Hardie Seay Nance - JSG Apps

Hardie Seay Nance

Professional Summary

July 8, 2008

Business address: The University of Texas at Austin

Bureau of Economic Geology

University Station, Box X

Austin, Texas 78713-8924

(512) 471-6285

E-mail address: seay.nance@beg.utexas.edu

Academic Background

Ph.D., in progress, Hydrogeology, The University of Texas at Austin,

B.S. Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 1978

M.A. Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 1988

Areas of Expertise

A. Sedimentology.

B. Stratigraphy.

C. Structural geology.

D. Hydrogeology.

Professional Work Experience

A. Present Position: Research Scientist Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (September 2001 - Present).

Assisted in development of guidebook for 2004 Decision Makers Field Conference (supervisor: Clift)

Assisted in sample collection and data analysis for TCEQ Seymour Aquifer Nitrate Contamination Project (supervisor: Scanlon)

Assisted with field operations for DOE CO2 Aquifers Project (supervisor: Hovorka).

B. Consulting Geologist, Leander, Texas (September 1996 - August 2001).

Provided geologic analyses for San Juan Basin coalbed-methane interests (Burlington Resources, Farmington, NM), Gulf of Mexico Deep-Frio hydrocarbon interests (Enron, Houston, TX) pre-development environmental geological surveys (Charles Woodruff Consulting, Austin, TX), Texas Panhandle hydrocarbon interests (Glickenhaus Energy, Houston), exploration and production drilling fluid disposal facilities (Bureau of Economic Geology, UT-Austin), and Gulf Coast subsidence investigations (Bureau of Economic Geology, UT-Austin, and USGS).

C. Present Position: Research Scientist Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (June 1978 - September 1996).

Assisting with Coalbed Methane project (May 1994–present). Assisting in Superconducting Super Collider project (September 1991–May 1994). Assisting Dr. Jerry Wermund in the National Guard training site environmental assessment (March–June 1993). Assisting with Grayburg Memorandum of Understanding (DOE) project (1989–September 1991). Assisting with research on San Andres Reservoir Characterization Laboratory (September 1988–September 1991). Assisting with research on West Texas Waste Isolation project (September 1983–August 1988). Supervisor of Thin Section Services, Sedimentology Laboratory (June 1982–August 1983). Manager of the Sedimentology Laboratory (June 1978–June 1982).

D. Laboratory Research Assistant, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (June 1977 - June 1978).

Assisting in operations at the Bureau’s Well Sample Library, including core handling, warehousing, and minor construction.

E. Student Assistant, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin (September 1976 - June 1977).

Grading papers and taking roll for introductory geology course.

Professional Societies

American Association of Petroleum Geologists

Austin Geological Society

Geological Society of America


Reports, Monographs, Brochures, Pamphlets, Bulletins

White, W. A., Calnan, T. R., Morton, R. A., Kimble, R. S., Littleton, T. G., McGowen, J. H., and Nance, H. S., 1989, Submerged lands of Texas, Kingsville area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Special Publication, 137 p.

White, W. A., Calnan, T. R., Morton, R. A., Kimble, R. S., Littleton, T. G., McGowen, J. H., and Nance, H. S., 1989, Submerged lands of Texas, Port Lavaca area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Special Publication, 165 p.

White, W. A., Calnan, T. R., Morton, R. A., Kimble, R. S., Littleton, T. G., McGowen, J. H., and Nance, H. S., 1988, Submerged lands of Texas, Bay City–Freeport area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Special Publication, 130 p.

White, W. A., Calnan, T. R., Morton, R. A., Kimble, R. S., Littleton, T. G., McGowen, J. H., and Nance, H. S., 1987, Submerged lands of Texas, Beaumont–Port Arthur area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Special Publication, 110 p.

White, W. A., Calnan, T. R., Morton, R. A., Kimble, R. S., Littleton, T. G., McGowen, J. H., Nance, H. S., and Schmedes, K. E., 1986, Submerged lands of Texas, Brownsville–Harlingen area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Special Publication, 138 p.

White, W. A., Calnan, T. R., Morton, R. A., Kimble, R. S., Littleton, T. G., McGowen, J. H., Nance, H. S., and Schmedes, K. E., 1985, Submerged lands of Texas, Galveston–Houston area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Special Publication, 145 p.

White, W. A., Calnan, T. R., Morton, R. A., Kimble, R. S., Littleton, T. G., McGowen, J. H., Nance, H. S., and Schmedes, K. E., 1983, Submerged lands of Texas, Corpus Christi area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Special Publication, 154 p.


Nance, H. S., 2004, Chapter 3. Hydrochemical variability in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, Edwards Plateau, Texas, in Mace, R. E., Angle, E. S., and Mullican, W. F, III, eds., Aquifers of the Edwards Plateau: Texas Water Development Board, Report 360, p. 63–90.

Hovorka, S. D., Nance, H. S., and Kerans, Charles, 1994, Chapter 19, Parasequence geometry as a control on permeability evolution: examples from the San Andres and Grayburg Formations in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, in Loucks, R. G., and Sarg, J. F., eds., Carbonate sequence stratigraphy: recent developments and applications: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 57, p. 493–514.

Kerans, Charles, and Nance, H. S., 1991, High frequency cyclicity and regional depositional patterns of the Grayburg Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, in Meader-Roberts, Sally, Candelaria, M. P., and Moore, G. E., eds., Sequence stratigraphy, facies, and reservoir geometries of the San Andres, Grayburg, and Queen Formations, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Permian Basin Section, and Society of Sedimentary Geology, Publication 91-32, p. 53–70.

Kerans, Charles, and Nance, H. S., 1991, Road log: third day, Grayburg Formation on the Shattuck Valley wall, in Meader-Roberts, Sally, Candelaria, M. P., and Moore, G. E., eds., Sequence stratigraphy, facies, and reservoir geometries of the San Andres, Grayburg, and Queen Formations, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Permian Basin Section, and Society of Sedimentary Geology, Publication 91-32, p. 91–96.

Weber, L. J., Jr., Kerans, Charles, and Nance, H. S., 1991, Road log: second day, Carlsbad, New Mexico, to Algerita Escarpment via Dark Canyon, in Meader-Roberts, Sally, Candelaria, M. P., and Moore, G. E., eds., Sequence stratigraphy, facies, and reservoir geometries of the San Andres, Grayburg, and Queen Formations, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Permian Basin Section, and Society of Sedimentary Geology, Publication 91-32, p. 71–90.


Peer Reviewed

Paine, J. G., Nance, H. S., Collins, E. W., and Niemann, K. L., 2007, Quantifying contributions to stream salinity using electromagnetic induction and hydrochemistry in a small Texas coastal-plain basin: Applied Geochemistry, v. 22, p. 2207–2224.

Hovorka, S. D., Doughty, Christine, Benson, S. M., Freifeld, B. M., Sakurai, Shinichi, Daley, T. M., Kharaka, Y. K., Holtz, M. H., Trautz, R. C., Nance, H. S., Myer, L. R., and Knauss, K. G., 2006, Measuring permanence of CO2 storage in saline formations: the Frio experiment: Environmental Geosciences, v. 13, no. 2, p. 105–121.

Kharaka, Yousif, Cole, D. R., Thordsen, J. J., Kakouros, Evangelos, and Nance, H. S., 2006, Gas–water–rock interactions in sedimentary basins: CO2 sequestration in the Frio Formation, Texas, USA:Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 89, p. 183–186.

Laubach, S. E., Mace, R. E., and Nance, H. S., 1995, Fault and joint swarms in a normal fault zone, in Rossmanith, H.-P., ed., Mechanics of jointed and faulted rock: Rotterdam, Balkema, p. 305–309.

Hovorka, S. D., Nance, H. S., and Kerans, Charles, 1993, Parasequence geometry as a control on permeability evolution: examples from the San Andres and Grayburg Formations in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, in Loucks, R. G., and Sarg, J. F., eds., Carbonate sequence stratigraphy: recent developments and applications: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 53, p. 493–514.

Nance, H. S., 1988, Interfingering of evaporites and red beds: an example from the Queen/Grayburg Formation, Texas: Sedimentary Geology, v. 56, p. 357–381.

Morton, R. A., White, W. A., McGowen, J. H., and Nance, H. S., 1983, Sediments and geochemistry, in White, W. A., and others, Submerged lands of Texas, Corpus Christi area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Special Publication, p. 13–33.


Kharaka, Y. K., Thordsen, J. J., Hovorka, S. D., Nance, H. S., Cole, D. R., Phelps, T. J., and Knauss, G. K., 2007, Subsurface monitoring of anthropogenic CO2 injected in sedimentary basins: results from the Frio-I brine test, Texas, in Bullen, T. D., and Wang, Y., Proceedings, 12th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-12), v. 1, p. 597–601.

Nance, H. S., 2006, Tracking salinity sources to Texas streams: examples from West Texas and the Texas Gulf Coastal Plain: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 56, p. 675–693.

Paine, J. G., Collins, E. W., Nance, H. S., and Niemann, K. L., 2006, Streambed induction logs: an airborne approach to identifying salinity sources and quantifying salinity loads, in Proceedings, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems: Environmental and Engineering Society, p. 96–104, CD-ROM.

Nance, H. S., Rauch, Henry, Strazisar, Brian, Bromhal, Grant, Wells, Art, Diehl, Rod, Klusman, Ron, Lewicki, Jennifer, Oldenburg, Curt, Kharaka, Yousif, and Kakouros, Evangelos, 2005, Surface environmental monitoring at the Frio CO2 Sequestration Test Site, Texas, in Proceedings, Fourth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration: DOE/NETL, Alexandria, Virginia, May 2–5, 16 p., CD-ROM.

Kharaka, Yousif, Cole, David, Gunter, William, Knauss, Kevin, and Nance, Seay, 2005, Geochemistry of water and gases in the Frio Brine Pilot Text: baseline data and changes during and post CO2 injection, in Proceedings, Fourth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration: DOE/NETL, Alexandria, Virginia, May 2–5, 22 p., CD-ROM.

Nance, H. S., and Sharp, J. M., Jr., 2005, Dealing with non-precipitation chloride contributions in the chloride–mass balance approach to recharge calculations in the plateau aquifer system Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 55, p. 580–592.

Nance, H. S., and Dutton, A. R., 2002, E & P drilling fluid disposal facilities in Texas and Louisiana: analogs for environmental assessments of abandoned sites: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 52, p. 779–788.

Wang, F. P., and Nance, H. S., 2002, Effect of hydrocarbon production and reservoir depressurization on subsidence: Port Neches field area, southeast Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 52, p. 975–984.

Nance, H. S., 2001, Relief distribution in the Blanco River Basin: Hill Country stream piracy revisited, in Woodruff, C. M., Jr., and Collins, E. W., field trip leaders, Austin, Texas, and beyond—geology and environment: a field excursion in memory of L. Edwin Garner: Austin Geological Society Guidebook 21, p. 93–100.

Dutton, A. R., Smyth, R. C., Nance, H. S., Mullican, J. W., and Gu, Yaguang, 2000, History, regulation, and closure of abandoned centralized and commercial drilling-fluid disposal sites in Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, in Proceedings, Ground Water Protection Council Annual Forum, p. 133–138.

Nance, H. S., and Kaiser, W. R., 1995, Geologic characterization and gas production: Cameo Coal Group, Grand Valley/Rulison area, Garfield County, Colorado, in Tyler, Roger, Kaiser, W. R., McMurry, R. G., Nance, H. S., Scott, A. R., and Zhou, Naijiang, eds., Geologic characterization and coalbed methane occurrence: Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, northwest Colorado: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual report prepared for Gas Research Institute under contract no. 5091-214-2261, GRI-94/0456, p. 133–160.

Tyler, Roger, Kaiser, W. R., Tremain, C. M., Scott, A. R., Nance, H. S., McMurry, R. G., and Zhou, Naijiang, 1995, Tectonic evolution and stratigraphic setting of the Piceance Basin, Colorado: a review, in Tyler, Roger, Kaiser, W. R., McMurry, R. G., Nance, H. S., Scott, A. R., and Zhou, Naijiang, eds., Geologic characterization and coalbed methane occurrence: Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, northwest Colorado: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual report prepared for Gas Research Institute under contract no. 5091-214-2261, GRI-94/0456, p. 192–197.

Hovorka, S. D., and Nance, H. S., 1994, Dynamic depositional and early diagenetic processes in a deep-water shelf setting, Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk, North Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 44, p. 269–276.

Mace, R. E., Dutton, A. R., and Nance, H. S., 1994, Simulation of regional ground-water flow on a flowline in Cretaceous-bedrock aquifers of North-Central Texas, in Factors affecting water resources: Proceedings, American Water Resources Association, Texas Section, p. 97–106.

Mace, R. E., Dutton, A. R., and Nance, H. S., 1994, Water-level declines in the Woodbine, Paluxy, and Trinity aquifers of North-Central Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 44, p. 413–420.

Nance, H. S., Laubach, S. E., and Dutton, A. R., 1994, Fault and joint measurements in Austin Chalk, Superconducting Super Collider site, Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 44, p. 521–532.

Nance, H. S., 1992, Chapter III: Facies architecture and internal geometry of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate depositional sequence: Grayburg Formation, Stone Canyon, New Mexico, in Tyler, Noel, Barton, M. D., Bebout, D. G., Fisher, R. S., Grigsby, J. D., Guevara, E. H., Holtz, M. H., Kerans, Charles, Nance, H. S., and Levey, R. A., eds., Characterization of oil and gas reservoir heterogeneity: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-FG22-89BC-14403, p. 40–88.

Nance, H. S., 1991, Outcrop/subsurface correlations: Algerita Escarpment study area, Otero County, New Mexico, in Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., Senger, R. K., Fogg, G. E., Nance, H. S., Kasap, Ekrem, and Hovorka, S. D., Characterization of reservoir heterogeneity in carbonate-ramp systems, San Andres/Grayburg, Permian Basin: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory, final contract report, p. 47–90.


Paine, J. G., Collins, E. W., and Nance, H. S., 2007, Stream-axis EM from a helicopter: identifying salinity sources in a large river basin (ext. abs.), in EAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition—London, UK, 11–14 June, 5 p.

Nance, H. S., Banner, Jay, Sharp, J. M., Jr., and James, Eric, 2007, Using basic hydrochemical data to interpret apparent groundwater ages for delineation of preferential recharge areas and flow paths, Edwards aquifer, West Texas: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 602.

Paine, J. G., Collins, E. W., and Nance, H. S., 2007, Stream-axis EM from a helicopter: identifying salinity sources in a large river basin (abs.), in 14th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference Abstracts, Houston, Texas, November 6–9, p. 51.

Scanlon, B. R., Nicot, J. -P., Reedy, R. C., Tachovsky, J. A., Nance, H. S., and Smyth, R. C., 2006, Evaluation of arsenic contamination in the Southern High Plains (abs.): Austin Geological Society Bulletin, v. 2, p. 13–14.

Hovorka, S. D., Sakurai, Shinichi, Kharaka, Y. K., Nance, H. S., Doughty, Christine, Benson, S. M., Freifeld, B. M., Trautz, R. C., Phelps, Tommy, and Daley, T. M., 2006, Monitoring CO2 storage in brine formations: lessons learned from the Frio field text one year post injection, in Proceedings of the 2006 UIC Conference of the Groundwater Protection Council, Abstract 19.

Paine, J. G., Collins, E. W., Nance, H. S., and Niemann, K., 2005, Identifying salinity sources and quantifying salinity loads along two Texas streams using stream-axis airborne EM and focused hydrochemistry (abs.): EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 86, no. 52, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract Number H23G-06.

Scanlon, B. R., Reedy, R. C., Tachovsky, A., and Nance, S., 2005, Impacts of the shift from natural to agricultural ecosystems archived in unsaturated and saturated zone systems in the Southern High Plains (abs.): EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 86, no. 52, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H431-05.

Reedy, R. C., Scanlon, B. R., Jackson, A., Tachovsky, A., Nance, S., and Balaji, R., 2005, Potential mobilization of arsenic and other solutes in the vadose zone through land use change in the Southern High Plains, USA (abs.): EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 86, no. 52, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H41D-0443.

Scanlon, B. R., Reedy, R. C., Tachovsky, J. A., and Nance, H. S., 2005, Integration of physical and chemical data to assess impacts of changes from natural to agricultural ecosystems on subsurface flow and transport in semiarid regions (abs.): EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 86, no. 52, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H34C-02 INVITED.

Nance, H. S., 2005, The case for cation exchange in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) aquifer system (abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, no. 3, p. 8.

Paine, J. G., Collins, E. W., and Nance, H. S., 2005, Combining airborne EM and surface-water analyses to identify natural and oil-field salinity sources that degrade water quality in two Texas streams (abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, no. 7, p. 98–99.

Kharaka, Y. K., Gunter, W. D., Nance, Seay, and Cole, D. R., 2005, Chemical composition of water and gases in the Frio Brine Pilot Test: preliminary baseline and post-injection results (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention abstracts volume, v. 14, p. A73.

Nance, H. S., 2002, Hydrogeological trends in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, Edwards Plateau, Texas (abs.): Geological Society of America South-Central Section Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 3, p. A-33.

Nance, H. S., 1998, Late Cretaceous paleogeography and patchwork coalbeds: Fruitland Formation, Northern San Juan Basin, Western Interior Seaway, USA, in American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, May 17–20, Salt Lake City, Utah, p. 483.

Nance, H. S., 1996, High-resolution depositional fabric of coalbeds in the Fruitland Formation, Northwest San Juan basin, Colorado and New Mexico (abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, October 28–31, Denver, Colorado, p. A-65.

Nance, H. S., Laubach, S. E., and Dutton, A. R., 1994, Fault and joint measurements in Austin Chalk, Superconducting Super Collider site, Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 78, no. 9, p. 1472.

Laubach, S. E., Nance, H. S., and Dutton, A. R., 1994, Fault and joint spacing in a normal fault zone (abs.): Eos (Supplement), v. 75, no. 44, p. 678.

Nance, H. S., and Mace, R. E., 1994, Stratigraphy in modeling ground-water flow in siliciclastic aquifers: an example from the Woodbine Formation, North Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts, v. 3, p. 221.

Nance, H. S., and Mace, R. E., 1993, Stratigraphic influences on water-level declines, Woodbine aquifer, Grayson County, North Texas (abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, no. 6, p. A-441.

Kerans, Charles, Nance, H. S., and Bebout, D. G., 1990, Outcrop analogs for modeling heterogeneous restricted platform reservoirs: Grayburg Formation (Guadalupian) of the Guadalupe Mountains and subsurface Permian Basin (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 693.

Kerans, Charles, Nance, H. S., and Bebout, D. G., 1990, Outcrop analogs for modeling heterogeneous restricted platform reservoirs: Grayburg Formation (Guadalupian) of the Guadalupe Mountains and subsurface Permian Basin (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 693.

Nance, H. S., 1988, Evidence and distribution of salt-dissolution-induced subsidence, Texas Panhandle and eastern New Mexico (abs.): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, no. 2, p. 125.

Nance, H. S., 1987, Paleogeographic reconstruction of a Permian evaporite basin, Upper Guadalupian Series, Texas Panhandle (abs.), in SEPM Annual Midyear Meeting Abstracts: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, v. 4, p. 59–60.

Nance, H. S., 1986, Relationship of tectonic movements along the Matador Arch to deposition of Artesia Group (Guadalupian) carbonates and evaporites (abs.), in SEPM 4th Annual Meeting Abstracts: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists,

Nance, H. S., 1985, Depositional setting and facies relations in Upper Permian red beds of the Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle (abs.), in SEPM Annual Midyear Meeting Abstracts: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, v. 2, p. 67.

Contract Reports

Paine, J. G., Collins, E. W., and Nance, H. S., 2006, Geophysical investigations of salinization along the Upper Colorado River between Lake Thomas and Ivie Reservoir, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, under contract number 582-4-56385, work order no. 6, 111 p. + CD-ROM.

Paine, J. G., Ruppel, S. C., Nance, H. S., Smyth, R. C., Breton, Caroline, and Duncan, I. J., 2006, Subsurface data response, Odessa Site, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, report prepared for the FutureGen Alliance, 113 p.

Scanlon, B. R., Nicot, J. -P., Reedy, R. C., Tachovsky, J. A., Nance, H. S., Smyth, R. C., Keese, Kelley, Ashburn, R. E., and Christian, Lance, 2005, Evaluation of arsenic contamination in Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, under umbrella contract no. 582-4-56385 and work order no. UT-08-5-70828, 167 p.

Paine, J. G., Nance, H. S., and Collins, E. W., 2005, Geophysical investigations of salinization along Petronila Creek, Nueces and Kleberg Counties, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, under contract number 582-4-56385, work order no. 6, 69 p. + CD-ROM.

Hentz, T. F., Ambrose, W. A., DeAngelo, Michael, Holtz, M. H., Sakurai, Shinichi, Talukdar, S., Wawrzyniec, T. F., Dunlap, D. B., Dutton, S. P., Guevara, E. H., Nance, H. S., Yeh, J. S., Bouroullec, Renaud, Brown, L. F., Jr., Martinez Sierra, Ricardo, Hernández-Mendoza, J. J., Ramos Gallardo, Hilario, Alvarado Cespedes, Alberto, Marino Castanon, Alberto, Machado Simental, Ruben, Ayala Anguiano, Ramiro, and Segura Trevino, Alberto, 2004, Definition of the geological framework and exploration plays of the Miocene of the Burgos Basin, northern Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Pemex in two volumes, Spanish and English, variously paginated + 5 vols. Plates.

Nance, H. S., 2003, Executive summary of State data related to abandoned centralized and commercial drilling-fluid disposal sites in Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, semi-annual technical report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under DOE award no. DE-AC26-99BC15225, 20 p. + figs., tables, apps.

Wang, F. P., and Nance, H. S., 2001, Effect of hydrocarbon production and depressurization on subsidence and fault reactivation: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, report prepared for U.S. Geological Survey, 24 p.

Tyler, Roger, Kaiser, W. R., McMurry, R. G., Nance, H. S., Scott, A. R., and Zhou, Naijiang, 1995, Geologic characterization and coalbed methane occurrence: Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, northwest Colorado: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual report prepared for Gas Research Institute, under contract no. 5091-214-2261, GRI-94/0456, 218 p.

Nance, H. S., Laubach, S. E., and Dutton, A. R., 1994, Fault and joint measurements in Austin Chalk, Superconducting Super Collider site, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, topical report prepared for the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, under contract no. IAC(92-93)-0301, 36 p.

Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., Senger, R. K., Fogg, G. E., Nance, H. S., and Hovorka, S. D., 1993, Characterization of facies and permeability patterns in carbonate reservoirs based on outcrop analogs: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract no. DE-AC22-89BC14470, 160 p.

Nance, H. S., and Wermund, E. G., Jr., 1993, Geological and climatic survey, Camp Bowie Military Reservation, Brownwood, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, contract report prepared for Texas National Guard, under interagency contract no. IAC(92–93)1532, 52 p.

Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., Senger, R. K., Fogg, G. E., Nance, H. S., and Hovorka, S. D., 1992, Characterization of facies and permeability patterns in carbonate reservoirs based on outcrop analogs: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, under contract no. DE-AC22-89BC14470, 160 p.

Tyler, Noel, Barton, M. D., Bebout, D. G., Fisher, R. S., Grigsby, J. D., Guevara, E. H., Holtz, M. H., Kerans, Charles, Levey, R. A., and Nance, H. S., 1992, Characterization of oil and gas reservoir heterogeneity: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, under contract no. DE-FG22-89BC-14403, 219 p.

Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., Senger, R. K., Fogg, G. E., Nance, H. S., Kasap, Ekrem, and Hovorka, S. D., 1991, Characterization of reservoir heterogeneity in carbonate-ramp systems, San Andres/Grayburg, Permian Basin: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory, final contract report, 245 p.

Hovorka, S. D., Fisher, R. S., and Nance, H. S., 1988, Petrography and geochemistry of the Artesia Group, Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Salt Repository Project Office, under contract no. DE-AC97-83WM46651, 79 p.

Nance, H. S., 1987, The Artesia Group and Salado Formation (Guadalupian/Ochoan) of Palo Duro Basin: depositional systems and effects of post-Permian salt dissolution: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Salt Repository Project Office, under contract no. DE-AC97-83WM46651, 63 p.

White, W. A., Calnan, T. R., Morton, R. A., Kimble, R. S., Littleton, T. G., McGowen, J. H., Nance, H. S., and Schmedes, K. E., 1984, Submerged lands of Texas, Brownsville–Harlingen area: sediments, geochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, and associated wetlands: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, report prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, 246 p.


Facies relations and controls on Artesia Group deposition in the Matador Arch Area, Texas: Austin, Texas, The University of Texas at Austin, M.A. thesis, 142 p., 1988.


BEG Colloquia

Using basic hydrochemical and radio-isotope data to delineate preferential recharge areas and estimate recharge volumes, Edwards aquifer, West Texas: presented at the Bureau of Economic Geology Colloquium, Austin, Texas, January 18, 2008.

Hydrochemical variability and detection of cross-formational flow in the High Plains (Ogallala) and Plateau aquifer systems: Crockett and Glasscock Counties, Texas: presented at Bureau of Economic Geology Research Seminar, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, April 6, 2007.

Interaction between surface water and groundwater along the upper Colorado River, West Texas: October 21, 2005.

Hydrochemical variability in the plateau aquifer system, Edwards Plateau, Texas: Austin, Texas, April 16, 2004.

Structure mapping at the Superconducting Super Collider: March 1994.

Cretaceous Siliciclastic formations of North-Central and Northeast Texas: Background for Stratigraphic Framework: Superconducting Super Collider Regional Hydrologic Model: May 1993.

Grayburg Formation, Guadalupe Mountains: Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Mosaics: May 1991.

San Andres Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory: Results of Outcrop/Borehole Correlations, Algerita Escarpment, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: May 1990.

Implications of Regional Correlations: San Andres Formation Paleogeography and Dolomite Distribution: May 1989.


Effects of base flow from Triassic and Permian aquifers on surface water quality: upper Colorado River, West Texas: presented to Texas Water Development Board, Austin, Texas, October 17, 2005.

Lectures and Addresses

Using naturally occurring hydrochemical and radio-isotope tracers to delineate recharge zones and estimate recharge volumes, plateau aquifer system, Texas: presented at Hydro Brown Bag, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, January 25, 2008.

Using naturally occurring hydrochemical and radio-isotope tracers to delineate recharge zones and estimate recharge volumes, plateau aquifer system, Texas: presented to the Texas Water Development Board, Austin, Texas, January 31, 2008.

Leonardian facies and rock-body geometries, Delaware Basin: presented at the Permian Basin Geological Synthesis Annual Meeting, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, February 12, 2008.

Using naturally occurring hydrochemical and radio-isotope tracers to delineate recharge zones and estimate recharge volumes, plateau aquifer system, Texas: presented to the Hill Country Geoscientists, Kerrville, Texas, February 18, 2008.

Leonardian facies: core workshop: presented at the Permian Basin Geological Synthesis Annual Meeting, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, February 13, 2008.

Using naturally occurring hydrochemical and radio-isotope tracers to evaluate recharge zones, plateau aquifer system, Texas: presented to West Texas Regional Groundwater Alliance, Wall, Texas, February 20, 2008.

Causes of hydrochemical variability in the High Plains and Plateau aquifer systems: Crockett and Glasscock Counties, Texas: presented at Hydro Brown Bag Series, UT Department of Geological Sciences, Austin, Texas, April 6, 2007.

Hydrochemical characterization in the Plateau aquifer system, Crockett and Glasscock Counties, Texas: presented to Texas Water Development Board, Austin, Texas, April 11, 2007.

Geology and reservoir development in the Bone Spring Formation (Leonardian), Delaware Basin: presented at Permian Basin Synthesis Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, February 26, 2007.

Using basic hydrochemical and radio-isotope data to delineate preferential recharge areas and estimate recharge volumes, Edwards aquifer, West Texas: presented to Sutton County Groundwater Conservation District, Sonora, Texas, December 11, 2007.

Tracking salinity sources to Texas streams: examples from West Texas and the Texas Gulf Coastal Plain: presented at Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 56th Annual Convention, Lafayette, Louisiana, September 25, 2006.

Investigation of surface water salinity, Upper Colorado River Basin, West Texas: presented to Geological Sciences Department, The University of Texas at Austin, Noontime Hydrogeology Seminar, Austin, Texas, October 17, 2005.

Geochemistry of water and gases in the Frio Brine Pilot Text: baseline data and changes during and post CO2 injection: presented at Fourth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Alexandria, Virginia, May 2–5, 2005.

The case for cation exchange in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) aquifer system: presented at South-Central Geological Society of America meeting, San Antonio, Texas, May 6, 2005.

Surface environmental monitoring at the Frio CO2 sequestration test site, Texas: presented at Fourth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Alexandria, Virginia, May 2–5, 2005.

Hydrochemical variability in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, Edwards Plateau, Texas: presented at Aquifers of the Edwards Plateau, San Angelo, Texas, February 2004.

Beginner's guide to hydrogeology: presented to Capital Area Master Naturalists, Austin Nature and Science Center, Austin, Texas, June 27, 2001.

Stratigraphic influences on water-level declines, Woodbine aquifer, Grayson County, North Texas: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1993.


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