Human Resources Gets the Best Teachers and Principals

HR SURVEY TOOLSPurpose:This tool assists HR teams in collecting metrics aligned to USHCA’s Teacher and Principal ABC Tools to gauge satisfaction and understanding of key HR/HC policies and services among teachers, principals and principal supervisors. HR teams can use the Information from the survey to understand how employees view their processes and services in order to provide the best possible service to schools. New teacher survey questions are highlighted in yellow.Intended Users: HR/HC Leads and TeamsHow to Use this Tool:This tool includes 6 sections and can serve as your guide when thinking about how to effectively survey your employees HYPERLINK \l "TipsforImplementation2" Tips for ImplementationSample Teacher Survey Items (questions highlighted in Yellow are aimed at New Teachers)Sample Principal Survey ItemsSample Principal Supervisor Survey ItemsSample Principal Supervisor Focus Group QuestionsAlignment to USHCA Teacher and Principal ABC ToolsI. Tips for Implementation#1 – Consider implementing a survey annually and commit to the same questions for at least 2 years to track growth over time. The survey could be administered in the fall (ideally October) based on experiences the previous year, or in the spring (ideally April-June) to capture end-of-year results.#2 – Be thoughtful about timing and length of survey. Teachers, principals, and principal supervisors are all extremely busy so be thoughtful about collaborating with other Departments to limit the number of surveys each is asked to respond. Similarly, do not ask questions that will not inform action – don’t waste their time!#3 – Leverage online tools to administer surveys. To easily administer, collect and track results, use online survey tool like Survey Monkey.#4 – Consider the trade-offs around survey anonymity. There are many factors to influence the decision whether to make the survey anonymous or non-anonymous. The benefit of a non-anonymous survey is that it does not require the collection of background and demographic information that is contained in district systems and would potentially allow for more robust analysis of results (e.g. looking at survey results by high and low needs schools). If the survey is non-anonymous, survey results should be kept confidential and used only by HR (or other departments served) to improve their services to teachers and schools. If the survey is anonymous, then the following demographic and background information should be collected through the survey: Years of Experience in the districtYears in Current SchoolSchool level (e.g. elementary, middle, high)School type (e.g. high or low needs)Tenure statusGeographic data (further information on where school is located-region, etc.)Demographic data (ethnicity, etc.)II. Sample Teacher Survey ItemsQuestion 1: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the hiring process (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).StronglyAgreeAgreeDisagreeStronglyDisagreea. The district website had clear information about the hiring process and timeline.b. I could easily find jobs for which I was qualified on the district website. c. I could easily apply for jobs for which I was qualified on the district website.d. I could check the status of my application once it was submitted. Question 2: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory][NEW TEACHERS ONLY]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about your induction experience in the district (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).StronglyAgreeAgreeDisagreeStronglyDisagreea. I was provided with a mentor teacher by the start of school. b. I was provided with a mentor teacher in my grade and/or subject area. c. My mentor provided valuable feedback to me on my teaching strengths and areas for improvement. d. My mentor helped me improve my teaching practice. Question 3: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory][Disaggregate results by new teachers and veteran teachers]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the feedback and development you have received (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree)Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagreea. I have access to professional development opportunities through my school or the district. b. I am able to select professional development opportunities that are aligned to my performance needs. c. I receive feedback on my teaching practice from my principal or other member of my school leadership team. d. The feedback I receive helps me improve my practice. Question 4: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagreea. The district website has clear information about my benefit options (e.g. medical, retirement). b. I am satisfied with the benefit options provided to me by the district. Question 5: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory][FOR TEACHER LEADERS ONLY] Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagreea. I am satisfied with the compensation I receive for my additional responsibilities as a teacher leader. Question 6: Open Ended – CommentsHow could Human Resources more effectively support you as a teacher? Question 7: Choice – One Answer Have you made any requests of the Human Resources Department in the past two years? YesNoQuestion 7: Choice – One Answer [optional if Yes to Question 6]How effectively do you feel the Human Resources Department was in meeting the needs of your request?Very effectively EffectivelySomewhat effectivelyNot effectivelyQuestion 8: Open Ended – Comments What particular support/information were you seeking? III. Sample Principal Survey ItemsQuestion 1: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the support you receive for hiring teachers (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).StronglyAgreeAgreeDisagreeStronglyDisagreea. HR provides clear information about the timeline and hiring process for new teachers. b. HR provides clear information about the timeline and hiring process for internal teacher transfers. c. I have online access to all teacher candidates who have applied to the district. d. I can easily search for teacher candidates who are high potential. e. The pool of teaching candidates meets the needs of my school (e.g. number of candidates in shortage areas, number of candidates willing to teach in high-need schools).f. The pool of teaching candidates is diverse (e.g. race, ethnicity, gender).g. The pool of teaching candidates is high quality.h. The pool of diverse teaching candidates is high quality. i. I have the autonomy to hire all teachers who come to my school.j. I have sufficient time to hire new staff before the beginning of the school year. k. HR supports me in recruiting and selecting the best-fit candidates for principal openings. l. HR supports me in interviewing and selecting candidates for my school. m. The process to place internal teachers who have been surplussed for budgetary reasons is fair and transparent. Question 2: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the hiring process for assistant principals in your school (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).StronglyAgreeAgreeDisagreeStronglyDisagreea. I have the autonomy to hire assistant principals for my school. b. The pool of assistant principal candidates meets the needs of my school. c. The pool of assistant principal candidates is high quality. Question 3: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the human capital support you receive (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagreea. I receive coaching and support on how to access professional development opportunities for my school. b. I receive coaching and support on how to best assign teachers to classrooms. c. I receive coaching and support on managing low performing teachers in my school. d. I have access to the human capital data that I need to make decisions about staff in my school. e. I have access to ongoing learning opportunities to build my skills as a human capital manager. Question 4: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the hiring process and support you received as a new principal (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagreea. The processes to be selected as a new principal were clear. b. I was provided a mentor or coach during my first year as principal. c. My mentor or coach had experience working in a school setting or with student populations similar to mine. d. My mentor or coach provided valuable feedback to me on my school leadership. e. The support I received as a new principal was aligned to school leadership performance standards. Question 5: Choice – One Answer How effectively do you feel the Human Resources/Human Capital department has been in meeting your needs as a principal? Very effectively EffectivelySomewhat effectivelyNot effectivelyQuestion 6: Open Ended – Comments How could Human Resources/Human Capital more effectively support you as a principal?IV. Sample Principal Supervisor Survey ItemsQuestion 1: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the hiring process for principals (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).StronglyAgreeAgreeDisagreeStronglyDisagreea. HR provides clear information about the timeline and hiring process for filling principal openings. b. HR clearly defines roles and responsibilities in the hiring process for principals. c. The hiring process for principals is effective in assessing skills of candidates. d. HR provides me with online access to all principal candidates who have applied to the district. e. The pool of principal candidates provides me with an adequate number of candidates for my highest-need schools. f. HR supports me in recruiting and selecting the best-fit candidates for principal openings. g. The pool of principal candidates is high quality. * Question 2: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the support you receive from HR in human capital management (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagreea. HR provides me with the human capital data that I need to inform decisions I make about my schools. * b. HR provides me with ongoing learning opportunities to build my skills as a human capital manager. c. HR provides me with tools that support me in my role as a human capital manager. d. I receive support from HR on staffing allocations that I need to make the best decisions on staffing for my schools. Question 3: Rating Scale – Matrix[Mandatory]Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the evaluation process for principals (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagreea. HR provides me with ongoing training that supports my evaluation of principals. b. HR shares principal evaluation data to help me drive key personnel decisions, such as principal tenure, development and promotion. Question 5: Choice – One Answer How effective is the Human Resources Department in meeting your needs as a principal supervisor? Very effectiveEffectiveSomewhat effectiveNot effectiveQuestion 6: Choice – One Answer Who do you go to most frequently in the district when you have a human resource question or concern in one of your schools? HR Partner (insert similar title such as Staffing Specialist role in your district)HR Chief Senior leader in HR (other than HR Chief)Other Principal SupervisorsDepartment other than HR (List)Question 6: Open Ended – Comments How could Human Resources more effectively support you as a principal supervisor?Question 7: Open Ended – Comments If you had to name 1 HR policy that we had to change in the next 1-2 years, what would it be and why? How would you suggest changing this policy? V. Sample Principal Supervisor Focus Group QuestionsIf the district has fewer than five principal supervisors, HR might consider holding a focus group with themto receive the feedback needed to drive improvements on an annual basis, either by attending a principal supervisor meeting or setting up a separate discussion. Below are some questions that may be used as a guide for the conversation. Recruitment and Selection of PrincipalsHow effective are current processes and timelines for recruiting principal candidates? What’s working well? What improvements could be made to make the process more effective? How would you describe the overall quality of the principal candidate pool? Does the pool meet the specific needs of your schools? If yes, how so? If not, what specific characteristics are you looking for in candidates who would be good potential matches for your schools? How do you go about finding a short-list of candidates for your high-priority vacancies? How could HR support you better in providing you with access to and knowledge of all candidates in the pool? Human Capital ManagementWhat is the most useful data HR provides you today? What other types of data could HR provide you with that would help you manage your principals? How else can HR support you in your use of HR/HC data? What has your experience been to date with tools and trainings provided by HR? Have these tools and trainings helped support the HC decisions that you need to make? (e.g. teacher and principal tenure, retention, promotion, development)Principal EvaluationHow would you characterize the support provided by HR in the development and implementation of the principal evaluation system? What have been the major challenges or roadblocks to providing effective feedback and support to your principals? Overall Experience with HRThinking about your day-to-day interactions with the HR team, how would you characterize these interactions? Which interactions have been most helpful/least helpful? How can HR provide better support to you in your role as a principal supervisor going forward? What specific HR policies and processes do you find hinder your work the most? If you had to name 1 HR policy that we had to change in the next 1-2 years, what would it be and why? How would you suggest changing this policy? Are there any HR policies or processes that you find particularly helpful? VI. Alignment of Survey Items to USHCA’s Teacher and Principal ABC ToolsTeacher Survey ItemsABC Tool Alignment1a. The district website had clear information about the hiring process and timeline.I.E – Teacher 1b. I could easily find jobs for which I was qualified on the district website. I.E – Teacher1c. I could easily apply for jobs for which I was qualified on the district website. I.E – Teacher1d. I could check the status of my application once it was submitted. I.E – Teacher2a. I was provided with a mentor teacher in my first year of teaching in the district. III.A – Teacher2b. I was provided with a mentor teacher in my grade and/or subject. III.A – Teacher2c. My mentor provided valuable feedback to me on my teaching strengths and areas for improvement.III.A – Teacher2d. My mentor helped me improve my teaching practice. III.A – Teacher3a. I have access to professional development opportunities through my school or the district. VI.C – Teacher3b. I am able to select professional development opportunities that are aligned to my performance needs. VI.C – Teacher3c. I receive feedback on my teaching practice from my principal or other member of my school leadership team. VI.C – Teacher3d. The feedback I receive helps me improve my practice. VI.C – Teacher4a. The district website has clear information about my benefit options (e.g. medical, retirement). V.E – Teacher4b. I am satisfied with the benefit options provided to me by the district. V.E – Teacher5a. I am satisfied with the compensation I receive for my additional responsibilities as a teacher leader. V.C – TeacherPrincipal Survey Items1a. HR provides clear information about the timeline and hiring process for new teachers. II.A – Teacher1b. HR provides clear information about the timeline and hiring process for internal teacher transfers. II.A – Teacher1c. I have online access to all teacher candidates who have applied to the district. I.E – Teacher1d. I can easily search for teacher candidates who are high potential. I.E – Teacher1e. The pool of teaching candidates meets the needs of my school (e.g. number of candidates in shortage areas, number of candidates willing to teach in high-need schools).II.E – Teacher1f. The pool of teaching candidates is diverse (e.g. race, ethnicity, gender).II.H – Teacher1g. The pool of teaching candidates is high quality.I.F – Teacher1h. The pool of diverse teaching candidates is high quality. II.H – Teacher1i. I have the autonomy to hire all teachers who come to my school.N/A1j. I have sufficient time to hire new staff before the beginning of the school year. N/A1k. HR supports me in recruiting and selecting the best-fit candidates for principal openings. II.E – Teacher1l. HR supports me in interviewing and selecting candidates for my school. II.F – Teacher1m. The process to place internal teachers who have been surplussed for budgetary reasons is fair and transparent. IV.D – Teacher2a. I have the autonomy to hire assistant principals for my school.N/A2b. The pool of assistant principal candidates meets the needs of my school. Principal - Selection 2c. The pool of assistant principal candidates is high quality. Principal - Selection3a. I receive coaching and support on how to access professional development opportunities for my school. III.E - Teacher3b. I receive coaching and support on how to best assign teachers to classrooms. III.B - Teacher3c. I receive coaching and support on managing low performing teachers in my school. VI.E - Teacher3d. I have access to the human capital data that I need to make decisions about staff in my school. IX.B - Teacher3e. I have access to ongoing learning opportunities to build my skills as a human capital manager. IX.A - Teacher4a. The processes to be selected as a new principal were clear. Principal - Selection4b. I was provided a mentor or coach during my first year as principal. Principal - Induction4c. My mentor or coach had experience working in a school setting or with student populations similar to mine. Principal - Induction4d. My mentor or coach provided valuable feedback to me on my school leadership. Principal - Induction4e. The support I received as a new principal was aligned to school leadership performance standards. Principal - InductionPrincipal Supervisor Items1a. HR provides clear information about the timeline and hiring process for filling principal openings. Selection & Deployment1b. HR clearly defines roles and responsibilities in the hiring process for principals.Selection & Deployment1c. HR provides me with online access to all principal candidates who have applied to the district.Selection & Deployment1d. The pool of principal candidates provides me with high-quality candidates for my highest-need schools. Selection & Deployment1e. HR supports me in recruiting and selecting the best-fit candidates for principal openings. Selection & Deployment1f. The pool of principal candidates is high quality.Selection & Deployment2a. HR provides me with the human capital data that I need to inform decisions I make about my schools. Principal Supervisors as HC Managers2b. HR provides me with ongoing learning opportunities to build my skills as a human capital manager. Principal Supervisors as HC Managers2c. I receive support from HR on staffing allocations that I need to make the best decisions on staffing for my schools. Principal Supervisors as HC Managers2d. HR provides me with tools that support me in my role as a human capital manager.Principal Supervisors as HC Managers3a. HR provides me with ongoing training that supports my evaluation of principals. Performance Management3b. HR shares data from principal evaluation system to help me drive key personnel decisions, such as principal tenure, development and promotion. Performance Management ................

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