
TASK SHEET: Write an essay on The Crucible by Arthur Miller

Instruction: Choose one of the topics below and write an essay of 400–450 words. Remember to follow the three-step method for writing a literary essay.


1 In The Crucible, Abigail Williams is a vindictive young woman who is entirely to blame for the arrests and hangings of those accused of witchcraft.

Discuss the validity of this statement.

2 The Crucible is a cautionary tale, warning of the dangers of fanaticism in society. Not a single character in the play is free of it.

Discuss the validity of this statement.

3 Pride, one of the seven deadly sins, is at the heart of the tragedy in The Crucible.


4 Evil is allowed to flourish when good men do nothing.

Discuss to what extent The Crucible may be seen to be a play about the sins of omission.

Summary of the three-step method:

Step 1: Analyse the topic.

• Read the questions carefully at least three times.

• Underline the key words.

• Write an instruction in your own words stating clearly what you need to do.

Step 2: Design and complete a mind map.

Step 3: Write the essay.

• Decide on the focus for each body paragraph.

• Write the introduction.

• Write the body of the essay following the SIR pattern.

• Write the conclusion.

Summary of the SIR pattern:

State the topic sentence, i.e. the sentence indicating the key point to be developed in the paragraph.

Illustrate the point by giving detailed examples from the text. Be sure to explain the

relevance of each example.

Relate the point being made to the essay topic, and link to the next paragraph.


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