
Name __________________________ Date ______________? Period _______Case Study?For this project, you will create a report which relates forensic science applications discussed in class to a real-life criminal investigation. You will fully research a case study of your choosing and report the case details, evidence and forensic techniques that have helped solve or better understand the case. Follow the steps below to finish this assignment:?????????? Choose a case study: I have provided a list of possible case studies to choose from. It is important to pick a case that not only interests you but one that you are also comfortable with researching. ?????????? You may choose to use a video as the basis your case study from a non-fiction TV program. If you use a video as the basis for your research, it must be a full episode (more than 35 minutes) on your specific case, not a more general forensics video.? Series that have appropriate videos include, but are not limited to:Investigation DiscoveryNBC News datelineABC 20/20YouTube search: true crime documentary full episodes (must be over 35 minutes) You can still choose a case study even if there is no video on it, but you will need to find materials that include the forensic evidence and how it was evaluated and used to solve the crime and convict the perpetrator.? ?????????? ALL reports must cite at least three reliable sources, only one of which may be the video.? ?????????? The case may be recent or older, but it must have been solved. ?It can be a crime of any nature. All of these details should be indicated in the report sheet.?????????? The case must include aspects of forensic science in attempting to solve the crime. This includes evidence such as fingerprints, hair, testimony and other topics. ?????????? Each student must choose a different case.? ?????The final report MUST BE TYPED !!!?11/16 Final report due Thursday November 16th, 2017 ?Name __________________________ Date ______________? Period _______?Forensic Science Case Study Report Sheet??Title of Case: _______________________________________________________________ ??Who was involved in the case? ?Victim(s): ???Suspect(s)/ Accused: ????Case Details: Summarize the case in 3-4 paragraphs using full sentences.???Testimonial evidence (who testified; what type of witnesses were they (eyewitness; expert; corroborative; character)????Physical Evidence (include the type of evidence and how it links the perpetrator to the crime or how it helped police solve the case.? Be specific: Don’t just say “fingerprints, hair, gun powder residue”- describe what makes the evidence unique to the case. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION OF YOUR REPORT.? BE AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE!): ????Outcome/Results of case (including sentence and current status of perpetrator): ???Notes/ Other Relevant Facts: ????Resources- list of URLs/ books/ articles/ video used: (At least 3; only one video)*** THE FINAL TYPED REPORT MUST CONTAIN ALL THE ABOVE AND WRITTEN IN PARAGRAPH FORM!!!!!!!SectionPossiblePointsStudentScoreTeacherScoreTitle Page- Title of Case, Your Name, Class Period, Date and Teachers Name5Who was involved in the case? Victim(s), Suspect(s) Accused10Case Details: Summarize the case in 3-4 paragraphs using complete sentences20Testimonial evidence: Who testified, what type of witnesses were they (eyewitness; expert; corroborative; character) Using complete sentences10Physical Evidence: Include the type of evidence and how it links the perpetrator to the crime or how it helped police solve the case. Be very detailed using complete sentences25Outcome/Results of the case: Including sentence and current status of perpetrator using complete sentences.10Notes/Other Relevant Facts: 10Resources: list of URL’s/books/articles/ videos used: (At least 3; only one video)10Total Point Earned 100Name: ________________________ Period: _____Forensic Science Case Study ReportScoring RubricDue Thursday Nov. 16th Turn this in with your paper. ................

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