
Lead card in hand, gives cardTries for the kitchen table, turns TV down or off, Mr. Burke you’re 67 years old? Do you smoke? Cigarettes? Shows lead…this is why I called you. (Goes over lead)Well, Mr. XXX, we find there’s one of three reasons people send those cards back to us. The number one reason is they don’t have anything in place to take care of the funeral, burial their final expenses and they need something. (Pause)The second reason people send that card in is they’ve got a little bit in place and they need to supplement it. They bought it years ago and its not going to take care of it now and they need to supplement it. Or maybe they need to save money on what they have.The third reason people send this in is because they’ve got all that taken care of but they want to leave a legacy to the children, their grandchildren or maybe even a church or charity or something.Before we go any further let me give you a little background on me…I didn’t like insurance companies when I got into this and I don’t like them now. I see them as a necessary evil. If I thought I wasn’t going to die I wouldn’t have life insurance but it’s the responsible thing to do for our families and obviously you agree or you wouldn’t have me here. Over the years of doing this, we’ve found there are only four questions people need answers to when it comes to buying final expense insurance… How Much, What Kind, From Whom and When. That about covers it right? First question is How Much. The answer to that is an amount you can easily afford. An amount that fits your budget. Do not take a policy for anyone that busts your budget and that includes me. It doesn’t help you, it doesn’t help me and it doesn’t help the insurance company for you to do something that you can’t keep.The second question on here is What Kind. That is probably the most important question on this form. The answer to that is fully guaranteed whole life insurance. We do not recommend or offer anything but fully guaranteed whole life insurance for final expenses. By guaranteed I mean the benefits are guaranteed for the rest of your life. They will not go down. They will not end. They won’t end at age 75 like the credit union at CUNA. They will not end at 80 like AARP. They won’t end at 90 like PRIMERICA. They will never end. If you live to be 115 years old we are still gonna pay. Just as importantly, your payment is never going up. No matter if your health changes. As you get older this pmt will never go up. Now some of these companies you get to quit paying premiums at age 100. You’ll still have the coverage but that pmt isn’t ever going up. Guaranteed the rest of your life.The third thing on there is From Whom. People think that’s funny that I have that on there because clearly I’m not here to promote my competitors. But in all seriousness we don’t have competitors. I write for almost ever company in the state and I’m gonna guarantee you that we’re giving you the best deal. What we do at XXX is we get you the best value in the state of XXX on a whole life plan with an A rated company. We don’t write companies that aren’t A rated. What we do is get you the best plan based on your age, health, if you smoke and if you’re male or female. Sometimes I’m going to offer a husband something different from the wife. Whatever fits you is what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna guarantee in writing everything I just told you. (pulls out $1000 guarantee) I have a $1000 guarantee. I will give $1000 to the charity of your choice. I can’t give it to you, that’s called rebating and its illegal. If you can find a final expense policy that offers you better benefits for the same premium or the same benefits for a lower premium. Mr. XXX we’ve never had to pay this in all the years I’ve been doing this because we do what we say. This is more of a peace of mind thing that I’m not telling you a bunch of junk. Have you ever bought a vehicle and found out 2 weeks later you could have saved $500 somewhere else? If that happens with us we are guaranteeing what we’re telling you here.The fourth thing on there is When. Now, there’s no time like the present ‘cause I’m only going to offer you an amount you can easily afford, that fits your budget and I don’t need any money today. That sounds great doesn’t it? If it’s free sign me up!How’s your health? Then more specific. Heart attack? Stroke? Cancer? Go back to first paper… at bottom writes “Immediate benefits” I mentioned AARP. Those are term policies and there’s nothing wrong with term. If you said you wanted to be sure your mortgage was covered we’d be talking about term. Term is temporary ins. The credit union one, it ends at age 75. AARP premium goes up every 5 years and ends at 80. If you have temporary need term is great. Your car loan or home loan, term is great for that. Get whatever it is paid off and drop the policy. Our funerals are not temporary so we won’t cover them with temporary insurance. I do know a guy that sells 10yr term policies for funerals. If when we get done here, it you think you want a term policy to carry your funeral I’ll give you his number. Back to bottom of paper… Writes Immediate Benefits, No Two Year Wait. If you take a policy with us and you pass away tomorrow you are covered. Then writes “Payments Never Increase” underlines Never. “Benefits never decrease or end” at bottom “Builds Cash Value” Writes $7500 Whole Life next is $10,000 Whole Life and then $15,000 Whole life. Writes the price for each. Then goes over it.Mr. XXX, I can get you a $7500 plan for $43.50. I can get you $10,000 for $55 and change or I can get you $15,000 for $75 etc. Hand them the paper. Which one of those fits your budget? That’s it! ................

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