EMAILS HOUSE STAFF?Dear John: Thank you for meeting with me during the American Burn Association's (ABA) visit to Washington on February 13, 2019. As you know, the University of xxxx Burn Center provides expert burn care to the people of your district. Last year, our burn center treated over xxxx individuals with serious burn injuries. We are proud of the contribution we have been able to make to our community, and we hope that you will be able to visit our burn center if you happen to be back in the district.? We will also be in touch with?your scheduler regarding setting up a visit for the Congressman [or Congresswoman] in the near future.?As we discussed during our meeting, the ABA has two major priorities this year before the Congress. For the past decade, the ABA has successfully advocated for Department of Defense funding to support multi-center clinical trials to improve the quality of care provided to members of the armed forces who received serious burn injuries during their service in the recent conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Already, this research has generated significant dividends in improving the quality of care, promoting readiness and producing improved outcomes, including returning the patient sooner to normal functions and reducing mortality. Funds for this research are awarded competitively and 43 burn centers in the United States and abroad are participating in these multi-center trials. (If your burn center is one that is participating in these trials, please make mention in the email)?Rep. Cohen (D-TN) will soon be circulating a Dear Colleague to support appropriations for?military burn care research, and we would very much appreciate it if the Congressman [or Congresswoman] would sign on to this letter once it becomes available.?Last year, 68 House members signed a similar letter and?we hope to exceed that number this year.??(If Member to whom you are writing?signed onto the letter last year, please make reference to this). ?The other matter that we mentioned to you is in the prevention area. The ABA is strongly supporting H.R. 806, introduced by Reps. Thompson (D-CA) and Joyce (R-OH), the Portable Fuel Container Safety Act of 2019. This legislation would require the Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue a rule requiring the installation of flame arrestors in portable fuel containers unless manufacturers agree on a voluntary standard within 18 months of the bill’s enactment. Flame arrestors are a low cost, common sense solution that will save many lives. This legislation supported by industry groups and we urge the Congressman {or Congresswoman] to consider cosponsoring.?Again, thank you for meeting with us, and we look forward to hosting you at our burn center and working with you?regarding these important issues.? Sincerely, ................

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