
Mrs. Coker’s Class—Remote Learning*Different activities have been included to address the needs of different students. Choose activities from each category to complete with your child each day. Activities may be completed more than once. Have fun!ELA1) Read a book or watch a show/movie. Answer the questions: -Who was the story about? (characters) -Where and when does the story take place? (setting) -What happened in the story? (plot).2) Look for objects that start with the same beginning sound as your name.3) Play Charades- Act out a verb (ex. clap, jump, etc.) and have someone guess the action.4) Play Pictionary- Take turns with a partner drawing objects and guessing what they are.5) Look at pictures of family members or friends. Tell one word about each person (tall/short, young/old, nice, etc.).Online Resources:learnathome -They have stories and activities to complete to review skills. (username: Learning20; password: Clifford) -Practice sounds and reading. -Play games to review letter sounds, rhyming words, parts of speech, and comprehension skills.Math1) Look for 2D shapes in your house (square, triangle, rectangle, circle).2) Use yarn to make 2D shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle).3) Look for 3D shapes in your house (cube, cone, cylinder, sphere).4) Make 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows/Dots candy.5) Count objects around your house (shoes, chairs, pictures, etc.).6) Use food/toys to practice sorting, counting, adding, and subtracting.7) Help sort the laundry.Online Resources: -Play games to review numbers, shapes, addition, and subtraction. -Play games to review numbers, shapes, addition, and subtraction.Science/STEAM1) Look for different animals outside -How do they move? (walk, fly, swim, hop, etc.) -Where do they live?2) Draw an animal. Label its parts (ex. head, legs, body, eyes, mouth, ears, tail, etc.).Online Resource:kids. -They have videos and games to learn about different animals.Social Studies1) Talk about things your family needs to live (ex. home, food, clothing, etc.).2)Build a shelter out of blankets and chairs/tables.3) Help prepare a meal for your family.4) Help sort the laundry.Writing/Fine Motor1) Build with blocks or Legos2) Play with playdoh3) Make a bead bracelet or necklace.Character Traits/Social-Emotional Learning1) Look in a mirror. Make different faces and identify the emotions. (happy, sad, angry, etc.)2) What can you do to calm down when you are mad? (take a deep breath, count to ten, talk to someone, etc.) Draw a picture of your favorite way to calm down.3) Draw a picture of something that makes you happy.*Speech, occupational therapy, and physical therapy activities are included in the packet. ................

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