

1911 Census



1. Schedule no.

2. Address

3. No. of rooms

4. Surname

5. Forenames

6. Relation to head of house

7. Condition as to marriage

8. No of children born in this marriage

9. Children still living

10. Children who have died

11. Age last birthday

12. Profession or occupation

(and disability)

13. Worker Classification

14. Where born – county

15. Where born – Town or village


Chapman Codes

ABD Aberdeen

AGY Anglesey

ALD Alderney

ANS Angus

ANT Antrim

ARL Argyll

ARM Armagh


BAN Banff

BDF Bedfordshire

BEW Berwick

BKM Buckinghamshire

BRE Breconshire

BRK Berkshire

BUT Bute

CAE Caernarvon

CAI Caithness

CAM Cambridgeshire

CAR Carlow

CAV Cavan

CGN Cardiganshire

CHI Channel Islands

CHS Cheshire

CLA Clare

CLK Clackmannan

CMN Carmarthen

CON Cornwall

COR Cork

CUL Cumberland

DBY Derbyshire

DEN Denbighshire

DEV Devon

DFS Dumfries

DNB Dumbarton

DON Donegal

DOR Dorset

DOW Down

DRY Derry

DUB Dublin

DUR Durham

ELN East Lothian

ENG England

ERY Yorkshire [East Riding]

ESS Essex

FER Fermanagh

FIF Fife

FLN Flintshire

GAL Galway

GLA Glamorgan

GLS Gloucestershire

GSY Guernsey

HAM Hampshire

HEF Herefordshire

HRT Hertfordshire

HUN Huntingdonshire

INV Inverness

IOM Isle of Man

IOW Isle of Wight

IRE Brecknocks

IRL Ireland

JEY Jersey

KCD Kincardine

KEN Kent

KER Kerry

KID Kildare

KIK Kilkenny

KKD Kirkcudbright

KRS Kinross

LAN Lancashire

LDY Londonderry

LEI Leicestershire

LET Leitrim

LEX Leix [Queens]

LIM Limerick

LIN Lincolnshire

LKS Lanark

LND London

LOG Longford

LOU Louth

MAY Mayo

MDX Middlesex

MEA Meath

MER Merioneth

MGY Montgomeryshire

MLN Midlothian

MOG Monaghan

MON Monmouthshire

MOR Moray

NAI Nairn

NBL Northumberland

NFK Norfolk

NRY Yorkshire [North Riding]

NTH Northamptonshire

NTT Nottinghamshire

OFF Offaly [Kings]

OKI Orkney Isles

OXF Oxfordshire

PEE Peebles

PEM Pembroke

PER Perth

RAD Radnorshire

RFW Renfrew

ROC Ross & Cromarty

ROS Roscommon

ROX Roxburgh

RUT Rutland

SAL Shropshire

SCT Scotland

SEL Selkirk

SFK Suffolk

SHI Shetland

SLI Sligo

SOM Somerset

SRK Sark

SRY Surrey

SSX Sussex

STI Stirling

STS Staffordshire

SUT Sutherland

TIP Tipperary

TYR Tyrone

WAR Warwickshire

WAT Waterford

WEM Westmeath

WES Westmoreland

WEX Wexford

WIC Wicklow

WIG Wigtown

WIL Wiltshire

WLN West Lothian

WLS Wales

WOR Worcestershire

WRY Yorkshire [West Riding]

YKS Yorkshire [Ainsty & City of York]


- single

Ad adopted

Au aunt

Bdr boarder

BL brother-in-law

Bro brother

Ck cook

Com companion

Cou cousin

D daughter

Dom domestic

DL daughter-in-law

E employer

E H employer, at home

F father

FiL father-in-law

Fst foster child

GD granddaughter

Gen general

GF grandfather

Gov governess

GS grandson

H working at home

Hd head (of the household)

HK housekeeper

Hm housemaid

Hu husband

Lab labourer

Ldg lodger

MiL mother-in-law

Mo mother

mos month(s)

Nep nephew

Nie niece

Nu nurse

O own account

O H own Account, working at


Occ occupier

Re relative

S son

SF stepfather

Si sister

SiL sister-in-law

SL son-in-law

StS step-son

Sv servant

SWf son’s wife

Vis visitor

Wf wife

WfF wife’s father

WfMo wife’s mother

WfSi wife’s sister

Wo Worker

Wo H Worker, at home

1911 Colmworth Census

Registration District 174 – Bedford

Registration Sub-District 1 - Riseley

Enumeration District 4


HOUSES: Inhabited 72 PERSONS: Males 151

Uninhabited 3 Females 125

Buildings not used as dwellings 4 Total 276

|1 |2 |

|AYERS |23 |

| | |

|BATES |21 |

|BEARD |48, 68 |

|BELTON |9 |

|BRIGGS |44 |

| | |

|CARRESS |35 |

|CARTER |4 |

|CHAPMAN |20 |

|CLARK |44 |

|COLGRAVE |1, 19, 26, 36, 40, 42 |

|COOK |54, 66 |

|COOPER |60 |

| | |

|DENNIS |5 |


|DRAPER |50, 61 |

| | |

|ELLIOT |22 |

| | |

|FENSOM |18, 20, 24 |

|FIELD |9 |

|FISHER |14 |

| | |

|GAMMONS |39, 48 |

| | |

|HALE |59 |

|HALL |61 |

|HARLOW |11 |

|HARRIS |72 |

|HARTOP |38 |


|HERBERT |39 |

|HIGGINS |67 |



|HOWKINS |45 |

|HUCKLE |31 |

| | |

|INFIELD |13, 16, 18, 27, 37 |

| | |

|JOHNSON |47 |

|JORDAN |46 |

| | |

|KING |41, 43, 48, 69 |

| | |

|LACK |5 |

|LADDS |9 |

|LINNEL |61 |

|LOFT |72 |

|LOXLEY |63 |

| | |

|MANNING |59, 71, 72 |

|MILLARD |56 |

|MORRIS |3 |

|NEGUS |42 |

|NIXON |8 |

| | |

|PARKER |6, 10 |

|PARRIN |49 |

|PARROTT |32 |

|PEACOCK |46 |

|PEET |28, 29 |

|PELL |17, 51, 52, 62 |

| | |

|RUFF |65 |

|RUFFE |19 |

| | |

|SALMON |47 |


|SMITH |39 |

|SOAKES |47 |

|STANTON |12 |


|STEWART |49, 53 |



|SWALES |3 |

| | |

|THOMPSON |39, 57 |

|VIGORS |47 |

|WAGSTAFF |7, 15, 55, 64, 67 |

|WATTS |50 |

|WHALEY |33 |


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