposit less $3 CVS Bonus Bucks and $.06 tax for $1.33 total.? I next went by the Greenwich Library, and I chatted with a reference librarian.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a six pack of day old Kaiser rolls for $1.50, a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance Lite for $2.50, and fresh Del Monte bananas for $.79 a pound for $2.31 for $6.31 total.? I then returned home.? I brought up my groceries with one of my little cart from the back of the Audi, and I put my groceries away.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 11/28/11 Monday?5:50 P.M.? I will now go downtown.? CIO Note: <888> 11/28/11 Monday?5:15 P.M.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/28/11 Monday?4:05 P.M.? I slept until 3 P.M. after the last note.? The order with tracking of UPS Package ID Results on the order for $4.11 and $4.99 shipping for $9.10 total with shipping - Steren Audio/Video Cable arrived.? I hooked it up the Y-splitters on the Sony Media Player, and I ran it to the bedroom.?? The Video inputs on the front of the Sony television in the bedroom do not work, so I connected it up to the front of the Orion television in the bedroom.? Thus the Sony Media Player can now be viewed on the Orion television in the bedroom.? On has to change it to Video 2 wih the Orion remote control.? It is warm in my apartment making me sleepy, so I just opened the living room window for a while.? CIONote: <888> 11/28/11 Monday?4:45 A.M.? I rested some more until 2 A.M..? I ate a piece of pumpkin pie with Cool Whip topping.? I watched the National Geographic special from 1995 about the White House.? At , it says that sunrise in Greenwich, Connecticut today will be at 6:56 A.M..? I am not sure whether the Mountain Lion is on a daytime or night schedule, but most people think it is rather amusing that there is a Mountain Lion around, but they do not seem to realize how dangerous they actually are.? CIO???? Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?11:55 P.M.? I ate the same dinner as the last two night, but I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?10:40 P.M.? I ordered the? Insignia? - 2.1 Speaker System (3-Piece) - Black - NS-PCS21 for $12.99 and $.82 tax with free shipping for $13.81 total.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?9:25 P.M.? I went back to bed until 8:30 P.M..? I chatted with a relative.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?6:20 P.M.? I woke up at 4 P.M..? I chatted with a relative.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO?? End of Scott's Notes week of 11/27/11:Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?6:50 A.M.? I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then go to bed.? CIO Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?6:30 A.M.? I watched the National Geographic movie about the United States Secret Service .? CIO? Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?4:10 A.M.? Prison ? Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without TrialPrison ? Bankers Have Seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over? CIO Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?3:20 A.M.? I ate the same dinner as last night, but with a 12 ounce glass of Sunkist diet orange soda.? To have a backup battery for the telephone connection from my Arris TM802G DOCSIS 3.0 Telephony Cable Modem, I ordered 12HR ARRIS CABLE MODEM PHONE BACKUP BATTERY TM802 TM8 SERIES ARCT01606 BRAND NEW | eBay for $15.49 with free shipping.? CIO Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?1:10 A.M.? BBC News - Giant Nasa rover launches to MarsBBC News - UK cybersecurity plan a 'promising step' but with risksBBC News - Robotic prison wardens to patrol South Korean prison? CIO Note: <888> 11/27/11 Sunday?12:50 A.M.? I finished watching the movie "Hackers".? CIONote: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?11:20 P.M.? I made 106 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching the first 1 hour and 15 minutes of the Netflix movie "Hackers".? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?9:35 P.M.? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with Gold Emblem potato chips and a dill pickle slice and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.I guess now that it is the end of the November 2011, the Hurricane Season for 2011 National Hurricane Center is just about officially over.? Thus the last remaining group of people from down south below the Mason Dixon line are heading their way back down south for the winter.If one happens to be a Yankee with money whom plans to spend the winter up north, one might think about investing in union suit at L.L.Bean .? I will now make cigarettes.? CIONote: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?8:45 P.M.? I put away my laundry.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?8:00 P.M.? I have 25 minutes to go on the dry cycles.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a relative.? CiO Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?7:05 P.M.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 20 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I picked up the mail.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?5:45 P.M.? I woke up at 4:15 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I watched some of .? They were showing the Texas Book Festival and : Lions of the West (9781565126268): Robert Morgan: Books which says Winfield Scott Winfield Scott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia was against the war with Mexico.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?7:05 A.M.? I watched a 10 year old National Geographic Special about the .I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?5:35 A.M.? I ate a piece of pumpkin pie with Cool Whip topping.? CIO Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?4:55 A.M.? I did some routine computer maintenance.? CIO Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?2:35 A.M.? This deal on a wireless router is available : Cisco - Valet Wireless Hotspot (Wireless N Router): Computers for $29 and $2.97 shipping and $1.78 tax for $33.75 total.? I already get 25 Mbps with my three Linksys T-Mobil wireless routers, so it is not worth it to me to spend another $30 to double the speed on my wireless router, which I never use anyway.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?1:35 A.M.? BBC News - Nasa ready to launch Mars rover? CIO Note: <888> 11/26/11 Saturday?12:15 A.M.?? I bought the Sivian Digital Blood Pressure Monitor with Systolic and Diastolic Values, Automatic Inflation and Velcro Armband at Daily Deals, 1 Sale A Day today only for $12.99 with $4.99 shipping for $17.98 total.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?11:55 P.M.? I reheated and made the same dinner as last night, but for the beef, I had two 3/8 inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with horseradish and Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, and I also ate it all with a A&W diet root beer.? I cleaned the Ionic Pro air purifier.? CIO Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?10:15 P.M.? I went downtown after the last note.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I played a Aces High scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought a Philips Universal remote control regularly $16.99 for $6.99 and .44 tax for $7.43 total.? I got $6.99 back in CVS bonus bucks, so it was basically free except for tax.? I then bought a 100 foot package of CVS Dental Floss for $2.87, and a 54.6 yard by 1.88 inch roll of Scotch Shipping Packaging Tape for $7.29 less the $6.99 CVS bonus bucks coupon and .20 tax for $3.37 total.? During my walk, I chatted with a couple of regular visitors.? I sat out after my walk, and I chatted with a relative on my wireless phone.? I then used the bathroom at Starbucks again, and I walked lower Greenwich Avenue again, and I sat out some more.? I then went to the Stop and Shop, and I bought a three liter can of Star Extra Virgin olive oil from Tunisia for $21.99, a 15.5 ounce Stouffer's turkey dinner for $2.50, two 16 ounce Stouffer's stuffed peppers dinners for $2.50 each, and a 16 ounce Stouffer's macaroni and cheese dinner for $2.50 for $31.99 total.? I then went by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $19.02 of Shell V-Power premium self service gasoline for $3.999 a gallon with a dime off with my Stop and Shop card for 4.755 gallons for 48.3 miles driving since Monday November 14, 2011 at odometer reading of 69358 miles for 10.1577 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.? CIO Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?5:40 P.M.? I will now go downtown.? CIO Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?4:50 P.M.? I woke up at 10:30 A.M., when a relative called.? I surfed the internet for a while.? I went back to bed until noon.? I finally woke up at 2:30 P.M..? There was another cooking smoke alarm in the building.? Three Byram fire department trucks showed up along with an assistant chief.?? They reset the building alarm system.? I picked up my mail.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO??? !!!!!! Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?12:05 P.M.? $49.99 with free shipping or half price Wireless Internet Entertainment | Streaming Player with Wi-Fi | SMP-N100 | Sony USA? CIO Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?4:15 A.M.? I watched the movie, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" .? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?1:00 A.M.? On the living room Sony Television in order to switch between the Sony Media Streamer, the Memorex DVD player and the FIC server video, I ordered New 3-Way Audio Video AV RCA Switch Box Splitter | eBay for $4.45 with free shipping.? CIO Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?12:45 A.M.? I ate a 1/5th piece of pumpkin pie with several scoops of Cool Whip.? CIO Note: <888> 11/25/11 Friday?12:10 A.M.? I posted pictures of my Thanksgiving meal and other recent acquisitions and changes in the apartment.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?11:50 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? CVS was opened until 10 P.M..? The movie theatre was opened.? Across the street McDuffs is opened and so is the Ginger man restaurant towards the top of Greenwich Avenue.? Everything else is closed.? J. Crew has 25% off on a $150 purchase.? Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue opens at 3:30 A.M. this morning.? There is dead grey squirrel on the street on Greenwich Avenue just north of Starbucks at the cross walk.? Also the street light on the northeast corner of Greenwich Avenue and Havemayer Place is burned out.? I sat out at various locations.? After my walk, I drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.? There is still a yacht at the Delamar Hotel The Delamar Hotels at Greenwich Harbor and Southport, CT - Choose Your Hotel.? The port-o-potty is gone from the end of Steamboat Road.? Everything looks normal down there.? There are still doing construction renovation at the office complex at 600 Steamboat Road.? I drove a zig zag pattern back through town.? The Glory Days Diner across from the Y.M.C.A. is opened for business.? I returned home.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?9:20 P.M.? Thanksgiving Dinner was delicious.? Lots of leftovers left.? I cleaned up the kitchen.? I just took the pumpkin pie out of the oven to cool.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now go downtown to walk off my Thanksgiving meal.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?7:55 P.M.? I am cooking my Thanksgiving Dinner.? I will have two half inch thick slices of the cooked 2.5 pound eye round off beef, steamed broccoli crowns and steamed baby carrot slices, and steamed sliced asparagus on steamed flavored rice with Smart Balance Spread and extra virgin olive oil, and flavored Stove Top turkey and chicken stuffing, and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon, and a cup of green tea and with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? A couple hours later, I will have a slice of Mrs. Smith's pumpkin pie with Kraft Cool Whip topping.? CIONote: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?6:25 P.M.? I woke up from my nap.? I will now make my bed, and I will shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?3:15 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I will now rest some more.? CIO Note: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?2:15 P.M.? Happy Thanksgiving.? I woke up at 10 A.M. this morning, when a relative called.? I went back to bed until 10:30 A.M., when the building fire alarm went off.? There was an apartment downstairs that had cooking smoke.? One fire truck and an assistant fire chief arrived, and they reset the building fire alarm.? I tried calling a relative, but their land line did not work, but their cell phone did.? I chatted with another relative and a relative's roommate.? I called up AT&T repair at 1-877-737-2478, and they told me they could repair my relative's phone tomorrow.? However, the relative picked up and hung up all of the phones in their house, and the phone line started working, so I cancelled the AT&T Phone repair.? I chatted with another relative.? I chatted with the relative with the repaired telephone line a few times.? I chatted with a friend who went hunting up north this past week, and he is covered with deer ticks, and he has come down with Lyme Disease.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO? ? Note: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?3:30 A.M.? Prison ? BPA spikes 1,200 percent after eating canned soup: studyI ate a almond pastry.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?2:45 A.M.? Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |Microsoft Promises Faster, 11-Click Windows 8 Upgrades | News & Opinion | Tracking is UPS Package ID Results on the order for $4.11 and $4.99 shipping for $9.10 total with shipping - Steren Audio/Video CableBBC News - Thanksgiving in Alapaha: Slow-smoked meat and cane syrupBBC News - Most liveable alien worlds rankedBBC News - Restaurant projects food onto plates? CIO Note: <888> 11/24/11 Thursday?1:05 A.M.? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with Hellmann's olive oil mayonnaise and a dill pickle slice and salt and vinegar potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/23/11 Wednesday?11:35 P.M.? $196 with free shipping ends November 24, 2011 - Haier 32" Class (31.5" Diag.) 720p 60Hz LCD HDTV L32F1120 with $80 off promo code "EMCJJHH22".? No tuner in the TV.$188 with free shipping - Sceptre 32" Class (31.5" Diag.) 720p LCD HDTV X320BV-HD? CIO Note: <888> 11/23/11 Wednesday?10:15 P.M.? I made 148 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching the Netflix movie "Volcano Danger".? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/23/11 Wednesday?8:05 P.M.? I chatted with a relative earlier today.? I just now chatted with a relative.? I ate 16 ounce Maria Callender turkey pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 11/23/11 Wednesday?7:05 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I returned the DVD "The Kings Speech" to the Greenwich Library.? I chatted with the reference librarian.? I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks midway through my walk and after my walk.? I stopped by CVS for a while.? Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue will be opened on Thanksgiving Day from 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M..? On the Friday after Thanksgiving they will be opened from 3:30 A.M. until 11 P.M..? Versailles on Greenwich Avenue a few doors south of Starbucks will be opened for business on Thanksgiving Day, but I would imagine one needs reservations.? After my walk, I went to the Stop and Shop, and I bought a package of three day old almond pastries for $2, two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.49 each, a 8 ounce bucket of Cool Whip topping for $1, a six ounce box of chicken Stove Top stuffing for $1.50, a eye round of beef roast for $3.99 a pound for $10.01, asparagus for $1.99 a pound for $2.03, bananas for .79 a pound for $1.93 less 80 cents for returned cans for $20.65 total.? I then returned home, and I picked up the mail, and I put away the groceries.? CIONote: <888> 11/23/11 Wednesday?3:10 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shut down the primary work computer.? I will then go downtown for a while.? CIO Note: <888> 11/23/11 Wednesday?1:55 P.M.? After the last note, I watched with the Sony Media Streaming device and Netflix, the movie "Hitler's Bunker" in German language with English subtitles.? It ran until 1:30 A.M..? The Sony Media Streaming device ran more slowly until midnight, when it would pause for a few minutes to download more content, but after midnight, it ran continuously.? I ate two clementines.? I went to bed about 2 A.M..? I woke up and ate eight chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? I finally woke up at 12:30 P.M. today.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?10:15 P.M.? I finished watching the Republican Party Debate on National Security.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIONote: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?10:00 P.M.? I ate a couple of day old muffin.I went to Welcome to Sony Electronics Product Registration , and I registered my Sony Streaming Player.? CIONote: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?9:10 P.M.? Cultural and Religious Responses to volcanic disasters Survey? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?8:50 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I have been watching the republican party debate.? CIONote: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?8:05 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.The six foot HDMI cable that came with the Sony Media Center arrived also ? - Track & Confirm .? I also got a $20 Thanksgiving food voucher.? CIO Note: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?7:10 P.M.? If one wanted to add a second television to the Sony Media Center, one could use three of these RCA AUDIO Y SPLITTER CABLE 1 ONE M MONO TO 2 TWO F PLUG | eBay to connect an extension cable - Steren Audio/Video Cable.? Radio Shack would probably have them for a couple of dollar more.I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and extra virgin olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIONote: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?6:00 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.The Sony Media Center remote control came programmed for my Sony Television.? One button at the top turns on and off the Media Center.? Another button at the top of the remote controls turns on and off the Sony television.? Another button switches the Video from the Cable Television feed to Video 2 which the Sony Media Center is connected.? There are search capabilities in the Media center, but there is no way to connect a keyboard to type in characters, but one can click on the search function, and it brings up a keyboard screen to enter text, and one can also use an Iphone App that one can download to control it and enter characters.? I tried a USB keyboard on the USB port, but it was not recognized.Sony has it on sale here for $49.99 Wireless Internet Entertainment | Streaming Player with Wi-Fi | SMP-N100 | Sony USA with free shipping.This download for Iphone, iPod, and Android is available How to download and install Media Remote app? : FAQ : Sony Asia Pacific? CIO? Note: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?4:30 P.M.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.I setup my Netflix account with all options selected.? I also added about 20 videos to the First Play Que. in Cos Cob has a 20 foot triple RCA cable for $25 plus tax.this is also available - STEREN 206-284 25 ft. Stereo 3-RCA Audio/Video Cable for $12.99 and $4.99 shipping.I ordered it here for $4.11 and $4.99 shipping for $9.10 total with shipping - Steren Audio/Video Cable? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?1:10 P.M.? I woke up at 9:30 A.M., when I had a political fund raising telephone call for Newt.? I explained that I can not afford to give money.? At about the 10:30 A.M., the order with tracking of Fedex Tracking on the order for $49 plus tax and free shipping Sony SMP-N100 Wi-Fi Network Internet Media Player - arrived.? I set it up underneath the Sony television in the living room.? I connected the LAN cable to it.? I connected it to the Sony TV front RCA jacks.? I can disconnect those jacks for the Memorex DVD player or the Internet Video to change them.? To show the picture on the Sony TV, one uses it remote control, one has to push TV/Video and change to Video 2.? I have RCA Y-Splitters on it, so when I get a set of three 20 foot RCA cables, I can also connect it to the bedroom Sony Television.? It works just fine.? I opened a account to work with it, so after the first free month starting December 22, 2011, I will have to make a monthly payment of $7.99 to Netflix.? I also set it up at SONY Essentials .? Thus I now have a lot more video options in my apartment.? CIO Note: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?2:15 A.M.? I ate a day old muffin.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.The order with tracking of Fedex Tracking on the order for $49 plus tax and free shipping Sony SMP-N100 Wi-Fi Network Internet Media Player - is suppose to arrive today.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/22/11 Tuesday?1:40 A.M.? I watched the movie, "The King's Speech".? I learned something new that the Duke of Windsor could fly an airplane.? CIO?Note: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?10:30 P.M.? $24.99 refurbished Netgear RangeMax N150 Wireless Router WiFi Protected Access & 5 Ethernet Pprts (606449075854) | eBay$9.99 free shipping WindChaser 16" Oscillating Stand Fan With 3 Fan Speeds + Carry Handle BSFH16 | eBayElectronics, Computers Networking items in 1SaleADay store on eBay!AOGS 2012Microsoft's Windows 8 Design Goals: 10 Important Features - IT Infrastructure - News & Reviews - This is the old Mercedes I worked on restoring while in college at lfc.edu .? - PRE-BLACK FRIDAY SALE: Lowest Prices of the Year on 100+ Deals! - Recertified: Linksys E3000-RM 2.4GHz / 5GHz simultaneous Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Router IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n for $54.99 with promo code "EMCJJHJ53" with free shipping.BBC News - Panda mates heading to Edinburgh Zoo from China? CIONote: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?9:25 P.M.? I woke up from a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?6:10 P.M.? I ate six chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? CIO Note: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?5:30 P.M.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?4:20 P.M.? I went to my 1 P.M. appointment.? I next went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? The bathroom at the Greenwich Train station was closed at 2 P.M..? I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts building.? During my walk, I chatted with a few local people.? I browsed CVS.? There is a new store at the top of Greenwich Avenue on the East side of the street in the new office building called Blue Ribbon General Store, a unique assortment of clothing, accessories, home and gift items. at 51 Greenwich Avenue, but I am not sure if it is just a temporary holiday store or a new full time store.? I finished my walk, and I sat out for a while.? I chatted with a local dog trainer.? I then returned home, and I picked up the mail.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?12:20 P.M.? I will now shut down the computer and go out to my 1 P.M. appointment.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?11:30 A.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?11:25 A.M.? I woke up at 9:30 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/21/11 Monday?12:20 A.M.? I called up at 1-203-348-9211 , and they told me that they received the old Motorola Doscis 2 cable modem back, and it was taken off my account.? I just remembered this web site that nobody seems to know about World News .Today only Daily Deals, 1 Sale A Day Netgear WGR614 Wireless Router for $9.99 .I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I have a 1 P.M. appointment today.? Nobody recognizes this guy anymore Ted Turner? . CIO ?Note: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?10:50 P.M.? EGU2012Wireless Daily Deal, 1 Sale A Day $40 , one hour to go.BBC News - Volcano eruption attracts tourists in DR Congo? CIO? Note: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?10:30 P.M.? ?I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad also with sliced mushrooms and croutons, and I refrigerated two thirds in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? I ate one third with Stop and Shop Blue Cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?9:10 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sent four wireless pictures of various shop windows to a relative.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 7 ounce container of Edge extra protection shave gel for $1.99 and .13 tax for $2.12 total.? I chatted with a local.? I used the bathroom at CVS.? I then finished my walk.? I sat out for a while longer.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a six pack of fresh Kaiser rolls for $2.99, a 8 ounce Kraft parmesan and Romano grated cheese for $3.99, a 6 ounce can of extra large pitted California black olives for $1.25, a six ounce bag of Fresh Gourmet organic seasoned croutons for $1.99 for $10.22 total.? I then put my groceries in the Audi, and I sat out in the parking lot for a while.? I then went back in the Stop and Shop, and I bought a two pound bag of baby carrots for $2.50, broccoli crowns for $1.99 a pound for $2.05, and a small box of sliced fresh mushrooms for $1.99 for $6.54 total.? I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?5:20 P.M.? I will now go downtown for a walk.? CIONote: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?4:25 P.M.? $49 plus tax and free shipping Sony SMP-N100 Wi-Fi Network Internet Media Player - I ate a day old muffin.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIONote: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?3:40 P.M.? $199.99 free shipping : Haier L32D1120 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV, Black: Electronics? CIO Note: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?3:05 P.M.? I woke up during my sleep period, and I ate a 8.5 ounce bag of 60% reduced fat Chex mix.? I finally woke up at noon.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? Fairbanks hit with record-breaking cold: 41 below | Jon Christian Ryter -- China Drills 50 Miles From Key WestLast night, I saw a local youth showing off his new black Mercedes-Benz New and Used Car Dealer - Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT | Mercedes-Benz of Greenwich and SLK-Class Roadsters: SLK350 | Mercedes-Benz .? He said the top goes up and down in 15 seconds.? They are now advertising these new models too SL-Class 2-Door Luxury Roadster Convertible: SL550, SL63 AMG | Mercedes-Benz and Mercedes-AMG Official Global Website? and this SLS AMG Roadster? . It says here that it has a fabric top Mercedes-Benz sets price of the 2012 SLS AMG Roadster at $183,000 | The Car Tech blog - CNET Reviews .? I think at that price, it should have a hard top convertible.2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Gull Wing Version too.? CIO?? End of Scott's Notes week of 11/20/11:Note: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?1:10 A.M.? I ate two clementines from Spain.? Some people in Europe retire to Spain, Portugal, or the Canary Islands, so if one is Anglophile, one might want to look for retirement communities in those areas.I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/20/11 Sunday?12:30 A.M.? AMNH | Master of Arts in Teaching ProgramAmerican Museum of Natural History2012 GSA Cordilleran Section MeetingGSA Call for AbstractsTracking is Fedex Tracking on the order for : Sony SMP-N100 Network WiFi Media Player with Bonus HDMI Cable: TV & Video for $49.99 with Philips 6 foot HDMI cable for a dollar more with free shipping and $3.24 tax for $54.23 total.Tracking is ? - Track & Confirm on the HDMI cable above.Indira Gandhi (prime minister of India) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaFamily Fights to Keep Running Grand Teton Dude Ranch - 10 Great Small Cities for Retirement - Urban Living, Cultural Amenities and Charm - AARPBBC News - Small steps for tuna, sharks and swordfishBBC News - Supercar with 1,250 horsepower hit marketBBC News - Hillary Clinton's run-in with a man wearing a loincloth? CIO ?? Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?10:55 P.M.? I ate three scrambled eggs, four strips of fried bacon, and a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?10:00 P.M.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought four 60% reduced fat 8.75 ounce Chex Mix for $1.50 each for $6 total.? I used the bathroom at CVS.? After my walk, I sat out for a while enjoying the evening air.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I then returned home, and I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?6:25 P.M.? I will now go downtown and explore the glamorous night life of downtown Greenwich Avenue.? CIO Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?6:15 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I made 117 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Danish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? CIO ? Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?4:15 P.M.? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with Hellmann's olive oil mayonnaise and a dill pickle slice and salt and vinegar potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?3:25 P.M.? I put away the laundry.Free courses without credit at harvard.edu .Intensive Introduction to Computer Science: Free Course VideosFree Harvard Courses: Video Lectures on the Heroic in Classical Greek CivilizationBits: The Computer Science of Digital Information - Free Harvard CoursesOnline Shakespeare Course: Shakespeare After AllChina: Traditions and Transformations - Free Online ClassesWorld War and Society in the Twentietch Century: World War II - Free Online ClassesSets, Counting, and Probability - Free Harvard CoursesAbstract Algebra - Free Harvard Courses? CIO Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?2:50 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?2:20 P.M.? I remembered to take my duofold wool long underwear bottoms out of the dryer before they shrank.? One does not put wool items in the dryer or they will shrink down to nothing.? CIONote: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?2:05 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? I have 45 minutes to go on the two dry cycles.? I picked up the mail.? The order for Dynex 4 Port Ethernet Router XP Vista 7 10/100 DX-E402 | eBay for $9.99 with free shipping arrived.? I put it with the other spare one on the left side shelf of the left living room closet.? CIONote: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?1:40 P.M.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 10 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? CIO Note: <888> 11/19/11 Saturday?12:05 P.M.? I woke up at 10:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?11:55 P.M.? I turned on the heat in the living room to warm it up a bit.? Not much ever happens here in Greenwich, Connecticut except a lot of traffic.? Once all of the traffic coming and going from the big City moves out of this area, it tends to be fairly quiet around here.? We have a large senior population whom enjoying playing the card game Bridge at home.? They do not go out as much as the younger generation whom seem to be on expense accounts all of the time.? I guess their employers would prefer them to work longer hours instead of cooking and shopping.? In my particular case, more than likely a lot of my former associates have moved out of the area, once they retired.? There are places that are less expensive and more enjoyable for retirement.? I visited a number of those places in my youth, and since I can not afford to retire elsewhere, I will probably be living here for a long time.? It is not as peaceful as Nantucket, but for a senior it offers more services.? Key West would be too busy for retirement, since it has a busy tourist population year round.? There are quieter places in Florida such as Vero Beach, Florida, where I have relatives and friends that live there, but I can not afford that either.? Also once one starts going south for the winter, it is hard to ever come back up north to live.? Actually one spend so much time inside during the winter here, it can be quite relaxing and comfortable, providing that one keeps busy.? I guess once it gets colder, people do not exercise walk as much.? However, if one dresses for cold weather with multiple layers of clothing and a warm hat or cap, it can be quite enjoyable to be outside.? I am always amused that when I am all bundled up against the cold, the younger generation seems to go outside in their house clothes and not even notice the cold.? Well, I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?10:55 P.M.? After my meal, I ate an apple.? I have known for over 25 years that Saudi Arabia has a consular residence up on North Street in Greenwich, Connecticut.? Today I was told that Israel has a consular residence nearby in Port Chester, New York.? Thus I guess they have their staffs and intelligence agencies working this area.? I wander what other consular residences are in this area.? We have a large international population here, so more than likely there are other ones in the area, besides the business community.? CIO Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?9:55 P.M.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks before and after my walk.? I stopped by CVS during my walk, and I picked up a prescription.? I bought a 7 ounce CVS extra mild gel shave cream for $2.29 and .15 tax for $2.44 total.? After my walk, I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.? I then walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area again.? I also stopped by Zen Stationary twice.? After my walk, I went by the Greenwich Library, and I checked out "The King's Speech" DVD.? It has to be returned by the Saturday after Thanksgiving.? I then went to the Stop and Shop, and I bought a five pound box of Clementines from Spain for $4.99, a four pack of day old muffins for $2.25, a 1.5 quart container of Turkey Hill butter pecan ice cream for $2.50 for $9.74 total.? I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.I will now make and eat a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with Hellmann's olive oil mayonnaise and a dill pickle slice and salt and vinegar potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?6:05 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now go downtown for a walk.? CIO Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?5:05 P.M.? I went outside, and I took a couple of pictures of my Audi with the AT&T wireless phone, and I sent them to a relative with an Iphone.? One has to set the picture size to 800 X 600 to have a small enough picture to send via the wireless phone.? It does not take good pictures at night.I just had a call from the Greenwich Hospital outpatient department, and they have to get a dermatology nurse to OK my psoriasis medicine renewal this coming Wednesday.? The next appointment open to see the dermatologist on my feet is in February 2012.? CIOI am just about ready to eat a 16 ounce Marie Callender chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.? CIO Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?4:15 P.M.? 700 Forest Cove, Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044 lake front property $5,995,000 News - Neutrino experiment repeat at Cern finds same resultBBC News - IPCC: Climate impact risk set to increaseBBC News - World's 'lightest material' unveiled by US engineers? CIO? Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?3:25 P.M.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information for Creative Live Optia 1.3 MP Webcam With 270 Degree Swivel Range, 73VF027000000 | eBay for $9.99 with free shipping arrived.? I chatted with the construction people building the new reading room on the ground floor.? I picked up the mail.? I watered the plants.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?2:05 P.M.? The order with tracking of USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for Dynex - 4-Port 10/100 Mbps Router DX-E402 | eBay for $8.99 with free shipping arrived.? I put it on the left living room closet shelf.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?1:50 P.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?1:50 P.M.? I noticed last night, when I was downtown, they were playing Christmas music at .? I also noticed that they have strung small white Italian lights on the street lamps on Greenwich Avenue.?? Thus we seem to be in the Holiday Season.? I put my little two foot artifical Christmas tree on a brass tray on top of the Samsung color laser printer at the apartment entrance, and I hung my artificial wreath on on the outside of the front door.? The Christmas tree lights turn on with the power control strip switch beneath it.? I also hung the small little burlap wreath on the left living room closet.? When I first moved in here, all I had was the simple small burlap wreath, so it is sort of a bit of nostalgia.? Thus I now have my Christmas decoration on display.? I will have to move the Christmas tree off the color laser printer temporarily, when I print out my Christmas letters in two to three weeks.? I have limited funds until the end of the month, so I might have to curtail some of my "People Watching" downtown.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?12:55 P.M.? To hook up the Sony SMP-N100 Network WiFi Media Player to the Sony Trinitron television in the living room, I have a 25 foot LAN cable that can go from the spare port on the Dynex router to the Sony Media Player.? I can connect the Sony Media Player with video cables to the front jacks on the Sony Trinitron television.? I will probably have to open a account to get movies, but I will wait until I receive it to do that.? I can position the Sony Media Player between the DVD player and the Cablevision box on top of the Sony Trinitron television.? CIO Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?12:20 P.M.? I ordered : Sony SMP-N100 Network WiFi Media Player with Bonus HDMI Cable: TV & Video for $49.99 with Philips 6 foot HDMI cable for a dollar more with free shipping and $3.24 tax for $54.23 total.?? Note: <888> 11/18/11 Friday?11:40 A.M.? I woke up at 10 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?10:40 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?10:05 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with olive oil mayonnaise and Pringles salt and vinegar potato chips and a dill pickle slice and a 12 ounce glass of diet .? CIO Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?8:55 P.M.? I went downtown to CVS.? I picked up a prescription.? I bought a 12 ounce box of white chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies for $2.50 and a 12 ounce box of chocolate chip and pecan nut cookies for $2.50 for $5 total.? I used the bathroom twice at CVS.? I then walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I tried taking three pictures with my new AT&T wireless telephone.?? One went through, one would not send, and one was too big.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought two 10 ounce bars of Cracker Barrel extra sharp Vermont cheese for $3 each, sliced Stop and Shop Danish deli ham for $5.99 a pound for $9.08, sliced Stop and Shop smoked provolone cheese for $5.99 a pound for $9.92, fresh Del Monte bananas for .79 a pound for .99, and a head of Cello iceberg lettuce for $1.99 for $27.98 total.? I used the bathroom at the Stop and Shop.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?6:30 P.M.? I will now go downtown.? CIO Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?6:20 P.M.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sunkist diet orange soda.? CIO Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?5:40 P.M.?? Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - Live Webcast - Lecture with Condoleezza Rice. Friday, Nov.18, 2011Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |Consumer Depot: LINKSYS T-Mobile Hotspot @Home Wireless G Router $14.99MMS 2012How to Make Your Windows PC Boot Faster - ComputerworldARSPAT - Associazione per il restauro del paesaggio e del territorioBBC News - Who, what why: How many buildings have bullet-proof windows?BBC News - Gamburtsev 'ghost mountains mystery solved'BBC News - Nasa releases sharpest ever Moon elevation map? CIONote: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?4:35 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I said hello to neighbors sitting at the front entrance waiting for something to happen.? I noticed most of the tree leaves have fallen in this area.? I picked up the mail.The order for from Shop ARBRO Inc. for four P-13 Supermatic H-Link Nut - ARBRO Inc. for .55 each, four P-2 Supermatic H-Link Screw - ARBRO Inc. for .65 each, and one P-47 Supermatic Cutter - ARBRO Inc. for $6 for $10.80 and $7 shipping for $17.80 total arrived.? I put the new parts in the original Premier cigarette machine, and it works just fine.? I now have the original repaired one.? The new one that has been used only for a 1.5 cartons and the new unused one.If one needs one, one can go to Repair Premier Supermatic, Supermatic II, Excel cigarette machines and cigarette rollers and follow the links to Welcome to BizBox and SmokerDeals and to Smoker Deals - Supermatic, Supermatic II, Excel, Premier Supermatic, Cigarette Making Machines, Tubes On the top model Premier Supermatic makes 100 mm cigarettes.For a lot of cigarette tubes, one can go here RIZLA CIGARETTE TUBES KING SIZE LIGHT 50ct CASE - NEW items in People's Wholesale Outlet store on eBay! 1200 GAMBLER 100MM CIGARETTE FILTER TUBES FOR INJECTOR MACHINE | eBayPremier Light 100 mm Filter Tubes 200 tubes Rolling Papers .comRYO TubesZen 100 mm (long) Filter Tubes Lights 250 count 25% Over a Carton for Injecting Rolling Papers .comSmoker's Best 100mm Blue Tubes Rolling Papers .comand for cigarette pipe tobacco:Peter Stokkebye Turkish Pipe Tobacco (ounces) works fine in the machine, and tastes good.Peter Stokkebye Danish Pipe Tobacco (ounces) works fine too, but slightly stronger.Peters Stokkebye Norwegian Pipe Tobacco (ounces) works fine, but slightly courser, and slightly stronger.Jars to store tobacco in Ball Wide Mouth Quart Jars with Lids Pack - 100 mm cigarette cases Mitchell Thomas FlipTop (100MM): American RYOHard Box Full Pack Cigarette Case (100's Size) (One Dozen)Not all pipe tobacco works in the cigarette injector machines.? It takes about three hours to make a carton of cigarettes, once one gets the hang of it.CIO ?Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?2:35 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?1:10 P.M.? Prison ? Russian General Warns Of ‘Large Scale War Involving Nuclear Weapons’? CIONote: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?12:10 P.M.? I woke up at 10:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.You know your getting old, when the only telephone calls you get are the computer telephone calls from the pharmacy.Starbucks to close restrooms in NYC - Many light years ago in basement of the new Citicorp building they built a coffee shop cafe with bathrooms.? I think the Citicorp building is between East 53rd and East 54th street between third Avenue and Lexington Avenue.? It is a nice oasis in the City.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?1:00 A.M.? I ate the last piece of birthday cake.? I also ate 7 chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIONote: <888> 11/17/11 Thursday?12:35 A.M.? Download Microsoft System Center 2012 Pre-Release ProductsBiltmore Email NewsletterHolidays in HollandBBC News - Liquid lakes close to moon's skinBBC News - Dr George Daniels: Funeral for 'greatest horologist'BBC News - Toast sandwich is UK's 'cheapest meal'? CIONote: <888> 11/16/11 Wednesday?11:35 P.M.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet .? I installed the Windows Updates on all of the computers on my network which took a while.? CIO Note: <888> 11/16/11 Wednesday?8:15 P.M.? I made 210 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Danish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching .? I chatted with a relative.? CIO ?Note: <888> 11/16/11 Wednesday?5:15 P.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I threw out the garbage.? I said hello to the building custodian.? I picked up the mail.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 11/16/11 Wednesday?3:55 P.M.? I woke up at 2 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.Bank robbed in Riverside - GreenwichTimeFor all I know, I might be running the closet computer server network to in Armonk, New York, so technically I am in a high technology area.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/16/11 Wednesday?4:40 A.M.? I did not go to bed after the last note.? I sorted through some stored computer parts.? I found my old Diamond Multimedia PCI 32 megabyte video card that I still have.? Besides a number of odd parts, I have a lot of spare case fans.? I also have:T-Mobile HotSpot @Home Wireless Router by D-Link from T-Mobile Accessories: batteries, cases and belt clips, faceplates, chargers, adaptors, headsets, and more for $19.99 and $5.99 shipping and $1.56 tax for $27.54 total, January 8, 2009T Mobile Hotspot@Home Linksys Wireless router Model No. WRT54G-TM for $19.99 each and $2.40 tax for $42.38 total, January 8 and 9, 2009, besides the one setup.two Netgear FS116 16-Port 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Switch: FS116NAR Inc. for $22.95 and $1.95 shipping for $24.90 total January 2009, besides one setupNetGear FR114P Router/Firewall - eBay (item 140198480694 end time Jan-13-08 16:39:21 PST) for $14.95 and $12.90 priority mail shipping for $27.85 total. January 2008NETGEAR FR114P NEW IN BOX - eBay (item 180206553936 end time Jan-20-08 13:14:41 PST) , for $5.99 and $7 shipping for $12.99 shipping January 2008I tested the Linksys wireless router that I have installed as a primary router, and I only get up to 22 Mbps download wired and 8 Mbps upload.I did some routine systems maintenance.? For some reason on the FIC server, my web site will not display although it is working on the other computers and at Megaproxy? - Free anonymous proxy surfing .? I restored, the backup, and the problem continued.? I think, when I tested the Linksys router, it changed the IP address to another one that does not display.? To have another spare Dynex router, I bought? Dynex 4 Port Ethernet Router XP Vista 7 10/100 DX-E402 | eBay for $9.99 with free shipping.?? I will now eat nine chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? I will then go to bed.? CIONote: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?9:50 P.M.? I studied the new AT&T wireless telephone instructions.? I chatted with a relative.? I watched some television.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?7:40 P.M.? I ate a 18.8 ounce can of Campbell's 98% reduced fat clam chowder with dried parsley and a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance Spread and a piece of cake and a 12 ounce glass of diet .? CIO Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?6:50 P.M.? Collapse caldera databaseFachrichtung Planetologie und Fernerkundung, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften an der Freien Universit?t BerlinAsk an Analyst: Do I Need a Dual-Band Router? | LIFE 75 Years: The Very Best of | GE-REAGAN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMBBC News - Yellow Sun-Drop diamond goes for $10.9m at Sotheby'sUK holidays, tourism, days out & places to visit | Visit Britain? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?5:45 P.M.? The mail I picked up today apparently was the mail that was delivered yesterday.? After the last note, I had gone over the Valley Road Post Office, and they told me that.? I told them about the Mountain Lion in the area.? I then returned home, and I chatted with a neighbor.? The police were at the Valley Road Post Office and at my apartment building, when I returned.? I picked up today's mail.? The orders with tracking of USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for AT&T F160 - GoPhone? - Prepaid (Refurbished) Cell Phone Package - Individual Plans - from AT&T for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01 arrived, and the order with tracking number is "9405510200883201334350" at for the order for : PREMIER Supermatic Cigarette Injector Machine: Sports & Outdoors for $45 with free shipping arrived.? I put my old Nokia AT&T Go Phone simm card in the new AT&T wireless phone, and it works just fine, and I have about $120 in time on it.? I chatted with a friend to test it.? I will read the instructions, when I have time.? I put the new simm card in the old Nokia AT&T Go Phone.? The new AT&T Go Phone is 3G, and it has a high resolution camera.? I don't know whether it does video or not.? I told the Greenwich Police person that was here about the Mountain Lion, but they don't believe Bill Clark, but having seen wild cats in this area, I tend to believe Bill Clark Greenwich Gossip . CIO?? Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?4:10 P.M.? I went outside, and I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? I moved the Audi to its usual place.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?3:45 P.M.? I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated two thirds in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? I ate one third with Stop and Shop Blue Cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet .? I also ate a piece of birthday cake.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?2:20 P.M.? Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for Dynex - 4-Port 10/100 Mbps Router DX-E402 | eBay for $8.99 with free shipping.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?2:05 P.M.? $39.99 reconditioned free shipping - NetGear N600 Wireless Router? CIO? Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?1:15 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? Woman severely injured in dump truck crash on North Street - GreenwichTime? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?12:40 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went to my 11 A.M. appointment.? I chatted with a couple of neighbors whom were at the same appointment location.? I then returned home.? There seems to be a lot of traffic today like it might be busy downtown for a change.? CIO Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?10:15 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go out to my 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?10:05 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put psoriasis medicine on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 11/15/11 Tuesday?9:15 A.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?9:50 P.M.? I ate the remaining Rothschild stew with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer and a 1/6th piece of cake.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I have a 11 A.M. appointment tomorrow.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?9:10 P.M.? I looked at some rerun television.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?7:10 P.M.? $199.99 with free shipping : Haier L32D1120 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV, Black: Electronics? CIO Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?6:50 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I picked up the mail.? I sat outside briefly looking at the jet traffic with all of the Canadians headed down south.? CIONote: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?5:35 P.M.? I ate a 1/6th piece of the Prince Charles Royal Birthday cake.I was thinking we get so many of the celebrities around here that come out of White Plains, New York and Westchester County, maybe all of the Greenwich, Connecticut people should raid White Plains, New York, one of these days, if we ever have money.? There is not much to do in White Plains, New York except to get tires or batteries at , both of which I do not need this year.? From what I can tell from the local jet traffic, they might be doing some or of business over in that area that we do not know about here.? The way I figure it, some of the old Dutch Farmers in this area might have made money over the centuries, and they are maintaining a low profile which the rest of the people in this area keep on working the Main streets in town.? I wander whom actually owns the properties on Greenwich Avenue, which so many people spend so much time on.? All I know is supposedly New York City real estate firms bought up all of the property on Greenwich Avenue in the 1920s, and they have been wheeling and dealing ever since.? CIONote: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?5:15 P.M.? GORISK Scientific NetworkEGU2012L.A.V.E.: le site; Les Webcams L.A.V.E.How IBM started grading its developers' productivity 11 Reasons IBM Mainframe Integration With Windows (and Linux) Is a Big Deal - IT Infrastructure - News & Reviews - BBC News - Warren Buffett buys IBM stake with $10.7bn investmentBBC News - Russia resumes manned Soyuz flights after crash? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?4:45 P.M.? I went outside, and I walked around the building.? I chatted with neighbors.? I checked the mail, but it is not here yet.? CIONote: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?4:25 P.M.? I ate a 16 ounce Marie Callender turkey pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of diet .? CIO? Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?3:25 P.M.? I threw out the garbage after the last note.? I went out, and I went by the Valley Road Post Office, and I mailed the Motorola Cable Modem priority mail for $5.95 and a $1.80 insurance for $7.75 total.? I then went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went downtown, and I chatted with two locals.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts Center midway and after my walk.? I stopped by CVS, and I picked up a prescription, and I bought a one pound tin of Danish Butter cookies for $3, a 1.82 ounce container of ground red pepper and a 2.12 ounce container of paprika for $1.99 both for $4.99 total.? I chatted with a local.? I then finished my walk.? I chatted with another local about the price of tea in China.? After sitting out for a while, I then went to the Stop and Shop, and I bought a day old small 5 inch diameter by 3 inch high birthday cake in honor of Prince Charles 63rd birthday for $2.75, a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.49, a 59 ounce carton of Stop and Shop premium orange juice with calcium for $2.49, four 16 ounce Marie Callender turkey pot pies for $2.50 each, four GALA apples for .99 a pound for $1.79, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $2.03, a bulb of garlic for 50 cents, a large sweet onion for $1.49 a pound for $1.52 for $22.57 total.? I then went by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $21.99 of premium self service V-Power gasoline for $4.199 a gallon with a dime a gallon discount with the Stop and Shop card for 4.199 gallons at odometer reading of 69309 miles for 75.2 miles driven since Tuesday November 1, 2011 for 17.909 miles per gallon in mixed local and highway traffic.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?9:55 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will now go out and do some errands.? CIO Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?9:10 A.M.? I woke up at 7 A.M..? I took the battery out of the defective V-Tech two line cordless telephone, since it was beeping lightly from where I had store it underneath my bed.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?12:50 A.M.? I ate a bowl of Cheese Nips.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? Not much happens in the United States of America, since we are isolated on both sides by large oceans.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/14/11 Monday?12:25 A.M.? Prince Charles is now 63 years old Charles, Prince of Wales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .? If he were a United States citizen, he could retire in two more years.? One can contact him here The Prince of Wales - Contact us .I just saw Donald on television, and he audited the United States of America, and it is now valued at $280 trillion dollars.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?11:00 P.M.? BBC News - Viewpoints: Should we give up trying to save the panda?BBC Nature - Endangered spoon-billed sandpipers arrive in UKBBC Nature - Polar bear videos, news and facts? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?10:35 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I ate a piece of Swiss cheese.For any people still around from South of the Mason Dixie Line better known as Dixie, I would advise that despite our recent warmer weather, one might look at these picture here from last February 1, 2011.? CIO Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?9:05 P.M.? Prison ? Colossal GeoEngineering in Plain SightChemtrails and Barium Salts - Chemtrails Spraying and Barium Salts - BARIUM SALTS Chemtrail Information - Stop Chemtrail Spraying in California!? CIONote: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?8:45 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I opened up a 20 pound bag of Stop and Shop rice to have available for use.? I put part of it in smaller containers to make it easier to access.? I have a relative that works for a rice plantation Middleton Place .? CIO Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?7:40 P.M.? I am making up a batch of Rothschild stew.? I will eat half of it with a 12 ounce glass of diet .? I will refrigerate the other half in a Rubbermaid container.? I noticed yesterday, when I was Wal-Mart that a 10.75 ounce can of Campbell's condensed soup was 60 cents, when on sale at CVS it is 88 cents.? CIO Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?7:10 P.M.? Sword Stolen From Statue At Abraham Lincoln's Tomb | Fox NewsEvelyn Lauder, Makeup Matriarch And Pink Ribbon Pioneer, Dies At 75 - ForbesCIO Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?6:45 P.M.? I woke up at 6 P.M..? I threw out the garbage.Tomorrow November 14 is Prince Charles' Birthday The Prince of Wales .? CIO ?Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?2:35 P.M.? On the Turner Movie Channel this morning, I watched part of this movie Forsaking All Others - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , and I noticed the young actor in the movie Robert Montgomery Robert Montgomery (actor) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia looked a bit like the Duke of Windsor Duke of Windsor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia when he was younger.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?2:15 P.M.? I ate the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.?? I chatted with a relative.? I will now take a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?12:35 P.M.? At this time of day at Speakeasy - Speed Test with Optimum Boost Plus, on the primary work computer, I am getting 38.77 Mbps download and 7.97 Mbps upload.? On the primary Dell Latitude D410 laptop on the OpenSUSE partition, I am getting over 50 Mbps download and 8 Mbps upload.? When I turn on and connect the T-Mobil wireless router which is older, I am getting on the OpenSUSE partition on the primary Dell Latitude D410 laptop 23.5 Mbps download and 7.9 Mbps upload which is fast enough for my wireless, since I hardly ever use it.On overall system network setup, I still have the Netgear FR114P router in position, and if I ever wanted to use it on the internet at the slower speed of 15 Mbps download in order to use the printers on its print server network, I could transfer the five Lan cables from the Dynex router to the Netgear Router, and one would turn on the Netgear router by connecting its power supply cable to the brown extension cable underneath right monitor on the primary work computer setup which is connected the Router switch on the Control Panels of the primary work computer.? CIONote: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?12:10 P.M.? I have the package ready to mail.? It weighs 2.25 pounds, and it will cost $5.95 to mail priority mail plus any extra services such as delivery confirmation.? CIO Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?11:25 A.M.? I chatted with a relative who can not figure out how to use a new Verizon cell phone.? I suggested to the relative to read the instructions.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.I called up , and I was told about the Cablevision Converter and Modem Return Center80 Grumman RoadBethpage, New York 11714Optimum Online - Customer Support - FAQ Returning EquipmentI will print out a shipping letter with my Cablevision Account Number, and I will box up the old Motorola Docsis 2 Cable Modem, and I will get it ready to mail at the post office.? If it is less than 13 ounces, I can mail it at the 24 hour mail center, if not I will wait until I can get to an open post office near by.? I should also get delivery confirmation on the shipment.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?10:05 A.M.? Proposed Greenwich retirement facility faces 1st public hearing - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?9:55 A.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a relative.? Once I get the mailing address, I will mail the old Cablevision Motorola cable modem back to Cablevision in Norwalk, Connecticut, which will be cheaper than driving up there, and waiting for a long time in line.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?3:05 A.M.? After being awake for 24 hours, I will now go to bed. Note: <888> 11/13/11 Sunday?2:40 A.M.? After the last note, I stayed awake.? I hooked up the princess phone from the bathroom to the Arris cable modem.? I then called Optimum Voice Tech support, and they put me through to an expert technical person.? I suggested they change the phone jack on the cable modem from jack 2 to jack 1.?? They decided to do that which takes a while.? After about a half hour, the Optimum Voice telephone started working on jack 1.? I called them up to thank them for the help, and I cancelled the Cablevision Technical visit for this Monday.However, when I connected up the Optimum Voice telephone network cable, the Verizon phone line quit working.? Usually on two line phone systems, when one of the lines quits working, but when it works when the other line is not connected, it means one of the two line phones are defective.? I checked all of my two line phone, and the V-Tech two line cordless phone on the Danish bar was the defective one.? I removed it and put it underneath the bed.? Now both the Verizon and Optimum Voice telephone line networks all work just fine.$196 with free shipping with coupon code "EMCYTZT898" - Haier 32" Class (31.5" Diag.) 720p 60Hz LCD HDTV L32F1120? CIOEnd of Scott's Notes week of 11/12/11:Note: <888> 11/12/11 Saturday?11:40 P.M.? Department of Geological Sciences - Michigan State UniversityGeology - Grand Valley State UniversityGoldschmidt 2012 - Welcome!Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |IAVCEI Commission of Tephra Hazard ModelingTracking number is "9405510200883201334350" at for the order for : PREMIER Supermatic Cigarette Injector Machine: Sports & Outdoors for $45 with free shipping.I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.? CIONote: <888> 11/12/11 Saturday?10:50 P.M.? I bought a spare Dynex - 4-Port 10/100 Mbps Router DX-E402 | eBay for $8.99 with free shipping.? CIO Note: <888> 11/12/11 Saturday?8:55 P.M.? After the last note, I drove up to Cablevision in Norwalk, Connecticut.? I chatted with an user waiting for the store to open at 8 A.M..? They gave me a new Arris Docsis 3 Cable Modem in exchange for the defective identical one.? I then drove west on U.S. 1 in Norwalk.? I toured Walmart, and I looked at their electronic equipment.? I then went to the Best Buy store, and I went by the Dollar Mania store.? I bought four 4 packs of GE 15 watt bent tip bulbs for $1.99 each, one four pack of four 25 watt torpedo bulbs for $1.95, a clear shower curtain liner for $1.50, a package of two potato peelers for $1.50, a 9 foot coaxial cable for 1.50, a telephone modular jack two female to one female for a $1, and a telephone cord coupler for $1 and $1.04 tax for $17.49 total.? I toured T.J. Maxx.? I then went to Best Buy, when they opened, and I bought a Dynex 10/100 router Dynex? - 4-Port Ethernet Broadband Router - DX-E402 on sale for $15 off for $24.99 and $1.59 tax for $26.58 total.? I then returned home.? I was told the Staples store in Norwalk had moved to the side street just south of Home Depot.? I installed the Arris cable modem.? I chatted with a relative.? I had to wait on hold to Cablevision to get tech support to activate the modem.? The Optimum Telephone line still would not work.? I installed the Dynex Router on my network, so I no longer have the Netgear Router with the print server connected up.? I am getting 50 mbps download and 8 mbps upload on the computer network.? On the Dynex router, I had to change and add a few settings.? However, it took a while to get the FIC server going, since they had closed Port 80, which I had tech support open about an hour ago.? I chatted with a relative.? I have a Cablevision Technician coming this Monday between 11 A.M. and 2 P.M. to check on the Optimum Voice problem with the new cable modem.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/12/11 Saturday?6:55 A.M.? I will now go out.? CIO Note: <888> 11/12/11 Saturday?6:45 A.M.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? At 7 A.M., I am going to drive up Norwalk, Connecticut to Cablevision which opens at 8 A.M..? I will exchange the Cable Modem for a good one.? With Optimum Boost Plus, I am also suppose to get a free high speed wireless router, so I will check into that too.? CIO Note: <888> 11/12/11 Saturday?5:55 A.M.? I put away the laundry.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 11/12/11 Saturday?5:15 A.M.? I have 15 minutes to go the dry cycles.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/12/11 Saturday?4:25 A.M.? I woke up at 3:30 A.M..? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 10 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I put clean linens on the bed.? CIO Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?6:45 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?6:25 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I made up a batch of Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine or Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine .? I ate one third of it and refrigerated two thirds in a Rubbermaid container, and I ate it with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?5:05 P.M.? I threw out the garbage and the pipe tobacco shipping box.? The is no mail to today on the Veterans Day holiday.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?4:40 P.M.? I installed the Arris cable modem, and I registered it online.? It worked at first, with my primary computer connected to it directly, I got 35 mbps download and about 8 upload.? However, when connected through my network, I only get the same 15 mbps download and 5 upload.? My Netgear FR114P router does not support the higher speeds, although it is a 10/100 mbps second router.? The Optimum Voice telephone worked at first, but then it quit working, and after tested it with Optimum Tech Support, we determined the Arris cable modem was defective.? I reinstalled the Motorola Docsis 2 Cable Modem, and the computer setup is back to the way it was before.? I have to go to Cablevision in Norwalk, and exchange the Arris cable modem for a good Docsis three one.? I still won't be able to go any faster on my network.? Since Optimum Boost is no longer available, I will continue to have Optimum Boost Plus at the extra $5 a month charge.? CIO Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?12:45 P.M.? I stuffed the new Turkish pipe tobacco in quart mason jars, so I now have 20 quart or 4 ounce weight mason jars of the Turkish pipe tobacco.? I still have three quart jars of the Danish pipe tobacco.? I will now install the new high speed cable modem, and then I will have it activated.? CIO Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?12:10 P.M.? From Shop ARBRO Inc. I ordered four P-13 Supermatic H-Link Nut - ARBRO Inc. for .55 each, four P-2 Supermatic H-Link Screw - ARBRO Inc. for .65 each, and one P-47 Supermatic Cutter - ARBRO Inc. for $6 for $10.80 and $7 shipping for $17.80 total.? Thus I will be able to also repair the old machine, and see if it works properly.? With a new blade, it should work better.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?11:30 A.M.? I made 162 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Danish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching? .? While making the cigarettes, the Premier Supramatic cigarette machine jammed.? I tried to repair it by unscrewing some parts, but I broke a screw while reattaching the parts.? I can order the parts to fix it for $2 and $5 shipping.? However, when I used my spare new machine, it works some much faster and better, I think the old machine would still be worn out if I fixed it, which I will do once I get the spare parts.I went ahead and order another spare new : PREMIER Supermatic Cigarette Injector Machine: Sports & Outdoors for $45 with free shipping.The order with tracking of FedEx Tracking on the new Cable Modem for Optimum Boost Plus arrived.The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for 80 ounces of Peter Stokkebye Turkish Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $102 with free shipping arrived.? CIO ?Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?7:15 A.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 11/11/11 Friday?6:15 A.M.? I woke up at 4:30 A.M.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I will now make up a fresh batch of punch.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?9:50 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.I ordered Creative Live Optia 1.3 MP Webcam With 270 Degree Swivel Range, 73VF027000000 | eBay for $9.99 with free shipping.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I ate the rest of the croutons.? CIO Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?8:05 P.M.? Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for 80 ounces of Peter Stokkebye Turkish Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $102 with free shipping.The coming hard-drive hit on PC makers | Business Tech - CNET NewsThe Ugliest Cars at SEMA 2011 - Popular Mechanics#fbIndex1#fbIndex1Ten tricks every Windows 7 power user should know | ZDNetBBC News - Nixon's Watergate investigation testimony made publicBBC News - London's Tech City growth hailed by PM Cameron? CIO ?Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?7:25 P.M.? I ate a 16 ounce Marie Callender chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of Nestea icetea with lemon.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?6:15 P.M.? I woke up at 9 P.M. this morning.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put psoriasis cream on my feet.? I surfed the internet.? I went out, and I threw out the garbage.? I went by the A&P Fresh, and I bought a 33 ounce bag of Eight O'clock Hazelnut coffee beans for $16.99.? I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I returned : Eruptions that Shook the World (9780521641128): Clive Oppenheimer: Books.? I chatted with a reference librarian and a regular patron.? I then went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went by the Shell gasoline station at East Putnam Avenue and Sherwood Place, and I got the Connecticut Emissions test done for $20 at 69262 miles.? I passed the emissions test.? I then went downtown, and I chatted with a relative on my wireless phone, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts center.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought four 18.8 ounce cans of Campbell's Harvest Select 98% low fat New England clam chowder for $1.50 each for $6 total.? After I finished my walk, I sat out for a while.? I was told that the location where the old Versailles restaurant used to be just south of Starbucks before they moved a few stores further south is going to be a French Cosmetics store.? They have one branch in SoHo in Manhattan already.? I then drove out to Grass Island, I sat out for a while.? I chatted with a friend on my wireless phone.? I then drove over to the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop across from the Hamilton Avenue school.? I bought a decorative Chinese vase about 12 inches high and several to six inches in diameter in pink, green, and dark blue patterns for $10.? I chatted with a local.? I then returned home, and I picked up the mail.? I got another Energy Assistance grant letter, and it turns out the other grant letter I had received addressed to me was for someone else, so I forwarded that letter to them.? My new Energy Assistance grant is $255 down from $750 last year.? I put the Chinese vase on the Teak stand on the Danish bar.? I moved the Buckingham Palace model to underneath the breakfast tray on the living room window shelf, and I have it sitting on a square glass ashtray.? I made three copies of the emissions report, and I put the original and a copy with my other Audi paperwork in the bedroom.? I put another copy with the paper work in the Audi in the map holder behind the driver's seat and the other copy in the Audi glove box.? I chatted with neighbors.? A friend called by mistake.? CIO? ????? Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?5:30 A.M.? This article mentions a George Nichols Greenwich man charged in drug operation - GreenwichTime .? Possibly the George Nichols that was friends of is the father.? The George Nichols that Fred knew was an assistant editor of the and lived up on John Street in Greenwich, Connecticut, but that was way back in 1975.I ate some cheese nips and a slice of Swiss Cheese.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed.? CIONote: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?5:00 A.M.? The British Monarchy | FacebookUnited Kingdom Remembrance DayAs I have mentioned before I have the FIC server connected to the 25 inch Sony Television in the living room.? Thus when one changes the AV switch on the Sony Television remote control to Video 2, one gets the FIC server screen.? Thus one can watch live video from the FIC server on the Sony Television.? One can use the FIC server speakers, but I also have the Audio connected to the Technics amplifier to play on Phono.? I currently have the Technics amplifier set at Phono with the speakers in the apartment turned off, but the Sennheiser wireless headset beneath the Sony television is available for private listening.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?3:10 A.M.? White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax' | Fox News? CIONote: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?3:05 A.M.? Prison ? Americans Are Now Living In a Society That Rivals Orwell’s 1984 CIO Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?2:55 A.M.? I put a new blue 8 ounce Automatic Bowl Fresh in the toilet tank, so I will have blue water in the toilet again.? CIO Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?2:30 A.M.? Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for AT&T F160 - GoPhone? - Prepaid (Refurbished) Cell Phone Package - Individual Plans - from AT&T for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01.Coast Guard Alaska | What Did the Rebel Yell Sound Like? Video | Smithsonian MagazineiFly Magazine? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?1:45 A.M.? I ordered 80 ounces of Peter Stokkebye Turkish Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $102 with free shipping.? CIONote: <888> 11/10/11 Thursday?1:10 A.M.? $199.99 with free shipping : Haier L32D1120 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV, Black: Electronics? CIO? Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?11:40 P.M.? I woke up and ate a couple of bowls of Cheese Nips.? I finally woke up at 9:30 P.M..? I chatted with a relative.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I sat outside briefly.? I picked up the mail.? I have to get the Audi emissions checked before December 27, 2011.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet Sunkist orange soda.When I was last in France in 1992, gasoline was about $8 a gallon.? The French also take siestas or naps in the afternoon.? One thing I noticed in Paris was there were a lot of small grocery stores with racks of medium size small rotisserie chickens being cooked in the store windows, and they would sell out of the small chickens at siesta time.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?2:55 P.M.? I ate a 18.8 ounce can of Campbell's Harvest Select clam chowder with a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance Spread and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?2:05 P.M.? Not much of a test.? CIO Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?1:50 P.M.? Tracking is FedEx Tracking on the new Cable Modem for Optimum Boost Plus.Emergency Alert Test coming up on television at 2 P.M. EST.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?1:20 P.M.? I went outside, and I walked around the building, and I walked around the baseball field in back.? There is a pile of snow and ice behind the ice skating rink left by the zamboni.? I let the Optimum person into the building.I put the two copies of the Sharp microwave instructions on the left side of the middle shelf of the left bookcase in the hallway.? I left the original copy on the Sharp microwave instructions on the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 at the apartment entrance.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?12:20 P.M.? I chatted with neighbors.? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Sharp - 1.4 Cu. Ft. Mid-Size Microwave - Stainless-Steels - R408LS for $70.99 and $21.99 shipping for $92.98 total arrived at 11:15 A.M..? R-408LS | Microwaves | Countertop Microwave | SHARP .? I used my little folding cart to bring it up to my apartment.? The box says it is refurbished, and thus it is not new.? Still it is all that I can afford.? It says on the instructions, it only has a 30 day warranty.? I set it up on top of the General Electric microwave oven.? It seems to work just fine.? I stored the shipping box away for now.? I will make two copies of the instructions to have.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?10:20 A.M.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea with lemon.? I will now make my bed again.? I will then shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?9:30 A.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I will now nap some more.? CIO Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?9:05 A.M.? EuroPro TO36 Stainless Steel Convection Oven and $50 off with coupon code "EMCYTZT892"I ordered AT&T F160 - GoPhone? - Prepaid (Refurbished) Cell Phone Package - Individual Plans - from AT&T for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01.? It has a good camera that I can use, if I should need it.? Hopefully, I will be able to use my old Go Phone Simm card.? CIO???????? Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?6:50 A.M.? I called an out of town security agency about the Mountain Lion.? I also called up Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue and told them about the Mountain Lion.? With modern communications, one can work the Grape Vine with the news.? I ate a piece of pound cake.? I will now take a nap.$28 off with coupon code "EMCJJKB73"? - Rosewill R-HCO-11001 Halogen Convection Oven? CIO Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?5:10 A.M.? Sunrise & Sunset Times by Zip Code? CIO Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?4:45 A.M.? $126.92 with free shipping : Panasonic NN-H965BF Luxury Full-Size 2.2-Cubic-Foot 1,250-Watt Microwave Oven, Black: Kitchen & Dining$54.99 with free shipping - Cuisinart TOB-30BW Black Toaster Oven Broiler? CIO Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?3:25 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?3:00 A.M.? I called up Richard at Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue at 1-203-661-2485 to tell him about the Mountain Lion.? CIO Note: <888> 11/09/11 Wednesday?2:40 A.M.? I had telephone calls from a relative and friend at 9 P.M..? I finally woke up at 1 A.M..? I called the gate at Pocantico Hills to tell them about the Mountain Lion that was spotted on the Rockefeller property on Glenville Road here in Greenwich, Connecticut.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.Connecticut Light and Power Outage MapGreenwich, Connecticut has full service.3,763 customers in Connecticut without electricity or less than 1%.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?3:40 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I ate four chocolate chips and macadamia nut cookies and a few croutons.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?3:25 P.M.? Tell your members of Congress: No benefit cuts! AARPBBC News - Russians set for Mars adventure? CIO? Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?2:40 P.M.? I chatted with a friend who was in the process of moving his horses out of Bedford, New York back to Long Island to protect them from Mountain Lions.? CIO !!!!!! Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?2:05 P.M.? Another Mountain Lion sighting Greenwich Gossip? .? CIO Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?1:55 P.M.? I went outside, and I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?1:05 P.M.? I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated two thirds in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? I also put in 2.25 ounce of croutons.? I ate one third with Stop and Shop Blue Cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet Sunkist orange soda.? CIO Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?11:50 A.M.? I went out after the last note.? I drove over the New Lebanon school, and I voted in the local elections.? I then drove over to downtown Greenwich Avenue.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts center.? I tried to use the ATM machine at the Chase Bank just south of the Greenwich Post Office, but their front door would not work.? I used the ATM machine at the Chase Bank just north of Saks Fifth Avenue.? I also stopped by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? After my walk, I sat out for a while.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 16 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese for $4.99, a 26 ounce Mrs. Smith's pumpkin pie for $2.99, three 16 ounce Stop and Shop chunky blue cheese dressing for $5 all, a 8 ounce Stop and Shop grated parmesan and Romano cheese for $3.99, a 6 ounce can of Stop and Shop extra large pitted olives from California for $1.25, a two pound bag of baby carrots for $2.50, Del Monte bananas for .79 a pound for .90, broccoli crowns for $1.69 a pound for $1.72, a head of iceberg Cello lettuce for $1.99, a 4.5 ounce bag of Fresh Gourmet Premium organic seasoned croutons for $1.99 for $27.32 total.? I then chatted with a local.? I then went back into the Stop and Shop, and I returned cans for a $.65 and I bought a 26 ounce jar of Classico four cheese tomato sauce for $2 less $.65 can deposit for $1.35 total.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.? CIO Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?6:45 A.M.? I moved the Cambridge Soundworks speaker system from the Abit computer to the FIC server, and I moved the Logitech 2.1 speaker system from the FIC server to the Abit computer.?? Thus when one uses the FIC server to display video on the Sony television, there will be better sound off the FIC server audio.I will now shut down the primary work computer.? I will shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then go out, and I will vote at the New Lebanon school in Byram, and then I will take a walk downtown on Greenwich Avenue.? CIO Note: <888> 11/08/11 Tuesday?4:50 A.M.? I woke up at 3 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?10:00 P.M.? NSF About Earth Sciences (EAR)CO Meeting Organizer EGU2012Geological Sciences - University of Canterbury - New ZealandEleanor Roosevelt (American diplomat, humanitarian and first lady) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - Giant asteroid to pass near EarthBBC Nature - Loggerhead turtles take 45 years to grow upBBC News - Ancient horses' spotted history reflected in cave artBBC News - China's Huawei in Android patent talks with MicrosoftI will now shut down the computer, and I will go back to bed.? CIONote: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?9:10 P.M.? I ate two four ounce sautéed pork tenderloins with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and my usual steamed vegetable and steamed flavored rice mixture with olive oil and Smart Balance Lite spread and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?7:40 P.M.? I watched some television.? I threw out the garbage.? I moved the Audi to its usual place.? I picked up the mail.? Bill Gates is on the cover of .? CIO Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?6:15 P.M.? I woke up just now, and I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?2:35 P.M.? I woke up at noon, when I got a Peter Tesei republican campaign automatic telephone call.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a Marie Callender 16 ounce chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of diet Sunkist orange soda.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?9:20 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will take a nap.? CIONote: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?9:05 A.M.? .? I ate 8 chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? I ate a piece of Swiss cheese.? I called up about when they would refund my money, and they said it was probably because the West Coast is in a different time zone, and they would call me back later today.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?7:40 A.M.? I have Optimum Boost that I pay $10 a month more for, so I just ordered Optimum Online3 BoostPlus for $4.95 more More Internet Speed | Get Optimum Online Boost Plus for $14.95/month ,? but I have to wait until I receive a new cable modem around Wednesday this week, and I mail the old cable modem back.? CIO Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?6:30 A.M.? I made 110 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Danish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching? .? CIO? Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?5:05 A.M.? Canines in costume raise funds for Adopt-A-Dog - GreenwichTimeI will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?4:30 A.M.? I am just about ready to eat a Marie Callender 16 ounce chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of diet Sunkist orange soda.? CIO Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?4:00 A.M.? Connecticut Power and Light Scrambles to Meet Goal to Restore Power - Connecticut Light and Power Outage Map18 customers without electricity in Greenwich, Connecticut or .06%52,757 customers with electricity in Connecticut or 4%.? CIONote: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?3:45 A.M.? Cheap Russian Vodka $18.99 Ruskova - Vodka (1.75L) - Varmax Liquor Pantry .? CIO? Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?3:30 A.M.? $8.99 NV Vi?a San Pedro - Chardonnay Lontué Valley Gato Negro (1.5L) - Varmax Liquor Pantry? CIO Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?3:20 A.M.? Prison ? Extreme Poverty Is Now At Record Levels .? CIONote: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?3:10 A.M.? $14.99 2010 Mouton-Cadet - Bordeaux White (1.5L) - Varmax Liquor Pantry .? CIO Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?2:50 A.M.? Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - Live Webcast - Lecture with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Monday, Nov 7, 2011? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?2:25 A.M.? I ate a piece of pound cake.? CIO Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?1:40 A.M.? Judging by the large amount of aviation traffic I heard today, a lot of people are arriving in this area to visit or a lot of people are heading down south for the winter or possibly both.The Greenwich Republican party candidates Peter Tesei for First Selectman are suppose to be at the central Greenwich Train station campaigning this morning, so I guess the republican party should be out in force to support them this morning at the central Greenwich Train station.? I guess they will be on the north side of the train station on the New York City bound side of the train station to campaign to the morning commuting crowd.? Peter Tesei use to work at the local Putnam Trust Bank, before it became part of the Bank of New York and then part of the , so he probably knows who has the money in this area versus whom is just hanging around hoping to get lucky.I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIONote: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?12:45 A.M.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet Sunkist orange soda.Grandson of William Randolph Hearst dies at 77 - GreenwichTime CIO Note: <888> 11/07/11 Monday?12:05 A.M.? I woke up at 10 A.M. yesterday Sunday.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a friend and a relative.? The Cablevision TV and Cable Modem quit working.? I went back to bed.? I woke up around 3 P.M., and they still were not working.? I went back to bed until 11:30 P.M..? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? The Cablevision TV and Cable Modem seem to be working now.? CIO??? End of Scott's Notes week of 11/06/11:Note: <888> 11/06/11 Sunday?5:30 A.M.? I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed.? CIONote: <888> 11/06/11 Sunday?5:15 A.M.? I ate a 16 ounce Marie Callender chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of diet Sunkist orange soda.? CIO Note: <888> 11/06/11 Sunday?3:15 A.M.? 7-Day Forecast for Latitude 41.07°N and Longitude 73.65°W Greenwich, Connecticut USA? CIO Note: <888> 11/06/11 Sunday?3:10 A.M.? I ate a piece of pound cake.Connecticut governor unhappy with storm response - Connecticut Light and Power Outage Map54 customers without power in Greenwich, Connecticut or 0.19%115,075 customers without power in Connecticut or 9%.? CIO Note: <888> 11/06/11 Sunday?2:40 A.M.? I set my clocks and watches back an hour.I could order Volcanoes 2012 Wall Calendar | Weather | for $13.99, America 2012 Wall Calendar (9781421680774) | Scenic America | for $7.99,? Beaches 2012 Wall Calendar | Islands | for $6.49, National Parks 2012 Wall Calendar (9781421680736) | | for $7.99, Bonjour Paris 2012 Wall Calendar | England | for $4.47, London 2012 Wall Calendar | Xing Signs | for $6.99 for $47.92 total with a dollar shipping, but I think I will go without the wall calendar decoration for next year.BBC News - William and Kate opt for Kensington Palace homeBBC News - Climate summit set for rows on flying, cash and historyBBC News - Doctor trials laser treatment to change eye colour? CIONote: <888> 11/06/11 Sunday?1:25 A.M.? Daylight savings time just ended, and I will now reset my clocks back an hour.? CIONote: <888> 11/06/11 Sunday?2:00 A.M.? I just woke up from my nap.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?9:10 P.M.? ?I ate two four ounce sautéed pork tenderloins with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and my usual steamed vegetable and steamed flavored rice mixture with olive oil and Smart Balance Lite spread and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? I chatted with a relative.?? I will now take a nap.? Daylight saving time ends this morning at 2 A.M., when one sets the clocks back an hour.? CIONote: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?6:25 P.M.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I put away my laundry.? CIO Note: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?5:55 P.M.? The new stainless steel automatic liquid soap dispenser has a blinking red light which is annoying to look at when I sit in the kitchen, so I put it by the bathroom sink, and I moved the original one back into the kitchen from the bathroom sink.? CIO Note: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?5:10 P.M.? I setup the new stainless steel soap dispenser on the left side of the kitchen sink.? I threw out the shipping box.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I started two loads of laundry on the dry cycle, and I have 45 minutes to go.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?4:40 P.M.? I put clean linens on my bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put psoriasis cream on my feet.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 15 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I picked up the mail, and the order below arrived.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIONote: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?3:15 P.M.? Tracking number is "9102931502505301051176" at on the order for Allure Stainless Steel Automatic Liquid Soap Dispenser Motion Activated Infrared | eBay for $12.99 with free shipping.? CIONote: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?3:05 P.M.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass diet Sunkist orange soda.? CIO Note: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?1:50 P.M.? Greenwich Avenue bank robbed - GreenwichTime? There is a traffic camera at that location pointing west towards Railroad Avenue and the train station.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?1:45 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I ate a piece of pound cake.? I went back to bed until 1:30 P.M., when I chatted with a relative.? CIONote: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?9:55 A.M.? Andy Rooney, wry '60 Minutes' commentator, dies - GreenwichTimeI woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO? ? ? ?Note: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?1:50 A.M.? Uncle Walter Cronkite - Obit Report - GreenwichTime .? There was a report in years ago which is not too good at protecting people's privacy, that Walter Cronkite bought his liquor at the Horseneck Liquor store on East Putnam Avenue just east of Greenwich Avenue on the North Side of the street.? Somebody that looked like Richard Nixon whom I have not seen in a couple of years use to buy his liquor there too.? I think the place now just sell wine, so times have changed in Greenwich, Connecticut U.S.A, but we might be a Potemkin Village Potemkin village - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and then it would be Greenwich, Russia, since Potemkin is a Russian expression.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon. suddenly cancels their free XML data feed for weather software developers | Tropic Designs Software Well, there goes my weather program, but one can still browse .I will eat a piece of pound cake before going to bed.? CIONote: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?1:00 A.M.? Vanderbilt con artists Biltmore Inspirations EmailCVS Posts Earnings; Retailers Report October SalesCVS Posts Earnings; Retailers Report October Sales - Bill Gates, not Steve Jobs, is the real hero | The Industry Standard - InfoWorldKissinger talks Chinese diplomacy at Hyatt - GreenwichTimeBBC News - Simulated Mars mission 'lands' back on EarthBBC News - Youngest millisecond pulsar shines in gamma raysBBC News - Microsoft offers temporary fix for Duqu malware exploit? CIO? Note: <888> 11/05/11 Saturday?12:30 A.M.? Basically the Greenwich, Connecticut area has lots of different groups of con artists.? There are Wall Street con artists that hype investments that are not worth anything.?? There are Circus people whom are con artists.? There are the Irish Travelers from Murphyville, South Carolina whom are well known con artists.? There are transient travelers off the busy highways in this area.? There are religion con artists.? There are political con artists.? There are international con artists.? There are artistic con artists.? There are the theatre and acting community con artists.? There are the Real Estate con artists.? There are the gambling and sports betting con artists.? There are the Country Club con artists.? There are the real estate con artists.? There are the celebrity con artists.? There are legal con artists.? There are the various mafia con artists.?? There are the antique community con artists.? There are the pharmaceutical and drug store con artists.? There are the medical community con artists.? There are the fashion industry con artists.? There are the media con artists.?? There are the liquor and bar industry con artists.? There are the automotive and transportation con artists.? There are the education con artists.? There are the publishing con artists.? There are the gardening and landscaping con artists.? Thus the con artists pretty much have the whole town and area sowed up for their own profit and gain.? We probably still have grave robbers too.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?11:50 P.M.? Basically from what I know about the North American television networks is that they are all owned by a used car dealer in San Antonio, Texas, so if you don't feel like buying a used car from him, there is no point in watching television.I made up a Michael Louis Scott's Chef Salad , and I refrigerated two thirds in a large Rubbermaid container to have available to eat for the next couple of days.? I ate one third with Stop and Shop Blue Cheese dressing and olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon.Town of Greenwich Connecticut Emergency Message today:Welcome to the official Town of Greenwich Connecticut Web site Fall Storm UpdatesEnd of Message:While I was sitting downtown today another local walker told the Greenwich Police that there was a tree limb overhanging the railroad tracks down by Steamboat Road.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?10:00 P.M.? I logged onto , and they have this LCD TV for $248 with free shipping VOJ320F1A **FREE SHIPPING** - LCD HDTVs | VIZIO .? However, with Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP, their checkout form will not work.? I called them up at 1-877-698-4946, and they were not able to place the order over the phone, because their computer order denied my charge card.? I then tried the computer with the Chrome web browser, and the check out form worked, but it denied the charge four times, even when I entered the information slightly differently.? However, one charge of $248 came off my bank account, and when I called them back, and they told me the order had not gone through, and the charge would be refunded in a day or two.? The original person that I chatted with called me back and confirmed the order had not gone through, and the charge would be refunded in a day or two, and they would call me back on this Monday.? Wal-Mart sells the same television for $400 : VIZIO 32'' Class HD 1080p 60Hz LCD HDTV w/ Java Bezel (Brown Bezel), VOJ32: TV & Video .? I don't really need another television, and it was mostly impulse buying which is a danger on the internet.? Thus in a day or two, I will be more financially secure when the funds are refunded.? I am a bit hungry.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?6:15 P.M.? After the last note, I went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went by the Wells Fargo bank on Havemayer Place, and I paid my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority.? I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts center.? I toured CVS.? I stopped by the Republican Campaign headquarters, and I gave them a pep talk.? I then sat out for a while.? I tried to the use the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts center, but it was locked at 4:30 P.M..? Starbuck's bathroom was busy.? They are fixing the lights on Starbucks signs today.? I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I used the bathroom.? They do not have the DVD yet for the "The King's Speech".? I chatted with a few reference librarians.? The Emachine laptop at Best Buy is sold out.? I then returned home, and I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?1:55 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go downtown.? CIO Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?1:30 P.M.? I picked up the mail.?? My Federal Energy Assistance grant this coming year is $195 down from $750 last year.? I am just about to eat a 16 ounce Marie Callendar chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of Sunkist diet orange soda.? CIONote: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?1:10 P.M.? I made 127 Smokers Best Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Danish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching . ?Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?11:45 A.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with neighbors.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?11:00 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?10:25 A.M.?? Emachines Laptop Intel Celeron 14 inch Display 2GB memory 320 GB hard drive Windows 7 Home Premium $199.99 Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?10:00 A.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a friend.Connecticut Light and Power Outage Map242 without electricity in Greenwich, Connecticut or 0.87%307,119 without electricity in Connecticut or 24%.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?3:50 A.M.? I ate a bowl of reheated flavored rice with soy sauce and a glass of cold filtered water.? I will now go back to bed.? CIO Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?3:15 A.M.? Need a faster processor for an older computer, try lzf70000 | eBay? CIO Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?2:10 A.M.? Lots of these available Dell Ultrasharp 2000FP 20" LCD Monitor $35 plus $17.95 FedEx shipping? CIO Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?1:20 A.M.? Community mourns loss of ex-Greenwich man - GreenwichTimeRichard S. Rothschild :: Animal SculpturesGreenwich faces new threat in high winds - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 11/04/11 Friday?12:55 A.M.? I woke up at midnight.? I ate a piece of pound cake.? I watched some television.? I will now search the internet for signs of intelligence in the universe.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?6:10 P.M.? I watched some television.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.Tomorrow Friday there will be morning clouds and afternoon sun and 50 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?5:25 P.M.? I ate two four ounce sautéed pork tenderloins with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and my usual steamed vegetable and steamed flavored rice mixture with olive oil and Smart Balance Lite spread and a 12 ounce glass of Nestea ice tea with lemon and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.I guess with all of the people without electricity in Connecticut, there is more food to eat for those of us whom have electricity.? CIO Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?3:25 P.M.? I went to my 1:30 P.M. appointment.? I then sat out downtown for a while, and I viewed the warm weather crowd of people out going about their daytime routines.? I then returned home.? The building custodian gave me a new pass card, so I can get in the front door without a problem.? I picked up the mail.? I chatted with a neighbor.? The neighbor told me saffron now costs $250 a gram.? CIO Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?12:35 P.M.? With Vaccines, Bill Gates Changes The World Again - ForbesUbuntu One for Windows Bringing new users to Linux? - InternetNews.Reagan Library Live Webcast CIA SymposiumCunard 3 Day SaleWIN a VIP New Year experience in EdinburghBBC News - Bond film called SkyfallBBC News - Cuba passes law allowing private home salesBBC News - Teeth and jaw are from 'earliest Europeans'BBC News - Tiny but toothy mammal unearthedBBC News - 75 years on from BBC television's technology battleI will now go out to my 1:30 P.M. appointment.? CIONote: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?11:35 A.M.? I ate a 14 ounce Marie Callender sweet and sour chicken dinner with a 12 ounce glass of Sunkist orange soda.This is the Buick 2011 Buick Lucerne Luxury Sedan | Full-Size Luxury Sedan | Buick that looks a bit like a Maserati Maserati: luxury, sports and style cast in exclusive cars.? CIO Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?10:45 A.M.? I went out after the last note.? West Putnam Avenue now has the newly painted stripes over the new asphalt that was laid recently.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I mailed the Connecticut Energy Winter Protection form at the central Greenwich Post Office.? I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I played a Lucky 5s scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? There were a few local politicians campaigning at the local train station.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by CVS, and I bought four Bumble Bee 5 ounce solid white albacore tuna fish for $1.25 each for $5 total.? After my walk, I sat out for a while enjoying the quiet sunny morning.? It was not too busy.? I then went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then walked over to the Chase Bank at the top of Greenwich Avenue.? I then walked back to the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I chatted with the person installing at the building at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I am not allow to have a satellite in public housing, and I do not have a view to the southwest anyway.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a day old pound cake for $2, two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.49 each six pack, a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance Lite spread for $2.50, four Marie Callendar 16 ounce frozen chicken pot pies for $2.50 each, two 12 ounce generic honey for $2.25 each, a quart jar of Vlassic kosher dill pickle spears for $2, a 48 ounce container of Quaker Old Fashioned oatmeal for $4.79, a six pack of boneless pork medallions for $3.59 a pound for $7.26, buy one get one free of Stop and Shop 16 ounce Maple bacon for $3.99 both, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $1.85, a sweet onion for .99 a pound for $1 for $42.87 total.? I then returned home, and I brought up my groceries, and I put them away.? CIO Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?7:10 A.M.? I will now go downtown and do some grocery shopping.? CIO Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?6:20 A.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail from yesterday.My cl- electricity bill for October 2011 was $162.04 for 969 kWh or 33.41 kWh per day for 29 days with an average temperature of 54.4 degrees Fahrenheit.For October 2010, it was $153.30 for 826 kWh or 26.65 kWh per day for 31 days with an average temperature of 54.4 degrees Fahrenheit.I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO ?Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?5:45 A.M.? I ate four chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I noticed when I walked down Steamboat Road two day ago that they are remodeling the office building at 600 Steamboat Road, so possibly another Hedge Fund will be moving in there.? I think Janus real estate in Manhattan bought that building a couple of years ago for $300 million.? It is old Greenwich Capital Markets Royal Bank of Scotland building.? CIO Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?5:15 A.M.? 5 Dutch Days - Welcome? CIO Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?5:10 A.M.? Dorothy Rodham, Mother and Mentor of Hillary Clinton, Is Dead at 92 - ? CIONote: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?4:50 A.M.? I went back to sleep until just now.? Since I am busy on weekends, I tend to get my weekend's rest during the middle of the week.? CIO Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?2:00 A.M.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/03/11 Thursday?12:50 A.M.? I went back to bed until just now.? CIO Note: <888> 11/02/11 Wednesday?8:40 P.M.? I am just about ready to eat a 16 ounce Maria Callendar chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO? Note: <888> 11/02/11 Wednesday?8:25 P.M.? Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Sharp - 1.4 Cu. Ft. Mid-Size Microwave - Stainless-Steels - R408LS for $70.99 and $21.99 shipping for $92.98 total.? R-408LS | Microwaves | Countertop Microwave | SHARP .? CIO? Note: <888> 11/02/11 Wednesday?8:15 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I ate the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I slept until 5 P.M..? I watch the movie about General Scott taking over the country "Seven Days in May".? I chatted with a relative.? I got a notice that the Greenwich Housing Authority wants my White Westinghouse refrigerator serial number and my General Electric stove serial number, so I copied them down on the notice, and I scotch taped it outside my apartment door.? They are suppose to get them tomorrow Thursday or the following day Friday.? CIONote: <888> 11/02/11 Wednesday?1:45 P.M.? I was exhausted after the long walk yesterday, so I rested some more.? I got up at 1 P.M..Connecticut Light and Power Outage Map544,420 in Connecticut without electricity or 43%1099 in Greenwich, Connecticut without electricity or 3%It shows Greenwich, Connecticut is at the edge of the tropics and we are a bit warmer than the rest of the state because of Long Island Sound and the heat that blows our way from New York City.Well, in the economically depressed area of Greenwich, Connecticut it is better to stay home and save money and conserve energy instead of walking around on Rodeo Drive East.? We get lots of people out here thinking we have more money than New York City which is not necessarily the case.? People think that, since we have more acreage around us, but in reality we are simply further out in the country better known as the Sticks, so I guess we are "Hicks from the Sticks".? However, we enjoy our environmentally friendly atmosphere compared to the congestion of Manhattan, since it is terribly expensive to go into Manhattan just to walk around in circles without any purpose.? Of course the Manhattan media constantly bombard us with their presence on our communications media.? Maybe we should have a Greenwich, Connecticut television station with the simple pleasures of gardening, bird watching, exercise walking, contemplation of nature, people watching, reading, being thrifty, dealing with nature, frugal cooking, and being politically neutral.? We should be more like Greenwich, Switzerland, since it would be better for the local economy, particularly since over half the local population are non voting foreign residents whom do not pay much attention to local politics.? CIO Note: <888> 11/02/11 Wednesday?9:05 A.M.? I woke up at 6:30 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/02/11 Wednesday?12:25 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.Mostly sunny tomorrow and 56 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.I ate 8 chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.? Maui Jim is probably making a fortune off Macadamia Nuts.? CIO Note: <888> 11/01/11 Tuesday?11:20 P.M.? Heavey sworn in as police chief - GreenwichTimeMalloy 'underwhelmed' with pace of power restoration - GreenwichTimeDon't forget Prince Charles' birthday on November 14 Charles, Prince of Wales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia? Other Sharp Microwave Ovens available at a discount price CIONote: <888> 11/01/11 Tuesday?9:55 P.M.? Employment and Research Opportunities | School of Earth and Space ExplorationIntroducing COMSOL Multiphysics Version 4.2a - 39774I chatted with a relative.BBC News - Greek cabinet backs George Papandreou's referendum planBBC News - Nasa examines 'tractor beams' for sample gatheringBBC News - Chinese Shenzhou craft launches on key space missionBBC News - Rare white kiwi survives surgery? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/01/11 Tuesday?7:55 P.M.? I ate half of the remaining linguine and tomato meat sauce with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO?? Note: <888> 11/01/11 Tuesday?6:30 P.M.? I ordered Sharp - 1.4 Cu. Ft. Mid-Size Microwave - Stainless-Steels - R408LS for $70.99 and $21.99 shipping for $92.98 total.? R-408LS | Microwaves | Countertop Microwave | SHARP .After the last note, I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then mailed the Microsoft Money 2007 income versus spending report for October 2011 to an interested relative at the central Greenwich Post Office.? I then went to my 11 A.M. appointment.? I next went downtown, and I walked lower Greenwich Avenue, and I went by the Apple Computer store, and I looked at one of their large desktop systems.? I then walked down towards the train station.? I chatted with a tourist taking pictures with a Canon telephoto camera, and I walked him down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road, and I showed him the waterfront on the pier on Steamboat Road.? The tourist was Greek from Santa Monica, California.? I told him it was the Greenwich version of the Santa Monica pier for fishing.? I then walked the tourist back to Meli Meli, where he went to lunch.? I then walked upper Greenwich Avenue, and I stopped by CVS, and I toured the store.? I chatted with a local person that told me that this FEMA: FEMA, FCC Announce Nationwide Test Of The Emergency Alert System was going to happen next week on Wednesday November 9, 2011 at 2 P.M. EST.? I then finished my walk on Greenwich Avenue.? I went by the Chase Bank just south of the Greenwich Post Office.? I sat out for a while.? They had chairs set out for some event at the Greenwich Police Station.? Possibly they are swearing in the new Chief.? I then went by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $9.01 of self service premium V-Power gasoline for $4.299 a gallon for 2.095 gallons for 20.9 miles driving since Tuesday November 25, 2011 at odometer reading of 69234 miles for 9.976 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I then returned home, and I picked up the mail.? I chatted with the customer service on the product above, and they can not give me free shipping, since it is a MarketPlace item, but they said it is new and not refurbished, so I figure at that price, it is a good deal.? CIO?? ?? Note: <888> 11/01/11 Tuesday?9:50 A.M.? I showered, and I cleaned up.? I put psoriasis cream on my feet.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go out for my 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 11/01/11 Tuesday?8:45 A.M.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO??? Note: <888> 11/01/11 Tuesday?7:45 A.M.? I printed out two copies of my Microsoft Money 2007 Income versus spending report for October 2011, and I have one copy read to mail to an interested relative.? CIO Note: <888> 11/01/11 Tuesday?7:25 A.M.? I woke up at 6:30 A.M..? I paid my Digital Family Cable TV, Optimum Online Boost Cable Modem, and Optimum Voice Long Distance bills, my cl- electricity bill, and my telephone bill.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/31/11 Saturday?10:05 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? There is a lot of air traffic coming into nearby Westchester County airport, so maybe people are returning early from the holidays.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 12/31/11 Saturday?7:10 P.M.? I woke up and finished off a tin of Danish butter cookies.? I finally woke up at 5 P.M., when a relative called.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis cream on my feet.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/31/11 Saturday?6:55 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/31/11 Saturday?6:15 A.M.? Vizio 32" LCD HDTV - $268 available in local stores or free shipping? CIO Note: <888> 12/31/11 Saturday?5:55 A.M.? ?I ate three scrambled eggs, and five strips of fried bacon, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread, and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? CIONote: <888> 12/31/11 Saturday?4:35 A.M.? Earth Science Literacy Initiative - ESLIWilliam I RoseBig Ideas of Volcanologyvhub - Group: Big Ideas in VolcanologySmithsonian Mineral Sciences - FacilitiesSmithsonian Division of Mineralogy - New AcquisitionsSmithsonian Department of Mineral SciencesSmithsonian Institution Office of Fellowships and InternshipsUSGS-Dynamics of volcano-hydrothermal systemsGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |Chile Servicio Nacional de Geología y MineríaIGN - EL HIERRO - InformesGlobal Sulfur Dioxide MonitoringEcquador NoticiasIndonesia Selamat Datang di PVMBGInfo Gempabumi dan TsunamiColumbia Ingeominas :: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería - Pasto$259.99 free shipping KDL-32BX300 | REFURBISHED - 32" BRAVIA BX300 Series HDTV | Sony | Sony Store USA#specifications 90 day warranty.Vizio $329.99 E321VA *** FREE SHIPPING *** | VIZIOBBC News - Can a pill cure hangovers?BBC News - Could hypersonic flight become a reality?BBC News - Polar bear cub is cool in care? CIO Note: <888> 12/31/11 Saturday?1:40 A.M.? I ate a 18.8 ounce can of Campbell's Harvest Select clam chowder with dried parsley and 8 ounces of reheated stuffing and a 12 ounce glass of diet 7-UP.? CIONote: <888> 12/31/11 Saturday?12:35 A.M.? I threw out more garbage.? I went downtown, and I went by the Stop and Shop.? I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.49, a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance Lite spread for $3.59, two 26 ounce Francesco Rinaldi garden tomato sauce for $1 each, two Ronzoni linguine 16 ounce for $1 each, bananas for .79 a pound for $1.41, a bulb of garlic for .50, and a sweet onion for $1.49 a pound for $1.44 for $12.43 total.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? Before my walk, I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I chatted with a local whom I had not seen in a while.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 26 Digiorno self rising deluxe 26 ounce pizza for $5, and two boxes of 18 Hallmark Christmas cards for half price for $8.49 each box and $1.08 tax for $23.06 total. On the way back down Greenwich Avenue, I chatted with somebody from England that I walked back to the Delamar Hotel.? I then returned back to Starbucks, and I used the bathroom, and I sat out for a while.? I then went by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $14 of self service premium V-Power gasoline for a dime off a gallon with my Stop and Shop card for $3.999 a gallon for 4.099 gallons for 37.7 miles driving since Tuesday December 13, 2011 at odometer reading of 69470 miles for 9.198 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I cleaned the outside windows and the headlights and the taillights.? I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.? CIO???? Note: <888> 12/30/11 Friday?7:45 P.M.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I picked up the mail.? The order from ? of the pictures of a family member that I ordered four 4 inch by 6 inch pictures for 10 cents each and four 5 inch by 7 inch pictures for 88 cents each and .24 tax and $2.99 shipping for $7.00 total arrived. ? I watered the plants.? I will now go downtown for a walk and errands.? CIO Note: <888> 12/30/11 Friday?6:45 P.M.? I watched Episode 5 of "Waiting for God".? I went to bed at 7:30 A.M..? I woke up at 4:30 P.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus? cream on my feet.? CIO ? ?Note: <888> 12/30/11 Friday?6:50 A.M.? has about the best deals on quality LCD TVs, but their form does not work in Windows, so one has to call them up from the contact link.I will now shut down the primary work computer and go back to bed.? I will eat a muffin.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/30/11 Friday?6:30 A.M.? $249.99 with free shipping : Sharp LC32SV29U 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV - Black: Electronics$249.99 available local stores Sharp - 32" Class / LCD / 720p / 60Hz / HDTV - LC32SV29UBBC News - Clerics fight at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity? CIONote: <888> 12/30/11 Friday?5:15 A.M.? I installed the Windows Updates on all of the computers.? CIONote: <888> 12/30/11 Friday?3:10 A.M.? I put away the laundry.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/30/11 Friday?2:25 A.M.? I have five minutes to go on the dry cycles.? I ate a 12 ounce T.G.I.F. beef stroganoff dinner with reheated stuffing and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO Note: <888> 12/30/11 Friday?1:30 A.M.? I chatted with a relative after the last note.? I went to bed, and I woke up at 12:15 A.M.. I started two loads of laundry, and I am just about ready to start the dry cycles.? I put clean linens on the bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?5:45 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer.? I will eat a muffin.? I will then go to bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?5:20 P.M.? ?The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Faux Fur Russian Ushanka Hat - Brown in 2XLARGE for $29.95 and $7.95 shipping for $37.90 total arrived.? I threw out the shipping boxes.? I went to my 4 P.M. appointment.? I then returned home.? I picked up the mail.? I chatted with a relative briefly.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?2:20 P.M.? I will go out for my 4 P.M. appointment shortly.? CIO Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?2:00 P.M.? The order with tracking of ? - Track & Confirm on the order for a large? Unisex Russian Ushanka Black Faux Leather Brown Fur Ear Flaps Winter Hat Unisex Large | eBay for $16.99 with free shipping arrived.? I tied the flaps back on the back side of the hat, so they still cover the ears, but they do not dangle down the side.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?1:25 P.M.? I ate a 13 ounce Marie Callender three cheese rigatoni and chicken dinner with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and reheated stuffing and a 12 ounce glass of diet 7-UP.? CIONote: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?12:35 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went to my 11 A.M. appointment.? I then went to the Senior and the Arts center, and I got my new 2012 parking permit for a $5 fee.? I stuck it in the driver's side inside lower part of the windshield.? I also paid another $1.75 in parking today.? I sat outside briefly.? I then returned home.? CIO Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?9:35 A.M.? I woke up at 7:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and psoriasis cream on my feet.? I will then go out to my 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?3:00 A.M.? I watched a documentary about the energy business called "GasHole".? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed.? I have to be up at 7:30 A.M. to get ready to go to my 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?12:20 A.M.? Meet Siku: Polar bear cub, heart- and ice-melter – This Just In - BlogsSkandinavisk Dyrepark baby polar bear? CIO? Note: <888> 12/29/11 Thursday?12:10 A.M.? My primary guide book in Europe in 1972 was "Europe on $5 a Day".I ate a 1/5 piece of cherry pie with Cool Whip lite.Now that it is colder here one can see what is happening down south below the Mason Dixon line at Live Duval Street Web Cam in Key West, Florida :: Sloppy Joe's Bar ::Key West Hotels- Florida Keys Luxury Resort- Casa Marina A Waldorf Astoria ResortKey West, Florida 7-Day Forecast for Latitude 24.55°N and Longitude 81.77°W (Elev. 7 ft)? CIO Note: <888> 12/28/11 Wednesday?11:35 P.M.? I watched episode 4 of "The Medici".? When I lived in Florence, Italy in the winter of 1972, I lived at the Pensione Adria which was on the top floor of the building at the southeast corner of the Santa Trinita bridge.? It was within easy walking distance of all of the famous landmarks including the Pitti Palace and the Uffici and the Domo.? Back in 1972, a single room was $45 a week which included breakfast and dinner.? Wine was extra.? Also one had to put in 100 lire coins for three minutes of hot water in the bath tub in the common bathroom.? It was across the street from a catholic boy's school.? There was a lot of street traffic, so I enjoyed having an inside room which was quieter to sleep in the daytime and darker.? I enjoyed getting up for dinner and walking around the city at night time.? However, sometimes I was on a daytime schedule.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/28/11 Wednesday?9:45 P.M.? I made a partial payment at to pay off the balance of my bill through January 2012.? In the earlier payment this month, they had not included the Optimum Voice payment for December 2011, which is why I owed more.Woodrow Wilson (president of United States) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - Train-switching technology 'poses hacking threat'? CIONote: <888> 12/28/11 Wednesday?9:00 P.M.? I am charging up my three jump start systems and the rechargeable 2 million watt lantern.? I threw out the garbage, and I said hello to a neighbor.? I picked up the mail.? I have an 11 A.M. and 4 P.M. appointment tomorrow Thursday.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/28/11 Wednesday?8:05 P.M.? ?I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayonnaise with 8 ounces of reheated stuffing and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIONote: <888> 12/28/11 Wednesday?7:00 P.M.? Greenwich native Lampert's 'mismanaged asset' loses clients to Macy's - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 12/28/11 Wednesday?6:50 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I ate a day old muffin.? I went back to bed after the last note.? I woke up about 6 P.M..? I made my bed.? I chatted with a relative.Cheetah the chimp from 1930s Tarzan flicks dies - TODAY Pets & Animals - Did Cheetah from 1930s Tarzan flicks die? - Florida Wires - I read a few years ago that Cheetah lived in retirement in Spain and was quite wealthy.? CIO Note: <888> 12/28/11 Wednesday?2:30 P.M.? I woke up at 9:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I went back to bed until about 1:30 P.M..? CIO???? Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?10:55 P.M.? I watched episode 3 of "The Medici".? I chatted with a friend.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?8:50 P.M.? I ate 7 ounces of baked Purdue boneless Bourbon chicken pieces with my usual steamed flavor rice and steamed sliced baby carrots and steamed small pieces of broccoli crowns with Smart Balance Spread and extra virgin olive oil and 8 ounce of reheated stuffing and a 12 ounce glass of diet 7-up with a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and Borden lemon juice.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?6:55 P.M.? Tracking is ? - Track & Confirm on the order for a large the Unisex Russian Ushanka Black Faux Leather Brown Fur Ear Flaps Winter Hat Unisex Large | eBay for $16.99 with free shipping.$364.99 with free shipping - Westinghouse 40" 1080p 120Hz LED-LCD HDTV LD-4080BBC News - Duke of Edinburgh leaves hospitalBBC News - In pictures: Royals attend Christmas Day service? CIO? Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?6:05 P.M.? I chatted with another relative.? CIO Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?5:55 P.M.? The order with tracking of ? - Track & Confirm on the order for 2XL LOT 6 MEN BOXER SHORTS ALL SIZES S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL XXL XXXL BIG & TALL | eBay for $13.99 and $4.99 shipping for $18.98 total arrived.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?4:10 P.M.? I ate a few day old muffin.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?3:35 P.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?3:10 P.M.? I finished watching episode 2 of "The Medici".? I went to bed about 2:30 A.M..? I woke up at 11 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I went back to bed until about 2 P.M..? I chatted with a friend.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?1:40 A.M.? Today only NEC 19 inch LCD monitor refurbished $59.99 plus shipping .BBC News - Prince Philip spending a fifth day in hospitalI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will watch some video before going to bed.? Stay warm.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/27/11 Tuesday?1:00 A.M.? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayonnaise with 8 ounces of reheated stuffing and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? CIO Note: <888> 12/26/11 Monday?11:55 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I stopped by CVS.? I bought two 27.8 ounce Folger's Special Roast coffee for $6.99 each and a gallon of CVS distilled water for $1.57 for $15.55 total. I used the bathroom at CVS.? I then drove further downtown, and I left a message with a relative with my wireless phone.? I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? The reason I keep an eye on the railroad is that Granddad Clarence Scott worked for 60 years on the Illinois Central Railroad, so I might occasionally see some deja vue friends around the train station.? I stopped by Starbucks, and I used the bathroom, and I chatted with a regular.? I tend to talk faster in the winter, because it is a bit cold outside.? I then went by CVS, and I bought another 27.8 ounce Folgers Special Roast coffee for $6.99.? They are $10 off this week.? I then finished my walk.? On the way down Greenwich Avenue, I chatted with three locals about Mountain Lions.? I sat out for a while, and I watched Starbucks close.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought four fresh muffins for $2.99, a 96 ounce container of Tropicana orange juice with calcium for $3.99 and two bananas for .79 a pound for .62 for $7.60 total.? I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.? Once I used up the opened 33 ounce Eight O'clock hazelnut coffee beans, I will save the two new closed bags and start using the Folgers's Special Roast coffee.? It says on the container it will make up to 240 cups, but the way I make coffee, it will probably make about 50 cups.? When I returned to Nantucket in the summer of 1975, I used to take naps in the Quaker cemetery by Benjamin Franklin's mother's grave whose last name was Folger.? In the summers of 1977 and 1978, I worked at the Gordon Folger Hotel as a pot scrubber.? My picture when I was darkly tanned from Key West, Florida would be in those summer's staff group photos.? CIONote: <888> 12/26/11 Monday?7:50 P.M.? I will now eat a 8 ounce bowl of reheated stuffing and a glass of cold filtered water.? I will then go downtown for a walk.? CIO Note: <888> 12/26/11 Monday?7:35 P.M.? I made 155 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching Episode 1 of the "The Medici" and part of Episode 2.? CIO Note: <888> 12/26/11 Monday?4:15 P.M.? I watched the movie "Lightning Bolts of Destruction", and I went to bed at 4:30 A.M..? I woke up at 2 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis cream on my feet.? I will then make cigarettes.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/26/11 Monday?1:50 A.M.? I ate a 1/5 piece of cheery pie with two scoops of Cool Whip lite topping.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I might watch a movie before going to bed.? CIONote: <888> 12/26/11 Monday?12:55 A.M.? A relative sent me a picture of my mother with his Iphone.? I had not seen a picture of her or her in a year and a half.? I logged onto and uploaded the picture, and I ordered four 4 inch by 6 inch pictures for 10 cents each and four 5 inch by 7 inch pictures for 88 cents each and .24 tax and $2.99 shipping for $7.00 total.? CIONote: <888> 12/25/11 Sunday?11:55 P.M.? BBC News - Queen speaks of hope in 2011 Christmas Day messageBBC News - Duke of Edinburgh missing royals' Christmas Day serviceBBC News - In full: Queen's Christmas Speech? CIO Note: <888> 12/25/11 Sunday?11:50 P.M.? December 26 is a bank holiday in England, when traditionally people exchange gifts.? I threw out the garbage, all seems quiet on the south western Connecticut front.? CIONote: <888> 12/25/11 Sunday?11:10 P.M.? Abis Japanese restaurant was also opened this Christmas evening on Greenwich Avenue.? I suppose the Chinese restaurant at the Whole Foods Shopping Plaza was also open.? I chatted with a friend and a relative.? I ate a sautéed 18 ounce prime rib of beef with bone, steamed flavored rice with baby carrot slices and steamed broccoli crowns with Smart Balance spread and extra virgin olive oil, about 10 ounces of my reheated stuffing mixture and a 12 ounce glass of diet 7-UP, and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? I also cooked a 27 ounce Mrs. Smith's Cherry pie which is cooling.? Photographs of the Christmas Dinner and other recent additions and changes in the apartment are here:? CIO? Note: <888> 12/25/11 Sunday?8:05 P.M.? I went downtown, and I walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? Starbucks and the newspaper stores were closes.? Versailles and Gillatos were open, but they looked like they might be closing around 8 P.M., but I don't know.? The movie theatre was opened.? I walked west on Railroad Avenue, and I browsed the exotic cars at Carriage House Motor Cars--Greenwich, CT | Pre Owned Ferrari, Aston Martin, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Lamborghini and Lexus of Greenwich - Stamford & White Plains CT - New & Used Car Dealer .? I walked up Arch street, and the reindeer are gone from Florist Greenwich CT | McArdle's Florist & Garden Center | Greenwich & Stamford Flower Delivery and Outdoor Traders did not have any sales signs displayed like usual and I browsed the window of Sandra Morgan Interiors .? I walked up Greenwich Avenue, and I browsed CVS, and I chatted with staff.? They have their new weekly sale starting on Monday.? They will have Progresso soup on sale for two 18 ounce cans for $3.59 and a large container of Folgers coffee regularly $16.99 for $6.99.? They have not put their Christmas cards on sale yet.? They were opened until 8 P.M. tonight, and it was not busy at all.? I noticed, when I was walking down Greenwich Avenue, someone was on a cell phone trying to figure out how to lock the door at the rectory at St. Mary's.? I chatted with a regular dog walker.? I noticed lot of extra fire engines at the central Greenwich Fire Station like they might be having Christmas dinner there.? On the way back home, I noticed Dunkin Donuts, the West Putnam Avenue Shell, the Panda Pavilion, and the Mobil Station mini market were all opened.? CIONote: <888> 12/25/11 Sunday?4:30 P.M.? I woke up at 10:30 A.M., when a relative called to wish me Merry Christmas.? I finally woke up at 1:30 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? While eating breakfast, I watched .? They had the family on their show.? It reminded me that when I came off Nantucket in December 1983, I toured Manhattan a few times.? One time I was at a pub in Greenwich Village, and a friend who had gone to princeton.edu told me that Donald Trump had built a new building next to Tiffany's, and they had Beefeaters with fur hats standing in front of the building.? I went uptown, and I toured the seven story atrium.? I remember riding the escalators gave me vertigo.? Also they had lots of crystals that looked like large diamond spread around the open areas, and I wandered if they might be real diamonds.? However, around Christmas Time in 1977, when I was working as a dishwasher in Boca Raton, Florida at La Vielle Maison restaurant, I took time off, and I sat down with an IBM employee at a coffee shop on U.S. 1 in Boca Raton, and I designed on a napkin a desktop computer based on what I knew about an IBM 360, but the parts were not yet invented, but the desktop computer is still basically the same today.? I also bought a new pair of Addidas sneakers that Christmas, and I buried the old pair in a canal off the Boca Inlet.? Where I camped out on the north side of the Boca inlet on the beach is suppose to be a very nice hotel.After breakfast I used duct tape to tape up the left side of the sheet over the bedroom window which was coming down.? I opened up the olive green throw that I received from the Men's United Way of Greenwich.? I also opened up the order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for two pairs in waist 48 inches and 31 inch inseam for $19.98 each in white Colorfast Casual Corduroy Plain Front Pants and $8.95 shipping for $48.91 total.? They are a little large, but they will probably shrink to size when they are washed and dried the first time.? I removed the tags, and I hung them up on the right side of the bedroom closet.? I also got a number of other Christmas items, which I have set up around the apartment in the last couple of months.When I was driving up Mason Street last night, I noticed there is a large Christmas Tree with colorful lights in the BNY Mellon | Asset Management and Securities Servicing? parking lot next to Pickwick Plaza. I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet and go out to downtown Greenwich Avenue for a Christmas walk.? CIO? ??? End of Scott's Notes week of 12/25/11:Note: <888> 12/25/11 Sunday?2:05 A.M.? Merry Christmas.? I watched the movie, "2012, Supernova".? I also watched episode 4 of "Waiting for God".? I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?11:25 P.M.? John (king of England) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - Duke of Edinburgh spends second night in hospital? CIO? Note: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?10:50 P.M.? ?I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll and CVS Gold Emblem potato chips and a dill pickle slice and a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? I threw out the garbage.? There is a 5 foot by 4 foot painting by the east side of the building that somebody threw out.? Earlier it was by the dumpster.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?9:25 P.M.? I am making up a modified version of Scott's Stuffing Recipie for Arnold Premium Stuffing .? I am making up a larger batch.? Instead of chicken broth and wine, I am using a half cup of extra virgin olive oil, three 10.5 cans of Campbell's mushroom soup, 18 ounces of milk and twice the other ingredients along with a box of sliced mushrooms.? Once the liquid mixture is done simmering in about 10 minutes, I will add the four 6 ounce boxes of America's Choice chicken stuffing mix.? I am cooking the liquid mixture in a Chinese wok which is larger than my large Revere pot.? I will probably freeze half and eat some of the rest for the next four or five days.? CIO Note: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?7:40 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I threw out garbage.? I noticed there was a Sony Box by the garbage for a Sony KDL55EX620 Review; LCD LED 3D TV Bravia, See the Video Review KDL-55EX620 EX 621.? I guess somebody in this building has a lot of money.? I went by the A&P Fresh, and I bought four boxes of America's Choice six ounce chicken stuffing for $1 each and a 8 ounce Cool Whip lite for $1.25 less 65 cents returned cans for $4.60 total.??? They had prime rib for $6.99 a pound, and it was not busy until I returned back by there at 7 P.M., when a lot of people were there.? I am not? sure how late they are opened.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I picked up two Metro North train schedules.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by the Zen Stationary, and I played a Aces High scratch card for a dollar, and I won $4 for a $3 profit.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks, and I chatted with a regular.? They closed at 7 P.M.? There are a number of restaurants opened on Greenwich Avenue and so was at 7 P.M..? I toured CVS, and I chatted with a regular walker.? On the way down Greenwich Avenue, I saw all of the people coming out of St. Mary's, and I noticed a lot of cars parked around the Presbyterian Church at the top of Greenwich Avenue.? I sat out for a while. I then returned home, and I chatted with a neighbor, and I picked up my mail.? CIONote: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?3:40 P.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis cream on my feet, and I will go out to face the tundra in Greenwich, Connecticut.? CIONote: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?3:10 P.M.? I watched the movie "Merlin and the Book of Beasts".? I went to bed at 3:30 A.M..? I woke up at 9 A.M., and I chatted with a friend.? The friend was in Johnson, Vermont, and he told me that it was five degrees Fahrenheit in Stowe, Vermont.? I went back to bed until 1:30 P.M..? I chatted with a relative.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?1:30 A.M.? I ate a day old muffin.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will then watch a movie, and then I will go to bed.? CIO Note: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?1:15 A.M.? I put away the laundry.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?12:40 A.M.? I received email from Stowe, Vermont earlier this week that Fred Von Mierers was really born on December 25, 1946 and not 1949.? Thus on this Christmas Day, if were still alive, he would turn 65 years old, and he would have to retire from whatever position he held.? However, there might just simply be another person that looks like Fred elsewhere in the country.? I did see someone that looked like Fred coming out of the Getty Museum on Labor Day in 1980, when I passed a beach party with 50,000 surfers on the beach in Malibu, California.? I do know Charles Lindberg retired on the north slope of Maui in Hawaii, which must have been a favorite spot of his after seeing the world.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/24/11 Saturday?12:05 A.M.? I have 45 minutes to go on two dry cycles.? CIO Note: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?11:40 P.M.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 10 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIONote: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?10:35 P.M.!!!!!! BBC News - Prince Philip has heart procedure at Papworth HospitalTracking is ? - Track & Confirm on the order for 2XL LOT 6 MEN BOXER SHORTS ALL SIZES S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL XXL XXXL BIG & TALL | eBay for $13.99 and $4.99 shipping for $18.98 total.His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai LamaBirthday Boy Akihito (emperor of Japan [born 1933]) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaThe Caucus ? Elder Bush Tells Paper Romney Is ‘Best Choice’ Comments FeedBBC News - Bare bones Raspberry Pi PC gets ready to launch? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?9:50 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll and CVS Gold Emblem potato chips and a dill pickle slice and a 12 ounce glass of diet 7-up.??? Note: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?8:50 P.M.? I picked up the mail.? I threw out the garbage.? I went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks midway and at the end of my walk.? Midway through my walk, I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I bought a Holiday Greetings scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I also toured CVS.? There was Christmas bell music coming from the steeple of the First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich just before 6 P.M..? I sat out after my walk.? I chatted with two regulars, and they asked me, if I think Elvis is still alive.? I told them what I know.? I drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road, and it looked perfectly normal down there.? I then went by the Greenwich Library which is not opened on Christmas Eve tomorrow.? I chatted with some of the staff.? I then went by the Stop and Shop which closes at 6 P.M. on Christmas Eve tomorrow.? I had gotten in the mail a $15 Christmas food voucher from the Greenwich Department of Social Services.? I bought del sliced Boar's Head deluxe Virginia Ham for $7.99 a pound for $12.02 and Land-O-Lake deli sliced white American cheese for $5.99 a pound for $9.13 for $21.15 total.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.? CIONote: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?3:15 P.M.? I ordered in 2XL LOT 6 MEN BOXER SHORTS ALL SIZES S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL XXL XXXL BIG & TALL | eBay for $13.99 and $4.99 shipping for $18.98 total.I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then go downtown.? CIO???? Note: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?2:35 P.M.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIONote: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?1:05 P.M.? I woke up at noon.? I installed the updates on the FIC server, and I restarted it.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?3:30 A.M.? I will now eat four chocolate chip cookies.? I will shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.? CIONote: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?2:20 A.M.? BBC News - Amazon Kindle to release the Queen's Christmas speech? CIO Note: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?1:30 A.M.? Happy Holidays from American Red CrossNote on setting up a Sony Streaming Media Device:I signed up for high speed Optimum Boost Plus Internet at 50 Mbps for $65 a month or $10 more than I was already payingAnd got two Sony Streaming Media Player for $50 each used long LAN cables from the his speed Arris Doscis 3 Cable Modem high speed Dynex Router to hook one up in the bedroom andone in the living room to the televisions, but it also works wireless which I have not tried.On old televisions with RCA video cables, one can use this for a switch box RCA Audio Y Splitter here The Sony Steaming Media Device comes with an audio video cable, but if you need a longer one, it is here ?And I signed up for Netflix ?for $7.95 a month and Hulu ?for $7.95 a month, so whenI watch television, I am watching what I prefer as opposed to canned programming.I am considering dropping the Digital Cable TV for a $75 a month saving.End of Note:? CIO? Note: <888> 12/23/11 Friday?12:20 A.M.? I ordered in large the Unisex Russian Ushanka Black Faux Leather Brown Fur Ear Flaps Winter Hat Unisex Large | eBay for $16.99 with free shipping.? They also have them in medium here for the same price Russian Ushanka Black Faux Leather Brown Fur Ear Flaps Winter Hat Unisex MEDIUM | eBay? CIO? Note: <888> 12/22/11 Thursday?11:55 P.M.? I ate 10 ounces of baked Purdue boneless Bourbon chicken pieces with my usual steamed flavor rice and steamed sliced baby carrots and steamed small pieces of broccoli crowns with Smart Balance Spread and extra virgin olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer with a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and Borden lemon juice.I was told today that the Greenwich Senior and Arts Center now has parking permits for the year 2012.? CIO Note: <888> 12/22/11 Thursday?9:55 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown to a busy Greenwich Avenue.? I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I played a Fabulous 5s scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I played a Fabulous 5s scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I stopped by the computer store, and I told then about Daily Deals, 1 Sale A Day "Apple iPad 1 64GB With AT&T 3G + WiFi, 9.7" HD Screen, Bluetooth, Apple App Store & 10 Hours Battery Life! for $450 Apple refurbished" , and I put it up on one of their monitors.? I chatted with a local resident outside of Starbucks, and I also chatted with a Starbucks regular.? I stopped by Zen Stationary again, and I played an Aces High scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought a Helping Hand Zip-It two foot long hooked plastic strip which unclogs drains for $4.59 and .29 tax for $4.88 total.? I used the bathroom at CVS.? I ordered a prescription.? I sat out at the top of Greenwich Avenue.? On the way down Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by CVS again, and I picked up the prescription, and I bought a Wonders of the World wall calendar for $4.99 and .32 tax for $5.31 total.? I sat out briefly in front of J. Crew..? I sat out after I finished my walk.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a dozen Eggland extra large eggs expire February 1, 2012 for $3.59, bananas for .79 a pound for .72, a box of old large mushrooms for .33, and a box old red pepper for .84 for $5.84 total.? I then returned home.? I picked up the mail.? I chatted with a relative.? I used the Zip-It drain cleaner to clean the bathroom sink.? The drain was not clogged, but the sides of the drain plug mechanism were clogged with dirt film, so it clean off the mechanism, and the bathroom sink now drains just fine.? I unscrewed off the drain filter off the bath tub drain, and I was able to remove a large hair clog from the bath tub drain, and I screwed the drain filter back on it, and it now drains much better.? I then used it on the kitchen sink drain, but that was free of debris from what I could tell.? I hung the Zip-It drain cleaner to the left of the bathroom sink.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/22/11 Thursday?4:05 P.M.? Best Buy Online Midnight Sale TonightI will eat a couple of day old muffin.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/22/11 Thursday?3:50 P.M.? I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then go downtown to face my larger extended group of deja vue friends for better or worse while the weather is nice.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/22/11 Thursday?3:00 P.M.? $199.99 with free shipping and available local stores Dynex? - 32" Class / LED / 720p / 60Hz / HDTV - DX-32E250A12Best Buy Reportedly Cancels Orders Before Christmas, Some from Black Friday802.11n Wireless USB Adapter with 1.24-Mile Range for $32 + free shipping - PL-2712NDaily Deals, 1 Sale A Day "Apple iPad 1 64GB With AT&T 3G + WiFi, 9.7" HD Screen, Bluetooth, Apple App Store & 10 Hours Battery Life! for $450 Apple refurbished"? CIONote: <888> 12/22/11 Thursday?2:05 P.M.? I watch a movie "Day of Wrath" about the Spanish Inquistion.? I went to bed at 2:30 A.M.? I woke up at 9 A.M., and I chatted with three friends.? I went back to bed until noon.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO ?? Note: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?11:35 P.M.? Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Faux Fur Russian Ushanka Hat - Brown in 2XLARGE for $29.95 and $7.95 shipping for $37.90 total.President George W. Bush Center Holiday Greeting CardRonald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - FREE Ground Shipping on Reagan Country Collectibles!Pan American World Airways, Inc. (American airline company) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaBBC News - Self-healing electronic chip tests may aid space travelBBC News - Sony's bio battery turns waste paper into electricityBBC News - Soyuz rocket blasts off for International Space StationI will now shut down the primary work computer and either watch some more video or go to bed.? CIO Note: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?11:05 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I watched some television.? I ate a few day old muffin.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?9:20 P.M.? I made 187 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching a documentary on Hitler's secret war a documentary of the underground in World War II.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?6:35 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a Maria Callender 16 ounce chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of diet 7-up and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? I will now make cigarettes after making up a fresh batch of punch.? CIONote: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?5:15 P.M.? For next month January 2012, I paid my Digital Family Cable TV, Optimum Online Boost Cable Modem, and Optimum Voice Long Distance bills, my cl- electricity bill, and my telephone bill.? Thus I only have to pay my rent bill in January 2012.? Paying bills ahead of time is like saving money.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?4:40 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a neighbor.? The mail is not here yet.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIONote: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?3:40 P.M.? Town spends $50K on website redesign - GreenwichTime$299.99 with free - Sceptre 40" 1080p 60Hz LCD HDTV X402BV-FHD? CIO? Note: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?3:15 P.M.? After the last note, I ate eight chocolate chip cookies.? I woke up at noon.? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I chatted with two relatives.? I will now make up a fresh batch of punch.? I will then shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?4:25 A.M.? Mind-Reading Machines On Their Way, IBM Predicts | Fox NewsHudson Bay Blankets - Hudson's Bay 8 Point BlanketHbcthe Bay Hudson Bay BlanketI will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIONote: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?3:10 A.M.? I ordered a Faux Fur Russian Ushanka Hat - Brown in 2XLARGE for $29.95 and $7.95 shipping for $37.90 total.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?2:30 A.M.? I ate a day old muffin.? CIONote: <888> 12/21/11 Wednesday?1:35 A.M.? $319.96 Panasonic TC-L32C3 - VIERA 32 Class C3 Series LCD HDTV (31.5 Diag.) - | HE3270 | Ario HE3270 32 Class LED : Westinghouse 40" Class LED-LCD 1080p 120Hz HDTV, LD-4065: TV & Video $: Electronics: TV & Video: TVsNew Mexico Tech Volcano Geophysics Field CourseNikon - Final Days for Christmas Shipping + Great Deals on Last-Minute Gifts and More!$199.99 Micro Center - Ario 32" LCD HDTV 130682!!!!!! Once in Royal David's City - YouTube has quick ship televisionsBBC News - First Earth-sized planets spottedBBC News - A new home for meteorites discovered in AntarcticaBBC News - Frankincense tree facing uncertain future? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/20/11 Tuesday?9:40 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a 16 ounce Stouffer's stuffed peppers dinner with grated parmesan and Romano cheese on it along with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer and a cup of green tea with splenda and Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/20/11 Tuesday?7:55 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I put my $25 survey check in the bank.? I then went to downtown Greenwich Avenue, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I played a Seasons Greetings scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I played a Cool Cash scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts center.? They still do not have the new parking permits for 2012.? I stopped by the Cashmere shop at the Society building, and they have women's cashmere sweaters from China there for $80.? If the Aga Khan is around, he can order a Persian Lamb hat from here KARAKUL DESIGNER CHECHEN PERSIAN LAMB KUFI FUR SHEEP CAUCAS HAT RUSSIAN CHIC CAP | eBay .? You can order the Russian one here for more money Mens Russian Winter Leather Top Astrakhan Persian Lamb Fur Cossack Ushanka Hat | eBay .? In Faux Fur, they have this on sale Faux Fur Envoy Ambassador Hat - Black .? I am 23.75 inches or X-Large or 7 1/2 to 7 5/8 U.S. size.? Or this Woolrich Buffalo Palid Cap .? However, I have plenty of knit caps and other hats.? After the cashmere shop, I toured CVS.? I then stopped by the Chase Bank at the top of Greenwich Avenue for parking change.? I chatted with a downtown regular.? I returned back down Greenwich Avenue.? I sat out for a while.? I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I chatted with a reference librarian.?? I used the bathroom there.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought four day old muffins for $2, two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.49, a 10 ounce bottle of Kikkoman soy sauce for $2.29, and bananas for .79 a pound for $1.65 for $8.92 total.? I then returned home.? I picked up the mail.? I put away my purchases.? CIONote: <888> 12/20/11 Tuesday?12:35 P.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then go downtown for some fresh air.? They are going to do an Energy Audit inspection today, but I do not have to be here, when they do that.? CIO Note: <888> 12/20/11 Tuesday?12:10 P.M.? $289.99 with free shipping Vizio E320VA-MX - LCD HDTVs | VIZIO? CIO? Note: <888> 12/20/11 Tuesday?11:35 A.M.? I woke up at 10 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 12/20/11 Tuesday?12:25 A.M.? I ate a 8.5 ounce 65% reduced fat bag of Chex mix.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/19/11 Monday?11:00 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a bowl of flavored rice with soy sauce and a glass of watered down punch.? I chatted with a friend.? I am watching the Hulu presentation of an Australian movie, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead".? I installed the Windows Updates on the primary work computer.? CIO?Note: <888> 12/19/11 Monday?8:20 P.M.? 2011 Taft Holiday CardVolcanic unrest in Europe and Latin AmericaCD-CATWelcome - School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability - Northern Arizona UniversityI chatted with a friend who just got to the United States of America from a cruise of Europe.?? Apparently the sun is too hot in the Caribbean and all the English news on the cruise was about soccer in England and all of the French news was about Africa.Palm Beach, Florida apparently is very economically depressed.BBC News - Thames archive reveals long nitrate riseBBC News - AT&T ends $39bn bid for T-Mobile USABBC News - Windows 8 to feature image sign-on systemBBC News - Pygmy hippo caught on camera in LiberiaBBC News - Stonehenge rocks Pembrokeshire link confirmed? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/19/11 Monday?7:25 P.M.? I ate a 12 ounce T.G.I.F. Prime Rib beef stroganoff dinner with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIONote: <888> 12/19/11 Monday?5:00 P.M.? $399.99 with free shipping : VIZIO XVT323SV 32-Inch Full HD 1080p LED LCD HDTV with VIA Internet Application, Black: Electronics$319.99 with free shipping : TCL L40FHDF12TA 40-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV with 2-Year Warranty: ElectronicsFrom , a Linksys High Performance Dual-Band Wireless N USB Adapter for $12.99 and $4.99 shipping.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 12/19/11 Monday?4:20 P.M.? The Greenwich Housing Authority is doing and Energy Audit of all of the apartments tomorrow.? I threw out the garbage.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I picked up the mail.? I got a $5 off $50 coupon from the Stop and Shop good through December 29, 2011.? I also got a $25 computer survey check.? CIO Note: <888> 12/19/11 Monday?3:40 P.M.? Back in the old days, enterprising people from Vermont used to show up in Manhattan and try to sell Christmas Trees around Beekman Place and Broadway and West 72nd street.? However, live cut Christmas tree can be a fire hazard, so if there are any Christians left in Manhattan, they probably use artificial Christmas trees.However, if you feel the need for some Christmas cheer from Vermont, you can always buy some Vermont Maple Syrup .The Vermont Country Store General Store | Classic Products | Hard to Find ProductsHarrington's of VermontShelburne Farms, VermontGarelick FarmsCabot Cheese - Award Winning Vermont cheddar.and if Vermont is not your fancy, there is always Carr Valley Cheese Co. - Wisconsin Cheddar, American Originals, Artisanal and Award Winning CheesesSmoked Turkeys - Great for Thanksgiving and Christmas!Balmoral Estates Royal Gift ShopTurduckens | $85 Delivered | Order Now! | Fresh from CajunGrocerIt serves 125, takes eight hours to cook and is stuffed with 12 different birds ... now that really IS a Christmas dinner | Mail Online!!!!!! better have it if you can afford it Heal Farm - On Line Meat and Country Food , but I am not sure United States Customs would allow it.? CIO Note: <888> 12/19/11 Monday?1:10 P.M.? I took the Fred Von Mierers web page off my web sites, since it is invading people's privacy.? I got email from Official Guide to Stowe Vermont: Hotels, Skiing Vacations - Resorts, Lodging, Dining, Spa , and they still do not have snow up there.? Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe Vermont, Vermont Vacations, Cross Country Skiing, Back Country Skiing, Snowshoe adventures, Ski & Stay Packages is probably still open for business though.Kennebunkport, Maine, Scott's Internet HotlistKennebunkport, Maine, Scott's Internet HotlistVero Beach, Florida, a beautiful coastal town in central Florida including Sebastian and all of Indian River County - I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO?? ? Note: <888> 12/19/11 Monday?10:40 A.M.? I chatted with a relative after the last note.? The gallon jug of distilled water that I keep by the entrance to the kitchen sprang a leak, so there was dampness at that location.? I watched the Sherlock Holmes movie "The Hound of the Baskervilles".? I went to bed at 12:15 A.M., and I woke up at 9 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 12/18/11 Sunday?9:45 P.M.? Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - Presidential Gifts for the Executive on your list!I will eat a couple of day old muffin.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/18/11 Sunday?5:35 P.M.? I chatted with a regular walker.? I threw out the garbage.? I moved the Audi to its usual place.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/18/11 Sunday?4:40 P.M.? I ate a sautéed 12 ounce prime rib of beef with steamed flavored rice with steamed baby carrot slices and steamed broccoli crowns with Smart Balance Spread and extra virgin olive oil on them along with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? There is no point in going out downtown on a cold night, when the cost of the gasoline to go downtown will keep one warm and comfortable at home.? It is currently 27 degrees Fahrenheit outside right now.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/18/11 Sunday?2:50 P.M.? Well in the Dutch Church, cleanliness is next to Godliness.? CIO Note: <888> 12/18/11 Sunday?2:40 P.M.? I cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen.? I also cleaned the kitchen fan filter and oiled the kitchen fan.? I dusted the apartment.? I vacuumed the apartment.? I cleaned the mirrors and the glass on the picture frames.? I cleaned the Ionic Pro air purifier.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/18/11 Sunday?11:10 A.M.? I woke up at 10 A.M..? I chatted with a friend.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I will now do some house cleaning.? I turned the heat on the living room before going to bed, and I also turned on the tower fan on the living room window shelf to blow the heat around.? CIO? ?End of Scott's Notes week of 12/18/11:Note: <888> 12/18/11 Sunday?12:40 A.M.? Wright brothers (American aviators) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaI ate a bowl of potato chips, four 1.25 inch by 1.25 inch by .25 inch slices of Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese and six chocolate chip and pecan cookies.I will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?10:10 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate three scrambled eggs, and three strips of fried bacon, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread, and a 12 ounce glass of diet 7-Up and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and Borden lemon juice.In the day time, there is a Christmas Tree and Wreath lot at the Chase Bank parking lot on West Putnam Avenue opposite Valley Road.? They also have Christmas trees and wreaths at the Greenwich Hardware store on West Putnam Avenue next to .The new two story showroom at Mercedes-Benz New and Used Car Dealer - Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT | Mercedes-Benz of Greenwich on West Putnam Avenue is mostly closed in, but they still have to do the interior work.Miller Motorcars | Luxury Car Dealer | Exotic Car Dealer | Greenwich, CT is building another showroom just west of their existing show room.?? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?8:50 P.M.? I went out, and I went by CVS on Greenwich Avenue.? I picked up two prescriptions.? I bought two 12 packs of 12 ounce cans of diet for $4.50 each 12 pack and $1.20 can deposit less a $3 off coupon, I got with my CVS card from the CVS coupon machine good only today for $7.20 total.? I then drove further downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I sat out at various locations.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I stopped by CVS again, and I bought three 9 ounce Glade Country Garden air freshener spray for .99 each and .19 tax for $3.16 total.? I then browsed the 2012 wall calendars on the far right of the front check out counter, and I bought a National Parks Calendar for $4.99 and a Horse Calendar for $5 and .63 tax for $10.62 total.? I then finished my walk of Greenwich Avenue which was not too busy after 7 P.M..? I sat out for a while.? I then returned home.? I used my little folding cart from the trunk of the Audi to bring up the diet Coke.? I put away my purchases.? CIO Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?5:20 P.M.? I chatted with a neighbor.? I put away the laundry.? I will now go out.? CIO Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?4:40 P.M.? I ate a day old muffin.? CIO Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?4:05 P.M.? I have 50 minutes to go on the two dry cycles.? CIO Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?3:50 P.M.? A group of young children a department of social services representative just knocked on my door and gave a me a olive green fleece throw for Christmas.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?3:35 P.M.? I put clean linens on the bed.? I showered, and I cleaned up, and I put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I started two loads of laundry, and I have 20 minutes to go on the wash cycles.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?1:30 P.M.? I watched the movie "The Black Death", and I went to bed at 4 A.M..? I woke up at 11:30 A.M..? I chatted with a relative.The order with tracking of - Tips & Tools: Track and Confirm: Results on the order for two orders of Premier Light 100's Cigarette Tubes 5 Boxs 1000 Tubes filtered tubes RYO | eBay for $16.95 each order and $7.70 shipping for $41.60 total arrived.?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? CIO? ?Note: <888> 12/17/11 Saturday?1:30 A.M.? Including Fish in Your Diet Reduces Alzheimer's Risk - AARP BulletinGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |Bill Gates confirms he will not return to Microsoft full-time | ZDNetVesuvius (volcano, Italy) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia!!!!!! $300 with free shipping and available in local store Sony 32" LCD HDTV, KDL-32BX310 - and three year warranty for $28I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIONote: <888> 12/16/11 Friday?11:00 P.M.? ?I made 122 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching a documentary on Grand Central Station.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/16/11 Friday?9:20 P.M.? I ate a Stouffer's 20 ounce macaroni and cheese with grated Parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I chatted with a relative.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 12/16/11 Friday?8:15 P.M.? I posted my 2011 Christmas Letter here:Michael Louis Scott's Christmas Letter 2011Michael Louis Scott's Christmas Letter 2011? CIO Note: <888> 12/16/11 Friday?7:40 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I stopped by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went by the central Greenwich Post office, and I mailed my 32 Christmas cards and letters.? I bought 18 Christmas Bauble forever stamps for $7.92.? I chatted with two visiting cigar smokers.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought four day old muffins for $2, bananas for .79 a pound for .70, and a prime rib roast on sale for $5.99 a pound down from $10.99 a pound for $27.79 for $30.49 total.? I then returned home.? I cut the prime rib into four one pound slices, and I froze three of the slices in double freezer bags, and I kept one slice defrosted in a Rubbermaid container.? CIO Note: <888> 12/16/11 Friday?5:10 P.M.? I have 32 Christmas cards with letters ready to mail and one within the building.? I will go out shortly and mail them.? I used 38 forever stamps.? CIO Note: <888> 12/16/11 Friday?1:30 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? I will now do my Christmas cards and letters.? CIO Note: <888> 12/16/11 Friday?12:05 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I am just about to eat a 16 ounce Marie Callender chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of diet 7-Up.? CIO Note: <888> 12/16/11 Friday?10:45 A.M.? I woke up during my sleep, and I ate eight chocolate chip cookies.? I finally woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk. I went back to bed until 10:30 A.M..? I will now wash the breakfast dishes and make my bed.? I will then shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/15/11 Thursday?8:40 P.M.? I ate three scoops of butter pecan ice cream.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I probably will watch some video before going to bed.? CIO Note: <888> 12/15/11 Thursday?7:55 P.M.? KLM Why not choosing more comfort?Johnnie Walker Private TastingCelebration of Reading - Volunteer USA | Volunteer USAGoogle Donates $11.5 Million to Fight Slavery, Human Trafficking | News & Opinion | Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - HURRY! 1 Day Left for FREE Ground Shipping in time for Christmas!Tracking is - Tips & Tools: Track and Confirm: Results on the order for two orders of Premier Light 100's Cigarette Tubes 5 Boxs 1000 Tubes filtered tubes RYO | eBay for $16.95 each order and $7.70 shipping for $41.60 total.BBC News - Driverless car: Google awarded US patent for technology? CIO? Note: <888> 12/15/11 Thursday?6:40 P.M.? I ate a 12 ounce T.G.I. Fridays frozen beef stroganoff with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.?? I chatted with a relative.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 12/15/11 Thursday?4:45 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I threw out the garbage.? I went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went to my 11 A.M. appointment.? The Greenwich Hospital Gift Shop has a lot of Christmas items available for the general public to buy.? I next went by CVS on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought a thousand caplet bottle of CVS Extra Pain Relief for $22.99 and a bottle of 150 CVS Antacid tropical fruit flavor for $4.29 and $1.73 tax for $29.01 total.? I spent a $1.75 on parking downtown today.? I then sat out for a while at upper Greenwich Avenue.? I then drove further down Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out for a walk.? I then walked down to Classic Barber of Greenwich , and I got my hair cut for $26 and $5 tip for $31 total.? I then went by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I played a Holiday Greeting scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? I stopped by the Greenwich Senior and Arts center, and I used the bathroom.? I then encountered another regular walker, and we walked upper Greenwich Avenue to Garlic and Herbs just west of Greenwich Avenue, and while the other walker had coffee, we sat outside at their tables.? We then walked back down Greenwich Avenue.? I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts Center.? I then went to the A&P Fresh, and I bought four 12 ounce T.G.I. Fridays frozen beef stroganoff $1.99 each, a 24 ounce bag of Purdue frozen boneless chicken Bourbon flavor for $6.29, a two pound bag of baby carrots for $3.49, and broccoli crowns for $1.79 a pound for $1.68 for $19.42 total.? I then returned home, and I chatted with neighbors.? I put away my groceries and other purchases.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/15/11 Thursday?9:00 A.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then go out downtown.? I have an 11 A.M. appointment this morning.? I will now shut down the primary work computer.? CIO Note: <888> 12/15/11 Thursday?8:40 A.M.? I woke up at 7 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I? made my bed.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?11:55 P.M.? I watched some television.I order two orders of Premier Light 100's Cigarette Tubes 5 Boxs 1000 Tubes filtered tubes RYO | eBay for $16.95 each order and $7.70 shipping for $41.60 total.There are more here PREMIER CIGARETTE TUBES LIGHTS 100s 5 BOXES | eBay .I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? I have a 11 A.M. appointment on Thursday morning.? CIO ?Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?9:00 P.M.? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for two pairs in waist 48 inches and 31 inch inseam for $19.98 each in white Colorfast Casual Corduroy Plain Front Pants and $8.95 shipping for $48.91 total arrived.? I will not open them up until Christmas Day.I ate a 14 ounce Marie Callender meat loaf and mash potato dinner with a 12 ounce glass of diet 7 Up.2011 another good nesting year for Treasure Coast sea turtles ? ? CIO Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?8:10 P.M.? Holland NewsSeason's Greetings CunardBiltmore Email NewsletterGlobal Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network | Volume 36, Number 10 (October 2011)$249.99 available in local stores or free shipping ends 12/16/11 Dynex? - 32" Class / LED / 720p / 60Hz / HDTV - DX-32E250A12BBC News - Picture of China's first refitted warship 'emerges'BBC News - Supermassive black hole will 'eat' gas cloudBBC News - Eurozone faces winter recession, Ernst & Young saysBBC News - Microsoft founder Paul Allen unveils space-rocket plan? CIO Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?7:30 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? CIO Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?6:45 P.M.? $210.99 with free shipping Mwave P32ETW Tanpo P32ETW 32" 1080i Widescreen FHD TV - Active matrix TFT - Built-in digital 3-D comb filter, Sleep timer function - HDMI (*STOCKINGSTUFF) from ? CIO Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?6:20 P.M.? I chatted with neighbors.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?5:00 P.M.? I ate a few day old muffin.? I will now make my bed again, and I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?4:25 P.M.? After the last note, I ate 8 chocolate chips cookies, and then I took a nap until just now.? CIONote: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?12:45 P.M.? I am just about ready to eat a Maria Callender 16 ounce turkey pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of diet A&W root beer.? CIO Note: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?12:30 P.M.? I chatted with a friend.? CIONote: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?11:40 A.M.? I have been surfing the web.? I still have not cleaned up.!!!!!! I chatted with these people for tax free cigar cigarettes that can be shipping in the mail Cigars, Filtered Cigars, Little Cigars, Pipe Tobacco & More - Buy Discount Cigars Online? CIONote: <888> 12/14/11 Wednesday?8:45 A.M.? I woke up at 6:30 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I? made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis cream on my feet.? CIO ??? Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?10:40 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?10:30 P.M.? I ate three scrambled eggs, and three strips of fried bacon, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread, and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO ?? Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?9:40 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I watched the last 40 minutes of the program on the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?7:55 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I chatted briefly with neighbors.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 12 roll bundle of Scott toilet paper for $7.49 and .48 tax for $7.97 total.? I finished my walk, and I sat out for a while.? I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I chatted with a couple of reference librarians.? I used the bathroom there.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 20 ounce Stouffer's macaroni and cheese for $2.50 and a Stouffer's 16 ounce stuffed peppers for $2.50, two Barilla 16 ounce Linguine for $1.25, two 26 ounce Francesca Rinaldi tomato sauce for $1 each, and bananas for .79 a pound for $1.37 for $10.22 total.? I chatted with an employee about the mountain lion in the area.? I then went by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $16 of self service premium V-Power gasoline for $3.999 a gallon with a dime a gallon off with my Stop and Shop card for 4.002 gallons for 47.2 miles driving since Friday November 25, 2011 at odometer reading of 69405 miles for 11.794 miles per gallon in mostly local traffic.? I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?3:05 P.M.? I chatted with a computer magazine renewal.? I picked up the mail.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go downtown for a breath of fresh air.? CIONote: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?2:15 P.M.? Developing Android apps for x86: What you need to know | Mobile Technology - InfoWorldGOP - The ULTIMATE Holiday Sale: Over 100 Deals on Gifts, Hardware and Gadgets Galore!Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - HURRY! 3 Days Left for FREE Ground Shipping in Time for Christmas!BBC News - Liege attack: Gunman kills three in Belgium? CIONote: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?1:20 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? CIO Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?12:35 P.M.? I am just about ready to eat a 16 ounce Marie Callender chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?11:25 A.M.? ?I made 105 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching a documentary on Crawford, Texas.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?9:10 A.M.? Today is the Aga Khan's 75th birthday His Highness the Aga Khan's 75th Birthday - Mowlana Hazar Imam's 75th Birthday - December 13, 2011 .? Since he is partially? bald, and his family historically wears black lambs wool hats as seen here Aga III Khan [& Family];Karim Aga Iv Khan;Aly Khan [& Family] - Photo - LIFE , maybe he needs a new black lambs wool hat for his birthday to keep his head warm.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/13/11 Tuesday?8:45 A.M.? I woke up at 7 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I? made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then make cigarettes.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?9:35 P.M.? I put some more video clips in the Hulu Pro que.? I don't know much about recent movie in the last 40 years, so I don't really know what to select to watch.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?9:00 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a 18 ounce can of Campbell's Harvest Select 90% reduced fat New England clam chowder with dried parsley in it and a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance Spread and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist All Natural Lemon Lime soda.? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?7:55 P.M.? I added some programs to the Hulu Pro que.?? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for ARRIS TM802G Cable Modem | eBay for $45 and $7 shipping for $52 total arrived.? CIONote: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?6:55 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I went outside, and I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? I watched Hulu "Family Guy, Bill and Peter's Bogus Journey".? I search for Bill Gates, but it came up with a Bill Clinton cartoon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?5:25 P.M.? I read this Swedish book about 25 years ago, when I had only been back in Greenwich, Connecticut for a few years The Neverending Story (Blu-ray) $5.50 - Deals, Coupons and Promos$100 with free shipping eMachines E230H bd 23" Widescreen LCD Monitor | Staples?I came back to Greenwich, Connecticut around December 1983, so I have been back in Greenwich, Connecticut for 28 years, and I have lived in my current location at 71 Vinci Drive, since December 1988, so I have been here in my apartment for 23 years, which is the longest I have ever lived in any one location.? I guess, one could say I am settled in after all of these years.? CIONote: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?5:00 P.M.? Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for two pairs in waist 48 inches and 31 inch inseam for $19.98 each in white Colorfast Casual Corduroy Plain Front Pants and $8.95 shipping for $48.91 total.Great news for you and your customers with Windows IntuneEdvard Munch (Norwegian artist) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaRonald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - Live Webcast - Reagan's Roots Author Peter Hannaford. Tuesday, December 13, 1:00 p.m.BBC News - Edinburgh pandas meet the press but one is a little shy? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?4:30 P.M.? To get two months of free Hulu Pro with the Sony Streaming Media Player, one has to go to ? and for content Hulu - Plus , and enter the registration code the Sony Streaming Media Player gives one from the Hulu icon.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?3:00 P.M.? I ate a Stouffer's 16 ounce stuffed peppers dinner with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now clean up.? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?2:25 P.M.? I still have not cleaned up.? I signed up for two free months of Plus , and I have it setup on both Sony Streaming Media Players.? The Hulu web site is slow in the daytime, and the videos that I put in the que do not show up, and also there are a lot of commercials in the content.? I watched Rubert Murdoch presentation from the Hoover Institute on the Future of Newspapers.? It I decide to keep Hulu after two months, it would cost $7.99 a month.? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?11:40 A.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis cream on my feet.? Not too much ever happens in Greenwich, Connecticut, when one does not network with Manhattan people hoping to take advantage of the "Old Guard" who have managed to eek out a living here in this rural area of Connecticut.? For the price of a round trip ticket into Manhattan on Metro North, one can eat a very good meal from our local Stop and Shop without having to deal with all of the traffic and business activity of Manhattan.? Besides, Manhattan people do have communications, so more than likely if they need to network with somebody out here, they can communicate with them.? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?10:55 A.M.? Says here - Logitech Revue With Google TV for $99.99 that Logitech is stopping support for this device, but it does have a keyboard, so you don't need a computer, I guess.? From the reviews, I think the Sony Streaming Device might work better, even if it does not have a keyboard.? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?10:25 A.M.? $99.99 plus free shipping Logitech 970-000001 Revue With Google TV - Web Browswer, Internet Apps, Companion Box, Intuitive Keyboard, Built-in Expandability at Google TV - Overview$199.99 NSZ-GT1 | Sony Internet TV Blu-ray Disc Player | Google TV | Sony | Sony Style USA? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?9:55 A.M.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 12/12/11 Monday?9:25 A.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? On the morning show, they had big cats including two Mountain Lions, but I think they were only half grown.? This week starting at 8 P.M. this evening, they are having "Big Cat Week" on National Geographic Channel, but there is no mention of it here TV Schedule - National Geographic Channel .? CIO ??? ?Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?11:45 P.M.? Buy Steaks, Lobster and Gourmet Food Gifts Online | Omaha SteaksOf course the best deal I know on good quality meat in this area is at nearby in Port Chester, New York, but you have to spend about $50 to take out a yearly membership.However, old people like myself on cholesterol medicine do not eat too much beef in order to keep their cholesterol level down. Most young people in America know how to cook hamburgers and hotdogs.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?11:05 P.M.? Well, if you want to make a like an Italian Mafia God Father in Manhattan, you need a long black armor plated limousine white house limo - Bing Images, and you can go eat at The Old Homestead Steakhouse , and if you don't have body guards to escort you to dinner, you can hire them from The leading security company in the USA | G4S .? If you can not afford that, you might as well sit in with your $2 cup of coffee and keep your big fat mouth shut.? CIONote: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?10:30 P.M.? Prison ? Rothschilds & Rockefellers – Trillionaires Of The World .For all I know they make and sell Kosher dill pickles in the East Village in Manhattan.? CIO Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?10:15 P.M.? I have been thinking today that a really good meal would be to make up a very good beef stew sort of like beef burgundy without the beef and to put it over a thick slab of medium rare prime rib of beef.? CIO Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?9:20 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I watched "60 Minutes".? I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?7:25 P.M.? I am just about ready to eat a Marie Callender 16 ounce country fried chicken dinner with gravy along with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?7:00 P.M.? I watched a Nancy Reagan biography.? I slept from 2 P.M. to 4 P.M..? I ate a few day old muffin.? I chatted with a relative.? I watched Episode 3 of "Waiting for God".? I was wrong in my past note on the end of the Mayan calendar, and it is not December 12, 2011, but December 21, 2012 December 21 2012, The official Website for 122112 Information , so the Mayans have a bit of time to come up with a new calendar.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?12:35 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? End of Scott's Notes week of 12/11/11:Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?11:55 A.M.? I ate two five ounce sautéed pork tenderloins with steamed flavored rice with steamed baby carrot slices and steamed broccoli crowns with Smart Balance Spread and extra virgin olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.Your "Geeky" Guide to Internet TV – I ordered two pairs in waist 48 inches and 31 inch inseam for $19.98 each in white Colorfast Casual Corduroy Plain Front Pants and $8.95 shipping for $48.91 total.Edward VIII (king of United Kingdom) -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaI will now send out my weekly notes.? I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will take a nap.? CIO ??? Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?9:35 A.M.? Greenwich, Connecticut Interstate 95 web cam ConnDOT: CCTV# 4 Greenwich NB Exit 3 - Arch St.John Pennenkamp Coral Reef State ParkFlorida Keys Luxury Resort – Cheeca Lodge & Spa – Islamorada Florida Hotel ResortLuxury Caribbean Resorts & Beach Vacations | Caneel Bay | Luxury Virgin Island Resort & GetawayVirgin Islands National Park (U.S. National Park Service)Welcome to Mt Irvine? CIONote: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?9:10 A.M.? About as far south as one can go in the continental United States of America Key West Hotels- Florida Keys Luxury Resort- Casa Marina A Waldorf Astoria Resort and Live Duval Street Web Cam in Key West, Florida :: Sloppy Joe's Bar ::? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?8:25 A.M.? It is 25 degrees Fahrenheit this morning 7-Day Forecast for Latitude 41.07°N and Longitude 73.65°W .? Now that winter has set in, I guess we can sit inside all winter and surf the internet.? If you need to contact any cold weather friends, one can try Prime Minister of Canada / Premier ministre du Canada .? I guess we no longer are at the edge of the tropics.? I have three cold weather friends that I chat with in this area.? Two are from Vermont, and one is from Buffalo, New York.? The local people seem to ignore me, since I used to spend a lot of time sitting and walking out in the cold, when they could afford to warm and comfortable inside.? However, with the arthritis that I have, I actually feel better in the cold weather, since the air is drier.Scott toilet paper is on sale at for $7.49 for 12 rolls and Campbells Chunky soup 18 ounce cans are two for $3.$19.98 with free shipping Cyber Acoustics 5.2 Watt 3-Piece Speaker System | Staples?I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIONote: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?7:55 A.M.? I moved the Acer 22 inch LCD monitor from the left side of the primary work computer to the fourth IBM ThinkCentre by the hallway entrance.? I moved the Dell 2000FP LCD monitor to from the fourth IBM ThinkCentre to the left side of the primary work computer, so the primary work computer now has two Dell 2000FP monitors.? I then set them up.? CIO ? Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?5:55 A.M.? Clinton appears at Darien bookstore - NewsTimes? CIO Note: <888> 12/11/11 Sunday?5:20 A.M.? After the last note, I watched the movie "Mrs. Brown" about Queen Victoria.? It said in the movie, she liked to keep a house cooler.? Also I think there was a mistake, in that they said it was 600 miles from London to Balmoral.? I ate 8.5 ounce 60% reduced fat bag of Chex mix.? I went to bed about 5 P.M..? I woke up at 4 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?1:40 P.M.? I put the Sharp Microwave oven instruction manual on the top shelf of the bookcase in the kitchen.When I was downtown at 7 A.M. this morning, the black squirrel that has been around regularly this year seemed upset like it was trying to tell me something.? More than likely it is aware of the Mountain Lion being in this area Greenwich Gossip: Was That a Mountain Lion I Saw? .I will now shut down the primary work computer.? I will eat a few day old muffin.? I will then go to bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?1:20 P.M.? Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - Give a great gift- The Notes: Ronald Reagan's Private Collection of Stories and Wisdom. Free ground shipping on orders over $100.00!Scores Killed in Kolkata, India, Hospital Fire - Donate $18 to send President Obama on a permanent vacation.BBC News - Skywatchers enjoy lunar eclipse? CIO? Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?12:40 P.M.? I ate the last piece of several day old cherry pie.? I threw out the garbage including the rotten clementines.? I picked up the mail.? The ice skating rink in the back yard is busy.? CIO Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?11:50 A.M.? $39.99 with free shipping with coupon code "EMCYTZT949" - Euro-Pro TO36 Stainless Steel Convection Oven$124 with free shipping refurbished Samsung 23" LCD Monitor 2333T VGA DVI 1920x1080 50000:1 (729507814827) | eBay$129.99 with promo code "EMCJHKD64" and free shipping - Acer S231HLbid Black 23" 5ms HDMI LED-Backlight LCD monitor Slim Design 250 cd/m2 ACM 12,000,000:1 (1000:1) ends 12/12/11? CIONote: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?11:15 A.M.? I chatted with a relative.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?10:50 A.M.? I ate a 19 ounce Marie Callender chicken rigatoni dinner with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?10:05 A.M.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at Starbucks.? I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 250 count 1200 mcg bottle of Lecithin for $5.25 and .33 tax for $5.58 total.? I then bought for 88 cents each a .6 ounce Basil, a 25 count chicken bullion cubes, two 2.72 ounce garlic powder, two .72 ounce Italian seasoning, and a 1.82 ounce ground red pepper for $6.16 total.? I then finished my walk, and I sat out for a while enjoying the day.? I then went to the A&P Fresh, and I bought a 33 ounce Eight O'clock Hazelnut coffee beans for $16.99, a three liter Capatriti extra virgin olive oil for $16.99, two Del Monte bananas for .79 a pound for .64, two Marie Callender 19 ounce chicken rigatoni meals for $2.50 each, a Marie Callender 16 ounce fried chicken dinner for $2.50, and a 16 ounce Marie Callender meat loaf and gravy dinner for $2.50 for $44.62 total.? I then returned home to the vast expanses of south western Connecticut.? I put away my groceries.? CIO Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?6:40 A.M.? I made 107 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching the documentary "The Lincoln Assassination".? I will now go out for an early morning walk.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?4:35 A.M.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I put the laundry away.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will then make cigarettes.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/10/11 Saturday?3:10 A.M.? I chatted with a friend at 11 P.M..? I woke up at 2 A.M..? I put clean linens on the bed.? I started two loads of laundry, and I am just about ready to start the dry cycles.? I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.? I watered the plants.? CIO Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?8:05 P.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?7:50 P.M.? Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid - Politique scientifique fédérale - Belgian Science Policy OfficeTop 10 reasons why Bill Gates should return to Microsoft | Cringely - InfoWorld? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?7:25 P.M.? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll and CVS Gold Emblem potato chips and a dill pickle slice and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist All Natural Lemon Lime soda.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?6:55 P.M.? I threw out the garbage and the shipping box.? I picked up the mail.? I got my new Supplemental Security Income Statement from Social Security, and my new monthly payment starting January 2012 with be $698 a month.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?6:30 P.M.? I slept until 3:30 P.M..The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for $39.99 with free shipping NETGEAR - Refurbished N600 Dual-Band Wireless-N Router with USB - WNDR3400-100NAR and $2.54 tax for $42.53 total arrived.I set it up, and I have it placed in the center living room window underneath the white wicker breakfast tray.? I do not have wireless N adapters on my laptops, so I only get 26 Mbps, but I assume with Wireless N adapters, one would get 50 Mbps.? I have both the Netgear wireless router and the Linksys T-Mobil wireless routers turned on for now.? I have them both password protected.? I also have a Guest account on the Netgear Router.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?1:00 P.M.? I ate a Maria Callender 16 ounce turkey pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will take a nap.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?12:20 P.M.? I watched a biography on Robert E. Lee Robert E. Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.? CIONote: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?10:10 A.M.? President Clinton’s connection to ill-fated MF Global revealed - Archaeologists stumped by ancient markings found under Jerusalem - The Washington Post? CIO Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?9:45 A.M.? I went outside twice, and I chatted with neighbors, and I threw out the garbage.? I put a note on a neighbor's car that there was a piece of metal sticking out of their driver's front tire.? CIO Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?8:15 A.M.? These are still available Dell Ultrasharp 2000FP 20" LCD Monitor $35 and $17.95 FedEx shippingI will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? Walking Greenwich Avenue at 7 A.M. in the morning, when it is a bit cold is not as glamorous as it once was, unless one likes watching all of the garbage trucks doing their thing.? CIO !!!!!! Note: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?7:50 A.M.? You don't want to forget His Highness the Aga Khan's 75th Birthday - Mowlana Hazar Imam's 75th Birthday - December 13, 2011 .? He looks like he has put on weight, so if he gets his weight in diamonds for his birthday which goes to his various charities, his followers are going to have come up with more diamonds.? CIONote: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?6:15 A.M.? I used the Sivian Digital Blood Pressure Monitor with Systolic and Diastolic Values, and my SYS is 111 DIA 72 with pulse of 82.? CIONote: <888> 12/09/11 Friday?5:45 A.M.? I woke up at 4 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.Yesterday, the order with tracking of DHL GlobalMail Tracking for Volcanoes 2012 Wall Calendar | Weather | for $13.99 and England National Geographic 2012 Wall Calendar | England | for $14.99 less 20% with "GET20" coupon code and $1.47 tax for $24.65 with free shipping arrived.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?8:00 P.M.? I watched a program on the History Channel about the Renaissance and Firinze, Italia.? There are four million bricks in the Duomo.? They used a herringbone pattern, so it would not collapse.? I noticed, when I was at Ville de Versailles: à la Une? and Site officiel du ch?teau de Versailles - Ch?teau de Versailles which is a nice suburb in France, nobody was there, so I guess they enjoy their privacy.? They even have a gator pond in the back yard.? However, there was no furniture in the place.Ch?teau de Fontainebleau which I did not get a chance to see, does have furniture though.However in walking around big spacious homes, one can come down with "Chateau Pied" which means "Chateau Foot" or aching feet.I chatted with a relative.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO? ?? Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?6:05 P.M.? Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |BBC News - Scotland storm blackout hitting thousandsBBC News - Iran shows film of captured US droneBBC News - Polar bear 'cannibalism' picturedBBC News - 'Witch's cottage' unearthed near Pendle Hill, LancashireBBC News - Virginia Tech: Campus lockdown lifted after two deadBBC News - China and Bill Gates discuss nuclear reactor planBBC News - IBM scientists unveil Racetrack memory chip prototype? CIO? Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?5:20 P.M.? I ate two sautéed pork tenderloins with steamed flavored rice with steamed baby carrot slices and steamed broccoli crowns with Smart Balance Spread and extra virgin olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist All Natural lemon lime soda and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? I threw out the garbage.? I moved the Audi to its usual place.? I picked up the mail.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?3:25 P.M.? After the last note, I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I played an Ace's High scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.? On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by CVS, and I bought two 15 ounce Alberto VO5 Kiwi and Lime shampoo for 99 cents each and two Alberto VO5 Kiwi and Lime conditioner for 99 cent each and 25 cents tax for $4.21 total.? I finished my walk, and I sat out for a while.? I then walked down Arch Street, and I took a picture of the reindeer at McArdle McMillan, and I sent it to a relative.? I also sent a picture to a relative of Starbucks.? I noticed the large evergreen tree at the Greenwich Post Office had Christmas Tree lights put on three weeks ago, and now there are no lights on it now, so I guess the new owner of the property does not like Christmas Tree lights.? I also heard an alarm malfunction on a new Honda sedan.? I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I read magazine.? I used the bathroom at the Greenwich Library.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for .99 and Del Monte bananas for .79 a pound for $1.53 for $2.62 total.? I then returned home to Chateau Vinci.? CIO Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?10:55 A.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis medicine on my feet.? I will shut down the primary work computer, and I will go downtown to Greenwich Avenue and take a walk in the wilderness of Greenwich Avenue.? Not much happens here, since most people are looking for rich people from Manhattan who tend to be private, when they come out here for the weekends.? CIO Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?10:20 A.M.? I chatted with a friend who does not have electricity in East Fairfield Beach, Connecticut.? CIO Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?9:55 A.M.? I woke up at 8:30 A.M..? ?I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I will now wash the breakfast dishes and make my bed.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?4:05 A.M.? Of course, when one is down in Florida, one is also dealing with a lot of French Canadians whom seem to get down there first.I ate a piece of cherry pie and a couple of day old muffin.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed.? CIO Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?3:45 A.M.? Since the King of Norway was on vacation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the fall of 1976, and I was around his people, they were not amused when wealthy people from Tulsa, Oklahoma tired to have me killed.? Since Tulsa, Oklahoma is the center of oil operations for people like the Getty family with their connections in Saudi Arabia, and since Norway has some oil in the North Sea, and since in Key West, Florida, the only other office down there in the fall of 1976 was the Gulf Oil office, it would seem to me that I got involved with oil people fighting.? At the time I was threatened in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the fall of 1976, my eldest sister lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma and she was married to the assistant District Attorney.? Of course there were other people in Fort Lauderdale like Wiley Middleton, and his family being one of the oldest families down south was not able to restore peace, so he moved up to Daytona, Florida.? It seems when the oil people get to drinking alcohol and using drugs with their oil money, they lose all perspective of the overall situation.? CIO Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?3:20 A.M.? Of course, when I first got down to Key West, Florida on Halloween 1976, there were only a couple of bars and stores opened on Duval Street.? Everything else was boarded up, since nobody was there.? One of the few businesses that were opened was the Household Finance Company.? I had a contact with them, since my father's first wife's family started and owned the Household Finance Company which is now a part of Welcome to the HSBC Global Site | HSBC Holdings plc .? Thus more than likely the Household Finance Company had money invested in the Florida Keys.? My first friend in Key West, Florida was Rob Glore, and his mother was from the family, and back in 1976, the Dupont family owned the largest chain of banks in Florida.? My friend in Jacksonville, Florida; Hurley Harris Haywood family owned the Harris Trust Bank in Chicago, Illinois.? Thus when Rob Glore, Hurley Haywood, and Whitney from Minnesota and myself drove down to Florida in the Fall of 1976 from Chicago, we had some financial backing.? The Whitneys are suppose to be wealthy, but I am not sure if they own any financial institutions, and Whitney is currently ambassador to Norway the last I heard.? Of course down in Florida with all of the crime, when I was threatened in the fall of 1976, I had to live inconspicuously because two wealthy people from Tulsa, Oklahoma offered a friend of mine $50,000 to kill me.? Thus if there were any wealthy people from Tulsa, Oklahoma in Fort Lauderdale, Florida back in the fall of 1976, they might be the ones that tried to have me killed.? I reported the incident at the time to the , and they called in Federal Strike Force into Fort Lauderdale, Florida.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/08/11 Thursday?2:35 A.M.? After the last note, I watched part of a movie about Merlin and Beasts.? I went to sleep about 10:30 P.M., and I woke up at 1:30 A.M.Well, I have to figure out something more to blog about in my notes.? I could tell stories about wandering around Florida in my youth or living in isolation in Nantucket, but a lot of my adventures revolved around ordinary routines, although they were different from here.? In Florida in the fall of 1976 until April 1977 and from October 1977 until May 1978, when I did not have a home, I did a lot of camping out on the road so to speak.? Actually in the fall of 1976, I had a 1966 Chevrolet Biscayne blue four door sedan, so I was able to sleep in my car in various rest areas around Fort Lauderdale, Florida, until they towed my car for too many parking tickets at the park next to the Swimming Hall of Fame.? After my car was towed, I tried sleeping in the park at the south end of the beach in Fort Lauderdale, but I worried about alligators coming out of the canals at night.? I then hitch hiked down to Key West, Florida, where I slept underneath the community room of the Episcopal Church, until about February 1977, when Jim Eldert showed up, and he had friends with a trailer next to the Boca Chica Naval Station.? Jim Eldert's family owned the bank in Syracuse, New York, and his grandfather had the house in Key Biscayne, Florida next to Richard Nixon.? He had a lot of cousins with the last name "Moran".? His maternal grandmother was from the Joy family in Boston that started the China trade, and there are Joy family monuments in Nantucket.? As of this year, the Joy family trust is suppose to be close to a trillion dollars.? I think I also slept on the beach in the day time, and stayed awake all night.? It was sort of a dreary existence despite the nice weather.? I did not have funds to rent a room in that period, because all of my unemployment checks were delayed coming from South Carolina through Interstate Benefits in Stamford, Connecticut, and then down to Florida.? I got $87 every two weeks.? They all arrived at one time in April 1977 about $1,600 worth.? I picked up the old Chevrolet in the car pound in Fort Lauderdale after paying the parking tickets on it, and I drove north from Key West with Jim Eldert, and Jim flew north from Jacksonville, Florida, and I drove the car up north to Nantucket, where I started working odd jobs.In Nantucket except for the summer of 1975, I usually had a place to stay.? I gave away the old Chevrolet in Nantucket, and after a season's work in October 1977, I hitchhiked back down to Florida.? I worked in "La Vielle Maison" in Baco Raton, Florida, and I camped out on the beach on the north side of the Boca Inlet.? About February 1978 I flew to the Bahamas for a few days, where I stayed with Richard Mercy in Paradise Island.? When I returned back to Florida, I went back down to Key West, Florida, where Jim Eldert showed up again.? I met John Bolton, and he had the key to the abandoned Casa Marina Hotel, where we stayed that season.? After a side trip on the Appalachian Trail in April 1978, we returned to Nantucket.? I had applied for my income tax return, so when I received it in April 1978, I used it to return back up north.? I recall around March 1978, Jim Eldert hitchhiked out of Key West, Florida, and he ended up in Santa Cruz, California I later found out.? After the summer in Nantucket in 1978, I had bought an inexpensive Subaru Station wagon, and I drove out to California with John Bolton, and we camped out in various camp grounds along the beach and in the mountains in California. That winter we were back in Daytona, Florida at John's sister's apartment, but we did drive around south Florida and the Keys occasionally.In February of 1982, I tried sleeping on the beach in Key West, but it was not allowed, and I did not know anyone to put me up.? In November and December of 1983 after spending the summer in Nantucket, I slept for two weeks on the couch at the Episcopal Seminary at the University of Toronto and also spent a couple of weeks living out of the East Side Airline terminal building in Manhattan.? I have been back in Greenwich, Connecticut since about mid December 1983, where I have been living inside, except for when I am sitting outside and walking around at night.? I have gotten older, so at age 61 with Mountain Lions around, I tend not to go out at night for walks in the early morning hours.? CIONote: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?9:40 P.M.? I watched part of the History Channel.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll and CVS Gold Emblem potato chips and a dill pickle slice and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed.? CIO Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?7:40 P.M.? Microsoft Confirms Windows 8 Beta Arriving February -- Redmond Channel PartnerBiltmore Email NewsletterTracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for $39.99 with free shipping NETGEAR - Refurbished N600 Dual-Band Wireless-N Router with USB - WNDR3400-100NAR and $2.54 tax for $42.53 total.Get ready for The Year of Creative ScotlandBBC News - Two-faced Kilauea volcano exposedBBC News - Russian scientists to attempt clone of woolly mammothBBC News - Microsoft reveals details of its Windows Store plan? CIO? Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?7:10 P.M.? The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Insignia? - 2.1 Speaker System (3-Piece) - Black - NS-PCS21 for $12.99 and $.82 tax with free shipping for $13.81 total arrived.? I threw out the shipping box.? I picked up the mail.? CIO Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?6:50 P.M.? I woke up at 6 P.M., and I chatted with a relative.? CIO Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?12:10 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I watched some cooking shows on television.? I ate a 1/5th piece of cherry pie.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will take a nap.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?10:35 A.M.? I finished watching the movie.? CIO Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?8:45 A.M.? Cunard 3 Day SaleI reheated and ate the same dinner as yesterday.? I will now go back to watching the movie "Tora, Tora, Tora".? CIO?Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?7:40 A.M.? $49.99 refurbished Google Android Panimage 7″ Color Touchscreen Tablet 2GB Memory, WiFi, Camera | eBay$79.99 Pandigital Google Android Tablet & E-Reader With 7" Color Touch-Screen, 1GB (843967060003) | eBayPearl HarborPearl Harbor AttackRonald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - 50% OFF and FREE Shipping on the Reagan Diaries Collectible Leather Edition-A Great Holiday Gift!AARP CT - Retirement Realities: Are You Ready?BBC News - Oceans' deepest depth re-measured? CIO Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?7:00 A.M.? I made 134 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching the first 1 hour and 6 minutes of the Netflix movie "Tora, Tora, Tora" .? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/07/11 Wednesday?4:25 A.M.? I woke up at 10 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I went back to bed until 3 A.M..? I watched some television.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? I will them make cigarettes.Pearl Harbor Memorial PagePearl Harbor Memorial Page? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?3:25 P.M.? I ate a 16 ounce Maria Callender chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of diet Root Beer.? I picked up the mail.? The new door to the left of main entrance to the building where I live at 71 Vinci Drive was put in there for a work shop for the custodian.? They are also going to install a freight elevator from there to access the basement which runs the full length of the main part of the building.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? Not much seems to be happening way over here in the remote far reaches of southwestern Connecticut away from the big city life of metropolitan Hartford, Connecticut.? We don't pay much attention to the Indians here from the village of Manhattan 20 miles away to the west of us, since they mostly seem to be traveling through the area, and don't really have much to do with this area anyway.? Have a good night.? CIO Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?1:55 P.M.? I threw out the garbage.? I went downtown, and I sat out for a while.? I went to my 11 A.M. appointment.? After my 11 A.M. appointment, I went to the Stop and Shop, and I bought four day old muffins for $2, three Maria Callender chicken pot pies for $2 each, two Maria Callender turkey pot pies for $2 each, boneless pork medallions for $3.59 a pound for $4.64 less $.95 in returned cans for $15.69 total.? I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.The order with tracking of UPS Package ID Results on the order for Sivian Digital Blood Pressure Monitor with Systolic and Diastolic Values, Automatic Inflation and Velcro Armband at Daily Deals, 1 Sale A Day today only for $12.99 with $4.99 shipping for $17.98 total arrived.? CIO Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?9:45 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go out soon for my 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?9:20 A.M.? I watched the History Channel program about Secret Societies.There is the Skull and Bones at yale.edu ?and Skull and Bones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaCouncil on Foreign RelationsThe Trilateral CommissionBilderberg Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Whenever I watch the Sony Steaming Media Content on the living room Sony television, I seem to get small lines on the television, when I switch back to the Cablevision box.? When I disconnect the power to the Cablevision Box and then connect it and let it reboot, the lines go away.To make it easier to do this, I put a power strip on the lower left side of the Cablevision box with the Cablevision box plugged into it, so to reboot the Cablevision box which takes about two to three minutes, it will be simpler to turn it on and off.I will now eat a 1/5th piece of cherry pie.? CIONote: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?7:45 A.M.? Snow storm possible Wednesday night - GreenwichTime? CIO Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?7:35 A.M.? I watched the Sherlocke Holmes movie "Murder by Decree".? CIO Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?4:25 A.M.? I am just about ready to eat a baked breaded boneless breast of chicken with steamed flavored rice with steamed baby carrots and broccoli crowns with Smart Balance Spread and extra virgin olive oil and a 12 ounce glass of diet and a cup of green tea with Equal sweetener and lemon juice.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?3:35 A.M.? Flash Daily Deal, 1 Sale A Day Netgear Wireless 'N' Dual Band Router 300 + 300Mbps $39.99 with free shipping Windows 8 Beta Rumored in Late January -- Conseil général du Puy-de-D?me (CG63) : Projet UNESCO, Cha?ne des Puys et Faille de limagneForbes Cool Winter Cabins For SaleBBC News - Kepler 22-b: Earth-like planet confirmedBBC News - Cores reveal when Dead Sea 'died'BBC News - Silicon rival MoS2 promises small, low-energy chips? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?2:50 A.M.? I picked up the mail.? I received a photograph of George W. Bush and Laura Bush from the George W. Bush Presidential Center and George W. Bush Presidential Center Donation .? I put the new photograph in the old brass frame in the kitchen holding the old photograph, and I moved it to the left side of the right living room closet.? I moved the Emperor Bing of China shield to the kitchen where the old photograph used to be.? It seems what few republicans are still left around here, don't pay much attention to me anymore, since they do not like sitting out in the cold on a winter's night or morning.? I have a 11 A.M. appointment this morning.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/06/11 Tuesday?1:45 A.M.? I slept some more until just now.? I made my bed again.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?11:10 P.M.? I woke up at 9 P.M..? I chatted with a relative.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?12:10 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a 20 ounce Stouffer's macaroni and cheese dinner, which I seasoned with Italian seasoning.? It might be better, if one covered it with seasoned Italian bread crumbs before cooking it.? I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? Not much happens in Greenwich, Connecticut for people on a night schedule.? I do have a 11 A.M. appointment tomorrow, so I will have to stay up later tomorrow morning.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?10:20 A.M.? I threw out the garbage after the last note.? I went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went by the Wells Fargo Bank at Havemayer Place, and I paid my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority.? I then sat out for a brief spell downtown.? I then returned home, and I chatted with a neighbor.? All quiet on the western front.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?8:25 A.M.? I ate a 1/5th piece of cherry pie.BBC News - Antarctic's hidden world revealedI will now go downtown in a few minutes.? CIO Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?7:10 A.M.? I watched the BBC movie Beau Brummel.? CIO Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?4:55 A.M.? I ate three scrambled eggs, and five strips of fried bacon, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance Spread, and a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?4:00 A.M.? I put one lantern on the white book shelf at the kitchen entrance and another lantern on the Rubbermaid hamper at the bedroom entrance and the large yellow lantern to left side of the monitor on the fourth IBM ThinkCentre at the hallway entrance.? CIO Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?3:45 A.M.? I put all of the other small flags of various countries on display in the Sony Television and center window shelf area in the living room.? CIO Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?3:10 A.M.? I put the Buckingham Palace model on a large glass oval ashtray on the left front corner of the Danish fan.? I moved the Lasko box fan from on top of the white wicker breakfast try to behind the Sony Television in the living room.? I put the two blue ceramic vases on the back side of the white wicker breakfast try with the brass two horse sculpture on the left front and the Chinese vase on the right front sitting on the teak stand.? I put the small British flag hanging from the right rear blue vase.? With all of the computer work I have been doing over the years, I have not been paying much attention to the interior decoration in the apartment, since maintaining a dozen computers and the other electronics takes a lot of time.? Not to mention until recently I have spent 28 years walking regularly on Greenwich Avenue which also takes quite a bit of time.? I also have my regular household routines.? In my worldwide travels, the only people whom ever seem to chat with me are the British, so over the years I have learned to pay attention to the British in my hometown in Greenwich, Connecticut U.S.A..? CIO? Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?2:45 A.M.? I setup a LAN cable and power cable for the new Netgear Wireless N600 router that once I receive it, I will put it underneath the white wicker breakfast tray in front of the center living room window.? I will leave the Linksys T-Mobil router hooked up also.? Both of them will turn on from the left switch of the second IBM ThinkCentre on the blue night stand.?? I moved the Chinese vase to left rear of the Kensington power control center between the left and center living room windows.? I put the Buckingham Palace model back on the teak stand on top of the Danish bar.? CIO Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?1:05 A.M.? Well, look at it this way, I am waking up at about the same hour of the morning as the milk men in England.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/05/11 Monday?12:15 A.M.? I watched a documentary about Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .? I chatted with a relative.? I watched another program on the .? I went to bed about 12:30 P.M..? I woke up at 6 P.M., and I chatted with a relative.? I finally woke up at 10:30 P.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO????? Note: <888> 12/04/11 Sunday?8:20 A.M.? I ate a 16 ounce Maria Callender turkey pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I chatted with a friend.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will either watch some video or go back to bed.? When one gets older and has been awake for 8 hours, it is hard to go for an early morning walk.? CIO Note: <888> 12/04/11 Sunday?6:50 A.M.? I did a Complete PC backup of both partitions of the primary work computer to the third internal hard drive.? CIO End of Scott's Notes week of 12/04/11:Note: <888> 12/04/11 Sunday?5:15 A.M.? I will now send out my weekly notes.? CIO Note: <888> 12/04/11 Sunday?4:30 A.M.? Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Insignia? - 2.1 Speaker System (3-Piece) - Black - NS-PCS21 for $12.99 and $.82 tax with free shipping for $13.81 total.Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for ARRIS TM802G Cable Modem | eBay for $45 and $7 shipping for $52 total.Tracking is DHL GlobalMail Tracking for Volcanoes 2012 Wall Calendar | Weather | for $13.99 and England National Geographic 2012 Wall Calendar | England | for $14.99 less 20% with "GET20" coupon code and $1.47 tax for $24.65 with free shipping.BBC News - Canary Island volcano: A new island in the making?? CIO???? Note: <888> 12/04/11 Sunday?3:55 A.M.? I put some more movies in the Netflix que.?? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? I got my rent statement from the Greenwich Housing Authority.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/04/11 Sunday?2:15 A.M.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? I made my bed.? I will now shower and clean up and put psoriasis cream on my feet.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/04/11 Sunday?1:05 A.M.? I woke up at 1 A.M..? CIO? Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?9:10 P.M.? I watched a recent Sherlock Holmes movie.? I went to bed about 1:30 P.M..? I woke up at 4 P.M., and I chatted with a relative.? I watched the second episode of "Waiting for God".? I went back to bed until 6 P.M..? I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with Gold Emblem potato chips and a dill pickle slice and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I chatted with a relative.? I went back to bed until 9 P.M..? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?11:25 A.M.? My cl- electricity bill for November 2011 was $138.67 for 814 kWh for 31 days or 26.26 kWh per day with an average temperature of 48.3 degrees Fahrenheit.My November 2010 bill was $151.64 for 814 kWh for 31 days or 26.26 kWh per day with an average temperature of 44.7 degrees Fahrenheit.? CIO ? Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?11:05 A.M.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will either go back to bed or watch a movie in bed.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?10:50 A.M.??? The order with tracking of FedEx Tracking on the order for $49.99 with free shipping or half price Wireless Internet Entertainment | Streaming Player with Wi-Fi | SMP-N100 | Sony USA and $3.17 tax for $53.16 total arrived.? I set it up on top of the televisions in the bedroom connected to the Sony television.? I installed its software update, and I activated it and my Netflix account on it.? It works just fine, the same way as the living room unit works.?? Thus I will be able to use it in the bedroom and watch movies while in bed.? Frequently in the winter, when it is colder, some people like to stay warm in bed.? I registered it online also.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?9:00 A.M.? I am just about ready to eat a Stouffer's 16 ounce turkey breast dinner with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?8:30 A.M.? I went out after the last note, and I ran the Audi for about 10 minutes to defrost the frost off the windows.? I went downtown, and today and tomorrow all parking on Greenwich Avenue is free for everyone.? I went to Zen Stationary, and I played a Lucky 5s scratch card for a dollar, and I won $5 for $4 profit.? I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a day old cherry pie for $2.50, two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for .99 each, a 8 ounce bar of Cabot's seriously sharp Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese for $2.50, a 59 ounce container of Florida Natural orange juice with calcium for $3, a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance Lite spread for $3.59, two 12 ounce generic honey for $2.25 each, two quart jars of Vlassic Kosher dill pickle spears for $2 each, two 48 ounce Quaker Old Fashioned oatmeal for $4.79 each, a quart container of Borden real lemon juice for $2.69, two Stop and Shop 64 ounce cranraspberry juice for $3.19 each, two 64 ounce Stop and Shop crangrape juice for $3.19 each, a 10 ounce bottle Kikkoman soy sauce for $2.29, a two pound bag of baby carrots for $2.50, fresh bananas for .79 a pound for $1.39, and broccoli crowns for $1.49 a pound for $1.65 for $54.93 total.? I then returned home, and I used my folding wire cart that I brought with me to bring up the groceries, and I put them away.? CIO Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?6:20 A.M.? I will now go downtown, and I will go to the Stop and Shop at 7 A.M. for my first of the month grocery shopping.? CIO? Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?5:50 A.M.? ?I made 95 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Turkish pipe tobacco cigarettes while watching the Netflix movie National Geographic film "Air Force One".? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?4:35 A.M.? I put away the laundry.? I will now make cigarettes.? CIO Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?4:10 A.M.? I am just about done with the dry cycles on the laundry.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/03/11 Saturday?3:00 A.M.? I woke up at 2 A.M..? I started two loads of laundry, and I am just about ready to start the dry cycles.? I put clean linens on my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?8:50 P.M.? I chatted with a relative.? I ate a 18 ounce can of Campbell's New England clam chowder with a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance Spread and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? Have a good night.? CIO Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?7:20 P.M.? I ordered $39.99 with free shipping NETGEAR - Refurbished N600 Dual-Band Wireless-N Router with USB - WNDR3400-100NAR and $2.54 tax for $42.53 total.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?6:35 P.M.? I sorted out some of My Favorites on the primary work computer.WIFI Routers items in NETGEAR store on eBay!$24.99 free shipping refurbished Netgear WNDR3300 Dual Band Wireless N Router With 300Mbps Data Rates, Push 'N' Connect & Privacy Protection!BBC News - 'Lost' Rembrandt self-portrait revealedBBC News - Names proposed for new elements? CIO Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?4:30 P.M.? I sorted out the old magazines from the magazine rack.? I threw out the old periodical literature and garbage.? I watered the plants.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?4:10 P.M.? I woke up at 3 P.M..? I made my bed again.? I threw out the garbage.? I picked up the mail.? The order for 50FT RJ45 CAT5 CAT5E ETHERNET LAN NETWORK CABLE 50 FT | eBay for $4.39 with free shipping arrived.? I strung the cable from the Dynex router to the position on top of the bedroom televisions, where I will place the Sony Streaming Media Player when it arrives.? I also moved the three cable line that runs from the living room Sony Streaming Media Player Y-splitters to the front panel connectors of the Orion television in the bedroom, so it plays on the Orion television now.? I strung another three cable from the rear of the Sony television in the bedroom to the top position where I will place the second Sony Streaming Media Player.? Thus the cables are all setup for when I receive it.Tracking is FedEx Tracking on the order for $49.99 with free shipping or half price Wireless Internet Entertainment | Streaming Player with Wi-Fi | SMP-N100 | Sony USA and $3.17 tax for $53.16 total.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?1:55 P.M.? I ate the remaining Chef's salad with Stop and Shop blue cheese dressing and extra virgin olive oil with a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.I think the Mayan calendar is suppose to end on December 12, 2012.? Then the next day, when the world comes to an end is the His Highness the Aga Khan's 74th Birthday - Mowlana Hazar Imam's 74th Birthday - December 13, 2010 's 75th birthday.? The Khan family is originally from Mongolia, so they are familiar with dealing with China and Russia, which is probably why they moved elsewhere.As a regular night person on limited funds, I do not have much to do when I am on a day schedule, but my same old night routine.? I am a bit tired, so I will take another nap.? CIONote: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?11:55 A.M.? To have a backup Arris Cable Modem in case my new one fails, I bought ARRIS TM802G Cable Modem | eBay for $45 and $7 shipping for $52 total.? Cablevision will replace for free my current new Arris Cable Modem for free if it breaks, but in the winter and other times, it is not always that easy to get to the Cablevision store in Norwalk, so I keep backup cable modems.? CIONote: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?11:40 A.M.? I rested some more until 11 A.M., when I got a telephone call changing an appointment.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?9:40 A.M.? I woke up at 8 A.M..? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I will now make up a fresh batch of punch.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?2:20 A.M.? I watched the movie "The Red Baron".? I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed soon.? CIO Note: <888> 12/02/11 Friday?12:05 A.M.? I ate a piece of pumpkin pie with Cool Whip topping.? CIO Note: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?11:35 P.M.? Tracking is UPS Package ID Results on the order for Sivian Digital Blood Pressure Monitor with Systolic and Diastolic Values, Automatic Inflation and Velcro Armband at Daily Deals, 1 Sale A Day today only for $12.99 with $4.99 shipping for $17.98 total.Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |iFly MagazineI ordered Volcanoes 2012 Wall Calendar | Weather | for $13.99 and England National Geographic 2012 Wall Calendar | England | for $14.99 less 20% with "GET20" coupon code and $1.47 tax for $24.65 with free shipping.Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library: Email - Receive our 2012 Reagan Library Calendar FREE with your $50.00 purchase!Series: Building your own XP Service Pack 4 ? Windows Secrets2012 Iceland Field Trip VolcanologyBBC News - Icelandic volcano could cause severe flooding scientist warns? CIO????????? Note: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?10:05 P.M.? I watched part of a National Geographic - Inspiring People to Care About the Planet Since 1888 on the National Geographic Channel 169 about Great Lakes of North America.? Apparently the Eastern most part of the Great Lakes was formed by an Asteroid a long time before the Glaciers.? In the advertisement for , they said one can get an automobile insurance discount, if one is a National Geographic member.? National Geographic magazine once did an article about Key West, Florida, and as I recall they did an article in February 1971 about Lanzarote.? Since I got back into computers 22 years ago, I have not had too much time to read the National Geographic magazine at the Greenwich Library.? I chatted with a relative.? ?I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with Gold Emblem potato chips and a dill pickle slice and a 12 ounce glass of A&W diet root beer.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?7:45 P.M.? I woke up at 7 P.M..? I picked up the mail.The order with tracking of ? - Track & Confirm on the order for 12HR ARRIS CABLE MODEM PHONE BACKUP BATTERY TM802 TM8 SERIES ARCT01606 BRAND NEW | eBay for $15.49 with free shipping arrived.? I put it in the Arris Cable Modem, and it seems to work just fine.? It probably needs to charge up for a while.? With a battery installed in the Arris Cable Modem, one has to remove the battery, if one is trying to reset the cable modem by turning it on and off.? CIO?? Note: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?3:00 P.M.? I ate half of the remaining Chef's salad with a 12 ounce glass of Sierra Mist all natural lemon lime soda.? I will now take a nap.? CIO Note: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?2:10 P.M.? I went out after the last note.? I threw out the garbage.? I went by the Valley Road Post Office, and I mailed the Microsoft Money 2007 Income Versus Spending Report for November 2011 to an interested relative.? I bought forty Statue of Liberty and U.S.A. flag stamps for 44 cents each for $17.60 total.? I then went by the Chase Bank at 19 West Putnam Avenue.? I then went to my 11 A.M. appointment early.? I next went by CVS on Greenwich Avenue.? I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.? I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.? I chatted with a local a few times.? I stopped by CVS, and I picked up my prescription for psoriasis medicine.? I gave some visitors four quarters for a dollar change.? I went by the Chase Bank just south of the Greenwich Post Office to get more quarters in change.? I sat out for a while.? I then returned home.? CIONote: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?9:30 A.M.? I will now go out for my 11 A.M. appointment.? CIO Note: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?8:55 A.M.? I will now shower and clean up and put foot fungus cream on my feet.? CIO Note: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?8:00 A.M.? I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and a sliced banana and milk, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% glass of punch and cold filtered water with vitamins and supplements, a cup of coffee with Equal sweetener and milk.? I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.? CIO??? Note: <888> 12/01/11 Thursday?6:45 A.M.? ?I paid my Digital Family Cable TV, Optimum Online Boost Cable Modem, and Optimum Voice Long Distance bills, my cl- electricity bill, and my telephone bill.? My electricity bill average payment went up $40 a month from $140 to $180 a month.? I also put $25 more on my AT&T Go Phone and with tax of $1.59, it was a $26.59 payment.? I now have $143.61 on my AT&T Go Phone account, which is good until February 29, 2012.I printed out two copies of my Microsoft Money 2007 income versus spending report for November 2011, and I have one copy ready to mail to an interested relative.? CIO?? ................

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