
SMPLE PAPER CLASS XIIBLUE PRINTSUB: BIOLOGYCLASS – XIITIME: 3Hours MM: 70 MarksS. No.Type of Question UnitsVSA (1Mark)SA –II(2 Marks)SA – I (3 Marks)LA (5 Marks)Total1Reproduction2(2)6(3)6(2)--14(7)2Genetics & Evolution2(2)2(1)9(3)5(1)18(7)3Biology in Human Welfare1(1)4(2)9(3)--14(6)4Biotechnology 2(2)--3(1)5(1)10(4)5Ecology1(1)8(4)--5(1)14(6)Total8(8)20(10)27(9)15(3)70(30)M K TIWARPGT (BIOLOGY)KV SEHORESUB: BIOLOGY SAMPLE PAPER 01CLASS - XIITime: 3 Hours MM: 70 MarksGeneral instructions:All questions are compulsory.This question paper consist of four section ABC and D. Section A contains 8 questions of one mark each. Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each.Section C is of 9 questions of three marks each andSection D is of 3 questions of five marks each.There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one question of three mark and all three question of five marks. A student has to attempt only one of alternatives in such questions.Wherever necessary the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labeled.SECTION – AName the ecological pyramid that can be inverted in a tree eco system and an aquatic ecosystem. 1A human trematode parasite depends on hosts to complete its life cycle. Give name them. 1In test tube, where is zygote transferred before to reach upto 8 blastomears! Name this technique.1 How did non-virulant strain become virulent in Griffth’sexperiment?1 At what stage of life is oogenesis initiated in human female life? How will your characterised a tertiary follicle.1Why bottle fruit juices are clearer as compared to made at home.1A female human is sterile as rudiment overies. Give its chromosomal composition and genetic disorder.1 State the uses of Nucleopolyhydrovirus with respect to pest management.SECTION – BGive a diagrammatic representation of organismic response to abiotic factors like temperature.2Observe the flaw chart and fill up the blanks a b c d 2Primary oocyte Layer of Granulosa cellsPrimary follicle More layer of Granulosa cells and newthecaA TransformB CMatureDPolar Body OvulationIn monohybrid cross the genotype and phenotype ratio is 1:2:1 what type of inheritance is it? Explain with example.2What is called pregnancy hormone? What is it function and source of secretion? or Draw a fertilized embryo sac showing zygote & PEN.2In morula stage the cell divide without any increase in size. Why?2Name the blank spaces a b c and d from the table given below2MicrobesScientific nameProductMedical applicationFungusaBOrgan transplantationcdStatinblood-cholesterolDifferentiates between Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.2What is meant by H2 L2 for an antibody? Name of antibodies which are related to mother milk and allergy.2What is parbhanikranti? Explain with an example.2Which is the world’s most problematic aquatic weed? Why is it so?2SECTION – C (i)Draw a pollen grain to show grain to show vegetative and generative cell. 3(ii)Why do the exine should be hard. (iii)What is the function of germpore.What is genetic equilibrium? Which factors are responsible to affect this equilibrium?3A di-hybrid heterozygous round, yellow seeded garden pea was crossed with double recessive plant.3What type of cross in thisWork out the phenotype of progenyWhat principle of mendal is illustratedOrDescribe the nature of inheritance of ABO Blood Group in human . In which way does this inheritance differ from the height of garden pea plant.3What is sewage? In which way can sewage be harmful to us? Give key difference between Primary and Secondary Sewage treatment.3 (a)In which part of the human female reproductive system do the following eventRelease of first polar body (ii) Release of second polar body (iii) fertilization (iv) implantation3 (b)From where do signals for parturition originate and what does maternal pituitary release for stimulating uterine contraction for child birth.24. Name the three RNA polymerase found in eukaryotes and mention their function. 325.Give the scientific name of parasite that causes malignant malaria in human body. 3 At what stage these parasites enter in human body? Trace its life cycle in human body.26.Expand MOET. Explain the procedure of this technology in cattle improvement. 327.(i) Explain metastasis? Why is it fatal?3(ii) The lymphocytes are two type B cells & T cells why are they called so. (iii) A person is injured by snakebites and required an urgent immune response, what should be done.SECTION – D28. What is translation? Describe the synthesis of complete polypeptide from the ribosome.5OrWhat is DNA fingerprinting? Describe various steps and its application?29. List the formation of rDNA? How is isolated gene of interest amplified?5OrWhat are cloning vectors? List the feature that are required to facilitate cloning into a vectors with a sketch the E coli cloning vector PBR 322 and give importance of ampR, roP?30. Define decomposition & describe the process & product & decomposition.5OrWhat is Evil Quartet? Explain it? How do we conserve the Biodiversity?MARKING SCHEMESUB: BIOLOGYCLASS – XIIQ. No.Value pointsMarksSECTION – A1In tree ecosystem – pyramid of numberIn aquatic ecosystem – pyramid of biomass? + ? = 12Snail & fish? + ? = 13Fallopian tube (ii) ZIFT (Zygote intra fallopian transfer)? + ? = 14Transformation15Embryonic stage of female foetusFluid filled cavity - Antrum ? + ? = 16Juices are clarified by use of pectinase & protease? + ? = 17Absence of one X-chromosome (45 with X O)Turner syndrome? + ? = 18Viruses – species specific, narrow spectrum insecticidal application1SECTION – B9NCERT Text Book page No. 223 F -133210Secondary follicle (b) Tertiary follicle (c) Graffian follicle (d) Secondary oocyte? + ? +? + ? = 211Incomplete dominance, Explain: NCERT Text Book – P-76? + 1? = 212Progesterone, Corpus luteum/placentaIncrease lining of endometrium,Maintain of pregnancy, develop mammary gland OrNCERT - P-34 Fig. 2.13(a)? + ? + ? + ? = 213Zona pellucida of egg cell intact till complete cleavage214Trichoderma polysporium (b) Cyclosporin A (c) Yeast (d) Monoscus purpurius? + ? +? + ? = 215 BiodegradableNon – Biodegradable1 + 1 = 2Broken down into harmless simple compound by the action of microbesUsed as manureLittle pollutionCannot broken down & accumulated in biosphereEnter food chainBio-magnification (Any Two)16H2L2 – H2 – Two heavy chain, larger L2 – Two light chain, light IgA – Mother milk IgE – Allergy? + ? + ? + ? = 217Resistance to yellow mosaic virus in bhindi ( abelmoschusesculantum) was transformed from a wild species and resulted in a new variety A esculantus – Parbhani Kranti1 + 1 = 218Eichorniacrassipes (water hyacinth) Terror of Bengal- Grow abundantly in eutrophic waterbody – imbalance in ecosystem dynamics in water body.1 +? + ? = 2SECTION – C19NCERT Text Book Page No. 23 Diagram & labelwithstand high temperature and strong acid & alkali1 +1 +1 = 320Allele frequency in a population is stable and is constant from generation to generation. 5 factors-gene flow, genetic drift, mutation genetic recombination, natural selection 1 + 2 = 321Test Cross (ii) Work out (iii) Loa of segregationOrNCERT Page No. – 77Dominance and multiple allelismHeight of pea plant – dominance1 + 1+ 1 =322Waste – Municipal waste water/human excretaHarmful- Pollution, water born diseasePrimary Treatment-Physical treatment, filtration, Sedimentation, Primary sludgeSecondary Treatment- Biological treatment, aeration, activated sludge, anaerobic sludge digestion, Bio gas (NCERT – P -184)? + ? + 2= 323(i)Overy (ii)Fallopian tube (iii)Ampulary isthmic junction (iv)uterus Foetus and placenta, oxytocin ? + ? +? + ? +? + ? =324NCERT - Page – 110RNA polymerase I - Transcribe rRNAs (28S, 18S, 5.8S)RNA polymerase II – Transcribe in RNA, hnRNARNA polymerase III – responsible for t RNA, 5 SrRNA, Sn RNA1 + 1+ 1 =325Plasmodium falciferum, sporozoites, lifecycle inhuman body- NCERT – P- 1481 + 1+ 1 =326MOET multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology NCERT – P - 1681 + 2 =327Metastasis – property of tumor spread in the bodyT – mature in Thymus, B – mature in bonemarrowAntibodies against snake venom1 + 1+ 1 =3SECTION – D28Translation - Process of polymerization of amino acids to form polypeptide (NCERT Text Book – P – 114-115 Fig. 6.13)Steps & DiagramOrDNA Fingerprinting - definition, steps and applications1 + 3 + 1 =51 + 2 + 2 =529Steps formation of rDNA – Isolation of DNA, Fragmentation of DNA by restriction endonuclease, Isolation of desired DNA fragment, Amplification, Ligation of DNA fragment, Transfer of DNA fragmentPCR – K mulli’s: Main steps – Denaturation, Primar annealing extension of primasOrCloning vector, List of features, Sketch of PBR322 ampR – Antibiotics ampicillin, rop – Protein involve in replication of plasmid (NCERT – P-192-193)1 + 2 + 2 = 530Defination – Decomposition Process ProductsFragmentation - Increase surface area of detritusLeaching - Away soluble nutrients by gravitation Catabolism _ Simple compound Humification - Humus as reservoir of nutrientsMineralization - inorganic substanceOrEvil quartet – Habitate loss & fragmentation, over exploitation, Alinsps invasion, Co-existinction In situ – Sacred grave, Biosphere reserve, National Park Ex situ- Home garden, Seed/Gene Bank, Botanical and Zoological Garden1 + 4 = 52 + 3 = 5V.KumarK V Duliajan (Assam)Sample question Paper Class - XIIDESIGN OF THE QUESTION PAPERHrs. – 3 hrs. Max. Marks – 70The weightage of the distribution over different dimensions of the question paper shall be as follows –Weigthtage to content/ subject UnitsUnitsContentMarks Reproduction 14 Genetics and evolution 18 Biology and Human Welfare 14 Biotechnology and its applications 10 Ecology and environment 14Total 70Weightage to different form of questionsS. No.Form of QuestionsMarks for eachNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks1. Very Short Answer (VSA)1 8 082. Short Answer (SA II) 2 10 203. Short Answer (SA I) 3 09 274. Long Answer (LA) 5 30 705. TOTALScheme of OptionsThere will be no overall option.Internal choices (either/ or type) on a very selective basis has been provided. This choice has been given in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks weightage.Weightage of difficulty level of questionsS. No.Estimated difficulty levelPercentage1.Easy 152. Average 703. Difficult 15About 20% weightage has been assigned to questions testing higher order thinking skills of learners.Blue PrintSNType of question UnitVSA(1 Mark)SAII(2 Marks)SAI(3 Marks)LA(5 Marks)Total1Reproduction1(1)2(1)6(2)5(1)14(5)2Genetics and evaluation1(1)6(3)6(2)5(1)18(7)3Biology and human welfare1(1)8(4)-5(1)14(6)4Bio Tech. and its application2(2)2(1)6(2)-10(5)5Ecology and Environment3(3)2(1)9(3)-14(7)Total8(8)20(10)27(9)15(3)70(30)Sample question Paper Class - XIIClass - XIISubject - BiologyTime – 3 hrs. Max. Marks – 70General Instructions –All questions are compulsoryThe question paper consists of four sections A, B, C & D. Section A contains 8 questions of 1 mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of 2 marks each, section C has 9 questions of 3 marks each whereas section D is of 3 questions of 5 marks each.There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the 3 questions of 5 marks. A student has to attempt only none of alternatives in such questions.Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn on should be neat and properly labeled.SECTION – AIf the seeds collected from hybrids are sown the plants in progeny will segregate and do not maintain hybrid characters. How can this problem be overcomed?At which end do capping and Tailing of hnRNA take place?Initial lactating milk colustrum has antibodies IgA which protect the infant. What type of immunity is it ?What is the host called that produces a foreign gene product ? What is this product called ?A multinational company outside India tried to sell new varieties of turmeric without proper rights. What is such an act referred to ? It is found that clown fish live along with sea Anemone. What type of interaction is it ?What does mean biodiversity hotspots ?Which water weed grow abundantly in eutrophic water bodies and lead to an imbalance in the ecosystems dynamics of water body i.e. introduced due to its lovely flower.SECTION – BWhy is it necessary to emasculate a bisexual flower in a plant breeding programme ? Mention the condition under which emasculation is not necessary. (b)DNA mRNA ProteinLook at the above sequence and mention the event a & b. How is this process differ in some viruses ?11.When tall pea plants were selfed, some of the offspring were dwarf. Explain with punnet square.12.The male fruitfly and female fowl are heteroqametic while the female fruitfly and the male fowl are homogametic. Why are they called so?13.Identify the disease according to given symptoms & give cause for it. Blockage of intestinal passage, internal bleeding, Muscular pain etc.14.Which morphological and biochemical features of wheat and maize resist them from insect and pests.15.Why is an immunosuppresent drug is required during organ transplantation ? Name a bioactive molecule used as an immunosuppressive drug.16.i.Which microbe is useful to check disease causing microbial agent.ii.Higher production of co2 causes large holes in swiss cheese. Name the microbe responsible for it.17.Why was insulin derived from the pancreas of slaughtered cattle and pigs not suitable for human use ? How can pro-insulin be converted into active insulin?18.The figure given below show relative contributions of various greenhouse gases to the total global warming. CFC ab Co2Name the gases (a) and (b)Explain how increase in green house gases in earth’s atmosphere leads to melting of ice caps.ORDistinguish between Eurythermal& Stenothermal organisms.SECTION – C19.a)How do copper and hormone releasing IUD act as an contraceptives ? Explain.b) Give one example for each copper & hormone releasing IUDs.20. a) In which state the developing embryo get attach with utrine wall andgive term for the same.b) Blastomeres in blastula arranged into inner cell mass and outer layer. State term for this outer cell layer.21.The gene I has three alleles, which affect the ABO blood group (IA, IB, i). Complete the following table giving the genotype of the blood group.Blood GroupGenotypeAIAIAABBABOWhich of these alleles is co-dominant &why ?22.How did Avery and Macleod experiment proved the biochemical nature of transforming principle in Griffith’s experiment?23.A recombinant DNA is formed when sticky ends of vector DNA and foreign DNA join. Explain how the sticky ends are formed and get joined.24.How is a transgenic tobacco plant protected against Meloidegyne Incognitia? Explain the procedure.25. Why do predators avoids eating Monarch butterfly? How does the butterfly develop this protective feature?26.How is rate of decomposition affected by temperature, oxygen and chemical composition of detritus?27.Why are (i) Alian species invasion and (ii) loss of habitat and fragmentation are considered to be major cause of loss of biodiversity? Explain with example.ORExplain the cause of algal bloom in water body. How does it affect an ecosystem?SECTION – D28.a) Draw a labelled diagram of L.S. of a flower to show the growth of Pollentube reaching egg apparatus.b)Pistil of a flower does not accept pollen from any other than from its ownKind. How does it happen? ExplainORWhen and how does placenta develop in human female?How is placenta connected to the embryo?Placenta act as an endocrine gland. Explain.29.Explain the steps of DNA fingerprinting that will help in processing of the two blood samples A and B picked up from the crime scene.ORWhy is DNA molecule a more stable genetic material than RNA? ExplainUnambiguous, degenerate and universal are the salient features of genetic code. Explain them.30.a) Why does a doctor administer tetanus antitoxin and not a tetanus Vaccine to a child injured in a road accident with a bleeding wound. b)Fill up A, B & C in given table.Name of drugPlant sourceOrgan system affectedAPoppy PlantCNSMarijuanaBCORWhat is somatic hybridization? Explain the various steps involved in the process. Mention any two uses of somatic hybridization.Making SchemeTime – 3 hrs. Max. Marks – 70SECTION – AMake the hybrids Apomeiotic. 1Capping at 3’ end and tailing at 5’ end. ? + ? Passive immunity. 1Competent host, Recombinant Protein ? + ? Bio piracy 1Commesalism 1Region with very high level of species richness and high degree of endemism. 1Water hyacinth. 1 SECTION – BTo check sef pollination. In unisexual flower. 1+110 i) a. Transcription b. Translation 1 ii) Reverse transcription found in virusesProper explanationReason Ascariasis, Ascarislumbricoids 1+1 214Wheat- solid stem, Maize – LowN2& sugar content & high aspartic acid content. 1+1Reason 2 CyclosporineA 1+1(i) LAB (ii) Propionibacteriumsharmanii 1+1Proper cause & explanation in brief. 1+1(i)a)N2O b)CH4 (ii)Explanation 1+1 OR Proper difference SECTION – C a) Cu releasing – Increasing phagocylosis of sperm & suppress sperm motility. 2+1Homone releasing – make utenus unsuitable for implantation. b) anyone example of each a) Blastocyst / Blastula, implantation 2+1 b) Trophoblast Completion of taste, AB, because express themselves simultaneously. 2+1Adequate explanation.3 Brief explanation.3 Explanation Proper cause, by eating a poisonous chemical in its caterpillar stage. 1+2 Give proper affects of given factor. 1+1+1Explain with anyone example. 1? +1 ? ORProper cause & affect 1+2SECTION – D a) diagram with labeling3b) Proper reason2 OrProper reason & situation1Explanation of processExplanation Explanations of steps in a sequence.5 OrReason explanation2Explanation of features3a) ReasonA – Morphin1B- Cannabis sative1C- Cardio Vascular system1 OrReason1Explanation2Uses2BLUE PRINTBIOLOGYCLASS XIIPREPARED BY—MRS SEPHALI TRIPATHYPGT (BIO)KV CHARBATIAS.NOTYPE OF QUESTION/UNITSVSA(1MARK)SAI(2MARKS)SAII(3MARKS)LA(5MARKS)TOTAL1REPRODUCTION2(2)6(3)6(2)--14(7)2GENETICS AND EVOLUTION2(2)2(1)9(3)5(1)18(70)3BIOLOGY IN HUMAN WELFARE1(1)4(2)9(3)-14(6)4BIOTECHNOLOGY2(2)--3(1)5(1)10(4)5ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT1(1)8(4)-5(1)14(6)TOTAL8(8)20(10)27(9)15(3)70(30)CLASS-XIIBIOLOGY (THEORY)Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70General InstructionThis paper consists of four sections A, B, C and D.Section-A is of 8 questions one marks each,Section-B is of 10 questions two marks each,Section-C is of 9 questions three marks each andSection-D is of 3 questions of five marks each.All questions are compulsory.There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks weightage. Attempt only one of the choices in such questions.Question numbers 1 to 8 are to be answered in one word or one sentence each.Questions numbers 9 to 18 are to be answered in approximately 20-30 words eachQuestion numbers 19 to 27 are to be answered in approximately 30 to 50 words each.Questions numbers 28 to 30 are to be answered in approximately 80-120 words each.Give neat and properly labelled diagram whenever necessary.SECTION-‘A’Q.1) Name the unlabelled areas ‘a’ & ‘b’ of the pie chart representing the globalbiodiversity of invertebrates showing their proportionate number of species of major taxa. (1)Q.2) After a successful in vitro fertilisation, the fertilised egg begins to divide. Where is this egg transferred before it reaches the 8 celled stage and what is this technique named? (1)Q.3) How many ova will be produced by one full grown primary oocyte? (1)Q.4)Why is the polar region not suitable for tiny humming birds? (1)Q.5) Name the components ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the nucleotide with a purine given below:(1)Q.6)What is heterogamety? Give an example of an organism showing it. (1)Q.7) State the use of:a)Monascuspupureusb)Propionibacteriumsharmanii(1)Q.8) Name two diagnostic techniques used to detect the presence of a pathogen in its early stage of infection. (1)SECTION-‘B’Q.9) Bougainvillea thorns &Cucurbita tendrils are homologus structures. Why do you call them homologus? Which type of evolution do they show? (2)Q.10)A person shows unusual hypersensitive reactions when exposed to certain substances present in air .Identify the condition. Name the cells responsible for such reactions and one biochemical secreted by these cells during the reaction. Name one drug to reduce this reaction. (2)Q.11) Fed up of a large family, a couple wanted to adopt a terminal method of contraception. Describe the process conducted by doctor in either of the cases.(male/female partner). (2)Q.12)The flower brinjal is referred to as chasmogamus while that of bean is cleistogamuos. How are they different from each other? (2)Q.13) Name the blank spaces a, b, c & d in the table given below: (2)Name of the drugPlant sourceOrgan system affectedi)a)____________Poppy plantb)___________ii)Marijuanac)____________d)____________Q.14) Honey collection improves when beehives are kept in crop fields during flowering season. Why? How do the crop plants get benefited from this practice?OR (2)How does addition of a small amount of curd to fresh milk help in formation of curd? Mention a nutritional quality that gets added to the curd.Q.15) Name any two sources of electronic wastes. Mention any one way of each of its disposal in developing countries and developed countries. (2)Q.16) Give the scientific term for the following: a) Interconnection of food chains.b) Mass of living material at a particular time of trophic level.c) Final community which reaches equilibrium during plant succession.d) Another term for nutrient cycle. (2)Q.17) Name two examples of each of the following:a) Cauliflower varieties resistant to blackrot and curl blight. b) Flat bean varieties resistant to insect Pest-Jassids, aphids and fruit borer. (2)Q.18)During the secondary treatment of the primary effluent, how does the significant decreases in BOD occur? (2)SECTION-‘C’Q.19) a) Mention the steps required to make bacterial cells component to take up recombinant DNA.b) Name one method to introduce alien DNA into:i) Plant cell ii) Animal cell (3)Q.20) Each cycle of polymerase chain reaction includes three steps. Mention these steps and diagrammatically explain the process.Q.21)a) Expand the term UTR and what does it mean?- b) Where is it located?c) What is its significance? (3)Q.22) Study the figure given below and answer the questions that follows Name the stage of human embryo, the figure represents.Identify ‘a’ in the figure and mention its functions.Mention the fate of inner cell mass after implantation in the uterus. (3)Q.23) a) Expand the term ADA and what is its crucial role in human body?b) What is the cause of ADA deficiency in a person? c) Why is it that even after infusion of genetically engineered lymphocyte intothe patient suffering from ADA deficiency, cure is not permanent?What could be the permanent cure? (3)Q.24) The graph shows the organismic responseTo abiotic environmental factors. Name the categories of animals which show the Pattern a, b, & c respectively and define each of them. (3)Q.25) Study the given figure and answer the questions: Is the trait sex linked or autosomal? Why?Give the genotypes of parents.Give the genotypes of affected daughter of second generation & son in third generation.OR(3) If the sequence of coding strand in a transcription unit is written as follows: 5’ATGCATGCATAG3’Write the base sequence of mRNA transcribed with polarity 5’ to 3’.Why transcription and translation are coupled in prokaryotes?Why splicing is necessary in processing of Eukaryotic hnRNA?Q.26) What are Mycorrhizae? How do they serve as biofertilisers? (4 points) (3)Q.27) a) Write your observation on the variations seen in Darwin’s finches shown above.b) How did Darwin explain the existence of different varieties of finches onGalapagos Island?(3)SECTION – ‘D’Q.28) a) Draw a labelled sectional view of semniferous tubule of a human male.b) What is spermiation and spermiogenesis?OR (5)Draw a longitudinal section of a post pollinated pistil showing the entry of Pollentube into a mature embryosac and label any six parts of it.What is the role of synergids in fertilisation?What is the fate of zygote and PEN?Q.29)a) Represent diagrammatically Watson-crick model for semiconservative replication of DNA.How is continuous synthesis of DNA differs from discontinuous synthesisof DNA. (Four differences)OR (5) a) How did Hardy –Weinberg explain the allelic frequencies in a population are stable and are constant from generation to generation?b) Mention any two factors that disturb the genetic equilibrium in population. c) Fitness is the end result of the ability to adapt and get selected by nature. Explain this with reference to melanisation of moth due to industrialisation.Q.30) a)What is meant by ozone shield and mention the unit to measure the thickness of ozone shield?b) Differentiate between Bad ozone and Good ozone.c) Name the ozone depleting substances and mention its source.d) How does it effects the ozone shield? OR (5)What do you mean by detritus and litter?Mention the five steps by which it is decomposed?State any two factors affecting decomposition.What is the significant role of decomposition in ecosystem?--------------------MARKING SCHEMESUBJECT-BIOLOGYMaximum Marks: 70 SECTION- AQ.1- (a) Insects (b) Molluscs (? + ?=1)Q.2- Fallopiantube Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT) ( ? + ? =1)Q.3- One (1)Q.4- Tiny birds have a larger surface area to body volume ratio and tend to lose heat fast and to compensate heat lossthey have to spend more energy. (1)Q.5- (a) Phosphate group (b) Nitrogenous base ( ? + ? =1)Q.6- -Phenomenon of producing two types of gametes -Human male/female fowls ( ? + ? =1)Q.7- (a) Produces statin, the cholesterol lowering agent (b) Production of large holes in Swiss Cheese due to ( ? + ? =1)Carbon dioxide production.Q.8- r-DNA technology PCR ( ? + ? =1) ELISA (any two) SECTION- BQ.9- Having same body design and developmental origin butDifferent function. (1 x 2=2)Divergent evolution.Q.10- Condition is Allergy. Cells are mast cells Histamine / Serotonin (any one) ( ? x 4=2) Use of drugs like antihistamine, Adrenalin & Steroids Reduce the reaction. (Any one) Q.11- In male vasectomy and its meaning In female tubectomy and its meaning (1 x 2=2)Q.12- Brinjal has chasmagamous flowers as they are open with exposed stamen and stigma. So exhibit both cross (1+1=2)pollination and self- pollination. On the other hand beanshavecleistogamous flowers as they never open so exhibitself-pollination.Q.13- a) Morphine b) Central Nervous System/ Gastro intestinal tract c) Cannabis sativa ( ? x 4=2) d) Cardiovascular systemQ.14- Bees visit flowers for collecting nectar or pollen (for honey)and pollinate more number of flowers during flowering seasonlarger is the nectar or pollen collection hence more honey isproduced. Crop production increases as pollination is ensured by bees. OR (1 x 2=2) Inoculum (curd) contains millions of lactobacilli which multiply at a suitable temperature produce lactic acid that coagulates andpartially digest the milk proteins thus converting milk to curd. It also improves the nutritional quality of milk by manufacturingof vitamin B12. Q.15- Irreparable computers and other electronic gadgets are the sources of electronic wastes. In the developing countries their disposal involves recycling that employs manual labourers. ( ? x 4=2) In the developed countries, they are recycled in specifically builtchambers without involving manual labours. Q.16- a) Food web b) Standing crop c) Climax community ( ? x 4=2) d) Biogeo chemical cycle Q.17- a) i) PusaShubhra ii) Pusa Snowball K-1b) i) PusaSem 2 ii) PusaSem 3 ( ? x 4=2) Q.18- During secondary treatment, the aeration allows vigorous growth of useful aerobic microbes into flocks i.e. masses of bacterial cellsin association with fungal filaments forming mesh like structure. Asthey grow the microbes consume a major part of organic matter inthe effluent. So, BOD is significantly reduced. (2 x 1=2)SECTION- C Q.19- a) Steps:i) Treatment of bacterial cells with divalent cation such as Ca2++ ii) Incubating the cells with r-DNA on ice iii) Placing them briefly at 42 degree C (heat shock) iv) Putting them back on ice ( ? x 6=3) b) i) Plant cell – biolistics (gene gun) ii) Animal cell – micro injection Q.20- Steps:i) Denaturation – explain ii) Annealing – explain iii) Etension – explain ( ? x 6=3) Diagram showing above steps (Refer fig. 11.6, page no.202 NCERT Text) Q.21- a) UTR- Untranslated Region, the additional sequences in mRNA not translated. b) Before initiation codon (5’ end) and after stop codon of 3’end in translated unit. c) For efficient translation process ( ? x 2 + 1=3) Q.22- i) Blastocyst (Blastula) ii) ‘A’ is a trophoblast. The trophoblast layer gets attached to endometrium and later forms finger like projection called chorionic villi. iii) The inner cell mass differentiates into an outer layer of ectoderm and an inner layer of endoderm and mesoderm soon appears between ectoderm & endoderm. (1 x 3=3) Q.23- a) ADA- Adenosine deaminase, maintains immunity b) Deletion of gene for ADA c) Genetically engineered lymphocytes are not immortal d) If the gene isolated from bone marrow cells producing ADA isintroduced to the inner cell mass at early embryonic stage( ? x 6=3) Q.24- a) Regulators – define b) Conformers – define c) Partial regulators – define (1 x 3=3)Q.25- i) Autosomal. Because the defect is carried to both male and female in the progeny. ii) Genotypes of parent: HbAHbS iii) Genotype of the affecter daughter in second generation HbSHbS. And genotype of the son in third generation HbSHbS. OR (1 x 3=3)mRNA – 5’AUGCAUGCAUAG3’In prokaryotes mRNA doesn’t require any processing tobecome active.In eukaryotes hnRNA contains both exons and introns. Q.26-Mycorrhizae are the symbiotic associations between certainfungi and roots of higher plants.The fungus absorbs phosphorus from the soil and pass itto the plants.Plants with mycorrhizae show resistance to root bornepathogens. (? x 4 + 1 = 3)They show increased tolerance to salinity and drought.There is an overall increase in plant growth and development. Q.27- a) From the above original seed eating features many other forms with altered beaks arose enabling them to become insectivorousand vegetarian finches. b) Adaptive radiation – explain ( 1 + 2= 3)SECTION – D Q.28- a) Diagram refer to fig. 3.5, page no. 47 of NCERT Text b) Spermiation – Release of sperms from seminiferous tubule after getting nourishment from sertoli cells. OR ( ? x 6 + 2 = 5) a) Refer diagram, Figure 2.12 (c), Page No. 32 of NCERT Text b) Guides the entry of pollen tube into the embryo sac. c) Zygote – Embryo PEN - Endosperm Q.29- a) Refer diagram, Figure 6.6, Page no. 104 of NCERT Text b) Any four differences OR ( 3 + ? x 4= 5)The sum total of allelic frequencies in a stable populationis one. Individual frequencies of alleles A and a can be taken as p & q i.e. AA= P square, aa=q2 &Aa=2pqp square + 2pq + q square = 1 i.e. (p+q) square b) Any two factor – Gene migration, genetic drift mutation,gene recombination c) Explain natural selection operation on wing colour of moth. Q.30- a) Ozone layer protecting earth surface from UV rays, Dobson b) Badozone( Troposphere ), harmful to animals and plantsGoodozone (Stratosphere) protects from UV radiation.CFC. RefrigeratorCl atoms released from CFCs degrade ozoneCl atoms are not consumed in the reaction hence continuously Affect on ozone as catalyst. OR (? x 6 + 2=5)Detritus – Dead plant and animal remains above and below ground.Litter – Dead plant materials above the groundFive steps: Fragmentation Leaching CatabolismHumificationMineralisationTwo factors: Chemical nature of detritus Temperature d) Nutrient cycling CLASS XII BIOLOGYWEIGHTAGE TO DIFFERENT FORM OF QUESTIONSS.NOFORM OF QUESTIONMARKS OF EACH QUESTIONNO. OF QUESTIONMARKS1Very Short Answer (VSA)1882Short Answer (SAII)210203Short Answer (SA I)39274Long Answer (LA)5315Total3070BLUE PRINTTYPES OF QUESTION→UNITS↓VSA(1 Marks)SAII(2 Marks)SAI(3 Marks)LA(5Marks)TOTALReproduction2(2)2(1)3(1)5(1)12(5)Genetics & Evolution2(2)4(2)9(3)5(1)20(8)Biology & Human Welfare1(1)8(4)3(1)12(6)Biotechnology & its Application1(1)2(1)9(3)12(5)Ecology2(2)4(2)3(1)5(1)14(6)Total8(8)20(10)27(9)15(3)70(30)CLASS XIISUBJECT- BIOLOGY QUESTION PAPERMM –70 TIME-3 hrsGeneral Instructions:All questions are compulsoryThis question paper consists of four sections A,B,C & DSection A contains 8 question of 1 marks each, section B contains 10 questions of 2 marks each, section C contains 9 question of 3 marks each & section D contains 3 question of 5 marks eachThere are no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, 1 question of 3 marks & all the three question of 5 marks weightage. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.Whenever necessary, the diagram drawn should be neat & properly labeled.Section – AIn human females menstrual cycle occur, what cycle occur in females of rat ?What was the single character of DNA that went in favor of it as a better storage of genetic information?Name the drugs used to reduce the symptom of allergy?Write the name of the bacteria that produces Bt toxins?Name the fungus that produces cyclosporin-A.If a strands of DNA having base sequence TACATC produces mRNA by transcription, what amino acid will be there after translation.What is the no. of cell and nucleus in a typical matured embryo sac at maturity?Mention two possible reasons in favour of the survival of pouched mammals in Australia.SECTION-B 9. An orchid called Rasna grows on mango plants and survive there –what is the interaction between them and why? 10. What is Hardy-Weinberg’s principle? Mention any two factors that affect it. 11. “As long as mothers breast feed their children fully, the chances of conception is almost nil”-What is it known as? How long it can be followed? Mention one its importance also.(i) What are the two amino acid residues that makes histones positive charge.(ii) In capping what is added to the 5’-end of hnRNA. ORName the type inheritance in which the genotypic ratio is the same as the phenotypic ratio also give the ratio. What is bio magnification? Name two chemicals that can be cause biomagnification. What is PEN? How it undergoes changes become a fully formed endosperm? Name the nematode that caused great reduction in tobacco yield. Mention in brief the strategy adopted to prevent this attack. Name two greenhouse gases. What is meant by El-ninoeffect ?CROPVARIETYINSECT/PESTAPusaGauravAphids Flat bean PusasemBCPusa A-4D Above table has some crops that are insect pest resistance. Fill upto A,B,C&D with suitable terms.Define the term Biodiversity. How can we conserve our biodiversity?Section-CName the organism that causes ringworm. Give the symptoms the mode of transmission of the agent.In some species the diploid egg cell is formed without reduction division and develops into embryo without fertilization What is the process known as?What do we call it if more than one embryo is formed within a seed?How is the process can help a farmer to avoid costly hybrid seeds?What is biofertilizer? How do we increase the nutrient quality of the soil? Name the organism used as biofertilizer in paddy field.(a)Which compound is used to visualized the separated DNA in gel electrophorasis. (b)Which bacteria is used in amplification of PCR and what’s its used. (c)What is bioreactorsmention three major differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.(a) who finally disapproved the idea of spontaneous creation of life?(b) Explain how the natural selection worked with the example of industrial melanism.What is artificial insemination? Mention its advantages. Why do we consider out crossing is the best breeding method?In one of his observations Morgan observed that the ratio obtained after a dihybrid cross show much higher proportion of parental combination that new combination among the offsprings –What process is responsible for this?Why does it happen?How the recombination percent used in gene maping?ORWhat is mutation? Mention its importance.What is point mutation?27.observe the figure of lac operon carefully & answer the questions below:aYZOPiPCBAXIn which condition the operon is now?What is the role played by ‘X’ here?Write the names of A,B,C& D?Section-D28. (a) What should be the characteristics for a molecule to act as genetic material? (b) How was it proved that DNA replication is semiconservative in nature?ORWhen does sickle cell anaemia occur in offsprings?Make a cross between RrYy&rryy&mention what type of cross is it? 29. (a) Write in correct sequence the steps involved in recombinant DNA technology. (b) What are the methods that can be adopted to insert a foreign DNA into the hostcell. Explain in brief one such method.ORHow do we recognize a transformant from a non-transformant?What is the source of ‘T-DNA’?Mention two advantages of molecular diagnosis over a traditional one. 30. (a) What is BOD? How can it be used to control water pollution? (b) Give some suggestions to make your area free from solid waste & maintain a clean environment.ORWrite the difference between Grazing food chain and detritus food chain.What are ecological pyramids? Why do we consider pyramid of energy is more reliable than the other Pyramids?MARKING SCHEME1. Oestrus cycle12. Stability13. Antihistamine/Adrenaline/Steroids (any two) 0.5+0.54. Bacillus thuringiensis15. Trichoderma polysporum1(i) Methionine for TAC(ii) ATC – No Amino Acid as the codon UAG is a stop codon17. No. of Nuclei-8/ No. of Cells-7. 0.5+0.58. (i) Continental drift(ii) Lack of competion. 0.5+0.5(i) Commensalism(ii) Orchid is benefited mango has no impact. 1+1 (i) Correct principle(ii) Gene flow/genetic drift/mutation/genetic recombination/natural selection. (at least two) 1+0.5+0.5(i) Lactational amenorrhea(ii) 6 month(iii) No side effect. 1+0.5+0.5(a) Lysines and arginines. (b) Methyl guanosines tri phosphate 1+1 OR(i) incomplete dominance(ii)Ratio 1:2:1 1+1(i) Correct Definition 1(ii)DDT & Mercury 0.5+0.5(i) Primary Endosperm Nucleus(ii)Different type of division 1+1(i) Meloidegyne incognitia(ii)Slicing mRNA/Complimentary dsRNA/Prevent translation of mRNA 1+1(i) Carbon dioxide & methane(ii)Odd climatic change due to green house effect etc. 1+1(A) Brassica(B) Aphids/food borer(C) Bhindi/Okra(D) Fruit & shoot borer 0.5+0.5+0.5+0.5(i) Correct definition(ii)At least 2/3 reasons 1+1(i) Trichoderma/ Epidermophyton(ii)Two reasons(iii)Soil, used towel & clothes 1+1+1(a) Apomixis(b) PolyembryonyHybrids convert to apomixes-no segregation/can use it years after years 1+1+1(i) Correct definition(ii)Legume rhizobium association/fixing atmospheric N2etc(iii)Cyanobacteria 1+1+1 22.(a)Ethidium bromide (b)Thermusaquaticus; release taq polymerase which remain active during high temperatureindused denaturation of double strand DNA (c)correctdefination. 1+1+1 23. Any three difference 1+1+1 24.(a) Louis Pasteur1(b)Two types of moth before/ black no. decrease/ predator dected them/ afterward white no. decrease etc. (4 points) 1+1 25 (i) Correct definition1(ii)At least two advantages1(iii)Helps to improve performance of below performance/ Overcome inbreeding depression 0.5+0.5 26.(a) Linkage(b)Two genes remain very closely linked on same chromosome(c)Less % closer distance/ higher %more distance/ 1% is one map unit 1+1+1 OR(a) Correct definition/ helps in variations. 1+1(b) Change in single base pair of DNA1 27.(a) Switched on1(b) An inducer/ binds with repressor and does not allow to attached at operator1(c) A- β-galactosidase B- Permease C- Transacetylase1 28.(a) 4-Characters2(b) Experiment with diagram3 OR(a) When both the parent are carrier2(b) Correct cross/ Test cross of dihybrid 2+3 29.(a) Steps in correct sequence 2(b) Gene gun/ Micro injections1(c)Brief account of any one.2 OR(a) Whether resistance is existing or not etc.2(b) Agrobacterium tumifaciens1(c) Accurate/ diagnosis much before the symptom as shown 2 30.(a) (i) Correct definition1 (ii)Higher BOD more organic molecule etc.2(b) Categorizing- biodegradable/ non-biodegradable/ recyclable making pits for biodegradable/ decreasing the use of non-biodegradable etc.2 OR(a) At least two differences2(b) Definition/ 10% Law etc. 1+2Prepared byS.RajakK.V.No-2 Ishapore R ROY (K V SALTLAKE 1 ) BLUE PRINT BIOLOGY THEORYCLASS-XIIS No.Types of Question-(units)VSA(1 marks)SA-II(2 marks)SA-I(3 marks)LA(5 marks)TOTAL1Reproduction2(2)4(2)3(1)5(1)14(6)2Genetics & Evolution2(2)2(1)9(3)5(1)18(7)3Biology in Human Welfare1(1)4(2)9(3)-14(6)4Biotechnology & its Applications3(3)4(2)3(1)-10(6)5Ecology & Environment-6(3)3(1)5(1)14(5)8(8)20(10)27(9)15(3)70(30)Class XIISAMPLE QUESTION PAPERBIOLOGYGeneral Instructions:All questions are compulsory.This question paper consists of 4 Sections A,B,C & D. Section A contains 8 questions of 1 mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of 2 marks each, Section C is of 9 questions of 3 marks each and section D is of 3 questions of 5 marks each.Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labeled.SECTION A1. The Turkey usually produces females for several generations. How is this possible? 2. The monocyte of maize plant contains 20 chromosomes. Work out the number of chromosome found in its endosperm. 3. Pick out the ancestral line of Geads from the list given below: Ferns, herbaceous lycopods , seeds ferns and horsetails.4. AaBb was crossed with aabb. What would be the phenotypic ratio of the progeny? Mention the term and denote this kind of cross. 5. State the use of i) Trichoderma with respect to organ transplant.ii)Nuclearpolyhedrovirus with respect to post management.6. In plants, how is alien DNA introduced into the host cell? 7. Why is it essential to have ‘selectable marker’ in a cloning vector? 8. Name a molecular diagnostic technique to detect the presence of pathogen in its early stage of infection. SECTION BStudy the figure given below and answer the question that follow: a) From the above shown figure mention the stage of human embryo.b) Label a and write its function.c) Mention the fate of inner cell mass after implantation in the Uterusd) Where are the stem cells located in the embryo.10. Fed up of large family , a couple wanted to adopt a terminal method of contraception. Describe the process conducted by the doctor in either of the cases (male/female parent) OrA mother of 1 year old daughter wanted to space her 2nd child, her doctor suggested cuT . Explain its contraceptive action.11. Read the sequence of the nuleotides in the given segment of mRNA and the respective amino acid sequence in the polypeptide chain. Polypeptide: met –phe-met proline-valine-serinei) Write the nucleotide sequence of the DNA strand from this mRNA was transcribed. ii )What does the last codon of this RNA stands for? 12. Describe the word responsibility of GEAC, set up of the Indian government. 13. During the secondary treatment of the primary effluent how does the significance decrease in BOD occur.14.Name the enzyme involved in following process- a) Inspecting the DNA length for palindromic nucleotide sequences.b) Joining of DNA fragments.c) Breaking the cell to release DNA and other macromolecules.d) Repeated DNA amplification.15. There are three lines of treatment of ADA deficiency disease i) What is ADA?ii) What is the best line of treatment?16. Justify:- i) Predation is useful too.ii) Predators help to maintain species diversity.17. What is EL Nino effect? Explain how it accounts for bio diversity loss. 18. What are the suggested methods of soil conservation?SECTION C19. The events of the menstrual cycle are represented below. Answer the question on the basis of following diagram: i) State the levels of FSH ,LH and Progesterone simply by mentioning high or low around 13th and 14th day and 21st to 23rd day.ii) In which of the above mentioned phases thus the egg travel to Fallopian tube.iii) Why is there no menstruation upon fertilization?20. Draw a labelled schematic sketch of replication fork of DNA. Explain the role of enzymes involved in DNA replication. ORAB and CD represent 2 strands of a DNA molecule. When this molecule undergoes replica, forming a replicate fork between A and C in its atomi) Name the template strands for replication.ii) Using which strand on the template, will there be continuous synthesis complementary DNA strand?iii) Complementary to which strand will Okazaki segments get synthesized in discontinuous strands.iv) What are Template strands and Okazaki pieces?21. How did Urey and Miller provide the conditions of primitive earth to prove the origin of life in their experiment? 22. Who performed Blender experiment with respect to DNA? What was the objective of this experiment. Explain Blender experiment in brief. 23. Enumerate any three properties of cancer cells that distinguish them from normal cells. How do normal cells get transformed into cancer cells.24. Expand MOET. Explain the procedure of this technology cattle improvement. 25. a) Why do organic farmers not recommend eradication of insect pest? Explain giving reasons.b) How do ladybird beetles and dragonflies act as bio control agents?c) Name the genus to which baculovirus belong. Mention one role in the integrated pest management programmes.26. Draw neat diagram of simple stirred –tank bioreactor and label six parts.27. Name the type of interaction seen in each of the following examples i) Ascaris worms living in the intestines of humansii) Wasp pollinating fig inflorescence.iii) Clam fish living among the tentacles of sea anemones.iv) Mycorrhizzae living on the roots of higher plantsv) Orchids growing on a branch of a mango tree.Vi) Disappearance of smallest barnacles when Balanus dominated in the coast of Scotland.SECTION D28. a) Draw a diagram of an enlarged view of T.S. of one microsprorangium of an angiosperm and label the following part: 1) Tapetum 2) Middle Layer 3) Endothecium 4) Microspore mother cellb) Mention the characteristic features and function of tapetum.c) Explain the following giving reasons-i) Pollen grains are well preserved as fossilsii) Pollen tablets are in use by people these days ORa) Why is the process of fertilization in angiosperms termed as double fertilization? Explain.b) Draw a diagram of an angiospermic embryo sac whose fertilization is just completed. Label the parts:i) micropylar end of the embryo sacii) the part that develops into an embryoiii) The part that develops into an endospermiv) The degenerating cells at the chalazal end.c) Draw a label diagram of globular embryonic stage of an angiosperm.29. a) state the arrangement of different genes that in bacteria that is referred to as ‘Operon’.b) Draw a schematic labeled illustration of lac operon in a ‘switched on’ state.c) Describe the role of lactose in lac operon.ORa) A true breeding homogeneous pea plant with green pods and axial flowers as dominant characters, is crossed with Russian homozygous pea plant with yellow pods and terminal flowers. Work out the cross upto F2 generation. Giving the phenotypic ratios of F1 and F2 generation respectively.b) State the Mendelian principle which can be derived from such a cross and not from monohybrid cross.30. Answer the following –a) Why do small animals (Mammals) of the polar region have short ears and short limbs?b) How do organism like fungi and zooplanktons overcome the temporary short lived climatic stressful conditions?c) Arrange the following as you observe in vertebral stratification of a forest – grass, shrubby plants, teak,Amaranthd) Which forest is named as ‘lungs of the planet’?e) Construct a pyramid of biomass starting with phytoplanktons. Why the pyramid is inverted?ORThe above diagram shows a simplified biogeochemical cyclei) Name the compound whose cycle is depictedii) In what way do vehicles add this compound to the atmosphere?iii) What adverse effect does its excess have on the environment?iv)Cite an event which depicts this effect in the modern times.v) Suggest the ways of reducing the effect.MARKING SCHEMECLASS XIISUB-BIOLOGYSECTION-A1. In Turkey, female gametes undergo development without fertilization wich produces females for several generations. (1)2. Meiocytes has 20 chromosomes (2n) (1)Gamate will have 20/2=10 choromosomes(n)Therefore endosprerm=10x3=30 chromosomes(3n)3. Seed ferns. (1)4.Phenotypic ratio is 1:1:1:1. (1/2+1/2=1) Cross is test cross.5.CyclosporinA-used as immunosuppressive agentBarculovirus-help in killing and orthopods (1/2+1/2=1)6. By bolistic or gene gun in which micro particles of godl or tungsten coated with DNA bombarded into plant cell. (1) 7. identifying and eliminating nontransformants. (1)8. Amplification of nucleic acid by PCR. (1)SECTION-B9. a) Blastocyst. (1/2x4=2)b)Help in nourishment.c)Gives rise to embryo. 10.CuT. Explaination. (2) 11.a) correct nucleotide sequence. (1x1/2+1/2)b)VAA-stop codon.12.GEAC Two approval clearance. Setup diagram. (1+1=2)13.Growth and role of hormone. (1+1=2)14.a)Restriction Endonuclease (1/2x4=2)b)Lygase c) Cellulose d) Taq polymerase15. Adenine deaminase (1+1=2)Gene Therapy- Bone marrow transplantation &benztaprehant16Predation or Predator 2 roles. (1+1=2)17 Definition and 1effect. (1+1=2)18. Any 4 methods (1/2x4=2) SECTION-C19.i)FSH/lh high-13th,14th day ( 2+1/2+1/2) Low-21st to 28th dayProgesterone-low 14th day High-21st to 23rddatyIi)Luteal phase due toiii) Ovum implantation20.Place the diagram sketch and labeling. (1x1/2+1x1/2)Role of enzymeORi)AB& CDii)AB 3’-5’Iii)CD-5’-3’iv)Definition21.Experimental proof. (3)22.AHersshay M chase.Provide experimental proof for genetic material DNA or Protein. Description.(3)23.Three difference/3 properties of cancerous cells. (3)24. Multiple ovulation embryo transfer. Explaination of steps. (1+2=3)25.a)Role of insect pest food or host (1+1+1=3)b) Get rid of aphids and mosquito.c)Nucleo polyhedrons/ kill only but not harming other organs26. Neat diagram of bioreactor with correct labeling. (3) 27. i) Parasite ii) Mutualism iii) Commensalism iv)Symbiotic relationship v) Commensalism (3) vi)Competition .SECTION - D28. a) correct diagram & labeling . (2+1+2=5) b) one feature & one function c) explanation with reasons.ORDefinition of double fertilization . (1+2+2=5)Diagram of fertilized embryo sac with correct labeling .Diagram of globular embryonic stages and correct labeling .29. a) Defination of Operon . (1+2+2=5) b) lac operon –schematic figure c) role of lactose in lac- operon ORCross + phenotype ratio FI& F2 generation (3+?+? =4)Mendel’ s laws . 30. i) To increase surface area, minimum heat lose. (1x5=5) ii) Cyst and diagram iii) Gram ,Amaranthus , shrubly plants, Tealiv) Amazon forest v) inverted biomass in lake Phytoplanktons Zooplanktons FIshesORCarbon (1x5=5)Emit carbonCauses Global Warming Himalayan Caps melting / flooda) Planting trees or afforestation b) car pooling CLASS – XISUBJECT – BIOLOGY BLUE PRINTS. NoUnitsVSASA-ISA-IILATOTAL1DIVERSITY IN THE LIVING WORLD 3(3) 4(2)072STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS 4(2) 3 (1) 5(1)123CELL---STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION2( 2 )4 (2) 9(3)I54PLANT PHYSIOLOGY2(2 )2( 1) 9(3) 5(1)185ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY1(1) 6( 3) 6(2) 5(1) 18Total8(8) 20(10) 27(9) 15(3) 70(30)SAMPLE QUESTION—X1 TIME-3Hrs MAX-MARKS---70INSTRUCTION:- SECTION-A contains 8 questions of o1 mark each.SECTION-B contains10 questions of 02marks each.SECTION-C contains 09 questions of 03 marks each.SECTION –Dcontains 03 questions of o5 marks each.SECTION-AQ1-What is a polysome?Q2-Name the disorder caused due to prolonged hyperglycemia?Q3 -Name two contractile proteins?Q4 -Define serum?Q5-Name the excretory organ of cockroach, earthworm?Q6-Define mosaic vision ?Q7-What is Typhlosole?Q8-Name two natural auxins?SECTION-BQ9-Give any four clinical symptoms of cretinism?Q10-Bring out the differences between red muscle fibres and white muscle fibres?Q11-Draw a structure of mitochondria and label the various parts. OR Draw a sectional view of chloroplast.Q12-Write two modifications of leaves other thanperforming photosynthesis with suitable examples.Q13-Differentiate between early wood and late wood?Q14-What is quiescent phase in cell cycle?Q15-Why is abscisic acid known as stress hormone?Q16-Whatis diatomaceous earth? Write its two commercial use.Q17-What do you understand by heterocyst?Where can we look for it?Q18-Give the full form of ECG.What does QRS complex represent?SECTION-CQ19-What is competitive inhibitor? Give one example of it.What is its significance in the human body?Q20-Write the steps involved in the absorption of fatty acids and glycerol in the human body.Q21-Explain briefly the different kinds of co-factors with example of each.Q22-Draw a diagram of human eye. OR Draw a diagram of human brain.Q23(A)-Name the first stable product of C3 and C4 cycles.(B) Show the Z scheme of light reaction.Q24-Explain the different steps involved in the formation of root nodule.Q25-How is CO2transportedin the blood?Name the enzyme responsible for it.Q26-What is periderm?How does periderm formation takes place?Q27-Differentiatebetweenacoelomates , coelomates and pseudo coelomates with one example.SECTION-DQ28Name the intermediate compound of glycolysis and TCA cycle.Draw the citric acid cycle. ORQ29-What are synovial joints?Name the different types of joints with one example. OR Write the steps involved in urine formation.Q30-Prepare a list of five organism s that are found parasitic in human beings. Write the names of diseases caused by them.OR [i]Which is the largest phylum of Animalia? [ii]Write four unique features of that phylum. [iii]Give two economic importance with organisms of the same phylum.MARKING SCHEME1-Group of ribosomes attached to a single mRNA. ( 1)2-Diabetes mellitus.( 1)3-Actin,Myosin. (1).4-Straw coloured fluid that oozes out of a blood clot. (1)5-Malpighian tubules, Nephridia (1)6-Kind of vision in compound eyes where number of images of the object are formed (1)7-Internal median fold of dorsal wall of alimentary canal between segments 26-35 in earthworms (1)8-Indole -3-acetic acid and Indole-3-butyric acid (1)9-(a) stunted growth (b)mental retardation (c) abnormal skin (d) dwarfism 1/2x4=210-Any two difference 1x2=211-Labelled diagram( any four labeling) 1/2x4=212-Any two points 1x2=213-Any two difference 1x2=214-An inactive stage in cell cycle. OR any correct definition (2)15-Any two points 1x2=216-It refers to the deposits of indestructible siliceous cell wall of diatoms in the ocean floor. Any two uses (1+1/2x2=1)17-Correct definition (1) Are found in certain cyanobacteria like Nostoc and Anabaena (1)18-ECG-Electrocardiogram (1)QRS-represents the simultaneous depolarization of ventricular muscle and repolarization of atrial muscles. (1)19-Correct definition (1) One example (1) Significance (1)20-Fatty acids and glycerol are insoluble, not absorbed into blood first incorporated into micelles,again coated with water soluble materials into globules,again transported into lacteals ,lymph vessels release globules into blood stream. (1/2x6=3)21-Three types of co-factors with examples (1/2x6=3)22-Diagram with correct labeling (1/2x6=3)23- C3 - PGA (1/2) C4-OAA (1/2) Correct diagram with labeling (2)24-Six steps of nodule formation (1/2x6)=325-Transport of CO2 occurs in three forms- In dissolved form,asbicarbonates,ascarbaminohaemoglobin. In erythrocytes,carbonic anhydrase catalyses,bicarbonates leak out. (1x3=3)26-Correct definition.Any four steps . (1+1/2x2=2)27-Any three difference with example . (1x3=3)28-Definition (1/2) Different types (2 ?) Examples (2) OR Diagram with proper labeling (2) Glomerular filtration Reabsorption Tubular secrection (1x3=3)29-Acetyl CoA (1)Diagram- (2)Correct labeling- (2) OREMP pathway (1)Steps involved (4)30-Taenia solium--------------------TaeniasisAscaris ---------------------------AscariasisWuchereria-----------------------------FilariasisEntamoeba------------------------------AmoebiasisPlasmodium-------------------------Malaria ORArthropoda (1) Four unique features (2)Any two importance (2).Dr. Binod Kumar, PGT(Bio), K.V. No.1, BokaroBLUE PRINTSUB: BIOLOGYCLASS – XIS. No.UNITVSA (1 Mark)SA –II (2 Marks)SA – I (3 Marks)LA (5 Marks)Total1Diversity in living world2(2)2(1)3(1)--7(4)2Structural Organization in Animals and Plants2(2)4(2)6(2)--12(5)3Cell: Structure & Function2(2)2(1)6(2)5(1)15(7)4Plant Physiology1(1)6(3)6(2)5(1)18(7)5Human Physiology1(1)6(3)6(2)5(1)18(7)Total8(8)20(10)27(9)15(3)70(30)QUESTION PAPERSUB: BIOLOGYCLASS – XITime: 3 Hours MM: 70 MarksGeneral Instructions:All questions are compulsory.This question paper consists of four sections A, B, C and D.Section A contains 8 questions of one mark each, section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, section C is of 9 questions of three marks each and section D contains 3 questions of five marks each.There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five marks weightage. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.Wherever necessary the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labeled.SECTION AIdentify the correct scientific name of mango: 1Mangifera Indicab) Mangifera indicamangifera indicad) mangifera IndicaName the specialized cells of blue green algae which are concerned with nitrogen fixation 1Give the scientific term for a flower which can be divided into two equal halves in any radial plane passing through the centre. 1Name the type of epithelium which is found in ducts of gland. 1Identify the type of ribosome found in prokaryotes: 180S90S70S60SWhat do you mean by quiescent stage of the cell cycle? 1Mention the reaction centre of PS I and PS II. 1Name the structure of tracts of nerve fibres which connects two cerebral hemispheres. 1SECTION BGive four important characteristics of pteridophytes. 2 What is an exarch vascular bundle? In which part of the plant body it is found? 2What is typhlosole? Write its function. 2Distinguish between gram +ve and gram –ve bacteria. 2What do you mean by water potential? Mention the factors which determine water potential. 2Name the nutrients which are concerned with the following: 2Water splitting reaction in photosynthesis.Opening and closing of stomata.Essential for formation of chlorophyll.Synthesis of auxins.15. What is respiratory quotient? Mention its value for fats.216. Why are human teeth called diphyodont? Write the dental formula of permanent teeth of human. 2 17. How do you differentiate between blood and lymph? 2 18. Expand and define GFR. Mention the value of GFR in a healthy man.OR Differentiate between cortical and juxta medullary nephrons. 2SECTION C 19. What is coelom? Differentiate between acoelomate, pseudocoelomate and coelomate animals with one example of each. 3 20. Write the floral formula and draw floral diagram of the family fabaceae. 3 21. What type of mouth is found in cockroach? Name the various mouth parts of cockroach. 3 22. Briefly explain the primary, secondary and tertiary structure of protein. 323. Why is mitosis called equational division? Explain the significance of mitosis. 3 24. Differentiate between cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation. 3 25. Define photoperiodism and distinguish between short day and long day plant. 3 26. Define cardiac cycle and differentiate between first and second heart sound.3 27.Draw a neat diagram of human urinary system and label any six parts in it.ORDraw a neat diagram of human heart and label any six parts in it. 3SECTION D 28. Explain six classes of enzymes with one example of each.OR Describe different phases of prophase I of meiosis with neat and labeled diagram. 529. What is glycolysis? Explain glycolytic pathway with graphic representation.ORExplain Calvin cycle with graphic representation. 530. What is synapse? Explain the transmission of nerve impulse across a synapse with neat labeled diagram.OR Explain the mechanism of hormone action with neat and labeled diagram. 5Marking SchemeBiologyClass XIM.M.70SECTION A1. b) Mangifera indica12. Bulliform cells13. Actinomorphic14. Cuboidal epithelium15. c) 70S17. PSI-P700? PSII-P680?8. Corpus Callosum1SECTION B9. Each character?x4=210. Definition1 Root111. Definition1 Function112. Each difference?x4=213. Definition1 2Factors114.a) Chlorine? b) Potassium? c) Iron?d)Zinc?15. Definition1 Value116. For Diphyodont teeth1 Dental formula117. Each difference?x4=218. Expansion? Definition? Value1SECTION C19. Definition1 Differentiation1 Example120. Floral formula1 Floral Diagram221. Type of mouth1 Mouth Parts222. For each structure1x3=323. Equational division1 Significance224. For each difference1x3=325. Definition1 Differentiation226 Definition1 Each difference?x4=227. For each labeling?x6=3SECTION D29.Definition1 Glycolytic Pathway2 Explanation230. Definition1 Diagram2 Explanation2OR Diagram2 Explanation3Blue printunitVSA1 MARKSSA2 MARKSSA13 MARKSLA5 MARKSTOTAL1DIVERSITY IN LIVING WORLD1(1)2(3)--7(4)2STUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN PLANTS&ANIMALS-2(2)3(1)5(1)12(4)3CELL: STRUCTURE &FUNCTION4(1)2(1)3(3)-15(8)4Plant physiology-2(2)3(3)5(1)18(6)5 Human physiology3(1)2(2)3(2)5(1)18(8)TOTAL8(8)20(10)27(9)15(3)70(30)Marking SchemeClass XISubject-BiologySection A1. The bond linking two amino acids in protein. 12. a) Pivot joint?b) Cartilaginous joint/slightly movable joint.?3. Many ribosomes attached to mRNA. 14.i) Maintains total blood volume. ?ii) Carries protein and lipid macromolecules to blood for circulation.?5. Adenine, Guanine.?+ ?=16. As L.V sends blood to distant body parts. 17. They have a different cell wall structure. 18. Which cell undergoes meiosis?1Section B9. Estrogen-follicular cells of ovarian follicle.1Progesteron –corpus luteum.110.a-Robert Brownb-schleindon and schwann.c-fluid mosaic model of cell membrane.d-golgi apparatus. ?X4=211)correct reasons. 1+1=212)correct diagram and labelling. 1+1=213)carboxylaseRuBP+CO 2X3 PGAOxygenaseRuBP +O2 PGA +Phosphoglycolate1+1=214)4 correct rules 1/2x4=215)for correct differences. 1+1=216) a)Stem has collateral VB,root has radial arrangement of VB.b)In dicot stem VB arranged in a ring In monocot stem VB scattered. In root VB arranged radially 1+1/2+1/2=217) Two correct reasons1+1=218)Correct definition. 1 Two functions 1/2X2=1Section C19)correct explanation of mono,di, triglycerides 1x3=320)correct drawing and labeling of 6 parts. 1/2X6=321)correct description of primary, secondary and tertiary structure. 1X3=3 22 i)mitoticanaphase,anaphase 1 of meiosis 11ii)correct points of difference. 1iii)correct number of chromosomes 1/2+1/2=123)correct definition of each of three. 1X3=324)correctexplaination of the each. 1+1/2x2=325)yes it will carry out photosynthesis 1Two important functions of other pigments 1+1=226)Terrestrial amphibians, Marine fishes ?+1/2=1Two correct point of differences 1+1=227) Drawing and description of three types of neuron 1+1+1=3Section-D28)a) AuxinEthyleneCytokinineABA 1x5=5GA3ORCorrect definition13 categories of Plants1X3=3Name of hormone129.Correct description of digestion of Carbohydrates3Correct answer of end product absorption2ORCorrect diagram and labeling of the parts1/2X10=530.MetaphaseAnaphaseZygoleni of prophase IPachyteneG2 Phase1X5=5ORCorrect diagram & labeling of 5 substages of Prophase 1 1/2x10=5Sample Question PaperClass : XI Max. Marks : 70Sub : Biology Time : 3 HoursGeneral Instructions :All questions are compulsory.The question paper consists of four sections – A, B,C & D. Section A contains 8 questions of 1 mark each, Section B contains 10 questions of 2 marks each , Section C has 9 questions of 3 marks each , whereas Section D has 3 questions of 5 marks each.There is no overall choice.However,an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks &allthe three questions of 5 marks weightage.A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. SECTION – AWhat is a peptide bond ?Name the type of joint between (i) Atlas & axis (ii) Successive vertebraeWhat are polysomes ?Mention two functions of lymph?Name two carbon compounds where heterocyclic rings are found.Why is left ventricle more muscular than the right ventricle ?How are archaebacteria able to live in the extreme environmental conditions ?What is a meiocyte ?SECTION –BName the two ovarian hormones. Name the part of the ovary from where each is secreted .Fill in the blanks : A NucleusB Cell theory Singer & Nicholson CCamillo Golgi DHow is the gut lining protected from its secretion of proteases ?Draw a labelled diagram of “ Nostoc “.Rubisco acts as carboxylase &oxygenase. Describe their functions.Enumerate the universal rules of nomenclature.How are the cardiac muscles different from striated muscle ?You have been given a slide showing transverse section of astem or a root.Giving one reason explain how would identify that :Whether the slide is of a stem or a root Whether the slide is of a dicot plant or a moncot plantGive two reasons to justify onion is amodified stem.What is mesosome in a prokaryotic cell ? Give its two functions .ORName and differentiate between the two types of ribosomes.SECTION – CExplain the term monoglycerides, diglycerides, & triglycerides.Draw a diagram of the alimentary canal of cockroach and label any six parts.Describe briefly the primary ,secondary& tertiary structure of proteins.Study the diagrams (a) & (b) given below and answer the following questions : (a) (b)Name the type of cell division and its phase shown in diagram (a) & (b)Distinguish between these two phases of cell division.What would be the number of chromosomes in each daughter cell after complete cell division in each case.Define the following:(i)Isotonic (ii) Hypertonic (iii) HypotonicHow does oxidative phosphorylation differ from photophosphorylation ? Explain.Suppose there were plants that had a high concentration of chrolophyll‘b’ , but lacked chlorophyll’ a ‘, would it carry out photosynthesis ? Then why do plants have chlorophyll ‘b’ & other accessory pigments ?Fromthe following groups of animals select which are ureotelic - Terrestrial amphibians , aquatic amphibians marine fishes & reptiles.How would you distinguish ureotelism from uricotelism. 27.Describe the three types of neurons based on the number of axons and dendrons/ dendrites.SECTION –DWhich one of the plant growth regulator would you use , if you are asked to :Induce rooting in a twigQuick ripening of a fruitDelay in leaf senescenceInduce immediate stomatal closure in leaves Increase length of a dwarf plantOR Define photoperiodism. Explain with examples the three categories of plants, based on photoperiodism. Name one hypothetical hormone , which is supposed to induce flowering in plants. 29.Describe digestion of carbohydrates in human alimentary canal.How are the end products of carbohydrate digestion absorbed ?OR Draw a schematic diagram of the cross-section of spinal cord alongwith knee-jerk reflex arc, showing one efferent and two afferent fibre path rays. Label any ten parts of it.30.Name the stage of cell cycle, at which each of the following events occur : (i) Chrosomes are moved to spindle equator. (ii) Centromere splits and chromatids separate. (iii)Pairing between homologous chromosomes takes place.(iv)Crossing over between homologous chromosomes takes place. (v)Phase in the cell cycle when protein & RNA are synthesized OR Show diagrammatically the events in prophase I , with complete labelling.PREPARED BY: PRATAP SINGH CHARANPGT –BIOLOGYKV -PASIGHATBlue print class XI- BIOLOGY UNIT NONAME OF UNITKUSATOTAL??1235123512351235?IDiversity in living World1????23?????1???7IIStructural organization in Animals and plants1?3?12??1?3?1???12IIIcell structure and Function?235?23?????????15IVPlant Physiology?2?51?3??23??2??18VHuman Physiology?23??235????12??18??2691028125126?34????total27279770?%38.638.612.910.0100 BiologyTime: 3hours Class –XI MM: 70 All questions are compulsory and marks are shown against them.Section (A) consists of questions Q 1-8 of 1 mark each.Section (B) consists of questions Q 9-18 of 2 marks each.Section (C) consists of questions Q 19-27 of 3 marks each.Section (D) consists of questions Q 28-30 of 5 marks each.An internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks, and all the three questions of 5 marks.Section – (A) Q1- Name the two type of modification of root found in the followingBanyan tree.Mangrove trees.Q 2 The following figure shows an alveolus with a capillary in close contact. What is gas 1 and gas 2?What is the name of the process by which these gases move between the blood and the alveolus?Q 3 Write one economically important use of Archaebacteria?Q 4 What is the life cycle with dominant diploid adult and gametic meiosis called?Q5 What is a dikaryon and where does it occur?Q6 Name the two plant groups which bear archegonia. Q 7 Draw a diagram to show conjoint closed vascular bundles.Q 8 What is a chondriocyte and where is it found?Section – (B) Q 9 Distinguish between the following: Actin and myosin.red and white musclesQ10 Write the correct taxonomic categories of man against genus, family, order and phylum. Q11What is RQ? Calculate the value of RQ for tripalmitin when used as substrate. 2(C51H98O6) +145O2 ----102CO2 +98H20+energyQ12 Mention any protein having quaternary structure. Name the polypeptide chains also.Q 13 Write any two points of differences between monocot and dicot stem.Q 14 Explain a nucleoside and a nucleotide. AB Q 15 Name the structures A-B and also explain why the wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the wall of the right ventricle? Q 16 Draw a well labeled diagram of an eye to show its internal structure.Q 17 Distinguish between cyclic and non cyclic photophosphorylation. (Two points)OR Write any two points of differences between C3 and C4 plants.Q18 which one of the growth regulators would you use if you are asked to:Quickly ripen a fruit.Promote nutrient mobilization.Induce immediate stomatal closure.Induce parthenocarpy. Section –(C) Q 19 Explain the structure of a monocotyledonous seed with a suitable diagram.Q 20 Draw a neat diagram of digestive system of frog.Q 21 Explain with a diagram the three important stages of Kelvin cycle. OR Write the schematic representation of an overall view of Krebs’s cycle.Q 22 Which hormone is responsible for the following: Gigantism.Diabetes mellitus.CretinismQ 23 a snake, a crocodile and a chameleon all belong to the same class of phylum chordate. Name the class and its two important features.Q 24 Illustrate a glycosidic, peptide and a phospho-diester bond. Q 25 Draw the schematic representation of the various steps of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia by nitrogenase. How is this enzyme protected in the root nodule?Q 26 Distinguish between the following: Blood and lymph.Systole and diastole.Ligament and tendon Q27 What is a centromere? How are the chromosomes classified? Section – (D) Q 28 Define photoperiodism. Explain with examples the three categories of plants based on photoperiodism. Name the hypothetical hormone which is supposed to induce flowering. ORDifferentiate between the following:Osmosis and diffusion.Active and passive transport.Guttation and transpiration.Q 29 Explain the process of urine formation in mammals with a suitable diagram.OR Explain different stages of axon membrane during the transmission of a nerve impulse along a nerve fibre. (Non-myelinated and myelinated)Q 30 How are the enzymes classified into various groups? Explain any five groups. ORDefine Synapsis, cofactors and competitive inhibitors.Distinguish Anaphase of mitosis from Anaphase 1 of meiosis along with a diagram?Biology –Marking SchemeTime: 3.00 hours Class –XI MM: 70 Section – (A) -1 Mark EachA1- modified rootsBanyan tree-prop roots ? markMangrove tree- pneumatophores ? mark .A 2 gas 1 –O2 and gas 2-CO2 ? mark Process- diffusion ? markA 3 Responsible for production of methane (biogas).A 4 diplontic.A 5 Dikaryon-two nuclei per cell -? mark, ex –fungi ? mark.A6 Bryophytes and pteridophytes. ? mark each A 7 diagram - ? mark., Xylem and phloem label - ? marksA 8 cells of the cartilage - ? mark, tips of the nose, outer ear - ? mark.Section – (B) - 2 Marks EachA 9 one difference 1 mark each. Presence and absence of myoglobin -1 mark A10 genus- Homo, family -Homoinidae, order – Primate, phylum- Chordate ? mark each A11 RQ = Volvo CO2 evolved/ vol.of O2 consumed. RQ for tripalmitin when used as substrate. = 0.7 (1 mark each) A12 protein having quaternary structure- hemoglobin. Polypeptide chains Alpha and beta chains. (1 mark each)A 13 Arrangement of vascular bundles VB- open and closed (any two -1 mark each). .A 14 nucleoside – a nitrogenous base + sugar Nucleotide. – A nitrogenous base + sugar+ phosphateA 15 A-aorta, B-pulmonary vein, C- pulmonary artery, D-bicuspid valve. Left ventricle to push the blood over a greater distance. A 16 diagram of an eye -1 mark, important label -1 mark.A 17 cyclic –result of PS I, the electrons are recycled or any other. Corresponding points in non-cyclic photophosphorylation.OR Mention of Kranz anatomy (any two points) A18 growth regulators: ? mark eachQuickly ripen a fruit.- - EthylenePromote nutrient mobilization.- - cytokininInduce immediate stomata closure. -ABAInduce parthenocarpy. - Axim Section –(C) - 3 Marks EachA19 structure of a monocotyledonous seed - suitable diagram -1? mark. Labeling - 1? mark..A 20 neat diagram of digestive system of frog. -1? mark Labeling - 1? mark.. Or Explain the structure of DNA as given by Watson and Crick.A 21 important stages of Kelvin cycle”.-carboxylation, reduction, regeneration (1 mark each ) OR Krebs’s cycle.-citric acid cycle (3 marks)A 22 hormone is responsible for the following: (1 mark each) Gigantism. –Growth hormoneDiabetes mellitus. - InsulinCretinism -ThyroxinA 23 class -Reptilia. 1 mark Important features.-dry and cornified skin (epidermal scales), creeping or crawling habit, heart usually 3-chambered, (any two points) (2mark)A 24 Definition: ? mark illustration: ? mark glycosidic, peptide Phospho-diester bond. 25 schematic steps of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia by nitrogenase. (2 mark) Enzyme protected in the root nodule- by leg –hemoglobin. (1 mark) A 26 one difference each: (1 mark each) Blood and lymph.Systole and diastole.P-wave and T-wave A 27 centromere – definition (1 mark each) Chromosomes classification, 4 types (- ? mark.)Section – (D) 5 Marks EachA 28 photoperiodism.-definition (1 mark) Three categories of plants (3 marks) Hormone supposed to induce flowering.-Florigen (1 mark) OR Differences between the following: Osmosis and diffusion (2marks) Active and passive transport. (2 marks) Guttation and transpiration(1marks) A 29 urine formation in mammals- glomerular filtration, reabsorption and secretion. (3mark), Diagram and labeling (2 marks) ORExplanation -different stages of axon membrane during the transmission of a nerve impulse along a nerve fiber. (Non-myelinated and myelinated) (3 mark) Diagrammatic representation- (2 marks) A 30 enzymes classification into various groups (Explain any five groups) (1mark each). OR Definition- Synapsis, cofactors and competitive inhibitors. (1 marks each). Difference between Anaphase of mitosis and Anaphase 1 of meiosis (1 mark) Diagram (1 mark) BLUEPRINT OF Q.P. OF CLASS XI-BIOLOGYA.Unit wise distribution of marks :Unit-1:Diversity in the living world 07Unit-2:Structural organization in plants & animals 12Unit-3:Cell structure & function 15Unit-4:Plant physiology 18Unit-5:Animal physiology 18B.Types of questions :KnowledgeUnderstandingApplicationSkillNo. of quesTotal marks1x4ques,2x6ques.,3x5ques,5x1ques1x2ques,2x1ques,3x2ques,5x1que,1x2ques, 2x3ques,3x1ques,5x1ques3x1queTotal no.ofques =30Total marks =70No. of ques-16Marks-36No. of ques-06Marks-15No. of ques-07Marks-16No. ofques-01Marks-03C.Number of questions :Sl no.Form of questionMarks for each ques.No. of ques.Marks1.Very short answer (VSA)0108082.Short answer (SA-I)0210203.Short answer (SA-I0309274.Long answer (LA)050315TOTAL-3070D.Unit-wise distribution of marks :Types of ques.UnitsVSA1 marksSA-I2 marksSA-II3marksLA5 marksTotalDiversity in the living world2 (2)1 (2)1 (3)--07Structural organization in plants & animals--2 (4)1 (3)1 (5)12Cell: Structure & functions3 (3)3(6)2 (6)--15Plant physiology2 (2)1 (2)3 (9)1 (5)18Animal physiology1 (1)3 (6)2 (6)1 (5)18Total8 (8)10 (20)9 (27)3 (15)70Marking scheme of Q.P. of Class-XI Section-A1.Cell gets swollen/turgid. 12.Temp. ,light, humidity, windspeed. (anytwo) 13.Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organisms. 14.Ability to emit light 15.Cells that don’t divide enter an inactive stage called quiescent stage(Go). 16.ABA/Abscisic acid. 17.One mol. 18.No rods or cones are present. 1Section-B9.Giving a scientific name with two components. Ex. - Homo sapiens where Homo is the generic name &sapiens is the specific epithet. 1+1=(2) Or Any four rules .1/2x4=(2)10.Peripheral proteins on the surface &integral proteins partially or totally buried in the cell membrane. (2)11.Biological membranes having lipids when broken into pieces form vesicles which are water insoulable. These separate along with the acid insoluble pool in the macro molecular fraction. (2)12.Special membranous structure present in prokaryotic cells & any two functions. (2)13.Correct definition with example. 1+1=(2)14.Any two functions. 1/2x2=1 Any two names . 1/2x2=115.Correct definition & equation. 1+1=(2)16.Anti-diuretic hormone. It increases reabsorption of Na+ & water from DCT. 1+1=(2)17.Pons region of brain. Signals from this centre reduces the duration of respiration & increases the rate of respiration. (2)18.Kidneys help in elimination of nitrogenous wastes ; lungs remove CO2 & water. (2)Section-C19.Arthropoda. Any five features. 1/2x6=(3)20.Neat labeled diagram with six correct labellings. (3)21.Two daughter cells formed with same no. of chromosomes.Any two points. 1+1+1=(3)22.Oxygen scavenger pigment in root nodules; maintains anaerobic condition there. (3)23.Steps of glycolysis. (3)24.Correct definition ; long-day, short-day, day-neutral plants to be explained. (3)25.Non-cyclic photophosphorylation ; ray diagram to be given (3)26.Vit.-K &Ca+ ; steps of blood clotting. (3)27.Stimulates i) glycogenolysis, ii) gluconeogenesis & iii) reduces cellular glucose uptake & utilization. (3)Section-D28.Correct description & mechanism to be given. 3+2=(5) OrLens shaped openings in the bark of trees ; function- gaseous exchange.Differences – any three points. 2+3=(5)29.Correct description of ETS. OrTCA cycle to be given with energy calculation. (5)30.Three steps of urine formation to be given and explained. OrResting membrane potential, depolarization, repolarization to be explained. (5)CLASS – XISub.: Biology Time : 3 HrsF.M.: 70General Instructions:-All questions are compulsory.This question paper consist of four section A, B, C and D. Section A contains 8 question of one marks each, Section B contains 10 questions of two marks each. Section C is 9 questions of three marks and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one questions of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks.Whenever necessary, supplement your answer with diagram.Section: AWhat will happen to a cell when it is placed in higher water potential?(1)Name the factors which effect the rate of transpiration.(1)Expand PPLO.(1)What is bioluminescence?(1)What is G0 phase?(1)Name the hormone that makes the plants more tolerant to various stresses.(1)How many ATPs are released when one molecule of Acetyl CoA undergoes TCA cycle?(1)Why is blind spot devoid of vision?(1)Section: BWhat is binomial nomenclature? Give an example and explain.(1+1=2)ORWhat are the rules for binomial nomenclature?Describe two types of proteins found in cell membrane.(2)Why are lipids included under macro molecules?(2)What are mesosomes?Write two functions of mesosomes. (1+1=2)What are co-factors? Describe one co-factor with reference to enzymes. (1+1=2)i) Mention two functions of cytokinins.ii)Name two synthetics Auxins. (1+1=2)What is R.Q.?Show with an equation that RQ is one for carbohydrate. (1+1=2)What is ADH? What is its role in forming hypertonic Urine?(2)Where is pneumotoxic center located? How is regulate respiratory rate?(2)What role does kidney and lungs play in excretion? (1+1=2)Section: CName the largest phylum in Animal Kingdom. Write five main characteristic feature of this phylum.(3)Draw a labeled diagram of digestive system of cockroach.(3)ORDraw a labeled diagram of male reproductive system of frog.Why mitosis is called equational cell division? Write its significance. (1+2=3)What is leg-haemeoglobin?Where is it found? Write its importance. (1+1+1=3)Describe different steps in glycolysis.(3)What is photopreiodism?Explain different types of plants with respect to photoperiodism.(3)What is Z-Scheme in photophosphorylation?Explain it with ray diagram.(3)Which vitamin and mineral is responsible for clotting of bloods? Enumerate the events that occur in the clotting of blood.(3)‘Glucagon is called hypercalcemichormaone.’Give reasons.(3)Section: DWhat is stomatalapparatus?Discuss the mechanism of the opening and closing of stoma.OR(5)What are lenticels? What is their function? Differentiate between parenchyma and sclerenchyma.Describe electron transport system operating in mitochondria.(5)ORDescribe different steps in TCA cycle with energy calculation.Briefly explain the mechanism of urine formation.(5)ORHow is nerve impulse transmitted along a mylelinated nerve fibre.----000-----BLUEPRINT OF Q.P. OF CLASS XI-BIOLOGYA.Unit wise distribution of marks :Unit-1:Diversity in the living world 07Unit-2:Structural organization in plants & animals 12Unit-3:Cell structure & function 15Unit-4:Plant physiology 18Unit-5:Animal physiology 18B.Types of questions :KnowledgeUnderstandingApplicationSkillNo. of quesTotal marks1x4ques,2x6ques.,3x5ques,5x1ques1x2ques,2x1ques,3x2ques,5x1que,1x2ques, 2x3ques,3x1ques,5x1ques3x1queTotal no.ofques =30Total marks =70No. of ques-16Marks-36No. of ques-06Marks-15No. of ques-07Marks-16No. ofques-01Marks-03C.Number of questions :Sl no.Form of questionMarks for each ques.No. of ques.Marks1.Very short answer (VSA)0108082.Short answer (SA-I)0210203.Short answer (SA-I0309274.Long answer (LA)050315TOTAL-3070D.Unit-wise distribution of marks :Types of ques.UnitsVSA1 marksSA-I2 marksSA-II3marksLA5 marksTotalDiversity in the living world2 (2)1 (2)1 (3)--07Structural organization in plants & animals--2 (4)1 (3)1 (5)12Cell: Structure & functions3 (3)3(6)2 (6)--15Plant physiology2 (2)1 (2)3 (9)1 (5)18Animal physiology1 (1)3 (6)2 (6)1 (5)18Total8 (8)10 (20)9 (27)3 (15)70BIOLOGY QUESTION PAPER CLASS11KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2 SALTLAKE KOLKATA.Subject – BiologyClass - XITime : 3 hoursMax.Marks 70General Instructions:1.All questions are compulsory.2.This question paper consists of four Sections A, B, C and D. Section -A contains 8 questions of 1 mark each, Section -B is of 10 questions of 2 marks each, Section -C has 9 questions of 3 marks each and Section D is of 3 questions of 5 marks each.3.There is no overall choice .However, an internal choice has been providedin one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of5 marks weightage . Attempt only one of the choices in such questions.4.Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled.SECTION AQ.1Who gave the system of providing a name to an organism with 2 components? What are the 2 components?Q2.WHICH TISSUE IS PRESENT in the petiole of a leaf & what causes hardness in the pulp of certain fruits such as pea?Q3 what is residual volume? Give capacity in human adult.Q4NAME 2 vitamins that contain sulphur?Q4 Define plasmolysis?SECTION BQ6 How are heart sounds produced during cardiac cycle?Q7 what is meant by apoplastpathway?why does it occur in cortex & not in endodermisQ8 Differenciate between dicot &moncot root.Q9 Name the end products of Aerobic & Anaerobic glycolysisQ10. How areAscomycetes different from basidiomycetesQ11 How many cells are present in the egg apparatus of plant.Q12 What are the functions of golgi bodiesQ13 Give difference between Anaphase1 & anaphase 2Q14 Describe GoutOrName the source & function of ADHQ15. How do rods and cones differ chemically &functionally.SECTION-C16. Define activation energy of a reaction. Give the four steps of catalytic cycle of a enzyme action.17. What do you mean by reflex action? Give the diagrammatic presentation of reflex action.18. With which animal or phylum can you relate the following terms: a) Radial symmetry b) Haemocoel c) Setae d) Water vascular system. e) Radula f) Pneumatic bones.19. Draw the labeled diagram of fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane.Or Draw the well labeled diagram of typical plant cell.20. a) Give two uses of Auxin. b) Define Vernalisatio. c) Define Redifferentiation.21. Name the different types of Leukocytes. What is SA node? Why is it called pacemaker of heart?22.a) Draw floral diagram of Solanaceae.b) Give floral formula of Fabaceae.c) Give the symbols of actinomorphic and zygomorphic flowers.Ora) What is Phyllotaxy? What kind of Phyllotaxy is present in China Rose?b) Give one major difference between Racemose and Cymose inflorescence.c) Name the plants with stem tendrils.23. Differentiate between three types of muscular tissue presne tin our body.24. Describe the steps in Biological Nitrogen Fixation.25.a) What do you mean by respiratory quotient?b) What is ‘Coleoptile’ and Coleorrhiza?c) Give the role of Bulliform cells.SECTION-D26. Describe the process of urine formation in mammals.OrDescribe the digestion of carbohydrates in human alimentary canal. How are the end products of carbohydrate digestion absorbed?27. Which are the three phases of calvin cycle? Draw the schematic diagram of Calvin cycle. Why C4 plants are preferred to C3 plants?OrDraw the schematic diagram of Kreb’s cycle. Give the role of citric acid cycle in living organisms.28.a) Explain the various stages of Prophase I in Meiosis.b) Give one difference between spring wood and autumn wood.c) How does cytokinesis in plant cell differ from that in animal cell?Answers1. Linnaeus. The two components of the name of an organisms are the Generic name and specific name.2. Sclerenchyma. Sclereids cause grittiness in the pulp of certain fruits.3. Residual volume refers to the volume of air left in the lungs, even after forceful expiration. It is about 1500 ml.4. Biotin, Thiamine.5. Plasmolysis is the shrinking of the protoplast and its movement away from the cell wall due to exosmosis, when the cell is place in a hypertonic solution.6. The two heart sounds are ‘lubb’ and ‘dupp’.---The first heart sound ‘lubb’ is produced by the closure of AV-vaves at the start of ventricular systole.---The second heart sound ‘dupp’ is produced by the closure of semilunar valves at the start of ventricular diastole.7. Apoplast pathway:--- Movement of water occurs exclusively through the cell wall and intercellunar spaces; it does not cross any membrane or living component of the cell.---This type of movement occurs in the cortex, as cortical cells are loosely arranged and offer no resistance.---But endodermis has casparian strips made of suberin; it is impervious to water and so water is forced to follow the symplast pathway.8. Differences:Dicot stemDicot root---Vascular bundles are radial.---Xylem is endarch.---Vascular bundles are open, i.e., cambium is present.---Vascular bundles are conjoint and collateral.---Xylem is exarch.---Vascular bundles are closed, i.e., cambium is absent.9. The end products of glycolysis are two molecules each of i) phyruvic acid, ii) NADH and iii) ATP. ATP is formed in the following two ways: i) by direct transfer of phosphate to ADP(substrate phosphorylation) and ii) by oxidation of NADH produced in glycolysis to NAD, in the electron transport system(oxidative phosphorylation)10. Differences:AscomycetesBasidiomycetes---They produce fruiting bodies called ascocarp.---Each ascus contains eight ascospores within.(endogenously)---They may or may not show dikaryotic phase in the life cycle.---Asexula spores are found.---They form fruiting bodies called basidiocarp.---Each basidium produces four basidiospores exogenously.---They show an extended dikaryotic phase in the life cycle.---Asexual spores are not found.11. Egg apparatus of angiosperms cantains three cells; they are i) female gamete or egg cell, and two synergids. The other components are three antipodal cells and two polar nuclei.12. Functions of Golgi complex:a) It packages the materials for intracellular tgransport as well as for secretion to the outside.b) Many proteins synthesized by the ribosomes are modified in the cisternaeof Golgi apparatus.c) It is the site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids.d) Golgi cisternae form the primary lysosomes by budding.13. Differences:‘S’ phase‘G1’ phase---In this substage of interphase, there is replication of DNA; the amount of DNA in a cell becomes doubled.---It is the first substage of interphase, where there is synthesis of RNAs and proteins. a) Anaphase IAnaphase II---The centromeres do not divide and os one whole chromosome moves to the pole.---The centromere divides, and one half of a chromosome moves to one pole, while the other half moves to the opposite pole.b) 14.a) Myasthenia Gravis---It is an autoimmune disorder that affects the neuromuscular junctions.---The skeletal muscles become fatigued, weak and paralyser.b) Gout---Gout refers to inflammation of joints due to accumulation of uric acid crystals.15. Differences:RodsCones---These are more sensitive to light are meant for vision in dim light(scotopic vision).---They do not have the ability to make coloured image.---These contain the visual pigment rhodopsin.---These are meant for vision in bright light(photopic vision).---They have the ability to make coloured image.---These contain the pigment iodopsin.16. The difference in the average energy content of the substrate, from that of the transition state structure, is called activation, i.e., the energy needed to initiate a reaction. The four steps of catalytic cycle of an enzyme action:a) The substrate binds to the active site of the enzyme.b) This binding of the substrate induces the enzyme to alter its shape and fit more closely around the substrate.c) The active site of the enzyme, now in close proximity of the substrate breaks the chemical bonds of the substrate and an Enzyme-product complex is formed.d) The enzyme releases the product(s) of the reaction and the free enzyme is ready to take up another molecule of the substrate.17. Reflex ActionA reflex action may be defined as a spontaneous involuntary nerve-mediated activity produced at the unconscious level by stimulating specific receptors.Stimulus – Receptor – Sensory nerve – Spinal cord (intermediate/connecting neuron) – Motor nerve – Effector.18. a) Phyla Echinodermata and Cnidariab) PhylumActhropodac) Phylum Annelidad) Phylum Echinodermatae) Phylum Molluscaf) Phylum Chordata, class : Aves.19. Diagram…….20. a) Uses of auxin: i) Control of preharvest drop of fruits. ii) Development of parthenocarpic fruits. iii) Thinning of flowers and fruits for healthy growth of the remaining ones.iv) Enhancing flowering and thereby fruiting.(Any two)b) Vernalisation is the phenomenon is which soaked seeds or seedlings are exposed to very low temperatures to induce early flowering.c) Redifferentiation is the process by which the cells produced by dedifferentiated cells undergo changes in their shape and structure, according to the function they perform.21. LeucocytesGranulocytes(Eosinophils, Basophils and neutrophils) and Agranulocytes(Lymphocytes, monocytes).SA-node---It is a patch of specialized cardiac muscles, located in the right upper corner of right atrium that initiates the cardiac impulse.---It is called the pacemaker because it determines the rate of discharge of cardiac impulse and thereby determines the rate of heart beat.22.a) Diagram……b) ………………..c) Actinomorphic flowers Zygomorphic flowers %Ora) Phyllotaxy refers to the mode of arrangement of leaves on a stem/branch. ---In China Rose, phyllotaxy in alternate.b) Differences:Racemose InflorescenceCymose Inflorescence---In this substage of interphase, there is ---The terminal bud of the inflorescence axis continues to grow, i.e., the main axis has unlimited growth.---Flowers are arranged in an acropetal order, i.e., older flowers are towards the base while the younger flowers are towards the apex.---Flower opening is centripetal, i.e., peripheral flowers open first and then central flower.---It is the first substage of interphase, where ---The terminal bud of the inflorescence axis forms a flower, i.e., the main axis has limited growth.---Flowers are arranged in a basipetalsuccession, i.e., older flower is towards the apex and younger flowers are towards the base.---Flower opening is centrifugal, i.e., the central flowers open first and then those at the periphery.c) Cucurbita and Vitis. 23. Three types of muscular tissues: Skeletal / Striated musclesSmooth / Non- striated musclesCardiac musclesi) Striations are prominent.ii) Voluntary in function.iii) Cells are multinucleate.iv) Fibres are cylindrical and unbranched.v) Innervated by voluntary nervous system. e.g., Muscles of limbs.---Striations are absent.---Involuntary in function.---Cells are uninucleate.---Fibres are spindle shaped. Branched and show intercalated discs.---Innervated by autonomic nervous system.---Muscles of visceral organs.---Striations are faint.---Involuntary in function.---Cells are uninucleate.---Fibres are cylindrical, ---Innervated by autonomic nervous system (not directly).---Heart muscles.24. Nitrogen fixation in Leguninous plants: ---In leguminous plants, nitrogen fixation is carried out by Rhizobium which lives as a symbiont in their root nodules.---The root nodule contains all the biochemical components necessary for nitrogen fixation.---During this process, a dinitrogen molecule is progressively refuced by the addition of pairs of hydrogen atoms, into two molecules of ammonia; the reaction is catalysed by the enzyme nitrogenase.---The enzyme is extremely sensitive to oxygen; to protect it from oxygen, the root nodules contain a pinkish pigment called leghaemoglobin, that acts as oxygen scavenger.---The process also requires the following:i) a strong reducing agent like NADH/NADPH/FADH, to transfer hydrogen to dinitrogen.ii) energy in the form of ATP---The overall rocess can be represented in the following equation:N2+8e-+8H++16ATP2NH3+ H2+ 16ADP+ 16PIRefer fig. to Ans.25, NCT(Delhi), 2007.25.a) Respiratory quotient refers to the ratio between the volume of carbon dioxide evolved and the volume of oxygen consumed.b) Coleoptile is the leaf-like sheath that covers and protects the plumule.c) Coleorhiza is the sheath that protects the radical.d) Bulliform cells control the rolling movement of leaves of monocot plants like grasses.26. Urine formation is mammals.---Urine formation involves three main processes; they are: i) Glomerular filtration (ii) Tubular reabsorption and (iii) Tubular secretioni) Glomerular filtration---A protein-free fluid is filtered from blood of glomerular capillaries into the lumen of Bowman’s capsule.---The filtration is caused by the blood pressue in the glomerular capillaries.---Filtration occurs through three layers, which form the filtration membrane; they are:i) Endothelium of glomerular capillariesii) Epithelium of Bowman’s capsuleiii) Basement membrane between the two layers:---The epithelial cells or podocytes of the Bowman’s capsule are arranged in an intricate manner, to leave some filtration slits.---The blood is filtered so finely that the composition of the filtrate is very similar to plasma except for the plasma proteins.---The glomerular filtration rate is about 125 ml/min.ii) Reabsorption---Nearly 90% of the filtrate is reabsorbed in the renal tubule of the epithelial cells of the lining of renal tubule.---Certain substances like glucose, amino acids, Na+ ions, K+ions and calcium ions are reabsorbed actively.---Water is reabsorbed passively by osmosis.---Certain other substances like CL- ions are absorbed passively.iii) Tubular Secretation---It is the process by which certain substances /ions like K+ and ammonia are directly secreted into the lumen of the nephron.---This step is important in urine formation, as it helps to maintain the ionic balance and pH of the body fluids.OrDigestion of carbohydrates:---Carbohydrate digestion starts in the mouth.---30% of the starch is hydrolysed by ptyalin (salivary amylase) into maltose.---The action of salivary amylase is inhibited by hydrochloric acid in the stomach.---Digestion of starch continues in the intestine; the remaining 70% of the starch is hydrolysed by pancreatic amylase into maltose.---Maltose and other sugars are digested by the enzymes called disaccharidases of the intestinal juice(succusentericus).---Sucrose is acted upon by sucrose and broken into one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose.---Maltose is hydrolysed by maltase into two molecules of glucose.---Lactase acts upon the milk sugar, lactose, and brakes into one molecule of glucose and one molecule of galactose. The final products of carbohydrate digestion are monosaccharides like glucose, fructose and galactose.---The end products are actively absorbed.27. Biosynthetic phase of Photosynthesis:---It occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts.---These reactions reduce the carbon dioxide into carbohydrates, making use of the ATP and NADPH2 produced in the photochemical reactions.---The reactions are also called as Calvin cycle.---The three phases of Calvin cycle are as follows:i) Carboxylation---Six molecules of Ribulose 1, 5 bisphosphate react with six molecules of carbon dioxide to form six molecules of a short-lived 6C-compound.---The reaction is catalysed by RuBPcarboxylase(Rubisco).---The six molecules of the ^C-intermediate break into 12 molecules of 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA), a 3C-compound.---It is through this step that carbon dioxide is fixed in the plant.ii) Reduction---12 molecules of 3-phosphoglyceric acid are converted into 12 molecules of 1, 3 diphospho-glyceric acid, utilizing 12 molecules of ATP and then reduced to 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde making use of 12 molecules of NADPH.iii) Regeneration of RuBP---10 molecules of phosphoglyceraladehyde, by a series of complex enzyme-catalysed reactions, are converted into six molecules of Ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate; six molecules of ATP are needed for this step.---This step of regeneration of RuBP is important for the cycle to continue.---C4 plants do not show photorespiratory losses and hence are photosynthetically more efficient.Refer fig. to Ans. 15 NCT (Delhi), 2007.OrKreb’s cycle: This process occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.Major steps:---Acetyl Co-A, formed by the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid enters the Kreb’s cycle.---It combines with oxalo acetic acid(OAA), a 4C-compound, to form a 6C-compound, citric acid;---Citrate is then isomerised into isocitrate.Refer fig. to Ans. 18 NCT (Delhi), 2007.---Isocitrate is converted into oxalosuccinic acid in the presence of NAD and isocitrate dehydrogenase.---Oxalosuccinic acid is then decarboxylated into a-ketoglutaricacid (a KG), in the presence of a decarboxylase enzyme.--- a-ketoglutaric acid is converted into succinyl Co-A in the presence of NAD, Co-A and enzyme a-ketoglutaric dehydrogenase.---When succinyl Co-A is converted into succinic acid, one molecule of GTP is formed and Co-A is released.---In the remaining part of the cycle, succinic acid is converted into OAA, so that the citric acid cycle can continue to operate.---During this cycle three molecules of NAD and one molecule of FAD are reduced to NADH and FADH respectively.---This cycle is called as citric acid cycle because the first product is citric acid.Role of Citric acid cycle.a) This is the major pathway for the production of ATP molecules.b) Many intermediate compounds from the cycle are used in the synthesis of other biomolecules like amino acids, chlorophyll, etc.28. a) Prophase IIt is divided into five stages: i) Leptotene:---Condensation and coiling of chromatin fibres lead to the formation of distinct chromosomes.---The chromosomes appear as fine single threads of beads.---As they contract and become thicker, their dual nature becomes visible.ii) Zygotene:---The homologous chromosomes start pairing (synapsis).---It is accompanied by the formation of synaptonemal complex.---The chromosomes occur in the form of bivalents.iii) Pachytene:---The chromosomes continue to become shorter and thicker.---The two sister chromatids of each chromosome become visible and the bivalent becomes a tetrad with four chromatids.---Recombination nodules appear and crossing over starts.iv) Diplotene:---Crossing over is completed.---The two homologous chromosomes start separating from each other except at the sites of crossing over.---Chiasmata become visible.---The chromosomes continue to contract.v) Diakinesis:---The chiasmata move to the tip of the chromosomes and may step out from some or remain at the tips.---The chromosomes are fully condensed.---The nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear.---Spindle formation is initiated.b) Differences:Spring woodAutumn wood---The wood formed during favourable growth season (spring and summer), is called spring wood.---The cambium is very active and the secondary xylem vessels are larger in dimension.--It is lighter in colour.---It has a lower density.---The wood formed during unfavourable growth periods (winter and autumn), is called autumn wood.---The cambium is less active and the wood produced has vessels of narrow dimension.---It is darker in colour.---It has a higher density.c) Differences: Cytokinesis in Plant CellsCytokinesis in Animal Cells--It starts with the formation of cell plate during telophase.---The cell plate grows from the centre towards the lateral walls; so it is described as centrifugal.--It starts as a constriction in the cellMembrane during late anaphase or early telophase.---The furrow deepens from the periphery towards the centre and meet at the centre; so it is described as centripetal. ................

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