School Aims

|Welcome |

Tullos School

Girdleness Road


AB11 8FJ

Tel: 01224 876621


Web Site:

Dear Parent/Carers

From all at Tullos School a very warm welcome to you and your child.

The information in this booklet is designed to help you get to know the school’s aims, objectives and organisation. It is so important for home and school to work together for the benefit of your child. If there are any concerns during the first weeks after enrolment, please come along to school to talk with us and we will do our very best to help you.

We are always happy to see parents/carers to discuss in greater detail any of the general points and policies outlined in the school handbook.

We hope that your child will feel happy and secure at Tullos, that they will work hard, will show a good example and will prove to be a credit to our school, and to you.

We look forward to working with you.

Yours sincerely

Beth Leitch

Head Teacher

Please keep this prospectus in a safe place as you may wish to refer to it. It is possible that changes may be necessary during the present school year or during subsequent years. We will inform you of any significant changes.

Our school information handbook should be read in conjunction with Aberdeen City Council’s “A Guide to Education Services” and “Choosing a School” which you should have received. (Further copies are available from the school office).

|Contents |

School Staff 3

School Term Dates 2016/17 4

Tullos School Values and Aims 5

Discipline 6

School Information 6

School Security 6

School Hours 7, 8

Late for School 8

Absence from School 9

Home School Liaison Officer 10

Permission to Withdraw Pupils from School during School Hours 10

Emergency Closures 11

Emergency Contacts 11

School Uniform 12, 13

Items for Sale at School 13

Personal Property 14

Mobile Phones 14

School Meals 14

First Aid 15

Medicines in School 15

Additional Support Needs 16

Alternative Support 16

Support for Learning 17

Homework Policy 17

Parent Forum 18

Parent Helpers 18

Parent/Teacher Consultations 18

History of Tullos Primary School 19, 20

Academy for Tullos Catchment Area 20

A Curriculum for Excellence 21

Interdisciplinary Learning 22

Curriculum 23, 29

Extra-Curricular Activities 29

Active Schools 30

Big Noise 30

Health Team – Doctor/ School Nurse/ Dentist 31

Head Lice 32

School Catchment Area and Out of Zone Admissions 33

Acceptable Computer & Internet Used Policy 34

Pupil’s Insurance 35

Child Protection 35

Copyright 35

Data Protection Act 1984 36

Domestic Pets 36

Aberdeen City Council 36, 37

Equal Opportunities 37

Complaints Procedure 38

National Contacts 39

|School Staff |

| | |


| |Mrs Lindsey Reid – Senior Practitioner |

| |Miss Sarah Anderson |

| |Miss Kerry Angelo |

| |Mr Aiden Flockhart |

| |Mrs Gemma Gordon |

| |Ms Vicki Mooney |

| | |


| |Mrs Joyce Alldritt |

| |Ms Debbie Blackman |

| |Mrs Heather Dawson |

| |Mrs Donna Fraser |

| |Miss Debra Hay |

| |Mrs Jen Leaper |

| |Mrs Susan Main |

| |Ms Kim Mitchell |

| |Mrs Gillian Moir |

| |Mrs Jacqui Rezin |

| |Ms Gill Sievwright |

| |Ms Donelda Taylor |

| |Ms Michelle Thorpe |

| |Ms Sharon Wallace |

| | |


| |Mrs Jane Cameron |

| | |


| |Ms Susan Chambers |

| | |


| |Mrs Mary Dunbar |

| | |


| |Mr James McLachlan |

| | |


| |Mr Arthur Baxter |

|Mrs Beth Leitch – Head Teacher | |

|Miss Louise Singer – Depute Head N-P3 | |

|Miss Alison Mackinlay – Depute Head P4-7 | |

|Miss Kim Stephenson – Depute Head P4-7 | |

| | |


|Miss Kim Stephenson – Depute Head | |

| | |

| | |


|Miss Jennifer Bloomfield | |

|Mrs Colette Breen | |

|Mrs Laura Cameron-McGregor | |

|Mrs Claire Coutts | |

|Ms Caron Gormley | |

|Mrs Catriona Horne | |

|Mr Rory Holwerda | |

|Mrs Aileen James | |

|Miss Sarah James | |

|Miss Alma McCarney | |

|Mr Steven Reid | |

|Mrs Lisa Simpson | |

|Mrs Ruan Tuleimat | |

|Mr Gary Young | |

| | |


|Mrs Doreen Petrie | |

| | |

| | |


|Miss Lindsey Bolton – Music | |

|Mr Jim Duffy – Art | |

|Mr Alex Gregory – Music | |

|Mrs Trina Smillie – Drama | |

|Mr Adrian Smith – Music | |

| | |

|School Term Dates 2017/18 |



Monday 21 August - In-Service Day

Tuesday 22 August - P2 – P7 Pupils Return

Friday 22 September & - September Holiday

Monday 25 September

Friday 13 October - Last Day of Term


Monday 30 October - School & Nursery Resume

Friday 17 November - In-Service Day

Friday 22 December - Last Day of Term



Monday 8 January - School & Nursery Resume

Monday 12 February - Mid Term Holiday

Tuesday 13 February & - In-Service Days

Wednesday 14 February

Friday 30 March - Last day of term


Monday 16 April - School & Nursery Resume

Monday 7 May - May Day Holiday

Tuesday 8 May - In-Service Day

Friday 6 July - Last day of term

|Tullos School Aims |

We want our children to be confident individual, successful learners, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

Our Vision:

• A welcoming safe environment where everyone is valued respected and inspired.


We aim to:

• work in partnership with families and the wider community

• create a nurturing and happy place to learn

• ensure everyone is listened to, supported and included

• work well and enjoy learning together

• develop skills for life and be the best we can be

• care for ourselves, each other and our community

• celebrate success and achievements

|Discipline |

Every pupil has a right to a good education. In order to achieve this, it is necessary for pupils to be well mannered in the classroom and to respect the feelings of classmates and members of staff. It is also necessary for pupils to develop good attitudes to their work and to take pride in the work they do. A high standard of behaviour is expected from all pupils at Tullos School. The school operates a staged approach to discipline and a copy of the Positive Behaviour Policy is available in the reception area.

It states clearly our procedure for dealing with persistent and serious misconduct. This procedure ranges through verbal warnings, written exercises, contacting parents, meeting with parents, withdrawal of privileges, exclusion from school trips, exclusion from school teams, referrals e.g. to Psychological Services, Social Work and in some cases, the possibility of short-term, long-term or permanent exclusion from school.

A thumbs up system is used in the playground to promote positive behaviour. Policies such as our MCARE Policy, Anti Bullying Policy, Playground Policy and Positive Behaviour Policy are on display in our reception area

|School Information |

Tullos School

Girdleness Road



AB11 8FJ

Telephone: 01224 876621


Web Site:

|School Security |

You are always sure of a warm welcome in school. Entry to the school is only possible by reporting to the School Office at the front entrance and using the “buzzer”. These arrangements are necessary for your child’s safety. All visitors MUST sign in and wear a badge or visitor’s label for security purposes. Please do not use any other doors to enter the school.

|School Hours |

PRIMARY 1 – 7 9.00 am – 12.15/12.30 pm


1.00/1.15 pm – 3.00 pm

NURSERY 8.30 am - 11.40 am


12.20 pm – 3.30 pm

Please note that there is no supervision in the playground prior to 9.00 am and at the end of the school day. The school is NOT legally responsible for pupils’ safety at these times. It is recommended that pupils arrive at school between 8.45 – 9.00 am Please instruct your children to cross safely.


School Lunches

All Primary 1-3 pupils are entitled to free school meals. We use the accord card to pay for meals. Pupils select their lunch in the morning with their class teacher. Any food allergies or dietary requirements are recorded in the system ensuring that your child can only order meals that do not conflict with their diet.


Packed Lunches

Children may prefer to bring a packed lunch to school, in which case please make sure that your child’s name is on the lunchbox. We are a health promoting school and would ask you not to include sweets or fizzy drinks as part of lunch.

|School Hours (Continued) |

Pupils who stay for school lunch or take packed lunches will be supervised in the playground by support staff. If your child receives free school meals it is assumed they will have lunch and remain in school unless a letter is provided. Children who remain in school for school lunches are not allowed to leave the playground, go to the shops or home unless we have WRITTEN instructions. In all cases, when a pupil leaves the school early to attend an appointment the responsibility for that pupil’s safety rests with the parents. Similar rules apply in ALL schools.

Wet Weather

On rainy days children return to their classrooms immediately after lunch and are supervised by support staff.

Home lunches

Children may prefer to go home for lunch. They must be collected by an adult at 12.15 / 12.30 pm from the front door and returned back to school in time for lining up at the bell at 1.00 / 1.15 pm. If a child goes home for lunch, the parent/carer is responsible for the child’s safety until they return to the school grounds prior to the bell.

|Late for School |

Pupils must be punctual and should arrive at school by 8.55 am in order that they can purchase snack and be ready to line up for bell at 9.00 am

As we have a secure door entry system, pupils who arrive late must report to the school office where they will be issued with a late pass and signed in. It is your responsibility to ensure your child arrives on time. Where a child is persistently late this will be reported to the appropriate agencies. We are constantly monitoring and encouraging parents to ensure their children arrive on time.

|Absence from School |


Most children are unwell occasionally and it is necessary to keep them at home until they are fit to return to school. If your child is absent from school for any reason, please telephone the school before 9.30 am to let us know. You must do this for each day your child is absent.

If you wish to leave a message before school opens at 9.00 am –

• You can leave a message on the school’s answering machine 01224 876621

• Text message to 07860 030790

Tullos School uses a text messaging service – Groupcall. If no telephone call has been received to explain a pupil’s absence by 9.30 am, a groupcall text message will be sent to parents, as we need to confirm your child is safe at home. This is followed up by a telephone call after 10.00 am and failing to contact you the absence is then referred to our Home School Liaison Officer.


If your child has an appointment during school hours, please make sure the teacher has a note stating the time you will collect him/her and we will make sure your child is waiting for you at the school office. For safety reasons no child is allowed to leave the building unsupervised during school hours.


Should your child fall ill or be hurt during the school day, you or your emergency contact will be informed so that your child can be taken home. You will also be informed if your child suffers any significant bumps or grazes in school. A number of staff are trained in First Aid to ensure that minor accidents will be competently dealt with in the premises.


Parents are asked to avoid taking children on holiday during school term times. When work is missed through holiday absence it is the pupil’s responsibility to catch up on return. Authorised absence will only be given if there is a genuine family or work related reason.

Parents are reminded that the law requires them to ensure their children attend school regularly and arrive in good time. Failure to attend school regularly causes a pupil to fall behind in work and to be less successful at school. In cases of persistent absence or truancy, parents may be issued with an attendance order and the case can be referred for prosecution to the Sheriff Court.

|Home-School Liaison Officer |

The Home-School Liaison Officer is an important member of our school team. She has three main functions:

• She may visit a pupil’s home to help in matters of concern, which may be affecting a pupil’s health, behaviour or general welfare

• She may visit to enquire about unexplained or unauthorised absences

• The Home School Liaison Officer provides a direct link between school and home.

The Home-School Liaison Officer is there to help and advise you so please think of her visits as positive and supportive.

|Permission to Withdraw Pupils from School during School Hours |

We appreciate that it is sometimes difficult to arrange appointments with the dentist or hospital for times out with school hours. On occasions when a pupil must have an appointment within school hours, please note that the following rules are made with your child’s safety in mind. Please remember that road safety crossing patrols will not be on duty.

• All pupils must be collected from and returned to school by a parent or another adult (over 16) who is known to the school. The teacher needs written permission beforehand so we can arrange for your child to be waiting at the school office to be collected.

• Children who remain in school for school lunches – are not allowed to leave the playground, go to the shops or home unless we have WRITTEN instructions. In all cases, when a pupil leaves the school early to attend an appointment the responsibility for that pupil’s safety rests with the parents. Similar rules apply in ALL schools.

• If a child goes home for lunch, the parent is responsible for the child’s safety until their return.

|Emergency Closures |

Very occasionally the school may need to make an emergency closure (e.g. heating breakdown, burst pipes or severe weather) and where possible parents will be notified in advance.

If it is necessary to close the school and send pupils home, it is vital that we have an up-to-date emergency contact and address for your child to go to.

If the school has to be evacuated for whatever reason we will go to TORRY ACADEMY.

You can log on to – and follow the instructions for finding out about Aberdeen City School closures. This information is also automatically sent to North Sound Radio and BBC Radio Scotland and updated every 20 minutes. Emergency contact forms are issued at the start of year. Please remember to notify us immediately of any changes of telephone numbers.

|Emergency Contacts |

In an emergency e.g. your child has an accident, which requires hospital treatment; we will first try to contact parents at home. If we cannot contact you there, we will then do the following –

• contact you at your work telephone number if you have one or

• try any telephone number you have provided for a friend, neighbour or relative as an emergency contact.

It is absolutely necessary that you provide names, addresses and telephone numbers for people you would wish us to contact in an emergency if you are not available. Telephone numbers are the most useful because in an emergency we must act quickly. It is also important that you discuss this matter with the emergency contacts you have chosen to ensure that they know what to do.

In the event of an emergency evacuation from school, staff, visitors and pupils should leave school using the fire drill evacuation procedures and thereafter would proceed to walk to Torry Academy. The Head Teacher will in line with the Business Continuity Plan, co-ordinate the evacuation and set in motion all actions detailed in the plan.

|School Uniform |


Pupils are encouraged to wear school uniform because this promotes a sense of pride in their school. In the long term, school uniform can also be less expensive than buying a variety of more trendy clothes for children to wear at school. School uniform is more practical. Pupils are expected to arrive at school neatly dressed.

They are also expected to be well groomed, clean and ready for the school day ahead. Parents are asked to ensure that pupils do not wear anything which may be dangerous to themselves, or to other pupils e.g. earrings which dangle or a heavy buckle on a belt.

BOYS Grey or black trousers, white shirt/yellow or white polo shirt, grey or

black sweatshirt.

GIRLS Grey or black skirt or pinafore, white blouse/yellow polo shirt, school

jumper or black or grey cardigan.

Sweatshirts, polo shirts and school bags with the school badge may be purchased/ordered at school. School ties are also available. Some families will be entitled to a school clothing grant and other funding can be accessed for those families experiencing financial difficulties.


All pupils require a schoolbag to carry reading books and other necessary items.

|School Uniform (continued) |


Children change into gym kit for P.E. lessons and will need the following to keep in school:

A pair of shorts, tee-shirt and INDOOR GYM SHOES (preferably slip ons)

No football strips

All jewellery must be removed for gym lessons. If stud earrings are worn they must be covered with tape. It is advisable therefore not to wear earrings on P.E days. This is for your child’s safety.

Please ensure that kit is brought to school on days timetabled for P.E. or at the beginning of each week and kept in child’s kit bag.

For reasons of safety it is necessary for pupils to wear correct INDOOR gym shoes for PE and Drama lessons. Outdoor trainers are not safe and these also damage the special wooden floor of the gym hall.


We ask parents to note that the following items are NOT acceptable at school:

• Football Tops

• Track suits except for plain school colours/school sweatshirt

• Jeans

• Tee-shirts and jackets with unsuitable slogans or pictures

• Fashion footwear for girls with high heels (Danger)

• Jewellery (Danger and safe-keeping)

• Please avoid extremes of fashion

• Please avoid footwear with black rubberised soles as these mark the school floor

|Items for Sale at School |

UNIFORM - School and nursery sweatshirts, poloshirts, ties and schoolbags can be bought from the office.

TUCK SHOP - A healthy snack tuck shop is available. Fruit, raisins, low fat crisps and healthy snack bars, pure fruit juice, milk and flavoured milk shakes are sold at reduced prices.

Fizzy drinks are not allowed in school as we are a health promoting school. Water is available for pupils throughout the school day. The tuck shop is open at 8.50 am and children are asked to enter by the side junior door to make their purchases before 9.00 am bell.

|Personal Property |

The following information is given for your guidance.

• Pupils should not bring items of value to school

• The school cannot be held responsible for personal items which are lost or broken

• All personal items including articles of clothing must be clearly named

• Pupils must not leave valuables in tote trays, desks or cloakroom areas

• Lost property will be kept for a short period of time and then items will be disposed of

• Pupils must respect personal property which belongs to others and treat these items with care

|Mobile Phones |

The use of mobile phones is forbidden in school. The school cannot be responsible for mobile phones. If a pupil is found to have a phone with them it will be taken from the pupil and locked away

|School Meals |

Meals prepared on the premises and are available at a reasonable cost and are good value for money. The choice available includes hot and cold meals and a wide variety of options for dessert including fresh fruit, yoghurt, biscuits and cheese and at least one hot dessert each day. Facilities are also made available for pupils who prefer to bring a packed lunch.

Since 2014 all P1-3 pupils are entitled to free school meals under a new government initiative. From P4, if you think you are entitled to free school meals please contact the School Office. Tullos uses a cashless system whereby parents pay in money on line and pupils select their meal each morning.


A free breakfast club run by D.S.O. has been available from August 2010. It opens from 8.15 am each morning in the dining hall. Pupil Support Assistants will meet and supervise your children via the front door of the school. Registration forms for Breakfast Club can be obtained from the School Office.

|First Aid |

Simple cuts and grazes and minor accidents are all attended to by the First Aid staff within school in the Medical Room. A record is kept of all minor accidents and accident forms supplied by Aberdeen City Council are completed timeously and as appropriate.


|Medicines in School |

Any child requiring a prescribed medicine during the day should normally be kept at home. In exceptional circumstances if a child does need medication at lunchtime, the parent should complete the permission forms which can be obtained at the school office. No medicines can be administered without the forms being returned to school. These rules are made for the safety of your child and other children in school.

Medication should be brought to school and given to the duty

first aider who will store the medication in a locker located

in the Medical Room or a fridge as appropriate. All first aiders

have been trained in line with Aberdeen City Council’s First Aid

Programme. Should your child require medication which requires

specialist knowledge the school will ensure staff are trained


The school does not have a supply of paracetamol or any other medicine and therefore cannot and will not administer medication to a child without consent forms being completed. Please do not ask staff to do so. Please note, medicines given three times daily should be given before school, after school and at night.

Asthma Inhalers (not in the box) should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and instructions as to its use and given to the class teacher. Children will always have easy access to their inhalers.

|Additional Support Needs (A.S.N.) |

A few pupils will have very specific difficulties in learning and/or behaviour which will have been identified at school or at home.

The Educational Psychologist will liaise between home and school, working towards the best possible way of helping these pupils. Sometimes, this will involve the child requiring an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or in more complex cases a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP). This will be fully discussed with the child, parents and all agencies involved.

All parents have the right to use the Educational Psychologist Service and no pupil will be referred to the Educational Psychologist until parents have been consulted and permission granted.

Tullos School has an Additional Support Needs Base which, with a full time Principal Teacher who provides assistance to any child requiring extra support. The base has two classrooms and a kitchen area.

|Alternative Support |

The Rainbow Room

Our nurture group based in the Rainbow Room operates four sessions a week and offers identified pupils an additional

support in a small group situation. The nurture group concentrates on developing children’s social and emotional

well being.

Children’s Counsellor

We offer a counselling service, with parental permission, children can speak in total confidence to a trained children’s counsellor.

|Support for Learning |

All pupils are unique and special in their own way. The policy of the school is to provide quality education for all pupils. Any pupil may benefit at some time from additional help in areas of our school curriculum. This help is provided by Support for Learning Staff who will prioritise their time in consultation with class teachers. We include pupils who are having difficulty with some areas of the school curriculum, pupils who have returned to school after a long absence and also pupils who are high achievers and who will benefit from more challenging work.

Support for Learning Staff work co-operatively with class teachers, helping pupils within the classroom. They may also take pupils out of class for individual or small-group tuition in the Learning Support Base.

|Homework Policy |

Parent/School Partnership

Parents have a very important part to play in encouraging a good standard of homework. Each child will be given a home/school book to write homework in and to send messages home when necessary.

Children are given a choice of activities for homework. Please:

• check the homework expected for that day

• arrange a quiet, comfortable place for your child to work

• take an interest in your child’s homework

• encourage, but do not do the work for them

• expect the children to be neat and to do their best

• talk, read and encourage them to improve their general knowledge from books, newspapers, educational T.V. and when you are out with the family.

All homework must be signed by a parent. This ensures you have seen the homework and any unfinished class work.

|Parent Forum |

As a parent or carer at Tullos you are automatically a member of the Parent Voice Group. The Parent Group represents the views of the parents, supports the school in its work with pupils, and promotes contact between the school, parents, pupils and the community.

Any parent interested in joining the Parent Group should contact the Head Teacher. Our Parent Group always welcomes new members. Please follow them on Facebook: Tullos Parent Voice.

|Parent Helpers |

We encourage parents to come along to school and offer help. There are so many ways that we can work together in partnership for the benefit of our children for example:

• working with small groups of children to help with art and craft activities

• help with library sessions and book clubs

• helping in the classroom with activities where a second pair of hands would be of benefit.

Please, if you have a little time to spare, contact our school and offer your help. We will be pleased to welcome you. All adults working with children need to go through the Disclosure Scotland PVG Scheme procedure. Please ask for a form at the school office.

|Parent/Teacher Consultations |

We hold two sets of parent/teacher consultations annually in October and May and an annual open afternoon. A written report is sent home – usually after Easter.

Parent consultations are arranged over two consecutive days – usually a Wednesday and Thursday. On the Wednesday, appointments are offered between 3.15 pm and 6.00 pm and on the Thursday between 6.30 pm and 9.00 pm. This allows time for you to have a private consultation with your child’s teacher of approximately 10 minutes.

At other times, you may contact school and arrange for an appointment to be made for you to talk to your child’s teacher. Teachers will sometimes request that a parent comes to school for an extra visit. Please make every effort to attend for parent/teacher consultations because your child is important to us and he/she will be disappointed if you fail to arrive and see his/her work. We aim for a full attendance.

|Tullos Primary School |


Tullos is situated in the southeast of Aberdeen close to Girdleness Lighthouse and the Bay of Nigg.

The school first opened in 1950. The building is spacious with wide corridors and hallways and is well provided with accommodation to meet all our modern educational needs.

The two-story building has excellent facilities including a large hall with a stage, large screen, sound and projector system, a gymnasium and a well-equipped kitchen.

As well as our classrooms, we are fortunate to have rooms for specialist subjects including Art & ICT. Our Support for Learning Staff also have their own base to work from when not working within the classrooms. We have a well-equipped library for our pupils and ample accommodation for resources to support our curriculum. Resources include at least two computers per class with a suite of modern computers for individual learning. Every classroom has the use of an interactive white board and access to the Internet.

There is an Additional Support Needs Base provides support for any child requiring extra assistance. Our Rainbow Room also offers 7 places for children with social and emotional needs.

|Tullos Primary School (Continued) |

Tullos School was awarded its first Green Flag for our contribution to environmental issues in 2005 and received a second flag in 2007.We are currently working towards our third Green Flag. Also in 2007 the school was accredited with the Commended level as a Health Promoting School, and in 2010 we attained the prestigious award of Excellence. In 2014 we achieved silver level in the PS6M in recognition of the quality of our science teaching and learning. We are very proud to be both a ‘Health Promoting’ and a ‘Green’ School.

Academy for this Area

Currently all pupils who live in the school catchment zone for Tullos School are zoned to attend TORRY ACADEMY. A new Academy is planned for 2018 for pupils from Cove, Kincorth and Torry.

Torry Academy accepts pupils from a catchment area served by –

• Tullos School

• Walker Road School

P7 pupils attend Torry Academy one morning per week for design, science and Information Technology subjects to help ease the transition between primary and secondary schools.

In June all Primary 7 pupils attend a 1 day induction and will be placed in their S1 class to allow them to work alongside pupils from other primary schools, meet their class teachers and learn a little about each of their subjects. Information on transfer procedures will be given to you in good time, around January or February each year.

A Curriculum for Excellence

Curriculum Areas

Our curriculum is based on local and national guidance covering key subject areas. We provide a broad, balanced set of experiences for each learner designed around the curriculum areas of:

• Languages – Literacy & English and Modern Languages

• Mathematics – Numeracy

• Health & Wellbeing

• Social Studies

• Sciences

• Expressive Arts

• Religious and Moral Education

• Technologies

Curriculum for Excellence has been implemented across Scotland for all 3-18 year olds – wherever they learn. Its purpose is to improve our children’s life chances, to nurture successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens, with the child or young person at the centre of the learning.


Every child is entitled to a broad and deep general education, whatever their level and ability. All staff will be responsible for literacy and numeracy – the language and numbers skills that unlock other subjects and are vital to everyday life.

Inter-Disciplinary Learning

Inter-disciplinary learning makes connections and is meaningful. Our curriculum includes space for learning beyond subject boundaries, so that learners can make connections between different areas of learning.

Inter-disciplinary study can also take advantage of opportunities to plan and work with partners, multi-disciplinary agencies and the wider community who are able to offer and support enriched learning experiences and opportunities for our pupils.

Developing this approach will enable our children to build skills in transferring their learning to new situations and support them to:

• Become skilled in flexible thinking

• Apply concepts across subject areas and to life beyond school

• Adopt multiple points of view in problem solving

• Select which skills and knowledge ae required in unfamiliar situations

• Develop organisational skills, creativity, teamwork and the ability to apply learning in new and challenging contexts.

There are considerable inter-relationships between subjects and this is reflected in our planning, teaching and assessment.

We are committed to ensuring that our children are provided with:

• A coherent learning

• Experiences in health and well-being

• Cultural experiences

• Environmental experiences

• Vocational experiences

• Creative and enterprising experiences.

Curriculum Levels

|Level |Stage |

|Early |Pre School and P1 |

|First |To the end of P4, but earlier for some children |

|Second |To the end of P7, but earlier for some children. |

Play and Active Learning

Play based curriculum is now widely considered to be the most appropriate approach for the development of young children’s learning. Our pupils learn and develop friendships very naturally through play.

Play at Tullos brings about a wealth of opportunities for children to develop their language, creativity and co-ordination skills. These all contribute to healthy growth, development, understanding and capacity to learn.

Through play, they can learn scientific concepts, such as what plants need to grow: mathematical concepts, for example, fitting blocks together to build a tower: literacy skills, such as looking for signs outdoors: technology skills, including scanning their artwork.

In this way, our pupils learn how to:

• Work in partnership with others

• Express themselves

• Build their independence

• Makes sense of their experiences

• Manipulate materials

• Test our new knowledge

• Develop new skills

• Make choices and decisions

• Solve problems …….. and lots more.

Language / Literacy

We recognise that literacy is at the heart of children’s learning. Literacy permeates all areas of life in and out of school.

Literacy enables children to communicate with others effectively for a wide variety of purposes. Competence in literacy is central to children’s intellectual, emotional and social development and has an essential role in all areas of the curriculum.

The four main areas of literacy are:


Children will be encouraged to develop skills in these areas in a variety of ways:

• Talking with confidence and clarity

• Reading with enthusiasm and understanding

• Writing fluently, accurately, legibly and creatively.

Mathematics and Numeracy

At Tullos pupils develop mathematical skills through practical activities, computation, problem solving, and the use of computers and calculators.

Work in other areas of the curriculum also provides many opportunities for pupils to use their mathematical skills in practical ways, for example when recording measurements in science experiments or creating graphs and charts during social studies.

The three components of mathematics on which planning is based are as follows:

|Number, Money and Measurement |Children learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide as well as to work with time, length, weight and volume. |

| |All pupils undertake mental maths activities on a daily basis as accurate recall of basic number facts are |

| |essential for good progress. |

|Shape, Position and Movement |Children learn about the properties of two and three-dimensional shapes to understand and use position and |

| |movement through computers and programmable toys. |

|Information |Children learn to gather, organise, display and interpret information using graphs, pie charts and data bases.|

|Handling | |

Problem Solving

Mathematics is viewed as a problem solving activity. At Tullos, pupils will be challenged to think about what they are doing, to question and explain. The process enables them to explore a problem, interpret it, and decide how to proceed, reason logically and come to conclusions. Children will be given regular opportunities to explain their approach to classmates. Problem solving enables pupils to apply knowledge learned in different contexts and situations and develop perseverance.


Enterprise in education seeks to promote positive attitudes in young people so that they have a better chance of achieving their full potential. Contact with local industry is an important feature of enterprise. At Tullos we promote partnership with local businesses and multi –national concerns through our business-link partner – ‘Enquest’.

Expressive Arts

Expressive Arts is an area of the curriculum which develops pupil’s sensitivity to many aspects of everyday living and prepares them for a very wide range of stimulating and challenging activities.

Expressive Arts comprises the following components:

Art and Design



Drama provides an opportunity for enriching an on-going study in the classroom. It creates a unique context for learning. Drama sessions also provide an opportunity for the pupils to experience feeling, assume responsibilities, accept group decisions, solve problems and work together co-operatively.

Pupils are encouraged to expand their understanding of life experience, to reflect on a particular circumstance and to make sense of their world in a deeper way. These aims are achieved progressively through a variety of ways such as using movement and mime, role-play and improvisation.


From nursery onwards all our children are encouraged to sing confidently and enthusiastically with expression. We introduce music notation, tuned and un-tuned percussion in the early stages. Through investigating, exploring, creating and inventing, the children develop their skills.

Instrumental Tuition

There is provision for instrumental tuition for pupils in school. The local authority provides instruments but pupils who wish to play the piano must have access to one at home.

Parents are advised, however, that instrumental tutors are few and their allocation of time a school is short. Accordingly, children are tested for aptitude (a standard that is used throughout the authority) and these results, together with other criteria, determine the choice that is made.

At present we have instructors who visit school each week to teach brass and woodwind. Parents whose children are offered tuition will be informed by the school in order that they may decide whether or not to accept.

Tuition fees are paid at the beginning of each term. The cost for term 1 and 2 is £80 for individual lessons and £64 for group lessons. Terms 3 and 4 will cost £90 for induvial lessons and £72 for group lessons.

There is a Remission Scheme offering tuition at a lower rate of charges in the following three areas:

1. Families on low income but just above the level of income support

2. Second and subsequent children receiving tuition

3. Child learning more than one instrument

Health and Well-Being

Great emphasis is placed in the health, welfare and safety of the children who are encouraged to care for themselves, their families’ peers and the environment. Pupils should have the understanding and knowledge that health is concerned with quality of life and reflects physical, mental and social well-being.

The curriculum promotes ways of keeping healthy and provides opportunities to examine growth and change. Children are made aware of the importance of keeping themselves healthy with emphasis on personal care, hygiene, diet and exercise. Staff also tackle sensitive matters such as sex education, alcohol and drug related issues. Tullos is a health promoting school and participates in the National Tooth Brushing Scheme, healthy eating and sports/exercise throughout the school.

Physical Education

The PE programme is designed to promote physical, social and cognitive development through a wide variety of activities and experiences.

Emphasis is placed on being able to move competently, with confidence and enjoyment and there are opportunities for children to work creatively and co-operatively with other children.


Embedded within the PE programme is a focus on health and fitness. Pupils explore not only the benefits and effects of physical exercise but are also encouraged to be active and enjoy taking part in physical activity whenever they can. It is hoped that the PE programme provides a genuine, enjoyable pathway towards lifelong participation in physical activity.

Religious and Moral Education

Scotland is a nation whose people hold a wide range of beliefs from the many branches of the Christian faith represented throughout the land to the world’s other major religions and to beliefs which lie outwith religious traditions.

Religious and Moral Education enables our pupils to explore the world’s major religions and views which are independent of religious belief and to consider the challenges posed by these beliefs and values. It supports them in developing and reflecting upon their values and their capacity for moral judgment.

Through developing awareness and appreciation of the value of each individual in a diverse society, religious and moral education engenders responsible attitudes to other people. This awareness and appreciation will assist in counteracting prejudice and intolerance.

Religious and moral education is a process where our pupils engage in a search for meaning, value and purpose in life. This involves both the exploration of beliefs and value and the study of how such beliefs and values are expressed.

Religious and Moral Education make an important contribution to the personal and social development of the pupils as it deals with moral values held to be important such as honesty, compassion, unselfishness, kindness and thoughtfulness to others. These values are constantly being enacted through all aspects of the life of our school as a community.

Social Studies

Children are provided with experiences, which allow them to develop knowledge and understanding of the environment and develop positive attitudes to it. We try to give them skills, which will enable them to interact effectively with their environment. The environment is an invaluable resource in educating our pupils. The approach commonly used in Tullos is to embed social studies within a theme, providing a context within which positive learning can take place (see Inter Disciplinary Learning). The selection of themes will seek to achieve, over a period of time, a variety that ensures the children will experience studies based on Science, Technologies, Health and Well Being and Social Subjects.


Computers play a large part in the continuing education of our pupils in all aspects of the curriculum. Computers are used throughout the school.

The emphasis on computer development is in the following fields.

• Word Processing

• Programme and Control Technology

• Information handling (Databases/Spreadsheets)

A wide range of resources are available at all stages to allow children to become computer literate.

|Pupil Council |

There is a pupil council on which all pupils from P2-P7 are represented. This is a very important group; it gives pupils an opportunity to have a say in the running of the school. The council meets regularly and may discuss any matters dealing with the school. This year the main topics for action have been the school playground, charity work and citizenship.

|Extra Curricular Activities |

Tullos School offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities. These vary each year according to the time available by adults concerned, the expertise of the staff and voluntary help available. If you are willing to help with any activities and you have a special skill to offer, please contact the school and we will be most grateful for your help.

Active Schools

Active Schools is a term given to all schools in Scotland that provides pupils with sufficient opportunities to get active to the extent that it makes a positive contribution to their health.

The active schools Aberdeen Team are responsible for putting in place and driving forward a range of planned activities in both school and community setting to help encourage children and young people’s participation in the physical activity and sport.

There is a local Active Schools Co-ordinator who is responsible for the Torry Kincorth ASG and works closely with Tullos School. To find out more information on Active Schools Aberdeen and activities happening in the local area contact Active Schools on 0845 608 0935 or visit the webpage

Active Schools – ‘More children, more active, more often’

Big Noise

Big Noise is a long term programme which teaches music, but also equips children with resilience and confidence to succeed across all areas of their lives. Independent researchers say the programme can significantly enhance children’s lives, prospects, health and wellbeing. Tullos School is very excited to be amongst only a handful of schools in Scotland to have a Big Noise Orchestra programme. Pupils in Nursery, Primary 1 and 2 enjoy sessions with the visiting Big Noise musicians during the school day. Nursery children have one session a week while the Primary 1 and 2 children have two sessions a week.

Towards the end of Primary 2 everyone is offered a violin, viola, cello or double bass to play. Beyond Primary 2 pupils will have the opportunity to opt-in to Big Noise during school holiday’s and after-school sessions held a Torry Academy. The programme will offer a pathway right through to adulthood for those who join at Primary 2. Big Noise is free and for every child regardless of ability. It is a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to learn music along with valuable life skills which will help them reach their full potential.

|Health Team- Doctor /School Nurse/ Dentist |

The School Health Team includes the school nurse and doctor, working in close liaison with teachers and other health professionals. The school nurse sees all children routinely for growth and vision checks. Both the nurse and doctor are regularly available for consultation and are always happy to discuss any concerns a parent might have about their child’s health and its effect on education or social life.

Programme for Health

The programme of health care available in school includes the following:

• Health check by the school nurse and hearing tests during the first year at school. Medical consultation if required

• Vision tests in Primary 1, 4 and 6

• Colour vision checked in Primary 6

• Other reviews, examinations and appointments as necessary and as arranged with parents.

Children are not medically examined without the consent of their parent or guardian whom we prefer to be present especially for younger children. All medical information is confidential and will only be shared with the school and/or other agencies with your agreement.

The school may also call on the services of a speech & language therapist and a health visitor when this is necessary. Services are constantly reviewed and may change during your child’s time at school.

Dental Health

The Community Dental Service provides checks for children P1-7 and annual visits to most Primary and Special Schools.

Health Information

It is very important that the school is kept informed of any health problem, which may affect your child’s performance or happiness in school. This may be discussed in confidence with a member of the Management Team, if you so wish.

Please ensure that necessary immunisations take place, especially those required before entry to school at Primary 1 stage. Booster injections e.g. polio and tetanus should also be kept up to date. If you need any advice on these matters, we can arrange an appointment with the school doctor or nurse.

|Head Lice |

NHS Health Scotland has a new fact sheet for dealing with Head Lice,

Please collect one from the school office. It is possible for anyone to pick up Head Lice if the conditions are right. If this happens to a member of your family, remember that head-lice prefer clean hair.

Basically there are 5 simple things to do:

• Check all members of your family and recent contacts

• Treat the hair of any member of your family who has the infection

• If you need more advice than is contained in the fact sheet, you should make an appointment with the school nurse or doctor.

• Inform the school office if your child has an infection of head lice.

• Groom and check your child’s hair once a week.

|Tullos Primary School Catchment Zone |

Pupils who live in the streets named below are zoned to attend Tullos Primary School

|Abbey Place |Gregness Gardens |

|Abbey Road |Greyhope Road - Lighthouse & Cottages |

|Abbey Square |Greyhope Road |

|Balnagask Avenue |Hillview Road |

|Balnagask Circle |Kirkhill Place |

|Balnagask Crescent |Kirkhill Road |

|Balnagask Place |Ladywell Place |

|Balnagask Road 106 - 514 |Lochnagar Road |

|Balnagask Road 165 - 495 |Loirston Place |

|Balnagask Terrace |Mansefield Road – Odds 39 - 53 |

|Balnagask Walk |Morven Court |

|Balnagask Wynd |North Balnagask Road |

|Baxter Court |Old Church Road |

|Baxter Street |Pentland Crescent |

|Brimmond Court |Pentland Place |

|Burnbank Place |Pentland Road |

|Burnbank Terrace |Pootung Cottage |

|China Cottage |Provost Hogg Court |

|Downies Brae |Old Church Road |

|Downies Place |Rockall Place |

|Farquhar Avenue |Sinclair Road - 131 |

|Farquar Brae |Sinclair Road – 142 (Leading Lighthouse) |

|Farquhar Road |South Kirkhill Farm |

|Fernie Brae |St Fitticks Road |

|Finnan Brae |Victoria Road 218 - 392 |

|Finnan Place |Victoria Road 225 - 355 |

|Girdleness Road |Wellington Road 125 - 133 |

|Girdleness Terrace |Wellington Road - Airyhall |

|Girdlestone Place |Wellington Road - Aldon |

|Glenbervie Road 135 - 147 |Wellington Road - Merlebank |

|Glenbervie Road 126 - 138 |Wellington Road – Myrtle Bank |

|Grampian Court |Wellington Road – Upper Airyhall |

|Granton Cottage |Wellington Road – Upper Aldon |

|Greenbank Road |Wood Street Lane |

|Greenwell Road 10 - 30 |Wood Street |

Out of Zone Placing Requests

Placing requests may only be made for children who are of school age or eligible to attend school because they will be five by the February cut-off date.

Please see “A Guide to Education, Culture & Support Services booklet for more information.

Acceptable Computer & Internet Use Policy (AUP)

While using ICT resources, computers or the Internet in Aberdeen City Schools:

• Pupils will only use the computer for educational activities and will not attempt to access chat rooms or Instant Messaging services

• Pupils will not use bad language in any messages they send or attempt to bully or harass anyone

• Pupils will not try to visit sites which might have material which others might find offensive, pornographic, racist, violent or similar sites

• Pupils will inform staff if the find any inappropriate material on a computer they are using

• Pupils will not reveal the personal address, telephone number or password of others, or themselves nor use another’s password

• Pupils will not use any computer in such a way that would disrupt the computer use of others, nor interfere with any computer security measures the school may have in place

• Pupils will not attempt to access files belonging to others

• Pupils will respect copyright and not use anything they have downloaded without the approval of a member of staff

• Pupils will only upload, download or copy files with the permission of a member of staff

• Pupils are aware that monitoring and random checks are made on all computer use and email messages sent and received.

All rules relating to computer use apply to all ICT resources, computer networks and stand-alone computers in the school.

These rules also apply to all information sent electronically within the school, including text messages and pictures sent by mobile phones.

|Pupil’s Insurance |

No insurance cover is held by the City Council to provide automatic compensation to pupils in the event of a personal accident or death. It is your responsibility as a parent to insure your child for personal accident or death, if you feel this is appropriate. The City Council holds third party liability which indemnifies the Council for claims for third parties (e.g. parents of pupils) who have suffered injury, illness, loss or damage arising from the negligence of the Council or its employees. However, if there is no negligence, no claim would be accepted by the Council.

This information is brought to your attention in order that you may take whatever action you feel appropriate.

|Child Protection |

Schools are required, by law, to report any concerns that a child has come to harm as a consequence of abuse.

Each school has a designated Child Protection Officer. At Tullos it is the Head Teacher. Should you wish to talk further about Child Protection and the safety of children please contact the Head Teacher.

Where there is a possibility that a child could be at risk of abuse or neglect, the school is required to refer the child to Social Work, the Police or the Children’s Reporter and under these circumstances, the parent would not normally be consulted.

|Copyright |

Schools have been advised to include in their information booklets the following reference to copyright.

Books borrowed from school or college libraries may not be copied by outside bodies e.g. commercial copy shops without the written permission of the publisher. In conjunction with rights owners CLA is taking legal action against copy shops that are found to be illegally copying from books for students.’

|Data Protection Act 1984 |

Information relative to pupils, parents and guardians is stored on a computer system and may be used for teaching, registration, assessment and other administrative duties.

The information is protected by the Data Protection Act 1984 and may only be disclosed in accordance with the Codes of Practice. For further information please contact the school.

|Domestic Pets |

It is the Authority’s policy that no pets owned by any member of staff, parent or carer will be allowed into any part of the school; this includes playgrounds, car parks and playing fields.

|Aberdeen City Council |

Aberdeen City council is the body legally charged with delivering public school education and community learning and development in Aberdeen.

The responsibility for policy, planning and the definitions of standards for the education service and the culture and sport services lies with the Strategic Service Team.

The school welcomes contact from parents on matters associated with the school or its pupils. Please contact the school to make an appointment if you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of the Management Team. Because they have teaching and other commitments it is not often possible for them to see you without prior notice.

The authority is committed to inclusion and the Presumption of Mainstreaming, as set out in the Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000.

It is the aspiration of Education and Children’s Services to utilise its resources and expertise to ensure that almost all children can be supported in their learning within their local school. This will be a gradual change which will ensure, where possible, that children will no longer have to travel away from friends and family to access the support they need.

|Aberdeen City Council (continued) |

All primary and secondary schools can already provide interventions for children and young people with additional support needs. Schools can access expertise from a range of specialist services including Educational Psychology, Sensory Support, English as an Additional Language and Autism Outreach. A very small number of children may require access to a more specialised provision for a period of time or access to a Special School Placement. As a parent or carer you will be fully involved in decisions about your child. Your views are invaluable in helping us design appropriate supports.

Schools operate a staged approach to support learners. The Stage Intervention Framework is used to help identify potential barriers to learning and participation, and plan effectively. If your child is recognised as being in need of targeted support, a Child’s Plan will be put in place. Parents, pupils and agencies supporting your child will help develop and review the plan to make sure that it supports your child.

Levels of support within the Staged Intervention Framework are categorised as follows:

Universal Support – support delivered by the class teacher through effective differentiation. When appropriate the class teacher will be guided by other professionals in school with particular expertise.

Targeted Support – support delivered by the class teacher and other school staff. When appropriate, support will be provided by support services across Education and Children’s Services.

Specialist/Multi-Agency Support – support delivered by the school and others, which is likely to be highly individualised. Support given may be short term or longer term, but will be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure your child is making good progress.

|Equal Opportunities |

Everyone involved with Tullos School - pupils, parents, staff, and people from the local community should feel valued as an individual regardless of ability, ethnicity, gender, social class or age. Equal Opportunities concern EVERYONE. All teaching and non-teaching staff, pupils and parents have their part to play in the implementation of this policy. A full copy of the Equal Opportunities policy is available on request from the school office.

Complaints Procedure

In line with Aberdeen City Council’s complaints procedure if you have a concern or a complaint you should follow the stages listed below.

Stage 1 ( Contact the Head Teacher as soon as possible to inform him/her

of the complaint

Stage 2 ( Write a letter or email the

Education & Children’s Services

Marischal College

Broad Street

Aberdeen AB10 1BY

Tel: 01224 522538

Email: comments@education.

( Write a letter to, telephone or email

SCSWIS (Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland)

Johnstone House

Rose Street

Aberdeen AB10 1UD

Tel: 01224 793870

Email: enquiries@

Stage 3 ( Write to the

Chief Executive

Town House


Tel: 01224 522501

Stage 4 ( Contact the local government ombudsman

Public Services Ombudsman

23 Walker Street


Tel: 0870 011 5378


National Contacts


|Care Inspectorate (Social Care and Social Work Improvement |Tel: 0345 600 9527 |

|Scotland) |enquiries@ |

|Johnstone House | |

|Rose Street | |

|Aberdeen AB10 1UD | |

|Childline |Tel: 0800 1111 |

| |.uk |

|Children in Scotland |Tel: 0131 313 2322 |

|Children in Scotland is the national agency for voluntary, | |

|statutory and professional organisations and individuals working |.uk |

|together with children and their families in Scotland. | |

|Enquire |Tel: 0345 123 2303 |

|The Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning | |

| |.uk |

|Education Scotland |Tel: 0141 282 5000 |

|Denholm House | |

|Almondvale Business Park |.uk |

|Almondvale Way | |

|Livingstone EH54 6GA | |

|Grampian Racial Equality Council (GREC) |Tel: 01224 595505 |

|41 Union Street | |

|Aberdeen AB11 5BN | |

|ParentLine Scotland |Tel: 0800 028 2233 |

| |.uk |

|Scottish Government Education Department |.uk (Click on Education & Training) |

|Scottish Parent Teacher Council |Tel: 0131 4746199 |

|The national organisation for parents’ groups in Scottish schools.|sptc@ |

| | |

|The National Parent Forum of Scotland | |

|Gives parent councils and parents an opportunity to discuss and | |

|raise educational issues or mutual interest or concern at a | |

|national level. | |

|The Parent Zone |Find out how you can support your child’s education; information for parents and carers.|

| | |


Any child who receives a bump to the head will receive a “bump to the head” letter informing parents and outlining symptoms to be aware of. Teaching staffs are also informed of this in case a child display symptoms whilst in class.

Parents will be informed if their child has been involved in any accident other than a simple cut or graze.


Curriculum for Excellence develops skills for learning, life and work to help you people go on to further study, secure work and enjoy life and leisure. It makes learning relevant and helps young people apply lessons to their life beyond the classroom. It links knowledge in one subject area to another, helping children and young people understand the world and make connections. It develops skills so that children can think for themselves, make sound judgements, challenge, enquire and find solutions.

Art and Design activities enrich the lives of our pupils by contributing to their intellectual, emotional and cultural development through using visual media. Through Art and Design pupils develop their capacity to invent, create and interpret images and objects; design, make and evaluate, and gain insight into technological processes. Pupils have opportunities to use materials, techniques, skills and media, and to express ideas, thoughts, feelings and solutions.

They are encouraged to appreciate and value not only their own work, but also the work of artists and designers, and to be aware of the influence of the visual arts and design upon their own lives and on the community.

Children are also encouraged to develop their observation and analysis skills by reflecting on their own work and that of others, they are able to form judgments about what a good performance looks like and how performance may also be improved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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