University of Notre Dame

September 4, 2013: Significant changes made in July 2013 teacher workshop *** This module contains more activities than time may allow. The activities are listed in order of importance per section. Please complete at least the first activity in each section and add as many additional activities that time will allow.

Module 1: Characteristics of Life (Experimental Design) (9-10 days)


What is life and how is life connected? What is the process that scientists follow? How do scientists communicate?


• Safety

• Characteristics of Life

• Nature of Science (Mystery Jars and Wiggly Worms )

• Measurements, Data, Introduction to Experimental Design, Graphing

Indiana Standards:

B3.3; B.5.2; B.6.2; B.6.3

Learning Goals:

1. Define the characteristics of life.

2. Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer biological questions.

3. Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models of biological phenomena using logic and evidence.

Student Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the traits that separate living (biotic) organisms versus nonliving (abiotic) organisms

2. Describe the interactions among living organisms as well as non-living factors.

3. Determine the different levels of organization that life exhibits on Earth.

4. Determine the process that scientists use to conduct scientific investigations.

5. Utilize the scientific method to design and run an experiment that fits the criteria for a controlled experiment.

6. Given a scenario, identify the question/problem, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, and control group.

7. Select and use appropriate measurement tools.

8. Collect, record, and organize data using correct measurement (quantitative) techniques.

9. Analyze data, draw conclusions, and communicate findings to others.

10. Given a set of data, determine the correct graph (line, bar, or circle) that should be used to organize the data.


There is only one scientific method and it consists of “X” number of steps.

All scientific experimentation must have a control group.

A theory is a guess.

All data can be placed on a bar graph

All life forms are similar

Time Sequence:

Day 1: Lab Safety

Days 2, 3, 4, 5: Characteristics of Life

Days 6, 7, 8, 9: Experimental Design and Graphing

Day 10: Assessment


|Science |Observation |Biotic |Abiotic |

|Inference |Hypothesis |Controlled experimentation |Independent variable |

|Dependent variable |Control group |Experimental group |Data |

|Theory |Bias |Biology |Stimulus |

|Homeostasis |Metabolism |Biosphere |SI units |

Instructional Notes: Teacher notes are included with each module section.

Section 1: (1.1) Safety


1. (1.2.1) White Board Activity: Art Board for safety protocol (use chart 1 and 2. Extended version is present)

2. Safety Rap:

3. (1.2.2) Safety Assessment Cartoon

4. (1.2.3) Lab safety agreement

Section 2: (1.2) Characteristics of Living Things


1. Mystery Jars (Is Yeast Alive?) Activity OR (1.11) Is Sammy Alive? (Teacher leads a discussion following activity)-Paradigm Activity

2. White Board Activity (1): What is life?

3. Youtube video: Introduction to the Characteristics of Life

4. White Board Activity (2): What is life?

5. (1.12)Card Activity: How are living things connected to non-living things?

6. Abiotic vs. Biotic Activity

7. How is life on Earth organized?

Section 3: (1.3) Measurement

Essential Questions:

Why do scientists use measurements?

Why is it important to use accurate measurements?


1. (1.31) What is a bean? (Measurement lab)

2. Metric Measurement Lab

Section 4: (1.4) Experimental Design and Graphing

Essential Questions

How do scientists solve everyday problems?

How do scientists communicate their information?


1. White Board Activity/Scientific Method Card Sort: How do you design an experiment?

a. (1.41) Read:” How can We Understand Our Water Resources”, Designing an experiment

2. (1.42)Title/Hypothesis Practice

3. (1.43) Sponge Bob Variable Activity

4. (1.44) Wiggly Worms Activity or Don’t Be a Pill Activity

5. White Board Activity: Graphing and Graphing Resources

6. (1.45) Graphing: (Alternate Assignment) Whiteboard Speed Dating activity, scenarios (Tables and Graphs)



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