
2733675-20002500The Red River ResistanceCanadian Expansion PlansThe BNA Act of 1867 created the Dominion of Canada with 4 provinces: At the time in British North America there were also the colonies: As well as 2 vast territories: Very soon after the British Parliament approved the BNA Act, the new Dominion of Canada set out to ____________, turning much of this attention west, to Rupert’s LandWhy Rupert’s Land?The population of the Dominion of Canada had ____________ rapidly and in many places there was a shortage of agricultural landThis desire to grow also had a sense of urgencyThe _____ was actively expanding at the timeThere was a lot of fear about the US ______________ Rupert’s Land if Canada didn’t actNegotiations therefore began with the _________ to acquire the territoryThe Red River ValleyThe acquisition of Rupert’s Land would affect many ______________, ______________ and ______________ PeoplesHowever, one of the areas most immediately affected would be ______________ (present day Winnipeg)Most of the population was Metis, but included many other groups as wellCountry born Selkirk SettlersMany First NationsCanadiens (St Boniface)4219575-24765000Changes at Red RiverThe population had grown rapidly after _______The ______________ of the HBC and NWC resulted in half of the fur trade employees losing their jobs, and many (mostly Metis) settled in Red River with their families41719501609725In the 1850s and 1860s many of these people adapted to the changing economic climate and the decline of the _________ herds by taking up ______________ and selling their produce to the HBCTrade grew as wellSome of the trade was with buffalo hunters from St Paul, Minnesota and many worried that these trade relationships would increase ______________ control over the regionOutspoken Newcomers-114300366649000By 1860 English speaking settlers from ______________ had moved to Red RiverThey were led by Dr. John Shultz and formed the “Canadian Party” which called for the immediate sale of Rupert’s Land to CanadaMany Shultz supporters were also members of the Protestant organization known as the _________________These Orangemen were strongly anti-______________ and anti-______________Consider the Following:1. What is the relationship between the Orangemen and the Metis going to look like? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Transfer of Rupert’s Land to CanadaA deal between Britain and the Dominion of Canada to ______________ Rupert’s Land to Canada was struck in April of 1869 (transfer takes place on Dec 1, 1869)At no point are First Nations, Metis, or Inuit ______________The HBC received ______________ to return the land to the British govn’t Prime Minister MacDonald expected the HBC to resolve outstanding issues with residents before the transfer, They did not…Many Metis families had lived in Red River for generations but had not officially had their farms ______________They were concerned upon hearing of the land transfer1762125-20955000The SurveyOnce the agreement was reached (6 months before the actual transfer), the Dominion’s Minister of Public Works, William MacDougall, sent a ________ team to prepare the land for an anticipated influx of _________, __________________ immigrants from OntarioThe survey crews ______________ on farms and did not inform residents about their purpose5229225432435000______________ mounted, but MacDougall ordered surveyors to continueIt Begins…On October 11, _________, a Metis farmer, Andre Nault tried to prevent surveyors from working on his landThe surveyors ignored him, and a group of neighbors, including Nault’s cousin, _____________, stopped the surveyors They claimed that the Dominion of Canada had no right to survey Red River without permission from its residentsConsider the Following:Why might the HBC not have ensured that all residents in Red River had their land titles properly registered? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Who should control the land in Red River? WHY?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3086100-21907500The Comite National Des MetisOn Oct 19, 1869 (after the confrontation with surveyors) the Comite National Des Metis was formed to ___________ how to deal with the Canadian governmentThey wrote a letter to William McDougall (lieutenant governor of the North-Western Territory) stating that they had the right to be ______________ about any policies affecting their land and to be part of the negotiations between the HBC and the Dominion of CanadaThe letter also stated that the Canadian delegates had no right to enter Red River without _____________ from The ComiteDespite the letter, McDougall and a party of armed officials tried to enter Red River from the south via the _______________They were met by a group of Metis and ______________ back to the borderThe next day the Comite and 120 supporters took over _________________________Prime Minister MacDonald sent orders to ______________ the transfer of Rupert’s Land to the Dominion, but despite this, McDougall rode to the border and read a _________________ claiming Rupert’s Land for Canada, then back to the US This left a power ______________; the land is claimed by the Dominion, but there is no government so neither the HBC or Canada now have controlThe Provisional Government is Formed2895600618172500The Metis began work on a list of demands to negotiate the terms of entry of their territory into __________________In the meantime, residents in Red River like John Shultz became impatient with the slow transfer of power to Canada and planned an ______________ on the ComiteThey are arrested on Dec 7, 1869The next day, the Comite declared the formation of a ______________ government with Riel as its presidentIn January of 1870, a ______________ of Canadian officials arrived at Red River to negotiate with the provisional government On Feb 7th the Red River community formally ______________ a new provisional government with Riel as its ______________It was called the Convention of 40 (20 French, 20 English Speaking)Read through the Metis Bill of Rights and list the 3 most important things that you feel the Metis are asking for: Backlash in the ColonySupport for the Convention of 40, and their list of rights was not unanimous in Red RiverJohn Shultz and his group tried to ______________ the provisional governmentThey were arrested and imprisoned in Fort Garry by the Provisional GovernmentThe Execution of Thomas ScottOne member of the Shultz group who was ______________ for attempting to take over Fort Garry from the Provisional government was a laborer named Thomas ScottScott was an ________________ from Ontario who had made his anti-French, anti-Catholic views very clear to his ______________He bragged very loudly, very repeatedly that he was going to ________ RielThe provisional government tried and convicted Scott and 2 others and sentenced them to ______________Riel pardoned 2 of the menScott was not pardoned, and was __________ on March 4th by firing squad3038475526669000Consider the Following:Who do you think illustrated this depiction of the execution of Thomas Scott?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you believe was the intended effect of the illustration?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3419475-12446000The Effect in OttawaOn March 24th a ___________ from Red River arrived in Ottawa to negotiate However, the news of the Scott execution preceded them and the delegation was ______________ upon arriving in Ottawa They were then quickly and quietly released so negotiations could beginPublic ______________ was divided on Scott’s executionIn ______________, there was outrage and hated towards the Provisional GovernmentIn ______________, some people viewed Riel as a hero and defender of Catholicism and the French cultureThis highlighted pre-existing and growing ______________ between Canada’s largest provincesConsider the Following:What was the larger political effect of the Thomas Scott execution on the new Dominion of Canada?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Can you think of any other events in Canadian history which highlight the French/English divide in this country?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4419600658177500The Manitoba ActDespite the controversy, negotiations proceeded and the Canadian government passed the _________________ on May 12, 1870 with a vote of 120 to 11It was approved by the British government and was to take effect on ____________________The provisional government in Red River also voted to accept the ActTerms of the ActThe Act included many of the terms from the Metis List of Rights:Manitoba entered Canada as a ___________________ province which elected its own local governmentGovernment support for ____________________ schools (schools run by churches) was guaranteed______________ in the Manitoba legislature and courtsResidents of Red River ______________ the land they had already occupied Land for the ______________ of Metis and Country-born (future generations)The “Postage Stamp” ProvinceThe new province was so small that it was dubbed the “Postage ___________ Province”Also, it did not have the same rights to its natural resources that other provinces didNevertheless the provisional government felt that it had ______________ the land that the residents of Red River would need to protect their ______________Further GrowthConsider the Following:On paper, the Provisional Government got a pretty good deal. Do you foresee everyone getting along and living happily ever after? Why or why not?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________38290501762125The Red River Expeditionary ForceAs soon as negotiations for the Manitoba Act were complete, the Dominion sent a military force to Red River in order to “__________________” (MacDonald)The force composed of British troops and Canadian Militia from Ontario (many were _________________)The Force was led by Colonel Wolseley and travelled from Toronto for ______________, arriving in Upper Fort Garry in AugustThe Reign of TerrorUpon arrival, the Force took control of the colony in a period dubbed the “reign of terror”Many militia were Orangemen and were determined to ______________ members of the Provisional Government for the execution of ScottRiel and other members of the Provisional Government knew they were coming and ______________ to the US The Force ______________, ______________, and ______________ any Metis that they encounteredThe Force also committed ______________, ______________ and ______________ throughout the settlement (with no recourse or justice for the Metis residents)The New Reality in Red River4676775669607500Elzear Goulet had been a member of the court which ______________ Thomas ScottOn Sept 13, 1870 a group of men, including some ______________, chased Goulet from a saloon He jumped into the river to escape as the mob stoned him He ______________As with other crimes at the time, no one was punishedEvents like this caused many Metis to avoid Fort Garry out of ______________ for their safetyMilitary commanders were unable or unwilling to control their troops and the Canadian government turned a _________________ to their actionsViolence towards the Metis continued until __________Riel after The Red River ResistanceIn the years after Manitoba entering into Confederation Riel feared for his life and spent almost all of his time in ______________, usually in the USVisits to Manitoba were cautious and briefRiel won a seat in the general ______________ of 1874-219075194246500However, he never did take his seat for fear of ________5362575202882500In February of 1875, Riel and Lepine were granted ______________,The deal stated that they were banished from “her Majesty’s Dominions” for ______________Riel had periods of depression, spending time in 2 Quebec ______________He then moved to ______________ where he regained his balance and contributed to First Nations and Metis ______________ against their treatment by the US governmentHe married in 1881 and had 2 childrenHe became a school teacher at St Peter’s mission in Montana in 1883 and was granted US citizenshipRacism in the NorthwestFollowing 1870, thousands of frontier settlers moved into the __________ from CanadaThe Metis became outnumbered by _____________________, mostly English speaking ProtestantsIt became increasingly difficult to be French, Catholic, or Metis in Red RiverThe climate of ______________ and ______________ continued as new settlers arrivedSome middle class Country-born families did adopt mainstream euro-Canadian culture, however those that could not ‘pass” as Euro-Canadians were labeled “_______________________”In the years following many Metis and Country-born rejected that label and eventually became the ____________________ we know todayConsider the Following:Whose interests were served by turning government troops lose in the colony?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What does amnesty for Riel and Lepine mean in practical terms (could they go back to Red River)?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What would life be like for the Metis following the ‘reign of terror’ in Red River?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What effect did thousands of euro-Canadians have on the new province?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Northwest ResistanceAfter the Red River ResistanceThe Metis ____________________ in Red River were delayed if ever given outMetis residents in Red River were ____________ among the new Protestant immigrants As a result any Metis people decided to leave ______________More than 4000 left Manitoba between 1870 and 1885Dispersion of the MetisThe largest groups settled along the North and South ______________ Rivers at St. Laurent, Batoche, Duck Lake, and Prince Albert 2343150525780000By 1883, there were _________ Metis living on a 50 km stretch along the South Saskatchewan River between Batoche and St. LaurentBy 1885, the village of ______________ numbered about 500 people Challenges in the NorthwestThings were not much better for the Metis in the North-West Territories Steamboats were cutting traditional Metis ____________ carrying freight The bison were close to ______________ causing hunger and hard times for the Metis and for First Nations on the prairiesMore Metis people turned to ______________As early as 1873, the Metis began sending petitions to the Canadian government to ask that their _____________________ along the South Saskatchewan River be secured No one wanted to be forced to move again However, their petitions went ______________3267075212407500Surveyors… AgainLand surveyors sent by the federal government arrived in these new Metis communities and began staking grid lots, ignoring the Metis ___________ system already in place The Canadian government had begun building the Canadian Pacific Railway (________), which would run across the entire country The original plans had the railway running from Winnipeg along the North Saskatchewan River Valley through several Metis communities Land speculators began acquiring land, and lobbied the government for ownership of lands already ______________ by Metis peopleWas History Repeating Itself?Emotions ran high in the community as the Metis people feared their claims would be ______________ by the governmentThe Metis petitions to the feds continued through the late 1870s increasing in ____________ as non-Aboriginal immigrants began arriving and staking claims to land Some Metis people again decided to leave, moving farther ______________Others asked when they could finally stop moving and decided that they needed help By 1884 the North-West was ripe for ______________“Only one man can help us now”Consider the Following:If you were a Metis farmer living along the Saskatchewan River in 1884, who would you turn to for leadership?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-171450-152400005457825-15240000The Return of RielIn June 1884, a delegation of Metis people travelled to Montana to seek out ______________Gabriel ______________, legendary hunter and master sharpshooter led the effortThe Metis delegation asked Riel to lead them in their ______________ for fair treatment by the federal government Riel agreed to helpRiel After Red RiverRiel was not the same person as he had been in 1870He had suffered a series of emotional ______________ and had spent several years in asylumsHe was convinced that he was a ______________ of GodDespite his declining mental health, he knew better than anyone the blueprint for success Riel and MacdonaldOnce in the Northwest Riel met with various groups to gain a ___________ on priorities 2637790474345000Riel then sent Macdonald a ______________ on behalf of the residents of the region asking for:______________ statusan ______________ governmentcontrol of natural ______________Macdonald delayed in responding while Riel and the Metis grew impatientIt BeginsOn March 5th, 1885 Riel and a group of prominent Metis sign the Revolutionary Bill of Rights, to "save our country from a wicked government by taking up __________ if necessary“On March 18, 1885, a group of Metis ___________ a church at Batoche and cut the telegraph lines between Regina (the capital of the North-West Territories) and Prince Albert Metis leaders declared a ______________ government on March 19 with Dumont as its ______________ leader The Metis community ______________ itself in support of the provisional governmentOn March 19, 1885 the ______________ ______________ had begunRead through the Metis Bill of Rights (1885). What differences do you notice between this document and the 1870 document?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consider the Following:What differences do you see thus far between the Red River Resistance, and the Northwest Resistance?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why would Riel not have an official position in the provisional government?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________First Nations on the Prairies5498465410527500-304800410527500Some First Nations leaders, most notably Poundmaker and Big Bear, were ______________ to the Metis cause First Nations people were also going through hard times A smallpox ______________The ______________ of the bison herdsBeing confined to ______________Intentional food shortages and periods of ______________ by the federal government“Starve them on day, feed them the next”However, the 2 First Nations leaders stopped short of a formal military alliance with the MetisIronyThe reaction to the rebellion was quickIn 1870, it had taken the army ____ hard months to get to ManitobaBy 1885, the ________ had reached the plainsWithin __________ the first troops had arrived, and within the month more than 5000 soldiers were in place under the command of General Frederick MiddletonBefore the rebellion the railway had been next to ______________However, with the outbreak of the rebellion parliament allocated additional funds to the CPR to move ______________ westward and quell the threatIt can be argued that Riel’s Resistances saved __________________ dream of the CPR connecting Canada from coast to coastAnd with the railway came more Protestant Settlers3562350-11430000Battle at Duck LakeOn March 21, 1885 the provisional government demanded the commander of Fort Carlton, Superintendent Crozier surrenderFour days later, a group of Metis took over several stores in Duck Lake in search of food and other ______________On March 26, a group of North-West Mounted Police (___________) and volunteers under the command of Superintendent Crozier was met by a group of Metis led by ______________ at Duck LakeFighting broke outIn minutes, ________ of Crozier's men and _____ Metis were dead the police were forced to ______________The Conflict EscalatesSome natives fought alongside Metis soldiers, however, most First Nations actions in the conflict were ______________Many First Nations had been asking, without success, for increased ______________ for their people Facing ______________, at the end of March a group from the Poundmaker and Little Pine reserves ______________ stores at Battleford and raided nearby farms for food, supplies, and livestockMost non-Aboriginal settlers abandoned their farms and crowded into Battleford2231390564324500On April 2, a group led by Wandering Spirit (a Cree War Chief from Big Bear’s First Nation) raided HBC stores at Frog Lake in search of ______, ___________, and ______________Big Bear was against the use of violence, but with his people were suffering he bent to Wandering Spirit8 settlers and a Canadian government official were killedOttawa MobilizesEven before news of Crozier's ______________ at Duck Lake reached Ottawa the Winnipeg militia units were ordered to prepare for ______________On March 30, 1885, ______ troops were dispatched from TorontoUnlike the 1870 Resistance, Ottawa had the CPRThough the railway was not totally complete the troops reached Qu'Appelle in 6 days (It took 4months in 1870)A group of soldiers and militia under General Middleton then marched toward ______________Other troops kept travelling, reaching Swift Current and then heading north with orders to protect the ______________ at Battleford The First SkirmishesOn April 24, Middleton and his men encountered Metis forces led by Gabriel Dumont at ______________Although vastly ________________, the Metis sharpshooters were well positioned, and with limited ammunition forced Middleton’s troops to ______________The Metis then withdrew to Batoche to prepare for Middleton's next ___________On May 2, a force of army, militia, and police under command of William Otter left Battleford to ______________ a group of Cree and Assiniboine people camped nearby at Cut Knife Hill The troops were anxious to ______________ Poundmaker and his people for the looting at BattlefordHowever, the First Nations, under the leadership of Ininew war chief Fine Day and Metis leader Norbert Delorme, were able to ______________ the troops, forcing them to retreat3324225-21907500The Battle of BatocheOn May 9, Middleton's force of about 850 laid ______________ to about 300 Metis and First Nations fighters at Batoche Although Metis forces were far better trained and positioned than the Canadian militia, the Canadian forces were better ______________ with arms and ammunitionThe Canadians even had a couple ______________ guns, an early form of machine gun 3324225275272500Metis shotguns and rifles could not hold out long against Canadian ______________ and a lengthy siege After 3 days, the Metis and First Nations had run out of _____________ and were forced to surrenderThe Aftermath of the ResistanceRiel ______________ to government troops on May 15, 1885 11 days later Poundermaker also surrenderedBig Bear held out for another month and a half before he too surrendered3324225581914000Gabriel Dumont _____________ to the United States, where he joined “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West ShowThe Resistance was officially over The federal government tried 71 Metis and First Nations people for felony ______________, twelve for ______________, and one, Riel, for ___________________Both Big Bear and Poundmaker were sentenced to ______________ prison terms Each died within months of his release from prisonOn November 27, 1885, 8 First Nations fighters, including Wandering Spirit, were ____________ in BattlefordThe TrialOn July 6, 1885, in ______________, Riel was charged with high treason Riel's lawyers argued for the trial to be moved to ______________ with a 12 person jury (6 ______________ -speaking members and 6 ______________ -speaking members)They felt this would ensure a ______________ trialTheir requests were not upheld 48577502905125003409950-114300The judge in the case, Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Richardson, set the trial in Regina and chose the 6 person jury to hand down Riel's verdict, all of whom were ______________ -speaking, ______________, and ______________Riel's lawyers wanted him to plead not guilty by reason of ______________, however, Riel refused to plead insanity because he believed such a plea might ______________ the legitimacy of the Metis ResistanceThe VerdictThe jury found Riel ______________ of high treason, which carried an automatic ______________ penalty The jury did recommend that the judge show mercy, however Magistrate Richardson handed down the death sentence on August 1, 1885 2 Appeals postponed the execution In the end, all ______________ were denied, and a Riel was ______________ in Regina on November 16, 188513716006324600Consider the Following:Why could the Canadian Federal Government and the Metis not find a peaceful resolution?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What was the Macdonald’s national vision and how did the CPR fit in?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Was the Riel verdict inevitable?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you think was the larger consequence of Riel’s hanging on the new Dominion of Canada?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is Riel’s legacy? Hero, traitor, villain, madman, other? Explain____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Canada: A Peoples History: From Sea to Sea (1867-1873)Opening VignetteWhere was Riel educated? Why?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If we were RebelsWhat personal event in 1866 profoundly shapes Riel’s view of Euro-Canada?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Who is not consulted about the transfer of Rupert’s Land to the Dominion of Canada?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the vision of Western Canada of the new settlers in Red River?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How is Riel described upon his return to Red River?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How does Riel end up in a leadership role within the community?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why do Riel and the Metis seize Fort Gary?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What type of government do the Metis form?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is Riel’s view of this act of Resistance to Canada?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________War is Upon UsWhat is Macdonald’s view of the Metis takeover of Fort Gary?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What does the newly appointed governor of Red River bring with him?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________After initially being escorted out of the Colony, what does MacDougall return to read aloud?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What order does MacDougall issue to his head of surveyors?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How do Riel and the Metis react to this?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A Single Act of SeverityWhat was Thomas Scott bragging about while imprisoned at Fort Gary?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What was Scott tried for?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What was Scott’s sentence?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What was Riel’s rationale for the sentence?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How does Ontario react to the execution?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How does Riel respond to criticism directed at him and the Metis regarding the execution?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is going on in Ottawa at this time?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How did Macdonald perceive the prairie delegates prior to their arrival?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Who led the negotiations for the Metis?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What protections did the Metis negotiate into the Manitoba Act?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Who, do the federal government send to Red River after the signing of the Manitoba Act?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Under what circumstances does Riel Leave Red River in 1870?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do the Canadian Militia do in Red River?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How does Elzear Goulet’s death affect Riel?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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